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Ethanol, in concentrations that affect growth and fermentation rates (3 to 10% [vol/vol]), activated in vivo the plasma membrane ATPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The maximal value for this activated enzyme in cells grown with 6 to 8% (vol/vol) ethanol was three times higher than the basal level (in cells grown in the absence of ethanol). The Km values for ATP, the pH profiles, and the sensitivities to orthovanadate of the activated and the basal plasma membrane ATPases were virtually identical. A near-equivalent activation was also observed when cells grown in the absence of ethanol were incubated for 15 min in the growth medium with ethanol. The activated state was preserved after the extraction from the cells of the membrane fraction, and cycloheximide appeared to prevent this in vivo activation. After ethanol removal, the rapid in vivo reversion of ATPase activation was observed. While inducing the in vivo activation of plasma membrane ATPase, concentrations of ethanol equal to and greater than 3% (vol/vol) also inhibited this enzyme in vitro. The possible role of the in vivo activation of the plasma membrane proton-pumping ATPase in the development of ethanol tolerance by this fermenting yeast was discussed.  相似文献   

We isolated a large number of mutations in the structural gene for the plasma membrane ATPase (PMA1) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These mutations were selected by their resistance to the aminoglycoside antibiotic hygromycin B. Biochemical analysis of purified membrane preparations showed that the plasma membrane ATPase activity of the mutants was reduced as much as 75%. Intragenic complementation of pma1 mutants suggested that the yeast plasma membrane ATPase was a multimeric enzyme. The pma1 mutants were apparently defective in maintaining internal pH; more than half of the mutants were unable to grow either at a low pH or in the presence of a weak acid. Most pma1 mutants were also osmotic pressure sensitive. At a very low temperature (5 degrees C) many pma1 mutants were unable to grow and were arrested as unbudded cells. The three most severely affected mutants were also unable to grow in the presence of NH4+. The most extreme mutant exhibited a severe defect in progression through the cell cycle; on synthetic medium, the cells progressively accumulated nucleus-containing small buds that generally failed to complete bud enlargement and cytokinesis. Most of the pleiotropic phenotypes of pma1 mutants could be suppressed by the addition of 50 mM KCl but not NaCl to the medium.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane ATPase activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae IGC 3507III grown in the presence of the lipophilic acid octanoic acid [4-50 mg l-1 (0.03-0.35 mM), pH 4.0] was 1.5-fold higher than that in cells grown in its absence. The Km for ATP, the pH profile and the sensitivity to orthovanadate of the basal and the activated forms of the membrane ATPase were identical. This activation was closely associated with a decrease in the biomass yield and an increase in the ethanol yield, and was rapidly reversed in vivo after removal of the acid. However, the activated level was preserved when membranes were extracted and subjected to manipulations which eliminated or decreased octanoic acid incorporation in the plasma membrane. The activity of the basal plasma membrane ATPase in the total membrane fraction was slightly increased by incubation at pH 6.5 with octanoic acid at 100 mg l-1 or less (2.4 mg acid form plus 97.6 mg octanoate ion l-1). However, destruction of the permeability barrier between the enzyme and its substrate could not explain the in vivo activation. A role for plasma membrane ATPase activation in the regulation of the intracellular pH (pHi) of cells grown with octanoic acid was not proven.  相似文献   

Characterization of the plasma membrane ATPase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1. The distribution of ATPase and several marker enzymes was examined after differential and sucrose gradient centrifugation of yeast homogenates. 2. An ATPase activity not sensitive to oligomycin is found exclusively associated with a particulate fraction equilibrating at densities of 1.23-1.25. This particulate material shows the chemical and enzymatic characteristics of the yeast plasma membrane. 3. The pH optimum of the plasma membrane ATPase is 5.6, as compared with 8.5 for the mitochondrial ATPase. In addition to oligomycin, the enzyme is not sensitive to other inhibitors of the mitochondrial ATPase as azide, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide and the mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor protein. It is inhibited by p-chloromercuryphenyl sulfonate, fluoride, quercetin and by the antibiotic Dio-9 but is not affected by ouabain. 4. The plasma membrane ATPase shows a high affinity for ATP (Km = 0.1 mM) and is very specific for this compound, hydrolyzing other nucleotide triphosphates less than 25% as rapidly. No activity was detected with ADP. 5. The enzyme requires a divalent cation for activity and Mg2+ is the most effective. It is not significantly stimulated by K+ or bicarbonate and Ca2+ is inhibitory. 6. The activity cannot be assayed in intact cells unless they are permeabilized with toluene. This suggest that the active site is on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane H+-ATPase isoforms with increased H+/ATP ratios represent a desirable asset in yeast metabolic engineering. In vivo proton coupling of two previously reported Pma1p isoforms (Ser800Ala, Glu803Gln) with increased in vitro H+/ATP stoichiometries was analysed by measuring biomass yields of anaerobic maltose-limited chemostat cultures expressing only the different PMA1 alleles. In vivo H+/ATP stoichiometries of wildtype Pma1p and the two isoforms did not differ significantly.  相似文献   

