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梁艳  赵杰  王来  姜静 《生物学杂志》2006,23(6):19-23
以腹足纲贝壳香螺壳为研究对象,用弱酸去钙法进行蛋白提取,采用280纳米(A280)光吸收法测定蛋白含量,并通过聚丙烯酰胺(SDS-PAGE)凝胶电泳法对蛋白按照分子量大小的区别进行分离.实验结果表明香螺壳中蛋白含量和种类较少,其文石层比方解石层蛋白含量高的多,总量分别为0.89%和0.0533%;文石层分离出五种分子量的可溶性蛋白和四种分子量的不可溶性蛋白;而方解石层中分离出三种分子量的可溶性蛋白和三种分子量的不可溶性蛋白,且分子量不相同.正是这少量的蛋白质对贝壳的生物矿化过程和不同晶型的形成起着决定性作用.  相似文献   

The scanning electron microscope has been used to describe the morphology of the mature shell in a fresh-water bivalve. The structure of the organic and inorganic components within the nacre, the myostracum, and the prismatic layer is described. A transitional or intermediate zone, interposed between the prismatic layer and the nacre, was identified. In demineralized samples, the organic component of the nacre was found to consist of parallel matricial sheets interconnected by irregular transverse bridges. The structure of the mineral component of the nacre was found to vary with the method of specimen preparation. With polished-etched samples, brick-like units were seen. When shells were simply broken and fixed in osmium, the layers of nacreous material consisted of fusing rhomboidal crystals of aragonite which demonstrated subconchoidal fractures. On the inner surface of the shell, the rhomboidal crystals showed an apparent spiral growth pattern. The myostracum was characterized by regions of modified nacreous structure consisting of enlarged aragonite crystals with a pyramidal morphology. The peripheral aspect of the muscle scars was characterized by rhomboidal crystals, the latter fusing to form the typical nacreous laminae. The uniqueness of the anterior adductor scar is exemplified by the presence of pores, each pore walled by pyramidal units, for the insertion of adductor fibres. In most regions of the shell, the prismatic layer consisted of one prism unit thickness with a height of approximately 225–250 μm. However, in two specialized regions of the shell, this layer was seen to consist of multiple layers of stacked prisms. The organic matrices of the prismatic layer are arranged in a honeycomb-like arrangement and packed with mineralized spherical subunits.  相似文献   

Forty‐three forest sites in seven sampling areas in mountainous parts of Transylvania were sampled to obtain inventories of their snail faunas, and to make comparisons between these and the faunas of similar sites further north along the Carpathian chain. Sampling areas ran from close to the Ukrainian border in the north to Retezat in the south‐west. Altogether, 83 species were found, as well as between 19 and 40 species at individual sites. Sites within the same sampling area had more species in common than in among‐area comparisons, although differences between areas did not relate to the distance between them. Such differences appear to be related more to ecological factors than to geography. Faunas of all areas were very similar to those recorded from the Polish and Ukrainian Carpathians; distance from these northern faunas had little effect on similarity. More broadly, the fauna of these forests shows a much greater affinity to those of countries to the north than to those of countries to the south. Despite the survival of forests through the last glacial period of the Pleistocene, and the greater proximity to potential Mediterranean refugia, these faunas appear to be mainly a subset of those found further north. They represent a rather small proportion of the known Romanian fauna, in which there are many endemics restricted to other habitats. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 471–479.  相似文献   

Temperature controlled differentially pumped environmental chambers now allow more routine examination of wet specimens in the electron microscope. A sensitive test of their efficiency is the ability to provide high resolution electron diffraction patterns from wet, unfixed protein microcrystals. Fortunately, wet specimens can be prepared with only a few tens of nanometers thickness of remaining water, so extraneous electron scattering by liquid water can be kept to a minimum. It still remains to be determined whether microprobe analysis (X-ray or electron energy-loss spectroscopy) using wet specimens gives better element localization in cells than the current freezing methods. More extensive comparisons are also required of the ultrastructural preservation and visibility of macromolecules immersed in a thin layer of water vs immersion in a thin layer of amorphous ice. However, the recent introduction of commercial forms of the necessary equipment now make these comparisons more feasible.  相似文献   

