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The phosphorylation in vitro, on serine residues by endogenous casein kinase 2, of the clathrin beta light chain (33 kDa) of rat liver coated vesicles requires the presence of poly(L-lysine) which acts through binding to the beta light chain. The phosphorylation of other proteins is also increased in the presence of poly(L-lysine) and casein kinase 2. In contrast, the phosphorylation of the upper band of the 50-kDa protein doublet from rat liver coated vesicles is inhibited. Rat liver coated vesicles display a protein phosphatase activity which preferentially dephosphorylates clathrin beta light chain. This activity is different from the protein phosphatase which dephosphorylates the 50-kDa protein. This enzyme seems to be unrelated to the ATP/Mg-dependent protein phosphatase, or the polycation-stimulated protein phosphatases, which dephosphorylate the 50-kDa protein and beta light chain very efficiently, but with a different specificity. After dissociation of coated vesicles the beta-light-chain phosphatase activity is recovered in the membrane fraction. This phosphatase activity is inhibited by 50 microM orthovanadate and 5 mM p-nitrophenyl phosphate but not by 10 mM EDTA.  相似文献   

Summary Coated vesicles have been isolated from bovine brain and etiolated zucchini hypocotyls by centrifugal methods. By putting to use two properties of the light chain polypeptides of brain coated vesicles (calcium binding, heat stability) we have been able to demonstrate the presence of two similar polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 30 and 38 kDa in plant coated vesicles.Abbreviations CV coated vesicle - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - MES 2-(N-Morpholino)-ethanesulfonic acid - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane  相似文献   

Enzymatic recycling of clathrin from coated vesicles   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
J E Rothman  S L Schmid 《Cell》1986,46(1):5-9

Structural characterization of labeled clathrin and coated vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clathrin (8 S) and coated vesicles have been covalently labeled by using the sulfhydryl-labeling fluorescent probe N-(1-anilinonaphthalene)maleimide. A large increase in energy transfer from Trp to anilinonaphthalene (AN) residues was observed in clathrin in the pH range approximately 6.5-6.0, where the rate of clathrin self-association increased rapidly. The change in energy transfer was indicative of a conformational rearrangement, which could be responsible for the initiation of the clathrin self-association reaction to form coat structure. The AN label was found in both the coat and membrane proteins after dissociation of coated vesicles at pH 8.5. The labeled coat and membrane proteins readily recombined to form coated vesicles after reducing the pH to 6.5, indicating that the labeling did not interfere with the ability of clathrin to self-associate and interact with uncoated vesicles to form coat structure. A comparison of the AN fluorescence with the Coomassie blue pattern after electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-gels revealed that a 180,000-Da protein (clathrin) was mainly labeled in coated vesicles, while a 110,000-Da protein was also strongly labeled in uncoated vesicles. AN-labeled baskets and coated vesicles have been prepared. Trypsin digestion reduced the sedimentation rate of baskets from 150 S to 120 S and of coated vesicles from 200 S to 150 S. Gel electrophoresis of baskets and coated vesicles showed extensive conversion of clathrin (Mr 180,000) to a product of Mr approximately equal to 110,000, suggesting equivalent structural organization of the coat in coated vesicles as in baskets. In both cases, the peptide(s) released from the vesicles by digestion were essentially free of fluorescent label. In the case of the uncoated vesicles, tryptic digestion released most of the proteins remaining after coat removal.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(4):1419-1426
Two forms of clathrin light chains, LCa and LCb, are expressed in all mammalian and avian tissues that have been examined, whereas only one type is found in yeast. Regions of structural dissimilarity between LCa and LCb indicate possible functional diversity. To determine how LCa and LCb might differentially influence clathrin function, light chain expression patterns and turnover were investigated. Relative expression levels of the two light chains were determined in cells and tissues with and without a regulated secretory pathway. LCa/LCb ratios ranged from 5:1 to 0.33:1. A higher proportion of LCb was observed in cells and tissues that maintain a regulated pathway of secretion, suggesting a specialized role for the LCb light chain in this process. The ratio of light chains in assembled clathrin was found to reflect the levels of total light chains expressed in the cell, indicating no preferential incorporation into triskelions or coated vesicles. The half-lives of LCa, LCb, and clathrin heavy chain were determined to be 24, 45, and 50 h, respectively. Thus, LCa is turned over independently of the other subunits. However, the half-lives of all three subunits are sufficiently long to allow triskelions to undergo many rounds of endocytosis, minimizing the possibility that turnover contributes to regulation of clathrin function. Rather, differential levels of LCa and LCb expression may influence tissue specific clathrin regulation, as suggested by the predominance of LCb in cells maintaining a regulated secretory pathway.  相似文献   

