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Specific serological relationships were found among the partially purified DNA polymerases of the two groups of avian viruses whose virions contain RNA and a DNA polymerase-the avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses and the reticuloendotheliosis viruses-and three avian species which are natural hosts for these viruses: chickens, turkeys, and Pekin ducks. No relationships were found to DNA polymerases of HeLa cells or Escherichia coli. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that RNA viruses with a DNA polymerase originated from normal cellular components.  相似文献   

Antibodies against a large and a small DNA polymerase isolated from chicken embryos and against avian myeloblastosis virus DNA polymerase were used to study the serological relationships of the DNA polymerase activities of three avian systems with RNA and a DNA polymerase-avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses, reticuloendotheliosis viruses, and a fraction from uninfected chicken cells. The DNA polymerase activity of disrupted virions of all avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses tested was neutralized to the same extent by antibody against avian myeloblastosis virus DNA polymerase and was not neutralized by the antibodies against chicken cellular DNA polymerases. The viruses tested included induced leukosis viruses and Rous-associated virus-O. The DNA polymerase activity of disrupted virions of all of the reticuloendotheliosis viruses was not neutralized by any of the antibodies. The chicken endogenous RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity was neutralized partially or completely, in different experiments, by antibody against the small DNA polymerase isolated from chicken embryos, but was not neutralized by the other two antibodies.  相似文献   

Female chickens known to be heterozygous for resistance to subgroups A and B of the avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses were mated to males known to be homozygously resistant to both. The progeny were assayed both on the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and in tissue culture for resistance to representative viruses of the A, B, and tentatively defined C subgroups. Segregation ratios of resistance to A and B subgroup viruses agreed with the previously suggested hypothesis of single-autosomal-recessive genes controlling resistance to each subgroup. Mixed infection on the CAM and replicate plate infection in tissue culture with subgroup A and B viruses showed that resistance to the A and B subgroups was inherited independently. Assays with viruses tentatively classified as subgroup C indicated that they were largely composed of a mixture of subgroup A and B viruses or of particles possessing the host range specificity of both. However, virus stocks of the subgroup C category, as well as some stocks classified as subgroup B, produced small numbers of pocks or foci on individuals known to be resistant to subgroup A and B viruses. It is suggested that these Rous sarcoma virus stocks carry between 1 and 10% of a true subgroup C virus.  相似文献   

Ultrathin sections of oat, wheat, and ryegrass leaves from healthy plants and plants infected with rhabdoviruses by leafhoppers Laodelphax striatellusFallen were studied under the electron microscope. The bacilliform virions often surrounded by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes, viroplasm, and tubular structures conforming, in diameter and structure, to the rhabdovirion nucleocapsid were observed in the cytoplasm of leaf cells of the diseased plants. The cereal pseudorosette virus [(165–200) × (63–70) nm, CPV] is the causative agent of the disease of cereals in Siberia. The mycoplasma-like organisms were found in the phloem cells of plants infected with CPV. The cereal mosaic virus [(360–420) × (56–64) nm, CMV] is the causative agent of the disease of cereals in the Russian Far East. CMV appears to be a strain of the northern cereal mosaic virus.  相似文献   

The relatedness of the RNAs of the three avian systems, including six avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses, four reticuloendotheliosis viruses, and the microsome fraction of normal uninfected chicken embryo cells, containing RNA and a DNA polymerase have been studied by nucleic acid hybridization. All six avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses have closely related nucleotide sequences; and all four reticuloendotheliosis viruses have closely related nucleotide sequences. But, almost no similarities were detected between the RNAs of avian leukosis-sarcoma viruses and reticuloendotheliosis viruses. The RNA template of the endogenous RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity of normal uninfected chicken cells had no detectable relationship to RNAs of avian leukosis-sarcoma and reticuloendotheliosis viruses.  相似文献   

