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干旱区植物叶片形态可塑性是植物适应高温干旱环境的重要生存策略, 但目前仍缺乏直观的数据予以证明。该研究应用热成像技术和图像分析技术, 同步测定真实叶片与模拟叶片的叶温、形态及风速、辐射和温度等环境参数。研究结果显示: 在干旱、高温环境下, 除了蒸腾, 叶片形态变化也是调控叶温的重要因子。干旱区植物叶片变小, 有利于加速叶片与环境的物质及热量交换, 从而达到降低叶温的目的。样地数据显示, 在高温、低风速环境下, 叶片宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低约2.1 ℃, 而模拟叶片叶宽度每减少1 cm, 叶片表面温度降低0.60-0.86 ℃。该研究对深入理解植物生存策略与环境适能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

利用热及物质交换原理, 并结合前人研究成果, 在单叶尺度上建立了简单的叶温和水气蒸腾模型。模型通过预设值驱动, 预设值参照干旱区环境及植物叶片特征设置。模拟结果显示: 随气孔阻力的增加, 叶片蒸腾速率降低, 叶温升高; 同一环境下, 具有低辐射吸收率的叶片蒸腾速率和叶温更低, 并且气孔阻力越大, 这种差异越明显。另外, 叶片宽度及风速是影响叶片蒸腾及叶温的重要因子。干旱地区植物生长季节, 风速小于0.1 m·s -1、气孔阻力接近1000 s·m -1时, 降低叶片宽度不仅有利于降低叶片温度, 而且能够降低叶片蒸腾速率, 从而实现保持水分, 增强植物适应高温、干旱的能力。  相似文献   

干旱区叶片形态特征与植物响应和适应的关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
叶片形态是指示植物适应特定环境的重要指标。由于植物叶片形态不仅对时空环境变化具有极强的敏感性和可塑性, 而且能够通过叶片形态的调整调节自身的生存适应能力, 所以叶片形态学研究一直是植物生理及植物生态学研究中的热点。该文在总结前人叶片形态学研究成果的基础上, 探索建立了简单的叶片形态指标分类体系; 结合物质能量交换的物理学原理, 回顾总结了叶片表观形态变化与叶片物质能量交换之间的相关关系; 应用叶片形态影响物质能量交换的物理学原理, 重点分析了干旱区植物叶片表观形态对低水分环境、高辐射(或高温)的响应与适应特征; 最后, 在回顾分析的基础上, 对叶片形态研究中存在的几个问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Aims The shape plasticity of plant leaves is an important survival strategy to high temperature and drought in arid region, yet reliable evidences are insufficient to validate the fundamental concepts. Our objective was to demonstrate the specific effects of leaf morphology on leaf surface temperature. Methods Infrared thermal images were processed to determine the leaf temperature and shape parameters of simulated and actual leaf shape. Microclimatic conditions were recorded using a automatic weather station near the sampling plot, including wind speed, radiation and air temperature. Important findings Under the drought and high temperature, the plasticity of leaf shape appeared an important measure to regulate leaf temperature, except leaf transpiration. The exchange rates of matter and energy between leaves and the environment were enhanced by smaller leaves that effectively decreased leaf temperature. With low wind speed and high temperature, leaf surface temperature decreased 2.1 °C per 1 cm reduction in leaf width. However, leaf surface temperature of a simulated leaf decreased 0.60–0.86 °C per 1 cm reduction in leaf width. Results from this study will help us to understand plant adaptability and survival strategy in arid region. © 2018 Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Epichloë内生真菌感染能够影响宿主植物的生长发育, 但关于内生真菌感染对宿主植物叶形状和叶面积的研究很少。该研究以羽茅(Achnatherum sibiricum)为实验材料, 采用长宽系数计算和扫描测定叶面积相结合的方法探究内生真菌种类和羽茅母本基因型对羽茅-内生真菌共生体叶形状和叶面积的影响。结果表明: 内生真菌感染与否、内生真菌种类和宿主母本基因型对反映叶形状的叶校正系数、叶片长度、宽度和长宽比均无显著影响, 经计算与验证, 确定了羽茅叶片的校正系数为0.594 9。采用该校正系数及叶长宽计算的叶面积与实测叶面积无显著差异, 且二者均未受到内生真菌感染与否、内生真菌种类或宿主植物母本基因型的显著影响。  相似文献   