Although frequent studies have been made on the benthos assemblages living in the Southern Ocean, few studies have dealt with molluscan assemblages and ecology. During the research programmes BENTART carried out in austral summers of 2003 and 2006 in a study area including Low Island, West Antarctic Peninsula, Bellingshausen Sea and Peter I Island, 45 stations were sampled using quantitative box-corer, Agassiz trawl, epibenthic sledge and rock dredge, at depths of 53–3,304 m. These data were used to search and analyse the malacological assemblages. A total of 2,889 living specimens of molluscs belonging to 139 species of shelled Gastropoda, Bivalvia and Scaphopoda were recoded. Gastropods were the best-represented in species richness, but the bivalves accounted the major abundance and Cyamiocardium denticulatum (460 individuals) was the most abundant species. Species richness varied from 1 to 37 species and diversity showed great variations at different stations. Four groups of stations of low similarities and some differences in faunistic composition were observed: one that gathers the Antarctic Peninsula and Peter I Island, one that also includes the Low Island, and two composed by stations of Bellingshausen Sea.  相似文献   

Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is a useful tool for gathering crystallographic information from carbonate biominerals because it maps out the orientation of crystal grains very precisely. EBSD has become popular in invertebrate palaeontology but its application in vertebrate palaeontology remains limited. However, the study of fossil eggshells is a field where EBSD has wide potential applicability and provides a quantitative approach to fossil eggshell research as well as new qualitative data. Here we analyse fossil and extant maniraptoran dinosaur eggshells using EBSD analysis emphasizing four different aspects. The mapping imaging clarifies previously ambiguous characters such as squamatic ultrastructure and allows a more objective evaluation of avian and non‐avian maniraptoran eggshell. In particular, our results imply that the presence of an external zone in the manirpatoran eggshell is not diagnostic of avian eggshell. EBSD analysis can be also used for differentiating true pore canals from cracks in the eggshell radial section, thereby determining the biological genuineness or otherwise of a pore‐like structure. Finally, the misorientation angle distribution of the material shows a clear dichotomy that may reflect reproductive brooding strategy, although further studies on contact incubation of palaeognaths and neognaths are needed to confirm this.  相似文献   

Lenses within the schizochroal eyes of phacopine trilobites are made principally of calcite, and characterization of them using light microscopy and high‐resolution electron imaging and diffraction has revealed an array of microstructural arrangements that suggest a common original pattern across the suborder. The low convexity lenses of Odontochile hausmanni and Dalmanites sp. contain calcite fibres termed trabeculae. The c axis of trabecular calcite lies parallel to the lens axis, and adjacent trabeculae are distinguished by small differences in their a axis orientations. Despite the common alignment, the boundaries between trabeculae cross‐cut the c axis as they fan out towards the lens base. Trabeculae are absent from the lens immediately beneath the visual surface, and instead, a radial fringe is present and is composed of micrometre‐thick sheets of calcite whose c axes are oriented at a low angle to the visual surface. High convexity lenses are more common than those of lower convexity among the species studied, and they have a much thicker radial fringe. Beneath this fringe, all of the lens calcite is oriented with its c axis parallel to the lens axis and it lacks trabeculae. We propose that both the high and low convexity lenses formed by rapid growth of calcite from a surface that migrated inwards from the cornea, and they may have had an amorphous calcium carbonate precursor. The trabeculae and radial fringes are unlikely to have had any beneficial effect on the transmission or focusing of light, but rather are the outcomes of an elegant solution to the problem of how to construct a biconvex lens from a crystalline solid.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, progress has been made toward understanding the mechanisms of coralline algae mineralization. However, the relationship between the mineral phase and the organic matrix in coralline algae has not yet been thoroughly examined. The aim of this study was to describe the cell wall ultrastructure of Lithothamnion crispatum, a cosmopolitan rhodolith‐forming coralline algal species collected near Salvador (Brazil), and examine the relationship between the organic matrix and the nucleation and growth/shape modulation of calcium carbonate crystals. A nanostructured pattern was observed in L. crispatum along the cell walls. At the nanoscale, the crystals from L. crispatum consisted of several single crystallites assembled and associated with organic material. The crystallites in the bulk of the cell wall had a high level of spatial organization. However, the crystals displayed cleavages in the (104) faces after ultrathin sectioning with a microtome. This organism is an important model for biomineralization studies as the crystallographic data do not fit in any of the general biomineralization processes described for other organisms. Biomineralization in L. crispatum is dependent on both the soluble and the insoluble organic matrix, which are involved in the control of mineral formation and organizational patterns through an organic matrix‐mediated process. This knowledge concerning the mineral composition and organizational patterns of crystals within the cell walls should be taken into account in future studies of changing ocean conditions as they represent important factors influencing the physico‐chemical interactions between rhodoliths and the environment in coralline reefs.  相似文献   

