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Population-based studies have shown that the offspring of diabetic mothers have an increased risk of developing obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and hypertension in later life. To investigate mechanism for the high incidence of metabolic diseases in the offspring of diabetic mothers, we focused on the tissue-specific glucocorticoid regulation by 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) and studied offspring born to streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. The body weights of newborn rats from diabetic mothers were heavier than those from control mothers. Offspring born to diabetic mothers demonstrated insulin resistance and mild glucose intolerance after glucose loading at 10 weeks and showed significantly increased 11beta-HSD1 mRNA and enzyme activity in adipose tissue at 12 weeks of age without obvious obesity. Hepatic 11beta-HSD1 mRNA was also elevated. We propose that the 11beta-HSD1 in adipose tissue and liver may play a key role in the development of metabolic syndrome in the offspring of diabetic mothers. Tissue-specific glucocorticoid dysregulation provides a candidate mechanism for the high incidence of metabolic diseases in the offspring of diabetic mothers. Therefore early analyses before apparent obesity are needed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that may be programmed during the fetal period.  相似文献   

Overnutrition during pre- and postnatal development both confer increased susceptibility to renal and metabolic risks later in life; however, whether they have an additive effect on the severity of renal and metabolic injury remains unknown. The present study tested the hypothesis that a combination of a pre- and postnatal diet high in fat/fructose would exacerbate renal and metabolic injury in male offspring later in life. Male offspring born to high fat/high-fructose-fed mothers and fed a high-fat/high-fructose diet postnatally (HF-HF) had increased urine albumin excretion (450%), glomerulosclerosis (190%), and tubulointerstitial fibrosis (101%) compared with offspring born to mothers fed a standard diet and fed a standard diet postnatally (NF-NF). No changes in blood pressure or glomerular filtration were observed between any of the treatment groups. The HF-HF offspring weighed ~23% more than offspring born to mothers fed a high-fat/high-fructose diet and fed a normal diet postnatally (HF-NF), as well as offspring born to mothers fed a standard diet regardless of their postnatal diet. The HF-HF rats also had increased (and more variable) blood glucose levels over 12 wk of being fed a high-fat/high-fructose diet. A combination of exposure to a high-fat/high-fructose diet in utero and postnatally increased plasma insulin levels by 140% compared with NF-NF offspring. Our data suggest that the combined exposure to overnutrition during fetal development and early postnatal development potentiate the susceptibility to renal and metabolic disturbances later in life.  相似文献   

Overfeeding and rapid weight gain during early life are risk factors for the development of obesity in adulthood. This metabolic malprogramming may be mediated by endocrine disturbances during critical periods of development. Cholecystokinin (CCK) acts on the central nervous system by elevating thermogenesis and the activity of anorectic neurons, modulating overall energy balance. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that postnatal overfeeding impaired CCK effects. Pups were raised in either a litter of three (neonatal overnutrition/small litter group) or 12 (controls/normal litter group) pups per dam to study the effects of postnatal overfeeding on the central and peripheral CCK systems in adulthood. Rats raised in small litters became overweight during lactation and remained overweight as adults, with increased adiposity and plasma levels of lipids, glucose, insulin, and leptin. Neonatally over-nourished rats showed attenuation of gastric emptying and anorexigenic response to CCK, suggesting that offspring from the SL group may present CCK resistance as adult male rats. Consistent with this idea, overweight rats displayed impaired central response in c-Fos immunoreactivity on the nucleus tractus solitarius, area postrema, paraventricular nucleus, central amygdala, arcuate nucleus, and dorsomedial hypothalamus in response to peripheral CCK at adulthood. The small litter group of adult male rats also exhibited reduced norepinephrine- and CCK-stimulated thermogenesis. Unresponsiveness to the effects of CCK may contribute to overweight and metabolic dysfunctions observed in postnatally over-nourished adult rats. Thus, the involvement of an impaired CCK system, among other neurohormonal failures, may contribute to the development of obesity.  相似文献   

