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明确毛白杨叶片膨压变化规律及其对环境因子的响应, 可以为以叶片膨压作为水分亏缺指标指导灌溉提供理论依据。该研究以滴灌条件下的二年生毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)人工林为研究对象, 对充分灌溉(FI)和控水灌溉(CK)的叶片磁力探针压力输出值(Pp)进行了连续监测, 并同步监测了土壤温度(Ts)、土壤水势(Ψs)、液流速率(VSF)和气象因子, 探讨了不同水分处理下毛白杨叶片膨压变化规律及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明: 1)不同天气条件下的Pp均呈明显的“昼高夜低”变化规律, 且晴天的峰值宽度最大; 2)标准化相对叶片膨压(ΔPp)与VSF在不同天气条件下均呈正相关关系, 都可用二项式函数描述, 决定系数(R 2)从大到小依次是: 晴天(R 2 = 0.87) >阴天(R 2 = 0.72) >雨天(R 2 = 0.31); 3)影响Pp变化的环境因子主要是光合有效辐射(PAR)、空气温度(Ta)、空气相对湿度(RH)以及饱和水汽压差(VPD), 其中PARPp协同变化最一致; 4) ΔPp对不同环境因子均存在时滞效应, 且不同水分处理的时滞圈大小不同; 5)不同水分处理的Pp曲线形状有明显差异。综上所述, 毛白杨叶片膨压变化规律与环境因子关系密切, 且与晴天液流速率存在高度的协同变化, 有作为水分亏缺诊断指标的潜力。  相似文献   

为确定毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)根系是否存在水力再分配现象,并探究其发生特征与影响因子,该研究以四年生毛白杨为研究对象,利用热比率法对3株样树的共计7条侧根(R1–R7)进行长期液流监测,并对土壤水分以及气象因子进行同步测定。结果显示:毛白杨存在两种水力再分配模式,分别为干旱驱动的水力提升和降雨驱动的水力下降,水力再分配的发生模式与特征受侧根分布深度与直径大小的影响。在整个生长季尺度上,毛白杨根系再分配的水量较低;但在极端干旱条件下,部分侧根再分配的水量可达其日总液流量的64.6%,表明水力再分配会为干旱侧根提供大量水分。根系吸水与气象-土壤的耦合因子(太阳辐射(Rs)×土壤含水率(SWC)、水汽压亏缺(VPD)×SWC、参考蒸散发(ETo)×SWC)间存在显著相关关系,但水力再分配与所选因子基本不相关。此外,毛白杨浅层根中存在特殊的日间逆向液流现象,其液流量最高可占日液流总量的79.2%(R1)到90.7%(R2),该现象可能对浅层根系抗旱起到重要作用。  相似文献   

三倍体毛白杨(triploid Populus tomentosa)是我国华北地区主要纸浆林品种, 在该地区多采用宽窄行模式栽植。为基于根系结构特征制定该模式下毛白杨人工林高效水肥管理策略和明确影响其根系空间分布的主要因子, 在5年生林分中于8株样树周围挖取2106个土柱, 研究该栽植模式下毛白杨根系生物量的空间分布特征, 并分析了细根垂直分布对土壤有机质、速效磷和碱解氮等的响应。结果表明, 一维垂向上, 宽行内细根根重密度(FRBD)在0-30 cm土层中随深度增加而递减, 但在30 cm以下土层呈均匀分布(p = 0.079); 窄行内FRBD呈“双峰”分布, 即在0-20 cm (22%)和70-110 cm (31%)土层均有较多细根分布; 10-150 cm各土层中, 窄行FRBD较宽行高17%-148%。宽、窄行内, 随深度增加, 粗根根重密度(CRBD)均呈先增后减变化, 而细根粗根比(F/C)无显著变化(p > 0.05), 窄行平均F/C较宽行高60%。一维径向上, 宽、窄行内FRBD均呈近均匀分布, 而CRBD和F/C均随距离增加分别显著递减和增大。二维尺度上, FRBD在窄行内分布相对均匀, 但在宽行内主要集中在表土层且随距离增加细根浅层化程度增强; CRBD在树干两侧呈“不对称”分布; 垂向0-20 cm、径向160-300 cm范围是宽行内平均FRBD和F/C较高区域, 分别为宽行相应指标总平均的2.8和1.1倍。FRBD在0-30 cm土层中随土壤有机质、速效磷和碱解氮含量的增加而逐渐增大, 但在30 cm以下土层中无明显变化趋势。研究结果表明, 宽、窄行间毛白杨根系分布的差异性主要体现在细根一维垂直分布和细根、粗根二维分布上。土壤有机质、速效磷和碱解氮是0-30 cm土层中毛白杨细根垂直分布的重要影响因子, 但对下层土壤中根系分布无影响。对宽窄行栽植的毛白杨林分灌溉时, 灌溉水应供给到窄行区域; 施肥时, 缓释肥和速效肥应分别浅施在宽行中央附近和窄行内。  相似文献   

