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We studied the photopic spectral sensitivity in the green-backed firecrown, Sephanoides sephaniodes, a South American hummingbird, and its possible ecological relationship with preferred flowers and body colouration. Avian colour vision is in general tetrachromatic with at least four types of cones, which vary in sensitivity from the near ultraviolet (UV) to the red wavelength range. Hummingbirds represent an important family of birds, yet little is known about their eye sensitivity, especially about the role of photoreceptors and their oil droplet complements. The photopic electroretinogram shows a main sensitivity peak at 560 nm and a secondary peak in the UV, and may be explained by the presence of four single cones (lambda (max) at ~370, 440, 508 and 560 nm), and a double cone (lambda (max) at 560 nm) screened by oil droplets. The flowers preferred by the firecrown are those in which the red-green wavelength region predominates and have higher contrast than other flowers. The crown plumage of males is highly iridescent in the red wavelength range (peak at 650 nm) and UV; when plotted in a high-dimensional tetrachromatic space, it falls in a "red + UV" purple hue line, suggesting a potential significant communication signal for sexual differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Territorial activity in the Anna hummingbird (Calypte anna) was measured while energy availability on the territory was varied. On days when energy availability was unlimited, residents defended highly exclusive territories primarily by energetically expensive defense behaviors. As energy availability decreased, exclusiveness declined gradually, relative use of energetically inexpensive defense increased, and owners spent less time on the territory.Territorial behavior also varied with short term depressions in energy availability: A lower percentage of intruders was chased and departures of an owner from its territory were more frequent shortly after feeding.When resource dispersion was increased without changing substantially total rewards per territory, chasing by owners increased.  相似文献   

Specific fatty acids (FA) such as unsaturated (UFA) and saturated (SFA) fatty acids contained in foods are key factors in the nutritional ecology of birds. By means of a field and experimental approach, we evaluated the effect of diet on the activity of three esterases involved in FA hydrolysis; carboxylesterase (CE: 4-NPA-CE and a-NA-CE) and butyrylcholinesterase, in two South American passerines: the omnivorous rufous-collared sparrow (Zonotrichia capensis) and the granivorous common diuca-finch (Diuca diuca). The activity of the three esterases was measured in the intestines of freshly caught individuals over two distinct seasons and also after a chronic intake of a UFA-rich or SFA-rich diet in the laboratory. In turn, we assessed the feeding responses of the birds choosing amongst diets contrasting in the kind of specific FA (UFA- vs. SFA-treated diets). During summer, field CE activities (4-NPA-CE and a-NA-CE) in the small intestine were higher in the rufous-collared sparrow (25.3 ± 3.3 and 81.4 ± 10.8 µmol min?1 g tissue?1, respectively) than in the common diuca-finch (10.0 ± 3.0 and 33.9 ± 13.1 µmol min?1 g tissue?1, respectively). Two hour feeding trial test indicated that both species exhibited a clear preference for UFA-treated diets. On average, the rufous-collared sparrow consumed 0.46 g 2 h?1 of UFA-rich diets and 0.12 g 2 h?1 of SFA-rich diets. In turn, the consumption pattern of the common diuca-finch averaged 0.73 and 0.16 g 2 h?1 for UFA-rich and SFA-rich diets, respectively. After a month of dietary acclimation to UFA-rich and SFA-rich diets, both species maintained body mass irrespective of the dietary regime. Additionally, the intestinal 4-NPA-CE activity exhibited by birds fed on a UFA-rich or SFA-rich diet was higher in the rufous-collared sparrow (39.0 ± 5.3 and 44.2 ± 7.3 µmol min?1 g tissue?1, respectively) than in the common diuca-finch (13.3 ± 1.9 and 11.2 ± 1.4 µmol min?1 g tissue?1, respectively). Finally, the intestinal a-NA-CE activity exhibited by the rufous-collared sparrow was about two times higher when consuming an UFA-rich diet. Our results suggest that the rufus-collared sparrow exhibits a greater capacity for intestinal FA hydrolysis, which would allow it to better deal with fats from different sources.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that hydrogen sulfide (H2S), produced by intestinal sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), may be involved in the etiopathogenesis of chronic diseases such as ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer. The activity of SRB, and thus H2S production, is likely determined by the availability of sulfur-containing compounds in the intestine. However, little is known about the impact of dietary or inorganic sulfate on intestinal sulfate and SRB-derived H2S concentrations. In this study, the effects of short-term (7 day) and long-term (1 year) inorganic sulfate supplementation of the drinking water on gastrointestinal (GI) sulfate and H2S concentrations (and thus activity of resident SRBs), and the density of large intestinal sulfomucin-containing goblet cells, were examined in C3H/HeJBir mice. Additionally, a PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)-based molecular ecology technique was used to examine the impact of sulfate-amended drinking water on microbial community structure throughout the GI tract. Average H2S concentrations ranged from 0.1 mM (stomach) to 1 mM (cecum). A sulfate reduction assay demonstrated in situ production of H2S throughout the GI tract, confirming the presence of SRB. However, H2S generation and concentrations were greatest in the cecum and colon. Sulfate supplementation of drinking water did not significantly increase intestinal sulfate or H2S concentrations, suggesting that inorganic sulfate is not an important modulator of intestinal H2S concentrations, although it altered the bacterial profiles of the stomach and distal colon of 1-year-old mice. This change in colonic bacterial profiles may reflect a corresponding increase in the density of sulfomucin-containing goblet cells in sulfate-supplemented compared with control mice.  相似文献   

