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The I-J and antigen-binding chains with constant region determinant (Ct) that compose an antigen-specific suppressor T cell factor were found on the surface of suppressor T cell hybridomas, serologically and morphologically demonstrated by a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) and immunoelectron microscopic analyses. Moreover, the surface expression of the I-J and Ct-bearing chains fluctuating with the same kinetics depended entirely upon the cell cycle. The maximum expression of these two chains was observed in the early stage of the M phase, and the minimum in the S phase. Similarly, the magnitude of the suppressor activity was maximal in the late stage of the M phase, and was minimal in the S phase. The results therefore demonstrated that there exists good correlation between the cell surface expression of the I-J and Ct-bearing chains and the magnitude of the suppressor activity produced. The antigen recognition units on suppressor T cell hybridomas have serologically and morphologically been characterized by using radiolabeled antigens or monoclonal antibodies against the I-J or Ct on the antigen-binding molecule. Cell-binding assay and radioautographic analysis demonstrated that the suppressor T cell hybridoma possesses the capacity to bind native antigen in an antigen-specific fashion as does the hybridoma-derived, antigen-specific suppressor factor composed of the I-J and the Ct-bearing chains, indicating that the recognition unit on the cell surface is composed of a structure similar to the factor.  相似文献   

Upon antigenic stimulation with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages, the mouse T cell hybridoma 231F1 produced glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF) having affinity for OVA and IgE-suppressive factors, whereas another T cell hybridoma, 12H5, cells produced OVA-binding glycosylation enhancing factor (GEF) and IgE-potentiating factor. The OVA-binding GIF from the 231F1 cells is an Ag-specific Ts cell factor, whereas OVA-binding GEF from the 12H5 cells is an Ag-specific augmenting factor. Both hybridomas express CD3 complex and functional TCR-alpha beta. Cross-linking of TCR-alpha beta or CD3 molecules on the hybridomas by anti-TCR-alpha beta mAb or anti-CD3 mAb and protein A resulted in the formation of the same factors as those obtained by the stimulation of the cells with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages. It was also found that both the 231F1 cells and 12H5 cells formed IgE-binding factors upon incubation with H-2d and H-2b APC, respectively, with a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 307-317 in the OVA molecules (P307-317). Six other synthetic peptides, including those containing the major immunogenic epitope, i.e., P323-339, failed to stimulate the hybridomas in the presence of APC. Indeed, all of the 10 T cell hybridoma clones, which could produce either OVA-binding GIF or OVA-binding GEF, responded to P307-317 and APC for the formation of IgE-binding factors. In contrast, GIF/GEF derived from six other hybridoma clones, whose TCR recognized P323-339 in the context of a MHC product, failed to bind to OVA-coupled Sepharose. The results indicate the correlation between the fine specificity of TCR and the affinity of GIF/GEF to the nominal Ag. The amino acid sequence of P307-317 suggested that TCR on the cell sources of Ag-binding factors are specific for an external structure of the Ag molecules.  相似文献   

The interaction of antigen with specific receptor sites of primed murine spleen lymphocytes has been estimated quantitatively. The antigen-specific receptors are restricted to a small segment of the entire spleen cell population, one which may be enriched by centrifugation of the cells in a discontinuous density gradient. The specificity of the receptors, their variable affinities for the specific ligand, their quantitative fluctuations following immunization, have been investigated. Attempts have also been initiated for their isolation. The possibility that these receptors may represent passively adherent cytophilic immunoglobulins was excluded. The results of these experiments suggest that the union of antigen with a portion of cell membrane receptors initiates a sequence of reaction steps involving DNA production and multiplication, leading to a small net synthesis of immunoglobulins. The continued presence of antigen during this period leads to complex formation with these immunoglobulins. The resulting immune complexes bind to both adherent and nonadherent cells, thereby amplifying the immune response.  相似文献   