为明确毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)不同方位夜间蒸腾量(Nt)及茎干充水量(Sr)等夜间液流活动的规律, 探究不同方位NtSr的主要影响因子, 该研究使用热扩散的方法监测了宽窄行模式下栽植的毛白杨茎干不同方位夜间液流, 并用图像法区分NtSr。使用自动气象站和机械式张力计监测太阳总辐射(Rs, kW·m-2)、空气温度(Ta, ℃)、空气相对湿度(RH, %)、风速(v, m·s-1)、土壤水势(ψ, kPa)等环境因子。通过比较各方位的NtSr等液流活动的大小情况及其与环境因子之间的相关性得到方位间夜间液流的差异性以及各方位夜间液流的主要影响因子。结果显示: 宽行距位于东侧的样树西方位的NtSr均最大, 其中西方位的Sr显著大于其他3个方位; 北方位的Nt显著小于其他3个方位; 其他方位间的NtSr无显著差异; 各方位夜间茎干充水量占夜间液流量的比例(Sr/Q)无显著差异。宽行距位于西侧的样树西方位的NtSr亦均最大, 其中西方位的Sr显著大于东方位和南方位; 南方位的Nt最小, 显著小于西方位和北方位, 其他方位间的NtSr无显著差异; 南方位的Sr/Q显著大于其他3个方位。各方位的NtSr均与水汽压亏缺(VPD)有显著的正相关关系, 部分方位NtSrTaRH有显著相关关系, 没有任何方位NtSrvψ有显著相关关系。NtSr方位间的差异(NtCVSrCV)与VPDTaRHvψ均无显著相关关系。此外, Sr受白天的液流活动的影响显著。综上所述, 毛白杨不同方位NtSr等液流活动具有较大的差异, 且西方位是优势方位; VPD是影响各方位NtSr的主要气象因子。  相似文献   

以毛白杨为材料,采用同源基因克隆法从毛白杨中分离了FT(FLOWERING LOCUS T)同源基因PtFT1和PtFT2编码区序列。测序结果表明PtFT1和PtFT2 编码区长度均为525bp,可编码174个氨基酸。蛋白序列比对发现这两个基因与拟南芥、葡萄等物种中FT同源基因所编码的氨基酸同源性达到75%以上, PtFT1 和 PtFT2 所推测的氨基酸序列包含FT类蛋白保守基序(LGRQTVYAPGWRQN)和两个关键性氨基酸残基Tyr84(Y),Gln139(Q)。系统进化分析进一步表明 PtFT1 和 PtFT2 属于FT亚家族成员。采用Real-time qRT-PCR技术检测 PtFT1 和 PtFT2 在各个组织部位中的表达模式,结果表明 PtFT1 和 PtFT2 在各个组织部位均有表达,但这两个基因的表达水平存在差异;两个基因在早期雌雄花芽(7月5日)表达量明显高于成熟雌雄花芽(翌年3月10日)表达量,进而推测在毛白杨中 PtFT1 和 PtFT2 的表达响应日照长短,长日照条件促进这两个基因的表达,它们可能在光周期调控的开花途径中促进花芽分化和开花发挥特定作用。这些研究对于阐明 PtFT1 和 PtFT2 在光周期开花调控途径中的作用机制具有重要意义,为进一步开展毛白杨开花调控基因工程研究奠定了工作基础。  相似文献   