Fitzroya cupressoides (alerce, Cupressaceae) is a large and exceptionally long-lived conifer, endemic to a restricted area of southern Chile and neighbouring areas of Argentina. As a result of its high economic value, the species has been severely exploited for timber, and remnant populations are fragmented and often highly disturbed. The species is thought to have undergone a major range contraction during the last glaciation. In order to assess the extent of genetic variation using DNA markers within and between populations of this species, samples were obtained from throughout the natural range and analysed for random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation. Eight 10-mer and three 15-mer primers were used to produce a total of 54 polymorphic bands. Shannon's diversity estimates were calculated to provide an estimate of the degree of variation within each population. Values varied from 0.343 to 0.636 with only the lowest value differing significantly from the others (Spop = 0.547). This indicated that there is a significant degree of variation within each population, and did not provide evidence for genetic 'bottle-neck' effects within the species. A pairwise distance measure calculated from the RAPD data was used as an input for principal coordinate (PCO) and AMOVA analyses. The first three principal coordinates of RAPD distances described 8.3, 5.9 and 5.4% of the total variance, respectively, and a degree of clustering of samples according to their geographical origin was detectable. AMOVA analysis indicated that although most of the variation (85.6%) was found within populations, a significant proportion (P < 0.002) was attributable to differences between populations. An UPGMA dendrogram constructed using phi ST values derived from AMOVA produced a pattern broadly similar to that produced by the PCO, highlighting differences between three main groups of populations within Chile: those from the northern Coastal Range, the southern Coastal Range and Central Depression, and the Andes. Populations from Argentina also emerged as significantly different from those in Chile. These results are interpreted in the context of the postglacial history of the species, and their implications for the development of conservation strategies for Fitzroya are discussed.  相似文献   

Taxonomic revision of South American species of Grindelia Willd. has revealed a new species from Argentina, with homogamous capitula and cushion-shaped habit. The taxon is here described and illustrated.  相似文献   

