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Statolith morphology and microstructure were studied in twocommon species of panktonic cranchiid squids, Belonella borealis[four juveniles with mantle length (ML) 375–450 mm] andGaliteuthis phyllura (13 paralarvae and juveniles, ML 9–235mm),caught near the bottom and in pelagic layers over the continentalslope of Siberia in the northwest Bering Sea. The total numberof growth increments within the statoliths ranged from 277 to294 in B.borealis and from 10 to 209 in G.phyllura. Assumingthat these increments were produced daily, both species growrapidly in length (daily growth rate = 1.13mm day–1 duringthe first 8–10 months of their juvenile phase in the mesopelagiclayers, prior to migration into deeper waters for maturation.  相似文献   

Statolith shape and microstructure were studied in 151 specimens of the common arctic squid Gonatus fabricii (7.3–322 mm pen length) collected in the southern Norwegian Sea. Statolith development and growth both comprised two main periods, which corresponded with the epipelagic and meso-bathypelagic ontogenetic periods of G. fabricii. During the epipelagic period (pen length range from 3 to 50–60 mm), statoliths quickly developed from the droplet-like form in early paralarvae to the pre-definite stage in juveniles (30–50 mm pen length). Paralarval and juvenile statoliths grew with high growth rates, and their microstructure contained narrow first-order growth increments. Three main growth zones (Z1, Z2, Z3) developed during this period, being well distinguished from each other by specific patterns of microstructure and separated from each other by distinct checks. During the meso-bathypelagic period (from 50–60 to 322 mm pen length), statoliths hardly changed their shape and grew very slowly. Only one growth zone (Z4) was formed within the statolith microstructure, characterized by disappearance of the first growth increments and formation of specific second-order bands. Each second-order band consisted of approximately seven first-order increments. If the assumption “one increment-one day” is true for G. fabricii, the squid would then be a slow-growing animal with a life span for both sexes not exceeding 2 years. Accepted: 25 May 1999  相似文献   

Fifty-nine specimens of the tropical epipelagic eno-ploteuthidEnoplotcuthis leptura were collected in the central-east Atlanticbetween 1986–1988. Statoliths were extracted from allspecimens (mantle length (ML) 4.1–92 mm) and processedunder the statolith ageing technique. The characteristic featureof statolith morphology in E. leptura is a sculpture of therostrum, which is covered by numerous tiny spines and knobs.In the ground statolith it was possible to distinguish fourmain growth zones consisting of narrow growth increments likethose in other squids studied. Allometric growth of statolithsversus ML is negative. E. leptura is a short-lived squid witha half-year life span. Growth rates of E. leptura are high atjuvenile stage (instantaneous rate of growth (G) of body weight(BW) 0.04–0.06). An early maturation of males (at age45–60 days) and females (at 80–90 days) causes asharp decrease of somatic growth of E. leptura, and mature squidhave low growth rates (G of BW - 0.OO3-O.0O5). Spawning takesplace between January and September with two peaks: in Januaryand in June-July. (Received 22 November 1992; accepted 15 February 1993)  相似文献   

The microstructure, morphology and ontogenetic development ofstatoliths and age and growth of 405 planktonic paralarvae and117 juveniles belonging to 10 species of gonatid squids (Cephalopoda,Oegopsida) were studied in the region of the continental slopein the western part of the Bering Sea (57°00'–61°30'N,163°00'E–179°20'W). The statolith microstructureof all species was characterized by the presence of a largedroplet-shaped nucleus and bipartite postnuclear zone dividedinto two by the first stress check, except for Berryteuthismagister which had only one stress check and an undivided postnuclearzone. In Gonatus spp., completion of development of the postnuclearzone coincided with full development of the central hook onthe tentacular club. Daily periodicity of statolith growth incrementswas validated by maintaining 13 paralarvae of the four mostabundant species in captivity. All species might be subdividedinto two groups based on statolith microstructure, i.e. specieswith a central position of the nucleus within the first statolithcheck (Gonatopsis spp., Egonatus tinro and B.magister) and specieswith the nucleus shifted to the inner side of the first statolithcheck (Gonatus spp.). Comparative analysis of statolith morphologyshowed that paralarval statoliths have species-specific charactersthat allowed the construction of keys to identify species ofgonatid paralarvae based on their statoliths. Analysis of paralarvalgrowth using statoliths revealed that these cold-water planktonicgonatid paralarvae have fast growth rates, attaining a mantlelength of 7–10 mm at 15–20 days and 20–25mm at 35–70 days.  相似文献   