为了评估Granier经验公式在树干液流测定中的适用性,以毛白杨为对象,利用热扩散式探针法(TDP)测定树木的液流速率,以整树称重法进行同步测定,对比分析Granier经验公式在毛白杨树干液流测定中是否存在误差,并对整树称重法测定的蒸腾速率与热扩散法测定的温差系数K进行幂指数回归拟合,建立校正的Granier公式。结果表明:与整树称重法测定的蒸腾速率相比,通过Granier经验公式计算的液流速率低估了67.7%;建立了毛白杨的Granier校正公式Fd=0.0135K0.6952(R2=0.77),校正后Granier公式的计算结果与整树称重法测定的蒸腾速率相比仅降低了3.4%,具有较好的一致性。因此,采用Granier经验公式计算毛白杨树干液流速率需进行校正。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test the accuracy of the pressure-chamber technique as a method for estimating leaf-cell turgor pressures. To this end, pressure-probe measurements of cell turgor pressure (Pcell) were made on mesophyll cells of intact, attached leaves of Kalanchoë daigremontiana. Immediately following these measurements, leaves were excised and placed in a pressure chamber for the determination of balance pressure (Pbal). Cell-sap osmotic pressure (?cell) and xylem-sap osmotic pressure (?xyl) were also measured, and an average cell turgor pressure calculated as Pcell=?cell–?xylPbal. The apparent value of Pbal was positively correlated with the rate of increase of chamber pressure, and there was also a time-dependent increase associated with water loss. On expressing sap from the xylem, ?xyl fell to a plateau value that was positively correlated with ?cell. Correcting for these effects yielded estimates of Pbal and ?xyl at the time of leaf excision. On average, the values of Pcell obtained with the two techniques agreed to within ±002 MPa (errors are approximate 95% confidence limits). If ?xyl were ignored, however, the calculated turgor pressures would exceed the measured values by an average of 0.074 ± 0.012MPa, or 48% at the mean measured pressure of 0.155 MPa. We conclude that the pressure-chamber technique allows a good estimate to be made of turgor pressure in mesophyll cells of K. daigremontiana, provided that ?xyl is included in the determination. The 1:1 relationship between the measured and calculated turgor pressures also implies that the weighted-average reflection coefficient for the mesophyll cell membranes is close to unity.  相似文献   

为明确毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)不同方位夜间蒸腾量(Nt)及茎干充水量(Sr)等夜间液流活动的规律, 探究不同方位NtSr的主要影响因子, 该研究使用热扩散的方法监测了宽窄行模式下栽植的毛白杨茎干不同方位夜间液流, 并用图像法区分NtSr。使用自动气象站和机械式张力计监测太阳总辐射(Rs, kW·m-2)、空气温度(Ta, ℃)、空气相对湿度(RH, %)、风速(v, m·s-1)、土壤水势(ψ, kPa)等环境因子。通过比较各方位的NtSr等液流活动的大小情况及其与环境因子之间的相关性得到方位间夜间液流的差异性以及各方位夜间液流的主要影响因子。结果显示: 宽行距位于东侧的样树西方位的NtSr均最大, 其中西方位的Sr显著大于其他3个方位; 北方位的Nt显著小于其他3个方位; 其他方位间的NtSr无显著差异; 各方位夜间茎干充水量占夜间液流量的比例(Sr/Q)无显著差异。宽行距位于西侧的样树西方位的NtSr亦均最大, 其中西方位的Sr显著大于东方位和南方位; 南方位的Nt最小, 显著小于西方位和北方位, 其他方位间的NtSr无显著差异; 南方位的Sr/Q显著大于其他3个方位。各方位的NtSr均与水汽压亏缺(VPD)有显著的正相关关系, 部分方位NtSrTaRH有显著相关关系, 没有任何方位NtSrvψ有显著相关关系。NtSr方位间的差异(NtCVSrCV)与VPDTaRHvψ均无显著相关关系。此外, Sr受白天的液流活动的影响显著。综上所述, 毛白杨不同方位NtSr等液流活动具有较大的差异, 且西方位是优势方位; VPD是影响各方位NtSr的主要气象因子。  相似文献   

