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Some human skeletal features that were produced through the actions of their bearers during life allow the reconstruction of postures. These can be typical of population groups. For example, tibial retroversion and lateral squatting facets are two skeletal markers closely related to the habit of squatting. The facets and the retroversion are induced by pressure and traction as a consequence of the hyperdorsiflexion of the knees and ankles. The examination of 543 tibiae and tali from French and American archaeological series, and dating between the 1st-20th century AD, reveals changes in squatting posture over time. This study shows that tibial retroversion tends to be a "precocity indicator" of the adoption of this posture, while the lateral squatting facet shows the intensity or regularity of the use of this posture. The results indicate that squatting was a regular behavior used until the end of the Middle Ages, and after this period a progressive decrease occurs. This tendency may be explained by different lifestyles in different time periods.  相似文献   

In ancient populations studies, investigation on activity-induced pathology performed by means of an integrated and epidemiological approach can provide useful evidence about physical activities, age of occupancy, sexual differentiation, social stratification and working tasks division of past human groups. The analysis of occupational stress of the skeletal sample coming from the poor necropolis of Lucus Feroniae, a rural town of the Roman Imperial Age, was carried out on: degenerative disease of joints and vertebral bodies, traumas, hypertrophic changes at sites of muscles and ligament insertion, presence of anatomical variants caused by postural habits or body movements. The results as a whole seem to indicate that the population, likely representative of a low social group (potentially slaves), was precociously and actively employed in heavy manual work activities. These may have included farming tasks demanding lifting, heavy loads transportation and long-distance walking on rough grounds.  相似文献   

The botanical macrofossils (charcoals, seeds and fruits) found during the archaeological excavation of the middle Neolithic site of Rivaltella Ca'Romensini near Reggio Emilia, northern Italy, have been analyzed. Among the charcoal fragments 11 different taxa have been identified, with a clear predominance of oaks. The relative frequencies of the different taxa probably do not reflect the real frequencies in the forest, but suggest that firewood had been gathered selectively. Among the seeds and fruits, four different Gramineae, a small wild apple and some hazelnut shells have been identified. These results indicate that the food economy of the Neolithic Rivaltella inhabitants was partially based on agriculture and on fruit gathering.  相似文献   


The Euganean Hills are a volcanic mountainous complex, which rises from the eastern Po Plain, and consists of about one hundred hills, rising from 80 m to 604 m above sea level. In the studied area, 1158 taxa of Tracheophytes have been collected. The chorological and life-form analyses of this flora have shown the predominance of the Mediterranean s.l. elements and of the hemicryptophytes, followed by the therophytes. The chorological aspect of this floristic complex was analysed. A cross-spectrum was calculated to see how life-forms are represented in the different chorotypes. A comparison with the biological and chorological spectra of the Veneto Region and of Italy as a whole was also carried out. Several species of remarkable floristic and phytogeographical interest have been found, as well as some included in the national and Regional lists of protected species.  相似文献   

Obesity causes increased loading on the foot which can damage the soft tissue and bone ultimately leading to foot problems. Experimental and computational methods were used to analyse the chain of biomechanical changes in the lower limb due to obesity. The experimental study shows some changes in foot posture and gait where obese subjects were more likely to have pronated feet, smaller joint angles in the sagittal and frontal planes, smaller cadence, and smaller stride length. Anatomically correct finite element models generated on obese subjects showed increased and altered internal and plantar stress. Altered foot posture was identified as a key indicator of increased internal stress indicating the importance of foot posture correction.  相似文献   

