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Summary A cellular model, where each individual is explicitly defined, is used to describe a population of a mycophagous species ofDrosophila. Patches represent single fungal fruiting bodies which are only available as oviposition sites for a single fly generation. Standard competition equations are used to describe the interaction between larval genotypes at each patch. Dispersal of adults is obligatory and uses a simple model of patch choice to produce aggregated arrivals of adults at fresh patches. The degree to which aggregation of adults and eggs can promote coexistence of genotypes in a one-locus, two-allele system with dominance is explored. When both phenotypes (A- andaa) are aggregated, a polymorphism can be maintained for over 1000 generations even when the selective disadvantage of one phenotype (aa) is great. This model enhances the degree of polymorphism in a population, using aggregation. It does not preclude the operation of other methods which enhance the coexistence of genotypes. Therefore, it is acting to augment the degree of polymorphism maintained in species which exploit patchy and ephemeral habitats, including allDrosophila and a wide range of other organisms.  相似文献   

Girard  P.  Palabost  L.  Petit  C. 《Biochemical genetics》1977,15(5-6):589-599
Allozyme polymorphisms at seven loci have been studied in nine natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster from the Saône and Rhône valleys sampled in 1973 and 1974. A great deal of polymorphism was observed; an individual was on the average heterozygous at 20.2% of its loci. The populations were genetically very homogeneous throughout the region sampled. The number of ovariolae per female varied from one group of populations to another depending on their geographical separation. Yet the number of ovariolae remained constant from one year to the next. The results show that migration alone cannot explain the homogeneity of the allozyme frequencies. It seems reasonable to conclude that selection plays a major role in maintaining the homogeneity of populations living in proximal biotopes.E.R.A. No. 406: Analyse et mécanismes de maintien du polymorphisme.  相似文献   

Allozyme frequency data from natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii were analyzed for genotype-environment relationships. Allele frequency and heterozygosity at six loci polymorphic throughout eastern Australia and a number of environmental factors (both means and variabilities) were examined by a variety of multivariate techniques. Significant genotype-environment associations were found for five of the six loci, and after correcting for geographic location significant associations remained for Est-2 and Adh-1 gene frequencies and heterozygosities and for Pgm gene frequencies. The results are discussed in relation to selection and gene flow and provide the basis for laboratory studies to disentangle confounded effects of (1) environmental means and environmental variabilities and (2) allele frequency and heterozygosity, and thus to further test for and determine the nature of any natural selection at particular allozyme loci.This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee to J. S. F. B.  相似文献   

Samples from eleven populations of wild barley were examined for metric growth and reproductive traits in a common garden field trial. Descendants of these plants were examined for electrophoretically determined genotypes. In most cases each population had one or more predominant electrophoretically detectable genotypes and many infrequent genotypes. Analysis of variance ofHordeum spontaneum shows that the between-population variance component contributed the bulk of the observed variation in metric traits, with only a small proportion of the total variation contributed by the between-genotype within-population variance component. Nevertheless, a full 20% of the F values for the among genotype analysis were significant at the 5% level. In addition, using discriminant analysis, electrophoretically determined genotypes could be easily distinguished on the basis of trait (i.e., metric) measurements. The joint use of electrophoresis (to identify genotypes) and of trait measurements is a powerful tool for investigating intrapopulation genetic variation.  相似文献   

Yugal K. Prasad 《BioControl》1990,35(3):421-429
The discovery of isolated patches of prey by the natural enemies of the cottony-cushion scaleIcerya purchasi Maskell was tested in the field on potted plants ofAcacia baileyana and citrus between November and February in South Australia. The survival of scales to adults in patches in the 4 fortnightly releases (cohort sets) was not significantly different between location-1 (under anAcacia tree harbouring scales and its natural enemies) and location-2 (about 500 m away from the nearest host plant of the scale). The temporal distribution of mortality in the scale cohorts was described by the Weibull model. The proportion of scales surviving at the 2 locations (on the 3rd & 6th fornight) was not significantly different suggesting that the total effect of all the mortality factors on the scales at the 2 locations was the same. The trends in prey patches destroyed in time could be explained from the period of activity of the natural enemies in the field.Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant) had discovered the prey patches within a fortnight of the release of scale crawlers. The results substantiate earlier reports thatRodolia can find and destroy isolated scale colonies.   相似文献   

