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Zilberberg J 《Bioethics》2007,21(9):517-519
Sex selection in India and China is fostered by a limiting social structure that disallows women from performing the roles that men perform, and relegates women to a lower status level. Individual parents and individual families benefit concretely from having a son born into the family, while society, and girls and women as a group, are harmed by the widespread practice of sex selection. Sex selection reinforces oppression of women and girls. Sex selection is best addressed by ameliorating the situations of women and girls, increasing their autonomy, and elevating their status in society. One might argue that restricting or prohibiting abortion, prohibiting sex selection, and prohibiting sex determination would eliminate sex selective abortion. But this decreases women's autonomy rather than increases it. Such practices will turn underground. Sex selective infanticide, and slower death by long term neglect, could increase. If abortion is restricted, the burden is placed on women seeking abortions to show that they have a legally acceptable or legitimate reason for a desired abortion, and this seriously limits women's autonomy. Instead of restricting abortion, banning sex selection, and sex determination, it is better to address the practice of sex selection by elevating the status of women and empowering women so that giving birth to a girl is a real and positive option, instead of a detriment to the parents and family as it is currently. But, if a ban on sex selective abortion or a ban on sex determination is indeed instituted, then wider social change promoting women's status in society should be instituted simultaneously.  相似文献   

Ben Saunders 《Bioethics》2019,33(9):1022-1028
It is widely assumed that the strongest case for permitting non‐medical sex selection is where parents aim at family balance. This piece criticizes one representative attempt to justify sex selection for family balance. Kluge (2007) assumes that some couples may seek sex selection because they hold discriminatory values, but this need not impugn those who merely have preferences, without evaluative commitments, for a particular sex. This is disputed by those who see any sex selection as inherently sexist because it upholds stereotypes about the sexes. This article takes an alternative approach. I argue that, even if we accept that preference‐based selection is unobjectionable, a policy permitting selection for family balancing does a poor job of distinguishing between value‐based and preference‐based selection. If we wish to permit only preference‐based sex selection we should seek to identify parents’ motives. If we wish to justify a family balancing policy, other arguments are needed.  相似文献   

Modern sexual selection theory indicates that reproductive costs rather than the operational sex ratio predict the intensity of sexual selection. We investigated sexual selection in the polygynandrous common lizard Lacerta vivipara . This species shows male aggression, causing high mating costs for females when adult sex ratios (ASR) are male-biased. We manipulated ASR in 12 experimental populations and quantified the intensity of sexual selection based on the relationship between reproductive success and body size. In sharp contrast to classical sexual selection theory predictions, positive directional sexual selection on male size was stronger and positive directional selection on female size weaker in female-biased populations than in male-biased populations. Thus, consistent with modern theory, directional sexual selection on male size was weaker in populations with higher female mating costs. This suggests that the costs of breeding, but not the operational sex ratio, correctly predicted the strength of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and sex linkage   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Some animal groups, such as birds, seem prone to extreme forms of sexual selection. One contributing factor may be sex linkage of genes affecting male displays and female preferences. Here we show that sex linkage can have substantial effects on the genetic correlation between these traits and consequently for Fisher's runaway and the good-genes mechanisms of sexual selection. Under some kinds of sex linkage (e.g. Z-linked preferences), a runaway is more likely than under autosomal inheritance, while under others (e.g., X-linked preferences and autosomal displays), the good-genes mechanism is particularly powerful. These theoretical results suggest empirical tests based on the comparative method.  相似文献   

Anisogamy is known to generate an important cost for sexual reproduction (the famous "twofold cost of sex"). However, male-female differences may have other consequences on the evolution of sex, due to the fact that selective pressures may differ among the sexes. On the one hand, intralocus sexual conflict should favor asexual females, which can fix female-beneficial, male-detrimental alleles. On the other hand, it has been suggested repeatedly that sexual selection among males may help to purge the mutation load, providing an advantage to sexual females. However, no analytical model has computed the strength of selection acting on a modifier gene affecting the frequency of sexual reproduction when selection differs between the sexes. In this article, we analyze a two-locus model using two approaches: a quasi-linkage-equilibrium (QLE) analysis and a local stability analysis, whose predictions are verified using a multilocus simulation. We find that costly sex can be maintained when selection is stronger in males than in females, but acts in the same direction in both. Complete asexuality, however, evolves under any other form of selection. Finally, we discuss how experimental measurements of fitness variances and covariances between sexes could be used to determine the overall direction and strength on selection for sex arising from differences in selection between males and females.  相似文献   