为寻求基于红外热成像技术监测云南松切梢小蠹(Tomicus yunnanensis)危害的可行性, 该研究以不同受害程度的云南松(Pinus yunnanesis)针叶为研究对象, 利用红外热成像仪观测受云南松切梢小蠹危害的云南松针叶温度的日变化规律, 并通过不同受害程度针叶的叶绿素含量、叶片含水量以及净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)等生理生化因子来分析解释针叶温度的变化。结果表明: (1)云南松针叶内叶绿素和水分含量随受害时间增加逐渐降低, 叶绿素含量下降速率比含水量下降速率快; (2)叶片的PnGsTr随受害程度增加而降低, 针叶温度与大气温度的温差(ΔTl-a)则随受害程度增加而变大; (3)不同程度受害针叶温度与健康针叶的温差(ΔT)在14:00-15:00之间达到最大, 轻度、中度和重度受害针叶ΔT分别可达0.6、0.7、2.5 ℃; (4)不同程度受害针叶的Gs、叶片含水量与ΔT呈较强的负相关关系。针叶受害后叶片内部水分失衡引起叶温变化, 利用红外热辐射对于温度变化的敏感性, 可通过红外热成像技术精确探测针叶温度的变化, 从而检测到云南松遭受云南松切梢小蠹危害的程度。  相似文献   

凋落物是森林生态系统养分的重要来源, 叶片脱落时间是影响其分解的关键因素。东北温带森林中蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)落叶时间较其他树种晚, 在山脊等贫瘠立地叶片甚至第二年春天才脱落。我们假设: 相对于其他树种, 蒙古栎叶片养分元素含量过高、再吸收时间长, 导致叶片延迟脱落。为验证假设, 除蒙古栎外, 选择了落叶时间居中的色木槭(Acer mono)和落叶较早的胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)为对象, 持续监测叶片从成熟至凋落过程中叶片养分元素含量, 包括大量元素: 氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)、钙(Ca)和镁(Mg), 微量元素: 铁(Fe)、铜(Cu)、锰(Mn)和锌(Zn); 并分析养分再吸收率。结果表明: 蒙古栎成熟叶养分元素含量介于对照树种之间; 凋落叶N、P和K含量低于对照树种, Fe和Mn含量高于对照树种, 其余元素含量介于对照树种之间。该结果不支持“蒙古栎叶片养分含量过高”假设。蒙古栎叶片N、P和K再吸收率高于对照树种, 再吸收率高低与其落叶时间完全一致; 叶片Cu和Zn再吸收率与对照树种无显著差异; 叶片其余元素未发生再吸收, 其累积率与对照树种无显著差异; 说明养分再吸收与养分含量无关, 可能与树种的种专一性相关, 可能会影响叶片脱落时间。由于蒙古栎多生长在贫瘠土壤, 其成熟叶无法积累更多养分; 为避免叶片脱落后养分进入土壤被其他物种利用, 将养分尽量回收储存于自身, 即蒙古栎叶片养分再吸收过程较长, 叶片脱落较晚。生长在极端贫瘠立地的蒙古栎叶片次年春天才落叶, 可能是由于再吸收一直在进行, 来不及脱落而保留至新生长季开始。落叶晚的树种养分再吸收率高、有利于自身养分保存, 更能适应贫瘠土壤, 反之亦然。  相似文献   