The association between an adverse early life environment and increased susceptibility to later-life metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease is described by the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis. Employing a rat model of maternal high fat (MHF) nutrition, we recently reported that offspring born to MHF mothers are small at birth and develop a postnatal phenotype that closely resembles that of the human metabolic syndrome. Livers of offspring born to MHF mothers also display a fatty phenotype reflecting hepatic steatosis and characteristics of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In the present study we hypothesised that a MHF diet leads to altered regulation of liver development in offspring; a derangement that may be detectable during early postnatal life. Livers were collected at postnatal days 2 (P2) and 27 (P27) from male offspring of control and MHF mothers (n = 8 per group). Cell cycle dynamics, measured by flow cytometry, revealed significant G0/G1 arrest in the livers of P2 offspring born to MHF mothers, associated with an increased expression of the hepatic cell cycle inhibitor Cdkn1a. In P2 livers, Cdkn1a was hypomethylated at specific CpG dinucleotides and first exon in offspring of MHF mothers and was shown to correlate with a demonstrable increase in mRNA expression levels. These modifications at P2 preceded observable reductions in liver weight and liver∶brain weight ratio at P27, but there were no persistent changes in cell cycle dynamics or DNA methylation in MHF offspring at this time. Since Cdkn1a up-regulation has been associated with hepatocyte growth in pathologic states, our data may be suggestive of early hepatic dysfunction in neonates born to high fat fed mothers. It is likely that these offspring are predisposed to long-term hepatic dysfunction.  相似文献   

The discovery of a link between in utero experience and later metabolic and cardiovascular disease is one of the most important advances in epidemiology research of recent years. There is now increasing evidence that alterations in the fetal environment have long-term consequences on metabolic and endocrine pathophysiology in adult life. This process has been termed "fetal programming," and we have shown that undernutrition of the mother during gestation leads to obesity, hypertension, hyperphagia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperleptinemia in offspring. Using this model of maternal undernutrition throughout pregnancy, we investigated whether prenatal influences may lead to alterations in postnatal locomotor behavior, independent of postnatal nutrition. Virgin Wistar rats were time mated and randomly assigned to receive food either ad libitum (ad libitum group) or at 30% of ad libitum intake (undernourished group). Offspring from UN mothers were significantly smaller at birth than AD offspring. At weaning, offspring were assigned to one of two diets [control or hypercaloric (30% fat)]. At ages of 35 days, 145 days, and 420 days, voluntary locomotor activity was assessed. At all ages studied, offspring from undernourished mothers were significantly less active than offspring born of normal birth weight for all parameters measured, independent of postnatal nutrition. Sedentary behavior in programmed offspring was exacerbated by postnatal hypercaloric nutrition. This work is the first to clearly separate prenatal from postnatal effects and shows that lifestyle choices themselves may have a prenatal origin. We have shown that predispositions to obesity, altered eating behavior, and sedentary activity are linked and occur independently of postnatal hypercaloric nutrition. Moreover, the prenatal influence may be permanent as offspring of undernourished mothers were still significantly less active compared with normal offspring at an advanced adult age, even in the presence of a healthy diet throughout postnatal life.  相似文献   

Numerous data show that malnutrition during early life programs chronic diseases in adulthood. Many of these disorders may result from alterations in the development of neuroendocrine systems, such as the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathoadrenal system. We have previously reported that maternal 50% food restriction during late pregnancy and lactation reduces adrenal weight and impairs chromaffin cell differentiation in male rats at weaning. In addition, maternal undernutrition modifies the expression of several genes involved in proliferation and apoptosis. This study therefore investigated the impact of maternal food restriction on adrenal cell growth in the late postnatal rat. Histological analysis showed that the number of proliferating chromaffin cells assessed by nuclear labelling with BrdU was reduced by 45%, whereas the level of apoptosis visualised by caspase-3 immunoreactivity was increased by 340% in adrenal medulla of offspring from undernourished mothers. In contrast, maternal food restriction did not affect proliferation and apoptosis in cortical cells of rats. These developmental changes were associated with overexpression of TGFbeta2. These data show that perinatal undernutrition impairs the balance between chromaffin cell proliferation and apoptosis. These modifications may lead to "malprogramming" of adrenal medulla development, which could contribute to the pathogenesis of chronic diseases in adulthood.  相似文献   

