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Feather samples gathered from the mantle of breeding birds of the three New Zealand species of oystercatcher were analysed spectrophotometrically to evaluate melanin pigmentation parameters. The only statistically significant difference in these parameters was among individuals, indicating that melanin pigmentation is a conservative character of little systematic value. There is no evidence for geographic variation in melanin pigmentation of black phase Haematopus unicolor, and thus there is no justification for considering southern black birds specifically distinct from their northern counterparts on the basis of dorsal plumage colour.  相似文献   

Five feline-derived microsatellite markers were genotyped in a large pedigree of cats that segregates for ventral white spotting. Both KIT and EDNRB cause similar white spotting phenotypes in other species. Thus, three of the five microsatellite markers chosen were on feline chromosome B1 in close proximity to KIT; the other two markers were on feline chromosome A1 near EDNRB. Pairwise linkage analysis supported linkage of the white spotting with the three chromosome B1 markers but not with the two chromosome A1 markers. This study indicates that KIT, or another gene within the linked region, is a candidate for white spotting in cats. Platelet-derived growth factor alpha (PDGFRA) is also a strong candidate, assuming that the KIT-PDGFRA linkage group, which is conserved in many mammalian species, is also conserved in the cat.  相似文献   

Abstract While it is undeniable that owned domestic cats Felis catus (Mammalia: Felidae) kill large numbers of wildlife, it is contentious if this has significant impacts on wildlife populations. Under the precautionary principle such uncertainty does not preclude measures to reduce putative risk, but action should follow consultation with stakeholders. To initiate such consultation for the City of Armadale, Western Australia, we surveyed urban and rural residents to determine their opinions regarding putative impacts of owned cats on wildlife and the acceptability of proposed regulations. Key statements accepted by 70% or more of respondents, irrespective of their residence, gender or cat ownership status, included: (i) there is a need to regulate owned domestic cats; (ii) the presence of cats in nature reserves is harmful to wildlife; (iii) cats not owned by licensed breeders should be desexed; and (iv) local councils should be empowered to restrict the maximum number of cats per household. Seventy per cent or more of owners agreed to keep their cats on their property from sunset to sunrise and to register them if these measures became compulsory. All groups except urban men also indicated 70% or greater willingness to keep their cats on their property constantly if required. However, fewer than 40% of owners supported empowering local councils to enforce cat‐free zones. In this community, cat regulation excluding cat‐free zones should enjoy support. Similar approaches should be effective wherever the environmental impacts of owned domestic cats are debated, because compliance with such regulations should be high.  相似文献   


The 558 prey items brought home by one domestic cat, recorded over its 17‐year lifetime, included 221 mice, 63 rats, 35 rabbits, 4 hares and 2 weasels. The cat hunted up to 600 m from the house, and prey was caught both inside and outside the 0.5 ha garden. Of the 223 birds brought in, 54 were native, including 43 silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis), but those killed were quickly replaced, so there was always a resident population of 1–2 pairs. The other known native birds comprised five fantails (Rhipidura fuliginosa), four warblers (Gerygone igata), a kingfisher (Halcyon sancta), and a shining cuckoo (Chrysococcyx lucidus). Only nine skinks (Cyclodina aenea) and one frog (Litoria raniformis) were brought in. The abundance of birds and reptiles in the garden showed no apparent change over the 17 years compared with the previous 15‐year‐period without a cat. By contrast, the cat exterminated the rabbit population in the garden, and “farmed” surrounding burrows during its whole life; all other prey killed declined in frequency after the cat was 8–9 years old.  相似文献   

Linking temporal variations of genetic diversity, including allelic richness and heterozygosity, and spatio-temporal fluctuations in population abundance has emerged as an important tool for understanding demographic and evolutionary processes in natural populations. This so-called genetic monitoring was conducted across 12 consecutive years (1996-2007) at three sites for the feral cat, introduced onto the Kerguelen archipelago fifty years ago. Temporal changes in allelic richness and heterozygosity at 18 microsatellite DNA loci were compared with temporal changes in the adult population abundance index, obtained by typical demographic monitoring. No association was found at the island spatial scale, but we observed an association between genetic diversity and adult population indices from year to year within each study site. More particularly, the magnitude of successive increases or decreases in the adult population abundance index appeared to be the major factor linking the trajectories of genetic diversity and adult population abundance indices. Natal dispersal and/or local recruitment, both facilitated by high juvenile survival when the adult population size is small, is proposed as the major demographic processes contributing to such an observed pattern. Finally, we suggested avoiding the use of the harmonic mean as an estimator of long-term population size to study the relationships between demographic fluctuations and heterozygosity in populations characterized by strong multiannual density fluctuations.  相似文献   

