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The vegetative morphology and life history of Halopteris filicina (Grateloup) Kutzing, collected from Korea, were examined in laboratory culture. Field plants attaining 3–5 cm in height were epilithic, tufted, yellowish-brown, and produced numerous erect axes with alternately distichous branches from compact basal discs. They were cultured under a 12:12 h LD photoperiod at 10°-C, 15°C and 20°C to observe the influence of temperature on reproduction. At 10°C plants grew only vegetatively, whereas at 15°C and 20°C they produced unilocular sporangia. Unispores released from sporangia developed into monoecious, anisogamous gametophytes that formed plurilocular female and male gametangia on the same lateral branches. The zygotes, by fusion of female macrogametes and male microgametes, developed into sporophytes bearing unilocular sporangia, whereas the unfused female gametes germinated parthenogenetically. This species was confirmed to have an isomorphic life history, basically similar to the other species of Sphacelariales.  相似文献   

The life history of the brown alga Chnoospora implexa J. Agardh (Chnoosporaceae, Scytosiphonales) from Japan was studied in laboratory cultures. This species showed a heteromorphic and diphasic life history, alternating between erect gametophytes and discoid sporophytes. The gametophytes were dioecious and produced isogametes. The zygotes developed into sporophytes at 20°C under long‐day conditions, which formed plurilocular zoidangia. Zoids released from the plurilocular zoidangia developed again into sporophytes that always formed plurilocular zoidangia at 20°C and 25°C in long‐day conditions, and mainly unilocular zoidangia at 25°C in short‐day conditions. Zoids released from unilocular zoidangia developed into dioecious gametophytes. At 15°C zygotic erect thalli were formed and were revealed to be diploid by microspectrofluorometric measurements of nuclear DNA contents. The development and reproduction of unfused gametes were similar to those of zygotes. Some strains showed a direct‐type life history; gametophytic thalli were produced, but not via a sporophytic phase.  相似文献   

Morphology of field material and life history in culture were studied in Scytosiphon canaliculatus (Setchell et Gardner) comb. nov. from northern Japan. Erect gametophytes of S. canaliculatus are cylindrical, tubular, up to 7 mm wide and 40 cm long, and without regular constrictions. S. canaliculatus has pronounced anisogamy and ascocysts accompanied with plurilocular gametangia. The life history of S. canaliculatus showed an alternation between erect gametophytes and crustose prostrate sporophytes bearing unilocular sporangia. Since field sporophytes of S. canaliculatus were found to be identical with Hapterophycus canaliculatus Setchell et Gardner (Ralfsiaceae, Phaeophyceae), it is proposed to transfer H. canaliculatus to the genus Scytosiphon. In the field, gametophytes with plurilocular gametangia appeared in spring and disappeared in summer. Sporophytes with unilocular sporangia were collected in late autumn and winter. Unilocular sporangia were produced at 15°C in short-day culture conditions and unispores developed into erect gametophytes at 5–15°C. It is suggested that the seasonal Occurrence of gametophytes in the field is due to the seasonal formation of unilocular sporangia, which is regulated by temperature and photoperiod.  相似文献   

Life-history studies in culture were carried out on Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) Derbès et Solier and Hydroclathrus clathratus (C. Agardh) Howe (Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyceae) from Japan. These species showed a heteromorphic life-history pattern with an alternation between erect thalli bearing plurilocular zoidangia and prostrate thalli bearing ectocarpoid plurilocular and unilocular zoidangia. Plurizoids released from erect and prostrate thalli developed into prostrate thalli. Unizoids, however, developed into erect thalli. Prostrate thalli produced plurilocular zoidangia in long-day conditions and unilocular zoidangia in short-day conditions at 10-20°C. Prostrate thalli of C. sinuosa formed ascocysts. Germlings of both species did not grow at 5°C.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Coelocladia arctica Rosenvinge (Dictyosiphonales, Phaeophyceae) is reported for the first time in the Pacific Ocean, from Oshoro, Hokkaido, Japan. The field material was approximately 30 mm in height, up to 300 M-μn in diameter, 2-3 times irregularly branched and provided with phaeophycean hairs and plurilocular sporangia. The thallus was composed of several (usually four) large, hyaline, rounded, isodiametric inner cells, with smaller sub-cortical and pigmented cortical cells. The plurilocular sporangia were 3-4 celled, often branched, and protruded from the cortical cells, arranged in a crown-shaped complex. In culture, the plurispores germinated unipolarly leaving an emptied original spore wall, and developed into a branched protonema. Cells of the protonema as well as the erect thallus contained several disc-shaped chloroplasts with pyrenoids. Uniseriate erect filaments arose from the protonema, then became polystichous and formed branches. Unilocular sporangia were never observed in the field or in cultured material. Erect thalli were formed under culture conditions of 5-15°C, and developed a thick parenchyma at 5-10°C, irrespective of the day length.  相似文献   