Maternal obesity has been shown to impact the offspring health during childhood and adult life. This study aimed to evaluate whether maternal obesity combined with postnatal exposure to an obesogenic diet could induce metabolic alterations in offspring. Female CD1 mice were fed a control diet (CD, 11.1% of energy from fat) or with a high-fat diet (HFD, 44.3% of energy from fat) for 3 months. After weaning, pups born from control and obese mothers were fed with CD or HFD for 3 months. Both mothers and offspring were weighted weekly and several blood metabolic parameters levels were evaluated. Here, we present evidence that the offspring from mothers exposed to a HFD showed increased acetylation levels of histone 3 on lysine 9 (H3K9) in the liver at postnatal Day 1, whereas the levels of acetylation of H4K16, dimethylation of H3K27, and trimethylation of H3K9 showed no change. We also observed a higher perinatal weight and increased blood cholesterol levels when compared to the offspring on postnatal Day 1 born from CD-fed mothers. When mice born from obese mothers were fed with HFD, we observed that they gained more weight, presented higher blood cholesterol levels, and abdominal adipose tissue than mice born to the same mothers but fed with CD. Collectively, our results point toward maternal obesity and HFD consumption as a risk factor for epigenetic changes in the liver of the offspring, higher perinatal weight, increased weight gain, and altered blood cholesterol levels.  相似文献   



Maternal diabetes and high-fat feeding during pregnancy have been linked to later life outcomes in offspring. To investigate the effects of both maternal and paternal hyperglycemia on offspring phenotypes, we utilized an autosomal dominant mouse model of diabetes (hypoinsulinemic hyperglycemia in Akita mice). We determined metabolic and skeletal phenotypes in wildtype offspring of Akita mothers and fathers.


Both maternal and paternal diabetes resulted in phenotypic changes in wildtype offspring. Phenotypic changes were more pronounced in male offspring than in female offspring. Maternal hyperglycemia resulted in metabolic and skeletal phenotypes in male wildtype offspring. Decreased bodyweight and impaired glucose tolerance were observed as were reduced whole body bone mineral density and reduced trabecular bone mass.Phenotypic changes in offspring of diabetic fathers differed in effect size from changes in offspring of diabetic mothers. Male wildtype offspring developed a milder metabolic phenotype, but a more severe skeletal phenotype. Female wildtype offspring of diabetic fathers were least affected.


Both maternal and paternal diabetes led to the development of metabolic and skeletal changes in wildtype offspring, with a greater effect of maternal diabetes on metabolic parameters and of paternal diabetes on skeletal development. The observed changes are unlikely to derive from Mendelian inheritance, since the investigated offspring did not inherit the Akita mutation. While fetal programming may explain the phenotypic changes in offspring exposed to maternal diabetes in-utero, the mechanism underlying the effect of paternal diabetes on wildtype offspring is unclear.  相似文献   

Intrauterine nutrition can program metabolism, creating stable changes in physiology that may have significant health consequences. The mechanism underlying these changes is widely assumed to involve epigenetic changes to the expression of metabolic genes, but evidence supporting this idea is limited. Here we have performed the first study of the epigenomic consequences of exposure to maternal obesity and diabetes. We used a mouse model of natural-onset obesity that allows comparison of genetically identical mice whose mothers were either obese and diabetic or lean with a normal metabolism. We find that the offspring of obese mothers have a latent metabolic phenotype that is unmasked by exposure to a Western-style diet, resulting in glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis. The offspring show changes in hepatic gene expression and widespread but subtle alterations in cytosine methylation. Contrary to expectation, these molecular changes do not point to metabolic pathways but instead reside in broadly developmental ontologies. We propose that, rather than being adaptive, these changes may simply produce an inappropriate response to suboptimal environments; maladaptive phenotypes may be avoidable if postnatal nutrition is carefully controlled.  相似文献   

The intrauterine environment is a major contributor to normal physiological growth and development of an individual. Disturbances at this critical time can affect the long-term health of the offspring. Low birth weight individuals have strong correlations with increased susceptibility to type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease in later-life. These observations led to the Thrifty Phenotype Hypothesis which suggested that these associations arose because of the response of a growing fetus to a suboptimal environment such as poor nutrition. Animal models have shown that environmentally induced intrauterine growth restriction increases the risk of a variety of diseases later in life. These detrimental features are also observed in high birth weight offspring from mothers who were obese or consumed a high fat diet during gestation. Recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon have elucidated several potential candidates for the long-term effects of the early environment on the function and metabolism of a cell. These include: (1) Epigenetic alterations (e.g. DNA methylation and histone modifications), which regulate specific gene expression and can be influenced by the environment, both during gestation and early postnatal life and (2) Oxidative stress that changes the balance between reactive oxygen species generation (e.g. through mitochondrial dysfunction) and antioxidant defense capacity. This has permanent effects on cellular ageing such as regulation of telomere length. Further understanding of these processes will help in the development of therapeutic strategies to increase healthspan and reduced the burden of age-associated diseases.  相似文献   