Coated vesicles isolated from carrot suspension culture cells were immune-blotted against four antibodies to porcine brain clathrin. Positive cross-reaction was obtained with three antibodies. Two of these cross-reacted with both the heavy clathrin chain and the putative light chains. Three out of five antibodies immunofluorescently stained permeabilised carrot suspension culture cells.  相似文献   

Clathrin facilitates vesicle formation during endocytosis and sorting in the trans‐Golgi network (TGN)/endosomal system. Unlike in mammals, yeast clathrin function requires both the clathrin heavy (CHC) and clathrin light (CLC) chain, since Chc1 does not form stable trimers without Clc1. To further delineate clathrin subunit functions, we constructed a chimeric CHC protein (Chc‐YR) , which fused the N‐terminus of yeast CHC (1–1312) to the rat CHC residues 1318–1675, including the CHC trimerization region. The novel CHC‐YR allele encoded a stable protein that fractionated as a trimer. CHC‐YR also complemented chc1Δ slow growth and clathrin TGN/endosomal sorting defects. In strains depleted for Clc1 (either clc1Δ or chc1Δ clc1Δ), CHC‐YR, but not CHC1, suppressed TGN/endosomal sorting and growth phenotypes. Chc‐YR‐GFP (green fluorescent protein) localized to the TGN and cortical patches on the plasma membrane, like Chc1 and Clc1. However, Clc1‐GFP was primarily cytoplasmic in chc1Δ cells harboring pCHC‐YR, indicating that Chc‐YR does not bind yeast CLC. Still, some partial phenotypes persisted in cells with Chc‐YR, which are likely due either to loss of CLC recruitment or chimeric HC lattice instability. Ultimately, these studies have created a tool to examine non‐trimerization roles for the clathrin LC.  相似文献   

Dissociation of clathrin from coated vesicles by the uncoating ATPase   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The uncoating ATPase has been shown to dissociate clathrin from both clathrin-coated vesicles and synthetic clathrin baskets (Rothman, J. E., and Schmid, S. L. (1986) Cell 46, 5-9). In the present study, we investigated the mechanism of action of the uncoating ATPase using intact coated vesicles isolated from bovine brain. We observed an initial burst of uncoating followed by much slower steady-state uncoating. The initial burst of uncoating was essentially stoichiometric with each molecule of uncoating ATPase apparently binding to one leg of the clathrin triskelion. When the enzyme was preincubated with equimolar ADP, Pi, and ATP, rather than just ATP alone, both the initial burst and the slow steady-state uncoating were markedly inhibited, suggesting that the combination of ADP and Pi is a strong competitive inhibitor of ATP binding. However, kinetic studies suggested that ADP and Pi dissociates from the enzyme relatively rapidly unless clathrin is also bound to the enzyme. These results suggest that, after the uncoating ATPase rapidly removes a stoichiometric amount of clathrin while ATP is hydrolyzed at the active site, slow release of ADP and Pi from the resulting enzyme.clathrin.ADP.Pi complex limits the rate at which further uncoating occurs.  相似文献   

