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The catabolic pathways for butyrate, acetate, succinate, and ethanol formation by the Reiter strain of Treponema phagedenis were investigated. Enzyme activities were demonstrated for glucose catabolism to pyruvate by the Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway. Butyrate formation from acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) does not generate ATP by substrate level phosphorylation and involves NAD+-dependent 3-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase and NAD(P)+-independent butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase activities. Butyrate is formed from butyryl-CoA in a CoA transphorase reaction. Phosphate acetyltransferase and acetate kinase activities convert acetyl-CoA to acetate. An NADP+-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase participates in ethanol formation; however, the manner in which acetyl-CoA is reduced to acetaldehyde is unclear. A membrane-associated fumarate reductase was found which utilized reduced ferredoxin or flavin nucleotides as physiological electron donors. Additional electron carriers may also be involved in electron transfer for fumarate reduction. Strains of Treponema denticola, T. vincentii, and T. minutum utilized fumarate without succinate formation, whereas strains of T. phagedenis and T. refringens formed succinate from exogenously supplied fumarate.  相似文献   

Treponema phagedenis possessed the ability to induce an increase in vascular permeability (blueing) in guinea pig skin, which was exerted not only by cell-free preparations but also directly by intact cells. Cell-free preparations induced maximum blueing 0 h after sample injection, while whole cells did so after 1 h. Log dose-response curves for cell-free preparations were linear within the range of blue spots with diameters of 10–24 mm, with slopes ( ) of 8.5–8.7. The vascular permeability-increasing activity was not ascribable to hyaluronidase and probably to -galactosidase; this organism did not produce any detectable hyaluronidase activity.  相似文献   

Treponemicidal activity against Treponema pallidum, Nichols strain, by anti-endoflagellar antibodies and the presence of antigenic interrelationships between the endoflagella of Treponema phagedenis biotype Reiter (TPR) and T. pallidum have been demonstrated. SDS-PAGE profiles of purified endoflagella from both organisms were similar, identifying five polypeptide bands for TPR (37,000, 33,000 doublet, 30,000, and 27,000 daltons) and five polypeptide bands for T. pallidum (35,000, 33,000 doublet, 30,000, and 27,000 daltons). Antiserum against TPR endoflagella identified identical bands on Western blots of TPR, T. pallidum, and the respective endoflagellar preparations. Western blots confirmed the presence of antibodies in normal human serum (NHS) against the 33,000 dalton treponemal endoflagellar proteins. The complement-dependent treponemicidal activity of NHS against T. pallidum was completely removed by absorption with purified TPR endoflagella. Furthermore, rabbit antisera against TPR endoflagella were reactive in the Treponema pallidum immobilization (TPI) test. These findings demonstrate that anti-endoflagellar antibodies are treponemicidal against T. pallidum. A possible mechanism for this activity is discussed in relation to the subsurface location of endoflagella.  相似文献   

An aminopeptidase was highly purified from a cellular extract ofTreponema phagedenis (Reiter strain) by ammonium sulfate precipitation and successive chromatography on Sepharose 6B, DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B and CM-Sepharose CL-6B. The molecular weight of the enzyme was 74,500. The enzyme was stable in the pH region 5.0–7.0 and up to 50°C. The optimal pH, ionic strength, and temperature were pH 7.9–8.0,I 0.13, and 37°C, respectively. Co2+ was essential for the enzyme activity with an optimal concentration of 0.3 mM, and EDTA and such divalent cations as Hg2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Pb2+, Sn2+, and Cd2+ were inhibitory against the Co2+-activated enzyme. The enzyme exhibited a preference for hydrophobic residues as well as Arg in the N-terminal position and cleaved in the order of Tyr > Trp > Phe > Leu > Arg > Ala His, Met, and Ser, but did not cleave the other amino acids including Pro, Glu, Asp, and Lys.  相似文献   

