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Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling has been implicated in the generation of mesoderm and neural fates in chordate embryos including ascidians and vertebrates. In Ciona, FGF9/16/20 has been implicated in both of these processes. However, in FGF9/16/20 knockdown embryos, notochord fate recovers during later development. It is thus not clear if FGF signalling is an essential requirement for notochord specification in Ciona embryos. We show that FGF-MEK-ERK signals act during two distinct phases to establish notochord fate. During the first phase, FGF signalling is required during an asymmetric cell division to promote notochord at the expense of neural identity. Consistently, ERK1/2 is specifically activated in the notochord precursors following this cell division. Sustained activation of ERK1/2 is then required to maintain notochord fate. We demonstrate that FGF9/16/20 acts solely during the initial induction step and that, subsequently, FGF8/17/18 together with FGF9/16/20 is involved in the following maintenance step. These results together with others' show that the formation of a large part of the mesoderm cell types in ascidian larvae is dependent on signalling events involving FGF ligands.  相似文献   

Asymmetric cell divisions occur repeatedly during plant development, but the mechanisms by which daughter cells are directed to adopt different fates are not well understood [1,2]. Previous studies have demonstrated roles for positional information in specification of daughter cell fates following asymmetric divisions in the embryo [3] and root [4]. Unequally inherited cytoplasmic determinants have also been proposed to specify daughter cell fates after some asymmetric cell divisions in plants [1,2,5], but direct evidence is lacking. Here we investigate the requirements for specification of stomatal subsidiary cell fate in the maize leaf by analyzing four mutants disrupting the asymmetric divisions of subsidiary mother cells (SMCs). We show that subsidiary cell fate does not depend on proper localization of the new cell wall during the SMC division, and is not specified by positional information acting on daughter cells after completion of the division. Instead, our data suggest that specification of subsidiary cell fate depends on polarization of SMCs and on inheritance of the appropriate daughter nucleus. We thus provide evidence of a role for unequal inheritance of an intracellular determinant in specification of cell fate after an asymmetric plant cell division.  相似文献   

Asymmetric cell division plays a fundamental role in generating various types of embryonic cell. In ascidian embryos, asymmetric cell divisions occur in the vegetal hemisphere in a manner similar to those found in Caenorhabditis elegans. Early divisions in embryos of both species involve inductive events on a single mother cell that result in production of daughters with different cell fates. Here we show in the ascidian Halocynthia roretzi that polarity of muscle/mesenchyme mother precursors is determined solely by the direction from which the FGF9/16/20 signal is presented, a role similar to that of Wnt signaling in the EMS and T cell divisions in C. elegans. However, polarity of nerve cord/notochord mother precursors is determined by possible antagonistic action between the FGF signal and a signal from anterior ectoderm, providing a new mechanism underlying asymmetric cell division. The ectoderm signal suppresses MAPK activation and expression of Hr-FoxA, which encodes an intrinsic competence factor for notochord induction, in the nerve cord lineage.  相似文献   

One mechanism to generate daughter cells with distinct fates is the asymmetric inheritance of regulatory proteins, leading to differential gene regulation in the daughter cells. This mode of cell division is termed 'asymmetric cell division.' The nervous system of the fly employs asymmetric cell division, both in the central nervous system, to generate neural precursors, neurons and glial cells; and in the peripheral nervous system, to create sensory organs that are composed of multiple cell types. These cell lineages are excellent models to examine the gene expression program that leads to fate acquisition, the cell-fate determinants that control these programs and how these determinants, in turn, are distributed through cell polarity machinery.  相似文献   

