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Summary The effect of the K-sparing diuretic amiloride was assessed electrophysiologically in the isolated cortical collecting tubule of the rabbit, a segment which absorbs Na and secretes K. Low concentrations of amiloride in the perfusate caused a rapid, reversible, decrease in the magnitude of the lumen negative transepithelial potential difference,V te, transepithelial conductanceG te, and equivalent short-circuit current,I sc, with an apparentK 1/2 of approximately 7×10–8 m. The effects of a maximum inhibitory concentration of amiloride (10–5 m) were identical to those observed upon Na removal from lumen and bath (Na removal from the bath alone has no effect). Removal of Na in the presence of 10–5 m amiloride had no affect onV te,G te, orI sc, and is consistent with the view that amiloride blocks the Na conductive pathways of the apical cell membrane. Further, in the absence of Na, the subsequent addition of amiloride had no influence. In tubules where active Na absorption was either spontaneously low, or abolished by removal of Na from lumen and bath, the elevation of K from 5 to 155 meq/liter in the perfusate caused a marked change of theV te in the negative direction and an increase in theG te. These effects could be attributed to a high K permeability of the apical cell membrane and not of the tight junctions. Amiloride (10–5 m) had no effect on these responses to K. It is concluded that amiloride selectively blocks the apical cell membrane Na channels but has no effect on the K conductive pathways(s). This selective nature of amiloride may indicate that Na and K are transported across the apical cell membrane via separate conductive pathways.  相似文献   

Alendronate, an aminobisphosphonate, produces as a side effect a topical (pill induced) esophagitis. To gain insight into this phenomenon, we assessed the effects of luminal alendronate on both esophageal epithelial structure and function. Sections of rabbit esophageal epithelium were exposed to luminal alendronate at neutral or acidic pH while mounted in Ussing chambers to monitor transmural electrical potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (I(sc)), and resistance (R). Morphological changes were sought by light microscopy in hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections. Impedance analysis was used for localization of alendronate-induced effects on ion transport. Luminal, but not serosal, alendronate (pH 6.9-7.2), increased PD and I(sc) in a dose- and time-dependent manner, with little change in R and mild edema of surface cell layers. The changes in I(sc) (and PD) were reversible with drug washout and could be prevented either by inhibition of Na,K-ATPase activity with serosal ouabain or by inhibition of apical Na channels with luminal acidification to pH 2.0 with HCl. An effect on apical Na channel activity was also supported by impedance analysis. Luminal alendronate at acidic pH was more damaging than either alendronate at neutral pH or acidic pH alone. These data suggest that alendronate stimulates net ion (Na) transport in esophageal epithelium by increasing apical membrane sodium channel activity and that this occurs with limited morphological change and no alteration in barrier function. Also alendronate is far more damaging at acidic than at neutral pH, suggesting its association with esophagitis requires gastric acid for expression. This expression may occur either by potentiation between the damaging effects of (refluxed) gastric acid and drug or by acid-induced conversion of the drug to a more toxic form.  相似文献   

High potassium diets lead to an inverse regulation of sodium and magnesium absorption in ruminants, suggesting some form of cross talk. Previous Ussing chamber experiments have demonstrated a divalent sensitive Na(+) conductance in the apical membrane of ruminal epithelium. Using patch-clamped ruminal epithelial cells, we could observe a divalent sensitive, nonselective cation conductance (NSCC) with K(+) permeability > Cs(+) permeability > Na(+) permeability. Conductance increased and rectification decreased when either Mg(2+) or both Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) were removed from the internal or external solution or both. The conductance could be blocked by Ba(2+), but not by tetraethylammonium (TEA). Subsequently, we studied this conductance measured as short-circuit current (I(sc)) in Ussing chambers. Forskolin, IBMX, and theophylline are known to block both I(sc) and Na transport across ruminal epithelium in the presence of divalent cations. When the NSCC was stimulated by removing mucosal calcium, an initial decrease in I(sc) was followed by a subsequent increase. The cAMP-mediated increase in I(sc) was reduced by low serosal Na(+) and serosal addition of imipramine or serosal amiloride and depended on the availability of mucosal magnesium. Luminal amiloride had no effect. Flux studies showed that low serosal Na(+) reduced (28)Mg fluxes from mucosal to serosal. The data suggest that cAMP stimulates basolateral Na(+)/Mg(2+) exchange, reducing cytosolic Mg. This increases sodium uptake through a magnesium-sensitive NSCC in the apical membrane. Likewise, the reduction in magnesium uptake that follows ingestion of high potassium fodder may facilitate sodium absorption, as observed in studies of ruminal osmoregulation. Possibly, grass tetany (hypomagnesemia) is a side effect of this useful mechanism.  相似文献   

