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Spores of Bacillus subtilis possess a thick protein coat that consists of an electron-dense outer coat layer and a lamellalike inner coat layer. The spore coat has been shown to confer resistance to lysozyme and other sporicidal substances. In this study, spore coat-defective mutants of B. subtilis (containing the gerE36 and/or cotE::cat mutation) were used to study the relative contributions of spore coat layers to spore resistance to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and various artificial and solar UV treatments. Spores of strains carrying mutations in gerE and/or cotE were very sensitive to lysozyme and to 5% H2O2, as were chemically decoated spores of the wild-type parental strain. Spores of all coat-defective strains were as resistant to 254-nm UV-C radiation as wild-type spores were. Spores possessing the gerE36 mutation were significantly more sensitive to artificial UV-B and solar UV radiation than wild-type spores were. In contrast, spores of strains possessing the cotE::cat mutation were significantly more resistant to all of the UV treatments used than wild-type spores were. Spores of strains carrying both the gerE36 and cotE::cat mutations behaved like gerE36 mutant spores. Our results indicate that the spore coat, particularly the inner coat layer, plays a role in spore resistance to environmentally relevant UV wavelengths.  相似文献   

Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid (dipicolinic acid [DPA]) constitutes approximately 10% of Bacillus subtilis spore dry weight and has been shown to play a significant role in the survival of B. subtilis spores exposed to wet heat and to 254-nm UV radiation in the laboratory. However, to date, no work has addressed the importance of DPA in the survival of spores exposed to environmentally relevant solar UV radiation. Air-dried films of spores containing DPA or lacking DPA due to a null mutation in the DPA synthetase operon dpaAB were assayed for their resistance to UV-C (254 nm), UV-B (290 to 320 nm), full-spectrum sunlight (290 to 400 nm), and sunlight from which the UV-B portion was filtered (325 to 400 nm). In all cases, air-dried DPA-less spores were significantly more UV sensitive than their isogenic DPA-containing counterparts. However, the degree of difference in UV resistance between the two strains was wavelength dependent, being greatest in response to radiation in the UV-B portion of the spectrum. In addition, the inactivation responses of DPA-containing and DPA-less spores also depended strongly upon whether spores were exposed to UV as air-dried films or in aqueous suspension. Spores lacking the gerA, gerB, and gerK nutrient germination pathways, and which therefore rely on chemical triggering of germination by the calcium chelate of DPA (Ca-DPA), were also more UV sensitive than wild-type spores to all wavelengths tested, suggesting that the Ca-DPA-mediated spore germination pathway may consist of a UV-sensitive component or components.  相似文献   

Pang Q  Hays JB 《Plant physiology》1991,95(2):536-543
Removal of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CBPDs) in vivo from the DNA of UV-irradiated eight-leaf seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana was rapid in the presence of visible light (half-life about 1 hour); removal of CBPDs in the dark, presumably via excision repair, was an order of magnitude slower. Extracts of plants contained significant photolyase in vitro, as assayed by restoration of transforming activity to UV-irradiated Escherichia coli plasmids; activity was maximal from four-leaf to 12-leaf stages. UV-B treatment of seedlings for 6 hours increased photolyase specific activity in extracts twofold. Arabidopsis photolyase was markedly temperature-sensitive, both in vitro (half-life at 30°C about 12 minutes) and in vivo (half-life at 30°C, 30 to 45 minutes). The wavelength dependency of the photoreactivation cross-section showed a broad peak at 375 to 400 nm, and is thus similar to that for maize pollen; it overlaps bacterial and yeast photolyase action spectra.  相似文献   

