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金文驰 《化石》2020,(1):73-81
正如果将美国动物园按历史排序,名列榜首的是1874年开放的费城动物园。而第二古老的动物园则是位于俄亥俄州辛辛那提市的辛辛那提动物园,它仅比费城动物园小了一岁,现为美国一流动物园。该园的鸟类收藏散布在多处,但最集中的要数"世界之翼"展馆。"世界之翼"展馆落成于1936年,本来是爬行动物馆。1996年,人们对这一展馆进行了改造升级:包含了山地、热带美洲、澳大利亚和亚洲区、北半球高纬度地区和南半球高纬度地区等众多地理单元。从热带雨林的鸠鸽到高纬度地区的  相似文献   

正在南京大学读本科期间(2004—2008年),我曾去过一次南京红山森林动物园。那次游览的印象不佳,圈舍没有什么出彩之处,动物境况也颇觉可怜。之后每每回忆,都觉得有些沮丧,便再也没有去过。近几年,从网络等渠道得知,在我仅有的一次游览后,红山森林动物园新建或改造了多个动物展馆(区)。其中一些展馆(区)展现出很高的设计水平和理念,如  相似文献   

董冰冰 《化石》2005,(4):19-19
位于西直门外的中国古动物馆是以古生物化石为载体,包括科普教育娱乐一体的综合性博士馆,自开馆以来深受广大游客的喜爱。现在为了更加丰富化石爱好及游客的参观内容和了解古生物化石的知识,在十一来临之际,中国古动物馆之古脊椎动物馆一层西侧新添特展:  相似文献   

正对大多数动物园的动物来说,它们通常在同一展区中生活多年。这些展区的面积往往小于动物在野外的活动范围,加上缺乏其他刺激(如天敌或猎物的气味),常年在其中生活容易让动物感到特别无聊。1995年落成的美国路易威尔动物园的"岛屿"展区打破了这一境况。这一展区包含3个环境各异的室外运动场和1个室内展厅,生活在这一轮换展区的物种包括苏门答腊虎、马来貘、合趾猿、毛鹿豚和猩猩等5种原产印度尼西亚的动物,"岛屿"因此巴西树豪猪展室罗德里格斯果蝠  相似文献   

从没想过,在普通人的镜头里,动物园竟是如此多面,定格在取景框中的不仅仅是动物,从如画的湖畔风光到坐着轮椅逛动物园的老人,从细心照顾动物的饲养员到给游客带来惊喜的新场馆,从厌倦了被人围观的棕熊到躺在扔满了饮料瓶的地上睡觉的老虎,从宣传爱心的志愿者到举着照相机的游客……画面中充溢的是人们对动物的关切,对生活敏锐的洞察。  相似文献   

较长时期以来,人们往往以为在大猿(黑猩猩、大猩猩和猩猩)中,猩猩是表现愚笨、呆板而懒惰的动物。新近的研究表明,这种评价是欠公正的。在智力发展的水平上,猩猩和其它两位大猿兄弟相比,并不见得有多大逊色(请参看本期封三有关照片)。上述对猩猩的传统看法,可能主要来自它们在动物园里的某些表现。在野外丛林里,虽然成年猩猩大多过着孤独的生活,然而年幼的小猩猩一有机会便顽皮地戏耍,精力充沛地表演它们的拿手好戏。特别是实验室内的种种试验表明,猩猩在使用工具、解题、掌握手势语和记忆力等方面,都取得了相当的成绩。佐治亚技术学院心理学系的特里·麦玻尔博士,在他新近撰写的《猩猩的行为》一书中认为,猩猩在学习上的潜力还远没有显示出来。因此还有待于做更多的工作,才能  相似文献   

走进动物园,看厌了懒洋洋地躲在铁丝笼角落里的动物,我总爱到水禽湖,感受一下那儿的生机勃勃、热闹非凡的场景。 在这里,有忙着觅食、求偶、繁殖、争夺地盘的各种水禽、涉禽,有不买门票就堂而遑之地进园的“不速之客”,或小住时日,或客居几个月,或从此安家落户,生息繁衍。到了秋季,过路的椋鸟与乌鸦、喜鹊争食园中柿子树上红彤彤的柿子的场景,也总让我流连忘返。 而最让我痴迷的是生活在北京动物园里的野生夜鹭,它们一面享受  相似文献   

