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Diabetes mellitus is characterized by anatomical and functional alterations of the intestinal tract. However, the aetiology of these disturbances remains unclear. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of diabetes on the expression of laminin-1 and fibronectin in the small intestine of Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. The Western immunoblotting of the extracts from the small intestine revealed that experimental diabetes resulted in a marked increase in the intensity of the bands corresponding to laminin-1 and fibronectin. Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated a strong labelling to these two extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins in the small intestine of diabetic rats, mainly localized in the smooth muscle layer. These results occur together with a thickening of the basement membrane (BM) of the smooth muscle cells, demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We propose that the accumulation of ECM proteins in the smooth muscle layer may be an effect mediated by hyperglycaemia, since insulin treatment of diabetic rats reversed this accumulation. These results could provide information on the potential role of the ECM in the intestine, an organ which is known to exhibit important alterations in diabetes.  相似文献   

Fibronectin and laminin production by human keratinocytes cultured in serum-free, low-calcium medium without a fibroblast feeder layer were examined by several techniques. By indirect immunofluorescence, fibronectin but not laminin appeared as short radial fibrils between the cells and the substratum, and in the pericellular matrix. Synthesis of fibronectin and laminin by 7-day keratinocyte cultures was determined by 18 hr 35S-methionine metabolic labeling followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. Fibronectin accounted for 2.9% of total synthesized protein, 26.5% of fluid phase protein secretion, and 4.3% of deposited ECM protein. In contrast, only 0.1% of the total synthesized protein was laminin, little (6.3%) of this product was secreted, and none of this product was deposited in the ECM. Our results indicate that human keratinocytes under culture conditions that prevent terminal differentiation in vitro can synthesize, secrete, and deposit fibronectin in the extracellular matrix. Although these cells synthesize laminin, they secrete very little and deposit no detectable laminin in the matrix under these culture conditions. From these data we believe that fibronectin may play an important role in the interaction of epidermal cells with connective tissue matrix during wound healing or morphogenesis in in vivo situations in which the epidermis is not terminally differentiated.  相似文献   

Cellular transglutaminase has affinity for extracellular matrix   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Cellular transglutaminase (TGase) was demonstrated as an intracellular enzyme by immunofluorescence in WI-38 cells. Following cell membrane perturbation by Triton X-100 treatment, TGase was bound to the extracellular matrix and was found to coexist with fibronectin as visualized by immunofluorescence microscopy. The binding of TGase to the cell matrix was blocked by anti-fibronectin antibody. Exogenous sources of soluble TGase were transferred to the extracellular matrix of an untreated or methanol fixed cell. The experimental data indicated that “particulate bound” TGase is a consequence of soluble TGase binding to the extracellular matrix following cell rupture. Editor's statement This report suggest that “particulate bound” transglutaminase may be a consequence of affinity of soluble enzyme for specific molecules in extracellular matrix and opens up a means to characterize transglutaminase binding sites in the matrix.  相似文献   

We have incorporated antibodies against fibronectin or laminin into liposomes and studied their interaction with insoluble forms of these antigens. The antibodies, after modification by palmitoylchloride, were incorporated into the lipid bilayer by the cholate dialysis method. The antibodies in the liposomes recognized their specific antigen with little reaction to the alternative attachment protein or to albumin (less than 2%). The binding of antibody-containing liposomes to insoluble antigen was inhibited by soluble antibodies to the respective antigens but not by antibodies to other antigens. The affinity constant of the liposome-antibody complex with the antigen was estimated at 1-10 X 10(-9) M liposomes. Thus, antibodies in liposomes retain their reactivity and specificity, and the reaction constant is comparable to that observed for immune complexes.  相似文献   

Schmid  V.  Bally  A.  Beck  K.  Haller  M.  Schlage  W. K.  Weber  Ch. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):3-10
The outer mesoglea (extracellular matrix; ECM) of hydrozoan jellyfish was found to contain a species-specific meshwork of striated fibers of different diameters. In the mesoglea, molecules were identified which exhibit several features of well known vertebrate ECM: a laminin-like molecule which appears cross-shaped on electronmicrographs, a fibronectin-like molecule (both detectable by their immunoreactivity at the exumbrella side) and a species-specific collagen consisting of 3 different -chains of which at least 2 can be decorated with con A. The -chains are linked by disulfide bridges. Acetic acid extraction of the mesoglea and subsequent salt precipitation yields fibrils which appear banded in the electron microscope and support species-specific adhesion and spreading of isolated tissue. These precipitated fibrils are mainly composed of the disulfide-linked collagen.  相似文献   

