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Multiregulatory element of filamentous bacteriophages.   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文

Genomic polymorphism in the T-even bacteriophages.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
F Repoila  F Tétart  J Y Bouet    H M Krisch 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(17):4181-4192
We have compared the genomes of 49 bacteriophages related to T4. PCR analysis of six chromosomal regions reveals two types of local sequence variation. In four loci, we found only two alternative configurations in all the genomes that could be analyzed. In contrast, two highly polymorphic loci exhibit variations in the number, the order and the identity of the sequences present. In phage T4, both highly polymorphic loci encode internal proteins (IPs) that are encapsidated in the phage particle and injected with the viral DNA. Among the various T4-related phages, 10 different ORFs have been identified in the IP loci; their amino acid sequences have the characteristics of internal proteins. At the beginning of each of these coding sequences is a highly conserved 11 amino acid leader motif. In addition, both 5' and 3' to most of these ORFs, there is a approximately 70 bp sequence that contains a T4 early promoter sequence with an overlapping inversely repeated sequence. The homologies within these flanking sequences may mediate the recombinational shuffling of the IP sequences within the locus. A role for the new IP-like sequences in determining the phage host range is proposed since such a role has been previously demonstrated for the IP1 gene of T4.  相似文献   

A theory of the symmetries of filamentous bacteriophages.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A mathematical model is presented which explains the symmetries observed for the protein coats of filamentous bacterial viruses. Three viruses (Ff, IKe, and If1) all have five-start helices with rotation angles of 36 degrees and axial translations of 16 A (Type I symmetry), and three other viruses (Pf1, Xf, and Pf3) all have one-start helices with rotation angles of approximately equal to 67 degrees and translations of approximately 3 A (Type II symmetry). The coat protein subunits in each group diverge from each other in amino acid sequence, and Type II viruses differ dramatically in DNA structure. Regardless of the differences, both Type I and Type II symmetry can be understood as direct, natural consequences of the close-packing of alpha-helical protein subunits. In our treatment, an alpha-helical subunit is modeled as consisting of two interconnected, flexible tubular segments that follow helical paths around the DNA, one in an inner layer and the other in an outer layer. The mathematical model is a set of algebraic equations describing the disposition of the flexible segments. Solutions are described by newly introduced symmetry indices and other parameters. An exhaustive survey over the range of indices has produced a library of all structures that are geometrically feasible within our modeling scheme. Solutions which correspond in their rotation angles to Type I and Type II viruses occur over large ranges of the parameter space. A few solutions with other symmetries are also allowed, and viruses with these symmetries may exist in nature. One solution to the set of equations, obtained without any recourse to the x-ray data, yields a calculated x-ray diffraction pattern for Pf1 which compares reasonably with experimental patterns. The close-packing geometry we have used helps explain the near constant linear mass density of known filamentous phages. Helicoid, rigid cylinder, and maximum entropy structure models proposed by others for Pf1 are reconciled with the flexible tube models and with one another.  相似文献   

All class II filamentous bacteriophage coat proteins contain a conserved, 12-amino acid sequence highly homologous to the loop portion of the EF-hand Ca2+-binding motif. The Pf3 coat protein contains two regions of homology to this sequence. The 12-amino acid sequence corresponds to a region of the Pf1 coat protein whose structure is controversial. In some models of the virus structure, this region is α-helical. In others, it forms a loop that folds back on itself. The similarity of this region to the loop in the helix-loop-helix Ca2+-binding motif suggests that it takes on a loop structure in the virion. Each filamentous phage lacks at least one residue normally involved in Ca2+-coordination, consistent with the relatively weak Ca2+ binding properties of the filamentous phages. Consideration of the structure of the coat protein in the membrane and in the virus particle indicates that the protein may be more effective in binding cations in its membrane-bound form than in the virus particle. This suggests that release of cations from this loop may be an obligate step during assembly of the proteins into the virus particle. Proteins 27:405–409, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Structural aberrations in group A Staphylococcus bacteriophages.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Six related Staphylococcus phages spontaneously produced various abnormal head and tail structures: (i) giant capsids which were tailed and apparently contained nucleic acid; (ii) regular and irregular smooth polyheads; (iii) heads and polyheads with wavy outlines; (iv) mottled heads and polyheads; (v) abnormally long and short tails; and (vi) "double capsids" connected by a small bridge. Some of these structures are rare, or have not yet been reported. The frequency os specific aberrant particles varied from one phage to another. Length distribution of smooth irregular polyheads and of abnormal tails indicated that these structures assemble at random from protein synthesized in excess. These phages represent an interesting model for genetic and morphogentic studies.  相似文献   