The direct comparison between microcharcoal and pollen data from the Holocene sediment core of Lago di Pergusa (central Sicily, Italy) led us to investigate the linkages between fire, vegetation, and climate in the Mediterranean Basin. The role of human populations in shaping the environment of the last millennia was closely examined as well. Pollen and charcoal were extracted using a standard pollen methodology and both identified from the same pollen slides. At Lago di Pergusa the importance of fire in maintaining and favouring a Mediterranean vegetation, a basic concept in ecology, seems to be inconsistent, as important fires took place in the open environments with xeric vegetation at the beginning of the Holocene well before the expansion of evergreen vegetation. On the contrary some big fires seem to have happened in the period (around 8000 years BP) in which the greatest wetness, the thickest forest canopy, and the most important expansion of submontane vegetation of the record are found. A probable explanation of this phenomenon can be found in the precipitation regime, in the increased available biomass and in the resulting increase in combustible material, indicating also that the highest humidity achieved in central Sicily during the Holocene was not strong enough to prevent fires. During this period drops in arboreal pollen concentration match in minima in the charcoal curves. Fires were practically absent during the Neolithic and Eneolithic periods and not responsible for the general trend towards aridification identified in the pollen record, at times in which prehistoric populations are generally believed to have caused forest clearance by burning. Important and frequent burnings are documented for the Bronze and Iron Ages and probably not all of them were fires of living trees, but burning of wood for producing metals, cooking or heating. The occurrence of a fire around 3700 years BP temporarily caused a minor decrease of arboreal pollen concentration. In the open landscapes of the two last millennia an almost continuous sign of regional burnings is recognized, confirming the historical evidence of an intense land use in central Sicily at least since Roman times.  相似文献   

In this study, an analysis of precipitation and temperature data has been performed over 67 series observed in a region of southern Italy (Calabria). At first, to detect possible trends in the time series, an analysis was performed with the Mann–Kendall non-parametric test applied at monthly and seasonal scale. An additional investigation, useful for checking the climate change effects on vegetation, has also been included analysing bioclimatic indicators. In particular, Emberger, Rivas-Martinez and De Martonne indices were calculated by using monthly temperature and precipitation data in the period 1916–2010. The spatial pattern of the indices has been evaluated and, in order to link the vegetation and the indices, different indices maps have been intersected with the land cover data, given by the Corine Land Cover map. Moreover, the temporal evolution of the indices and of the vegetation has been analysed. Results suggest that climate change may be responsible for the forest cover change, but, given also the good relationship between the various types of bioclimate and forest formations, human activities must be considered.  相似文献   

Neolithic settlements in the Kujawy region of central Poland are represented by seven archaeological sites which have botanical material archaeologically dated to the Linear Pottery culture (LBK) (ca. 5400-5000 cal. B.C.) and the Lengyel culture (ca. 4400-4000 cal. B.C.). The composition of plant remains suggests that Stipa pennata s.l. played a certain role in the economy of the Neolithic settlers. The presence of this xerothermic grass is best explained by local gathering rather than distant transport or coming into the sediment by chance. The finding of Hierochlo? cf. australis grains represents the first identification of this plant in archaeobotanical material from Poland. This, now rare, plant contains coumarin and for this reason could have been useful in prehistory. Other plants such as Bromus spp., Chenopodium album type, Fallopia convolvulus and Galium spp. were found in large quantities, and although common weeds now, they could also have been collected by the Neolithic settlers. Plants such as Corylus avellana and Vaccinium vitis-idaea that are typically considered to be collected as foods are present in the studied material but in very small quantities. Received September 17, 2001 / Accepted March 13, 2002  相似文献   

