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Central pattern generator (CPG) circuits control cyclic motor output underlying rhythmic behaviors. Although there have been extensive behavioral and cellular studies of food-induced feeding arousal as well as satiation in Aplysia, very little is known about the neuronal circuits controlling rhythmic consummatory feeding behavior. However, recent studies have identified premotor neurons that initiate and maintain buccal motor programs underlying ingestion and egestion in Aplysia. Other newly identified neurons receive synaptic input from feeding CPGs and in turn synapse with and control the output of buccal motor neurons. Some of these neurons and their effects within the buccal system are modulated by endogenous neuropeptides. With this information we can begin to understand how neuronal networks control buccal motor output and how their activity is modulated to produce flexibility in observed feeding behavior.  相似文献   

The paralyzed, decerebrate frog, Rana catesbeiana, displays “fictive” oropharyngeal and pulmonary ventilations. In order to evaluate the neuronal correlates of these two centrally programmed ventilatory bursting patterns, we have performed intra-and extracellular recordings of bulbar respiratory neurons in this fictively breathing preparation. A total of 123 respiratory neurons were recorded from the caudal medulla. Of 51 antidromically activated neurons, 20 were vagal motoneurons and 31 were hypoglossal motoneurons. Respiratory neurons that depolarized during the lung (L) or non-lung (N) ventilatory phases were classified as L or N neurons, respectively. Phase spanning neurons (S) were active during both L and N phases. Some neurons showed oscillations of membrane potential synchronous with oropharyngeal ventilation. Those active during the buccal elevation phase were exclusively L neurons whereas those having buccal depressor activity were exclusively N neurons. Synaptic drive potentials were observed in all neurons recorded intracellularly. In some neurons, hyperpolarization was caused by inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, as demonstrated by reversal of membrane potential trajectory after intracellular chloride iontophoresis. Some individual motoneurons and interneurons exhibited both pulmonary and buccal ventilatory activity, indicating that both pattern generators project to a common motor control system. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The primaryhypothesis of this study was that the cough motor pattern is produced,at least in part, by the medullary respiratory neuronal network inresponse to inputs from "cough" and pulmonary stretch receptorrelay neurons in the nucleus tractus solitarii. Computer simulations ofa distributed network model with proposed connections from the nucleustractus solitarii to ventrolateral medullary respiratory neuronsproduced coughlike inspiratory and expiratory motor patterns. Predictedresponses of various "types" of neurons (I-DRIVER, I-AUG, I-DEC,E-AUG, and E-DEC) derived from the simulations were tested in vivo.Parallel and sequential responses of functionally characterizedrespiratory-modulated neurons were monitored during fictive cough indecerebrate, paralyzed, ventilated cats. Coughlike patterns in phrenicand lumbar nerves were elicited by mechanical stimulation of theintrathoracic trachea. Altered discharge patterns were measured in mosttypes of respiratory neurons during fictive cough. The resultssupported many of the specific predictions of our cough generationmodel and suggested several revisions. The two main conclusions were asfollows: 1) TheBötzinger/rostral ventral respiratory group neurons implicated inthe generation of the eupneic pattern of breathing also participate inthe configuration of the cough motor pattern.2) This altered activity ofBötzinger/rostral ventral respiratory group neurons istransmitted to phrenic, intercostal, and abdominal motoneurons via thesame bulbospinal neurons that provide descending drive during eupnea.


Recent experiments, reported in the accompanying paper, have supplied key data on the impact afferent excitation has on the activity of the levator?Cdepressor motor system of an extremity in the stick insect. The main finding was that, stimulation of the campaniform sensillae of the partially amputated middle leg in an animal where all other but one front leg had been removed, had a dominating effect over that of the stepping ipsilateral front leg. In fact, the latter effect was minute compared to the former. In this article, we propose a local network that involves the neuronal part of the levator?Cdepressor motor system and use it to elucidate the mechanisms that underlie the generation of neuronal activity in the experiments. In particular, we show that by appropriately modulating the activity in the neurons of the central pattern generator of the levator?Cdepressor motor system, we obtain activity patterns of the motoneurons in the model that closely resemble those found in extracellular recordings in the stick insect. In addition, our model predicts specific properties of these records which depend on the stimuli applied to the stick insect leg. We also discuss our results on the segmental mechanisms in the context of inter-segmental coordination.  相似文献   