Laboratory studies on artificial leaves suggest that leaf thermal dynamics are strongly influenced by the two‐dimensional size and shape of leaves and associated boundary layer thickness. Hot environments are therefore said to favour selection for small, narrow or dissected leaves. Empirical evidence from real leaves under field conditions is scant and traditionally based on point measurements that do not capture spatial variation in heat load. We used thermal imagery under field conditions to measure the leaf thermal time constant (τ) in summer and the leaf‐to‐air temperature difference (?T) and temperature range across laminae (Trange) during winter, autumn and summer for 68 Proteaceae species. We investigated the influence of leaf area and margin complexity relative to effective leaf width (we), the latter being a more direct indicator of boundary layer thickness. Normalized difference of margin complexity had no or weak effects on thermal dynamics, but we strongly predicted τ and ?T, whereas leaf area influenced Trange. Unlike artificial leaves, however, spatial temperature distribution in large leaves appeared to be governed largely by structural variation. Therefore, we agree that small size, specifically we, has adaptive value in hot environments but not with the idea that thermal regulation is the primary evolutionary driver of leaf dissection.  相似文献   

Three controlled environment experiments were conducted at different temperatures to determine the relation between temperature and leaf development and growth in the potato (cv. Maris Piper). Developmental stages are defined for the appearance and duration of leaf extension in the potato and comparisons made with other temperate zone crops. The rate of leaf appearance was linear over the temperature range (9–25°C) and above 25°C there was no further increase in the rate. The temperature coefficient for the rate of appearance of leaves was 0.032 leaves (degree days)-1 using a base temperature of 0°C. The duration of extension of an individual leaf decreased with increase in temperature up to 25°C such that the thermal duration was constant at 170 degree days using a base temperature of 0°C for leaf positions 4–10 on the main stem. At higher leaf positions the thermal duration was similar or greater. The advantages and limitations of controlled environment work as a parallel to field experimentation are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new approach to the calibration of thermal infrared measurements of leaf temperature for the estimation of stomatal conductance and illustrates its application to thermal imaging of plant leaves. The approach is based on a simple reformulation of the leaf energy balance equation that makes use of temperature measurements on reference surfaces of known conductance to water vapour. The use of reference surfaces is an alternative to the accurate measurement of all components of the leaf energy balance and is of potentially wide application in studies of stomatal behaviour. The resolution of the technique when applied to thermal images is evaluated and some results of using the approach in the laboratory for the study of stomatal behaviour in leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. are presented. Conductances calculated from infrared measurements were well correlated with estimates obtained using a diffusion porometer.  相似文献   

Temperature is spatially heterogeneous over leaf surfaces, yet the underlying mechanisms are not fully resolved. We hypothesized that the 3D leaf microtopography determines locally the amount of incoming irradiation flux at leaf surface, thereby driving the temperature gradient over the leaf surface. This hypothesis was tested by developing a model of leaf temperature heterogeneity that includes the development of the leaf boundary layer, the microtopography of the leaf surface and the physiological response of the leaf. Temperature distributions under various irradiation loads (1) over apple leaves based on their 3D microtopography, (2) over simulated flat (2D) apple leaves and (3) over 3D leaves with a transpiration rate distributed as in 2D leaves were simulated. Accuracy of the predictions was quantified by comparing model outputs and thermographic measurements of leaf surface temperature under controlled conditions. Only the model with 3D leaves predicted accurately the spatial heterogeneity of surface temperature over single leaves, whereas the mean temperature was well predicted by both 2D and 3D leaves. We suggest that in these conditions, the 3D leaf microtopography is the primary driver of leaf surface heterogeneity in temperature when the leaf is exposed to a light/heat source.  相似文献   

Transpiration, net photosynthesis and leaf conductance decreased when leaf water potential dropped below -0.30 MPa. Both transpiration and net photosynthesis rates were considerably reduced before the leaves were visibly wilted at -0.95 MPa. Consequently, visual symptoms are unlikely to provide a useful index for characterizing water deficits in cassava ( Manihot esculenta Crantz cv. Llanera). Decreases in net photosynthesis closely followed decreases in transpiration and this suggests that stomatal closure controls both processes.  相似文献   