This is the first report on chromosome numbers and the reproductive behaviour in Stenodrepanum Harms, a rare endemic and monotypic legume genus from the arid and salty areas of central-western Argentina. Sixty individuals belonging to two populations from two salty areas ("salinas") were surveyed and included mostly triploid (2n = 3x = 36) and only two diploid (2n = 2x = 24) plants. Meiosis in diploids is regular, with bivalent pairing and uniform and viable pollen. In contrast, meiosis in triploids is characterized by high trivalent pairing, with irregularly shaped pollen and variation in cytoplasm content and stainability, which is in agreement with an unbalanced segregation occurring in anaphases I and II. However, different triploid plants/individuals showed various degrees of pollen fertility, which may be attributed to particular genotypes. Research on reproductive biology events indicates sexual cross-pollinated reproduction enhanced by protogyny in both cytotypes. All plants produced seeds, but seedlings were only recovered from diploid plants pollinated with triploids, and even those eventually perished. Chromosome counts in these seedlings revealed aneuploid chromosome numbers owing to the combination of unbalanced gametes.  相似文献   

We examined the metabolic responses of the South American frog, Ceratophrys ornata, to laboratory-induced estivation. Whole-animal and mass-specific oxygen consumption rates (VO2) did not change during fasting or 56 days of estivation, despite observing significant decreases in body mass. The maintenance of mass-specific metabolic rate at routine levels during estivation suggests that metabolic rate suppression is not a major response to estivation in this species. There was a significant decline in liver glycogen and a loss of adipose tissue mass during estivation, suggesting that both carbohydrate and lipid pathways are used to fuel metabolism during estivation. The activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase, an important regulator of carbohydrate oxidation, and carnitine palmitoyltransferase and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, regulators of lipid oxidation, showed no significant change in activity in liver, heart, and muscle between estivating and active frogs. There was an increase in plasma osmolality, which is characteristic of estivating animals. Overall, our metabolic analysis of estivation in C. ornata indicates that this species does not employ a dramatic suppression metabolic rate to survive dehydration stress and that both endogenous carbohydrates and lipids are used as metabolic fuels.  相似文献   

Arthropods inhabiting floodplains have to cope with regular cycles of wet and dry conditions. Allocosa senex and Allocosa marindia are two sympatric and synchronic sand-dwelling wolf spiders that construct burrows along South American coasts and are subject to periodic floods. Our objective was to study tolerance to immersion and describe the behavioral responses to that event in Asenex and Amarindia. We placed each spider in a terrarium with sand as substrate to allow burrow construction. Then, we gradually increased water levels and recorded the behavioral responses for 30 min. None of the individuals died during the artificial flood. More adults of A. senex performed “dives” and “floats” compared to Amarindia. Also, Asenex showed higher occurrences of “floats,” “swims,” and swam for longer than Amarindia. Finally, females of both species swam more frequently than males. Our findings indicate that both Allocosa are able to withstand floods, showing differential tactics according to the life histories of each sex and species.  相似文献   

We assessed the evolutionary histories of two hummingbirds, Augastes scutatus and Augastes lumachella, endemic to the highlands of the Espinhaço Range in Brazil. These hummingbirds are considered relictual taxa with phylogenetic affinities to members of the genus Schistes from the Andean region. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships of Augastes through the use of mitochondrial DNA and nuclear sequences within the Polytminae hummingbird clade, and found that the inferred phylogenetic reconstructions placed A. scutatus as the sister species of A. lumachella and Augastes as sister to Schistes geoffroyi from the northern Andes, as previously suggested by similarities found in plumage and morphology. Our results are consistent with an initial divergence of Augastes and Schistes lineages in the Late Miocene, associated with geological and climatic changes across the South American landscape. A Late Pliocene vicariant event between A. scutatus and A. lumachella may be associated with climatically distinct environmental conditions influencing the local differentiation and adaptation of ancestral Augastes populations. Our findings represent additional important evidence of vicariant events between east and west in southern South America, and between north and south within the Espinhaço Range of Brazil.  相似文献   