Stomatal oscillations are cyclic opening and closing of stomata, presumed to initiate from hydraulic mismatch between leaf water supply and transpiration rate. To test this assumption, mismatches between water supply and transpiration were induced using manipulations of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and light spectrum in banana (Musa acuminata). Simultaneous measurements of gas exchange with changes in leaf turgor pressure were used to describe the hydraulic mismatches. An increase of VPD above a certain threshold caused stomatal oscillations with variable amplitudes. Oscillations in leaf turgor pressure were synchronized with stomatal oscillations and balanced only when transpiration equaled water supply. Surprisingly, changing the light spectrum from red and blue to red alone at constant VPD also induced stomatal oscillations – while the addition of blue (10%) to red light only ended oscillations. Blue light is known to induce stomatal opening and thus should increase the hydraulic mismatch, reduce the VPD threshold for oscillations and increase the oscillation amplitude. Unexpectedly, blue light reduced oscillation amplitude, increased VPD threshold and reduced turgor pressure loss. These results suggest that additionally, to the known effect of blue light on the hydroactive opening response of stomata, it can also effect stomatal movement by increased xylem–epidermis water supply.  相似文献   

NAC是植物特有的一类转录因子,在植物生长发育和抗逆过程中有重要作用。本研究从毛白杨中克隆出一个NAC转录因子基因,并根据同源性分析将其命名为PtoNAC157,开放阅读框为942 bp,能编码一个由313个氨基酸残基组成的蛋白质,预测蛋白分子量为35.5 kDa,等电点为7.22。氨基酸同源性分析显示,该蛋白N-端具有保守的NAC结构域。实时荧光定量PCR结果表明:PtoNAC157在毛白杨幼根、茎和叶中均有表达,在茎中的表达量最高。PtoNAC157响应低温、NaCl(300mmol.L-1)、干旱和ABA(200μmol.L-1)胁迫。由此推测该基因在林木次生生长及响应胁迫信号转导过程中发挥作用。  相似文献   

用携带基因1,2的根癌农杆菌AG(84)转化毛白杨外植体,在无激素的MS0培养基上获得转化根。分离单根或切成根段在分化培养基上能分化芽而再生完整植株。由T-DNA上带有基因4的根癌农杆菌C58C1(PBZ6111)转化毛白杨外植体,在MS0培养基上能直接分化不定芽而再生植株.在转化中使用叶柄作外植体比使用叶片的转化率提高一倍以上。基因1,2引入毛白杨后,植株根系发达,生根率达100%。基因4引入毛白杨则使植株节间变短,植株矮化.纸电泳分析表明,带有基因1,2的转化植株能表达特异的农杆碱,带有基因4的转化植株能表达特异的胭脂碱。  相似文献   

三倍体毛白杨速生林土壤养分因子及pH值动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵雪梅  孙向阳  王海燕  田赟  康向阳 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3414-3423
通过连续4a测定2年生三倍体毛白杨(B304)及其对照二倍体(1319)林地内0-20cm、20-40cm和40-60cm土层中土壤理化指标(包括pH值、有机质、全N、碱解N、全P、有效P、全K和速效K含量),以明确三倍体毛白杨种植对土壤养分及其理化性质的影响。试验结果表明,(1)在4a生长期内林地土壤的pH值呈现碱性增强变化;B304的平均pH值由8.13升至8.43,1319由8.12升至8.78,虽然二者没有显著差异,但三倍体对林地的pH值影响相对较小,更利于土壤酸碱平衡及土壤缓冲力的稳定性;(2)土壤中有机质及碱解N含量呈现先降低后升高的变化特点,品种间差异不显著;(3)在2006年,毛白杨林地土壤中有效P和速效K含量显著下降,降幅均为0-20cm20-40cm40-60cm;(4)年份、土层及年份和土层的交互作用对毛白杨土壤pH值及所测定的全部养分因子影响均达显著水平(P0.05);而品种、年份、土层三者的交互效应对土壤pH值、有机质、全N、全P和速效K的含量影响也达到了显著性水平。体现了三倍体毛白杨速生林种植对当地不同土层理化性质和养分因子影响的时间效应,生产中应采取积极措施改善或减缓土壤环境恶化,促进林木更好生长。  相似文献   