Aim The New Zealand terrestrial mollusc fauna is among the most speciose in the world, with often remarkably high richness at lowland forest sites. We sought to elucidate general explanations for patterns of richness in terrestrial mollusc communities by analysis of species coexistence and habitat relationships within a New Zealand district fauna. Location Pukeamaru Ecological District, eastern North Island, New Zealand. Methods We sampled molluscs using qualitative methods at twenty-three sites and quantitatively by frame sampling of scrubland-forest floor litter at sixteen of these sites and analysed patterns of species richness and turnover in relation to regional species pools and local habitat attributes. We then tested for nonrandom assemblage of taxa along diversity and habitat gradients. Results Ninety-four indigenous mollusc species were recorded from a district fauna estimated at 102 indigenous species: only two species were endemic. From the presumptive geological history of the district, the low endemism, and Brooks parsimony and indicator species analyses of faunal relationships, the communities were indicated to have resulted by accumulation of colonists from other New Zealand districts since the Miocene. Richness ranged from two or three indigenous species in dune habitats to fifty-nine species in a floristically rich forest. Beta diversity was high and site occupancy per species was low, indicating communities structured by successive replacement of ecological equivalents. Sites differing in vegetation had characteristic species assemblages, indicating a degree of habitat specialization. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that canopy tree species, canopy height, floristic diversity, altitude, litter mass, and litter pH were important determinants of species assemblage in scrubland and forest. Richness was strongly associated with site floristic diversity and, for litter-dwelling species, the pH of litter substrate. High richness occurred at those sites supporting molluscs in high abundance. Shell-shape distributions were essentially Cainian unimodal, with communities dominated by snail species with subglobose to discoidal shells. Mean and variance of shell size increased with mollusc species richness and floristic diversity at sites, indicating dominance of communities by small-shelled species at early successional or floristically poor sites, and increased richness resulting from addition of larger snails into vacant niches. Shifts in shell form were associated with sympatry in several congeneric taxa. Main conclusions The underdispersion of shell shape, relative to faunas elsewhere in the world, indicates that community structure in New Zealand land snail faunas has been constrained by limited phylogenetic diversity and/or by convergence upon successful adaptations. The remarkably high richness that characterizes these communities indicates special conditions allow coexistence of numerous species. The relationship between floristic diversity at sites and the richness, diversity, and shell-size distributions of the molluscs suggests assemblages structured around niche partitioning among competing species. While there is an element of congruence between vegetation and mollusc pattern, this study indicates that assembly rules will be defined, and spatial pattern predicted, only through a better understanding of the linkage between regional species pool, organism traits, environment, and local community assemblage.  相似文献   

Mineral cell coverings are found in various protists. Some macroalgae accumulate calcium carbonate in the intercellular space, and some unicellular organisms use calcium carbonate or silica for the construction of loricas, scales, and frustules. Diatoms are representatives of those utilizing silica for the material of the cell covering called a frustule. The development of the frustule is initiated in a silica-deposition vesicle (SDV), which occurs just beneath the plasma membrane and, subsequently, the silicified cell covering expands its area, following the expansion of the SDV from valve face to valve mantle. Sequential valve development with whole valves is reviewed in several diatoms placed in different phylogenetic positions. Every diatom commences its valve formation from its pattern center and then develops by means of individual procedures. The results indicate that the valve development reflects the phylogeny of diatoms. In addition, recent progress in silica biomineralization is briefly reviewed, and the phylogeny of ability concerning siliceous cell covering formation is inferred. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Fryer, Greenwood & Peake (1983) have recently criticized my analysis of morphological variation in a sequence of Plio-Pleistocene freshwater molluse faunas from the Turkana Basin in E Africa, and question my conclusions that these faunas document speciation and the punctuated equilibrium model of evolutionary change. Unfortunately, these authors misinterpret the nature of the phenotypic variation in African freshwater molluscs and its relevance to my study, and apparently misunderstand punctuated equilibrium theory. Although the majority of their criticisms are therefore erroneous, certain of the points they raise are important: they are addressed here.  相似文献   