兽舍绿化在松鼠猴馆、环尾狐猴馆的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
要创建一流水平的动物园,使动物的生活环境趋于生态化、行为自然化、福利提高至关重要。通过对松鼠猴及环尾狐猴馆舍的绿化配置,达到了增加动物活动量、改善动物福利、提高动物繁殖和增强游客观赏性的目的。  相似文献   

1990年到动物园后,我就开始琢磨动物兽舍的建筑。经过十多年的实践,我认为动物园的兽舍建设要遵循两个“为本”的原则,也就是“以动物为本”和“以人(游客)为本”的结合。兽舍建筑难也就是难在这两个“为本”的结合上。北京动物园在兽舍建设方面经过了大致四个阶段。  相似文献   

非洲被形象地誉为“天然动物园”。因为,非洲的野生动物园和国家公园就是在各种野生动物的栖息地划出一定范围,使各种野生动物自由自在地生活在自然环境中。与一般的动物园不同,这里没有围墙和笼子,各种动物都在它们最自然的状态下生存,而来自世界各地的旅游者则被“囚禁”在汽车内观赏动物。这一方面是为了保障游客的安全,另一方面也是因为非洲的天然动物园面积太大,动物活动区域比较分散的缘故。位于坦桑尼亚北部的塞伦盖蒂国家公园是东非面积最大、野生动物最集中的天然动物园之一,面积  相似文献   


Using three different methods, this study investigated how zoo visitors behaved in response to both old and new exhibits of four nonhuman primate species and how they perceived these primates. On-site observations showed that zoo visitors were more likely to stop in front of new exhibits and spend more time viewing new exhibits compared with old exhibits. Response to an on-site questionnaire also showed that zoo visitors perceived primates in the new exhibits more positively than the same animals in the old exhibits. The results from these two types of local assessment indicate that the attractiveness and holding power of the new exhibits was greater than that of the old. However, the results of a questionnaire given to zoo visitors on leaving the zoo showed that the preference ranks of the visitors for the four primate species did not increase after the new exhibits were established, indicating that the new exhibits did not change the zoo visitors' perception of primates relative to other zoo animals. Using all three assessment methods appears to be of considerable value for the assessment of visitors' perceptions towards new exhibits in terms of both the immediate locality and the zoo as a whole.  相似文献   

Efforts to meet the welfare needs of captive animals (such as the provision of environmental enrichment and naturalistic furnishings) often compromise visitors’ needs (naturalistic exhibits often decrease the visibility of animals on display even though visitors pay to view them). The literature offers different predictions about how zoo visitors respond to decreased animal visibility in naturalistic exhibits but they require further evaluation. Further, visitor research is currently confined to Europe and America and studies outside these areas are limited. This paper investigates the relationships between exhibit naturalism, animal visibility and visitor interest in a Chinese Zoo. Visitor interest was observed at both naturalistic and barren exhibit designs. The study showed that the influence of animal presence on visitor behaviours was similar at both exhibit designs. Further, visitor interest was not compromised at the naturalistic exhibit when animals were not visible. The results demonstrate that the needs of animals and visitors can be balanced at naturalistic exhibits and support the transformation of exhibits to those representing naturalistic environments.  相似文献   