Filamentous particles containing single-stranded plasmid and bacteriophage DNA are able to infect F- Escherichia coli at frequencies of approximately 10(-6). This infection is dependent on an intact particle and requires the products of the tolQ, tolR, and tolA genes of the bacteria. The addition of CaCl2 can increase the frequency about 100-fold, presumably by increasing the concentration of particles at the bacterial surface.  相似文献   

A model is presented that treats the symmetry matching problem in structures made of two interacting coaxial helices of point charges. The charges are sources of a potential field that mediates a non-specific attractive interaction between the helices. The problem is represented in Fourier space, which affords the most generality. It is found that coaxial helices with optimally mated symmetries can lock into spatial resonance configurations that maximize their interaction. The resonances are represented as vectors in a discrete three-dimensional space. Two algebraic relations are given for the four symmetry parameters of two helices in resonance. One-start inner helices interacting with coaxial one-start or NR-start outer helices are considered. Applications are made to the filamentous bacteriophages Ff, Pf1, Xf, and Pf3. The interaction given by the linearized Poisson-Boltzmann equation is calculated in this formalism to allow comparison of the electrostatic free energy of interaction of different resonance structures. Experimental nucleotide/subunit ratios are accounted for, and models for the DNA-protein interfaces are presented, with particular emphasis on Pf1.  相似文献   

Filamentous bacteriophages and their derivatives are showing great promise as a whole new class of industrial agents, such as biologically based nano-materials and viral vectors. This raises challenges for their large-scale manufacture, principally due to the lack of bioprocessing knowledge. This article addresses what will be a potentially important option in the primary purification of the bacteriophages. Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-salt dual precipitants, calcium ions, spermidine, and isoelectric precipitation were first examined for their potential suitability for bacteriophage concentration under both pure and broth conditions. Successful precipitants were further studied on the basis of their selective purification ability from DNA and protein contaminants in a clarified broth system. Both PEG-based and isoelectric precipitations resulted in bacteriophage purity improvements, and PEG-based precipitations offered the highest selectivities. This work shows that precipitation of bacteriophages can be an effective primary purification step in a large-scale bioprocess.  相似文献   

Structural organization of filamentous proteins in postsynaptic density   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
N Ratner  H R Mahler 《Biochemistry》1983,22(10):2446-2453
Actin is one of the major protein constituents of the postsynaptic density (PSD), a characteristic structural entity subjacent to the postsynaptic membrane in excitatory synapses of the vertebrate central nervous system. In isolated purified PSD preparations, it is present to the extent of 29 +/- 2 micrograms/mg of total protein, 90% of which is in the filamentous (F-actin) form. Iodination by a discriminatory labeling technique demonstrates that actin is located on the surface of the PSD from which it can be stripped by treatment with a mixture of strong anionic detergents, leaving behind an insoluble core held together by disulfide bridges, consisting in part of tubulin and "PSD protein".  相似文献   

Structural polymorphism in DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have used the enzyme micrococcal nuclease and the methylating reagent dimethyl sulfate to examine the structural properties of eukaryotic DNAs. Our studies demonstrate extensive structural polymorphism in the DNA double helix. Moreover, we find that the distribution of helical variants is in some instances correlated with the functional organization of the DNA. These observations raise the possibility that eukaryotic DNAs may be organized into discrete functional units having characteristic structural properties. In addition, we find that boundaries between different functional units are typically marked by DNA segments having unusual conformational properties. Such structural perturbations could serve as signals in the utilization of genetic information in eukaryotes, and may be important in a variety of different protein-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

