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A previously undetected domain, named CW for its conserved cysteine and tryptophan residues, appears to be a four-cysteine zinc-finger motif found exclusively in vertebrates, vertebrate-infecting parasites and higher plants. Of the twelve distinct nuclear protein families that comprise the CW domain-containing superfamily, only the microrchida (MORC) family has begun to be characterized. However, several families contain other domains suggesting a relationship between the CW domain and either chromatin methylation status or early embryonic development.  相似文献   

BRCTs are protein-docking modules involved in eukaryotic DNA repair. They are characterized by low sequence homology with generally well-conserved structure organization. In a considerable number of proteins, a pair of BRCT structural repeats occurs, connected with inter-BRCT linkers, variable in length, sequence and structure. Linkers may separate and control the relative position of BRCT domains as well as protect and stabilize the hydrophobic inter-BRCT interface region. Their vital role in protein function has been demonstrated by recent findings associating missense mutations in the inter-repeat linker region of the BRCT domain of BRCA1 (BRCA1-BRCT) to hereditary breast/ovarian cancer. The interaction of 53BP1 with the core domain of the p53 tumor suppressor involves the C-terminal BRCT repeat as well as the inert-BRCT linker of the tandem BRCT domain of 53BP1 (53BP1-BRCT). High-accuracy differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and circular dichroism (CD) have been employed to characterize the heat-induced unfolding of 53BP1-BRCT domain. The calorimetric results provide evidence for unfolding to an intermediate, only partly unfolded state, which, based on the CD results, retains the secondary structural characteristics of the native protein. A direct comparison with the corresponding thermal processes for BRAC1-BRCT and BARD1-BRCT provides evidence that the observed behavior is analogous to BRCA1-BRCT even though the two domains differ substantially in the linker structure. Moreover, chemical denaturation experiments of the untagged 53BP1-BRCT and comparison with BRCA1 and BARD1 BRCTs show that no clear association can be drawn between the structural organization of the inter-BRCT linkers and the overall stability of the BRCT domains.  相似文献   

Cells are constantly exposed to assaults that cause DNA damage, which must be detected and repaired to prevent genome instability. The DNA damage response is mediated by key kinases that activate various signaling pathways. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, one of these kinases is Mec1, which phosphorylates numerous targets, including H2A and the DNA damage protein Rtt107. In addition to being phosphorylated, Rtt107 contains six BRCA1 C-terminal (BRCT) domains, which typically recognize phospho-peptides. Thus Rtt107 represented an opportunity to study complementary aspects of the phosphorylation cascades within one protein. Here we sought to describe the functional roles of the multiple BRCT domains in Rtt107. Rtt107 BRCT5/6 facilitated recruitment to sites of DNA lesions via its interaction with phosphorylated H2A. Rtt107 BRCT3/4 also contributed to Rtt107 recruitment, but BRCT3/4 was not sufficient for recruitment when BRCT5/6 was absent. Intriguingly, both mutations that affected Rtt107 recruitment also abrogated its phosphorylation. Pointing to its modular nature, replacing Rtt107 BRCT5/6 with the BRCT domains from the checkpoint protein Rad9 was able to sustain Rtt107 function. Although Rtt107 physically interacts with both the endonuclease Slx4 and the DNA replication and repair protein Dpb11, only Slx4 was dependent on Rtt107 for its recruitment to DNA lesions. Fusing Rtt107 BRCT5/6 to Slx4, which presumably allows artificial recruitment of Slx4 to DNA lesions, alleviated some phenotypes of rtt107Δ mutants, indicating the functional importance of Slx4 recruitment. Together this data revealed a key function of the Rtt107 BRCT domains for targeting of both itself and its interaction partners to DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Research - The current study examined the phylogenetic pattern of medicinal species of the family Apiaceae based on flavonoid groups production, as well as the overall mechanism of...  相似文献   

The BRCT domain (BRCA1 C-terminus), first identified in the breast cancer suppressor protein BRCA1, is an evolutionarily conserved protein-protein interaction region of approximately 95 amino acids found in a large number of proteins involved in DNA repair, recombination and cell cycle control. Here we describe the first three-dimensional structure and fold of a BRCT domain determined by X-ray crystallography at 3.2 A resolution. The structure has been obtained from the C-terminal region of the human DNA repair protein XRCC1, and comprises a four-stranded parallel beta-sheet surrounded by three alpha-helices, which form an autonomously folded domain. The compact XRCC1 structure explains the observed sequence homology between different BRCT motifs and provides a framework for modelling other BRCT domains. Furthermore, the established structure of an XRCC1 BRCT homodimer suggests potential protein-protein interaction sites for the complementary BRCT domain in DNA ligase III, since these two domains form a stable heterodimeric complex. Based on the XRCC1 BRCT structure, we have constructed a model for the C-terminal BRCT domain of BRCA1, which frequently is mutated in familial breast and ovarian cancer. The model allows insights into the effects of such mutations on the fold of the BRCT domain.  相似文献   