The stability of neuronal connections in the isolated buccal ganglia of Helisoma trivolvis was examined during in vivo culture for periods up to one month. After 4--8 days the characteristic IPSP input to protractor motoneurons (PMNs) was either abolished or reduced in efficacy. This is apparently due to reduced efficacy of chemical synapses, since the input resistance and resting potential of the motoneurons is unchanged and a fraction of spike-evoked IPSPs from premotor neurons (cyberchrons) onto PMNs was absent. PMNs lacking IPSP input nevertheless exhibit vigorous cyclical bursts of action potentials driven by electrical EPSPs. The IPSP of PMNs showed partial or full restoration after 14--32 days of culture despite the lack of reinnervation of normal targets. Existing electrical synapses were apparently more stable during culture, but electrical connections between cyberchrons and PMNs were strengthened. Probably because of the reinforcement of these electrical synapses, regenerative cycles of activity in both cyberchrons and PMNs may often be initiated by brief stimulating of a single PMN in cultured ganglia. This is in marked contrast to normal ganglia in which PMNs possess a limited ability to generate such activity. It is concluded that isolation of the buccal ganglia results in a predictable, functional alteration of its neuronal circuitry. Such a perturbation of connectivity indicates that a significant degree of plasticity can be exhibited by adult molluscan neurons.  相似文献   

In the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, the paired buccal ganglia contain 3 octopamine-immunoreactive neurons, which have previously been shown to be part of the feeding network. All 3 OC cells are electrically coupled together and interact with all the known buccal feeding motoneurons, as well as with all the modulatory and central pattern generating interneurons in the buccal ganglia. N1 (protraction) phase neurons: Motoneurons firing in this phase of the feeding cycle receive either single excitatory (depolarising) synaptic inputs (B1, B6 neurons) or a biphasic response (hyperpolarisation followed by depolarisation) (B5, B7 motoneurons). Protraction phase feeding interneurons (SO, N1L, NIM) also receive this biphasic synaptic input after OC stimulation. All of protraction phase interneurons inhibit the OC neurons. N2 (retraction) phase neurons: These motoneurons (B2, B3, B9, B10) and N2 interneurons are hyperpolarised by OC stimulation. N2 interneurons have a variable (probably polysynaptic) effect on the activity of the OC neurons. N3 (swallowing) phase: OC neurons are strongly electrically coupled to both N3 phase (B4, B4cluster, B8) motoneurons and to the N3p interneurons. In case of the interneuronal connection (OC<->N3) the electrical synapse is supplemented by reciprocal chemical inhibition. However, the synaptic connections formed by the OC neurons or N3p interneurons to the other members of the feeding network are not identical. CGC: The cerebral, serotonergic CGC neurons excite the OC cells, but the OC neurons have no effect on the CGC activity. In addition to direct synaptic effects, the OC neurons also evoke long-lasting changes in the activity of feeding neurons. In a silent preparation, OC stimulation may start the feeding pattern, but when fictive feeding is already occurring, OC stimulation decreases the rate of the fictive feeding. Our results suggest that the octopaminergic OC neurons form a sub-population of N3 phase feeding interneurons, different from the previously identified N3p and N3t interneurons. The long-lasting effects of OC neurons suggest that they straddle the boundary between central pattern generator and modulatory neurons.  相似文献   