Morphological and culture studies were carried out on the genus Scytosiphon (Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyceae) growing in Japan. Morphologies of plurilocular zo-idangia and sporophytic thalli were found to be useful as taxonomic characters. Two types of plurilocular zo-idangial sori were recognized: (i) loosely coherent plurilocular zoidangia without a cuticular layer (loose type); (ii) tightly coherent plurilocular zoidangia with a cuticular layer (coherent type). The sporophytic thallus morphology was different among species in general appearance (tufted or discoid), degree of cohesion of erect filaments, and presence or absence of paraphyses. Two new species are described, Scytosiphon gracilis sp. nov. and Scytosiphon tenellus sp. nov, Scytosiphon gracilis is distinguished from other species by a thin medullary layer, coherent plurilocular zoidangia, no ascocysts associated with plurilocular zoidangia, and Compsonema-like sporophytic thalli. Scytosiphon tenellus is characterized by a thin medullary layer, coherent plurilocular zoidangia, ascocysts among plurilocular zoidangial sori, and Stragularia-like sporophytic thalli. Scytosiphon lo-mentaria (Lyngbye) Link is characterized by a constricted gametophytic thallus, loose plurilocular zoidangia, the presence of ascocysts, and sporophytic thaili identified with Microspongium gelatlnosum Reinke.  相似文献   

Brown algae show a significant diversity in thallus forms, giving a great number of model systems for the study of many important morphogenetic mechanisms. Thallus growth in brown algae is diffuse, intercalary or apical. The latter takes place by means of one or more apical cells. Among the brown algal groups, Sphacelariales, Dictyotales and Fucales give the best examples of apical growth, and have been repeatedly used for the study of the morphogenetic role of apical cells. In Sphacelariales the apical cells appear strongly polarized, the polarity expressed also on the organization of the microtubule cytoskeleton. These cells show a type of growth that can be compared with tip growth of root hairs, moss protonemata, pollen tubes and fungal hyphae, and is called ‘tip-like growth’. The thallus of Dictyotales grows by the activity of one or more apical cells showing variable degree of polarity. These cells do not exhibit any type of apical growth. In Fucales the vegetative thallus develops by means of an active apical meristem, which includes a large apical cell. This cell does not show polar organization or apical growth. However, in germinating zygotes of Fucales a polar axis is established and during the first stages of development they show a typical tip growth. In the present paper, the available information on the structure and division pattern of apical cells is presented. Their morphogenetic role is discussed, in relation to polarity, cytoskeleton organization, and apical dominance.  相似文献   

Male intertroop transfer among Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) often coincides with the mating season. However, no necessary connection exists between mating by newly arrived males and whether they join a troop—visitors often mate, and males that join troops may show little mating success. On the other hand, intertroop transfer often coincides with major events in the developmental and social life history of males, such as the attainment of sexual maturity and full adult body size or rise in dominance rank. Thus, intertroop transfer may reflect age-specific behavioral patterns in which males maintain a position in the age-rank structure of troops, where the rank acquired in a new troop is partially determined by age.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the brown algal order Sphacelariales and with its sister group were investigated using chloroplast-encoded psbC and rbcL DNA sequences. A pilot study with 21 non-sphacelarialeans, representing nine orders (and some incertae sedis taxa), showed a strongly supported monophyly of the Sphacelariales with its sister taxa Phaeostrophion irregulare, Bodanella lauterborni and Heribaudiella fluviatilis. These three taxa were selected as outgroup for further analyses including DNA sequences of 30 sphacelarialean specimens representing all but two of the recognized genera (Phloiocaulon and Ptilopogon were not sampled). Bayesian Inference and Maximum Likelihood trees showed some incongruence with Maximum Parsimony trees. Trees based on rbcL showed some incongruence with trees based on psbC and combined alignments. Phylogenetic results were used as the basis for a newly proposed classification of the Sphacelariales that reflects evolutionary history. The Sphacelariales is subdivided into four families: Cladostephaceae (monotypic), Sphacelariaceae, Stypocaulaceae, and a newly created monotypic family Sphacelodermaceae to incorporate Sphaceloderma caespitula, comb. nov. (former Sphacelaria caespitula). Sphacelaria radicans is transferred to a newly created genus Protohalopteris and classified in the Stypocaulaceae, which also contains the two unsampled genera Phloiocaulon and Ptilopogon as well as the genus Halopteris. The genera Stypocaulon and monotypic Alethocladus were merged with Halopteris. The Sphacelariaceae were subdivided into six genera including Sphacelaria (consisting only of the former subgenus Propagulifera) and the monotypic Sphacella. Herpodiscus durvillaeae, Sphacelaria pulvinata and the Sphacelaria subgenera Bracteata and Reinkea were merged in an emended Herpodiscus. A new genus Sphacelorbus was created for Sphacelaria nana. Battersia was reinstated for Sphacelaria mirabilis and the subgenus Pseudochaetopteris, except for Sphacelaria plumosa for which Chaetopteris was reinstated.  相似文献   