Summary Low density bovine vacular endothelial cell cultures maintained on dishes coated with an extracellular matrix can be grown in serum-free Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with high density lipoprotein (HDL) and transferrin. Such cultures do not require insulin. Early passage cultures exposed to HDL and transferrin grew as well as cultures exposed to optimal serum concentrations and could be passaged repeatedly in total absence of serum. A requirement for fibroblast growth factor to ensure an optimal growth could be observed only with late-passage cultures. The present results suggest strongly that HDL is involved in supporting the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells in vitro. This may be important for our understanding of the biological role of HDL “in vivo”. This work was supported by Grants HL 23678 and 20192 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

A novel human glioma-associated extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein has been identified by murine monoclonal antibody 81C6. The glycoprotein, designated GMEM, is expressed in the ECM of glioma and mesenchymal cell cultures, in the perivascular matrix of endothelial proliferations of human gliomas, and in the stroma of human glioma xenografts in athymic mice, where it has been used as a target antigen for monoclonal antibody tumor localization and radioimaging. We report here on the immunochemical and biochemical characterization of GMEM. Polyacrylamide gel analysis of immunoprecipitated [3H]-leucine- and [3H]-glucosamine-labeled ECM from the human glioma cell line U-251MG has shown that GMEM is a high-molecular-weight macromolecule (Mr approximately 1,000,000) composed of Mr approximately 230,000 disulfide-bonded glycoprotein subunits. Immunoprecipitation, immunoblot, and one-dimensional peptide map analysis have shown that GMEM is distinct from human fibroblast and plasma fibronectin. These results support previous immunohistology and absorption analysis findings, indicating that GMEM is distinct from fibronectin, laminin, and glycosaminoglycans secreted by U-251MG.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution and organization of the extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins laminin, fibronectin, entactin, and type IV collagen were investigated in primary colonies and secondary cultures of bovine lens epithelial cells using species-specific antisera and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Primary cell colonies fixed in formaldehyde and permeabilized with Triton X-100 displayed diffuse clonies. In contrast, thick bundles of laminin and fibronectin were located on the basal cellsurfaces and in between cells in the densely packed center of the colonies, and as “adhesive plaques” and fine extracellular matrix cords in the sparsely populated (migratory) outer edge of the colonies. The distribution of ECM proteins observed in secondary lens epithelial cell cultures was similar to that observed at the periphery of the primary colony. Extraction of the secondary cell cultures with sodium deoxycholate confirmed that laminin and fibronectin were deposited on the basal cell surface. Indeed, the patterns of laminin and fibronectin deposition suggested that these proteins codistribute. These results establish that lens epithelial cells in culture can be used as a model system to study the synthesis and extracellular deposition of the basement membrane proteins, laminin and fibronectin. Supported by Public Health Service grant EY05570 from the National Eye Institute Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

In adult vessels the proliferation rate of differentiated endothelial cells is very low. In response to several environmental stimuli the expression of so-called ‘angiogenic factors’ is upregulated and the messenger RNAs are actively translated in secreted factors which induce the proliferation of endothelial cells; the digestion of their basement membrane then allows their migration and differentiation. Considerable progress has been made during the past years in elucidating the molecular actors of angiogenesis. Vascular endothelial growth factor turned out to represent the major inducer of angiogenesis. Optional splicing of its pre-messenger RNA generates various isoforms which differ not only by their storage in the extracellular matrix but also by their signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Survival of endothelial cells is critical for cellular processes such as angiogenesis. Cell attachment to extracellular matrix inhibits apoptosis in endothelial cells both in vitro and in vivo, but the molecular mechanisms underlying matrix-induced survival signals or detachment-induced apoptotic signals are unknown. We demonstrate here that matrix attachment is an efficient regulator of Fas-mediated apoptosis in endothelial cells. Thus, matrix attachment protects cells from Fas-induced apoptosis, whereas matrix detachment results in susceptibility to Fas-mediated cell death. Matrix attachment modulates Fas-mediated apoptosis at two different levels: by regulating the expression level of Fas, and by regulating the expression level of c-Flip, an endogenous antagonist of caspase-8. The extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) cascade functions as a survival pathway in adherent cells by regulating c-Flip expression. We further show that detachment-induced cell death, or anoikis, itself results from activation of the Fas pathway by its ligand, Fas-L. Fas-L/Fas interaction, Fas-FADD complex formation, and caspase-8 activation precede the bulk of anoikis in endothelial cells, and inhibition of any of these events blocks anoikis. These studies identify matrix attachment as a survival factor against death receptor-mediated apoptosis and provide a molecular mechanism for anoikis and previously observed Fas resistance in endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Summary The culturing of human endometrium in conventional plastic dishes and media is only partially successful, mainly because a growth of a heterogeneous population of cells is achieved. Naturally produced extracellular matrix closely resembles the subepithelial basement membrane and seems to affect both growth and differentiation of cells. These qualities of the extracellular matrix (ECM) were applied for obtaining endometrial epithelial cultures. Endometrial tissue specimens were plated after slicing on ECM-coated dishes and kept for up to 8 d. The growth of a confluent homogeneous tissue composed of polygonal epithelial-like cells was demonstrated. To further characterize these cells, cultures were examined by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopy revealed flattened polygonal cells covered with microvilli, among which ciliated cells were observed. By transmission electron microscopy the cells were seen as a monolayer, with some cells overlapping, closely adherent to the matrix. Microvilli, as well as intracellular vacuoles and glycogen granules were observed. Cell type specific cytoskeletal markers were demonstrated by antibodies to intermediate filament proteins (keratin and epithelial membrane antigen). Taken together, the morphologic and immunohistochemical studies indicate that a selective growth of the epithelial component of endometrial tissue was obtained after plating unprocessed endometrial tissue fragments on ECM-coated culture dishes. This work was supported by PHS grant no. CA 30289 to J.V.  相似文献   