The incidence of metabolic disease, including type 2 diabetes and obesity, has increased to epidemic levels in recent years. A growing body of evidence suggests that the intrauterine environment plays a key role in the development of metabolic disease in offspring. Among other perturbations in early life, alteration in the provision of nutrients has profound and lasting effects on the long term health and well being of offspring. Rodent and non-human primate models provide a means to understand the underlying mechanisms of this programming effect. These different models demonstrate converging effects of a maternal high fat diet on insulin and glucose metabolism, energy balance, cardiovascular function and adiposity in offspring. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the early life environment can result in epigenetic changes that set the stage for alterations in key pathways of metabolism that lead to type 2 diabetes or obesity. Identifying and understanding the causal factors responsible for this metabolic dysregulation is vital to curtailing these epidemics. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Modulation of Adipose Tissue in Health and Disease.  相似文献   

Maternal obesity caused by overnutrition during pregnancy increases susceptibility to metabolic risks in adulthood, such as obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes; however, whether and how it affects the cognitive system associated with the brain remains elusive. Here, we report that pregnant obesity induced by exposure to excessive high fatty or highly palatable food specifically impaired reversal learning, a kind of adaptive behavior, while leaving serum metabolic metrics intact in the offspring of rats, suggesting a much earlier functional and structural defects possibly occurred in the central nervous system than in the metabolic system in the offspring born in unfavorable intrauterine nutritional environment. Mechanically, we found that above mentioned cognitive inflexibility might be associated with significant striatal disturbance including impaired dopamine homeostasis and disrupted leptin signaling in the adult offspring. These collective data add a novel perspective of understanding the adverse postnatal sequelae in central nervous system induced by developmental programming and the related molecular mechanism through which priming of risk for developmental disorders may occur during early life.  相似文献   

Pregnancy in diabetic mothers is associated with intrauterine death, perinatal mortality, and birth weight greater than that of infants born of normal mothers. The use of rodents made diabetic by alloxan or streptozotocin as an animal model for human diabetic pregnancy has been controversial because of the severity of the diabetes as well as the direct effect of diabetogenic drugs on the developing organism. Among our female NOD (nonobese diabetic) mice, insulin-dependent diabetes occurs spontaneously in 9% by 12 weeks and in 80% by 29 weeks of age. Offspring born within 21 days of conception to mildly hyperglycemic NOD pregnant mice between 26 and 52 weeks of age, and prior to the onset of maternal ketonuria are macrosomic with an average of 31% increase in body weight and 44% increase in kidney weight, in comparison to controls. Besides organomegaly, the macrosomic offspring have significantly higher pancreatic insulin content which was elevated 80% when compared with that of controls, and litter sizes are significantly 50% smaller. These results suggest that the mildly hyperglycemic pregnant NOD mouse represents a promising model for the study of pregnancy complicated by diabetes.  相似文献   

There was a significant increase in fucose (52%), total hexoses (16%) and hexosamine (56%) except sialic acid, which was reduced (77%) in the microvillus membrane of infants born to rat mothers made diabetic by injecting alloxan on day 3 of gestation. Expressed on the protein basis there were a significant increase in membrane, triglyceride, total cholesterol, and phospholipids content of brush border in pups from diabetic group between 5-45 days of postnatal age. Intestinal morphology in diabetic group showed, regression of tubular glands, distorted cellular organization of mucosal cells, reduction in the mucosal cell height and number of secretory goblet cells. These findings suggest that the gestational diabetes affects the sugar and lipid composition of the intestinal brush border membrane in rats during early stages of the postnatal development, which may be associated with compromised tissue functions later in life.  相似文献   

Adverse events during intrauterine life may program organ growth and favor disease later in life. This is the usually called ‘Barker's hypothesis’. Increasing evidence suggests that conditions like vascular disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes mellitus are programmed during the early stages of fetal development and become manifest in late stages of life, when there is an added impact of lifestyle and other conventional acquired environmental risk factors that interact with genetic factors. The aim of this review was to provide additional, updated evidence to support the association between intrauterine fetal health and increased prevalence of chronic non-communicable diseases in adulthood. Various potential cellular and molecular mechanisms proposed to be related to the above hypothesis are discussed, including endothelial function, oxidative stress, insulin resistance, and mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