Glycolytic enzymes were found to bind to isolated coated vesicles. From a preparation of rabbit muscle myogen mixed with clathrin coated vesicles greater than 75% of four enzymes, aldolase. glyceraldehydephosphate dehydrogenase, pyruvate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase were found to pellet with isolated coated vesicles upon centrifugation at 60.000 g for 1 h. The binding of purified aldolase, glyceraldehydephosphate dehydrogenase, pyruvate kinase, the muscle form and the heart form of lactate dehydrogenase was characterized further. Substrates were found to elute three of the enzymes and binding was determined to be a function of ionic strength.  相似文献   

Isolated human fibroblast plasma membranes that were attached by their extracellular surface to a solid substratum contained numerous clathrin coated pits that could be removed with a high pH buffer (Moore, M.S., D.T. Mahaffey, F.M. Brodsky, and R.G.W. Anderson. 1987. Science [Wash. DC]. 236:558-563). When these membranes were incubated with coat proteins extracted from purified bovine coated vesicles, new coated pits formed that were indistinguishable from native coated pits. Assembly was dependent on the concentration of coat protein with half maximal assembly occurring at 7 micrograms/ml. Assembly was only slightly affected by the presence of divalent cations. Whereas normal appearing lattices formed in a low ionic strength buffer, when assembly was carried out in a low pH buffer, few coated pits were evident but numerous small clathrin cages decorated the membrane. Coated pits did not form randomly on the surface; instead, they assembled at differentiated regions of membrane that could be distinguished in carbon/platinum replicas of frozen and etched membranes by the presence of numerous particles clustered into patches the size and shape of a coated pit.  相似文献   

Incubation of clathrin-coated vesicles with Mg2+-[gamma-32P]ATP results in the autophosphorylation of a 50-kDa polypeptide (pp50) (Pauloin, A., Bernier, I., and Jollès, P. (1982) Nature 298, 574-576). We describe here a second protein kinase that is associated with calf brain and liver coated vesicles. This kinase, which phosphorylates casein and phosvitin but not histone and protamine using either ATP or GTP, co-fractionates with coated vesicles as assayed by gel filtration, electrophoresis, and sedimentation. The enzyme can be extracted with 0.5 M Tris-HCl or 1 M NaCl, and can be separated from the pp50 kinase as well as the other major coat proteins. We identified this enzyme as casein kinase II based on physical and catalytic properties and by comparative studies with casein kinase II isolated from brain cytosol. It has a Stokes radius of 4.5 nm, a catalytic moiety of approximately 45 kDa, and labels a polypeptide of 26 kDa when the pure enzyme is assayed for autophosphorylation. Its activity is inhibited by heparin and not affected by cAMP, phospholipids, or calmodulin. This protein kinase preferentially phosphorylates clathrin beta-light chain. The phosphorylation is markedly stimulated by polylysine and inhibited by heparin. Isolated beta-light chain as well as beta-light chain in triskelions or in intact coated vesicles is phosphorylated. All of the phosphate (0.86 mol of Pi/mol of clathrin beta-light chain) is incorporated into phosphoserine.  相似文献   

Structural information on clathrin coated vesicles has been obtained by small angle neutron scattering using contrast variation. A characteristic peak in the neutron scattering profile, which is apparent in 75 % D2O, as well as in H2O, disappears when contrast matching the protein component of the coated vesicles in 42% D2O. Neutron, as well as dynamic, light scattering give a coated vesicle size of about 900 Å in H2O and D2O, but for neutron scattering the diameter decreases when matching out the protein coat of the clathrin coated vesicles. From the match point for the clathrin coated vesicles it is demonstrated that the clathrin cages do contain internal membrane. The mass of 34 MD and composition of 75% protein and 25% lipid found from the analysis of the small-angle scattering data are both in good agreement with the values reported in the literature. Electron microscopy gives an average outer diameter of 880 Å for the coated vesicles and an average diameter of 460 Å for the vesicle itself. Offprint requests to: Correspondence to: R. Bauer  相似文献   