Summary In the present paper we distinguish between two aspects of sexual reproduction. Genetic recombination is a universal features of the sexual process. It is a primitive condition found in simple, single-celled organisms, as well as in higher plants and animals. Its function is primarily to repair genetic damage and eliminate deleterious mutations. Recombination also produces new variation, however, and this can provide the basis for adaptive evolutionary change in spatially and temporally variable environments.The other feature usually associated with sexual reproduction, differentiated male and female roles, is a derived condition, largely restricted to complex, diploid, multicellular organisms. The evolution of anisogamous gametes (small, mobile male gametes containing only genetic material, and large, relatively immobile female gametes containing both genetic material and resources for the developing offspring) not only established the fundamental basis for maleness and femaleness, it also led to an asymmetry between the sexes in the allocation of resources to mating and offspring. Whereas females allocate their resources primarily to offspring, the existence of many male gametes for each female one results in sexual selection on males to allocate their resources to traits that enhance success in competition for fertilizations. A consequence of this reproductive competition, higher variance in male than female reproductive success, results in more intense selection on males.The greater response of males to both stabilizing and directional selection constitutes an evolutionary advantage of males that partially compensates for the cost of producing them. The increased fitness contributed by sexual selection on males will complement the advantages of genetic recombination for DNA repair and elimination of deleterious mutations in any outcrossing breeding system in which males contribute only genetic material to their offspring. Higher plants and animals tend to maintain sexual reproduction in part because of the enhanced fitness of offspring resulting from sexual selection at the level of individual organisms, and in part because of the superiority of sexual populations in competition with asexual clones.  相似文献   

Conventional sex roles imply caring females and competitive males. The evolution of sex role divergence is widely attributed to anisogamy initiating a self‐reinforcing process. The initial asymmetry in pre‐mating parental investment (eggs vs. sperm) is assumed to promote even greater divergence in post‐mating parental investment (parental care). But do we really understand the process? Trivers [Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man 1871–1971 (1972), Aldine Press, Chicago] introduced two arguments with a female and male perspective on whether to care for offspring that try to link pre‐mating and post‐mating investment. Here we review their merits and subsequent theoretical developments. The first argument is that females are more committed than males to providing care because they stand to lose a greater initial investment. This, however, commits the ‘Concorde Fallacy’ as optimal decisions should depend on future pay‐offs not past costs. Although the argument can be rephrased in terms of residual reproductive value when past investment affects future pay‐offs, it remains weak. The factors likely to change future pay‐offs seem to work against females providing more care than males. The second argument takes the reasonable premise that anisogamy produces a male‐biased operational sex ratio (OSR) leading to males competing for mates. Male care is then predicted to be less likely to evolve as it consumes resources that could otherwise be used to increase competitiveness. However, given each offspring has precisely two genetic parents (the Fisher condition), a biased OSR generates frequency‐dependent selection, analogous to Fisherian sex ratio selection, that favours increased parental investment by whichever sex faces more intense competition. Sex role divergence is therefore still an evolutionary conundrum. Here we review some possible solutions. Factors that promote conventional sex roles are sexual selection on males (but non‐random variance in male mating success must be high to override the Fisher condition), loss of paternity because of female multiple mating or group spawning and patterns of mortality that generate female‐biased adult sex ratios (ASR). We present an integrative model that shows how these factors interact to generate sex roles. We emphasize the need to distinguish between the ASR and the operational sex ratio (OSR). If mortality is higher when caring than competing this diminishes the likelihood of sex role divergence because this strongly limits the mating success of the earlier deserting sex. We illustrate this in a model where a change in relative mortality rates while caring and competing generates a shift from a mammalian type breeding system (female‐only care, male‐biased OSR and female‐biased ASR) to an avian type system (biparental care and a male‐biased OSR and ASR).  相似文献   

The evolution of sex is one of the greatest mysteries in evolutionary biology. An even greater mystery is the evolution of obligate sex, particularly when competing with facultative sex and not with complete asexuality. Here, we develop a stochastic simulation of an obligate allele invading a facultative population, where males are subject to sexual selection. We identify a range of parameters where sexual selection can contribute to the evolution of obligate sex: Especially when the cost of sex is low, mutation rate is high, and the facultative individuals do not reproduce sexually very often. The advantage of obligate sex becomes larger in the absence of recombination. Surprisingly, obligate sex can take over even when the population has a lower mean fitness as a result. We show that this is due to the high success of obligate males that can compensate the cost of sex.  相似文献   