Stem cells and neuroblasts derived from mouse embryos undergo repeated asymmetric cell divisions, generating neural lineage trees similar to those of invertebrates. In Drosophila, unequal distribution of Numb protein during mitosis produces asymmetric cell divisions and consequently diverse neural cell fates. We investigated whether a mouse homologue m-numb had a similar role during mouse cortical development. Progenitor cells isolated from the embryonic mouse cortex were followed as they underwent their next cell division in vitro. Numb distribution was predominantly asymmetric during asymmetric cell divisions yielding a beta-tubulin III(-) progenitor and a beta-tubulin III(+) neuronal cell (P/N divisions) and predominantly symmetric during divisions producing two neurons (N/N divisions). Cells from the numb knockout mouse underwent significantly fewer asymmetric P/N divisions compared to wild type, indicating a causal role for Numb. When progenitor cells derived from early (E10) cortex undergo P/N divisions, both daughters express the progenitor marker Nestin, indicating their immature state, and Numb segregates into the P or N daughter with similar frequency. In contrast, when progenitor cells derived from later E13 cortex (during active neurogenesis in vivo) undergo P/N divisions they produce a Nestin(+) progenitor and a Nestin(-) neuronal daughter, and Numb segregates preferentially into the neuronal daughter. Thus during mouse cortical neurogenesis, as in Drosophila neurogenesis, asymmetric segregation of Numb could inhibit Notch activity in one daughter to induce neuronal differentiation. At terminal divisions generating two neurons, Numb was symmetrically distributed in approximately 80% of pairs and asymmetrically in 20%. We found a significant association between Numb distribution and morphology: most sisters of neuron pairs with symmetric Numb were similar and most with asymmetric Numb were different. Developing cortical neurons with Numb had longer processes than those without. Numb is expressed by neuroblasts and stem cells and can be asymmetrically segregated by both. These data indicate Numb has an important role in generating asymmetric cell divisions and diverse cell fates during mouse cortical development.  相似文献   

Plant development shows a fascinating range of asymmetric cell divisions. Over the years, however, cellular differentiation has been interpreted mostly in terms of a mother cell dividing mitotically to produce two daughter cells of different fates. This popular view has masked the significance of an entirely different cell fate specification pathway, where the mother cell first becomes a coenocyte and then cellularizes to simultaneously produce more than two specialized daughter cells. The "one mother - two different daughters" pathways rely on spindle-assisted mechanisms, such as translocation of the nucleus/spindle to a specific cellular site and orientation of the spindle, which are coordinated with cell-specific allocation of cell fate determinants and cytokinesis. By contrast, during "coenocyte-cellularization" pathways, the spindle-assisted mechanisms are irrelevant since cell fate specification emerges only after the nuclear divisions are complete, and the number of specialized daughter cells produced depends on the developmental context. The key events, such as the formation of a coenocyte and migration of the nuclei to specific cellular locations, are coordinated with cellularization by unique types of cell wall formation. Both one mother - two different daughters and the coenocyte-cellularization pathways are used by higher plants in precise spatial and time windows during development. In both the pathways, epigenetic regulation of gene expression is crucial not only for cell fate specification but also for its maintenance through cell lineage. In this review, the focus is on the coenocyte-cellularization pathways in the context of our current understanding of the asymmetric cell divisions. Instances where cell differentiation does not involve an asymmetric division are also discussed to provide a comprehensive account of cell differentiation.  相似文献   

不对称性细胞分裂是一个母细胞通过一次分裂,产生两个不同命运的子细胞的分裂方式,是单细胞生物向多细胞生物进化的关键一步。根据现有的证据推论,不称性细胞分裂是在器官发育过程中产生细胞多样化的一种基本方式。Numb是第一个被发现决定多细胞生物不对称细胞分裂的信号蛋白。在果蝇中,Numb通过促进Notch泛素化拮抗Notch信号通路,从而决定子细胞的命运,后来的研究表明Numb是细胞内吞调节蛋白,并用通过内吞参与调节神经细胞的粘附,轴突的生长及细胞迁移等过程;并且发现Numb与肿瘤抑制基因p53、泛素化蛋白HDM2形成三聚体抑制p53的泛素化,从而调节肿瘤的恶性程度。本文系统地分析了Numb发现的历史及后来在脊椎动物中的作用和机制,重点介绍了Numb在神经发育过程中的功能。  相似文献   

The ascidian neural plate has a grid-like organisation, with six rows and eight columns of aligned cells, generated by a series of stereotypical cell divisions. We have defined unique molecular signatures for each of the eight cells in the posterior-most two rows of the neural plate - rows I and II. Using a combination of morpholino gene knockdown, dominant-negative forms and pharmacological inhibitors, we tested the role of three signalling pathways in defining these distinct cell identities. Nodal signalling at the 64-cell stage was found to be required to define two different neural plate domains - medial and lateral - with Nodal inducing lateral and repressing medial identities. Delta2, an early Nodal target, was found to then subdivide each of the lateral and medial domains to generate four columns. Finally, a separate signalling system along the anteroposterior axis, involving restricted ERK1/2 activation, was found to promote row I fates and repress row II fates. Our results reveal how the sequential integration of three signalling pathways - Nodal, Delta2/Notch and FGF/MEK/ERK - defines eight different sub-domains that characterise the ascidian caudal neural plate. Most remarkably, the distinct fates of the eight neural precursors are each determined by a unique combination of inputs from these three signalling pathways.  相似文献   