In this short review we describe the observations which have led us to conclude that one of the most important components involved in modulating cell proliferation in vitro, and probably in vivo as well, may be the extrac-cellular matrix upon which cells rest.  相似文献   

Small extracellular vesicles (EVs) are novel players in vascular biology. However, a thorough understanding of their production and function remains elusive. Endothelial senescence is a key feature of vascular ageing and thus, is an attractive therapeutic target for the treatment of vascular disease. In this study, we sought to characterize the EV production of senescent endothelial cells. To achieve this, Human Umbilical Vascular Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) were replicated until they reached senescence, as determined by measurement of Senescence‐Associated β‐Galactosidase activity via microscopy and flow cytometry. Expression of the endosomal marker Rab7 and the EV marker CD63 was determined by immunofluorescence. Small EVs were isolated by ultracentrifugation and characterized using electron microscopy, nanoparticle tracking analysis and immunoassays to assess morphology, size, concentration and expression of exosome markers CD9 and CD81. Migration of HUVECs in response to EVs was studied using a transwell assay. The results showed that senescent endothelial cells express higher levels of Rab7 and CD63. Moreover, senescent endothelial cells produced higher levels of CD9‐ and CD81‐positive EVs. Additionally, small EVs from both young and senescent endothelial cells promoted HUVEC migration. Overall, senescent endothelial cells produce an increased number of functional small EVs, which may have a role in vascular physiology and disease.  相似文献   

Summary Lymphatic endothelial cells grown long term in culture form lymphatic capillarylike tubes. Examination by light and transmission electron microscopy showed that these structures were closed loops composed of one to several cells connected by intercellular junction to form a luminal space. This first demonstration of lymphangiogenesis in confluent monolayer cultures of lymphatic endothelial cells (a) showed that collagen type I accelerated lymphatic capillary tube formation, whereas fibronectin and matrigel had no effect; b) provided a model to study lymphatic endothelial cell function and differentiation; and c) offered a possibility to distinguish differences between the process of lymphangiogenesis and angiogenesis by testing various factors and conditions that effect endothelial cell behavior.  相似文献   

We aimed at determining involvement of extracellular matrix proteins (ECMp) and an ECM-binding adhesin (32-kDa protein) from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, in the course of experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. BALB/c mice were infected with P. brasiliensis conidia previously incubated with soluble laminin, fibronectin and fibrinogen or a mAb against the fungal adhesin. Inflammatory response, chitin levels and cytokine production at different postinfection periods were determined. Chitin was significantly decreased in lungs of mice infected with ECMp-treated conidia when compared with controls at week 8, especially with laminin and fibrinogen. Contrariwise, when animals were infected with mAb-treated conidia no differences in chitin content were found. The observed inflammatory reaction in lungs was equivalent in all cases. IFN-gamma increased significantly in lungs from mice infected with soluble ECMp - (at day 4 and week 12) or mAb-treated conidia (at week 12) when compared with animals infected with untreated conidia. Significant increased levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha were observed at 8 weeks in animals infected with ECMp-treated conidia while no differences were observed during the remaining periods. These findings point toward an inhibitory effect of ECMp on P. brasiliensis conidia infectivity and suggest that these proteins may interfere with conidia initial adhesion to host tissues probably modulating the immune response in paracoccidioidomycosis.  相似文献   