Motor systems can be functionally organized into effector organs (muscles and glands), the motor neurons, central pattern generators (CPG) and higher control centers of the brain. Using genetic and electrophysiological methods, we have begun to deconstruct the motor system driving Drosophila larval feeding behavior into its component parts. In this paper, we identify distinct clusters of motor neurons that execute head tilting, mouth hook movements, and pharyngeal pumping during larval feeding. This basic anatomical scaffold enabled the use of calcium-imaging to monitor the neural activity of motor neurons within the central nervous system (CNS) that drive food intake. Simultaneous nerve- and muscle-recordings demonstrate that the motor neurons innervate the cibarial dilator musculature (CDM) ipsi- and contra-laterally. By classical lesion experiments we localize a set of CPGs generating the neuronal pattern underlying feeding movements to the subesophageal zone (SEZ). Lesioning of higher brain centers decelerated all feeding-related motor patterns, whereas lesioning of ventral nerve cord (VNC) only affected the motor rhythm underlying pharyngeal pumping. These findings provide a basis for progressing upstream of the motor neurons to identify higher regulatory components of the feeding motor system.  相似文献   

Traditional neuromorphological and NADPH-diaphorase methods were used to study the topography, morphology and neurochemical organization properties of spinal cord in teleosts fishes. The heterogeneous population of NO-producing motoneurons was revealed in the motor column of spinal cords from studied species. Dendrites of primary motoneurons formed rich plexus at the spinal segment periphery. This morphological pattern is determined by translational motion of the fishes in the water (trunk-tail movement), and has no connection with the origin of upper and lower extremities. The NO-producing capacity of spinal motoneurons shows their connection with premotor NO-ergic brain system, including over situated motor centers of reticular formation and descending projections of giant steam neurons (Mauthner and Muller cells). The NO-producing Rohon-Berd neurons were found in the dorso-medial part of spinal cord from studied fishes. These cells with the ascending propriospinal targets form spinal nociceptive system. Thus, the sense Rohon-Berd cells and most motor neurons of studied bony fishes are nitric oxide synthesizing ones. Spinal cord NO-synthesizing territories are situated in concordance with dorso-ventral histochemical gradient. Spinal cord interneurons of these fishes produce nitric oxide selectively. The quantity of NO-synthesizing reticular cells is determined by two main factors: the connection with the specialized neurochemical complexes, where NO is a specific neuromodulator, and individual properties of spinal cord structure directed by conditions of morphoadaptation.  相似文献   

Food extracts, perfused through the oral cavity of the snailHelisoma trivolvis, lead to synaptic activation of identifiedbuccal ganglia motor neurons. Both retractor and protractormotor neurons displayed cyclic bursts of firing characteristicof that observed during expression of the central feeding motorprogram(CFM). The possibility that leakage of food extracts from theoral cavity had a pharmacological effect on buccal neurons wasconsidered. Direct application of the extracts to the exposedganglionic surface did not evoke similar neuronal activity.Oral perfusion with a behaviorally aversive compound inhibitedboth the activity evoked by acceptable taste solutions and "spontaneously"generated activity in some preparations. It is concluded thatoral chemosensory receptors in the snail exert both an excitatoryand inhibitory influence on buccal motor neurons. The significanceof these results for cellular neurophysiological investigationof the synaptic events underlying the central processing ofafferent chemosensory information is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent recordings from spinal neurons in hatchling frog tadpoles allow their type-specific properties to be defined. Seven main types of neuron involved in the control of swimming have been characterized. To investigate the significance of type-specific properties, we build models of each neuron type and assemble them into a network using known connectivity between: sensory neurons, sensory pathway interneurons, central pattern generator (CPG) interneurons and motoneurons. A single stimulus to a sensory neuron initiates swimming where modelled neuronal and network activity parallels physiological activity. Substitution of firing properties between neuron types shows that those of excitatory CPG interneurons are critical for stable swimming. We suggest that type-specific neuronal properties can reflect the requirements for involvement in one particular network response (like swimming), but may also reflect the need to participate in more than one response (like swimming and slower struggling). Action Editor: Eberhard E. Fetz  相似文献   