为了探讨温度对叶用莴苣春化的影响,进而明确其春化类型,本试验选用两个易抽薹叶用莴苣品种GB-30和GB-31为试材,分别进行20 d的4、20和25 ℃处理,然后均进行高温胁迫促进抽薹,采用石蜡切片观察茎尖花芽分化进程,并结合后期抽薹开花情况来判断是否进行春化,并确定其春化类型.结果表明:两个品种在前期经过3种温度处理后,在高温胁迫第8天时均有不同程度的抽薹.两个品种不同温度处理下花芽均进行了分化,前期4 ℃处理并没有使其花芽分化明显提前,后期的高温胁迫可以明显促进花芽分化进程.两品种间在不同温度处理下完成各发育阶段所需天数存在差异,两品种各处理从催芽到开花以及从高温到开花的有效积温也存在差异.前期未经低温处理的叶用莴苣也进入花芽分化、抽薹、现蕾及开花阶段,表明叶用莴苣为非低温春化型植物,后期高温处理能明显促进其抽薹开花,而且从催芽开始只有有效积温达到约2500 ℃·d才能开花.  相似文献   

Transpiration was measured in apple leaves (Malus sylvestris Mill.) which were enclosed in a leaf chamber and subjected to rapid changes in leaf temperature. Fluctuations in leaf temperature produced parallel fluctuations in transpiration. The change in transpiration rate with change in temperature was found to be less than the theoretical value calculated from the change in water vapour density gradient from leaf to air. The results suggest the presence of a small and rapidly varying resistance to water vapour loss from the leaf. The magnitude of this additional resistance increased to a maximum value of approximately 1.5 s cm-1 as the magnitude of the temperature change increased to a maximum of approximately 12°C.  相似文献   

随着叶片功能性状研究的不断深入, 通过简单易测量的叶片指标, 同时探究植物生活史权衡对策和估算林分生产力的研究需求日益增长, 例如叶干质量比(LDMC)和比叶面积(SLA)的相互转换。杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)是亚热带重要的常绿针叶树种, 基于LDMC对杉木SLA进行估算, 能够为核算SLA提供途径, 为机理解释和生产估算构建连接途径, 为小区域到大尺度、精算到估算搭建桥梁。该研究在湖南会同和河南信阳两个杉木生长区, 对处于不同小生境(坡向、坡位和冠层深度)以及不同生活史(林龄和叶龄)的叶片进行抽样和采集, 通过测得不同叶龄的单叶LDMCSLA, 初步探究在不同因子下两个性状值的分布差异, 进一步基于LDMC构建SLA估算模型并讨论以叶龄为差分因子对模型的影响。结果表明: 1)杉木SLA平均值为(103.15 ± 69.54) cm 2·g -1, LDMC为0.39 ± 0.11; 2)杉木LDMCSLA可用非线性模型进行估算, 模型符合估算要求; 3)其中一年生叶的拟合效果最好, 老叶(大于二年生叶)的拟合优度较低, 老叶较低的SLA (52.28-75.74 cm 2·g -1)可能暗示LDMC的变化保持相对独立性。该研究基于杉木LDMCSLA估算模型可信且有效, 且不同叶龄对LDMCSLA的影响可能预示着杉木叶片的响应敏感性和生活史权衡策略。  相似文献   

Aims To investigate the effects of dew on plants, we conducted the experiment to determine the physiological characteristics and leaf structures of Leymus chinensis and Agropyron cristatum in response to increasing dew under drought stress.Methods Four treatments (no dew, three times dew and five times dew per week under drought stress, and well-watering) were designed to examine leaf relative water content, water potential, net photosynthetic rate, water use efficiency, biomass, and leaf structures of L. chinensis and A. cristatum. Important findings There was a significant increase in the relative water content and water potential by simulated dew increase for two plants species under drought stress (p < 0.05). For A. cristatum, simulated dew increase significantly enhanced the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate of plants under drought stress (p < 0.05). On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the stomatal conductance and transpiration rate for L. chinensis among treatments. Simulated dew increase improved the aboveground biomass and root biomass of two species. The ratio of yellow leaves to the total leaves was decreased by simulated dew increase for two species. Dew increase also protected leaf structures against the drought stress, suggesting that the dew increase can slow down the death process of leaves resulted from drought stress. Therefore, the study demonstrated that dew increased the available water for the leaves of L. chinensis and A. cristatum grown in the drought stress and thus had positive effects on the photosynthesis, water physiology and plant development.  相似文献   