The Siamese cat has a highly recognized coat colour phenotype that expresses pigment at the extremities of the body, such as the ears, tail and paws. This temperature-sensitive colouration causes a 'mask' on the face and the phenotype is commonly referred to as 'pointed'. Burmese is an allelic variant that is less temperature-sensitive, producing more pigment throughout the torso than Siamese. Tyrosinase (TYR) mutations have been suspected to cause these phenotypes because mutations in TYR are associated with similar phenotypes in other species. Linkage and synteny mapping in the cat has indirectly supported TYR as the causative gene for these feline phenotypes. TYR mutations associated with Siamese and Burmese phenotypes are described herein. Over 200 cats were analysed, representing 12 breeds as well as randomly bred cats. The SNP associated with the Siamese phenotype is an exon 2 G > A transition changing glycine to arginine (G302R). The SNP associated with the Burmese phenotype is an exon 1 G > T transversion changing glycine to tryptophan (G227W). The G302R mutation segregated concordantly within a pedigree of Himalayan (pointed) Persians. All cats that had 'pointed' or the Burmese coat colour phenotype were homozygous for the corresponding mutations, respectively, suggesting that these phenotypes are a result of the identified mutations or unidentified mutations that are in linkage disequilibrium. Because the same mutations were identified in different breeds with similar phenotypes, the mutations are likely to be identical by descent rather than multiple mutation events occurring at the same site.  相似文献   

Juvenile hemochromatosis locus maps to chromosome 1q   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Juvenile hemochromatosis (JH) is an autosomal recessive disorder that leads to severe iron loading in the 2d to 3d decade of life. Affected members in families with JH do not show linkage to chromosome 6p and do not have mutations in the HFE gene that lead to the common hereditary hemochromatosis. In this study we performed a genomewide search to map the JH locus in nine families: six consanguineous and three with multiple affected patients. This strategy allowed us to identify the JH locus on the long arm of chromosome 1. A maximum LOD score of 5.75 at a recombination fraction of 0 was detected with marker D1S498, and a LOD score of 5. 16 at a recombination fraction of 0 was detected for marker D1S2344. Homozygosity mapping in consanguineous families defined the limits of the candidate region in an approximately 4-cM interval between markers D1S442 and D1S2347. Analysis of genes mapped in this interval excluded obvious candidates. The JH locus does not correspond to the chromosomal localization of any known gene involved in iron metabolism. These findings provide a means to recognize, at an early age, patients in affected families. They also provide a starting point for the identification of the affected gene by positional cloning.  相似文献   

The sequence of a cDNA clone encoding porcine transthyretin (prealbumin) was used to develop polymorphic markers for the TTR locus. The single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) detected is caused by a silent AIT mutation in the penultimate coding codon and can also be revealed as a SacI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The TTR locus was mapped to chromosome 6q by segregation and linkage analysis with these polymorphisms. This assignment confirms the predictions of homology between human chromosome 18 and pig chromosome 6q2.5-2.6.  相似文献   

Bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (BDCMP) is a severe and terminal disease of the heart muscle observed in Holstein-Friesian cattle over the last 30 years. There is strong evidence for an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance for BDCMP. The objective of this study was to genetically map BDCMP, with the ultimate goal of identifying the causative mutation. A whole-genome scan using 199 microsatellite markers and one SNP revealed an assignment of BDCMP to BTA18. Fine-mapping on BTA18 refined the candidate region to the MSBDCMP06-BMS2785 interval. The interval containing the BDCMP locus was confirmed by multipoint linkage analysis using the software loki. The interval is about 6.7 Mb on the bovine genome sequence (Btau 3.1). The corresponding region of HSA19 is very gene-rich and contains roughly 200 genes. Although telomeric of the marker interval, TNNI3 is a possible positional and a functional candidate for BDCMP given its involvement in a human form of dilated cardiomyopathy. Sequence analysis of TNNI3 in cattle revealed no mutation in the coding sequence, but there was a G-to-A transition in intron 6 (AJ842179:c.378+315G>A). The analysis of this SNP using the study's BDCMP pedigree did not conclusively exclude TNNI3 as a candidate gene for BDCMP. Considering the high density of genes on the homologous region of HSA19, further refinement of the interval on BTA18 containing the BDCMP locus is needed.  相似文献   

Polled, or the absence of horns, is a desirable trait for many cattle breeders. However, the presence of scurs, which are small horn-like structures that are not attached to the skull, can lower the value of an animal. The scurs trait has been reported as sex influenced. Using a genome scan with 162 autosomal microsatellite markers genotyped across three full-sib families, the scurs locus was mapped near BMS2142 on cattle chromosome 19 (LOD = 4.21). To more precisely map scurs, the families from the initial analysis and three additional families were genotyped for 16 microsatellite markers and SNPs in three genes on chromosome 19. In this subsequent analysis, the scurs locus was mapped 4 cM distal of BMS2142 (LOD = 4.46) and 6 cM proximal to IDVGA46 (LOD = 2.56). ALOX12 and MFAP4 were the closest genes proximal and distal, respectively, to the scurs locus. Three microsatellite markers on the X chromosome were genotyped across these six families but were not linked to scurs, further demonstrating that this trait was not sex linked. Because the polled locus has been mapped to the centromeric end of chromosome 1 and scurs has now been mapped to chromosome 19, these two traits are not linked in Bos taurus.  相似文献   