Two antisera to Ia antigens, products of the H-2 complex I-Cd and I-JkEk subregions, respectively, have been obtained by immunisation of the F1 hybrids of recombinant strains of mice. These antisera are shown to display the 50 per cent cytotoxic effect in vitro in the presence of complement upon lymphocyte populations immune to the H-2 complex antigens and enriched for specific suppressor T cells (SSC) by fractionation on the monolayer of target cells. The specificity of anti-Ia cytotoxins is shown by the cross antibody absorption with T- and B-cells of mice originated from the recombinant H-2 haplotypes and bearing either particular I-Cd, I-Jk and I-Ek antigens, or their combinations. Anti-I-Cd cytotoxins are found to react with both B and T cells at a different rate, and the anti-I-JkEk serum contains two antibody types directed to I-Ek and I-Jk products, respectively, the latter being able to react preferently with T cells. Although both antisera do inactivate the in vitro SSC function in the presence of complement at a similar degree, the inactivating action of the anti-I-Cd serum, but not that of the anti-I-JkEk serum, occurs without complement. SSC are established to bear both Ia-antigens, I-J and I-C on the same cell, as demonstrated by the cross antibody absorption and variation of the H-2 origin of SSC. These two markers are suggested to function differently in the SSC immune to the H-2 antigens and the I-C antigen expression on the SSC surface is presumed to be required for their interaction with the inhibited responder T cells proliferating in MLC.  相似文献   

Apoptosis of T-lymphocytes is a fundamental process regulating antigen receptor repertoire selection during T cell maturation and homeostasis of the immune system. It also plays a key role in elimination of autoreactive lymphocytes. Resting mature T cells are activated by antigen to elicit an appropriate immune response. In contrast, preactivated T cells undergo activation-induced cell death (AICD) in response to TCR triggering alone. Thus, death by apoptosis is essential for function, growth and differentiation of T-lymphocytes. This review focuses on apoptosis mechanisms involved in T cell development and during the course of an immune response.  相似文献   

T lymphocytes play a central role in the antigen-specific immune response against various pathogens. To detect and to characterize porcine T lymphocytes, monoclonal antibodies (mAb) against leukocyte differentiation antigens had been raised and classified for their specificity. Analyses of porcine T lymphocytes with specific mAb against CD4 and CD8 differentiation antigens revealed differences in the composition of the porcine T-lymphocyte population compared to other species. In addition to the known subpopulations, CD4+CD8- T helper cells and CD4-CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes, extra-thymic CD4+CD8+ T lymphocytes and a substantial proportion of CD2-CD4-CD8- T cell receptor (TcR)-gamma delta+ T cells could be detected in swine. Functional analyses of porcine T-lymphocyte subpopulations revealed the existence of two T-helper cell fractions with the phenotype CD4+CD8- and CD4+CD8+. Both were reactive in primary immune responses in vitro, whereas only cells derived from the CD4+CD8+ T-helper-cell subpopulation were able to respond to recall antigen in a secondary immune response. With regard to T lymphocytes with cytolytic activities, two subsets within the CD4-CD8+ T-cell subpopulation could be defined by the expression of CD6 differentiation antigens: CD6- cells which showed spontaneous cytolytic activity and CD6+ MHC I-restricted cytolytic T lymphocytes including virus-specific cytolytic T lymphocytes. These results enable now a detailed view into the porcine T-cell population and the reactivity of specific T cells involved in the porcine immune response against pathogens. Furthermore this knowledge offers the possibility to investigate specific interactions of porcine T lymphocytes with virus-specific epitopes during vaccination and viral infections.  相似文献   