AimsThe objective of this study was to investigate the change pattern of leaves photosynthesis and stem sap flow of Tamarix chinensisin under different groundwater salinity, which can be served as a theoretical basis and technical reference for cultivation and management of T. chinensis in shallow groundwater table around Yellow River Delta.MethodsThree-year-old T. chinensis, one of the dominated species in Yellow River Delta, was selected. Plants were treated by four different salinity concentrations of groundwater—fresh water (0 g∙L-1), brackish water (3.0 g∙L-1), saline water (8.0 g∙L-1), and salt water (20.0 g∙L-1) under 1.2 m groundwater level. Light response of photosynthesis and the diurnal courses of leaf transpiration rate, stem sap flux velocity and environment factors under different groundwater salinity were determined via LI-6400XT portable photosynthesis system and a Dynamax packaged stem sap flow gauge based on stem-heat balance method, respectively.Important findings The result showed that groundwater salinity had a significant impact on photosynthesis efficiency and water consumption capacity of T. chinensis by influencing the soil salt. The net photosynthetic rate (Pn), maximum Pn, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance, apparent quantum yield and dark respiration rate increased first and then decreased with increasing groundwater salinity, while the water use efficiency (WUE) continuously decreased. The mean Pn under fresh water, brackish water and salt water decreased by 44.1%, 15.1% and 62.6%, respectively, compared with that under saline water (25.90 µmol∙m-2∙s-1). The mean WUE under brackish water, saline water and salt water decreased by 25.0%, 29.2% and 41.7%, respectively, compared with that under fresh water (2.40 µmol∙mmol-1). With the increase of groundwater salinity from brackish water to salt water, light saturation point of T. chinensisdecreased while the light compensation point increased, which lead to the decrease of light ecological amplitude and light use efficiency. Fresh water and brackish water treatment helped T. chinensis to use low or high level light, which could significantly improve the utilization rate of light energy. The decrease in Pn of T. chinensis was mainly due to non-stomatal limitation under treatment from saline water to fresh water, while the decrease in Pn of T. chinensis was due to stomatal limitation from saline water to salt water. With increasing groundwater salinity, stem sap flux velocity of T. chinensis increased firstly and then decreased, reached the maximum value under saline water. The mean stem sap flux velocity under fresh water, brackish water and salt water decreased by 61.8%, 13.1% and 41.9%, respectively, compared with that under saline water (16.96 g·h-1). Tamarix chinensis had higher photosynthetic productivity under saline water treatment, and could attained high WUE under severe water deprivation by transpiration, which was suitable for the growth of T. chinensis.  相似文献   

地下滴灌条件下三倍体毛白杨根区土壤水分动态模拟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在根系分布试验观测的基础上,提出了三倍体毛白杨一维根系吸水模型,在考虑根系吸水情况下利用HYDRUS模型模拟了地下滴灌条件下三倍体毛白杨根区的土壤水分动态,通过田间试验对模型进行验证,并利用HYDRUS研究了不同灌水技术参数对土壤湿润模式的影响.结果表明:在灌溉结束和水分再分布24 h后,土壤含水量模拟结果的相对平均绝对误差(RMAE)分别为7.8%和6.0%,均方根误差(RMSE)分别为0.036和0.026 cm3·cm-3,说明HYDRUS模型能很好地模拟地下滴灌条件下三倍体毛白杨根区的短期土壤水分动态,且所建根系吸水模型合理;与2、4 L·h-1的滴头流速和连续性灌溉相比,流速1 L·h-1和脉冲式灌溉(每隔30 min灌水30 min)能增大土壤湿润体体积,且可以减少水分深层渗漏量,因此,对试验地三倍体毛白杨根区进行地下滴灌应首选流速1 L·h-1的脉冲式灌溉.  相似文献   