Detecting the early signs of stress is imperative for the conservation of natural ecosystems. They may, however, go unrecognized because ecosystems, when disturbed, may act as sinks that absorb the external impact without showing any evident changes. This seems to be the case for Lake Santo, a small water body located in a mountainous area of northern Italy. Tourism activity in this area began to develop in the early 1970s and grew continuously over the following 20 years. This activity caused a continually increasing nutrient load into the waters, but surprisingly the lake has remained oligo-mesotrophic, as it was before human pressure became a stressor to the lake. To anticipate possible severe damage to the ecosystem, we searched for early signs of stress by carrying out a retrospective analysis based on a whole-ecosystem approach using trophic flow networks. Ecosystem properties of the lake as calculated from network analysis for the disturbed (year 1991) and unimpacted (year 1973) configurations were compared, with the support of sensitivity analysis and statistical tests. We found evidence that in the period 1970–90 nutrient enrichment did change the course of normal development as the observed increase in system throughput was accompanied by a drop in the level of mutual organization of flows, which instead would be expected to increase during the natural progression of the ecosystem. The scenario that emerged from the comparison of system-level indices, cycling activity, trophic structure, and trophic efficiency indicates that the ecosystem has been subjected to stress. In particular, the type of disturbance corresponds to a quantitative definition of eutrophication.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2008,7(4):249-258
Technologic analyses of Neolithic obsidian assemblages are quite rare in Sardinia, like in the wider Western Mediterranean. Such an approach is presented here in conjunction with a visual/instrumental provenance study for the Rio Saboccu Early Neolithic (EN) site, which yielded more than 1000 obsidian artefacts. It is shown that this mostly expedient industry was realized from a non-opportunistic exploitation of the four obsidian types of the nearby Monte Arci (Sardinia) volcanic massif. The choice of the raw materials was chiefly guided by their intrinsic knapping qualities and in function of the maximum size of the expected final products; hence some selection in the (primary and/or secondary) sources exploited. The obsidian industries of EN sites from the northern Tyrrhenian area present clearly some affinities with that of Rio Saboccu and of other EN Sardinian sites, mainly those located in its vicinity. This suggests a regional influence of the EN communities settled in the proximity of the Monte Arci.  相似文献   

The application of principal component analysis to two types of habitat (the benthos of macrophytes and of central river bed) enabled us to single out some of the factors that affect the dynamics and the structure of the oligochaete population and its various reactions to environmental conditions. As regards macrophytes, the distribution of the variables on the basis of the first component is correlated, to a certain extent, with a seasonal factor without any significant differences among sites. The largest population is most closely correlated with the summer months. In fact, we found that the Naididae and Tubificidae species generally develop in larger numbers at higher temperatures. For the Tubificidae, we could detect a precise seasonal cycle. In the central river bed habitat, the first component was correlated with the river discharge, which determines the granulometric characteristics of the sediment; we noticed a correlation among the sites that have the same characteristics, regardless of sampling site or date. The species which correlate most closely among themselves are the Tubificidae Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Tubifex tubifex, L. udekemianus and L. profundicola, which are very characteristic of environments that contain abundant organic matter. The second component is correlated with temperature, and hence with the availability of oxygen, which determines the presence and the abundance of more sensitive species.  相似文献   

This study aimed to show how the importance of edible wild plants regards not only a question of uses linked to folk traditions but also their value in human nutrition. Data on the use of 50 species were collected through informed consent semi-structured interviews with local informants. They were eaten raw in salads (43%), boiled (35%), as ravioli filling (10%), fried without or with eggs (8%) and in vegetable soup (4%). Furthermore, the nutraceutical analysis centred on four of the commonly used wild edible plants demonstrates how these species contain many of the so-called minor nutrients, such as antioxidising vitamins and polyphenols, which were highest in Sanguisorba minor L.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis based on osteological characters of some Neogene and Recent phasianids is performed. Phylogenetic tree shows close relationships of Plioperdix with Ammoperdix and Tologuica with Excalfactoria. Chauvireria is at the base of the clade (Alectoris + (Coturnix + (Excalfactoria + Tologuica))). Palaeoperdix is relatively close to the lineage of large pheasants.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the methods of skeletal age estimation have rekindled interest in their applicability to paleodemography. The current study contributes to the discussion by applying several long established as well as recently developed or refined aging methods to a subsample of 121 adult skeletons from the early medieval cemetery of Lauchheim. The skeletal remains were analyzed by 13 independent observers using a variety of aging techniques (complex method and other multimethod approaches, Transition Analysis, cranial suture closure, auricular surface method, osteon density method, tooth root translucency measurement, and tooth cementum annulation counting). The age ranges and mean age estimations were compared and results indicate that all methods showed smaller age ranges for the younger individuals, but broader age ranges for the older age groups.  相似文献   