The brown alga Sphacelaria rigidula Kützing synthesizes cellulose microfibrils as determined by CBH I-gold labeling. The cellulose microfibrils are thin, ribbon-like structures with a uniform thickness of about 2.6 nm and a variable width in the range of 2.6-30 nm. Some striations appear along the longitudinal axis of the microfibrils. The developed cell wall in Sphacelaria is composed of three to four layers, and cellulose micro-fibrils are deposited in the third layer from the outside of the wall. A freeze fracture investigation of this alga revealed cellulose-synthesizing terminal complexes (TCs), which are associated with the tip of microfibril impressions in the plasmatic fracture face of the plasma membrane. The TCs consist of subunits arranged in a single linear row. The average diameter of the sub-units is about 6 nm, and the intervals between the neighboring subunits, about 9 nm, are relatively constant. The number of subunits constituting the TC varies between 10 and 100, so that the length of the whole TC varies widely. A model that has been proposed for the assembly of thin, ribbon-like microfibrils was applied to microfibril assembly in Sphacelaria.  相似文献   

A new species, Sargassum boreale Yoshida et Horiguchi is described. It belongs to the subgenus Bactrophycus section Teretia, with cylindrical receptacles and is distinct from Sargassum confusum C. Agardh, S. pallidum (Turner) C. Agardh and Sargassum microceratium (Turner) C. Agardh in having a rather elongated stem with smooth surface and distantly issuing main branches, with narrow leaves. The distinction between S. boreale and these species is also revealed by a difference in internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS‐2) sequences. In addition to the base substitutions, the existence of a large gap in S. boreale distinguishes this species from others. Sargassum boreale is distributed around Hokkaido and Saghalien to 50°N latitude. A key to the species of section Teretia is provided.  相似文献   

Elachista fucicola (Velley) Areschoug (Elachistaceae, Phaeophyceae) is newly recorded from Japan, and compared with three previously described species, Elachista coccophorae Takamatsu, Elachista mollis Takamatsu and Elachista okamurae Yoshida. All species showed direct‐type life histories in culture without sexual fusion. Prostrate filaments of E. fucicola formed globular plurilocular zoidangia similar to those reported from Atlantic isolates of this species. However, these were different from uniseriate plurilocular zoidangia of the three Japanese species. Furthermore, the position of a meristematic region in assimilatory filaments and the morphology of paraphyses can easily distinguish these from E. fucicola. Previously emphasized differences in cell length : width ratios in assimilatory filaments showed only slight differences. Elachista coccophorae is characterized by thick‐walled assimilatory filaments and curved paraphyses, and the absence of downwardly growing rhizoidal filaments. Elachista mollis and E. okamurae are very similar. However, germlings from plurizoids formed on erect filaments of E. mollis showed characteristic pseudodiscoid growth in culture. Halothrix coccophorae Ohta and Elachista zosterae Noda are reduced to synonyms of E. coccophorae and E. mollis, respectively.  相似文献   