The gliding behavior of Myxococcus xanthus cells is controlled by two multigene systems, A and S, which encode information for adventurous and social behaviors, respectively. The S system can be genetically disrupted through mutation, such as a dsp mutation, or phenotypically disrupted by treating cells with the diazo dye Congo red (Arnold and Shimkets, J. Bacteriol. 170:5765-5770, 1988). One of the functions controlled by the S system is cell agglutination. Immediately after the induction of agglutination, wild-type cells begin to form aggregates, and within 30 min the cells are packed side-to-side in clumps containing thousands of cells. Changes in the cohesive properties of S+ cells are correlated with changes in the topology of the cell surface observed by electron microscopy. Two types of cell-associated appendages were observed on wild-type cells: thin filaments (ca. 5 nm in diameter), which have been called fimbriae or pili, at one cell pole, and thick, flaccid filaments (ca. 50 nm in diameter), referred to as fibrils, at both the sides and tips of cells. Cohesion was correlated with the secretion of the thick fibrils, which coat the cell surface and form an extracellular matrix in which the cells are interconnected. Several lines of evidence suggest that these thick fibrils are involved in cohesion. First, Dsp cells were unable to agglutinate or secrete this extracellular material. Second, wild-type cells which were treated with Congo red neither agglutinated nor secreted the extracellular fibrils. Finally, removal of the Congo red from wild-type cells restored cohesion and also restored production of the thick fibrils. Attempts to estimate the efficiency with which two cells cohered following collision suggested that under optimal conditions, one in three collisions resulted in stable contact. The collision efficiency decreased linearly as the cell density increased, suggesting a cell density-dependent regulation of cohesion. Some aspects of gliding behavior can be explained in terms of an inducer and an inhibitor of S motility.  相似文献   

In complex DNA bacteriophages like lambda, T4, T7, P22, P2, the DNA is packaged into a preformed precursor particle which sometimes has a smaller size and often a shape different from that of the phage head. This packaging mechanism is different from the one suggested for the RNA phages, according to which RNA nucleates the shell formation. The different mechanisms could be understood by comparing the genomes to be packaged: single stranded fII RNA has a very compact structure with high helix content. It might easily form quasispherical structures in solution (as seen in the electron microscope by Thach & Thach (1973)) around which the capsid could assemble. Double stranded phage DNA, on the other hand, is a rigid molecule which occupies a large volume in solution and has to be concentrated 15-fold during packaging into the preformed capsid, and the change in the capsid structure observed hereby might provide the necessary DNA condensation energy.  相似文献   

The replicative form DNAs of bacteriophage M13, fd, f1, and ZJ/2 were found to be sensitive to cleavage by the restriction endonucleases endoR-HapII, endoR-HaeII, endoR-HaeIII, endoR-HindII, endoR-AluI, endoR-Hha, and endoR-Hinf. With respect to M13 DNA the number of cleavage sites varied from 21 for endoR-Hinf, 18 for endoR-AluI, 15 for endoR-Hha, 13 for endoR-HapII, 10 for endoR-HaeIII, 3 for endoR-HaeII, to only a single site for endoR-HindII. In contrast to M13, fd and f1, the ZJ/2 DNA molecule was not cleaved by the endoR-HindII endonuclease. No cleavage site on either phage DNA was detected for the endonucleases endoR-Hsu, endoR-EcoRI and endoR-Sma. When compared with M13 DNA, several differences were noted in the number and size of cleavage products obtained with DNA of phage fd, f1, and ZJ/2. From the results of these analyses, using the M13 enzyme cleavage maps as a reference, the endoR-HapII, endoR-HaeII, endoR-HaeIII, endoR-HindII and endoR-AluI maps of phage fd, f1, and ZJ/2 could be constructed. As is expected for very closely related phages, the enzyme cleavage patterns exhibit a high degree of homology. Phage f1 and ZJ/2 are most related since an identical pattern was obtained with seven different restriction endonucleases. Evidence is provided also that f1 is more similar to M13 than to fd. Furthermore, characteristic differences exist within the endoR-Hinf enzyme cleavage pattern of all the four phages tested. Digestion of phage DNA with this enzyme, therefore, provides a new and sensitive method of distinguishing these closely related filamentous coliphages .  相似文献   