The molecular pathogenesis of avian influenza infection varies greatly with individual bird species and virus strain. The molecular pathogenesis of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) or the low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) infection in avian species remains poorly understood. Thus, global immune response of chickens infected with HPAI H5N1 (A/duck/India/02CA10/2011) and LPAI H9N2 (A/duck/India/249800/2010) viruses was studied using microarray to identify crucial host genetic components responsive to these infection. HPAI H5N1 virus induced excessive expression of type I IFNs (IFNA and IFNG), cytokines (IL1B, IL18, IL22, IL13, and IL12B), chemokines (CCL4, CCL19, CCL10, and CX3CL1) and IFN stimulated genes (OASL, MX1, RSAD2, IFITM5, IFIT5, GBP 1, and EIF2AK) in lung tissues. This dysregulation of host innate immune genes may be the critical determinant of the severity and the outcome of the influenza infection in chickens. In contrast, the expression levels of most of these genes was not induced in the lungs of LPAI H9N2 virus infected chickens. This study indicated the relationship between host immune genes and their roles in pathogenesis of HPAIV infection in chickens.  相似文献   

Cowpea mild mottle virus (CMMV), a whitefly-transmitted, rod-shaped virus isolated in Thailand, induced feather-like structures in the cytoplasm of infected soybean cells. These structures were the results of a complex arrangement of virus particles and occurred in all types of cells observed. An organized arrangement of virus particles in the form of layers was also observed in the cytoplasm of the infected cells. In ultrathin sections, the particles measured about 10 nm wide and more than 600 nm long, which corresponded to the size reported for the purified preparations of CMMV. No feather-like structures or virus particles were observed in the comparable healthy tissues.  相似文献   

Synthesis of Avian Oncornavirus DNA in Infected Chicken Cells   总被引:25,自引:15,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
The intracellular synthesis and integration of viral DNA (vDNA) into the host cell genome was studied in cultured chicken embryo fibroblasts infected with avian sarcoma or leukemia viruses. The newly synthesized vDNA was detected by hybridization with 70S viral RNA. Extraction of infected cell DNA by the selective procedure of Hirt resulted in the enrichment of newly synthesized vDNA in the low molecular weight supernatant fraction while leaving the bulk of cellular DNA containing integrated vDNA in the high molecular weight pellet fraction. This approach led to detection of intracellular vDNA synthesis within 1 h after infection and to vDNA integration into cellular DNA within 24 h. There was a several-fold increase in the vDNA content of infected cells during the initial phase of virus infection. But only a part of this newly synthesized vDNA appeared to become covalently linked with high molecular weight cellular DNA. Most of the remaining unintegrated vDNA gradually disappeared. The sedimentation profiles of minimally sheared cellular DNA in alkaline sucrose velocity gradients suggest that vDNA is synthesized as free linear molecules of approximately 3 x 10(6) daltons which subsequently are covalently linked to host cell DNA.  相似文献   

禽流感H5N1亚型病毒感染ICR小鼠的动物模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 建立H5N1禽流感病毒感染ICR小鼠的疾病动物模型.方法 将100 μL H5N1 禽流感病毒原液(EID50为105.37/0.2 mL) 鼻腔接种ICR小鼠,设生理盐水组、正常尿囊液组对照,接毒后14 d内每隔12 h观察一次,主要观测指标有临床体征、体重和体温变化、死亡率、病理变化、病毒分离和血清抗体检测 (ELISA方法).结果 被感染的ICR小鼠的病程可以划分为潜伏期 (第0~1天)、急性感染期 (第2~7天)、恢复期 (第8~14天),急性感染期表现出活动明显减少,弓背,反应性差,扎堆;接毒后第1天开始体温和体重下降,第6天体温和体重停止下降;接毒组ICR小鼠累计的死亡率为60%;急性感染期ICR小鼠的肺部病变最严重,表现为间质性肺炎,肺间质充血、水肿和淋巴细胞浸润,毛细血管扩张,上皮细胞变性、坏死、脱落,并有充血和单核细胞浸润;接毒后第1天至第8天可在小鼠的肺、脑、气管和心、肝、脾、肾分离到病毒;接毒后第6天从ICR小鼠血清中检测到抗体.结论 本实验室建立的H5N1禽流感病毒感染ICR小鼠的模型在临床表现、体重变化、死亡率、病理变化、病毒复制指标能达到禽流感病毒疾病模型的造模要求,符合人类禽流感感染疾病的基本特征.  相似文献   