Summary The interrelation of genic polymorphism at the Malate dehydrogenase (Mdh)-locus and chromosomal polymorphism for superimposed gene arrangements was studied in 5 experimental populations of Drosophila subobscura. It could be shown that chromosomal polymorphism is maintained by balancing selection in favour of the heterozygotes. In contrast, selection at the Mdh-locus itself seems to be of minor importance. The changes of frequency observed for the Mdh-alleles are most probably due to hitch-hiking on the gene blocks enclosed by the chromosomal structures or to selection for tightly linked genes rather than to fitness differences between Mdh-genotypes. The results may be considered as a model for the situation found in natural populations of D. subobscura.  相似文献   

Three dipeptidases in Drosophila melanogaster are under independent genetic control and their structural genes have been localized, Dip-A to 2R and Dip-B and Dip-C to 3R (Voelker and Langley, 1978; Ohnishi and Voelker, 1981). These enzymes were characterized with respect to their substrate specificities, genetic variability (electrophoretic mobility and quantitative activity level), ontogeny (activity and isozyme pattern), and tissue localization. The dipeptide substrate specificities of DIP-A and DIP-B overlap each other considerably, but do not overlap with DIP-C. In natural populations, DIP-B and DIP-C are essentially monomorphic electrophoretically whereas DIP-A is polymorphic for three allozymes. Both DIP-A and DIP-B show quantitative genetic variation of activity level within an allozyme class. All three enzymes are expressed at all stages in the life cycle, but DIP-A and DIP-B activities vary considerably according to developmental stage and sex of adult. The tissue localizations of DIP-A and DIP-B activities show similar patterns and a nearly ubiquitous occurrence of both enzymes, but with particularly high values in larval and adult midguts and in the adult female reproductive system. These results suggest a general metabolic role for the enzymes, such as regulation of the concentrated pools of amino acids and oligopeptides found in Drosophila tissues.This work was supported by Public Health Service Grant GM 11546.Paper No. 7066 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh.  相似文献   

Many species require captive breeding to ensuretheir survival. The eventual aim of suchprograms is usually to reintroduce the speciesinto the wild. Populations in captivitydeteriorate due to inbreeding depression, lossof genetic diversity, accumulation of newdeleterious mutations and genetic adaptationsto captivity that are deleterious in the wild.However, there is little evidence on themagnitude of these problems. We evaluatedchanges in reproductive fitness in populationsof Drosophila maintained under benigncaptive conditions for 50 generations witheffective population sizes of 500 (2replicates), 250 (3), 100 (4), 50 (6) and 25(8). At generation 50, fitness in the benigncaptive conditions was reduced in smallpopulations due to inbreeding depression andincreased in some of the large populations dueto modest genetic adaptation. When thepopulations were moved to `wild' conditions,all 23 populations showed a marked decline(64–86%percnt;) in reproductive fitness compared tocontrols. Reproductive fitness showed acurvilinear relationship with population size,the largest and smallest population sizetreatments being the worst. Genetic analysesindicated that inbreeding depression andgenetic adaptation were responsible for thegenetic deterioration in `wild' fitness.Consequently, genetic deterioration incaptivity is likely to be a major problem whenlong-term captive bred populations ofendangered species are returned to the wild. Aregime involving fragmentation of captivepopulations of endangered species is suggestedto minimize the problems.  相似文献   

Drosophila engyochracea, an endemic Hawaiian fly found only in two, finite populations in Volcano National Park, has extensive electrophoretic heterozygosity on a par with that found in species with much wider distributions. A study of six polymorphic loci in both populations over an 18-month period revealed that the population in the more xeric environment is more dynamic genetically as well as more variable. In addition, genetic changes at one locus, Pgm, are correlated to changes in an environmental moisture parameter. These findings confirm that migration is not necessary to maintain genetic variation in isolated populations and demonstrate that D. engyochracea gene pools are susceptible to errors in Hardy-Weinberg equilibria during specific seasonal periods.Portions of this article were submitted in partial fulfillment for a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Genetics awarded to W. W. M. Steiner by the Department of Genetics, University of Hawaii, Honolulu. Research was supported by NSF Grants GB-23230, GM-27586, and GB-29288.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster larvae were subjected to 10 generations of selection on 6% ethanol at 17, 25, and 30°C. For each temperature there was a significant (P<0.01) increase in the frequency of the Adh isoallele. Controls with no ethanol showed no change in the frequency of the Adh F isoallele. Larvae subjected to stronger selection on 8% ethanol confirmed the results. When adults of various ages were subjected to 16 and 32°C, the ADHF isoenzyme retained its twofold advantage in activity over ADHS regardless of the temperature. The same result was obtained with larvae at 16 and 35°C. Although some effect of temperature was demonstrated, it was concluded that the effect was not strong enough for temperature to be a selective factor under the conditions studied. However, ethanol is a strong selective factor for laboratory populations.  相似文献   

