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Zhang J  Cai L  Cheng J  Mao H  Fan X  Meng Z  Chan KM  Zhang H  Qi J  Ji L  Hong Y 《Transgenic research》2008,17(2):293-306
While genetically modified upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties are ranked among the most successful genetically modified organisms (GMO), there is little knowledge on transgene integration in the cotton genome, partly because of the difficulty in obtaining large numbers of transgenic plants. In this study, we analyzed 139 independently derived T0 transgenic cotton plants transformed by Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain AGL1 carrying a binary plasmid pPZP-GFP. It was found by PCR that as many as 31% of the plants had integration of vector backbone sequences. Of the 110 plants with good genomic Southern blot results, 37% had integration of a single T-DNA, 24% had two T-DNA copies and 39% had three or more copies. Multiple copies of the T-DNA existed either as repeats in complex loci or unlinked loci. Our further analysis of two T1 populations showed that segregants with a single T-DNA and no vector sequence could be obtained from T0 plants having multiple T-DNA copies and vector sequence. Out of the 57 T-DNA/T-DNA junctions cloned from complex loci, 27 had canonical T-DNA tandem repeats, the rest (30) had deletions to T-DNAs or had inclusion of vector sequences. Overlapping micro-homology was present for most of the T-DNA/T-DNA junctions (38/57). Right border (RB) ends of the T-DNA were precise while most left border (LB) ends (64%) had truncations to internal border sequences. Sequencing of collinear vector integration outside LB in 33 plants gave evidence that collinear vector sequence was determined in agrobacterium culture. Among the 130 plants with characterized flanking sequences, 12% had the transgene integrated into coding sequences, 12% into repetitive sequences, 7% into rDNAs. Interestingly, 7% had the transgene integrated into chloroplast derived sequences. Nucleotide sequence comparison of target sites in cotton genome before and after T-DNA integration revealed overlapping microhomology between target sites and the T-DNA (8/8), deletions to cotton genome in most cases studied (7/8) and some also had filler sequences (3/8). This information on T-DNA integration in cotton will facilitate functional genomic studies and further crop improvement.  相似文献   

陆地棉核不育株扦插繁殖与宿生保持及杂种优势利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用广西南宁冬季无霜冻的气候特点,对陆地棉(Gossypium hirsutum L.)洞A细胞核雄性不育扦插株与宿生株及其杂交一代进行比较研究.结果表明:(1)1 a生扦插株开花较早,茎粗、主茎节间长度、铃重、子指4个性状显著好于实生株,但扦插株的种子产量显著低于实生株,其原因是果枝扦插形成的僵苗占扦插株的23.04%,而且扦插株全为不育株,实生株中则有50%左右的可育株;(2)2 a生扦插株性状与实生株无显著差异;(3)由扦插繁殖的不育株和种子繁殖的不育株配制的杂交F1代的产量与纤维品质无显著差异.因此认为,扦插繁殖陆地棉核不育株用于多年杂交制种是可行的,选择营养枝扦插是陆地棉核不育株扦插繁殖需要注意的关键问题. 宿生株及其杂交一代进行比较研究.结果表明:(1)1 a生扦插株开花较早,茎粗、主茎节间长度、铃重、子指4个性状显著好于实生株,但扦插株的种子产量显著低于实生株,其原因是果枝扦插形成的僵苗占扦插株的23.04%,而且扦插株全为不育株,实生株中则有50%左右的可育株;(2)2 a生扦插株性状与实生株无显著差异;(3)由扦插繁殖的不育株和种子繁殖的不育株配制的杂交F1代的产量与纤维品质无显著差异.因此认 ,扦插繁殖陆地棉核不育株用于多年杂交制种是可行的,选择营养枝扦插是陆地棉核不育株扦插繁殖需  相似文献   

