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A review of 113 patients who underwent 178 scalp split-thickness skin graft procedures is presented. Although our study confirms some of the work of previous authors, we found that the scalp donor site has potential complications which should be considered. These complications are minor in the adult population. In the pediatric population, however, excessive blood loss due to the relatively large surface area of the scalp limits the use of the scalp as a preferred donor site.  相似文献   

Scalp layers are widely used in reconstructive procedures. The authors used prefabricated galeal flaps based on the superficial temporal or postauricular vessels for ear, cheek, mandible, and cranium reconstructions in three cases. In case 1, synchronous beard and ear reconstructions were accomplished by using the temporoparietal and retroauricular flaps. In case 2, a buccomandibular defect was reconstructed by transposing the supra-auricular and retroauricular galea with prefabricated bone and skin. In case 3, an epidural hematoma in the left frontoparietal area was evacuated after a circular craniectomy. The harvested bone was not put back on the defect area but buried between the periosteal and galeal layers because of brain edema. These layers were raised as an osteogaleoperiosteal flap and transposed onto the defect area after 7 weeks. When used with a prefabrication method, scalp layers offer versatile options for repairing composite defects of the head region. A galeal flap based on the posterior auricular vessels is practical and reliable in reconstructive procedures. The authors suggest that this flap is an option in cases in which the temporoparietal fascia artery or the superficial temporal artery is not available. Prefabrication of the harvested cranial bone inside the adjacent tissues offers several advantages in that a viable bone is provided at the end of the procedure, intervention at a distant area is avoided, the graft is placed on osteogenic tissue (periosteum) that is also transposed onto the defect, and sophisticated procedures such as microsurgical techniques are not needed.  相似文献   

Marchac D  Brady JA  Chiou P 《Plastic and reconstructive surgery》2002,109(7):2539-51; discussion 2552-4
The authors present their latest development of a strictly vertical retroauricular incision to minimize a sequela of a face lift, namely, a visible scar. The temporal preauricular vertical incision and the retroauricular vertical incision form two parallel arms of a U-shaped incision. Anteriorly, a downward rotation flap is made to maintain the horizontal temporal line at the right level, and posteriorly, the scalp is incised vertically, followed by extensive superficial retroauricular undermining. In both temporal and retroauricular areas, skin and scalp undergo a redistribution rather than resection, which is extremely limited. The authors' experience with 100 patients who were operated on with vertical U incisions since April of 2000 is described. A total of 35 patients were evaluated after a 6-month follow-up by using clinical and photographic examinations. There were very few complications because the extensive retroauricular flap has good viability. There were no problems with sensitivity, hair loss, or scar spreading, and the hairline was not displaced. The quality of the scar was excellent in the majority of cases. We experienced only a few hypertrophic but well-hidden scars. This approach can also be used in secondary cases when the primary scar is of good quality. The neck pull is as effective as that in the classic approach with a traverse retroauricular incision. The nondetectability of the retroauricular scar is of special interest in young patients and in men. The authors believe there is no contraindication for this technique. It does not significantly prolong the operating time. It includes a large undermining in the retroauricular area (6 cm from the sulcus), but this dissection is easily performed in the superficial plane. In addition to using fibrin glue in the undermined areas, the authors drain the neck. They do not use dressings. Recovery was fast, and there were only two instances of hematomas and two instances of subcutaneous cervical fluid collections in which patients required treatment.  相似文献   

The anatomy and surgical correction of cryptotia are reviewed. Another technical procedure using retroauricular tissue expansion is presented. This method allows release of the auricle and construction of the auriculocephalic sulcus without the problems associated with older soft-tissue techniques, e.g., incomplete correction, multiple scars, poor color match of skin grafts, and donor-site morbidity.  相似文献   

The scalp is a useful and reliable donor site in pediatric burn patients that can be multiply harvested with minimal morbidity. Healing complications, however, may include alopecia and chronic folliculitis. To investigate scalp donor-site morbidity, a consecutive series of 2478 pediatric burn patients treated over a 10-year period were reviewed. A total of 450 of these patients had scalp donor sites for wound closure. Percent of total body surface area burned was 46+/-23 percent (mean+/-standard deviation), and the mean number of sequential scalp donor-site harvests was 2.2+/-2 (range, 1 to 10) with mean intervals between harvesting of 6+/-0.6 days. Ten patients (2.2 percent) had related complications. Eight patients developed scalp folliculitis, with Staphylococcus sp as the predominant organism (80 percent). Two patients were managed successfully with wound care alone; the other six patients required surgical debridement and split-thickness skin grafting to achieve wound healing. These eight patients developed varying degrees of alopecia. Two patients developed alopecia without previous folliculitis. Six patients required reconstructive surgery, which consisted of primary closure (3), staged excision (1), and tissue expansion (2). A number of variables were examined to determine any differences in the group that had complications compared with the group of patients that did not. No differences in age, sex, race, burn type, burn size, septic episodes, time to wound closure, or number of times the scalp was harvested were detected. Healed second-degree burns to the scalp that were subsequently taken as donor sites seemed to be a risk factor (p < 0.05) for folliculitis and alopecia. Our study confirms that scalp donor sites are reliable with low morbidity. Complications include alopecia and chronic folliculitis that can be avoided by meticulous technique and avoidance of previously burned areas.  相似文献   