禽流感H5N1病毒感染BALB/c小鼠的细胞免疫动态变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
[目的]测定H5N1病毒感染BALB/c的小鼠模型的细胞免疫动态变化,探讨病毒对机体免疫系统的影响。[方法]通过流式细胞仪测定CD3+T、CD4+T、CD8+T等细胞免疫变化。[结果]感染H5N1病毒的小鼠血液中CD3+T、CD4+T、CD8+T细胞数量下降(P<0.05),脾脏中T细胞数量下降的趋势与血液相同,CD4+T/CD8+T的比例上升,只是两者的时间有所差别。[结论]说明病毒对细胞免疫T细胞数量影响较大,而且CD8+T受到的影响更为明显,反应了机体特异性细胞免疫功能受抑制,并且彼此之间的平衡受到破坏。  相似文献   

本文介绍杨毒蛾核型多角体病毒(Leucoma selicis Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus)在病虫脂肪体细胞中的形态发生,描述了病毒粒子的形成和包被,包含体的沉积过程以及相伴随的细胞病变。  相似文献   

The cytological pattern of infection of a host pseudomonad with PM2, a lipid-containing bacterial virus, was investigated by electron microscopy. Normal and infected cells frequently contain a myelin figure, which is found in the nucleoid region or at the periphery of the cell. The most striking finding in this investigation was that completed virions are found in the cell adjacent to or in association with the cytoplasmic membrane. This localization is precise; virions are not found elsewhere in infected cells. The completed virions occasionally appear to be attached to the cytoplasmic membrane. The virus contains a darkly staining core surrounded by a tripartite envelope of a thickness of approximately 70 A, which is identical to the thickness of the cytoplasmic membrane. Lysing cells appear to undergo extensive damage of the cytoplasmic membrane prior to rupture of the L layer of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Domestic poultry serve as intermediates for transmission of influenza A virus from the wild aquatic bird reservoir to humans, resulting in influenza outbreaks in poultry and potential epidemics/pandemics among human beings. To combat emerging avian influenza virus, an inexpensive, heat-stable, and orally administered influenza vaccine would be useful to vaccinate large commercial poultry flocks and even migratory birds. Our hypothesized vaccine is a recombinant attenuated bacterial strain able to mediate production of attenuated influenza virus in vivo to induce protective immunity against influenza. Here we report the feasibility and technical limitations toward such an ideal vaccine based on our exploratory study. Five 8-unit plasmids carrying a chloramphenicol resistance gene or free of an antibiotic resistance marker were constructed. Influenza virus was successfully generated in avian cells transfected by each of the plasmids. The Salmonella carrier was engineered to allow stable maintenance and conditional release of the 8-unit plasmid into the avian cells for recovery of influenza virus. Influenza A virus up to 107 50% tissue culture infective doses (TCID50)/ml were recovered from 11 out of 26 co-cultures of chicken embryonic fibroblasts (CEF) and Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells upon infection by the recombinant Salmonella carrying the 8-unit plasmid. Our data prove that a bacterial carrier can mediate generation of influenza virus by delivering its DNA cargoes into permissive host cells. Although we have made progress in developing this Salmonella influenza virus vaccine delivery system, further improvements are necessary to achieve efficient virus production, especially in vivo.  相似文献   

A short model genome RNA and also the genome RNA of influenza A virus bearing both 5′- and 3′-terminal common sequences activated the interferon-induced double-stranded-RNA-dependent protein kinase, PKR, by stimulating autophosphorylation in vitro. The activated PKR catalyzed phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eucaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α). The NS1 protein efficiently eliminated the PKR-activating activity of these RNAs by binding to them. Two mutant NS1 proteins, each harboring a single amino acid substitution at different regions, exhibited temperature sensitivity in their RNA binding activity in the mutant virus-infected cell lysates as well as when they were prepared as fusion proteins expressed in bacteria. The virus strains carrying these mutant NS1 proteins exhibited temperature sensitivity in virus protein synthesis at the translational level, as reported previously, and could not repress the autophosphorylation of PKR developing during the virus growth, which is normally suppressed by a viral function(s). As a result, the level of eIF2α phosphorylation was elevated 2.5- to 3-fold. The defect in virus protein synthesis was well correlated with the level of phosphorylation of PKR and eIF2α.  相似文献   