We cloned a cDNA (HAC4) that encodes the hyperpolarization-activated cation channel (If or Ih) by screening a rabbit sinoatrial (SA) node cDNA library using a fragment of rat brain If cDNA. HAC4 is composed of 1150 amino acid residues, and its cytoplasmic N- and C-terminal regions are longer than those of HAC1-3. The transmembrane region of HAC4 was most homologous to partially cloned mouse If BCNG-3 (96%), whereas the C-terminal region of HAC4 showed low homology to all HAC family members so far cloned. Northern blotting revealed that HAC4 mRNA was the most highly expressed in the SA node among the rabbit cardiac tissues examined. The electrophysiological properties of HAC4 were examined using the whole cell patch-clamp technique. In COS-7 cells transfected with HAC4 cDNA, hyperpolarizing voltage steps activated slowly developing inward currents. The half-maximal activation was obtained at -87.2 +/- 2.8 mV under control conditions and at -64.4 +/- 2.6 mV in the presence of intracellular 0.3 mM cAMP. The reversal potential was -34.2 +/- 0.9 mV in 140 mM Na+o and 5 mM K+o versus 10 mM Na+i and 145 mM K+i. These results indicate that HAC4 forms If in rabbit heart SA node.  相似文献   

The patch-voltage clamp technique was used to investigate the characteristics of a non-selective cation channel (NSCC) identified in the apical membrane of cultured A6 toad kidney cells. The NSCC was present in cell-attached and inside-out membrane patches. The characteristics of this NSCC are as follows: (a) linear current-voltage relationship with a channel conductance of 21 +/- 2 pS; (b) a low selectivity between Na+ and K+ (1.5:1); (c) a high selectivity of Na+ to Cl- (greater than 45:1); (d) this channel has a single open state and two closed states; (e) the open-time constant and the second closed-time constant of this channel are voltage dependent; and (f) this NSCC is insensitive to amiloride (10(-7) M). We conclude that the NSCC resembles previously described non-selective cation channels. The NSCC of the apical membrane of A6 cells may aid in the movement of Na+ and K+ in response to varying ionic concentrations across the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Effect of soil acidity and saturating cation on adsorption of urea in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Elevating the pH of two extremely acid tropical soils from an initial pH of 4 to 5 with Ca(OH)2 and NaOH solutions resulted in a sharp decrease in urea adsorption. Further increases in pH to 9 caused only slight further decrease in urea adsorption. Ca treatment resulted in slightly higher adsorption than Na treatment over the full range of pH values studied for a clay soil with high smectite content, and for a loam with kaolinite mineralogy below pH 7. Above pH 7 a kaolinitic loamy soil gave slightly higher adsorption with Na treatment than with Ca.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+)-switch technique was used to investigate the nature of the barrier governing (paracellular) permeability across the junctions of "native" rabbit esophageal epithelium. This was done by mounting esophageal epithelium in Ussing chambers to monitor transepithelial electrical resistance (R(T)), a marker of junctional permeability. When exposed to Ca(2+)-free Ringer solutions containing EDTA, R(T) declined approximately 35% below baseline over 2 h, and this decline reversed within 2 h by restoration of (1.2 mM) Ca(2+)-containing, normal Ringer solution ("Ca(2+)-switch technique"). Junctional resealing, i.e., increased R(T) on Ca(2+) replacement, was assessed by the Ca(2+)-switch technique and shown to be 1) specific for Ca(2+), with only Mn(2+) among substituted divalent cations yielding partial resealing; 2) a function of extracellular Ca(2+) levels because maneuvers (BAPTA/AM or A23187 exposure) to alter intracellular Ca(2+) had no effect; 3) dose dependent, requiring as a minimum > or =0.5 mM Ca(2+) and 1.2 mM Ca(2+) for optimization; and 4) independent of protein synthesis because it was not inhibited by cycloheximide. Resealing was also inhibited by luminal antibodies or synthetic peptides to the extracellular domain of E-cadherin. Immunohistochemistry revealed E-cadherin within all layers of stratum corneum in Ca(2+)-free but not Ca(2+)-containing solution. The present investigation documents, using the Ca(2+)-switch technique, that esophageal epithelial junctions contain a major Ca(2+)-dependent component and that this component reflects adhesion between the extracellular domains of E-cadherin containing a histidine-alanine-valine recognition sequence.  相似文献   

Non-selective cation channels have been described in the basolateral membrane of the renal tubule, but little is known about functional channels on the apical side. Apical membranes of microdissected fragments of mouse cortical thick ascending limbs were searched for ion channels using the cell-free configuration of the patch-clamp technique. A cation channel with a linear current-voltage relationship (19pS) that was permeable both to monovalent cations [P(NH4)(1.7)>P(Na) (1.0)=P(K) (1.0)] and to Ca(2+) (P(Ca)/P(Na)≈0.3) was detected. Unlike the basolateral TRPM4 Ca(2+)-impermeable non-selective cation channel, this non-selective cation channel was insensitive to internal Ca(2+), pH and ATP. The channel was already active after patch excision, and its activity increased after reduced pressure was applied via the pipette. External gadolinium (10(-5)M) decreased the channel-open probability by 70% in outside-out patches, whereas external amiloride (10(-4)M) had no effect. Internal flufenamic acid (10(-4)M) inhibited the channel in inside-out patches. Its properties suggest that the current might be supported by the TRPM7 protein that is expressed in the loop of Henle. The conduction properties of the channel suggest that it could be involved in Ca(2+) signaling.  相似文献   