The importance of early environment, including maternal diet during pregnancy, is suspected to play a major role in pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome and related conditions. One of the proposed mechanisms is a mismatch between the prenatal and postnatal environments, leading to misprogramming of the metabolic and signaling pathways of the developing fetus. We assessed whether the exposure to high-sucrose diet (HSD) alleviates the detrimental effects of sucrose feeding in later life (predictive adaptive hypothesis) in a highly inbred model of metabolic syndrome, the PD/Cub rat. Rat dams were continuously fed either standard or HSD (70% calories as sucrose) starting 1 wk before breeding, throughout pregnancy, at birth, and until weaning of the offspring. After weaning, all male offspring were fed HSD until the age of 20 wk, when detailed metabolic and morphometric profiles were ascertained. The early life exposure to a sucrose-rich diet resulted in distinct responses to longtime postnatal HSD feeding. Offspring of the sucrose-fed mothers displayed higher adiposity and substantial increases in triglyceride liver content together with unfavorable distribution of cholesterol into lipoprotein subfractions. On the other hand, their adiponectin concentrations were significantly higher, and insulin sensitivity of skeletal muscle was enhanced compared with the offspring of standard diet-fed mothers. Triglycerides, free fatty acids, overall glucose tolerance, and the insulin sensitivity of adipose tissue were comparable in both groups. In the genetically identical animals, maternal HSD feeding elicited a variety of subtle effects but did not lead to predictive adaptive protection from most HSD-induced metabolic derangements.  相似文献   

There exist numerous experimental and epidemiological data indicating that malnutrition in early development may influence the risk of developing metabolic disorders in adult life, including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Epidemiological evidence for such a relationship was mostly obtained in quasi-experimental studies (natural experiments) carried out on the populations of different countries. These studies revealed that exposure to famine in prenatal and/or early postnatal development is associated with increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in adult life. Epigenetic regulation of gene activity is considered to be the main mechanism linking starvation in early life and increased risk of type 2 diabetes in adulthood. It is believed that exposure to famine during pregnancy may induce persistent epigenetic variations that are thought to have some adaptive value in the early postnatal development but that also lay grounds for metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes, in later life. The present review consolidates and discusses the data indicating the possibility of early developmental programming of type 2 diabetes obtained in the course of quasi-experimental studies.  相似文献   

Unfavorable maternal diet during pregnancy can predispose the offspring to diseases later in life, such as hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and obesity. However, the molecular basis for this phenomenon of "developmental programming" is poorly understood. We have recently shown that a diet nutritionally optimized for pregnancy can nevertheless be harmful in the context of diabetic pregnancy in the mouse, associated with a high incidence of neural tube defects and intrauterine growth restriction. We hypothesized that placental abnormalities may contribute to impaired fetal growth in these pregnancies, and therefore investigated the role of maternal diet in the placenta. LabDiet 5015 diet was associated with reduced placental growth, commencing at midgestation, when compared to pregnancies in which the diabetic dam was fed LabDiet 5001 maintenance chow. Furthermore, by quantitative RT-PCR we identify 34 genes whose expression in placenta at midgestation is modulated by diet, diabetes, or both, establishing biomarkers for gene-environment interactions in the placenta. These results implicate maternal diet as an important factor in pregnancy complications and suggest that the early phases of placenta development could be a critical time window for developmental origins of adult disease.  相似文献   

We examined the long-term effect of in utero exposure to streptozotocin-induced maternal diabetes on the progeny that postnatally received either ad libitum access to milk by being fed by control mothers (CM/DP) or were subjected to relative nutrient restriction by being fed by diabetic mothers (DM/DP) compared with the control progeny fed by control mothers (CM/CP). There was increased food intake, glucose intolerance, and obesity in the CM/DP group and diminished food intake, glucose tolerance, and postnatal growth restriction in the DM/DP group, persisting in the adult. These changes were associated with aberrations in hormonal and metabolic profiles and alterations in hypothalamic neuropeptide Y concentrations. By use of subfractionation and Western blot analysis techniques, the CM/DP group demonstrated a higher skeletal muscle sarcolemma-associated (days 1 and 60) and white adipose tissue plasma membrane-associated (day 60) GLUT4 in the basal state with a lack of insulin-induced translocation. The DM/DP group demonstrated a partial amelioration of this change observed in the CM/DP group. We conclude that the offspring of a diabetic mother with ad libitum postnatal nutrition demonstrates increased food intake and resistance to insulin-induced translocation of GLUT4 in skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue. This in turn leads to glucose intolerance and obesity at a later stage (day 180). Postnatal nutrient restriction results in reversal of this adult phenotype, thereby explaining the phenotypic heterogeneity that exists in this population.  相似文献   

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