The ability to maintain normal temperatures during heat stress is an important attribute for cattle in the subtropics and tropics. Previous studies have shown that Senepol cattle and their crosses with Holstein, Charolais and Angus animals are as heat tolerant as Brahman cattle. This has been attributed to the slick hair coat of Senepol cattle, which is thought to be controlled by a single dominant gene. In this study, a genome scan using a DNA-pooling strategy indicated that the slick locus is most likely on bovine chromosome 20 (BTA20). Interval mapping confirmed the BTA20 assignment and refined the location of the locus. In total, 14 microsatellite markers were individually genotyped in two pedigrees consisting of slick and normal-haired cattle (n = 36), representing both dairy and beef breeds. The maximum LOD score was 9.4 for a 4.4-cM support interval between markers DIK2416 and BM4107. By using additional microsatellite markers in this region, and genotyping in six more pedigrees (n = 86), the slick locus was further localized to the DIK4835 - DIK2930 interval.  相似文献   

Primary microcephaly is a genetic disorder in which an affected individual has a head circumference >3 SDs below the age- and sex-related mean. A small but apparently normally formed brain is the reason for the reduced head circumference, and, probably because of this, all affected individuals are mentally retarded. The condition is genetically heterogeneous, and four loci have already been identified. We now report a fifth locus, MCPH5, which is an 8-cM region mapping to chromosome 1q31, defined by the markers GATA135F02 and D1S1678.  相似文献   

A set of 87 multicase families with systemic lupus erythemathosus (SLE) from European (Iceland, Sweden, England, Norway, Italy, and Greece) and recently admixed (Mexico, Colombia, and the United States) populations were genotyped and analyzed for 62 microsatellite markers on chromosome 1. By parametric two-point linkage analysis, six regions (1p36, 1p21, 1q23, 1q25, 1q31, and 1q43) were identified that have LOD scores of Z>or=1.50, with different contributions, depending on the population of origin of the families (European or admixed American). All of the regions have been described previously and have therefore been confirmed in this analysis. The locus at 1q31 showed a significant three-point LOD score of Z=3.79 and was contributed by families from all populations, with several markers and under the same parametric model. Analysis of a known mutation in the CD45 gene did not support the role that this mutation plays in disease. We conclude that the locus at 1q31 contains a major susceptibility gene, important to SLE in general populations.  相似文献   

Epitheliogenesis imperfecta (EI) is a hereditary junctional mechanobullous disease that occurs in newborn American Saddlebred foals. The pathological signs of epitheliogenesis imperfecta closely match a similar disease in humans known as Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa, which is caused by a mutation in one of the genes (LAMA3, LAMB3 and LAMC2) coding for the subunits of the laminin 5 protein (laminin alpha3, laminin beta3 and laminin gamma2). The LAMA3 gene has been assigned to equine chromosome 8 and LAMB3 and LAMC2 have been mapped to equine chromosome 5. Linkage disequilibrium between microsatellite markers that mapped to equine chromosome 5 and equine chromosome 8 and the EI disease locus was tested in American Saddlebred horses. The allele frequencies of microsatellite alleles at 11 loci were determined for both epitheliogenesis imperfecta affected and unaffected populations of American Saddlebred horses by genotyping and direct counting of alleles. These were used to determine fit to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for control and EI populations using Chi square analysis. Two microsatellite loci located on equine chromosome 8q, ASB14 and AHT3, were not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in affected American Saddlebred horses. In comparison, all of the microsatellite markers located on equine chromosome 5 were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in affected American Saddlebred horses. This suggested that the EI disease locus was located on equine chromosome 8q, where LAMA3 is also located.  相似文献   

A locus for brachydactyly type A-1 maps to chromosome 2q35-q36   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Brachydactyly type A-1 (BDA1) was, in 1903, the first recorded example of a human anomaly with Mendelian autosomal dominant inheritance. Two large families, the affected members of which were radiographed, were recruited in the study we describe here. Two-point linkage analysis for pedigree 1 (maximum LOD score [Zmax] 6.59 at recombination fraction [theta] 0.00) and for pedigree 2 (Zmax=5.53 at straight theta=0.00) mapped the locus for BDA1 in the two families to chromosome 2q. Haplotype analysis of pedigree 1 confined the locus for family 1 within an interval of <8.1 cM flanked by markers D2S2248 and D2S360, which was mapped to chromosome 2q35-q36 on the cytogenetic map. Haplotype analysis of pedigree 2 confined the locus for family 2 within an interval of <28. 8 cM flanked by markers GATA30E06 and D2S427, which was localized to chromosome 2q35-q37. The two families had no identical haplotype within the defined region, which suggests that the two families were not related.  相似文献   

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