The Rhynchoteuthion larvae of Illex argentinus resulting fromsummer spawning in North Patagonic shelf waters, its distributionand abundance, are described in this paper. The material wascollected in the Argentine Sea (35–55°S) by meansof plankton nets. The research cruises were made by the R/VShinkai Maru and the R/V Walther Herwig during the period April1978 to April 1979. The most important spawning ground of thesummer spawning subpopulation is found in continental-shelfwaters (between 43 and 46°S) during the period December-February.This area was established on the basis of both ripe (December)and spent females (February). The larvae which were caught duringthe same period, especially in March, confirmed the spawningarea of this demographic unit. The larvae showed the lengthof the mantle (ML) to be from 1.2 to 6.5 mm. Tentacles weresplitting in specimens from 5.0 to 6.5 mm ML (transition stage).When 7.0 mm ML or more, all specimens were juveniles and hadtheir tentacles completely separated. Larvae were characterizedas type C, following the proposal of Sato (1973) and Sato andSawada (1974) in the Bulletin of the Shizuoka Prefectural FisheriesExperimental Station.  相似文献   

Published data on the biomass and specific respiration ratesof mesozooplankton in the oceans across all latitudes were combinedto assess their community respiration on a global basis. Mesozooplanktonbiomass was higher in boreal/anti-boreal and polar waters, intermediatein equatorial waters and lowest in the subtropical gyres. Specificrespiration rates were the highest in equatorial waters anddecreased rapidly poleward. Global community respiration ofmesozooplankton in the upper 200 m of the oceans integratedover all latitudes was 10.4 ± 3.7 (SE) Gt C year–1(n = 838). Below the epipelagic zone, mesozooplankton respirationliving in the mesopelagic (200–1000 m) and bathypelagic(below 1000 m) zones was estimated as 2.2 ± 0.4 (n =57) and 0.40 ± 0.2 (n = 12) Gt C year–1, respectively.Thus, global depth-integrated mesozooplankton respiration was13.0 ± 4.2 Gt C year–1 (17–32% of globalprimary production), which is 3–8-fold higher than thevalues assigned to mesozooplankton respiration in recent estimatesof total respiration in the ocean. Thus, it appears that mesozooplanktonrepresent a major, but neglected component of the carbon cyclein the ocean.  相似文献   

Clupeoid larvae were collected on eight cruises between February1984 and February 1985 in the coastal waters of Israel. Fromanalysis of daily growth increments of otoliths, growth ratesof the abundant clupeoids, Engraulis encrasicolus, Sardina pilchardusand Sardinella aurita were found to be 0.55 mm day–1,0.67 mm day–1 and 0.60 mm day–1, respectively, duringthe first month after hatching. Ingestion rates were estimatedusing an equation from the literature relating ingestion andgrowth of larval fish. Ingestion calculated for populationsof fish larvae in pelagic waters ranged from 0 to >23 mgC m–2 day–1 with maximum rates observed in April.Annual ingestion by larval fish at a pelagic station near Haifawas calculated to be 2.2 g C m–2 year–1, 10–20%of annual primary production estimated from 14C uptake.  相似文献   

Quantitative determinations of chemical composition and oxygenconsumption rates were made for a deep-living population ofthe lobate ctenophore Bolinopsis infundibulum. Animals werecollected in the Gulf of Maine with the submersible ‘Johnson-Sea-Link’during September 1989 at depths ranging from 120 to 240 m. Carbonand nitrogen contents were similar to values reported for epipelagicctenophores. Lipid and protein levels were lower than valuestypical of epipelagic ctenophores, but higher than those ofmesopelagic species. Carbohydrate was nearly an order of magnitudehigher than previously recorded for B.infundibulum. Oxygen consumptionrates ranged from 0.004 to 0.235 µl O2 mg–1 dryweight h at temperatures ranging from 5 to 7°C. Carbon-specificmetabolic rates ranged from 0.21 to 12.73 µl O2 mg–1C h–1. Energy expenditures estimated from respirationdata (  相似文献   