The nucleolar size in cotton fibres has been examined at earlystages of growth by light microscopy. The volumes of the nucleoliwere computed from the perimeters measured by means of a projectionmicroscope. The frequency distributions were normal at eachstage. The mean nucleolar volume increased rapidly, reacheda maximum around 10 d after anthesis and declined to a constantvalue around 20 d after anthesis. The nucleolar growth patternsof some prediction models have been compared with the in situobservations. This comparison suggests a simultaneous increasein nucleolar size in all fibres within a population. Therefore,the hypothesis that the size of the fibres is correlated withthe size of resident nucleoli, is favoured. Gossypium hirsutum, cotton fibre, nucleolus, cell differentiation  相似文献   

The round-leafed mutant cotton line L-501 developed fasciation of the upper stem when field grown in Central Asia. Fasciation co-segregated with the mutant gene for round leaves In. l Fasciation developed at the flowering stage, but removal of floral buds did not prevent fasciation. Fasciation in L-501 could be inhibited by the gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis inhibitor chlorocholine chloride or by fusicoccin. GA3 application in the field induced fasciation in the mutant's parental line L-463, which has five-lobed leaves and does not normally develop fasciation. Fasciation did not develop in either line, even after GA3 treatment, in UK glasshouse conditions. Received June 17, 1998; accepted January 25, 1999  相似文献   

Salinization usually plays a primary role in soil degradation, which consequently reduces agricultural productivity. In this study, the effects of salinity on growth parameters, ion, chlorophyll, and proline content, photosynthesis, antioxidant enzyme activities, and lipid peroxidation of two cotton cultivars, [CCRI-79 (salt tolerant) and Simian 3 (salt sensitive)], were evaluated. Salinity was investigated at 0 mM, 80 mM, 160 mM, and 240 mM NaCl for 7 days. Salinity induced morphological and physiological changes, including a reduction in the dry weight of leaves and roots, root length, root volume, average root diameter, chlorophyll and proline contents, net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance. In addition, salinity caused ion imbalance in plants as shown by higher Na+ and Cl contents and lower K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ concentrations. Ion imbalance was more pronounced in CCRI-79 than in Simian3. In the leaves and roots of the salt-tolerant cultivar CCRI-79, increasing levels of salinity increased the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and glutathione reductase (GR), but reduced catalase (CAT) activity. The activities of SOD, CAT, APX, and GR in the leaves and roots of CCRI-79 were higher than those in Simian 3. CAT and APX showed the greatest H2O2 scavenging activity in both leaves and roots. Moreover, CAT and APX activities in conjunction with SOD seem to play an essential protective role in the scavenging process. These results indicate that CCRI-79 has a more effective protection mechanism and mitigated oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation by maintaining higher antioxidant activities than those in Simian 3. Overall, the chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and Chl (a+b) contents, net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance, SOD, CAT, APX, and GR activities showed the most significant variation between the two cotton cultivars.  相似文献   

Redroot pigweed is one of the injurious agricultural weeds on a worldwide basis. Understanding of its interference impact in crop field will provide useful information for weed control programs. The effects of redroot pigweed on cotton at densities of 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 plants m-1 of row were evaluated in field experiments conducted in 2013 and 2014 at Institute of Cotton Research, CAAS in China. Redroot pigweed remained taller and thicker than cotton and heavily shaded cotton throughout the growing season. Both cotton height and stem diameter reduced with increasing redroot pigweed density. Moreover, the interference of redroot pigweed resulted in a delay in cotton maturity especially at the densities of 1 to 8 weed plants m-1 of row, and cotton boll weight and seed numbers per boll were reduced. The relationship between redroot pigweed density and seed cotton yield was described by the hyperbolic decay regression model, which estimated that a density of 0.20–0.33 weed plant m-1 of row would result in a 50% seed cotton yield loss from the maximum yield. Redroot pigweed seed production per plant or per square meter was indicated by logarithmic response. At a density of 1 plant m-1 of cotton row, redroot pigweed produced about 626,000 seeds m-2. Intraspecific competition resulted in density-dependent effects on weed biomass per plant, a range of 430–2,250 g dry weight by harvest. Redroot pigweed biomass ha-1 tended to increase with increasing weed density as indicated by a logarithmic response. Fiber quality was not significantly influenced by weed density when analyzed over two years; however, the fiber length uniformity and micronaire were adversely affected at density of 1 weed plant m-1 of row in 2014. The adverse impact of redroot pigweed on cotton growth and development identified in this study has indicated the need of effective redroot pigweed management.  相似文献   