We carried out field experiments to investigate the coexistence of Drosophila species in domestic and forest areas on the basis of the aggregation model. Three cosmopolitan species Drosophila simulans Sturtevant, Drosophila melanogaster Meigen and Drosophila immigrans Sturtevant, and a native species, Drosophila auraria Peng, emerged abundantly from banana placed at the domestic station, while Drosophila immigrans and five native species, Drosophila lutescens Okada, Drosophila rufa Kikkawa and Peng, Drosophila bizonata Kikkawa and Peng, Drosophila sternopleuralis Okada and Kurokawa and Scaptodrosophila coracina (Kikkawa and Peng), were abundant at the forest station. The present analysis suggests that their coexistence was facilitated by the aggregation mechanism. In the cosmopolitan species, the density of individuals that emerged from patches increased with the increase of patch size, but the relationship between fly density and patch size was not clear in the native species. This difference in distribution patterns between the cosmopolitan and native species is likely to be due to the difference in the female visiting behavior. In the present analysis, however, it was not clear whether patch size diversity facilitated their coexistence or not. The effect of patch size diversity may have been masked, because the effect of aggregation was more prominent. The rate of parasitism by wasps was high in October at the domestic station, and in May and June at the forest station. The present result suggests that the rate of parasitism was density-dependent, at least at the domestic station, and therefore parasitism facilitates the coexistence of drosophilid species in domestic areas.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, like in humans, Dystrophin Glycoprotein Complex (DGC) deficiencies cause a life span shortening disease, associated with muscle dysfunction. We performed the first in vivo genetic interaction screen in ageing dystrophic muscles and identified genes that have not been shown before to have a role in the development of muscular dystrophy and interact with dystrophin and/or dystroglycan. Mutations in many of the found interacting genes cause age-dependent morphological and heat-induced physiological defects in muscles, suggesting their importance in the tissue. Majority of them is phylogenetically conserved and implicated in human disorders, mainly tumors and myopathies. Functionally they can be divided into three main categories: proteins involved in communication between muscle and neuron, and interestingly, in mechanical and cellular stress response pathways. Our data show that stress induces muscle degeneration and accelerates age-dependent muscular dystrophy. Dystrophic muscles are already compromised; and as a consequence they are less adaptive and more sensitive to energetic stress and to changes in the ambient temperature. However, only dystroglycan, but not dystrophin deficiency causes extreme myodegeneration induced by energetic stress suggesting that dystroglycan might be a component of the low-energy pathway and act as a transducer of energetic stress in normal and dystrophic muscles.  相似文献   

Three of the major protein species present in the hemolymph of Drosophila melanogaster larvae just prior to pupation are absent from second instar larvae but accumulate rapidly during the third instar. This article describes the purification and characterization of one of these, larval serum protein (LSP) 2, using an immunological assay. It is a homohexamer of molecular weight about 450,000, with a polypeptide molecular weight of 78,000–83,000. Fast and slow electrophoretic variants of this protein map between the markers vin and gs, at 36–37 on chromosome 3.This work was partially supported by M.R.C. Research Studentships to J.W. and M.E.A.  相似文献   