Stearic acids with a nitroxide radical at selected positions have been incorporated in the phospholipid bilayers of clathrin coated vesicles, uncoated vesicles and sonicated liposomes made from the lipids extracted from the uncoated vesicles. The extent of incorporation was found minimum for stearic acids labeled on C-12 and for bilayers of uncoated vesicles. The ESR spectra of the spin-labeled fatty acids incorporated in the bilayers showed a pronounced temperature dependence (without discontinuity) and a decrease in the hyperfine splitting as the nitroxide group was inserted deeper in the hydrophobic core of the membranes. An abrupt phospholipid phase transition or a phase separation could be excluded. The presence of the external proteins (the clathrin coat) on the membranes was not found to noticeably influence the gradient of flexibility of the fatty acid chains of the phospholipids. The influence of the internal proteins embedded in the bilayers was evidenced by a detailed analysis of the ESR spectra of (7,8)SA in terms of two components: one component arising from the labels surrounded exclusively by phospholipids, the other component arising from labels of reduced mobility perturbed by the vicinity of the proteins. These results support the persistence of lipidic domains in the endocytic vesicles despite the accumulation of receptors which follows their formation.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1983,97(5):1339-1347
A protein activity has been identified in extracts of coated vesicles that enables purified clathrin triskelions to reassemble in vitro into coat structures of uniform size. Coats formed in the presence of this preparation, regardless of the buffer system employed, are uniform in size with a mean diameter of 78 nm (+/- 5 nm SD) and a sedimentation coefficient (S20,w) of approximately 250S. Analysis of the reassembled coats on dodecyl sulfate acrylamide gels reveals that they have specifically incorporated three polypeptides from the preparation: those of Mr congruent to 52,000, 100,000, and 110,000. The 52,000-, 100,000-, and 110,000-mol-wt polypeptides are incorporated in molar ratios of 0.85, 1.11, and 0.26, respectively, per three clathrin monomers (equivalent to one triskelion). We therefore designate these as assembly polypeptides (AP). In contrast, coats formed from clathrin alone, under permissive buffer conditions, are larger (400S), more heterogeneous in size (101 nm +/- 15 nm SD), and are composed only of clathrin and its associated light chains. These biochemical and biophysical characteristics distinguish AP-reassembled coats from coats formed by triskelions alone. AP-reassembled coats can be isolated, dissociated, then reassembled in the absence of any other factors. This recycling indicates that all the information needed for reassembly is present in the coat-incorporated polypeptides themselves. Reassembly is stoichiometric and saturable with respect to both clathrin and AP concentration. In the presence of AP, significant coat reassembly occurs at clathrin concentrations as low as 0.06 mg/ml. AP-mediated reassembly proceeds at 4 degrees, 22 degrees, and 37 degrees C. Coat formation also proceeds efficiently at intracellular pH values (7.2- 7.5) in the presence of AP. In its absence, reassembly does not occur at all above pH 6.7. In summary, AP promotes clathrin reassembly into coat structures of uniform size and distinctive composition under physiologically relevant salt, temperature, and pH conditions. In addition, the close similarity in size between AP-reassembled coats in vitro and coated membranes in the Golgi region in vivo raises the possibility that AP in the cell may be associated with this subpopulation of coat structures.  相似文献   