Pollution of rivers is an increasing problem that affects biological diversity and structure of natural ecosystem. The present study reported the results of the preliminary analysis of diatom and macroinvertebrate communities of river Picentino (Italy, Campania) in respect of the WFD/60/2000/EC. Because of the sensitive to a variety of environmental factors the two categories of organism are used as excellent indicators of changes taking place in water ecosystems, especially eutrophication. Sampling of benthic diatoms and macroinvertebrates has been carried out in five stations along the river during April–May 2014 in order to apply the ICMi and the STAR_ICMi and assess river quality. The data showed a diversification in diatomic and macroinvertebrate communities in relation to environmental stresses and level of pollution, with the disappearance of species higher sensitive to eutrophication and organic load in the upper course of the river. River water quality was found to deteriorate from the upperstream to the downstream because of the increasing of human impact and the intensive agriculture activity along the river.We conclude that the monitoring of diatomic and macroinvertebrate communities could give detailed information about the ecological status of rivers. However it is necessary to increase the achieved data by monitoring other biological communities in order to define adequated strategies to save and preserve the rivers habitat.  相似文献   

The Miocene carbonate deposits of Scontrone (Abruzzo, Central Italy) are well known among palaeontologists because of their fossil vertebrate content that exhibits striking similarities to those of the remarkable “Terre Rosse” faunal complex of the Gargano region, defining the existence of the Miocene Central Mediterranean Apulia paleobioprovince. The main goal of this paper is to establish the age and environment of the Scontrone vertebrate bonebeds. The vertebrate remains are embedded in the basal portion of the Lithothamnion Limestone, a widespread carbonate-ramp lithosome representative of the Tortonian-early Messinian transgression over the entire Apulia Platform. The bonebeds belong to marginal-marine deposits (here called “Scontrone calcarenites”) preserved in a small area below transgressive ravinement surfaces. The rapid vertical and lateral facies variations displayed by the “Scontrone calcarenites”, together with paleoenvironmental considerations deriving from the vertebrate association, document a complex wave-dominated river-mouth depositional setting developed over a large, flat and semi-arid carbonate ramp. The “Scontrone calcarenites” have been split herein into five facies associations representing the stratigraphic response to a discontinuous or punctuated transgression within an overall rise of the relative sea level. Because of the absence of age-diagnostic fossils, the age of the “Scontrone calcarenites” cannot be directly defined through their paleontological content. However, a regional stratigraphic correlation between the Lithothamnion Limestone of Scontrone and the Lithothamnion Limestone of northern Majella, which is biostratigraphically well constrained, allows the attribution of the “Scontrone calcarenites” to the Tortonian.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in osteoarcheological series relies on the identification of osseous lesions caused by the disease. The study of identified skeletal collections provides the opportunity to investigate the distribution of skeletal lesions in relation to this disease. The aim of this study was to examine the skeletal evidence for TB in late adolescent and adult individuals from the identified human collection of the Certosa cemetery of Bologna (Italy, 19th–20th c.). The sample group consists of 244 individuals (138 males, 106 females) ranging from 17 to 88 years of age. The sample was divided into three groups on the basis of the recorded cause of death: TB (N = 64), pulmonary non‐TB (N = 29), and other diseases (N = 151). Skeletal lesions reported to be related to TB were analyzed. The vertebral lesions were classified into three types: enlarged foramina (EnF, vascular foramina with diameter of 3–5 mm), erosions (ER), and other foramina (OtF, cavities of various shapes > 3 mm). A CT scan analysis was also performed on vertebral bodies. Some lesions were seldom present in our sample (e.g., tuberculous arthritis). OtF (23.7%) and subperiosteal new bone formation on ribs (54.2%) are significantly more frequent in the TB group with respect to the other groups. The CT scan analysis showed that the vertebrae of individuals who have died of TB may have internal cavities in the absence of external lesions. These traits represent useful elements in the paleopathological diagnosis of TB. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:389–401, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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