Within an individual, mitochondria must function in a range of tissue specific environments that are largely governed by expression of a particular suite of nuclear genes. Furthermore, mitochondrial proteins form large complexes with nuclear-encoded proteins to form the electron-transport system. These dynamics between mitochondrial and nuclear genomes have important implications in studies of within and among species genetic variation, and interpretation of disease phenotypes. Experimentally disrupting naturally occurring combinations of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes should provide insights into the coevolutionary dynamics among genomes.  相似文献   

Sex determining (SD) mechanisms are highly variable between different taxonomic groups and appear to change relatively quickly during evolution. Sex ratio selection could be a dominant force causing such changes. We investigate theoretically the effect of sex ratio selection on the dynamics of a multi-factorial SD system. The system considered resembles the naturally occurring three-locus system of the housefly, which allows for male heterogamety, female heterogamety and a variety of other mechanisms. Sex ratio selection is modelled by assuming cost differences in the production of sons and daughters, a scenario leading to a strong sex ratio bias in the absence of constraints imposed by the mechanism of sex determination. We show that, despite of the presumed flexibility of the SD system considered, equilibrium sex ratios never deviate strongly from 1 : 1. Even if daughters are very costly, a male-biased sex ratio can never evolve. If sons are more costly, sex ratio can be slightly female biased but even in case of large cost differences the bias is very small (<10% from 1 : 1). Sex ratio selection can lead to a shift in the SD mechanism, but cannot be the sole cause of complete switches from one SD system to another. In fact, more than one locus remains polymorphic at equilibrium. We discuss our results in the context of evolution of the variable SD mechanism found in natural housefly populations.  相似文献   

We analyze models of evolution of sex ratio conditional on habitat quality and with sex specific dispersal. Previous analysis concluded that the main constraint on sex ratio is habitat choice and leads to overproduction of the most dispersing sex in low quality habitat. Here, we analyze three models with finite local populations and show that constraints on sex ratio can balance constraints on habitat choice. In the first model, dispersal rates are fixed. In the second, sex specific dispersal can evolve independently of the habitat quality. These models suggests that sex ratio evolution can lead to higher global dispersal rates (mean of male and female dispersal rates) from high quality habitats. In the last model dispersal evolves conditionally with both sex and habitat. Our models suggests that conditions for overproduction of the most dispersing sex in high quality habitat are frequent. The predictions of the models with evolving dispersal contrast with patterns generally described in nature. We discuss possible reasons of this difference.  相似文献   

线粒体疾病与核基因-线粒体基因的表达调控   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
严庆丰  管敏鑫 《生命科学》2008,20(4):496-505
线粒体与疾病是当前生物医学领域最前沿之一。本文简单介绍线粒体生物医学的基础知识、线粒体疾病的遗传模式,综述了近年来在线粒体DNA(mtDNA)突变和疾病、核基因突变和疾病等领域的研究进展,着重阐明核基因(特别是核修饰基因)调控mtDNA突变致病表达的分子机制。  相似文献   

Harmful mutations are ubiquitous and inevitable, and the rate at which these mutations are removed from populations is a critical determinant of evolutionary fate. Closely related sexual and asexual taxa provide a particularly powerful setting to study deleterious mutation elimination because sexual reproduction should facilitate mutational clearance by reducing selective interference between sites and by allowing the production of offspring with different mutational complements than their parents. Here, we compared the rate of removal of conservative (i.e., similar biochemical properties) and radical (i.e., distinct biochemical properties) nonsynonymous mutations from mitochondrial genomes of sexual versus asexual Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand freshwater snail characterized by coexisting and ecologically similar sexual and asexual lineages. Our analyses revealed that radical nonsynonymous mutations are cleared at higher rates than conservative changes and that sexual lineages eliminate radical changes more rapidly than asexual counterparts. These results are consistent with reduced efficacy of purifying selection in asexual lineages allowing harmful mutations to remain polymorphic longer than in sexual lineages. Together, these data illuminate some of the population‐level processes contributing to mitochondrial mutation accumulation and suggest that mutation accumulation could influence the outcome of competition between sexual and asexual lineages.  相似文献   