In locomotory systems, the central pattern generator and motoneuron output must be modulated in order to achieve variability in locomotory speed, particularly when speed changes are important components of different behavior acts. The swimming system of the pteropod molluscClione limacina is an excellent model system for investigating such modulation. In particular, a system of central serotonergic neurons has been shown to be intimately involved in regulating output of the locomotory pattern generator and motor system ofClione. There are approximately 27 pairs of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system ofClione, with about 75% of these identified. The majority of these identified immunoreactive neurons are involved in various aspects of locomotory speed modulation. A symmetrical cluster of pedal serotonergic neurons serves to increase wing contractility without affecting wing-beat frequency or motoneuron activity. Two clusters of cerebral cells produce widespread responses that lead to an increase in pattern generator cycle frequency, recruitment of swim motoneurons, activation of the pedal serotonergic neurons and excitation of the heart excitor neuron. A pair of ventral cerebral neurons provides weak excitatory inputs to the swimming system, and strongly inhibits neurons of the competing whole-body withdrawal network. Overall, the serotonergic system inClione is compartmentalized so that each subsystem (usually neuron cluster) can act independently or in concert to produce variability in locomotory speed.  相似文献   

The nature and role of the depolarizing afterpotentials (DAPs) of buccal motoneurons of Tritonia diomedea were examined. Neuron B5 exhibits a DAP whose ionic dependence and modifiability by TEA and 4-AP suggest a similarity to the DAP previously described in pleural pacemaker neurons. Reduction of the DAP severely reduces the ability of these neurons to generate bursts of action potentials. Certain other motoneurons (B1 and B6) are reexcited by a slow DAP (SDAP) which appears to be of synaptic origin. It is concluded that DAPs, which are dependent upon motoneuron activity, contribute to the synthesis of motor output by the buccal ganglion.  相似文献   

Neuromodulators, such as neuropeptides, can regulate and reconfigure neural circuits to alter their output, affecting in this way animal physiology and behavior. The interplay between the activity of neuronal circuits, their modulation by neuropeptides, and the resulting behavior, is still poorly understood. Here, we present a quantitative framework to study the relationships between the temporal pattern of activity of peptidergic neurons and of motoneurons during Drosophila ecdysis behavior, a highly stereotyped motor sequence that is critical for insect growth. We analyzed, in the time and frequency domains, simultaneous intracellular calcium recordings of peptidergic CCAP (crustacean cardioactive peptide) neurons and motoneurons obtained from isolated central nervous systems throughout fictive ecdysis behavior induced ex vivo by Ecdysis triggering hormone. We found that the activity of both neuronal populations is tightly coupled in a cross-frequency manner, suggesting that CCAP neurons modulate the frequency of motoneuron firing. To explore this idea further, we used a probabilistic logistic model to show that calcium dynamics in CCAP neurons can predict the oscillation of motoneurons, both in a simple model and in a conductance-based model capable of simulating many features of the observed neural dynamics. Finally, we developed an algorithm to quantify the motor behavior observed in videos of pupal ecdysis, and compared their features to the patterns of neuronal calcium activity recorded ex vivo. We found that the motor activity of the intact animal is more regular than the motoneuronal activity recorded from ex vivo preparations during fictive ecdysis behavior; the analysis of the patterns of movement also allowed us to identify a new post-ecdysis phase.  相似文献   

Saint-Amant L  Drapeau P 《Neuron》2001,31(6):1035-1046
There is a need to understand the mechanisms of neural synchronization during development because correlated rhythmic activity is thought to be critical for the establishment of proper connectivity. The relative importance of chemical and electrical synapses for synchronization of electrical activity during development is unclear. We examined the activity patterns of identified spinal neurons at the onset of motor activity in zebrafish embryos. Rhythmic activity appeared early and persisted upon blocking chemical neurotransmission but was abolished by inhibitors of gap junctions. Paired recordings revealed that active spinal neurons were electrically coupled and formed a simple network of motoneurons and a subset of interneurons. Thus, the earliest spinal central pattern generator consists of synchronously active, electrically coupled neurons.  相似文献   