Alix (ALG-2-interacting protein X), a cytoplasmic adaptor protein involved in endosomal sorting and actin cytoskeleton assembly, is required for the maintenance of fibroblast morphology. As Alix has sequence similarity to adhesin in Entamoeba histolytica, and we observed that Alix is secreted, we determined whether extracellular Alix affects fibroblast morphology. Here, we demonstrate that secreted Alix is deposited on the substratum of non-immortalized WI38 fibroblasts. Antibody binding to extracellular Alix retards WI38 cell adhesion and spreading on fibronectin and vitronectin. Alix knockdown in WI38 cells reduces spreading and fibronectin assembly, and the effect is partially complemented by coating recombinant Alix on the cell substratum. Immortalized NIH/3T3 fibroblasts deposit less Alix on the substratum and have defects in α5β1-integrin functions. Coating recombinant Alix on the culture substratum for NIH/3T3 cells promotes α5β1-integrin-mediated cell adhesions and fibronectin assembly, and these effects require the aa 605–709 region of Alix. These findings demonstrate that a sub-population of Alix localizes extracellularly and regulates integrin-mediated cell adhesions and fibronectin matrix assembly.  相似文献   

The matricellular protein SPARC (also known as osteonectin and BM-40) is expressed abundantly in lens epithelium. That SPARC-null mice exhibit early cataractogenesis, indicates a role for SPARC in the maintenance of lens transparency. Comparison of cultured wild-type and SPARC-null lens epithelial cells revealed significant changes in adhesion to different substrates. SPARC-null lens cells displayed enhanced attachment and spreading, focal adhesion formation, and resistance to trypsin detachment in comparison to wild-type cells. In the absence of SPARC, there was increased deposition of the ECM protein laminin-1 (LN-1). Proteins associated with focal adhesions were increased in SPARC-null versus wild-type lens cells: levels of alpha6-integrin heterodimers, talin, and paxillin phosphorylated on tyrosine were enhanced significantly, as was the association of beta1-integrin with talin and paxillin. Restoration of the wild-type phenotype in SPARC-null cultures was accomplished through genetic rescue by stable transfection of SPARC cDNA. Our findings indicate that SPARC is counter-adhesive for murine lens epithelial cells and demonstrate that multiple factors contribute to this activity. We also identify SPARC as a modulator of LN-1 secretion and deposition by these cells, an activity important in epithelial cell-ECM interactions in the ocular lens.  相似文献   

Summary Using gelatin, casein, and fibronectin as substrates and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), we have identified protein-degrading enzymes in both normal and Rous sarcoma virus-transformed primary avian tendon cells. Although there are some consistent differences in the profile of the gelatinolytic activities (mainly metalloproteinases) between normal and transformed cells, the amounts of fibronectin-degrading activities seem to be comparable. In vitro studies reported here demonstrate that the degradation of fibronectin is partially and specifically inhibited by gelatin and collagen. We therefore propose that the abundant collagen present in normal tendon cells protects fibronectin against degradation. Conversely, in transformed cells, where collagen levels are drastically reduced, fibronectin may be more accessible to degradation. Thus differences in the steady-state levels of fibronectin on normal and transformed cells may be, at least in part, a consequence of changes in collagen levels. This work was supported by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, Office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C., under contracts DE-AC03-76-SF00098 and DE-AC03-76-SF01012.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) respond to a variety of differentiation signal provided by their local environments. A large portion of these signals originate from the extracellular matrix (ECM). At the same time, MSCs secrete various matrix‐altering agents, including proteases, that alter ECM‐encoded differentiation signals. Here we investigated the interactions between MSC and ECM produced by endothelial cells (EC‐matrix), focusing not only on the differentiation signals provided by EC‐matrix, but also on MSC‐alteration of these signals and the resultant affects on MSC differentiation. MSCs were cultured on EC‐matrix modified in one of three distinct ways. First, MSCs cultured on native EC‐matrix underwent endothelial cell (EC) differentiation early during the culture period and smooth muscle cell (SMC) differentiation at later time points. Second, MSCs cultured on crosslinked EC‐matrix, which is resistant to MSC modification, differentiated towards an EC lineage only. Third, MSCs cultured on EC‐matrix pre‐modified by MSCs underwent SMC‐differentiation only. These MSC‐induced matrix alterations were found to deplete the factors responsible for EC‐differentiation, yet activate the SMC‐differentiation factors. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the EC‐matrix contains factors that support MSC differentiation into both ECs and SMCs, and that these factors are modified by MSC‐secreted agents. By analyzing the framework by which EC‐matrix regulates differentiation in MSCs, we have uncovered evidence of a feedback system in which MSCs are able to alter the very matrix signals acting upon them. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 706–713, 2009. Published 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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