Morphological and morphometric development of the upper jaw (UJ) and lower jaw (LJ) and arm crown of Chiroteuthis cf. veranyi, Liocranchia reinhardti (oceanic species), and Doryteuthis opalescens (neritic species) paralarvae were analyzed in order to verify whether or not they are determined by developmental modes. Jaw measurements were taken, correlated with mantle length (ML) by multiple linear regression to determine relative influences on growth, and compared between species by ANOVA to identify differences. Development was expected to be similar between oceanic species, but was morphologically similar between L. reinhardti and D. opalescens, and morphometrically similar between the latter and C. cf. veranyi. UJ and LJ measurements with highest correlation with ML are larger in L. reinhardti, indicating greater beak development in this species. Rostrum robustness is higher in L. reinhardti, intermediate in D. opalescens, and lower in C. cf. veranyi, hinting at the respective prey type. Teeth (LJ) and slit, characteristics of ancestral cephalopods, are present, disappearing completely and partially on the largest specimens of L. reinhardti and D. opalescens, respectively, and remaining in all sizes of C. cf. veranyi. The results suggest that their presence in early paralarvae reflects an adaptation to sucking the pre-digested internal fluids of prey.  相似文献   

Since its fust record in Icelandic waters in 1970, Praunus flexuosushas been found to be very common in the littoral zone of theAtlantic water at the south-west coast of Iceland. It seemspossible that P. flexuosus has only recently been introducedinto Icelandic waters. The life history of P. flexuosus hasbeen followed in Skerjafjord, near Reykjavik, in 1985–1986.The animals have a one-year life span. The females, some ofwhich appear to produce three broods, breed mainly during June–August.Breeding females ranged in length from 18.7 to 25.7 mm and thelargest brood was 72 eggs. The incubation time at c. 11°Cwas estimated to be 25 days. The daily growth rate of juvenileswas estimated to be 0.16 mm in July–August and 0.05–0.07mm in September–October. No growth occurred during thewinter months of October–March.  相似文献   

Growth responses of the red tide flagellates, Heterocapsa circularisquama(Dinophyceae) and Chattonella verruculosa (Raphidophyceae),were examined with 36 different combinations of temperature(5–30°C) and salinity (10–35 PSU). Heterocapsacircularisquama did not grow at or below a temperature of 10°C.The maximum growth rate of H.circularisquama (1.3 divisionsday–1) was obtained with a combination of 30°C and30 PSU. In contrast, C. verruculosa did not grow at 10 PSU andat temperatures of 25°C or more. The maximum growth rateof C. verruculosa (1.74 divisions day–1) was obtainedwith a combination of 15°C and 25 PSU. A significant temperature-salinityinteraction on growth was found by factorial analysis. Basedon the physiological characteristics obtained in the presentstudy, these novel flagellates have a potential for future outbreaksof red tides in pre viously unaffected waters.  相似文献   