Axial filaments have been purified from Treponema phagedenis biotype reiterii (the Reiter treponeme) and partially characterized chemically. The preparations consist largely of protein but also contain small amounts of hexose (3%). Filaments dissociate to subunits in acid, alkali, urea, guanidine, and various detergents. Amino acid analyses show an overall resemblance to other spirochetal axial filaments and to bacterial flagella. Dissociated filaments migrate as a single band upon acrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 4.3 (in 4 M urea and 10 (3) M ethylenediaminetetraacetate) and at pH 12, but in sodium dodecyl sulfate gels, three bands are obtained under a wide variety of conditions. Two of these bands migrate very close together, with molecular weights of 33,000 +/- 500. The other band has a molecular weight of 36,500 +/- 500. Analysis of axial filaments by the dansyl chloride method yields both methionine and glutamic acid as amino terminal end groups. Sedimentation equilibrium measurements on dissociated axial filaments in 7 M guanidine hydrochloride yield plots of log C against varkappa(2) which vary with the speed and initial protein concentration used. Molecular weight values calculated from these plots are consistent with a model in which axial filament subunits are heterogeneous with respect to molecular weight in the approximate range of 32,000 to 36,000.  相似文献   

Normal human serum (NHS) was shown to have complement-dependent treponemicidal activity against both Treponema pallidum and Treponema phagedenis biotype Reiter (TPR) by employing in vitro-in vivo neutralization and TPR plaque assays, respectively. The molecular basis of NHS treponemicidal activity was studied by immunoblot analysis in conjunction with treponemicidal assays. Five major T. pallidum polypeptide bands (47kDa, 35kDa, 33kDa doublet, and 30 kDa) and three major TPR polypeptide bands (47kDa and 33kDa doublet) bound IgG present in NHS. Absorption of NHS with TPR completely removed both TPR and T. pallidum treponemicidal activity; corresponding immunoblots demonstrated a significant removal of IgG antibody against all three TPR polypeptide bands as well as four T. pallidum polypeptide bands (30kDa, 33kDa doublet, and 35kDa). In contrast, T. pallidum absorption of NHS was found to remove treponemicidal activity against T. pallidum but not TPR; corresponding Western blots showed the complete removal of IgG antibody against all but one T. pallidum polypeptide band (47kDa) but no detectable loss in IgG antibody against the TPR polypeptides. These results suggest that antibody in NHS generated against nonpathogenic, indigenous treponemes is responsible for the T. pallidum treponemicidal activity. Furthermore, the treponemicidal activity against T. pallidum correlated with the presence of IgG antibody against T. pallidum polypeptides of 30kDa, 35kDa, and a 33kDa doublet.  相似文献   

The genomic DNA fragment which contains ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes for Treponema phagedenis was cloned into bacteriophage vector lambda EMBL3. A restriction map of the fragment was constructed and the organization of the rRNA genes was determined. The fragment contained at least one copy of the 16S, 23S and 5S sequences and the genes are arranged in the order 16S-23S-5S. Southern hybridization using radiolabeled rRNA gene probes to genomic DNA from T. phagedenis strain Reiter and T. pallidum strain Nichols showed that these organisms have two radioactive fragments which hybridize to the probes in their genome. These results suggest that both pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of Treponema may carry at least two sets of rRNA genes on their chromosomes.  相似文献   

An outer sheath was isolated from Treponema phagedenis biotype Reiter by our previously developed method (Masuda, K., and Kawata, T. 1982. J. Bacteriol. 150: 1405-1413). The isolated outer sheath was observed as a triple-layered, closed vesicle carrying a polygonal array by electron microscopy. The outer sheath was mainly composed of protein (41.0%), phospholipid (38.7%), and carbohydrate (11.0%). Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the isolated outer sheath in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol (EtSH) gave one major protein band with an apparent molecular weight of about 69,000 and several minor protein bands. On the other hand, in the absence of EtSH, the major protein band disappeared but two new protein bands at positions of molecular weights of about 65,000 and 72,000 appeared. The SDS-PAGE profiles of the minor protein bands did not change with or without EtSH. Sodium deoxycholate (DOC)-solubilized materials from the isolated outer sheath were reassembled into thin membranous sheets carrying a roughly polygonal array upon removal of DOC by dialysis against Tris-HCl buffer in the absence of Mg2+.  相似文献   