陆地棉优质纤维渐渗系中外源遗传组分的鉴定与分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲁原343是一个渐渗了海岛棉优质纤维基因的陆地棉种质,对其渐渗的优质纤维片段进行鉴定,对利用优质纤维渐渗系改良陆地棉品种的纤维品质具有重要意义。本研究以综合性状优良的转基因抗虫棉鲁棉研22号与鲁原343杂交构建作图群体,利用317对SSR引物对鲁原343和鲁棉研22号进行多态性分析,有24对引物表现多态。利用这些引物进一步和TM-1、优质纤维渐渗片段的供体Ash imoun i作比较,初步鉴定出10个SSR位点与海岛棉渐渗有关。利用这些标记分析(鲁棉研22×鲁原343)F2群体的标记基因型和纤维品质性状的关系,6个标记与纤维品质显著相关,涉及到4条染色体。其中与伸长率相关的标记BNL2986(R2=5.87%)和与长度、细度相关的标记NAU751(R2=6.62%,6.01%)同位于16号染色体的连锁群LG1上,标记间距离为17.7 cM;与纤维成熟度相关的标记BNL3590(R2=8.62%)和与成熟度、伸长率相关的标记BNL3971(R2=15.0%,9.79%)位于2号染色体的连锁群LG3上,标记间距离为4.5 cM;与纤维强度相关的标记BNL3279(R2=8.12%)和与细度相关的标记BNL827(R2=13.94%)分别位于LGD02和25号染色体上。  相似文献   

棉花体细胞增殖和胚胎发生中的细胞程序性死亡   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
棉花组织培养中愈伤组织褐化可能与细胞程序性死亡(PCD)有关.对棉花组培中不同时期的愈伤组织DNA进行琼脂糖电泳,观察到:仅在第一次愈伤组织继代后10 d左右和愈伤组织第一次继代到分化培养基中培养10 d左右,愈伤组织的DNA产生了180 bp左右的片断或其整数倍片断大小的DNA带,呈DNA梯(DNA ladder)状电泳,说明在这两个时期PCD达到了高峰.在这两次PCD高峰后1周均出现愈伤组织大规模的褐化死亡.显微镜观察到第一次PCD发生高峰的愈伤组织存在许多管状、内含物少的细胞,这些细胞分布在愈伤组织的边缘和内部;第二次PCD发生高峰观察到体细胞胚胎分化、PCD细胞的木栓化和水渍化.对体细胞胚胎分化时期的原生质体进行荧光染色(DAPI),荧光显微镜下观察到发生细胞程序性死亡的细胞核浓缩、染色质凝聚、结块、边缘化和形成PCD小体.  相似文献   

两个棉花Rac蛋白基因的克隆与表达分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为研究棉花纤维起始和伸长的分子机理,在棉花纤维EST序列分析的基础上,从棉花纤维中扩增并克隆了2个棉花Rac蛋白的cDNA基因,分别命名为GhRacA和GhRacB。GhRacA cDNA长959bp,推测的编码蛋白包含211个氨基酸。GhRacB cDNA长920bp,编码195个氨基酸的蛋白。GhRacA和GhRacB蛋白均含有GTP/GDP结合和激活区域、Effector区和碱性氨基酸区。GhRacB的C末端有保守的异戊烯基化位点CSIL,而GhRacA没有明显的异戊烯基化位点。序列比较分析表明,GhRacA和GhRacB是2个新的棉花Rac蛋白。RT-PCR分析表明,GhRacA和GhRacB在根、下胚轴、茎、叶和纤维中都有表达,但均在棉花纤维起始和伸长时期有优势表达,推测2个基因在棉花纤维的早期发育中可能有重要的功能。  相似文献   