Two types of rhythmic foregut movements are described in fifth instar larvae of the moth, Manduca sexta. These consist of posteriorly-directed waves of peristalsis which move food toward the midgut, and synchronous constrictions of the esophageal region, which appear to retain food within the crop. We describe these movements and the muscles of the foregut that generate them.The firing patterns of a subset of these muscles, including a constrictor and dilator pair from both the esophageal and buccal regions of the foregut, are described for both types of foregut movement.The motor patterns for the foregut muscles require innervation by the frontal ganglion (FG), which lies anterior to the brain and contains about 35 neurons. Eliminating the ventral nerve cord, leaving the brain and FG intact, did not affect the muscle firing patterns in most cases. Eliminating both the brain and the ventral nerve cord, leaving only the FG to innervate the foregut, generally resulted in an increased period for both gut movements and muscle bursts. This manipulation also produced increases in burst durations for most muscles, and had variable effects on the phasing of muscle activity. Despite these changes, the foregut muscles still maintained a rhythmic firing pattern when innervated by the FG alone.Two nerves exit the FG to innervate the foregut musculature: the anteriorly-projecting frontal nerve, and the posteriorly-directed recurrent nerve. Cutting the frontal nerve immediately and irreversibly stopped all muscle activity in the buccal region, while cutting the recurrent nerve immediately stopped all muscle activity in the pharyngeal and esophageal regions. Recordings from the cut nerves leaving the FG showed that the ganglion was spontaneously active, with rhythmic activity continuing within the nerves. These observations indicate that all of the foregut muscle motoneurons are located within the FG, and the FG in isolation produces a rhythmic firing pattern in the motoneurons. We have identified several motoneurons within the FG, by cobalt backfills and/or simultaneous intracellular recordings and fills from putative motoneurons and their muscles.Abbreviations BC Buccal Constrictor - BC1 buccal constrictor motoneuron 1 - BC2 buccal constrictor motoneuron 2 - BD Buccal Dilator - BD1 buccal dilator motoneuron 1 - EC Esophageal Dilator - EC1 esophageal dilator motoneuron 1 - EC2 esophageal dilator motoneuron 2 - EC3 esophageal dilator motoneuron 3 - ejp excitatory junction potential - FG frontal ganglion - psp postsynaptic potential  相似文献   

The prey capture phase of feeding behavior in the pteropod molluscClione limacina consists of an explosive extrusion of buccal cones, specialized oral appendages which are used to catch the prey, and significant acceleration of swimming. Several groups of neurons which control different components of prey capture behavior inClione have been previously identified in the CNS. However, the question of their coordination in order to develop a normal behavioral reaction still remains open. We describe here a cerebral interneuron which has wide-spread excitatory and inhibitory effects on a number of neurons in the cerebral and pedal ganglia, directed toward the initiation of prey capture behavior inClione. This bilaterally symmetrical neuron, designated Cr-PC (Cerebral interneuron initiating Prey Capture), produced monosynaptic activation of Cr-A motoneurons, which control buccal cone extrusion, and inhibition of Cr-B and Cr-L motoneurons, whose spike activities maintain buccal cones in a withdrawn position inside the head in non-feeding animals. In addition, Cr-PC produced monosynaptic activation of a number of swim motoneurons and interneurons of the swim central pattern generator (CPG) in the pedal ganglia, pedal serotonergic Pd-SW neurons involved in a peripheral modulation of swimming and the serotonergic Heart Excitor neuron.  相似文献   