Summary Respiration rates of the forest floor, exclusive of the L layer, and of the mineral horizons from three soils developed under pine and hardwoods in the North Carolina Piedmont were measured with a Warburg respirometer. Respiration, based on carbon content of the soil, decreased with depth through the A1 horizon, but subdivisions of the A2 showed no difference. When all soil layers were considered, there were no significant differences in respiration between cover type or soil series. However, in the least decomposed organic layer, the F1, respiration of pine litter was 77 per cent of that of hardwood litter, and respiration of Georgeville or Colfax soils was only 58 per cent of that of Iredell soil. Regression analyses, primarily with inorganic soil nutrient factors, accounted for over 90 per cent of the variation in respiration in the organic layers but for less than 50 per cent in the mineral soil under hardwoods. Up to 15 factors were included in equations, but four factors explained at least 70 per cent of the variation accounted for by regression.Principal Soil Scientists, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, South-eastern Forest Experiment Station, Forestry Sciences Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, N. C. Mention of commercial products in this paper does not constitute endorsement by the U. S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with relating thermoluminescence to the total free-energy change, G, involved in detrapping a particular electron-hole pair as a photosynthetic sample is warmed from an initial low temperature. It extends a mathematical discussion of four possible mechanisms introduced in an earlier paper [DeVault, Govindjee and Arnold, Proc Nat'l Acad Sci USA 80: 983–987 (1983)]; here, particular attention is paid to the dependence of the absolute temperature of the maximum of a glow-peak, T m , on the total free-energy change, G. The conclusion from the cases studied is that T m =G/(k B W) where G is evaluated at T m , W is a complicated function of temperature and of thermodynamic parameters in the steps of the mechanism, and k B is the Boltzmann constant. If the rate limiting step in the mechanism of detrapping is not preceded by any step in which G is appreciably negative, W is likely to have a value of about 33 and T m is approximately proportional to G. Otherwise W can become much smaller and more strongly dependent on temperature and T m is no longer proportional to G. These conclusions are of significance in lending theoretical support to the practice of inferring redox midpoint potential changes from shifts in T m .  相似文献   

水溶性有机物电子转移能力及其生态效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毕冉  周顺桂  袁田  庄莉  袁勇 《生态学报》2013,33(1):45-52
水溶性有机物(Dissolved organic matter,DOM)是生态系统最为活跃的有机物组分,参与众多物理、化学及生物过程.DOM具有电子转移能力,主要原因在于结构中包含的醌基官能团,通过醌、半醌和氢醌之间的可逆转化完成电子转移过程.DOM作为电子穿梭体,循环参与电子转移的能力是其发挥生态效应的重要体现.研究表明,DOM可以通过氧化还原反应介导环境中Cr(Ⅵ)、Hg(Ⅱ)等重金属及卤代烃、硝基芳香化合物等持久性有机污染物降解转化.综述了DOM电子转移能力机理、途径及可循环性,电子转移能力测定方法,以及DOM电子转移能力的生态效应并展望研究方向.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Dinaride Lake System, as one of the largest freshwater systems in the Neogene of Europe, is widely known for its exceptional mollusc fauna. During the Early and Middle Miocene, it displayed a major evolutionary hotspot resulting in a high level of endemicity. Despite advanced investigations in that region, comprehensive knowledge on the mollusc fauna of the Kupres basin is largely lacking. The herein presented results give insight into this outstandingly preserved fauna and are the base for a systematic revision of several supraspecific taxa among the Hydrobiidae. Because their phylogeny is poorly known, this study may serve as starting point for an overall systematic revision of this highly diverse family. Moreover, the faunal composition allows inferences on palaeobiogeography and hydrological connections within the Dinaride Lake System during the early Middle Miocene. About one‐third of the described taxa are restricted to the Kupres basin. The other taxa document faunistic relations to the coeval faunas of the Sinj, Drni? and D?epi basins. Phases of hydrological isolation, indicated by carbonate dominated lithology, coincide with a high frequency of sculptured morphologies within the gastropods. Phases of increased aridity led to high evaporation, a lowered lake level and enhanced carbonate production which seem to have promoted strongly calcified shells. The stratigraphic ranges of the species imply a depositional age of 15.5 ± 0.2 Ma (earliest Middle Miocene; Langhian). Among the Hydrobiidae Cyclothyrella gen. nov. and Pseudodianella gen. nov. are introduced as new genera. Bania obliquaecostata sp. nov., Melanopsis corici sp. nov., Nematurella vrabaci sp. nov., Prososthenia diaphoros sp. nov. and Prososthenia undocostata sp. nov. are described as new species. For the secondary homonym Melanopsis bittneri (Neumayr, 1880), the new name Melanopsis medinae nom. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary The growing ends of rat incisors were freeze-dried and embedded in methacrylate without contact with any other solution. Dentine from alcohol and formalin fixed human teeth was also embedded in methacrylate. Ultrathin sections were prepared and electron micrographs taken at original magnifications of X20 000 and X40 000. The best focussed pictures from through focus series were selected for photographic enlargement to a total of X200 000. 507 measurements of the distance between dot-like nuclei in the calcium phosphate needles and chains and 536 measurements of the distance between the neighbouring parallel chains and needles were made using a measuring microscope. In addition, the most commonly occurring separation distances between the dot-like nuclei — within individual rows or between neighbouring rows—were measured by laser diffraction of the x20 000 EM negatives.The most commonly occurring range for the distance between the dot-like nuclei and the lateral distance between the rows as determined morphologically was 3.7–6.3 nm. The corresponding value as determined by laser diffraction for the recently formed rat incisor dentine lay in the region 3.0–5.2 nm, whereas the same value reached to 6.5 nm in the case of mature human dentine. The distances between the dot-like nuclei are regarded as representing the distances between active nucleus-inducing centres on a chain-like matrix. From a study of the morphology of the nuclei it is concluded that the plate-like crystallites usually arise through fusion of needle-like rows of dot-like nuclei when these lie close and parallel to one another.We thank Frau G. Neinhardt, Frau R. Höhling and Mr. P. S. Reynolds for their valuable technical assistance. We thank the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Medical Research Council for their financial support.We thank the Landesamt für Forschung des Landes N.R.W. for the laser equipment.  相似文献   