Analysis of cellular immune response to EBV by using cloned T cell lines   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Eight cloned T cell lines specific for Epstein Barr virus-transformed B lymphocytes were derived. In the presence of the autologous virus-infected B cells, the T cell lines show HLA-restricted cytotoxic activity and also secrete alpha-interferon in sufficient amounts to inhibit infection and transformation. Four of these clones showed restriction to a single HLA locus (two for A3, and two for B7) and three showed exquisite self-restriction lysing only autologous targets. These seven clones expressed the classical cell surface phenotype of cytotoxic T cells being T3, 8, 11, and la-positive and T4-negative. An eighth clone that lacked the T8 surface marker appeared to recognize both B7 and BW51. HLA restriction was confirmed: 1) by the ability of a monoclonal antibody against an HLA-A,B,C framework antigen (W6-32) to block the cytotoxicity; 2) the failure of the clones to lyse Daudi, an EBV-positive, HLA-A,B, C-negative cell line; and 3) successful competition of the cytotoxicity by autologous but not allogeneic cold targets. The cloned T cells do not kill EBV-negative targets such as autologous pokeweed mitogen blasts and cell lines including CEM and the natural killer cell target K562. The results suggest T cell clones may be generated against an EBV-associated membrane antigen on transformed B cells, perhaps equivalent to the lymphocyte-determined membrane antigen, and that the recognition is restricted by a single HLA determinant. We propose that single T cells can play multiple roles in controlling EBV infection in vitro and in vivo including the elimination of transformed cells by cytotoxicity and the prevention by secreted interferon of further re-infection and transformation.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of IL-2 and IL-4 during the immune response to the retrovirus-induced tumor, FBL, were examined. Both proliferative and cytolytic responses to FBL were measured and compared to similar responses to minor histocompatibility Ag. The addition of alpha IL-2 partially inhibited FBL-stimulated proliferation of purified L3T4+ T cells and nearly completely inhibited the response of Lyt-2+ T cells, whereas alpha IL-4 partially inhibited the proliferative response of the L3T4+ subset but had no effect on the response of the Lyt-2+ subset. The addition of exogenous IL-4 augmented the proliferative response of both subsets. Therefore, IL-4 is an endogenous growth factor for FBL-induced specific proliferation of the L3T4+ and not the Lyt-2+ population, but both subpopulations can respond to IL-4. Similar examination of anti-FBL CTL responses revealed that alpha IL-2, but not alpha IL-4, inhibited FBL-specific Lyt-2+ CTL generation. However, exogenous IL-4 partially replaced the L3T4+ Th cell activity necessary for optimal Lyt-2+ FBL-specific CTL generation. Therefore, IL-4 is not required but can participate in the CTL response. The role of IL-4 during the immune response of B6 mice to minor histocompatibility Ag disparate BALB.B cells was analyzed. alpha IL-4 had no detectable effect on the proliferative or cytolytic response to BALB.B cells, suggesting that endogenous IL-4 does not have a significant role in these responses. The extent of involvement of endogenous IL-4 in the T cell responses to retrovirus-induced tumor Ag and minor histocompatibility Ag presumably reflects the nature of the stimulating Ag, and detection of an IL-4 response may correlate with induction of an antibody response. Thus, the immunizing Ag and/or host B cell repetoire may influence which subsets of L3T4+ Th cells are activated during priming in vivo.  相似文献   

植物的大小、形态、色彩、质地和季相变化等特征是植物构成空间的相关因素。利用植物可构成五大基本空间类型,它们在园林绿地中具有各自的功能和作用;并已得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

The maturation of helper T lymphocytes during an immune response was studied with respect to sequential changes in the functional specificity and affinity toward certain antigens. Protein-carrier (BαA)-reactive helper T cells obtained after a relatively long priming period were effectively stimulated by relatively lower doses of antigen than shortly primed helper T lymphocytes. When hapten (PAB)-reactive helper T lymphocytes were utilized as a model of helper T cells, reactivity also increased progressively to smaller concentrations of PAB-conjugates at successive intervals after primary immunization. Concomitantly, the cross-reactivity of PAB-reactive helper T cells to structurally related MAB- or OAB-determinants also decreased. Moreover, the PAB-reactive helper T cells of the relatively longer priming period were very susceptible to tolerance induction upon treatment with PAB-d-GL, whereas the reactivity of those helper T cells of the relatively shorter priming period was not abolished by this treatment. These results clearly indicate that there are qualitative changes in the helper T lymphocyte population during an immune response, and that this represents the sequential development or selection of helper T lymphocytes of higher specificity and apparent affinity to a corresponding antigenic determinant.  相似文献   