Due to morphological reduction and absence of amplifiable plastid genes, the identification of photosynthetic relatives of heterotrophic plants is problematic. Although nuclear and mitochondrial gene sequences may offer a welcome alternative source of phylogenetic markers, the presence of rate heterogeneity in these genes may introduce bias/systematic error in phylogenetic analyses. We examine the phylogenetic position of Thismiaceae based on nuclear 18S rDNA and mitochondrial atpA DNA sequence data, as well as using parsimony, likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. Significant differences in evolutionary rates of these genes between closely related taxa lead to conflicting results: while parsimony analyses of 18S rDNA and combined data strongly support the monophyly of Thismiaceae, Bayesian inference, with and without a relaxed molecular clock, as well as the Swofford–Olsen–Waddell–Hillis (SOWH) test confidently reject this hypothesis. We show that rate heterogeneity in our data leads to long-branch attraction artifacts in parsimony analysis. However, using model-based inference methods the question of whether Thismiaceae are monophyletic remains elusive. On the one hand maximum likelihood nonparametric bootstrapping and parametric hypothesis tests fail to support a paraphyletic Thismiaceae, on the other hand Bayesian inference methods (both without and with a relaxed clock) significantly reject a monophyletic Thismiaceae. These results show that an adequate sampling, the use of rate homogeneous data, and the application of different inference methods are important factors for developing phylogenetic hypotheses of myco-heterotrophic plants. © The Willi Hennig Society 2009.  相似文献   

The operation of modern wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is driven by activated sludge microbiota, a complex assemblage of trophically interacting microorganisms. Microbial predation is crucial to fundamental understanding of how biological interactions drive microbiome structuring and functioning of WWTPs. However, predatory bacteria have received little attention regarding their diversity, activity, and ecological function in activated sludge, limiting the exploitation of food web interactions for wastewater microbiome engineering. Here, by using rRNA-stable isotope probing of activated sludge microbiota with 13C-labeled prey bacteria, we uncovered diverse as-yet-uncultivated putative predatory bacteria that actively incorporated 13C-biomass. Myxobacteria, especially Haliangium and the mle1-27 clade, were found as the dominant active predators, refreshing conventional views based on a few predatory isolates of Bdellovibrionota from WWTPs. The identified predatory bacteria showed more selective predation on prey compared with the protists dominated by ciliates, providing in situ evidence for inter-domain predation behavior divergence in activated sludge. Putative predatory bacteria were tracked over a two-year microbiome monitoring effort at a local WWTP, revealing the predominance of Myxococcota (6.5 ± 1.3%) over Bdellovibrionota (1.0 ± 0.2%) lineages. Phylogenetic analysis unveiled highly diverse myxobacteria inhabiting activated sludge and suggested a habitat filtering effect in global WWTPs. Further mining of a global activated sludge microbiome dataset revealed the prevalence of Myxococcota (5.4 ± 0.1%) species and potential impacts of myxobacterial predation on process performance. Collectively, our findings provided unique insights into the predating activity, diversity, and prevalence of Myxococcota species in activated sludge, highlighting their links with wastewater treatment processes via trophic regulation of enteric and functional bacteria.Subject terms: Microbial ecology, Biodiversity, Environmental microbiology, Microbial ecology, Environmental sciences  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution is one of the most troublesome environmental problems faced by mankind nowadays. Copper, in particular, poses serious problems due to its widespread industrial and agricultural use. Unlike other heavy metals, such as cadmium, lead, and mercury, copper is not readily bioaccumulated and thus its toxicity to man and other mammals is relatively low. On the contrary, plants in general are very sensitive to Cu toxicity, displaying metabolic disturbances and growth inhibition at Cu contents in the tissues only slightly higher than the normal levels.  相似文献   

Although ecologists have spent much effort in analysing the foraging behaviour of animals, the study of plants as foraging organisms is a relatively unexplored subject. There is often, however, much greater potential for analysis of foraging behaviour in plants than in animals. Unlike most animals, many plant species leave permanent or semi-permanent records of their foraging activities because their resource-acquiring structures (primarily leaves and roots), persist for a considerable time, as also do the structures (trunks, branches, stolons, runners or rhizomes) which enable leaves or roots to be projected into particular positions in the habitat. In addition, plant ecologists are not burdened with the difficulties associated with determining how changes in foraging behaviour affect fitness in animals(1), because plant mass (or, in the case of clonal species, number of ramets produced), is usually closely correlated with fitness.  相似文献   