棉花高频体细胞胚胎发生及再生体系建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
棉花的体细胞胚胎发生率低,限制了转基因棉花的发展。为了扩大可再生棉花的基因型,发展新疆优质棉花的特点,以新疆的主要栽培品种新陆早33为材料,以下胚轴为外植体,使用葡萄糖,麦芽糖作为主要碳源,用Phytagel固化,对不同激素的浓度组合和培养条件进行探索,对棉花胚性愈伤的诱导到体细胞胚胎的发生阶段进行优化,体细胞胚胎成熟以后进行萌发培养可以获得正常的植株。通过试验证明,有利于棉花的愈伤组织生长的激素浓度为KT 0.1 mg/L,2,4-D 0.1 mg/L,下胚轴的中部诱导愈伤形态最好。体细胞胚胎发生阶段以KT,IBA组合,以低盐培养基进行子叶胚的成苗,建立了再生体系。  相似文献   

Ahmed  H. A. A.  Barpete  S.  Uranbey  S.  Akdoğan  G.  Köm  D.  Özcan  S. 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2020,67(3):581-587
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation approach allows for introducing novel genes in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Development of efficient...  相似文献   

Perennial forms of Gossypium hirsutum are classified under seven races. Five Mesoamerican races would have been derived from the wild race ‘yucatanense’ from northern Yucatán. ‘Marie-Galante’, the main race in the Caribbean, would have developed from introgression with G. barbadense. The racial status of coastal populations from the Caribbean has not been clearly defined. We combined Ecological Niche Modeling with an analysis of SSR marker diversity, to elucidate the relationships among cultivated, feral and wild populations of perennial cottons. Out of 954 records of occurrence in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, 630 were classified into four categories cultivated, feral (disturbed and secondary habitats), wild/feral (protected habitats), and truly wild cotton (TWC) populations. The widely distributed three first categories cannot be differentiated on ecological grounds, indicating they mostly belong to the domesticated pool. In contrast, TWC are restricted to the driest and hottest littoral habitats, in northern Yucatán and in the Caribbean (from Venezuela to Florida), as confirmed by their climatic envelope in the factorial analysis. Extrapolating this TWC climatic model to South America and the Pacific Ocean points towards places where other wild representatives of tetraploid Gossypium species have been encountered. The genetic analysis sample comprised 42 TWC accessions from 12 sites and 68 feral accessions from 18 sites; at nine sites, wild and feral accessions were collected in close vicinity. Principal coordinate analysis, neighbor joining, and STRUCTURE consistently showed a primary divergence between TWC and feral cottons, and a secondary divergence separating ‘Marie-Galante’ from all other feral accessions. This strong genetic structure contrasts strikingly with the absence of geographic differentiation. Our results show that TWC populations of Mesoamerica and the Caribbean constitute a homogenous gene pool. Furthermore, the relatively low genetic divergence between the Mesoamerican and Caribbean domesticated pools supports the hypothesis of domestication of G. hirsutum in northern Yucatán.  相似文献   