In cases of microtia with a low hairline, the manner in which hair is removed from the reconstructed auricle must be taken into consideration. This is one of the most common but difficult problems with reconstruction for microtia. The authors describe a new technique that uses a simple regional flap to resolve this problem. The hair-bearing skin in the estimated auricular region and its covering are removed using a local flap from the hairless mastoid region. This is done in the first stage of auricular reconstruction, the costal cartilage grafting is done in the second stage, and elevation of the auricle is done in the last stage. In 38 auricles of 36 patients who were treated from 1993 to 1995, eight auricles of eight patients were treated with this technique. In all cases, the hairless flap healed well, without vascular stasis or skin necrosis. In addition, no complications from using this technique occurred in the later stages of auricular reconstruction. With this technique, the skin of the flap provides a good texture and color match to the auricle. In addition, the skin of the flap has good elasticity for the cutaneous pocket for cartilage grafting. The harvested area of the flap can be hidden behind the reconstructed auricle. The authors initially wondered whether the marginal scar of the transposed flap's position in the auricle would be conspicuous. However, all of the scar became inconspicuous because it was positioned in the scaphoid fossa.  相似文献   

Skin graft from a scalp flap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a case of scalp avulsion treated with a transposition scalp flap utilizing a split-thickness skin graft from the flap. Using the flap as a donor site confined the operation to a single anatomic region and saved the patient an additional donor-site scar. The flap healed uneventfully with normal regrowth of hair, the donor site was well concealed, and there was complete take of the split-thickness skin graft.  相似文献   

Frequently, when a face lift procedure is performed, several pieces of healthy scalp are discarded as waste unless a prehairline incision is used. In selected cases, such as patients with hair loss, these pieces of scalp may be used to create micrografts (grafts with 1 to 2 hairs) and minigrafts (grafts with 3 to 4 hairs) and transplanted to the areas of need in the same session. I have found particularly rewarding the combination of face lift and hair transplantation, because patients who need both procedures benefit immensely by doing them together. This way, the pieces of healthy scalp that normally would have gone to waste are recycled. In a preliminary fashion, a strip of retroauricular and occipital scalp that normally would be discarded is harvested from one side and handed to my assistants. Under magnification, they dissect it into micrografts and minigrafts as I do the face lift on that side. When I go to the second side of the face lift, I give them the other strip of scalp; again, as they dissect it into grafts, I continue with the face lift. Usually, we generate about 1000 micrografts and minigrafts from those strips that would have normally been discarded. If I want more grafts, I would (in a preliminary fashion) harvest the donor strip of the size required. As the face lift with or without eyelids is completed, we usually have the grafts ready for insertion. Today, we are able to transplant approximately 1000 grafts in about 1 hour. Therefore, combining the two procedures adds only about an hour to our surgical and anesthesia time.  相似文献   

Following a review of the operative technique for a single-stage vertical flap for reconstruction of the frontal hairline, we present a series of 156 such flaps with a minimum follow-up of 6 months. Risk factors for necrosis or alopecia of the distal end of the flap include retroauricular design and cigarette smoking. There was not a single case of necrosis in nonsmokers with flaps shorter than 16 cm. Finally, we demonstrate that the final appearance of the donor site is directly related to the tension under which it is closed.  相似文献   

目的:探讨耳后头皮瓣急诊即刻修复耳郭部分缺损的可行性与临床效果。方法:对2013年1-12月来我院急诊的7例外伤后耳郭部分缺损的患者(均为男性,年龄22-50岁;其中右耳4例,左耳3例)采用耳后头皮推进瓣即刻修复,以耳郭缺损耳后皮肤及头皮皮肤做推进瓣,将断离的耳郭去皮保留软骨与耳郭断端软骨缝合形成软骨支架,推进皮瓣部分卷曲缝合形成耳轮结构修复耳郭缺损。结果:7例耳郭部分缺损均在急诊环境下即刻修复,耳郭大小和形态满意,颅耳角略变小,随访3~6月耳郭形态稳定。结论:耳后头皮推进瓣卷曲缝合可在急诊条件下即刻修复耳郭部分缺损,具有治疗周期短,一次达到较满意外形的优点,对于无条件行二期手术的患者具有较大意义,其远期效果尚有待进一步随访。  相似文献   