The main objective was to assess the influence of the seasonal stratospheric ozone depletion on the UV climate in Antarctica by using a biological test system. This method is based on the UV sensitivity of a DNA repair-deficient strain of Bacillus subtilis (TKJ 6321). In our field experiment, dried layers of B. subtilis spores on quartz discs were exposed in different seasons in an exposure box open to solar radiation at the German Antarctic Georg von Neumayer Station (70°37′S, 8°22′W). The UV-induced loss of the colony-forming ability was chosen as the biological end point and taken as a measure for the absorbed biologically harmful UV radiation. Inactivation constants were calculated from the resulting dose-response curves. The results of field experiments performed in different seasons indicate a strongly season-dependent trend of the daily UV-B level. Exposures performed at extremely depleted ozone concentrations (October 1990) gave higher biologically harmful UV-B levels than expected from the calculated season-dependent trend, which was determined at normal ozone values. These values were similar to values which were measured during the Antarctic summer, indicating that the depleted ozone column thickness has an extreme influence on the biologically harmful UV climate on ground.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis contain a number of small, acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP) which comprise up to 20% of total spore core protein. The multiple α/β-type SASP have been shown to confer resistance to UV radiation, heat, peroxides, and other sporicidal treatments. In this study, SASP-defective mutants of B. subtilis and spores deficient in dacB, a mutation leading to an increased core water content, were used to study the relative contributions of SASP and increased core water content to spore resistance to germicidal 254-nm and simulated environmental UV exposure (280 to 400 nm, 290 to 400 nm, and 320 to 400 nm). Spores of strains carrying mutations in sspA, sspB, and both sspA and sspB (lacking the major SASP-α and/or SASP-β) were significantly more sensitive to 254-nm and all polychromatic UV exposures, whereas the UV resistance of spores of the sspE strain (lacking SASP-γ) was essentially identical to that of the wild type. Spores of the dacB-defective strain were as resistant to 254-nm UV-C radiation as wild-type spores. However, spores of the dacB strain were significantly more sensitive than wild-type spores to environmental UV treatments of >280 nm. Air-dried spores of the dacB mutant strain had a significantly higher water content than air-dried wild-type spores. Our results indicate that α/β-type SASP and decreased spore core water content play an essential role in spore resistance to environmentally relevant UV wavelengths whereas SASP-γ does not.Spores of Bacillus spp. are highly resistant to inactivation by different physical stresses, such as toxic chemicals and biocidal agents, desiccation, pressure and temperature extremes, and high fluences of UV or ionizing radiation (reviewed in references 33, 34, and 48). Under stressful environmental conditions, cells of Bacillus spp. produce endospores that can stay dormant for extended periods. The reason for the high resistance of bacterial spores to environmental extremes lies in the structure of the spore. Spores possess thick layers of highly cross-linked coat proteins, a modified peptidoglycan spore cortex, a low core water content, and abundant intracellular constituents, such as the calcium chelate of dipicolinic acid and α/β-type small, acid-soluble spore proteins (α/β-type SASP), the last two of which protect spore DNA (6, 42, 46, 48, 52). DNA damage accumulated during spore dormancy is also efficiently repaired during spore germination (33, 47, 48). UV-induced DNA photoproducts are repaired by spore photoproduct lyase and nucleotide excision repair, DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) by nonhomologous end joining, and oxidative stress-induced apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites by AP endonucleases and base excision repair (15, 26-29, 34, 43, 53, 57).Monochromatic 254-nm UV radiation has been used as an efficient and cost-effective means of disinfecting surfaces, building air, and drinking water supplies (31). Commonly used test organisms for inactivation studies are bacterial spores, usually spores of Bacillus subtilis, due to their high degree of resistance to various sporicidal treatments, reproducible inactivation response, and safety (1, 8, 19, 31, 48). Depending on the Bacillus species analyzed, spores are 10 to 50 times more resistant than growing cells to 254-nm UV radiation. In addition, most of the laboratory studies of spore inactivation and radiation biology have been performed using monochromatic 254-nm UV radiation (33, 34). Although 254-nm UV-C radiation is a convenient germicidal treatment and relevant to disinfection procedures, results obtained by using 254-nm UV-C are not truly representative of results obtained using UV wavelengths that endospores encounter in their natural environments (34, 42, 50, 51, 59). However, sunlight reaching the Earth''s surface is not monochromatic 254-nm radiation but a mixture of UV, visible, and infrared radiation, with the UV portion spanning approximately 290 to 400 nm (33, 34, 36). Thus, our knowledge of spore UV resistance has been constructed largely using a wavelength of UV radiation not normally reaching the Earth''s surface, even though ample evidence exists that both DNA photochemistry and microbial responses to UV are strongly wavelength dependent (2, 30, 33, 36).Of recent interest in our laboratories has been the exploration of factors that confer on B. subtilis spores resistance to environmentally relevant extreme conditions, particularly solar UV radiation and extreme desiccation (23, 28, 30, 34 36, 48, 52). It has been reported that α/β-type SASP but not SASP-γ play a major role in spore resistance to 254-nm UV-C radiation (20, 21) and to wet heat, dry heat, and oxidizing agents (48). In contrast, increased spore water content was reported to affect B. subtilis spore resistance to moist heat and hydrogen peroxide but not to 254-nm UV-C (12, 40, 48). However, the possible roles of SASP-α, -β, and -γ and core water content in spore resistance to environmentally relevant solar UV wavelengths have not been explored. Therefore, in this study, we have used B. subtilis strains carrying mutations in the sspA, sspB, sspE, sspA and sspB, or dacB gene to investigate the contributions of SASP and increased core water content to the resistance of B. subtilis spores to 254-nm UV-C and environmentally relevant polychromatic UV radiation encountered on Earth''s surface.  相似文献   