The growth rates of Appendicularia sicula, Fritillaria borealissargassi, Fritillaria haplostoma, Oikopleura dioica and Oikopleuralongicauda were determined from microcosms incubated in situat 23C in Jamaican waters. Experiments were conducted fromoligotrophic offshore waters, through mesotrophic Lime Cay andeutrophic Kingston Harbour in both natural and nutrient-enhancedphytoplankton communities. Length-weight relationships werecalculated for two of these species: O.longicauda log W=2.47log TL –6.10 and F.haplostoma log W=2.44 log TL –7.37,where weight (W) is in micrograms and trunk length (TL) is inmicrometres. Instantaneous growth rates averaged 1.7–2.5day–1 for the five species and were observed as high as3.3 day–1 These instantaneous rates are equivalent todaily specific growth rates averaging 4.6–11.4 and rangingup to 28. In larger genera, growth rates were related positivelyto picoplankton and nanoplankton concentration, and negativelyto the biomass of larvaceans, but in the smallest species growthwas unrelated to these factors. However, because the variabilityin these two factors within microcosms exceeded their naturalrange of variability, growth rates of larvaceans may normallybe unlimited by resources or population density effects. 1Present address :Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute 7700Sandholdt Road, Moss Landing, CA 95039-0628, USA 2Present address :Bedford Institute of Oceanography PO Box 1006,Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2Y 4A2, Canada  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of investigations of the ecologyof reefs and banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Nearshoresurface waters are turbid out to approximately the 10 m isobath.A turbid nepheloid layer up to 20 m in thickness exists beyondthis depth. Seasonal temperature and salinity variability ishigh in nearshore waters. At the shelf edge, the temperatureto 50 m depth remains above 19°C. Topographic prominencesare common in the region. Most are surface expressions of thediapirism of underlying salt domes derived from deeply buriedJurassic salt deposits. Biotic zonation on the banks is primarilydepth related. Zones of major reef-building include the Diploria-Montastrea-Porites Zone (15–36 m), the Madracis Zone (28–46m), the Stephanocoenia-Millepora Zone (36–52 m), and theAlgal-Sponge Zone (45–98 m). A zone of minor reefbuildingon some banks is the Millepora Zone (18–52 m). An AntipatharianTransitional Zone exists from 56 to over 100 m on some banks.The Nepheloid Zone near the base of the banks is a zone of noreef-building. Not all zones are present on all banks. The communitystructure and depths of these zones depend on and are modifiedby the regional current regime, depth of the bank crests, substratecharacteristics, winter temperature minima, river influences,and the relative depth and thickness of the nepheloid layer.Nearshore communities are warm temperate in nature, though tropicalorganisms are occasionally abundant. Progressing offshore, thebenthos becomes increasingly tropical. The northerly locationand isolated nature of the Flower Gardens have lead to reducedcommunity diversity (e.g., only 18 of the 55 Western Atlantichermatypic coral species exist), but not reduced abundancesor growth rates of the species present. Assemblages on otherbanks exist below the tolerance limits of thriving tropicalreefs due to their frequent immersion in turbid water, excessivecrest depths, or lower minimum winter temperatures.  相似文献   

The goal of this research is to enhance our knowledge of thecontributions of doliolids to the planktonic community as consumersand secondary producers. The objectives are to quantify feedingand growth rates of Dolioletta gegenbauri gonozooids at fourfood concentrations and four temperatures in order to determinetheir impact as grazers throughout the water column. Althoughdoliolids are abundant in numerous regions of the coastal ocean,and are considered to be major planktonic grazers, data on ratesof feeding and growth are scarce. Laboratory experiments wereconducted at 16.5, 20, 23.5 and 26.5°C to quantify removalof a 50:50 volumetric concentration of Thalassiosira weissflogiiand Rhodomonas sp. at four different food concentrations of20, 60, 160 and 390 µg C l–1. Results from theseexperiments suggest that clearance rates are similar at concentrationsfrom 20 to 60 µg C l –1, and decrease as the foodconcentrations increase to 160 and 390 µg C l –1.The ingestion rates increase over a range of phytoplankton concentrationsfrom 20 to 160 µg C l –1, then decrease when abnormallyhigh concentrations of 390 µg C l –1 are offered.Clearance and ingestion rates increase as temperature increasesfrom 16.5 to 26.5°C. The exponential growth rates rangefrom k = 0.2–0.7, with the lowest rates occurring at thehighest food concentration. Growth rates increase with increasingtemperature from K = 0.1–0.3 at 16.5°C to 0.45–0.7at 26.5°C. In each case, the small- and medium-sized zooidshad higher growth rates than the larger gonozooids. These resultssuggest that doliolid feeding and growth rates are a functionof environmental food concentrations and temperatures, and implythat they can be important consumers in a changing neritic environment.  相似文献   