Activation of plasma membrane ATPase by the addition of glucose was examined in several cell division cycle mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The start mutant carrying the cdc25 mutation was shown to be defective in ATPase activation at the restrictive temperature. Genetic analysis showed that lack of growth and defective activation of ATPase at the restrictive temperature were caused by the same mutation. It was also found that CDC25 does not map at the same locus as the structural gene of plasma membrane ATPase (PMA1). We conclude that the product of CDC25 controls the activation of ATPase.  相似文献   

The reaction of plasma membrane ATPase from yeast with Mg2+ and Mg X ATP was studied in a temperature range of 10-30 degrees C. The random mechanism of activation by Mg2+ and the pseudocompetitive inhibition at higher concentrations was not altered when the temperature was varied, nor were the kinetic constants representing substrate binding. However, at low temperature, the affinity of the enzyme for Mg2+ is greatly reduced. The Arrhenius plot of log V vs. 1/T shows straight lines with an inflection point at 24 degrees C, which disappears in the presence of detergent. Calorimetric studies of the plasma membranes show a transition point at the same temperature. From these findings we suppose that Mg2+ is bound at a regulatory site of the ATPase, which is influenced by surrounding phospholipids.  相似文献   

Yeast plasma membrane ATPase is activated during nitrogen starvation when a fermentable substrate is present. This activation is due to changes in the Vmax and it is irreversible, independent of protein synthesis and apparently triggered by a decrease in the intracellular pH. It is shown that the ATPase regulatory domain implicated in the activation by fermentable carbon sources is also implicated in activation by nitrogen starvation and by external acidification.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a major intracellular degradative pathway that is involved in various human diseases. The role of autophagy, however, is complex; although the process is generally considered to be cytoprotective, it can also contribute to cellular dysfunction and disease progression. Much progress has been made in our understanding of autophagy, aided in large part by the identification of the autophagy-related (ATG) genes. Nonetheless, our understanding of the molecular mechanism remains limited. In this study, we generated a Saccharomyces cerevisiae multiple-knockout strain with 24 ATG genes deleted, and we used it to carry out an in vivo reconstitution of the autophagy pathway. We determined minimum requirements for different aspects of autophagy and studied the initial protein assembly steps at the phagophore assembly site. In vivo reconstitution enables the study of autophagy within the context of the complex regulatory networks that control this process, an analysis that is not possible with an in vitro system.  相似文献   

The isolation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae plasma membrane was carried out after hypotonic lysis of yeast protoplasts treated with concanavalin A by two independent methods: a, at low speed centrifugation and b, at high speed centrifugation in a density gradient. Several techniques (electron microscopic, enzymic, tagging, etc.) were used to ascertain the degree of purification of the plasma membranes obtained. The low speed centrifugation technique as compared with the other method gave a higher yield of plasma membranes with a similar degree of purification. Analysis of the yeast plasma membrane of normally growing cells by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed at least 25 polypeptide bands. Twelve glycoprotein bands were also found, and their apparent molecular weights were determined. Treatment of the protoplasts with cycloheximide resulted in a significant decrease in the carbohydrate and protein content of the plasma membrane. The electrophoretic pattern of the plasma membrane of cycloheximide-treated cells showed a redistribution of the relative amounts of each protein band and a drastic reduction in the number of Schiff-positive bands. The isoelectric point of the most abundant proteins was low (pI 4) or lower than expected from previous data. A large part of the mannosyl transferase activity found in the cell (80%) was associated with the internal membranes, the remaining activity (20%) was located in the plasma membrane preparation. Part of the mannosyl transferase activity of the cells is located at the plasma membrane surface. Invertase (an external mannoprotein) is found in both the plasma and internal membranes, and as the specific activity dropped significantly following cycloheximide treatment of the cells, it is suggested that these membranes systems are the structures for the glycosylation of a precursor invertase and its subsequent release into the periplasmic space. Other transferase found in the plasma membrane preparation transfers glucose residues from UDPglucose to a poly(alpha(1 leads to 4) polymer identified as glycogen.  相似文献   