Immunoassays were developed to measure DNA damage retained by UV-irradiated whole bacterial cells. Active Mycobacterium parafortuitum and Serratia marcescens cells were fixed and incubated with cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer-binding antibodies after being exposed to known UV doses (254 nm). When both fluorescent (Alexa Fluor 488) and radiolabeled (125I) secondary antibodies were used as reporters, indirect whole-cell assays were sensitive enough to measure intracellular UV photoproducts in M. parafortuitum and S. marcescens cells as well as photoenzymatic repair responses in S. marcescens cells. For the same UV dose, fluorescent DNA photoproduct detection limits in whole-cell assays (immunofluorescent microscopy) were similar to those in fluorescent assays performed on membrane-bound DNA extracts (immunoslot blot). With either fluorescent or radiolabeled reporters, the intracellular cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer content of UV-irradiated whole bacterial cells could be reliably quantified after undergoing a <0.5-order-of-magnitude decrease in culturability. Immunofluorescent microscopy results showed that photoenzymatic repair competence is not uniformly distributed among exponential-growth UV-irradiated pure cultures.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that UVA radiation, which makes up ∼95% of the solar UV light reaching the Earth's surface and is also commonly used for cosmetic purposes, is genotoxic. However, in contrast to UVC and UVB, the mechanisms by which UVA produces various DNA lesions are still unclear. In addition, the relative amounts of various types of UVA lesions and their mutagenic significance are also a subject of debate. Here, we exploit atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging of individual DNA molecules, alone and in complexes with a suite of DNA repair enzymes and antibodies, to directly quantify UVA damage and reexamine its basic mechanisms at a single-molecule level. By combining the activity of endonuclease IV and T4 endonuclease V on highly purified and UVA-irradiated pUC18 plasmids, we show by direct AFM imaging that UVA produces a significant amount of abasic sites and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs). However, we find that only ∼60% of the T4 endonuclease V-sensitive sites, which are commonly counted as CPDs, are true CPDs; the other 40% are abasic sites. Most importantly, our results obtained by AFM imaging of highly purified native and synthetic DNA using T4 endonuclease V, photolyase, and anti-CPD antibodies strongly suggest that CPDs are produced by UVA directly. Thus, our observations contradict the predominant view that as-yet-unidentified photosensitizers are required to transfer the energy of UVA to DNA to produce CPDs. Our results may help to resolve the long-standing controversy about the origin of UVA-produced CPDs in DNA.  相似文献   

The loss of stratospheric ozone and the accompanying increase in solar UV flux have led to concerns regarding decreases in global microbial productivity. Central to understanding this process is determining the types and amounts of DNA damage in microbes caused by solar UV irradiation. While UV irradiation of dormant Bacillus subtilis endospores results mainly in formation of the "spore photoproduct" 5-thyminyl-5,6-dihydrothymine, genetic evidence indicates that an additional DNA photoproduct(s) may be formed in spores exposed to solar UV-B and UV-A radiation (Y. Xue and W. L. Nicholson, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 62:2221-2227, 1996). We examined the occurrence of double-strand breaks, single-strand breaks, cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, and apurinic-apyrimidinic sites in spore DNA under several UV irradiation conditions by using enzymatic probes and neutral or alkaline agarose gel electrophoresis. DNA from spores irradiated with artificial 254-nm UV-C radiation accumulated single-strand breaks, double-strand breaks, and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, while DNA from spores exposed to artificial UV-B radiation (wavelengths, 290 to 310 nm) accumulated only cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. DNA from spores exposed to full-spectrum sunlight (UV-B and UV-A radiation) accumulated single-strand breaks, double-strand breaks, and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, whereas DNA from spores exposed to sunlight from which the UV-B component had been removed with a filter ("UV-A sunlight") accumulated only single-strand breaks and double-strand breaks. Apurinic-apyrimidinic sites were not detected in spore DNA under any of the irradiation conditions used. Our data indicate that there is a complex spectrum of UV photoproducts in DNA of bacterial spores exposed to solar UV irradiation in the environment.  相似文献   