低温、干旱和高盐是影响棉花生长发育和产量的重要限制因素。b ZIP转录因子在植物非生物胁迫反应中起重要作用。本研究利用生物信息学的方法从陆地棉中鉴定了24个b ZIP转录因子基因,命名为Ghb ZIP1~Ghb ZIP24。系统进化树分析表明,这24个家族成员主要聚集在A、B、C、D、E、G、I、S这8类亚家族。通过RT-PCR的方法分析了棉花(Gossypium hirsutum L.)Ghb ZIPs基因在高盐(200 mmol/L Na Cl)、干旱、4℃低温等非生物胁迫处理下的表达模式。结果表明,19个基因响应高盐胁迫、11个基因对干旱胁迫有应答反应,15个基因有冷胁迫应答。此外,有4个基因(Ghb ZIP4、Ghb ZIP7、Ghb ZIP21和Ghb ZIP23)在3种处理下均有应答反应。以上研究结果表明,Ghb ZIPs在陆地棉的非生物胁迫适应过程中可能具有重要的作用。本研究为进一步探索棉花b ZIP转录因子在抗逆反应中的重要作用和利用基因操作手段提高棉花抗逆性提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

Cotton leaves are more physiologically active than the bractand the capsule wall of the fruiting structures. To elucidatethe disparities in their physiological behaviour, epidermalcell density, stomatal index, stomatal size, trichome densityand type, and epicuticular wax ultrastructure of cotton leaf,bract and capsule wall were delineated using scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM). The epidermal cells of the outer periclinalwalls on both surfaces of the leaf and bract were raised andconvex. Conversely, the capsule wall epidermal cells were polygonalwith flat outer periclinal walls. The stomatal complex in theleaf and bract was paracytic, whereas in the capsule wall thestomatal complex was anomocytic. The adaxial and abaxial stomataof the leaf were coplanar to the epidermal surface, as opposedto the raised adaxial stomata on the bract. On the contrary,the stomata on the capsule wall surface appeared to be slightlysunken. Furthermore, the capsule wall stomata were larger thanthe stomata on either surface of both the leaf and the bract.The stomatal index was greater on the abaxial surfaces of theleaf and the bract (18.4 and 9.4, respectively) than their correspondingadaxial surfaces (14.4 and 4.7, respectively). Leaves had thehighest stomatal index followed by the bract and the capsulewall. The indumentum consisted of glandular and nonglandulartrichomes, the density of which was greater on the abaxial surfacesthan on the adaxial surfaces of the leaf and bract. The capsulewall indumentum lacked nonglandular trichomes. Epicuticularwax occurred in the form of striations. However, the striationpattern varied among the organs. This study clearly illustratesmorphological disparities in the epidermal features of leaf,bract and capsule wall, helping to explain their physiologicaldivergence. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Gossypium hirsutum, epicuticular wax, raised stomata, scanning electron microscopy, stomatal index, trichomes  相似文献   

根癌农杆菌介导的转aroAM12基因棉花植株的草甘膦抗性   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
以中棉35无菌苗下胚轴为外植体,采用农杆菌介导法将含有通过基因优化技术获得的草甘膦抗性突变基因aroAM12导入棉花中.以aroAM12为选择标记,利用草甘膦直接筛选获得65棵再生植株.PCR和Southerablot分析表明,经过草甘膦筛选出的To代植株均整合有aroAM12基因.Western blot分析表明整合进的aroAM12基因得到了有效表达,且不同植株之间的表达不尽相同.大棚喷洒的实验结果表明To代转化植株具有很高的草甘膦抗性.对T1代棉花的草甘膦抗性遗传分析表明,aroAM12基因以孟德尔方式遗传.  相似文献   