The calanoid copepod, Eudiaplomus graciloides, was reared fromegg to adult on uni-algal diets (0.1. 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt1–1) using the green alga, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii,as food, or on a mixed diet consisting of Lake Esrom water filteredthrough a plankton net with pore size 45 µm and supplementedwith C. reinhardtii (2.5 mg dry wt 1–1). On the mixeddiet at 21.0°C growth in body dry wt (W, µg dry wt)was exponential, and the growth constants were 0.21 day–1in the early to mid juvenile stage (N1 - C4) and 0.11 day–1in the late juvenile to early adult stage (C4-A). At 14.5°Cthe corresponding growth rate constants were 0.10 and 0.08 day–1.Similar growth rates were found at uni-algal concentrationsof 0.5 and 2.5 mg dry wt I–1, and it was argued that thethreshold concentration for growth in Eudiaptomus was closeto 0.1 mg dry wt I–1. The clearance (C, ml h–1)of copepodites was measured on the uni-algal diets. The constantsof the regression (C = aWb) were: a = 0.125, b = 0.858 (2000C. reinhardtii ml–1), a = 0.068, b = 0.849 (10 000), a= 0.028, b = 0.875 (50 000). Ingestion rates were calculatedfrom the clearances and the average algal concentrations. Atthe three food levels the average daily rations were 30, 67and 125% of body dry wt. The respiration rate (R, nl O2 h–1)was measured in individuals reared on the mixed diet. The constantsof the regression (R = aWb) were: a = 4.82, b = 1.07 (nauplii,14.5°C), a = 4.17, b = 0.904 (copepodites and adults, 14.5°C),a = 6.87, b = 0.757 (copepodites and adults, 21.0°C). Nosignificant difference in the respiration rate of copepoditesreared on uni-algal diets and the mixed diet could be demonstrated.Energy budgets were calculated. The assimilation efficiencyand the gross growth efficiency of copepodites decreased markedlywith increasing food concentration, the net growth efficiencyvaried from an average of 0.44 at the lowest algal concentrationto 0.60 on the mixed diet. The results are discussed in relationto previous findings with both freshwater and marine copepods.  相似文献   

Coexisting populations of the mussels, Perna perna and Mytilusgalloprovincialis, were monitored at two sites on the NorthAfrican coast, east of Algiers, over a five year period (1985–1989).While spatfalls were observed throughout the year, only themajor spring-summer recruitment, which occurred during favourableweather conditions, contributed to the renewal of both musselspecies at both sites. Very high densities (>10, 000 ind.m–2) were observed at both sites, but the mussel bedswere composed principally of young and small specimens due toharvesting of the largest animals for use as bait and for humanconsumption. The maximal length observed was 75 mm in P. pernaand 49 mm in M. galloprovincialis. The life span of the specieswas low, 12–24 months in P. perna and 11–28 monthsin M. galloprovincialis. This survey showed that M. galloprovincialisbecame dominant in both mussel beds due to its resistance todisturbance by human activities. (Received 5 January 1995; accepted 18 April 1995)  相似文献   

Lolium temulentum plants were grown at 20 °C, under an 8-hdaylength, in a controlled-environment chamber, and the kineticsof leaf expansion were observed by measuring the movement ofan optical grid attached to the fourth leaf. The leaf emerged23–24 d after sowing and was fully expanded 9–10d later. Extension rate was maximal between the second and fifthdays after emergence and declined markedly thereafter. Duringthe rapid growth phase the rate of elongation exhibited a distinctdiurnal rhythm, fluctuating between 1.9 to 2.3 mm h–1in the light period, and 1.3 to 1.7 mm h–1 in the dark.A circadian oscillation with a period of about 27 h was observedin leaves elongating in continuous darkness. When plants weretransferred to 5 °C soon after emergence of the fourth leafthere was an immediate reduction in rate of growth to about22 per cent of the rate at 20 °C: the Q10 for the mean elongationrate in the range 20–5 °C was 3.7. When plants weretransferred from 20 to 2 °C at fourth leaf emergence, meanextension rate declined to less than 5 per cent, correspondingto a Q10 in the range 5–2 °C of more than 300. Furthermore,growth at 2 °C was confined almost entirely to the darkphase of the photoperiod cycle. The responsive tissue was shownto be a small area of expanding leafless than 1.5 cm above theshoot apex and the possible mechanisms underlying low temperatureeffects in this region are discussed. Lolium temulentum L., leaf growth, auxanometer, low temperature, diurnal rhythm  相似文献   