A 57-year-old man blind since an early age lost significant ability to orient himself in space regarding surrounding objects after his left ear was retropositioned to close a retroauricular full-thickness skin graft donor site. Release of the ear to its former position corrected the disability. We warn readers that long-time blind persons develop alternate methods to vision and a seemingly insignificant change of ear position may alter spatial orientation.  相似文献   

The conventional method of mid- to lower face rhytidectomy that involves removing a strip of occipital scalp always creates a conspicuous transverse scar crossing the postauricular skin, which may leave a stair-step deformity at the occipital hairline. The author has designed a new face lift method using a circumauricular incision, shaped like a water droplet, that curves around the auricle. In this new method, the upper part of the "O" shape is modified to the tip of a water droplet. The dissection of the cheek and neck is performed as in the conventional method with light-retractor assistance. The temporal region above the deep temporal fascia is managed under endoscopic control. This dissection can extend to the forehead region lateral to the supraoptic nerve and around the lateral orbital rim to release the arcus marginalis. A mesentery of superficial temporal fascia is created cephalic to the zygomatic arch. The postauricular dissection is performed beneath the galea in the upper part and beneath the occipital scalp and neck skin in the lower area. The lifting vector is upward and backward for the anterior skin flap and upward for the posterior skin flap. The excess skin is trimmed around the ear. The wound at the upper pole of the incision is closed in a V-to-Y advancement fashion. The dog-ear is left above the normal hairline, and there is little or no hairy scalp to be removed. The skin pleating in the postauricular region will settle down spontaneously after several months. The dog-ear in the scalp will become smaller and flat as well. The scar around the ear is quite inconspicuous and well covered under the upper pole of the auricle. From the author's experience, the new "water drop" circumauricular incision is a good alternative for the mid- to lower face lift. It can also be used in conjunction with endoforehead lift for full-face rejuvenation.  相似文献   

Temporoparietal free fascia grafts in rhinoplasty   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The temporoparietal fascial graft provides adequate coverage, contour, and bulk on the cartilage dorsum of the nose, as well as an inconspicuous donor site. In my opinion, this technique not only prevents the occurrence of noticeable sharp edges of the cartilage graft, but also adds to the smooth contour of the reconstructed nasal dorsum. The improved results either in primary and secondary rhinoplasty would seem to justify this technique. Some variations in fascia grafts are presented with clinical examples.  相似文献   

Tissue expansion in soft-tissue reconstruction   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Tissue expansion in soft-tissue reconstruction is described. The main principle is to develop donor tissue by expansion adjacent to the defect. Such a donor flap is doubled in size by intermittent injections of normal saline into the expander. After sharing the expanded flap for reconstruction, the donor site is well preserved, while the defect is reconstructed with contiguous tissue of similar texture, color, thickness, and sensation. There is minimal scar formation. Over 130 patients were reconstructed with expanded flaps. The average time of flap development was 3 to 6 weeks.  相似文献   

The tactile and thermal sensitivity of diverse regions of the human body have been documented extensively, with one exception being the scalp. Additionally, sensory changes may accompany the hair loss from the scalp in androgen-related alopecia (ARA), but formal quantitative sensory testing (QST) has not been reported in respect of this. Therefore, light touch detection thresholds were obtained at nine scalp sites and one forehead site, using Semmes–Weinstein filaments (Von Frey hairs), and for warming and cooling from skin baseline temperature, using 28 and 256?mm2 thermodes. Affective, thermal, and nociceptive sensations experienced at thermal detection threshold were quantified. Thirty-two male participants were recruited, 10 of whom had normal hair coverage, 12 of whom had shaved scalp but with potentially normal hair coverage, and 10 of whom exhibited ARA to some extent. The scalp was relatively insensitive to tactile and thermal stimulation at all tested sites, especially so along the midline and near the apex of the skull. Threshold level warm stimuli were rated less pleasant, the less sensitive the test site. After correction for age-related changes in sensitivity, bald scalp sites were found more sensitive to cooling than the same sites when shaved, consistent with prior informal reports of increased sensitivity for some scalp sensations in ARA. QST on hair-covered sites was subject to methodological issues that render such testing non-ideal, such as bias in measurement of resting skin temperatures, and the near impossibility of delivering filament stimuli to the scalp skin without disturbing neighboring hairs.  相似文献   