From invertebrates to mammals, cell-cycle progression during an asymmetric cell division is accompanied by precisely timed redistribution of cell-fate determinants so that they segregate asymmetrically to enable the two daughter cells to choose different fates. Interestingly, studies on how cell fates are specified in such divisions reveal that the same fate determinants can be reiteratively used to specify a variety of cell types through multiple rounds of cell divisions or to exert seemingly contradictory effects on cell proliferation and differentiation. Here I summarize the molecular mechanisms governing asymmetric cell division and review recent findings pointing to a novel mechanism for coupling intracellular signaling and cell-cycle progression. This mechanism uses changes in the morphology, subcellular distribution, and molecular composition of cellular organelles like the Golgi apparatus and centrosomes, which not only accompany the progression of cell cycle to activate but also temporally constrain the activity of fate determinants during asymmetric cell divisions.  相似文献   

Asymmetric cell divisions are a fundamental feature of neural development, and misregulation can lead to brain abnormalities or tumor formation. During an asymmetric cell division, molecular determinants are segregated preferentially into one daughter cell to specify its fate. An important goal is to identify the asymmetric determinants in neural progenitor cells, which could be tumor suppressors or inducers of specific neural fates. Here, we show that the double-stranded RNA-binding protein Stau2 is distributed asymmetrically during progenitor divisions in the developing mouse cortex, preferentially segregating into the Tbr2(+) neuroblast daughter, taking with it a subset of RNAs. Knockdown of Stau2 stimulates differentiation and overexpression produces periventricular neuronal masses, demonstrating its functional importance for normal cortical development. We immunoprecipitated Stau2 to examine its cargo mRNAs, and found enrichment for known asymmetric and basal cell determinants, such as Trim32, and identified candidates, including a subset involved in primary cilium function.  相似文献   

In the Drosophila embryonic central nervous system, the neural precursor cells called neuroblasts undergo a number of asymmetric divisions along the apical-basal axis to give rise to different daughter cells of distinct fates. This review summarizes recent progress in understanding the mechanisms of these asymmetric cell divisions. We discuss proteins that are localized at distinct domains of cortex in the neuroblasts and their role in generating asymmetry. We also review uniformly cortical localized factors and actin cytoskeleton-associated motor proteins with regard to their potential role to serve as a link between distinct cortical domains in the neuroblasts. In this review, asymmetric divisions of sensory organ precursor and larval neuroblasts are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Cell intrinsic and cell extrinsic factors mediate asymmetric cell divisions during neurogenesis in the Drosophila embryo. In the NB4-2->GMC-1->RP2/sib lineage, one of the well-studied neuronal lineages in the ventral nerve cord, the Notch (N) signaling interacts with the asymmetrically localized Numb (Nb) to specify sibling neuronal fates to daughter cells of GMC-1. In this current study, we have investigated asymmetric cell fate specifications by N and Nb in the context of cell cycle. We have used loss-of-function mutations in N and nb, cell division mutants cyclinA (cycA), regulator of cyclin A1 (rca1) and string/cdc25 phosphatase (stg), and the microtubule destabilizing agent, nocodazole, to investigate this issue. We report that the loss of cycA, rca1 or stg leads to a block in the division of GMC-1, however, this GMC-1 exclusively adopts an RP2 identity. While the loss of N leads to the specification of RP2 fates to both progeny of GMC-1 and loss of nb results in the specification of sib fates to these daughter cells, the GMC-1 in the double mutant between nb and cycA assumes a sib fate. These epistasis results indicate that both N and nb function downstream of cell division genes and that progression through cell cycle is required for the asymmetric localization of Nb. In the absence of entry to metaphase, the Nb protein prevents the N signaling from specifying sib fate to the RP2/sib precursor. These results are also consistent with our finding that the sib cell is specified as RP2 in N; nb double mutants. Finally, our results show that nocodazole-arrested GMC-1 in wild-type embryos randomly assumes either an RP2 fate or a sib fate. This suggests that microtubules are involved in mediating the antagonistic interaction between Nb and N during RP2 and sib fate specification.  相似文献   