 In order to investigate the occurrence of callose in dividing cells, we cultivated a selection of 30 organisms (the prokaryotic cyanobacterium Anabaena and eukaryotic green algae, bryophytes, ferns and seed plants) under defined conditions in the laboratory. Samples from these photoautotrophs, which are members of the evolutionary 'green lineage' leading from freshwater algae to land plants, were analysed by fluorescence microscopy. The β-1,3-glucan callose was identified by its staining properties with aniline blue and sirofluor. With the exception of the prokaryotic cyanobacterium, all of the eukaryotic organisms studied were capable of producing wound-induced callose. No callose was detected during cytokinesis of dividing cells of unicellular green algae (and Anabaena). However, in all of the multicellular green algae and land plants (embryophytes) investigated, callose was identified in newly made septae by an intense yellow fluorescence. The formation of wound callose was never detected in cells with callose in the newly formed septae. Additional experiments verified that no fixation-induced artefacts occurred. Our results show that callose is a regular component of developing septae in juvenile cells during cytokinesis in multicellular green algae and embryophytes. The implications of our results with respect to the evolutionary relationships between extant charophytes and land plants are discussed. Received: 15 September 2000 / Revision received: 23 October 2000 / Accepted: 23 October 2000  相似文献   

Phylogenetic systematics (cladistics) is a theory of phylogeny reconstruction and classification widely used in zoology. Taxa are grouped hierarchically by the sharing of derived (advanced) characters. The information is expressed in a cladogram, a best estimate of a phylogeny. Plant systematists generally use a phenetic system, grouping taxa on overall similarity which results in many groups being formed, at least in part, on the basis of shared primitive characters.
The methods of phylogenetic systematics are used to create a preliminary cladogram of land plants. The current classification of land plants is criticized for its inclusion of many groups which are not monophyletic.
Objections to the use of phylogenetic systematics in botany, apparent convergences within major groups and frequent hybridization, are shown to be invalid. It is concluded that cladistic analysis presents the best estimate of die natural hierarchy of organisms, and should be adopted by plant systematists in their assessment of plant interrelationships.  相似文献   

Plastomes of Fabaceae show both significant structural and size variation; however, most published plastomes are from subfamily Papilionoideae and only a few are from the other two subfamilies. In order to address the plastome structural and size variation of subfamily Mimosoideae, we integrated 11 newly sequenced plastomes from representing genera with three previously published ones. Each mimosoid plastome presented a typical quadripartite structure and contained 111 unique genes. Their inverted repeats (IRs) experienced multiple expansion/contraction; a ca. 13-kb IR expansion into small single copy (SSC) was detected in plastomes of a clade formed by tribe Ingeae and Acacia sensu stricto (s.s.), and a ca. 1.7-kb IR expansion into and a ca. 1.9-kb contraction out of large single copy (LSC) were found in Pithecellobium flexicaule and Acacia dealbata, respectively. Linear regression analysis showed decreased synonymous substitution rates of genes relocating from SSC into IR. A loss of both introns of clpP occurred in A. dealbata and Faidherbia albida, and a duplicated clpP copy was detected in A. dealbata. Furthermore, a 421-bp inversion that containing rps18 was found in A. dealbata. The size of mimosoid plastomes was found significantly affected by a IR-SC boundary shift, and also associated with repeat content. Plastome coding and noncoding regions with variable sequence divergence may supply valuable markers for molecular evolutionary and phylogenetic studies at different taxonomic levels. Plastid phylogenomics well resolved relationships among sampled mimosoid species.  相似文献   

A novel HO gene (Uv-HO) was cloned from the Saccharomyces bayanus var. uvarum (abbreviated as S. uvarum in this study) type strain. The coding region of Uv-HO showed relatively high homology (95%) to that of the Sb-HO gene (S. bayanus var. bayanus HO), but not to the HO genes of other Saccharomyces sensu stricto species. However, the 5' and 3' non-coding region of Uv-HO showed less similarity (79% and 76% respectively) even to those of the most homologous gene Sb-HO. Motifs of the mating-type control and the cell-cycle control were conserved in the 5' non-coding region of Uv-HO, but numbers and positions of motifs were different from those of Sb-HO. CHEF-Southern analysis showed that all tested strains of S. bayanus species, including S. uvarum, carried the HO gene on the 1,100-kb chromosome. By HO-typing PCR using mixed primers, which provided a rapid and convenient tool for yeast identification, either the Uv-HO gene or the Sb-HO gene was detected in strains of S. bayanus species, but two strains were found to have both types of HO gene in each genome. These results suggest that S. uvarum has a unique sequence, but might share the same chromosome constitution within S. bayanus species, and that S. bayanus is a heterogeneous species, of which some strains might be natural hybrid.  相似文献   