A computer‐controlled touchscreen apparatus (hereafter referred to as “touchscreen”) in the orangutan exhibit at Zoo Atlanta provides enrichment to the animals and allows cognitive research to take place on exhibit. This study investigated the impact of the touchscreen on orangutan behavior and visibility, as well as its impact on zoo visitors. Despite previous research suggesting that providing a single computer system may negatively affect orangutan behavior, there was not a significant increase in aggression, stereotypic, or distress‐related behaviors following the activation of the on‐exhibit touchscreen. We also investigated the possibility that zoo visitors may be negatively affected by technology because it deviates from naturalism. However, we did not find a change in stay time or overall experience rating when the computer was turned on. This research was the first to assess visitor attitudes toward technology at the zoo, and we found that visitors report highly positive attitudes about technology for both animals and visitors. If subjects visited the exhibit when the computer was turned on, they more strongly agreed that orangutans benefit from interacting with computerized enrichment. This study is the first investigation of an on‐exhibit touchscreen in group‐housed apes; our findings of no negative effects on the animals or zoo visitors and positive attitudes toward technology suggest a significant value of this practice. Zoo Biol 31:27;–39, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Postoccupancy evaluation (POE) was used to assess newly constructed zoo exhibits from the perspective of three user groups: zoo staff, zoo visitors, and the animals. Staff represents a generally understudied user group in zoo-based POEs. We asked staff to rate the animals' space, the visitors' space, and the staff's space at previous and new exhibits. We also compared zoo visitors' ratings of the animals' behavior and environments, overall exhibit impressions, and the time visitors spent viewing previous and new exhibits. Lastly, we compared activity and space use of a Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis), two red pandas (Ailurus fulgens), and one rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in their previous and new exhibits. Staff rated animal, visitor, and staff areas higher at the new exhibits compared to the previous exhibits. Visitors also rated several factors higher and spent more time at the new exhibits. The most naturalistic exhibit received the most favorable ratings in all categories and animal activity increased visitor stay time. We found that red pandas were less active in their new exhibit, and the Komodo dragon and rhino showed no difference in activity. The red pandas and the Komodo dragon used more available space in their new exhibits; however, we recommend using Electivity index to examine resource preferences for these species, whose enclosure use has been less studied than large mammals. We emphasize the importance of including staff in zoo-based POE, make other recommendations for future POE studies, and discuss various factors that could have influenced our results.  相似文献   

Technology has routinely been used in zoos to enhance the visitor experience, for public education and for conservation awareness. However, studies into technology-aided exhibits in zoos have thus far been limited to zoos in western society. This article reports on an Indonesian zoo deploying new technology in its exhibits and how visitors interacted with these exhibits. A case study guided both an investigation of the visitors' technology usage of zoo exhibits and zoo implementation of technological processes. Interviews with visitors, zoo staff, and managers were conducted and analyzed and these were supplemented with on-site observations. The results indicated that the majority of zoo visitors did not use the technological applications provided by the zoo. In addition, there was found to be a significant lack of staff engagement in the consultation, design, implementation, and maintenance of the technology. Correlations were found between visitors' level of technology usage, their reading of signage, their day-to-day technology usage, and their conservation knowledge. The findings suggest that an understanding of visitor' behavior, active staff engagement in the development and implementation of new technology, in addition to emotion-inducing interpretation, and purposefully guided interactions, could increase the use of technology at a zoo and thus enhance positive visitor engagement, ultimately resulting in heightened educational as well as conservational outcomes.  相似文献   

Kelling AS  Gaalema DE 《Zoo biology》2011,30(6):597-610
A postoccupancy evaluation (POE) is a systematic assessment performed to examine the effectiveness of the built environment after occupation. Although POEs have been mainly used to examine the effectiveness of built environments for human usage, they can and should be adapted for use in zoological settings. Zoological exhibits have evolved from when hygiene concerns ruled design to current trends that involve elaborate exhibits that often cost millions of dollars. Thus, it is imperative to conduct evaluations to ensure that these exhibits function to meet the complex needs of all users. It is crucial to perform a comprehensive POE that focuses on all three user groups; animals, visitors, and staff. However, work in this field is limited. Animal research has tended to remain very primate-focused with differing opinions as to what constitutes optimal outcomes. Zoo visitor studies often have limited scope and differing methodologies. Additionally, research on zoo staff opinions and feedback is almost nonexistent. A new exhibit opening at a zoo has huge potential for improving the welfare of the animals it will house, enhancing the zoo visitor experience, and improving the workplace for zoo personnel. Building the best possible exhibits requires not only the analysis of how the built environment affects all three groups, but also dissemination of those findings to guide future design.  相似文献   