Sanada K  Tsai LH 《Cell》2005,122(1):119-131
Neurons in the developing mammalian brain are generated from progenitor cells in the proliferative ventricular zone, and control of progenitor division is essential to produce the correct number of neurons during neurogenesis. Here we establish that Gbetagamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins are required for proper mitotic-spindle orientation of neural progenitors in the developing neocortex. Interfering with Gbetagamma function in progenitors causes a shift in spindle orientation from apical-basal divisions to planar divisions. This results in hyperdifferentiation of progenitors into neurons as a consequence of both daughter cells adopting a neural fate instead of the normal asymmetric cell fates. Silencing AGS3, a nonreceptor activator of Gbetagamma, results in defects similar to the impairment of Gbetagamma, providing evidence that AGS3-Gbetagamma signaling in progenitors regulates apical-basal division and asymmetric cell-fate decisions. Furthermore, our observations indicate that the cell-fate decision of daughter cells is coupled to mitotic-spindle orientation in progenitors.  相似文献   

During metazoan development, cell fate diversity is generated in part by asymmetric cell divisions, in which mother cells divide to produce two daughter cells with distinct developmental potentials. Adoption of different cell fates often relies on the polarised distribution and unequal segregation of cell-fate determinants. Unequal segregation of cell-fate determinants requires that the mother cell becomes polarised prior to mitosis. In response to this polarisation, cell-fate determinants localise asymmetrically and the mitotic spindle lines up with the pole to which cell-fate determinants accumulate, thereby leading to their unequal partitioning upon cytokinesis. I review here the regulatory mechanisms that establish cell asymmetry and orient this asymmetry relative to the body axis in the sensory organ lineages of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Asymmetric cell division occurs when a mother cell divides to generate two distinct daughter cells, a process that promotes the generation of cellular diversity in metazoans. During Caenorhabditis elegans development, the asymmetric divisions of neural progenitors generate neurons, neural support cells and apoptotic cells. C. elegans HAM-1 is an asymmetrically distributed cortical protein that regulates several of these asymmetric neuroblast divisions. Here, we show that HAM-1 is a novel protein and define residues important for HAM-1 function and distribution to the cell cortex. Our phenotypic analysis of ham-1 mutant embryos suggests that HAM-1 controls only neuroblast divisions that produce apoptotic cells. Moreover, ham-1 mutant embryos contain many unusually large cell-death corpses. An investigation of this corpse phenotype revealed that it results from a reversal of neuroblast polarity. A misplacement of the neuroblast cleavage plane generates daughter cells of abnormal size, with the apoptotic daughters larger than normal. Thus, HAM-1 regulates the position of the cleavage plane, apoptosis and mitotic potential in C. elegans asymmetric cell divisions.  相似文献   

Asymmetric distribution of fate determinants is a fundamental mechanism underlying the acquisition of distinct cell fates during asymmetric division. In Drosophila neuroblasts, the apical DmPar6/DaPKC complex inhibits Lethal giant larvae (Lgl) to promote the basal localization of fate determinants. In contrast, in the sensory precursor (pI) cells that divide asymmetrically with a planar polarity, Lgl inhibits Notch signaling in the anterior pI daughter cell, pIIb, by a yet-unknown mechanism. We show here that Lgl promotes the cortical recruitment of Partner of Numb (Pon) and regulates the asymmetric distribution of the fate determinants Numb and Neuralized during the pI cell division. Analysis of Pon-GFP and Histone2B-mRFP distribution in two-color movies confirmed that Lgl regulates Pon localization. Moreover, posterior DaPKC restricts Lgl function to the anterior cortex at mitosis. Thus, Lgl functions similarly in neuroblasts and in pI cells. We also show that Lgl promotes the acquisition of the pIIb cell fate by inhibiting the plasma membrane localization of Sanpodo and thereby preventing the activation of Notch signaling in the anterior pI daughter cell. Thus, Lgl regulates cell fate by controlling Pon cortical localization, asymmetric localization of Numb and Neuralized, and plasma-membrane localization of Sandopo.  相似文献   

A variety of approaches has recently been employed to investigate how sister cells adopt distinct fates following asymmetric divisions during plant development. Surgical and drug studies have been used to analyze asymmetric divisions during both early embryogenesis in brown algae and pollen development in tobacco. Genetic screens have been used to identify genes in Arabidopsis thaliana that are required for specific asymmetric cell divisions during pollen and root development. These studies indicate that cell polarity and division orientation are closely tied to the process of cell fate specification, and suggest that differential inheritance of determinants and positional information may both be involved in the specification of cell fates following asymmetric cell division.  相似文献   

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