Ectotherm vertebrates show physiological mechanisms that reduce metabolic costs during prolonged fasting. Once feeding, these animals adopt a wide variety of metabolic responses such as changes in gastrointestinal organ masses. Up-regulatory responses after feeding have been widely explored in infrequently feeding snakes like pythons, whereas few studies have been devoted to frequently feeding snakes. In this study, we have considered the gastrointestinal responses after feeding in a frequent feeder, the viperine snake Natrix maura, in the Ebro Delta rice fields. In this habitat, viperine snakes are exposed to long periods of food deprivation due to the lack of available prey as a consequence of the man-induced rice cycle. We weighed prey items and full gut masses, and measured length of combined esophagus and stomach, and intestine of viperine snakes belonging to a wide range of sizes. Snakes concentrate foraging activity when rice fields were flooded. In this period, gut masses increased. Likewise, intestines increased in length during the feeding period, which suggests that viperine snakes probably experience a postfeeding hypertrophy of their small intestines that contributes to their larger length. Once the intestine length was corrected for the snake size, it was shown that adults present longer intestines than immature snakes, reflecting an increase in the posterior part of the body linked to the gonads development. This study contributes to explore the physiological responses to feeding in frequently feeding snakes modelled by abrupt shifts of food availability.  相似文献   

I studied the responses (retreats, threats, attacks or leaving the rookery) of South American fur seals Arctocephalus australis to tourist approaches at a non-reproductive, continental colony of located in Cabo Polonio, Uruguay (34 degrees 24'S, 53 degrees 46'W). Fur seals tolerated relatively close distances to humans, but a strong response of the animals was elicited when tourists crossed a threshold of 10m. The attitude of the tourist was also important. Calm people were able to approach the colony without almost any disturbance. These results suggested that, with a minimal control of visitor's behaviour, the impact of tourism on this colony would be low.  相似文献   

Aim Colliguaja odorifera Mol., a Euphorbiaceous shrub of central Chile, inhabits the matorral formation, growing at low altitudes on both Andean and coastal mountain range slopes. In the recent geological past, this region was subjected to climatic changes and geological disturbances that most probably caused population shrinkages on the Andean mountain slopes. This study tested the hypothesis that under such a scenario, existing populations should show lower genetic diversity in the Andean than in the coastal areas; these coastal populations being the potential source populations for recolonization. Location The study was carried out in central Chile by comparing the genetic diversity between the Andean and coastal areas, each represented by five localities distributed from 32°30′ S to 34° S. Methods Genetic diversity was estimated by DNA analysis using 18 dominant multilocus Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) loci, characterizing 73 genetic phenotypes. Results The comparison of the two matorral areas showed that Andean populations of C. odorifera have a subset of the genetic diversity found in the coastal populations. Andean populations also show a consistently lower genetic diversity, lower genetic distances and higher genetic structure, coincident with expectations based on the Pleisto‐Holocenic perturbation regime. Main conclusions This first genetic analysis for South American mediterranean populations confirms the findings of previous floristic and palynological studies that identified refuge zones in the coastal mountain range of central Chile, a situation analogous with that occurring during periods of inter‐glacial northward migration in Southern Europe.  相似文献   

The benthic macroinvertebrate community is an important component of stream diversity, because its members are fundamental connectors among the different trophic levels of running waters. In this study, we assessed alpha and beta diversities of benthic macroinvertebrates in three stream sites and four microhabitats: (i) moss in the air-water interface; (ii) submerged roots of terrestrial plants; (iii) leaf litter deposited in pools; (iv) stones in riffles. We constructed rarefaction curves and compared species richness among microhabitats for each stream site. Additionally, we evaluated which factor, stream site, or microhabitat, was most important in determining variation in assemblage structure, i.e., beta diversity. There was no significant difference among microhabitats in terms of taxa richness evaluated by rarefaction curves. Using partial Constrained Correspondence Analysis (pCCA), we found that microhabitat was most important in determining community composition, accounting for 42.02% of the total variation. Stream sites accounted for 22.27%. In accordance with the pCCA, exploratory multivariate methods (ordination and classification) revealed four distinct groups, corresponding to the four microhabitats, independent of stream sites. Our results indicated that differences among environmental conditions are much more important in the determination of stream assemblage structure than are differences in spatial location. Accordingly, adjacent microhabitats in a single stream site harbor macroinvertebrate assemblages more dissimilar than those found in a single microhabitat at different stream sites. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

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