We investigated the modulatory role of a radular mechanoreceptor (RM) in the feeding system of Incilaria. RM spiking induced by current injection evoked several cycles of rhythmic buccal motor activity in quiescent preparations, and this effect was also observed in preparations lacking the cerebral ganglia. The evoked rhythmic activity included sequential activation of the inframedian radular tensor, the supramedian radular tensor, and the buccal sphincter muscles in that order.In addition to the generation of rhythmic motor activity, RM spiking enhanced tonic activities in buccal nerve 1 as well as in the cerebrobuccal connective, showing a wide excitatory effect on buccal neurons. The excitatory effect was further examined in the supramedian radular tensor motoneuron. RM spiking evoked biphasic depolarization in the tensor motoneuron consisting of fast excitatory postsynaptic potentials and prolonged depolarization lasting after termination of RM spiking. These depolarizations also occurred in high divalent cation saline, suggesting that they were both monosynaptic.When RM spiking was evoked in the fictive rasp phase during food-induced buccal motor rhythm, the activity of the supramedian radular tensor muscle showed the greatest enhancement of the three muscles tested, while the rate of ongoing rhythmic motor activity showed no increase.Abbreviations CPG central pattern generator - EPSP excitatory postsynaptic potential - RBMA rhythmic buccal motor activity - RM radular mechanosensory neuron - SMT supramedian radular tensor neuron  相似文献   

The role of octopamine (OA) in the feeding system of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, was studied by applying behavioural tests on intact animals, and a combination of electrophysiological analysis and morphological labelling in the isolated central nervous system. OA antagonists phentolamine, demethylchlordimeform (DCDM) and 2-chloro-4-methyl-2-(phenylimino)-imidazolidine (NC-7) were injected into intact snails and the sucrose-induced feeding response of animals was monitored. Snails that received 25 to 50 mg kg-1 phentolamine did not start feeding in sucrose, and the same dose of NC-7 reduced the number of feeding animals by 80 to 90% 1 to 3 hours after injection. DCDM treatment reduced feeding by 20 to 60%. In addition, both phentolamine and NC-7 significantly decreased the feeding rate of those animals that still accepted food after 1 to 6 hours of injection. In the central nervous system a pair of buccal neurons was identified by electrophysiological and morphological criteria. After double labelling (intracellular staining with Lucifer yellow followed by OA-immunocytochemistry) these neurons were shown to be OA immunoreactive, and electrophysiological experiments confirmed that they are members of the buccal feeding system. Therefore the newly identified buccal neurons were called OC neurons (putative octopamine containing neurons or octopaminergic cells). Synchronous intracellular recordings demonstrated that the OC neurons share a common rhythm with feeding neurons either appearing spontaneously or evoked by intracellularly stimulated feeding interneurons. OC neurons also have synaptic connections with identified members of the feeding network: electrical coupling was demonstrated between OC neurons and members of the B4 cluster motoneurons, furthermore, chemically transmitted synaptic responses were recorded both on feeding motoneurons (B1, B2 cells) and the SO modulatory interneuron after the stimulation of OC neurons. However, elementary synaptic potentials could not be recorded on the follower cells of OC neurons. Prolonged (20 to 30 s) intracellular stimulation of OC cells activated the buccal feeding neurons leading to rhythmic activity pattern (fictive feeding) in a way similar to OA applied by perfusion onto isolated central nervous system (CNS) preparations. Our results suggest that OA acts as a modulatory substance in the feeding system of Lymnaea stagnalis and the newly identified pair of OC neurons belongs to the buccal feeding network.  相似文献   

The central pattern generator for heartbeat in the medicinal leech, Hirudo generates rhythmic activity conveyed by heart excitor motor neurons in segments 3-18 to coordinate the bilateral tubular hearts and side vessels. We focus on behavior and the influence of previously un-described peripheral nerve circuitry. Extracellular recordings from the valve junction (VJ) where afferent vessels join the heart tube were combined with optical recording of contractions. Action potential bursts at VJs occurred in advance of heart tube and afferent vessel contractions. Transections of nerves were performed to reduce the output of the central pattern generator reaching the heart tube. Muscle contractions persisted but with a less regular rhythm despite normal central pattern generator rhythmicity. With no connections between the central pattern generator and heart tube, a much slower rhythm became manifest. Heart excitor neuron recordings showed that peripheral activity might contribute to the disruption of centrally entrained contractions. In the model presented, peripheral activity would normally modify the activity actually reaching the muscle. We also propose that the fundamental efferent unit is not a single heart excitor neuron, but rather is a functionally defined unit of about three adjacent motor neurons and the peripheral assembly of coupled peripheral oscillators.  相似文献   

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