Understanding of the physiological responses of kelp to environmental parameters is crucial, especially in the context of environmental change that may have contributed to the decline of kelp forests all over the world. The current study presents the photosynthetic characteristics of the macroscopic sporophyte and microscopic gametophyte stages of the brown alga Alaria crassifolia from Hokkaido, Japan, as determined by examining their photosynthetic responses over a range of temperature and irradiance using dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll fluorescence measurements. Net photosynthetic rates of the sporophyte were consistently higher than those of gametophyte across temperature gradients and irradiance levels. Photosynthesis–irradiance curves at 8°C, 16°C, and 20°C revealed similar initial slopes (α = 0.4–0.9) on the two life history stages, but higher compensation (E c = 4–7 μmol photons m?2 s?1) and saturation irradiances (E k = 53–103 μmol photons m?2 s?1) for the sporophyte than for the gametophyte (E c = 0–7 μmol photons m?2 s?1; E k = 7–10 μmol photons m?2 s?1). Both stages exhibited chronic photoinhibition, as shown by the failure of recovery in their maximum quantum yields (F v/F m) following high irradiance stress, with greater possibility of photodamage at low temperature. Gametophytes were less sensitive to low temperatures than sporophytes, given their relatively stable F v/F m response. Nevertheless, temperature optima for photosynthesis of both stages coincide with each other at 20–23°C, which correspond to the growth and maturation periods of A. crassifolia in Japan. This species is also likely to suffer from thermal inhibition as both GP rates and F v/F m decreased above 24°C.  相似文献   

Two endemic species of Laminaria, Laminaria abyssalis Joly & Oliveira Filho and L. brasiliensis Joly & Oliveira Filho, from the tropical southwestern Atlantic coast have been described. The aim of this work was to determine the conspecificity of these species based on morphological and molecular analyses (ribulose 1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxgenase, large subunit (rbcL), internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (coxI)). We found an overlap between the morphological characters that are considered taxonomically important for distinguishing these two species; these characters included a differing pattern of blade splitting. In the three molecular analyses, the Brazilian Laminaria specimens were grouped into one clade with maximum support. These data support the hypothesis that the individuals analyzed represent only one species, L. abyssalis. The molecular analysis also showed L. abyssalis to be sister group to L. digitata.  相似文献   

We present life history data on wild Sumatran orangutans gleaned from a 32-year and a 5.5-year study. Estimated age at first reproduction was 15.4 years. At 9.3 years, the average interbirth interval for this population is the longest ever recorded for any great ape population, significantly longer than that of a Bornean orangutan population. We find that age-specific mortality of Sumatran orangutans does not differ between sexes and is significantly lower than that of wild chimpanzees. We conclude that orangutan life history is the slowest among extant great apes. In accordance with their slow life history, longevity in the wild is estimated to be at least 58 years for males and at least 53 for females. We find no evidence for menopause. These data suggest that compared to the ancestral state, humans have undergone less of an increase in longevity than commonly assumed, and have experienced selection on earlier cessation of reproduction.  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象的生活史、产卵和取食习性   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
萧氏松茎象Hylobitelus xiaoi是严重蛀害国外松的新害虫。在江西赣南地区两年发生一代,以幼虫在蛀道、成虫在蛹室或土中越冬。卵和蛹的发育起点温度分别为8.4℃和7.5℃,有效积温分别为215.9和345.3日·度。各虫态历期:13~28℃间,卵为52.9~11.4天;13~30℃间,蛹为60.1~16.4天; 25℃恒温下,幼虫128.9天。成虫靠爬行活动,极少飞翔。成虫具夜出性活动节律:即傍晚上树行取食、交配和扩散等活动,早晨回到树干基部或土缝中。成虫需取食松枝作为补充营养,产卵前期46.3天,产卵期 105.3天,卵产于近表土的寄主树皮内,每雌产卵35.7粒。幼虫5~7龄,以幼树危害最烈。  相似文献   

Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) Derbès and Solier (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyceae) is a common species on the rocky intertidal shores of the Azores, where reproductive gametophytes occur throughout the year. Life‐history studies of this species were carried out in culture, and both sexual and asexual reproduction were observed. Anisogamous gametes fused to form zygotes. The zygotes gave rise to a filamentous prostrate sporophyte generation bearing unilocular sporangia, under both short‐day and long‐day conditions at 15 and 22°C, and to both unilocular and plurilocular sporangia, under the lower temperature condition. Unispores developed into gametophytes, and plurispores gave rise to filamentous sporophytes. Asexual reproduction was carried out by unfused female gametes and asexual plurispores produced from the same gametophyte. Unfused gametes developed into filamentous prostrate sporophytes producing unilocular sporangia in both culture conditions, and unispores released from the sporangia gave rise to gametophytes. Asexual plurispores from field gametophytes, under both culture conditions, developed directly into new gametophytes. The species exhibited three types of life history: a heteromorphic, diplohaplontic; a heteromorphic, monophasic (both with alternation between the erect and filamentous prostrate thalli); and a monomorphic, monophasic.  相似文献   

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