Cell surface charge and hydrophobicity of Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella typhimurium, Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus epidermidis were determined by hydrocarbon adherence, hydrophobic interaction, and electrostatic interaction chromatography. Surface charge and hydrophobicity were compared with the initial attachment values and rates of attachment of the bacteria to meat surfaces. There was a linear correlation between the relative negative charge on the bacterial cell surface and initial attachment to lean beef muscle (r2 = 0.885) and fat tissue (r2 = 0.777). Hydrophobicity correlated well with attachment to fat tissue only. The relative hydrophobicity of each bacterium was dependent on the specific method of determination, with wide variations noted between methods.  相似文献   

The surface charge density and the zeta-potential of Thermoplasma acidophila was estimated from microscopic electrophoresis experiments. The cells moved towards the positive electrode. The mobility remained constant from pH 2 to 5, and increased for pH values higher than 6. The mobility at pH 6 decreased dramatically with increased external Ca2+ concentration. At pH 2 and an ionic strength similar to that of the growth medium, the zeta-potential was about 8 mV, negative relative to the bulk medium; the surface charge density was 1360esu/cm-2 which corresponds to one elementary charge per 3500 A2.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nitric oxide (NO) is a free radical known to be a major regulator of vascular tonus, to inhibit cell proliferation, induce apoptosis, and be a mediator of macrophage cytostatic and cytotoxic effects. Recently, NO synthesis has been reported to be elevated in different cancers and is expected to promote metastasis by maintaining a vasodilator tone in blood vessels in and around the tumour. Two different common genetic polymorphisms were found on endothelial NO synthase (NOS3) gene: Glu298Asp on exon 7 and T-->786C in the promoter region. PURPOSE: To evaluate the impact of the NOS3 polymorphisms on vascular invasion and metastasis in breast cancer patients. DESIGN: Two NOS3 gene polymorphisms (Glu298Asp and T-->786C) were genotyped in 71 patients operated for breast cancer and followed for 6-30 months (median 21). A control population of 91 age and sex matched tumour-free subjects was also genotyped for the same polymorphisms. RESULTS: The distribution of both polymorphisms was not different between cases and controls. In patients without vascular invasion, T allele frequency was significantly lower than in patients with vascular invasion (p=0.033). At the end of the follow-up, T allele frequency was found to be less frequent in the metastasis free group than normal population (0.51 vs 0.64; p=0.047). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that T allele reduction at the NOS3 promoter region may reduce vascular invasion in breast cancer and consequently reduce metastatic spread and be a favorable prognostic factor. These results need further validation in larger studies.  相似文献   

丝状真菌表面展示技术是将表达的目的蛋白固定在丝状真菌细胞表面的一项新兴基因工程技术。丝状真菌具有极强的蛋白质分泌能力和良好的蛋白质翻译后加工能力,因而越来越多的丝状真菌表面展示技术得到开发和应用。本文就丝状真菌表面展示系统的研发和应用进展进行综述,并介绍与该系统构建密切相关的丝状真菌的细胞壁组成、锚定蛋白和遗传转化方法等技术。  相似文献   

We have developed a new system for producing hybrid virions of filamentous bacteriophage fd simultaneously displaying two different peptides by infecting cells harbouring a plasmid containing a modified gene VIII with an engineered bacteriophage carrying a second and different copy of a modified gene VIII. The simultaneous display of different peptides has many potential applications in exploring the immune response and studying protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

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