While clathrin heavy chains from different species are highly conserved in amino acid sequence, clathrin light chains are much more divergent. Thus clathrin light chain may have different functions in different organisms. To investigate clathrin light chain function, we cloned the clathrin light chain, clcA, from Dictyostelium and examined clathrin function in clcA– mutants. Phenotypic deficiencies in development, cytokinesis, and osmoregulation showed that light chain was critical for clathrin function in Dictyostelium . In contrast with budding yeast, we found the light chain did not influence steady-state levels of clathrin, triskelion formation, or contribute to clathrin over-assembly on intracellular membranes. Imaging GFP-CHC in clcA– mutants showed that the heavy chain formed dynamic punctate structures that were remarkably similar to those found in wild-type cells. However, clathrin light chain knockouts showed a decreased association of clathrin with intracellular membranes. Unlike wild-type cells, half of the clathrin in clcA– mutants was cytosolic, suggesting that the absence of light chain compromised the assembly of triskelions onto intracellular membranes. Taken together, these results suggest a role for the Dictyostelium clathrin light chain in regulating the self-assembly of triskelions onto intracellular membranes, and demonstrate a crucial contribution of the light chain to clathrin function in vivo .  相似文献   

Calf-brain coated vesicles were incubated with ATP and a cytosol fraction. As much as 90% of the clathrin was selectively released within 10 min at 37 degrees C without detectable proteolysis. This uncoating process required the presence of both ATP and cytosol. Empty cages of clathrin could also be dissociated in a similar manner. A nonhydrolyzable analogue, 5'-adenylylimidodiphosphate (AMP-PNP), would not substitute for ATP. Clathrin was dissociated from coats in a form unable to reassemble into cages under standard conditions. These reactions may reflect a segment of a clathrin-coated vesicle cycle in which coats are removed from vesicles after budding.  相似文献   

Identification of the phosphorylation sites of clathrin light chain LCb   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Clathrin light chains, LCa and LCb, are products of two closely related genes whose mRNAs undergo differential splicing to result in at least four different light chain isoforms. The physiological significance of clathrin light chain diversity remains unclear. To date, the only evidence for a functional distinction of LCa and LCb is the preferential phosphorylation of LCb, which takes place at serine residues and is mediated by coated vesicle-associated casein kinase II. As a first step toward determining the function of light chain diversity, we have mapped the in vitro phosphorylation sites on LCb. We use [32P]ATP to phosphorylate LCb within coated vesicles, followed by sequencing of 32P-labeled chymotryptic peptides thereof, to identify serine residues at positions 11 and 13 as the phosphorylation sites. We find that phosphorylation of LCb within coated vesicles can be inhibited by four monoclonal antibodies specific for different epitopes of the clathrin light chains.  相似文献   

The effect of phosphorylation in skeletal myosin light chain (LC2) on the actomyosin and acto-heavymeromyosin (HMM) ATPase activities was investigated in the presence or absence of regulatory proteins (tropomyosin-troponin complex). Phosphorylation in LC2 did not modulate the actin-myosin and actin-HMM interactions over a wide range of KCl concentrations from 30 to 150 mM without regulatory proteins. In the presence of regulatory proteins, phosphorylation in myosin LC2 enhanced the ATPase activity of actomyosin with calcium ions, but the removal of calcium ions made little difference in the ATPase activity between phosphorylated and dephosphorylated myosins. Ca2+-sensitivity of the regulated actomyosin was slightly changed by phosphorylation in myosin LC2. However, both the ATPase activity and Ca2+-sensitivity of the regulated acto-HMM were unaffected by phosphorylation in HMM LC2.  相似文献   

Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is a major pathway for uptake of lipid and protein cargo at the plasma membrane. The lattices of clathrin-coated pits and vesicles are comprised of triskelions, each consisting of three oligomerized heavy chains (HC) bound by a light chain (LC). In addition to binding HC, LC interacts with members of the Hip1/R family of endocytic proteins, including the budding yeast homologue, Sla2p. Here, using in vivo analysis in yeast, we provide novel insight into the role of this interaction. We find that overexpression of LC partially restores endocytosis to cells lacking clathrin HC. This suppression is dependent on the Sla2p binding region of LC. Using live cell imaging techniques to visualize endocytic vesicle formation, we find that the N-terminal Sla2p binding region of LC promotes the progression of arrested Sla2p patches that form in the absence of HC. We propose that LC binding to Sla2p positively regulates Sla2p for efficient endocytic vesicle formation.  相似文献   

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