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The single-stage technique for cross-face reanimation of the paralyzed face without nerve graft is an improvement over the two-stage procedure because it results in early reinnervation of the transferred muscle and shortens the period of rehabilitation. On the basis of an anatomic investigation, the short head of the biceps femoris muscle with attached lateral intermuscular septum of the thigh was identified as a new candidate for microneurovascular free muscle transfer. The authors performed one-stage transfer of the short head of the biceps femoris muscle with a long motor nerve for reanimation of established facial paralysis in seven patients. The dominant nutrient vessels of the short head were the profunda perforators (second or third) in six patients and the direct branches from the popliteal vessels in one patient. The recipient vessels were the facial vessels in all cases. The length of the motor nerve of the short head ranged from 10 to 16 cm, and it was sutured directly to several zygomatic and buccal branches of the contralateral facial nerve in six patients. One patient required an interpositional nerve graft of 3 cm to reach the suitable facial nerve branches on the intact side. The period required for initial voluntary movement of the transferred muscles ranged from 4 to 10 months after the procedures. The period of postoperative follow-up ranged from 5 to 42 months. Transfer of the vascularized innervated short head of the biceps femoris muscle is thought to be an alternative for one-stage reconstruction of the paralyzed face because of the reliable vascular anatomy of the muscle and because it allows two teams to operate together without the need to reposition the patient. The nerve to the short head of the biceps femoris enters the side opposite the vascular pedicle of the muscle belly, and this unique relationship between the vascular pedicle and the motor nerve is anatomically suitable for one-stage reconstruction of the paralyzed face. As much as to 16 cm of the nerve can be harvested, and the nerve is long enough to reach the contralateral intact facial nerve in almost all cases. The lateral intermuscular septum, which is attached to the short head, provides "anchor/suture-bearing" tissue, allowing reliable fixations to the zygoma and the upper and lower lips to be achieved. In addition, the scar and deformity of the donor site are acceptable, and loss of this muscle does not result in donor-site dysfunction.  相似文献   

Entomology in Mauritius has historically been linked with the agricultural and medical fields but concern should now be directed towards the conservation of native forest insects given that they are key components of the local ecosystem. Despite its young age, small size and remoteness, the island has a well-developed native insect fauna with a high proportion of endemic species. A majority of the insect orders are represented on the island. We document the current state of knowledge for Mauritian arthropods, with particular focus on the Coleoptera. This is the most diverse order locally with 1,032 species. In addition, it is the best catalogued historically, providing a framework for future conservation studies to evaluate the current status of this group. We explore the current threats facing the native insect fauna and highlight the needs for concern on this vital component of local biodiversity. We recognize that the initial step for conserving the native insects will depend largely on the establishment of a local taxonomic knowledge base with international expert input.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of cross-facial nerve grafting and free vascularized muscle transfer for the treatment of longstanding facial paralysis, substantial progress has been made toward restoration of facial expression that is as normal as possible. Much of the focus has remained on the gracilis as a donor muscle. However, its inherent anatomical characteristics may preclude it from ever being more than simply a mass of contractile tissue in the face. The coracobrachialis muscle, which is the analogue in the arm of the lower limb adductor mass, was proposed as an alternative donor muscle because it was thought that certain features would allow it to improve on the overall results that are currently possible with the gracilis. A comparative anatomical study was conducted to gauge this potential. A total of 133 muscles were analyzed, including 96 dissected specimens, 16 arterial and 14 venous study specimens, and seven neurovascular study specimens. Anatomical parameters were recorded for each muscle and later tabulated. Histological analysis of the nerves to 10 gracilis and 10 coracobrachialis muscles was performed, and the findings were confirmed with intraneural dissection of an additional 20 nerves under an operating microscope. The coracobrachialis was observed to be a practical alternative to the gracilis. Indeed, it has many of the attributes that initially drew attention to the gracilis as a possible donor muscle, including a reliable neurovascular supply, minimal donor-site morbidity, and the option of having two teams operate simultaneously. In addition, it has a size, shape, and form that make it an excellent choice for transfer to the face. It could be easily attached in the face to provide static support as well as animation, because of its long proximal tendon, the thick intermuscular septum along its lateral surface, and, when present, the ligament of Struthers.  相似文献   