Turgor pressure provides a sensitive indicator for irrigation scheduling. Leaf turgor pressure of Musa acuminate was measured by using the so‐called leaf patch clamp pressure probe, i.e. by application of an external, magnetically generated and constantly retained clamp pressure to a leaf patch and determination of the attenuated output pressure Pp that is highly correlated with the turgor pressure. Real‐time recording of Pp values was made using wireless telemetric transmitters, which send the data to a receiver base station where data are logged and transferred to a GPRS modem linked to an Internet server. Probes functioned over several months under field and laboratory conditions without damage to the leaf patch. Measurements showed that the magnetic‐based probe could monitor very sensitively changes in turgor pressure induced by changes in microclimate (temperature, relative humidity, irradiation and wind) and irrigation. Irrigation effects could clearly be distinguished from environmental effects. Interestingly, oscillations in stomatal aperture, which occurred frequently below turgor pressures of 100 kPa towards noon at high transpiration or at high wind speed, were reflected in the Pp values. The period of pressure oscillations was comparable with the period of oscillations in transpiration and photosynthesis. Multiple probe readings on individual leaves and/or on several leaves over the entire height of the plants further emphasised the great impact of this non‐invasive turgor pressure sensor system for elucidating the dynamics of short‐ and long‐distance water transport in higher plants.  相似文献   

目的:克隆芽变毛白杨生根相关基因片段.方法:采用诱导生根和抑制生根两种处理,分别提取芽变毛白杨(Mutant Populus tomentosa)皮部 RNA,进行逆转录和差异显示,筛选和克隆特异片段.结果:研究表明不同处理基因表达有一定差别.经Northem鉴定,诱导生根处理的扩增产物中有一条与生根相关的差异片段.将其克隆和测序,该片段编码序列长度 316bp.Cen Bank 中查询没有发现同源性较高的基因.结论:成功地获得了长度 316bp 的芽变毛白杨生根相关基因片段,可能为新基因的一部分.该基因片段的获取将为分离全长生根相关基因,查明该基因表达调控的机理提供基础.  相似文献   

蔗糖合酶(sucrose synthase)与植物库强调节、次生壁的形成和纤维素合成等有着密切的联系,其中在纤维素合成过程中的作用尤为显著。本研究根据我们已获得的毛白杨PtSUS1基因片段设计引物,采用RACE技术,获得了毛白杨PtSUS1的基因序列,测序结果显示该基因序列全长为2 669 bp,包括一个完整的阅读框,编码805个氨基酸。通过Blast检索分析表明,PtSUS1与拟南芥、巨桉、陆地棉、温州蜜柑、毛果杨SUS1的核酸和氨基酸序列的同源性分别达到76%~97%和82%~97%。运用生物信息软件对PtSUS1编码的蛋白进行了二级结构预测和功能位点分析,结果显示该蛋白氨基酸序列包括两个功能域,存在可能的磷酸化位点38个,无跨膜结构域存在。系统进化分析表明PtSUS1与PtSUS2关系最为接近。RT-PCR分析结果显示,PtSUS1在被检测的毛白杨根、茎、叶及雌雄花芽组织和器官中均有表达,呈现组成型表达模式。该研究为进一步深入探索毛白杨蔗糖合酶基因PtSUS1的功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