The tactile and thermal sensitivity of diverse regions of the human body have been documented extensively, with one exception being the scalp. Additionally, sensory changes may accompany the hair loss from the scalp in androgen-related alopecia (ARA), but formal quantitative sensory testing (QST) has not been reported in respect of this. Therefore, light touch detection thresholds were obtained at nine scalp sites and one forehead site, using Semmes-Weinstein filaments (Von Frey hairs), and for warming and cooling from skin baseline temperature, using 28 and 256 mm(2) thermodes. Affective, thermal, and nociceptive sensations experienced at thermal detection threshold were quantified. Thirty-two male participants were recruited, 10 of whom had normal hair coverage, 12 of whom had shaved scalp but with potentially normal hair coverage, and 10 of whom exhibited ARA to some extent. The scalp was relatively insensitive to tactile and thermal stimulation at all tested sites, especially so along the midline and near the apex of the skull. Threshold level warm stimuli were rated less pleasant, the less sensitive the test site. After correction for age-related changes in sensitivity, bald scalp sites were found more sensitive to cooling than the same sites when shaved, consistent with prior informal reports of increased sensitivity for some scalp sensations in ARA. QST on hair-covered sites was subject to methodological issues that render such testing non-ideal, such as bias in measurement of resting skin temperatures, and the near impossibility of delivering filament stimuli to the scalp skin without disturbing neighboring hairs.  相似文献   

This article presents an updated review of our experience with 122 temporoparietal fascial flaps, which were used for coverage of fabricated autogenous cartilage frameworks in total auricular reconstructions. Our indications for use of the temporoparietal fascial flap are presented. Partial flap necrosis occurred in 5 cases, total necrosis in 2 of 14 microsurgically transplanted cases, cartilage infection in 2 cases, and paralysis of the frontal branch of facial nerve in 1 case. Prospective observations of vascular anatomy were carried out in the last 93 temporoparietal fascial flaps during flap elevations. Only 59 flaps (63.4 percent) showed a typical pattern, distributed mainly by the superficial temporal artery and vein. Others (36.6 percent) were distributed mainly by various combinations of the posterior auricular artery or vein, occipital artery or vein, diploic vein, and the superficial temporal artery or vein. At the upper margin of the imaginary reconstructed auricle, the mean diameters of the artery and vein were 1.7 mm and 2.2 mm, respectively. There were no significant differences of vascular patterns and their diameters between the temporoparietal fascial flap of microtia sides and of nonmicrotia sides (sides with acquired ear deformities or free-flap donor sides). We are presenting our technical evolution in using the temporoparietal fascial flap for total auricular reconstruction with the goal of reducing surgical complications and improving aesthetic results.  相似文献   

Improved technique for a one-stage repair of significant defects of the ear   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An improved technique for repair of severe acquired partial defects of the auricle in one stage is described. The common postauricular flap with its base on the margin of the auricular defect is usually unable to repair a severe partial auricular defect in one stage because of the limited length of the flap. The authors developed this technique by means of lengthening the flap with a piece of subcutaneous tissue of the scalp, so that the ear framework can be covered completely in one stage. All flaps in this group survived totally. Seven patients with severe acquired partial defects of the auricle underwent this procedure, and good results were obtained.  相似文献   

Soft-tissue reconstruction of the dorsum of the foot and ankle has long been a challenge for reconstructive surgeons. Limitations in the available local tissue and donor-site morbidity restrict the options. In an effort to solve these difficult problems, the authors have begun to use a distally based lateral supramalleolar adipofascial flap. This report presents the authors' early experience with seven patients treated with this flap. The patients' ages ranged from 5 to 26 years; four of the patients were male and three were female. The cause of the soft-tissue defects involved acute trauma and chronic scar contracture. The flap and the adjoining raw area were covered with a full-thickness skin graft, and the donor site at the lateral aspect of the leg was closed primarily without grafting. A skin graft was taken from the groin area, which was closed primarily. Compared with the other flaps, this adipofascial flap was thinner and produced less bulkiness to the recipient site and minor aesthetic sequelae to the donor site. It is believed that this flap is versatile and effective and is a good addition to the available techniques used by reconstructive surgeons for coverage of the dorsum of the foot and ankle.  相似文献   

Reverse anterior tibial artery flap for reconstruction of foot donor site   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The foot offers numerous useful options for hand reconstruction. Hallux transfer, dorsalis pedis flap, second toe transfers, and toe joint transfers offer good functional results in reconstructed hands. However, when the donor site is repaired with skin grafts, delayed wound healing, scarring, and contractures often result. Poor cosmesis of the donor site and altered gait are the main drawbacks of the procedures. The authors propose a new concept of primary reconstruction of the donor foot using a reverse-flow anterior tibial flap from the same leg. Two flaps are raised from the same anterior tibial vessel system in continuity as a distal free flap for hand reconstruction and as a proximal reverse-flow pedicled flap to resurface the donor defect. This technique allows good flap reconstruction of the foot donor site, reducing morbidity and limiting the operation to the same limb. The authors report their experience of 33 cases. There were no failures. Primary wound healing was achieved in the foot donor site, with acceptable cosmesis and satisfactory function.  相似文献   

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