C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice, opposite in their sensitivity to dermatophytic infections, show similar activity of phagocytes as regards their capacity for the destruction of injected conidia of dermatophytes, but differ in the changes of this activity after immunization with dermatophytic antigenic complexes (DAC). Shortly after the injection of the antigens, the lymphocyte-mediated suppression of the fungicidal activity of macrophages, caused by the interaction of DAC with intact T-lymphocytes, was detected in the animals of both strains. Later in C57BL/6 mice resistant to mycosis the formation of cell-mediated immunity to DAC occurs, with the simultaneous production of factor stimulating the fungicidal activity of macrophages. In BALB/c mice sensitive to mycosis the injection of DAC induces active antibody production, but not the formation of delayed hypersensitivity with the resulting stimulation of the fungicidal activity of phagocytes. The injection of DAC into mice of the above-mentioned strains induces changes, peculiar to each strain, in the mitogen-induced proliferation of spleen cells and in the character of immune response to sheep red blood cells. Differences in the influence of DAC on the induction of immune response in C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice are realized by cells belonging to the population of T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We have generated cloned Th1 cells, Th2 cells, and T cell hybridomas specific for the single immunogenic peptide from the beta-chain of murine hemoglobin (Hb(64-76)). The availability of these various types of T cells provided us an unique opportunity to examine and dissect the T cell response to an immunogenic peptide. A panel of altered Hb peptides was made by replacing each amino acid in the Hb peptide (positions 64-76) with a conservative amino acid substitution or an alanine. Although none of the eleven T cell clones and hybridomas tested exhibited the same pattern of reactivity to the substituted Hb peptides, some general features were identified for all T cell responses. The primary T cell contact residue of Hb(64-76) was shown to be asparagine 72. For every Hb(64-76) specific T cell, no activation was observed using a peptide containing the conservative substitution of a glutamine for the asparagine at position 72. The flanking glutamic acid at position 73 was also required for a proliferative response for all of the Th1 and Th2 clones. The Th subtypes were not grossly unique in their responses to the substituted Hb peptides, but exhibited minor differences in fine specificity with the Th1 cells identifying more critical amino acids then did the Th2 cells. For the Th1 cells and also the T cell hybridomas, the phenylalanine at position 71 was critical for a T cell response. Analysis of peptide affinity for IEk molecules indicated that position 71 played a role in peptide binding to MHC. Secondary T cell contact residues, which were important for many but not all of the T cells, were identified at positions 69, 70, and 76. Overall T cell responses were minimally affected by changes in the amino acid residues at positions 64-68, 74, and 75. We have also demonstrated that cloned Th1 cells, Th2 cells and T hybridomas can be generated against the same Hb(64-76) determinant.  相似文献   

T cell Ig mucin 3 (Tim-3) has been found to play an important role in Th1-mediated auto- and alloimmune responses, but the function of soluble form of Tim-3 (sTim-3) remains to be elucidated. In this study, we report the inhibitory effect of sTim-3 on T cell-mediated immune response. In this study, sTim-3 mRNA was found, among different tissues and organs, only in splenic cells, and the activation of splenocytes resulted in up-regulated production of both sTim-3 mRNA and protein. We constructed a eukaryotic expression plasmid, psTim-3, which expresses functional murine sTim-3. In C57BL/6 mice inoculated with B16F1 melanoma cells, the growth of tumor was facilitated by the expression of this plasmid in vivo. Furthermore, sTim-3 inhibited the responses of T cells to Ag-specific stimulation or anti-CD3 mAb plus anti-CD28 mAb costimulation and the production of cytokines IL-2 and IFN-gamma in vitro. In tumor rejection model, sTim-3 significantly impaired T cell antitumor immunity, evidenced by decreased antitumor CTL activity and reduced amount of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in tumor. Real-time PCR analysis of gene expression in tumor microenvironment revealed the decreased expression of Th1 cytokine genes and the unchanged profile of the genes related to T regulatory cell function, suggesting that the inhibitory effect of sTim-3 on the generation of Ag-specific T cells in vivo is dominated by T effector cells rather than T regulatory cells. Our studies thus define sTim-3 as an immunoregulatory molecule that may be involved in the negative regulation of T cell-mediated immune response.  相似文献   

针对滨海滩涂区植被类型与土壤盐渍化间的内在联系,以黄河三角洲典型海涂区为研究对象,结合电磁感应仪EM38与田间采样,分析了不同植被类型下土壤盐渍剖面分布特征,并对各植被类型下土壤盐渍剖面的电磁感应响应特征进行了比较.结果表明:研究区土壤盐分具有较强的表聚性与变异强度,水平磁感式表观电导率(EMh)对浅层土壤盐分响应较好,而垂直磁感式表观电导率(EMv)对深层土壤盐分的响应优于EMh;土壤盐渍剖面分为表聚型、底聚型和平均型3类,表聚型盐渍剖面主要为光板地和盐蒿地,底聚型的地表植被以棉花为主,平均型主要为杂草,且土壤盐分表聚强度为光板地>盐蒿地>杂草地>棉花地;随着植被类型由棉花—杂草—盐蒿—光板地变化,各剖面的EMv/EMh值逐渐降低.经非参数检验,植被类型与电磁感应响应特征具有显著相关性,且不同植被类型的EMv/EMh分布特征差异明显.  相似文献   

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