A study of the anatomy and transplantation of the musculus obliquus internus abdominis with a neurovascular pedicle transfer for facial reanimation in one stage is presented. Eleven adult cadavers (22 face sides) were dissected to observe the shape, thickness, innervation, and blood supply of the musculus obliquus internus abdominis. The blood supply of this muscle primarily comes from the musculus obliquus internus abdominis branch of the deep circumflex iliac artery (diameter, 1.3 +/- 0.2 mm), but it can also come from the eleventh intercostal artery (diameter, 1.14 +/- 0.3 mm) and the infracostal artery (diameter, 1.5 +/- 0.2 mm). The branch of the deep circumflex iliac artery and its vena comitans, or the infracostal artery and its vena comitans, could be anastomosed for muscle transplantation. The innervation of the musculus obliquus internus abdominis comes from the tenth and eleventh intercostal nerves (length, 12.7 +/- 1.5 cm) and the infracostal nerve (length, 12.9 +/- 1.3 cm). The eleventh intercostal nerve and the infracostal nerve were selected for anastomosis of muscle transplantation. From November of 1995 to November of 1999, 14 patients with long established facial paralysis were treated with transplantation of a musculus obliquus internus abdominis flap in one stage and were followed for 10 months to 6 years. In 13 patients, the dynamic functions of the transplanted muscles were restored, the obliqueness of the mouth and philtrum while static was corrected, and the facial muscle activities while smiling were harmonized. The eyelids of the paralyzed side could be closed postoperatively, indicating that the function of the orbicularis oculi of the paralyzed side was restored. The single-stage transplantation of a free musculus obliquus internus abdominis flap with one vascular, multi-nerve pedicle is a new method for facial reanimation in the treatment of long established facial paralysis. Because of the simplicity of the procedure and the completeness of the functional reanimation of the paralyzed facial muscles, compared with the results of other free muscle flap transfers, it is an ideal procedure for facial reanimation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the fate of transplanted cells in the central zone of myocardial infarction (MI), and to clarify the relationship between the injection-site impact and the efficacy of cell therapy. MI was created by coronary ligation in female rats. Three weeks later, 3-million labelled male bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) were directly injected into the border (BZC group) or central zone (CZC group) of MI area. As a control, culture medium was injected into the same sites. Cell survival was evaluated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, and apoptosis was assayed with TUNEL and caspase-3 staining. Four weeks after transplantation, heart function and cardiac morphometry were evaluated by echocardiography and Masson's Trichrome staining, respectively. Angiogenesis and myogenesis were detected by immunofluorescence staining. After cell transplantation into the border or central zone, there was no cell migration between the different zones of MI. BMSCs in the CZC group exhibited no difference in apoptotic percentage, in the long-term survival, when compared with those in the BZC group. However, they did effectively promote angiogenesis and cellular myogenic differentiation. Although cell delivery in the central zone of MI had no effect on the recovery of heart function compared with the BZC group, the retained BMSCs could still increase the scar thickness, and subsequently exhibit a trend in the reverse remodelling of ventricular dilation. Hence, we concluded that the central zone of MI should not be ignored during cell-based therapy. Multiple site injection (border+central zone) is strongly recommended during the procedure of cell transplantation.  相似文献   

The tubulin/microtubule system is an important target for anticancer therapy. Two of the most clinically valuable groups of these agents are the vinca alkaloids and taxanes. In recent years, new tubulin-binding agents have been under preclinical or clinical development. One of these classes of agents, epothilones, has shown great promise in phase III clinical trials. What all these agents share in common, is that they bind to beta-tubulin and disrupt microtubule function during mitosis which in turn leads to mitotic arrest and cell death. In addition, these agents can inhibit angiogenesis. Not withstanding their effectiveness, drug resistance can pose a major clinical problem. This review provides an overview of the mechanisms mediating resistance to tubulin-binding agents related to the cellular target and discusses strategies to overcome this important clinical problem.  相似文献   

The myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are a group of clonal hematological malignancies characterized by a hypercellular bone marrow and a tendency to develop thrombotic complications and to evolve to myelofibrosis and acute leukemia. Unlike chronic myelogenous leukemia, where a single disease-initiating genetic event has been identified, a more complicated series of genetic mutations appear to be responsible for the BCR-ABL1-negative MPNs which include polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, and primary myelofibrosis. Recent studies have revealed a number of epigenetic alterations that also likely contribute to disease pathogenesis and determine clinical outcome. Increasing evidence indicates that alterations in DNA methylation, histone modification, and microRNA expression patterns can collectively influence gene expression and potentially contribute to MPN pathogenesis. Examples include mutations in genes encoding proteins that modify chromatin structure (EZH2, ASXL1, IDH1/2, JAK2V617F, and IKZF1) as well as epigenetic modification of genes critical for cell proliferation and survival (suppressors of cytokine signaling, polycythemia rubra vera-1, CXC chemokine receptor 4, and histone deacetylase (HDAC)). These epigenetic lesions serve as novel targets for experimental therapeutic interventions. Clinical trials are currently underway evaluating HDAC inhibitors and DNA methyltransferase inhibitors for the treatment of patients with MPNs.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer (PC) is major common malignancy in males in most industrialized Western countries, where it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer affecting men after middle age (>50 years). Over 90% of PC patients with incurable disease respond to primary treatment, which consists of intervention to lower serum testosterone. However, the duration of response is short (12-33 months) and in almost all patients, is followed by the emergence of a phenotype resistant to androgen deprivation in therapy (known as hormone or androgen-resistant PC). Considerable research efforts have been directed towards the identification of markers associated with the initiation and progression of PC, yet there is little consensus about the target cell within prostate epithelium that is susceptible to malignant transformation. Stem cells may represent a major target for mutations leading to cancer as their longevity assures continued presence during the long latency between carcinogenic agents exposure and cancer development. Therefore in order to allow the development of more effective treatment strategies for PC, a better understanding of the molecular changes that underlie cancer stem cells is required.  相似文献   

Brucellosis is a highly contagious zoonosis affecting livestock and human beings. The human disease lacks pathognomonic symptoms and laboratory tests are essential for its diagnosis. However, most tests are difficult to implement in the areas and countries were brucellosis is endemic. Here, we compared the simple and cheap Rose Bengal Test (RBT) with serum agglutination, Coombs, competitive ELISA, Brucellacapt, lateral flow immunochromatography for IgM and IgG detection and immunoprecipitation with Brucella proteins. We tested 208 sera from patients with brucellosis proved by bacteriological isolation, 20 contacts with no brucellosis, and 1559 sera of persons with no recent contact or brucellosis symptoms. RBT was highly sensitive in acute and long evolution brucellosis cases and this related to its ability to detect IgM, IgG and IgA, to the absence of prozones, and to the agglutinating activity of blocking IgA at the pH of the test. RBT was also highly specific in the sera of persons with no contact with Brucella. No test in this study outperformed RBT, and none was fully satisfactory in distinguishing contacts from infected patients. When modified to test serum dilutions, a diagnostic titer >4 in RBT resulted in 87.4% sensitivity (infected patients) and 100% specificity (contacts). We discuss the limitations of serological tests in the diagnosis of human brucellosis, particularly in the more chronic forms, and conclude that simplicity and affordability of RBT make it close to the ideal test for small and understaffed hospitals and laboratories.  相似文献   

An active depressor septi muscle can accentuate a drooping nasal tip and shorten the upper lip on animation. We have found that dissection and transposition of the depressor septi muscle during rhinoplasty can improve the tip-upper lip relationship in appropriately selected patients. Although the anatomy of the depressor septi muscle has been described, the anatomic variations of this muscle have not been previously reported. The goals of this study were two-fold: (1) to define the anatomic variations of the depressor septi muscle using 55 fresh cadaver dissections and (2) to develop a clinically applicable algorithm for modification of this muscle during rhinoplasty in those patients with a short upper lip and/or tip-upper lip imbalance. Fifty-five fresh cadavers were dissected, and the anatomic variations of the depressor septi muscle were recorded. Three variations of the depressor septi muscle were delineated: type I inserted fully into the orbicularis oris (62 percent); type II inserted into the periosteum and incompletely into the orbicularis oris (22 percent); and type III showed no, or rudimentary, depressor septi muscle (16 percent). Sixty-two patients over a 4-year period (from 1995 to 1999) were identified preoperatively with a hyperactive depressor septi diagnosed by a descending nasal tip and shortened upper lip on animation. These patients underwent dissection and transposition (not resection) of the paired depressor septi during rhinoplasty with improvement or correction of the tip-upper lip imbalance in 88 percent of cases. The anatomic study, surgical indications, rationale for the operative technique, and clinical cases are presented. Dissection and transposition of the depressor septi is a valuable adjunct to rhinoplasty in patients with a type I or II muscle variant.  相似文献   

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