闵锐  倪瑾 《生命的化学》2006,26(5):427-429
H2AX是组蛋白H2A的一种亚型。过去对组蛋白的关注仅局限在维持染色质结构的认识方面,近来发现构成染色质核小体的组蛋白同时具有许多其他重要生物学功能,在DNA双链断裂修复中的作用就是最重要的发现之一。H2AX蛋白发挥其功能需要活化,活化后的H2AX称为γH2AX。检测γH2AX可以确定DNA双链断裂的存在,γH2AX的检测量与辐射剂量也存在良好的量效关系。  相似文献   

Pyrimidine Dimers in the DNA of Paramecium aurelia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The production and fate of thymine-containing pyrimidine dimers in Paramecium aurelia DNA was investigated in three experimental series: production of dimers by UV irradiation, fate of dimers in the dark, and “loss of photoreactivability of dimers.” It is shown that cyclobutyl dimers are made by UV irradiation of Paramecium DNA in vivo, that because of cytoplasmic absorption the number of dimers made in DNA irradiated in vivo is much lower than in DNA irradiated in vitro, that dimers are lost from animals incubated in the dark after irradiation, and that all the dimers that remain in the animals can be destroyed by photoreactivating illumination. Since mutation induction is photoreactivable, these and previous photoreactivation data suggest that pyrimidine dimers are important in mutation induction in P. aurelia.  相似文献   

The roles of various core components, including α/β/γ-type small acid-soluble spore proteins (SASP), dipicolinic acid (DPA), core water content, and DNA repair by apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases or nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), in Bacillus subtilis spore resistance to different types of ionizing radiation including X rays, protons, and high-energy charged iron ions have been studied. Spores deficient in DNA repair by NHEJ or AP endonucleases, the oxidative stress response, or protection by major α/β-type SASP, DPA, and decreased core water content were significantly more sensitive to ionizing radiation than wild-type spores, with highest sensitivity to high-energy-charged iron ions. DNA repair via NHEJ and AP endonucleases appears to be the most important mechanism for spore resistance to ionizing radiation, whereas oxygen radical detoxification via the MrgA-mediated oxidative stress response or KatX catalase activity plays only a very minor role. Synergistic radioprotective effects of α/β-type but not γ-type SASP were also identified, indicating that α/β-type SASP''s binding to spore DNA is important in preventing DNA damage due to reactive oxygen species generated by ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

衰老过程中大白鼠脾细胞的DNA单链断裂与重接能力的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 DNA被紫外线损伤后,由DNA切除修复酶切除嘧啶二聚体,随之以另一条正常的DNA链为模板修复合成DNA片段,最后由DNA连接酶将新合成的DNA片与原有的DNA链连接。本文用荧光法测定DNA修复过程中DNA单链的断裂及重接能力与衰老的关系。结果表明,不同年龄大鼠脾细胞均具有修复DNA单链断裂的能力,DNA单链断裂重接的能力与年龄有相关性,断乳鼠及青年鼠的脾细胞当保温至30min时,即开始了DNA链的重接,保温90min后则恢复到原有水平;而老年鼠脾细胞保温至90min时才开始DNA链的重接,保温150min,尚未恢复到原有水平。还发现,断乳鼠及老年鼠脾细胞的单链DNA含量高于青年鼠。  相似文献   