Sanna Ojalammi 《Anthrozo?s》2018,31(2):233-246
These days zoos often claim that their main objective is the promotion of nature conservation and that they strive to educate their visitors about animals and nature conservation. But how do zoo visitors themselves perceive this emphasis on conservation education? In order to determine how Helsinki Zoo visitors perceive nature conservation during their visit, we undertook a qualitative analysis of 75 structured situational interviews and five autoethnographical visits. Our results show that there was only a limited understanding of nature conservation among the zoo visitors. Their perception follows the typical framing of nature conservation in zoos: conservation projects that embrace captive breeding, in-situ conservation collaboration, and the reintroduction of those species. Moreover, in the Helsinki Zoo case these perceptions may have been influenced by the fact that the zoo did not give concrete advice on how the visitors themselves can contribute to conservation, except in terms of donating money. Framing nature conservation in such ways distances it from visitors’ everyday lives.  相似文献   

Although many studies investigating the impacts of zoo exhibit designs on captive animals exist, none have been performed on how they influence the behavior and welfare of captive Bennett's wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus). Here, we assess the impact of exhibit design on the activity budget and spatial distribution of Bennett's wallabies. We compared animal behavior in two open exhibits (i.e. physical interaction between animals and visitors permitted) to two closed exhibits (i.e. physical interaction between animals and visitors prohibited). Behavioral data were collected using focal sampling, and spatial distribution was recorded on exhibit maps at regular time intervals. We found a significant increase in feeding and interactive behaviors in closed exhibits in comparison to open exhibits. However, other behaviors such as resting, locomotion, and vigilance did not vary with design. Functional use of space was similar between both designs; however, the effect of habituation may be relevant to consider in future studies. Although some support for visitor effects were present, our study provided no evidence for strong impacts of exhibit design on Bennett's wallaby welfare. Our study emphasizes the need for additional research into the impacts of how zoo environments affect Bennett's wallaby behavior and welfare.  相似文献   

This study assessed the potential of two types of primate exhibit both for enhancing zoo visitors' interest, knowledge, and enjoyment and for promoting conservation education. Visitors' reactions to a free-ranging group of cotton-top tamarins were compared with their responses to caged tamarins in three ways: 1) timing how long visitors spent at each exhibit, 2) recording the comments made by visitors about the exhibits, and 3) asking visitors to respond to questionnaires about the two exhibits. The results showed that the free-ranging group of tamarins provoked wider comment from members of the public than caged groups and that visitors were willing to spend much more time looking for and watching monkeys in trees than monkeys in cages. Visitors felt that improvements in the animals' welfare were obtained from allowing them to live free in the trees, thought that they could learn more from such groups than from caged animals, and enjoyed seeing the free-ranging tamarins more than the monkeys in cages. These results suggest that developing more naturalistic zoo exhibits can have considerable benefits not only for the animals involved, but also for public education in conservation issues. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of visitors on behavior and welfare of nonhuman animals in the zoo has been an active research topic during the last few decades. Although research has variously shown negative or positive impacts of zoo visitors on animals in captivity, previous primate research at Disney's Animal Kingdom® suggests the importance of visual barriers in allowing animals to cope with large crowds. Examining this further, this study monitored the behavior of white-cheeked gibbons (Hylobates leucogenys) and siamangs (Hylobates syndactylus) in large, open exhibits. Behavioral data showed rates of social behavior and percentage of time engaged in solitary behavior did not differ between low and high visitor-attendance days. Both gibbons and siamangs spent more time in areas away from the public on high attendance days. Supporting previous findings, results imply visual barriers and ability to retreat from crowds may have provided these animals with choice and minimized potential negative visitor impact. Future research should focus on the relationship between attendance and actual crowds at exhibits; it should utilize multi-institutional methodologies to control for variance and look for individual and demographic differences between individuals.  相似文献   

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