Proteins of Avian Tumor Viruses with Different Coat Antigens   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Isoelectric focusing of avian tumor viruses with distinct type-specific envelope antigens demonstrated no differences in isoelectric points. Viruses with different type-specific antigens were found to contain different glycoprotein components when virion proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

HEPES诱导增强HFRS病毒对Vero—E6细胞的致细胞病变作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了HEPES诱导增强HFRS病毒对Vero-E_6细胞的致细胞病变作用。病毒悬浮接种E_6细胞,置37℃培养2—8天后在培养液中加适量HEPES,24小时内即见明显的细胞病变出现。细胞病变的特点是感染细胞相互融合形成多核巨细胞或网状结构,有时则出现泡沫样的空泡结构。HEPES诱导增强的细胞病变能被特异抗HFRS病毒免疫血清和单克隆抗体等中和抑制。HEPES的这一特性对建立简便的HFRS病毒实验方法等具有较大的意义。  相似文献   

PART of the evidence which indicates that RNA tumour viruses replicate through a DNA intermediate1 was the detection of DNA which is complementary to the viral RNA in leukaemic cells transformed by avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV)2 and in cells transformed in vitro by avian sarcoma viruses, Schmidt-Ruppin (SR-RSV) and B-77 (ref. 3). If this DNA serves as a template for the viral RNA, it must be a copy of the entire viral genome. One of the necessary requirements for this function is that the homologous DNA has the same nucleotide composition as the viral RNA. In this study, the average base composition of the RNA which had been hybridized to homologous DNA from transformed cells was compared with the base composition of the input viral RNA. Two experimental conditions had to be met: (1) the recovery of all the ribonucleotides which had been hybridized and (2) the absence of partially hybridized ribonucleotide sequences. The first requirement called for the deletion of the treatment of DNA-RNA hybrids with pancreatic ribonuclease fraction A and ribonuclease T1 which had been used in our previous experiments because such a treatment can cause the non-random loss of hybridized nucleotides4. The second requirement called for a hybridization and washing procedure in which only specifically hybridized ribonucleotide sequences would remain bound to the filters. Both of these conditions were met by using fragmented viral RNA and a modified washing procedure which excluded the use of ribonuclease. The results show that the average nucleotide composition of the hybridized RNA is identical to that of the input viral RNA.  相似文献   

To analyze the compatibility of avian influenza A virus hemagglutinins (HAs) and human influenza A virus matrix (M) proteins M1 and M2, we doubly infected Madin-Darby canine kidney cells with amantadine (1-aminoadamantane hydrochloride)-resistant human viruses and amantadine-sensitive avian strains. By using antisera against the human virus HAs and amantadine, we selected reassortants containing the human virus M gene and the avian virus HA gene. In our system, high virus yields and large, well-defined plaques indicated that the avian HAs and the human M gene products could cooperate effectively; low virus yields and small, turbid plaques indicated that cooperation was poor. The M gene products are among the primary components that determine the species specificities of influenza A viruses. Therefore, our system also indicated whether the avian HA genes effectively reassorted into the genome and replaced the HA gene of the prevailing human influenza A viruses. Most of the avian HAs that we tested efficiently cooperated with the M gene products of the early human A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) virus; however, the avian HAs did not effectively cooperate with the most recently isolated human virus that we tested, A/Nanchang/933/95 (H3N2). Cooperation between the avian HAs and the M proteins of the human A/Singapore/57 (H2N2) virus was moderate. These results suggest that the currently prevailing human influenza A viruses might have lost their ability to undergo antigenic shift and therefore are unable to form new pandemic viruses that contain an avian HA, a finding that is of great interest for pandemic planning.  相似文献   

The isolation of viruses from infected plant material by a process termed electro-extraction appeared to be a convenient and simple method of obtaining viruses in a fair state of purity. The method has the advantage over the conventional methods of virus purification that the infected plant tissue is not disintegrated and that organic solvents such as chloroform and butanol are avoided. The procedure used was demonstrated on the extraction of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) from infected tobacco and turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV) from Chinese cabbage plants. To obtain the virus it was found advisable to freeze and thaw the plants prior to extraction.  相似文献   

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