The peptidoglycan cortex of endospores of Bacillus species is required for maintenance of spore dehydration and dormancy, and the structure of the cortex may also allow it to function in attainment of spore core dehydration. A significant difference between spore and growing cell peptidoglycan structure is the low degree of peptide cross-linking in cortical peptidoglycan; regulation of the degree of this cross-linking is exerted by d,d-carboxypeptidases. We report here the construction of mutant B. subtilis strains lacking all combinations of two and three of the four apparent d,d-carboxypeptidases encoded within the genome and the analysis of spore phenotypic properties and peptidoglycan structure for these strains. The data indicate that while the dacA and dacC products have no significant role in spore peptidoglycan formation, the dacB and dacF products both function in regulating the degree of cross-linking of spore peptidoglycan. The spore peptidoglycan of a dacB dacF double mutant was very highly cross-linked, and this structural modification resulted in a failure to achieve normal spore core dehydration and a decrease in spore heat resistance. A model for the specific roles of DacB and DacF in spore peptidoglycan synthesis is proposed.Peptidoglycan (PG) is the structural element of the bacterial cell wall which determines cell shape and which resists the turgor pressure within the cell. The bacterial endospores produced by species of Bacillus, Clostridium, and several other bacterial genera are modified cells that are able to survive long periods and extreme conditions in a dormant, relatively dehydrated state. The PG wall within the endospore is required for maintenance of the dehydrated state (10, 11), which is the major determinant of spore heat resistance (2, 17, 22). Spore PG appears to be comprised of two distinct though contiguous layers. The thin inner layer, the germ cell wall, appears to have a structure similar to that of the vegetative wall and serves as the initial cell wall of the germinated spore (1, 20, 21, 31). The thicker outer layer, the spore cortex, has a modified structure which may determine its ability to carry out roles specific to the spore, and is rapidly degraded during spore germination (1, 20, 35, 37). The most dramatic of the cortex structural modifications results in partial cleavage or complete removal of ∼75% of the peptide side chains from the glycan strands. Loss of these peptides limits the cross-linking potential of the PG and results in the formation of only one peptide cross-link per 35 disaccharide units in the spore PG, compared to one peptide cross-link per 2.3 to 2.9 disaccharide units in the vegetative PG (1, 20, 36). This low degree of cross-linking has been predicted to give spore PG a flexibility that allows it to have a role in attainment of spore core dehydration (14, 34) in addition to its clear role in maintenance of dehydration. We are studying the structure and mechanism of synthesis of spore PG in an attempt to discern the roles of this structure and its individual components in determining spore properties.A family of proteins called the penicillin-binding proteins (PBPs) polymerizes PG on the external surface of the cell membrane (reviewed in reference 7). The high-molecular-weight (high-MW) members of this family (generally ≥60 kDa) carry the transglycosylase and transpeptidase activities involved in polymerization and cross-linking of the glycan strands. The low-MW PBPs have commonly been found to possess d,d-carboxypeptidase activity. This activity can remove the terminal d-alanine of the peptide side chains and thereby prevent the side chain from serving as a donor in the formation of a peptide cross-link. Analysis of the B. subtilis genome reveals six low-MW PBP-encoding genes: dacA (33), dacB (4), dacC (19), dacF (38), pbpE (23), and pbpX (accession no. Z99112). The four dac gene products exhibit very high sequence similarity to proven d,d-carboxypeptidases, and this activity has been demonstrated in vitro for the dacA and dacB products, PBP5 (12) and PBP5* (32), respectively. The sequences of the pbpE and pbpX products are more distantly related, and no activity has yet been established or ruled out for them.PBP5 is the major penicillin-binding and d,d-carboxypeptidase activity found in vegetative cells (12). Although dacA expression declines significantly during sporulation, a significant amount of PBP5 remains during the time of spore PG synthesis (29). A dacA-null mutation results in no obvious effects on vegetative growth, sporulation, spore characteristics, or spore germination (3, 33). However, loss of PBP5 does result in a reduction of cleavage of peptide side chains from the tetrapeptide to the tripeptide form in the spore PG (20). PBP5* is expressed only during sporulation and only in the mother cell compartment of the sporangium, under the control of the RNA polymerase ςE subunit (4, 5, 28, 29). A dacB-null mutation leading to loss of this d,d-carboxypeptidase results in a fourfold increase in the effective cross-linking of the spore PG (1, 20, 22). This structural change is accompanied by only slight decreases in spore core dehydration and heat resistance (3, 22). The suspected d,d-carboxypeptidase activities of the products of the dacC and dacF genes have not been demonstrated. The latter two genes are expressed only during the postexponential growth phase: dacC is expressed during early stationary phase under the control of ςH (19) and dacF is expressed only within the forespore under the control of ςF (27, 38). Null mutations effecting either gene result in no obvious phenotype and no change in spore PG structure (19, 38).The multiplicity of these proteins in sporulating cells and the lack of effect of loss of some of them suggested redundancy of function among these proteins, a situation observed previously with PBPs of a high-MW class (25, 30, 39). In order to examine this possibility we have constructed mutants lacking multiple low-MW PBPs and have examined their sporulation efficiency, spore PG structure, spore heat resistance and wet density, and spore germination and outgrowth. The present study demonstrates a role for the dacF gene product in synthesis of spore PG, and we also present a model for the roles of the dacB and dacF gene products in spore PG formation.  相似文献   