Neuronal communication involves the fusion of neurotransmitter filled synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic terminal. This exocytotic event depends upon proteins present in three separate compartments: the synaptic vesicle, the synaptic cytosol, and the presynaptic membrane. Recent data indicate that the basic components of exocytotic pathways, including those used for neurotransmitter release, are conserved from yeast to human. Genetic dissection of the secretory pathway in yeast, identification of the target proteins cleaved by the clostridial neurotoxins and biochemical characterization of the interactions of synaptic proteins from vertebrates have converged to provide the SNARE (soluble NSF attachment protein receptor) hypothesis for vesicle trafficking. This model proposes that proteins present in the vesicle (v-SNAREs) interact with membrane receptors (t-SNAREs) to provide a molecular scaffold for cytosolic proteins involved in fusion. The hypothesis that these mechanisms function at the synapse relies largely uponin vitro evidence. Recently, genetic approaches in mice, C.elegans and the fruitfly,Drosophila melanagaster, have been used to dissect thein vivo function of numerous proteins involved in synaptic transmission. This review covers recent progress and insights provided by a genetic dissection of neurotransmitter release inDrosophila. In addition, we will provide evidence that the mechanisms for synaptic communication are highly conserved from invertebrates to vertebrates, makingDrosophila an ideal model system to further unravel the intricacies of synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Summary Six population samples of the South American cricetid rodent Akodon dolores were collected at the same site at six-month intervals over a three year period. Changes in density were detected. Seven out of 18 loci analyzed by means of starch gel electrophoresis were polymorphic. Only two of these loci (Est-4 and G6pdh) showed statistically significant variation in allele frequencies following a seasonal pattern. There was no correlation between allele frequencies and population density. When animals were grouped into two classes according to body weight, a clear difference in allele distribution at the Est-4 and G6pdh loci was observed between individuals 39 g or less and those heavier than 39 g. As the first group comprises predominantly younger animals, the data indicate that changes in the age-structure of population, rather than density variations, are responsible for the cyclic pattern of allele frequencies fluctuations.  相似文献   

Much effort has been made to search for signatures of past natural selection in DNA sequences. However, currently acting selection is rarely detected in natural populations because of its rarity, low detection power of available methods, or both. Here, we develop a new test to detect viability selection over a single generation. In this test, one specific type of chromosomes is chosen as a reference, while all other chromosomes are designated as "focal". The test compares measures of variation between two groups of "focal" chromosomes: those found in reference/focal heterozygous individuals and those found in focal/focal homozygous individuals. In the absence of selection, we do not expect differences between these two groups as long as mating is random. On the other hand, currently acting selection can cause differences in some measures of variation. We applied this test to typing data for In(2L)t inversion polymorphism in a Drosophila melanogaster population, using "standard" (non-inverted) chromosomes as the focal class. Although the frequencies of In(2L)t and standard chromosomes did not deviate from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, we found differences in allele frequency and the number of haplotypes between the two groups of standard chromosomes. This new test, in conjunction with the Hardy-Weinberg test, may shed light on how often strong selection is operating in extant populations.  相似文献   

Gel electrophoresis of blood proteins has detected allelic variation at five loci (TRF, PGD, SOD, ADA, GPI) in a laboratory colony of the dasyurid marsupial Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Family data show no significant departures from Mendelian expectations. Analysis of blood from wild-caught progenitors of the colony revealed significant differences in gene frequency between groups of animals captured from different parts of southern and central Australia and showed that there are two major population clusters. These interpopulation differences are particularly marked at the TRF locus and indicate that the river Murray is a barrier for this species.This project was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Scheme.  相似文献   

During the last 1000 years, massive deforestation events have occurred in Flanders (the northern part of Belgium) and the remaining forests have become very isolated patches. It is expected that organisms bound to these patchy forest habitats and with limited dispersal capacities will likely experience strong effects of genetic drift. One such organism is the spider Coelotes terrestris. Allozyme data suggested that 10 Flemish populations of this spider showed little genetic variation, as only one out of 20 loci was polymorphic (phosphoglucose isomerase). In view of this result, we used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to test whether this lack of allozyme diversity is an inherent feature of the populations and/or species studied or whether it rather reflects a characteristic of the markers and/or methods used. Since the RAPD data revealed a substantial amount of genetic diversity in the same 10 populations, our results suggest that the latter is true. Furthermore, the RAPD data agree with the expectations for an organism with low dispersal capacities that has lived in isolated forest patches for at least 200 generations. Supplemented with the results of other techniques and studies, these findings might be of importance for the future conservation of this spider species in Flanders.  相似文献   

In twelve populations ofEschscholzia californica from central Chile, where it was introduced in the latter part of the 19th century, there is a regular gradient in frequency of the allelesJ andj, which control orange vs. yellow flowers, ranging from a maximum value of 0.531 to a minimum of 0.160 forJ. Populations having higher values ofJ occupy more mesic sites. In addition, the great majority of the populations have significant excess of heterozygotes over those expected on the basis of theHardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and so exhibit balanced polymorphism for theJ-j pair of alleles, probably associated with heterosis ofJj genotypes. Evidence is presented which suggests that this locus serves as a marker for adaptative gene complexes rather than being itself associated with adaptation. In Chile, the association ofJJ genotypes with cooler, moister habitats is the opposite of the condition existing in California, and suggests that extensive reorganization of the gene pool, through changed linkage relationships, took place asE. californica populations were being established in Chile.  相似文献   

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