The apical membranes of rabbit gallbladder epithelial cells were isolated by treating the homogenate with Ca2+ or Mg2+ and centrifuging the suspension in Percoll gradient. In this way brush-border membranes were obtained with enrichment factors ranging between 10 and 20 and yields of 15-30%. A second method is described with which membranes were isolated, without any preliminary treatment, first by differential centrifugation, then with Percoll gradient; the final membrane enrichment was over 15, however the yield was very low (3%). Many possible enzymatic markers of the apical plasma membrane were investigated: L-gamma-glutamyltransferase, alkaline phosphatase, leucine aminopeptidase, sucrase. The first appears to be that of choice. Apical membrane fraction could be also evidenced by autofluorescence or by labeling with Lotus tetragonolobus lectin. Preliminary experiments showed that apical plasma membranes isolated in this way form vesicles.  相似文献   

The SV channel encoded by the TPC1 gene represents a Ca2+- and voltage-dependent vacuolar cation channel. Point mutation D454N within TPC1 , named fou2 for fatty acid oxygenation upregulated 2 , results in increased synthesis of the stress hormone jasmonate. As wounding causes Ca2+ signals and cytosolic Ca2+ is required for SV channel function, we here studied the Ca2+-dependent properties of this major vacuolar cation channel with Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll vacuoles. In patch clamp measurements, wild-type and fou2 SV channels did not exhibit differences in cytosolic Ca2+ sensitivity and Ca2+ impermeability. K+ fluxes through wild-type TPC1 were reduced or even completely faded away when vacuolar Ca2+ reached the 0.1-m m level. The fou2 protein under these conditions, however, remained active. Thus, D454N seems to be part of a luminal Ca2+ recognition site. Thereby the SV channel mutant gains tolerance towards elevated luminal Ca2+. A three-fold higher vacuolar Ca/K ratio in the fou2 mutant relative to wild-type plants seems to indicate that fou2 can accumulate higher levels of vacuolar Ca2+ before SV channel activity vanishes and K+ homeostasis is impaired. In response to wounding fou2 plants might thus elicit strong vacuole-derived cytosolic Ca2+ signals resulting in overproduction of jasmonate.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper we describe current fluctuations in the mammalian epithelium, rabbit descending colon. Pieces of isolated colon epithelium bathed in Na+ or K+ Ringer's solutions were studied under short-circuit conditions with the current noise spectra recorded over the range of 1–200 Hz. When the epithelium was bathed on both sides with Na+ Ringer's solution (the mucosal solution contained 50 m amiloride), no Lorentzian components were found in the power spectrum. After imposition of a potassium gradient across the epithelium by replacement of the mucosal solution by K+ Ringer's (containing 50 m amiloride), a Lorentzian component appeared with an average corner frequency,f c=15.6±0.91 Hz and a mean plateau valueS o=(7.04±2.94)×10–20 A2 sec/cm2. The Lorentzian component was enhanced by voltage clamping the colon in a direction favorable for K+ entry across the apical membrane. Elimination of the K+ gradient by bathing the colon on both sides with K+ Ringer's solutions abolished the noise signal. The Lorentzian component was also depressed by mucosal addition of Cs+ or tetraethylammonium (TEA) and by serosal addition of Ba2+. The one-sided action of these K+ channel blockers suggests a cellular location for the fluctuating channels. Addition of nystatin to the mucosal solution abolished the Lorentzian component. Serosal nystatin did not affect the Lorentzian noise. This finding indicates an apical membrane location for the fluctuating channels. The data were similar in some respects to K+ channel fluctuations recorded from the apical membranes of amphibian epithelia such as the frog skin and toad gallbladder. The results are relevant to recent reports concerning transcellular potassium secretion in the colon and indicate that the colon possesses spontaneously fluctuating potassium channels in its apical membranes in parallel to the Na+ transport pathway.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to reconstitute and purify an epithelial potassium channel from rabbit kidney. Renal brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) were found to contain a potassium conductance which was inhibited by amiloride, 5-(N-methyl-N-isobutyl)amiloride (MIA) and by barium. Membrane vesicle proteins were solubilized and reconstituted in proteoliposomes. Channel activity was assayed using Acridine orange and the voltage sensitive dye, 3,3'-diethylthiadicarbocyanine iodide (DiSC2(5)). Both methods yielded similar results which indicated the presence of an amiloride-sensitive, cation channel in the proteoliposomes. This channel was more permeable to K than to Na and its activity was increased in reconstituted proteoliposomes as compared to native brush border membranes. We conclude that rabbit BBMV possess an amiloride sensitive cation channel. Channel activity was successfully reconstituted in proteoliposomes and the protein was partially purified during reconstitution.  相似文献   

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