 本文将反向交变电场和六角形电极电场这两种脉冲电场凝胶电泳技术应用于X线照射小鼠乳癌细胞SR-1所致DNA双链断裂的检测,在本实验条件下,用这种电泳都能检测到低至1.5Gy照射所产生的DNA双链断裂,并且用六角形电极电场电泳获得了DNA双链断裂程度与照射剂量之间的良好线性关系,此外,还用此方法观察了不同浓度自由基清除剂DMSO对X线照射SR-1细胞所致DNA双链断裂的保护作用,结果进一步证实本方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

Bacillus spores are encased in a multilayer, proteinaceous self-assembled coat structure that assists in protecting the bacterial genome from stresses and consists of at least 70 proteins. The elucidation of Bacillus spore coat assembly, architecture, and function is critical to determining mechanisms of spore pathogenesis, environmental resistance, immune response, and physicochemical properties. Recently, genetic, biochemical and microscopy methods have provided new insight into spore coat architecture, assembly, structure and function. However, detailed spore coat architecture and assembly, comprehensive understanding of the proteomic composition of coat layers, and specific roles of coat proteins in coat assembly and their precise localization within the coat remain in question. In this study, atomic force microscopy was used to probe the coat structure of Bacillus subtilis wild type and cotA, cotB, safA, cotH, cotO, cotE, gerE, and cotE gerE spores. This approach provided high-resolution visualization of the various spore coat structures, new insight into the function of specific coat proteins, and enabled the development of a detailed model of spore coat architecture. This model is consistent with a recently reported four-layer coat assembly and further adds several coat layers not reported previously. The coat is organized starting from the outside into an outermost amorphous (crust) layer, a rodlet layer, a honeycomb layer, a fibrous layer, a layer of “nanodot” particles, a multilayer assembly, and finally the undercoat/basement layer. We propose that the assembly of the previously unreported fibrous layer, which we link to the darkly stained outer coat seen by electron microscopy, and the nanodot layer are cotH- and cotE- dependent and cotE-specific respectively. We further propose that the inner coat multilayer structure is crystalline with its apparent two-dimensional (2D) nuclei being the first example of a non-mineral 2D nucleation crystallization pattern in a biological organism.  相似文献   

枯草芽胞杆菌芽胞表面展示技术是把枯草芽胞杆菌作为芽胞表面展示的宿主来展示目的蛋白的一种技术。该技术不仅具备芽胞表面展示技术可展示分子量较大的目的蛋白、目的蛋白无需跨膜及芽胞的极强抗逆性等特点外,同时由于该技术的宿主菌--枯草芽胞杆菌的分子生物学信息研究得比较清楚、安全性高而被广泛应用。介绍了枯草芽胞杆菌表面展示近10年在生产疫苗和固定化酶方面的进展,并对如何提高表面展示目的蛋白的产量做了简要概述。  相似文献   

Tetracycline Induces Stabilization of mRNA in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The tet(L) gene of Bacillus subtilis confers low-level tetracycline (Tc) resistance. Previous work examining the >20-fold-inducible expression of tet(L) by Tc demonstrated a 12-fold translational induction. Here we show that the other component of tet(L) induction is at the level of mRNA stabilization. Addition of a subinhibitory concentration of Tc results in a two- to threefold increase in tet(L) mRNA stability. Using a plasmid-borne derivative of tet(L) with a large in-frame deletion of the coding sequence, the mechanism of Tc-induced stability was explored by measuring the decay of tet(L) mRNAs carrying specific mutations in the leader region. The results of these experiments, as well as experiments with a B. subtilis strain that is resistant to Tc due to a mutation in the ribosomal S10 protein, suggest different mechanisms for the effects of Tc on translation and on mRNA stability. The key role of the 5' end in determining mRNA stability was confirmed in these experiments. Surprisingly, the stability of several other B. subtilis mRNAs was also induced by Tc, which indicates that addition of Tc may result in a general stabilization of mRNA.  相似文献   

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