The study of the dynamics of mollusc populations of the Saône and its two main tributaries, the Doubs and Ognon, over several years has provided us with the opportunity of highlighting the consequences of climatic warming and especially of the heatwave of 2003 on these organisms. From 1987 to 2003, the mean temperature of the waters of the Saône upstream of Lyon (Couzon) increased by 1.5°C. In addition, the summer of 2003 was the hottest since 1500 at least. We used correspondence analysis to identify structure change in mollusc data dating from September 1996 to December 2004. The results revealed: (1) during the period from September 1996 to July 2003, a significant progressive change in the mollusc community structure of the Saône upstream of Lyon, probably linked to the increase of temperature; (2) from July to August 2003 during the heatwave, a sudden change in the structure of mollusc communities and a significant decrease of species richness and density of gastropods and bivalves. During 2004, mollusc density and particularly that of Pisidium remained dramatically low. Similar observations were performed at four other sites along the Saône and in the lower reaches of its two main tributaries. This suggests that the resilience of the mollusc populations (i.e., the speed with which they return to a predisturbance state) to the heatwave is low. In this way, as different climatic models have predicted an increase in the frequency of summers as hot as that of 2003 during this century, more than half the mollusc species currently inhabiting the potamic area of the Saône, Doubs and Ognon, and probably other large rivers, are probably directly threatened with extinction.  相似文献   

The calcitic prisms of the shells of two bivalves, Pinna and Pinctada, are considered simple prisms according to some morphological and mineralogical characteristics. Scanning electron microscopic and atomic force microscopic studies show that the microstructures and nanostructures of these two shells are different. Pinna prisms are monocrystalline, whereas Pinctada prisms are not. Moreover, intraprismatic membranes are present only in the Pinctada prisms. The soluble organic matrices extracted from these prisms are acidic, but their bulk compositions differ. Ultraviolet and infrared spectrometries, fluorescence, high pressure liquid chromatography, and electrophoresis show that the sugar-protein ratios and the molecular weights are different. Sulfur is mainly associated with acidic sulfated sugars, not with amino acids, and the role of acidic sulfated sugars is still underestimated. Thus, the simple prism concept is not a relevant model for the biomineralization processes in the calcitic prismatic layer of mollusk shells.  相似文献   

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