In situ growth and development of Neocalanus flemingeri/plumchrusstage C1–C4 copepodites were estimated by both the artificial-cohortand the single-stage incubation methods in March, April andMay of 2001–2005 at 5–6°C. Results from thesetwo methods were comparable and consistent. In the field, C1–C4stage durations ranged from 7 to >100 days, dependent ontemperature and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration. Averagestage durations were 12.4–14.1 days, yielding an averageof 56 days to reach C5, but under optimal conditions stage durationswere closer to 10 days, shortening the time to reach C5 (fromC1) to 46 days. Generally, growth rates decreased with increasingstage, ranging from 0.28 day–1 to close to zero but weretypically between 0.20 and 0.05 day–1, averaging 0.110± 0.006 day–1 (mean ± SE) for single-stageand 0.107 ± 0.005 day–1 (mean ± SE) forartificial-cohort methods. Growth was well described by equationsof Michaelis–Menten form, with maximum growth rates (Gmax)of 0.17–0.18 day–1 and half saturation Chl a concentrations(Kchl) of 0.45–0.46 mg m–3 for combined C1–3,while Gmax dropped to 0.08–0.09 day–1 but Kchl remainedat 0.38–0.93 mg m–3 for C4. In this study, in situgrowth of N. flemingeri/plumchrus was frequently food limitedto some degree, particularly during March. A comparison withglobal models of copepod growth rates suggests that these modelsstill require considerable refinement. We suggest that the artificial-cohortmethod is the most practical approach to generating the multispeciesdata required to address these deficiencies.  相似文献   

Grazing by microzooplankton on autotrophic and heterotrophicpicoplankton as well as >0.7 µm phytoplankton (as measuredby chlorophyll a) was quantified during July, August, October,January and April in the surface layer of Logy Bay, Newfoundland(47°38'14'N, 52°39'36'W). Rates of growth and grazingmortality of bacteria, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonwere measured using the sea water dilution technique. Microzooplanktoningested 83–184, 96–366 and 64–118% of bacterial,Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplankton daily potentialproduction, respectively and 34–111, 25–30 and 16–131%of bacterial, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonstanding stocks, respectively. The trends in prey net growthrates followed the seasonal cycles of prey biomass, suggestingthat microzooplankton are important grazers in Newfoundlandcoastal waters. Ingestion was lowest during January and October(~2 µg C l–1 day–1) and highest in August(~20 µg C l–1 day–1). Aside from April when>0.7 µm phytoplankton represented the majority (~80%)of carbon ingested, bacterioplankton and <1 µm phytoplanktonrepresented most of the carbon ingested (~40–100%). Althoughmicrozooplankton have here-to-fore been unrecognized as an importantgrazer population in Newfoundland coastal waters, these resultssuggest that they play an important role in carbon flow withinthe pelagic food web, even at low temperatures in Logy Bay.  相似文献   

The abundance and vertical distribution of micro-metazoans sampledwith fine nets of 0.05 mm mesh size were studied at three stationsin the Arabian Sea during the intermonsoon period (April/May1987) and down to 1850 m depth. In the epipelagic zone (0–100m). values of biomass and metazoan abundance tended to be higherthan those reported for other tropical oceanic areas. In themesopelagic zone, which is characterized by an extreme oxygendeficiency between 100 and 1000 m depth, the abundance of metazoantaxa and species numbers of non-calanoid copepods were largelyreduced. However, intermediate abundance maxima occurred withinthis zone, which were dominated by specific metazoan taxa (copepods.appendicularians) and species of non-calanoids (Oncaea sp. C).In the bathypelagic zone below 1050 m, the species diversityof the dominant copepod family Oncaeidae increased substantially.Two-thirds of a total of 69 oncaeid species recovered were confinedto this layer. As most of them were small in size and occurredin low abundance only, the increase in total oncaeid densityand/or plankton biomass was less conspicuous. Dominant Oncaeaspecies in the bathypelagic zone were O.longipes and O.brodskii.The results are compared with published data from the ArabianSea and other tropical oceanic areas with and without an extrememesopelagic oxygen minimum zone Possible causes of the intermediateabundance maxima within the oxygen deficiency zone are discussed.  相似文献   

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