The periplasmic flagellum of Treponema phagedenis consists of the flagellar filament and hook-basal body. We report here a characterization of the hook gene and flagellar hook of T. phagedenis, and in the process of this analysis we found evidence that the hook polypeptide is likely cross-linked in situ. A T. phagedenis genomic library was screened with a Treponema pallidum antiserum, and the DNA segments from several positive plaques were subcloned and sequenced. DNA sequencing of two overlapping segments revealed a 1,389-nucleotide (nt) open reading frame (ORF) with a deduced amino acid sequence that was 36% identical to that of FlgE, the hook polypeptide of Salmonella typhimurium. This gene was designated T. phagedenis flgE. Beginning at 312 nt downstream from flgE was a partial ORF of 486 nt with a deduced amino acid sequence that was 33% identical to that of MotA of Bacillus subtilis, a polypeptide that enables flagellar rotation. Upstream of flgE, separated by 39 nt, was a partial (291-nt) ORF with a deduced amino acid sequence that was homologous to that of ORF8, a polypeptide of unknown function located in an operon encoding polypeptides involved in motility of B. subtilis. The T. phagedenis flgE gene was cloned into an Escherichia coli protein expression plasmid, and the purified recombinant protein was used to prepare a FlgE antiserum. Western blots (immunoblots) of whole-cell lysates probed with this antiserum revealed a 55-kDa polypeptide and a ladder of polypeptide bands with increasing molecular masses. T. phagedenis hooks were then isolated and purified, and electron microscopic analysis revealed that the morphology of the hooks resembled that in other bacteria. The hooks were slightly curved and had an average length of 69 +/- 8 nm and a diameter of 23 +/- 1 nm. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blots of purified hook preparations using the FlgE antiserum also revealed a polypeptide ladder, suggesting that the hooks are composed of a covalently cross-linked polypeptide.  相似文献   

In the absence of H2, Methanococcus spp. utilized pyruvate as an electron donor for methanogenesis. For Methanococcus voltae A3, Methanococcus maripaludis JJ1, and Methanococcus vannielii, typical rates of pyruvate-dependent methanogenesis were 3.4, 2.8, and 3.9 nmol min-1 mg-1 cell dry wt, respectively. These rates were 1–4% of the rates of H2-dependent methanogenesis. For M. voltae, the concentration of pyruvate required for one-half the maximum rate of methanogenesis was 7 mM, and pyruvate-dependent methanogenesis was linear for 3 days. Radiolabeled acetate was formed from [3-14C]pyruvate, and the stoichiometry of pyruvate consumed per acetate produced was 1.12±0.27. The stoichiometry of pyruvate consumed per CH4 produced was 3.64±0.34. These values are close to the expected values of 1 acetate and 4 CH4. Although 10–30% of total cell carbon could be obtained from exogenous pyruvate during growth with H2, pyruvate did not replace the nutritional requirement for acetate in Methanococcus voltae A3 or two acetate auxotrophs of Methanococcus maripaludis, JJ6 and JJ7. These results suggest that pyruvate was not oxidized in the presence of H2. The inability to oxidize pyruvate during H2-dependent methanogenesis would prevent a futile cycle of pyruvate oxidation and biosynthesis during autotrophic growth.  相似文献   

Treponema phagedenis is an anaerobic, motile spirochete with several periplasmic flagella (PFs) at each cell end. This study provides the first genetic evidence that multiple protein species are associated with the PFs. In addition, these proteins were found to reside together on a given PF. Nonmotile mutants which lacked the PFs were isolated, and spontaneous revertants to motility regained the PFs. These results suggest that the PFs are involved in the motility of T. phagedenis. Isolated PFs had two major protein bands with molecular weights of 33,000 and 39,800, as revealed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Western blots with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies indicated that both proteins were absent in the PF mutants but present in the revertants. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the 39,800-molecular-weight protein was distributed along the entire PF. Immunoprecipitation analysis suggested that the 39,800- and 33,000-molecular-weight proteins were closely associated in situ.  相似文献   

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