叶片性状-环境关系对于预测气候变化对植物的影响至关重要。该研究以青藏高原东缘常见阔叶木本植物为研究对象, 从47个样点采集了332个物种共666个种群的叶片, 测量了15个叶片性状, 调查了该区域木本植物叶片性状的变异程度, 并从种内和种间水平探讨了叶片性状对环境的响应及适应策略。结果表明, 反眏叶片大小的性状均具有较高的变异, 其中, 叶片面积是变异程度最大的性状。除气孔密度外, 大多数叶片性状与海拔显著相关。气候是叶片性状变异的重要驱动因素, 3.3%-29.5%的叶片性状变异由气候因子组合解释。其中, 气温对叶片性状变异解释度最高, 日照时间能解释大部分叶片性状的变异, 而降水量对叶片性状变异的解释度相对较小。与环境(海拔和气候因子)显著相关的叶片性状在种内明显少于种间水平, 可能是植物性状之间的协同变化与权衡使种内性状变异比较小, 从而减弱了种内叶片性状与环境因子的相关性。研究结果总体表明,叶片性状与木本植物对环境的适应策略密切相关, 植物通过选择小而厚的叶片和较短的叶柄以适应高海拔的 环境。  相似文献   

王伟  李杏春  崔宝凯 《微生物学通报》2012,39(10):1524-1531
【目的】增强真菌预处理的效率和降低热水预处理对反应条件的要求。【方法】综合利用白腐菌和热水预处理毛白杨,分析此方法对毛白杨化学组分和酶水解效果的影响。【结果】白腐菌Lenzites betulinus C5617协同热水处理,损失率最高达70.70%。纤维素在2个预处理阶段都有损失,其中L.betulinus C5617达到29.62%。木质素的降解主要集中在白腐菌预处理阶段,其中L.betulinus C5617降解的酸不溶木素较多,达到了16.98%。综合预处理显著改善了毛白杨的酶水解效果。与只经热水预处理的样品相比较,L.betulinus C5617和P.sanguineus D9497协同热水处理分别引起还原糖得率上升了20.60%和12.23%。【结论】综合预处理降低了热水解对反应条件的要求,节约了预处理成本。  相似文献   

Aims Plants use a variety of hydraulic strategies to adapt to seasonal drought that differ by species and environmental conditions. The early-diverging Magnoliaceae family includes two closely related genera with contrasting leaf habits, Yulania (deciduous) and Michelia (evergreen), which naturally inhabit temperate and tropical regions, respectively. Here, we evaluate the hydraulic strategy of species from both genera that have been ex situ conserved in a subtropical region to determine how they respond to the novel cool–dry season climatic pattern.Methods We measured ecophysiological traits in five Michelia and five Yulania species conserved in the South China Botanical Garden in both wet and dry season conditions and monitored the whole-year sap flow for four of these species.Important findings We found that Magnoliaceae species that have been ex situ conserved in a subtropical climate did not suffer from excessive water stress due to the mild drought conditions of the dry season and the ecophysiological adjustments the species made to avoid this stress, which differed by leaf habit. Specifically, deciduous species completely shed their leaves during the dry season, while evergreen species decreased their turgor loss points, dry mass based photosynthetic rates, stomatal conductance and specific leaf areas (SLAs) compared to wet season measurements. In comparing the two distinct leaf habits during the wet season, the leathery-leaved evergreen species had higher leaf hydraulic conductance and leaf to sapwood area ratios than the papery-leaved deciduous species, while the deciduous species had greater hydraulic conductivity calculated on both a stem and leaf area basis, dry mass based photosynthetic rates, leaf nutrients, SLAs and stomatal sizes than the evergreen species. Interestingly, species from both genera maintained similar sap flow in the wet season. Both photosynthetically active radiation and vapour pressure deficit affected the diurnal patterns of sap flow in the wet season, while only vapour pressure deficit played a dominant role in the dry season. This study reveals contrasting hydraulic strategies in Yulania and Michelia species under subtropical seasonal conditions, and suggests that these ecophysiological adjustments might be affected more by leaf habit than seasonality, thus reflecting the divergent evolution of the two closely related genera. Furthermore, we show that Magnoliaceae species that are ex situ conserved in a subtropical climate are hydraulically sound, a finding that will inform future conservation efforts of this ancient family under the threat of climatic change.  相似文献   

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