Aims Our objectives were to explore the effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on leaf traits and ecological stoichiometry characteristics of common species in natural Pinus tabuliformis forests.
Methods We conducted the experiment of nitrogen (N) addition from 2009 to 2013 in the natural Pinus tabuliformis forests in Taiyue Mountain, Shanxi, China. The levels of N addition were 0 (control), 50 (low-N), 100 (medium-N) and 150 (high-N) kg·hm-2·a-1, respectively. Eleven common plant species in 12 20 m × 20 m plots were selected, including Pinus tabuliformis, Quercus mongolica, Acer ginnala, Corylus mandshurica, Cornus bretschneideri, Spiraea salicifolia, Lonicera maackii, Carex callitrichos, Diarrhena mandshurica, Anemone tomentosa, and Polygonatum odoratum. Nine leaf traits were measured, including leaf thickness (LT), specific leaf area (SLA), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorus content (LPC), and other four.
Important findings We found that: 1) LT and SLA of Polygonatum odoratum significantly differed among four levels of N addition. Leaf area (LA) and LDMC of several species, such as Spiraea salicifolia, had significant difference among the N addition concentration. LNC of all species, chlorophyll content (CC) and LPC of most species increased significantly with the addition of N. Leaf N:P of 9 species varied significantly, and leaves with different types and ages showed different responses to N addition. 2) Leaf traits were significantly correlated with each other. For instance, SLA was significantly positively correlated with LNC and LPC. In contrast LT was negatively connected with LNC and LPC. In addition, the degree of correlation changed with the level of N addition. 3) The pattern of species distribution in leaf trait space was consistent with the prediction from the theory of Leaf Economic Spectrum (LES). N addition drove species moving along axis 1 in the trait space, and propelled them towards different directions along axis 2, which indicated that these species tended to take the “fast investment-return” strategy. These results suggested that with the change of environmental conditions, plants changed their survival strategy and adjusted resource allocation to maintain the stability of communities. This is the inherent characteristic of plants, thus the formation of LES did not depend on the environment change.  相似文献   

由于经济的快速发展, 中国大部分地区正面临着严峻的复合型大气污染, 其中臭氧和气溶胶是两种主要污染物。已有的研究表明臭氧对叶片的氧化性伤害能够抑制光合作用, 而气溶胶可通过增加散射辐射比例或缓解高温抑制促进光合作用。但复合污染下, 臭氧和气溶胶如何共同调控叶片光合作用, 仍缺乏研究。该研究利用北京及周边地区之间的污染梯度, 选择加杨(Populus × canadensis)作为实验对象, 于2012-2013年生长季期间对叶片光合速率进行连续观测, 并同时监测臭氧浓度(AOT40)、气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)、空气温度和冠层内外光合有效辐射(PAR)等环境因子, 以期探讨大气复合污染下臭氧和气溶胶变化对植物叶片光合作用的影响及相关机制。结果表明: (1)臭氧浓度与空气温度、气溶胶浓度之间均呈显著正相关关系, 但气溶胶浓度与空气温度没有显著相关关系; (2)臭氧浓度增加显著抑制了阳生叶片的光合作用, 但气溶胶浓度上升促进了阳生叶片的光合作用; 臭氧浓度升高对阴生叶片光合作用的影响较小, 但气溶胶浓度上升促进了阴生叶片的光合作用; (3)标准化后的结果显示, 臭氧对阳生叶片光合作用的影响最大, 此时气溶胶的促进作用一定程度上补偿了臭氧浓度上升所带来的抑制效应。对于阴生叶片光合作用而言, 气溶胶则是最重要的影响因素。该研究发现复合污染下阴生叶和阳生叶光合响应不同, 这表明冠层结构可能通过影响阴生叶和阳生叶的比例, 从而对植物生长产生不同影响。该研究对理解大气复合污染如何影响光合作用提供了的机理支持, 同时也表明, 为了维持生态系统生产力及功能, 需要同时控制气溶胶和臭氧污染。  相似文献   

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