The opportunity for sexual selection was greater when the operational sex ratio (OSR) in guppies Poecilia reticulata was biased towards males. This could be due to an increase in both male-male competition and female mate choice under male-biased OSR.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial diseases are a broad, genetically heterogeneous class of metabolic disorders characterized by deficits in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). Primary mitochondrial disease (PMD) defines pathologies resulting from mutation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) or nuclear genes affecting either mtDNA expression or the biogenesis and function of the respiratory chain. Secondary mitochondrial disease (SMD) arises due to mutation of nuclear-encoded genes independent of, or indirectly influencing OXPHOS assembly and operation. Despite instances of novel SMD increasing year-on-year, PMD is much more widely discussed in the literature. Indeed, since the implementation of next generation sequencing (NGS) techniques in 2010, many novel mitochondrial disease genes have been identified, approximately half of which are linked to SMD. This review will consolidate existing knowledge of SMDs and outline discrete categories within which to better understand the diversity of SMD phenotypes. By providing context to the biochemical and molecular pathways perturbed in SMD, we hope to further demonstrate the intricacies of SMD pathologies outside of their indirect contribution to mitochondrial energy generation.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of speciation in cichlid fish were investigated by analyzing population genetic models of sexual selection on sex-determining genes associated with color polymorphisms. The models are based on a combination of laboratory experiments and field observations on the ecology, male and female mating behavior, and inheritance of sex-determination and color polymorphisms. The models explain why sex-reversal genes that change males into females tend to be X-linked and associated with novel colors, using the hypothesis of restricted recombination on the sex chromosomes, as suggested by previous theory on the evolution of recombination. The models reveal multiple pathways for rapid sympatric speciation through the origin of novel color morphs with strong assortative mating that incorporate both sex-reversal and suppressor genes. Despite the lack of geographic isolation or ecological differentiation, the new species coexists with the ancestral species either temporarily or indefinitely. These results may help to explain different patterns and rates of speciation among groups of cichlids, in particular the explosive diversification of rock-dwelling haplochromine cichlids.  相似文献   

The benefits of marker assisted selection (MAS) are evaluated under realistic assumptions in schemes where the genetic contributions of the candidates to selection are optimised for maximising the rate of genetic progress while restricting the accumulation of inbreeding. MAS schemes were compared with schemes where selection is directly on the QTL (GAS or gene assisted selection) and with schemes where genotype information is not considered (PHE or phenotypic selection). A methodology for including prior information on the QTL effect in the genetic evaluation is presented and the benefits from MAS were investigated when prior information was used. The optimisation of the genetic contributions has a great impact on genetic response but the use of markers leads to only moderate extra short-term gains. Optimised PHE did as well as standard truncation GAS (i.e. with fixed contributions) in the short-term and better in the long-term. The maximum accumulated benefit from MAS over PHE was, at the most, half of the maximum benefit achieved from GAS, even with very low recombination rates between the markers and the QTL. However, the use of prior information about the QTL effects can substantially increase genetic gain, and, when the accuracy of the priors is high enough, the responses from MAS are practically as high as those obtained with direct selection on the QTL.  相似文献   

Bidirectional sex change in mushroom stony corals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sex change occurs when an individual changes from one functional sex to another. The direction of sex change occurs mainly from male to female (protandry) or vice versa (protogyny), but sometimes may be bidirectional (repetitive). Here, for the first time in stony corals, we report on a protandrous sex change exhibited by two mushroom corals, Fungia repanda and Ctenactis echinata, with the latter also exhibiting bidirectional sex change. Compared with C. echinata, F. repanda exhibited relatively earlier sex change, significantly slower growth and higher mortality rates, in accordance with sex-allocation theory. Sex ratio in both the species was biased towards the first sex. The bidirectional sex change displayed by C. echinata greatly resembles that of dioecious plants that display labile sexuality in response to energetic and/or environmental constraints. We posit that, similar to these plants, in the studied corals, sex change increases their overall fitness, reinforcing the important role of reproductive plasticity in scleractinian corals in determining their evolutionary success.  相似文献   

At present, most turtles, all crocodilians, and several lizards are known to have temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD). Due to the dependence of sex determination on incubation temperature, the long-term survival of TSD species may be jeopardized by global climate changes. The current study was designed to assess the degree to which this concern is justified by examining nest-site selection in two species of Pattern II TSD geckos (Eublepharis macularius and Hemitheconyx caudicinctus) and comparing these preferences with those of a species with genotypic sex determination (GSD) (Coleonyx mitratus). Temperature preferences for nest sites were found to be both species-specific and female-specific. While H. caudicinctus females selected a mean nest-site temperature (32.4°) very close to the upper pivotal temperature (32°C) for the species, E. macularius females selected a mean nest-site temperature (28.7°C) well below this species' lower pivotal temperature (30.5°C). Thus, the resultant sex ratios are expected to differ between these two TSD species. Additionally, nest-site temperatures for the GSD species were significantly more variable (SE=+0.37) than were temperatures for either of the TSD species (E. macularius SE=±0.10; H. caudicinctus SE =+ 0.17), diereby further demonstrating temperature preferences within the TSD species.  相似文献   

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