Exoribonucleases play an important role in all aspects of RNA metabolism. Biochemical and genetic analyses in recent years have identified many new RNases and it is now clear that a single cell can contain multiple enzymes of this class. Here, we analyze the structure and phylogenetic distribution of the known exoribonucleases. Based on extensive sequence analysis and on their catalytic properties, all of the exoribonucleases and their homologs have been grouped into six superfamilies and various subfamilies. We identify common motifs that can be used to characterize newly-discovered exoribonucleases, and based on these motifs we correct some previously misassigned proteins. This analysis may serve as a useful first step for developing a nomenclature for this group of enzymes.  相似文献   

Flowering plants represent the most significant branch in the tree of land plants, with respect to the number of extant species, their impact on the shaping of modern ecosystems and their economic importance. However, unlike so many persistent phylogenetic problems that have yielded to insights from DNA sequence data, the mystery surrounding the origin of angiosperms has deepened with the advent and advance of molecular systematics. Strong statistical support for competing hypotheses and recent novel trees from molecular data suggest that the accuracy of current molecular trees requires further testing. Analyses of phytochrome amino acids using a duplicate gene-rooting approach yield trees that unite cycads and angiosperms in a clade that is sister to a clade in which Gingko and Cupressophyta are successive sister taxa to gnetophytes plus Pinaceae. Application of a cycads + angiosperms backbone constraint in analyses of a morphological dataset yields better resolved trees than do analyses in which extant gymnosperms are forced to be monophyletic. The results have implications both for our assessment of uncertainty in trees from sequence data and for our use of molecular constraints as a way to integrate insights from morphological and molecular evidence.  相似文献   

林窗环境异质性导致群落物种多样性与系统发育多样性(phylogenetic diversity, PD)存在差异, 研究不同大小的林窗中群落的物种多样性与系统发育多样性有助于揭示林下生物多样性的形成及维持机制。本文以格氏栲(Castanopsis kawakamii)天然林为研究对象, 通过Pearson相关性分析与广义线性模型探讨了林窗内物种多样性与系统发育多样性间的相互关系及其环境影响因素。结果表明: (1)大林窗(面积 > 200 m2)植物种类及多度均高于中林窗(50 m2 ≤ 面积 < 100 m2)、小林窗(30 m2 ≤ 面积 < 50 m2)和非林窗(面积 = 100 m2)。大林窗群落系统发育结构趋于发散, 中、小林窗和非林窗群落系统发育结构受到生境过滤和竞争排斥综合作用。(2)群落系统发育多样性指数与物种丰富度(species richness, SR)、Margalef丰富度指数和Shannon-Wiener指数均呈显著正相关, 这与林窗内稀有种种类组成多于优势种有关。(3)林窗面积对物种多样性存在显著正效应; 土壤全氮含量对系统发育多样性和系统发育结构存在显著正效应。林窗形成提高了格氏栲天然林群落物种多样性和系统发育多样性, 林窗面积与土壤全氮共同驱动了格氏栲天然林林窗物种多样性和系统发育多样性的变化。  相似文献   

The 15.5-kD protein and its yeast homolog Snu13p bind U4 snRNA, U3 snoRNA, and the C/D box snoRNAs. In U4 snRNA, they associate with a helix-bulge-helix (K-turn) structure. U3 snoRNA contains two conserved pairs of boxes, C'/D and B/C, which were both expected to bind the 15.5-kD/Snu13 protein. Only binding to the B/C motif was experimentally demonstrated. Here, by chemical probing of in vitro reconstituted RNA/protein complexes, we demonstrate the independent binding of the 15.5-kD/Snu13 protein to each of the two motifs. Due to a highly reduced stem I (1 bp), the K-turn structure is not formed in the naked B/C motif. However, gel-shift experiments revealed a higher affinity of Snu13p for the B/C motif, compared to the C'/D motif. A phylogenetic analysis of U3 snoRNA, coupled with an analysis of Snu13p affinity for variant yeast C'/D and B/C motifs, and a study of the functionality of a truncated yeast U3 snoRNA carrying base substitutions in the C'/D and B/C motifs, revealed that conservation of the identities of residues 2 and 3 in the B/C K-turn is more important for Snu13p binding and U3 snoRNA function, than conservation of the identities of corresponding residues in the C'/D K-turn. This suggests that binding of Snu13p to K-turns with a very short helix I imposes sequence constraints in the bulge. Altogether, the data demonstrate the strong importance of the binding of the 15.5-kD/Snu13 protein to the C'/D and B/C motifs for both U3 snoRNP assembly and activity.  相似文献   

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