Bondada  B.R.  Oosterhuis  D.M. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(3):431-436
The progressive decline in cotton leaf photosynthesis with season could be accounted for by gaining an insight into ontogenic changes in chloroplast integrity and epicuticular wax ultrastructure. Therefore, the sequence of ultrastructural changes in chloroplast and epicuticular wax morphology were probed in 10-, 20-, 40-, and 60-d-old cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaves using electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy illustrated that the epicuticular wax on the periclinal walls of the convex epidermal cells occurred as striations and persisted as such during the course of leaf aging. The degree of wax spread, however, increased as the leaf progressed towards senescence. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that a 20-d-old photosynthetically active leaf possessed healthy chloroplasts (6.8 m long and an area of 9.7 m2) with absolute membrane integrity depicted by large appressed grana stacks of thylakoids interconnected by non-appressed stroma lamellae. The thylakoid membrane network was oriented parallel to the long axis of the chloroplast and a few small plastoglobuli (1.85 m2) scattered in the stroma. Conversely, membrane integrity was lost with leaf age after 20 d as evidenced by disruption of the grana and stroma lamellae. Concurrent with the membrane damage, extensive occlusion of chloroplast by several large spherical plastoglobuli (5.68 m2) occurred, the rate of occlusion increased with leafage distending the chloroplast as evidenced by proliferation of its cross-sectional area (12.8 m2). Of particular interest was the finding that the plastoglobuli ensued through the chloroplast envelope into the cytoplasm. The progressive loss of chloroplast membrane integrity coupled with increased leaf waxiness may have limited photosynthetic activities of cotton leaves during senescence.  相似文献   

Root density distribution of plants is a major Indicator of competition between plants and determines resource capture from the solh This experiment was conducted in 2005 at Anyang, located in the Yellow River region, Henan Province, China. Three cotton (Gossyplum hlrsutum L.) cultivars were chosen: hybrid Btcultlvar CRI46, conventional Btcultlvars CRI44 and CRI45. Six planting densities were designed, ranging from 1.5 to 12.0 plants/m^2. Root parameters such as surface area, diameter and length were analyzed by using the DT-SCAN Image analysis method. The root length density (RLD), root average diameter and root area Index (RAI), root surface area per unit land area, were studied. The results showed that RLD and RAI differed between genotypes; hybrid CRI46 had significantly higher (P 〈0.05) RLD and RAI values than conventlonal cultlvars, especially under low planting densities, less than 3.0 plants/m^2. The root area index (RAI) of hybrid CRI46 was 61% higher than of CRI44 and CRI45 at the flowering stage. The RLD and RAI were also significantly different (P = 0.000) between planting densities. The depth distribution of RAI showed that at Increasing planting densities RAI was Increasingly distributed in the soil layers below 50 cm. The RAI of hybrid CRI46 was for all planting densities, obviously higher than other cultivars during the flowering and boll stages. It was concluded that the hybrid had a strong advantage in root maintenance preventing premature senescence of roots. The root diameter of hybrid CRI46 had a genetically higher root diameter at planting densities lower than 6.0 plants/m^2. Good associations were found between yield and RAI In different stages. The optimum planting density ranged from 4.50 plants/m^2 to 6.75 plants/m^2 for conventional cultlvars and around 4.0-5.0 plants/m^2 for hybrids.  相似文献   

The relative magnitude of adjustment in osmotic potential (ψs) of water-stressed cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) leaves and roots was studied using plants raised in pots of sand and grown in a growth chamber. One and three water-stress preconditioning cycles were imposed by withholding water, and the subsequent adjustment in solute potential upon relief of the stress and complete rehydration was monitored with thermocouple psychrometers. Both leaves and roots exhibited a substantial adjustment in ψs in response to water stress with the former exhibiting the larger absolute adjustment. The osmotic adjustment of leaves was 0.41 megapascal compared to 0.19 megapascal in the roots. The roots, however, exhibited much larger percentage osmotic adjustments of 46 and 63% in the one and three stress cycles, respectively, compared to 22 and 40% in the leaves in similar stress cycles. The osmotically adjusted condition of leaves and roots decreased after relief of the single cycle stress to about half the initial value within 3 days, and to the well-watered control level within 6 days. In contrast, increasing the number of water-stress preconditioning cycles resulted in significant percentage osmotic adjustment still being present after 6 days in roots but not in the leaves. The decrease in ψs of leaves persisted longer in field-grown cotton plants compared to plants of the same age grown in the growth chamber. The advantage of decreased ψs in leaves and roots of water-stressed cotton plants was associated with the maintenance of turgor during periods of decreasing water potentials.  相似文献   

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