RNA-dependent ATPase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new RNA-dependent ATPase has been isolated from yeast chromatin extracts and partially characterized. The protein has a sedimentation coefficient of about 7 S. The enzyme hydrolyzes specifically ATP (or dATP) to ADP (or dADP) and Pi in the presence of Mg2+ or Mn2+ ions and requires a single-stranded polynucleotide as cofactor. The order of efficiency of synthetic polymers is poly(rU) > poly(rI) greater than or equal to poly(dU) > poly(rA) greater than or equal to poly(rC). Among natural polymers, single-stranded DNA and poly(rA)-containing mRNA from yeast are also active but less so than poly(rU). The enzyme exhibits a pH optimum of 8 and is fully inhibited by 0.25 M NaCl. The Km for ATP is0.2 mM. The resemblance between this ATPase and DNA-dependent ATPases from other sources, as well as the termination factor rho, is discussed.  相似文献   

Transport of succinate into Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells was determined using the endogenous coupled mitochondrial succinate oxidase system. The dependence of succinate oxidation rate on the substrate concentration was a curve with saturation. At neutral pH the K(m) value of the mitochondrial "succinate oxidase" was fivefold less than that of the cellular "succinate oxidase". O-Palmitoyl-L-malate, not penetrating across the plasma membrane, completely inhibited cell respiration in the presence of succinate but not glucose or pyruvate. The linear inhibition in Dixon plots indicates that the rate of succinate oxidation is limited by its transport across the plasmalemma. O-Palmitoyl-L-malate and L-malate were competitive inhibitors (the K(i) values were 6.6 +/- 1.3 microM and 17.5 +/- 1.1 mM, respectively). The rate of succinate transport was also competitively inhibited by the malonate derivative 2-undecyl malonate (K(i) = 7.8 +/- 1.2 microM) but not phosphate. Succinate transport across the plasma membrane of S. cerevisiae is not coupled with proton transport, but sodium ions are necessary. The plasma membrane of S. cerevisiae is established to have a carrier catalyzing the transport of dicarboxylates (succinate and possibly L-malate and malonate).  相似文献   

1. Plasma membrane preparations have been isolated from spheroplasts of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, strain R XII, via lysis and subsequent differential centrifugation. These preparations are almost devoid of mitochondrial contamination. 2. The plasma membrane ATPase is fairly stable when refrigerated, but loses activity at 8 degrees C and above. Below pH 5.6 the ATPase is irreversibly inactivated. The enzyme also splits GTP and ITP, although to a lesser extent. 3. Mg2+-ions are essential as part of the reactive substrate, MgATP, and furthermore they activate the ATPase. Optimal conditions depend on substrate concentration. When the concentration of free Mg2+ ions exceeds about 0.1 mM, competitive inhibition occurs. 4. In the range of pH 5.6-9.2 two functional groups dissociate. One, with pKb = 8.1 +/- 0.1 participated in substrate binding and another one with pKb' = 8.1 +/- 0.1 is involved in substrate splitting. 5. The experiments with group-specific inhibitors suggest that an alpha-amino group and a sulfhydryl residue are involved in substrate binding and conversion. Furthermore, imidazole, tryptophan and carboxyl residues may be important for the catalytic process.  相似文献   

In this work, we show that glucose-induced activation of plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is strongly dependent on calcium metabolism and that the glucose sensor Snf3p works in a parallel way with the G protein Gpa2p in the control of the pathway. The role of Snf3p is played by the Snf3p C-terminal tail, since in a strain with the deletion of the SNF3 gene, but also expressing a chimera protein formed by Hxt1p (a glucose transporter) and the Snf3p C-terminal tail, a normal glucose-activation process can be observed. We present evidences indicating that Snf3p would be the sensor for the internal signal (phosphorylated sugars) of this pathway that would connect calcium signaling and activation of the plasma membrane ATPase. We also show that Snf3p could be involved in the control of Pmc1p activity that would regulate the calcium availability in the cytosol.  相似文献   

Yeast plasma membrane vesicles were obtained by the fusion of liposomes with purified yeast membranes by means of the freeze thaw-sonication technique. Beef heart mitochondria cytochrome-c oxidase was incorporated into the vesicles. Addition of substrate (ascorbate/TMPD/cytochrome c) generated a membrane potential negative inside, and an alkaline pH gradient inside the vesicle, that served as the driving force for leucine transport. Both delta pH and delta psi could drive leucine transport. When delta pH was increased in the presence of valinomycin and potassium, at the expense of delta psi, leucine uptake increased by 10%.  相似文献   

In the present study, the glucose transport into the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been investigated. The approach suggested is based on a rapid sampling technique for studying the dynamic response of the yeast to rapid changes in extracellular glucose concentrations. For this purpose a concentrated glucose solution has been injected into a continuous culture at steady state growth conditions resulting in a shift of the extracellular glucose level. Samples have been taken every 5 s for determination of extracellular glucose and intracellular glucose-6-phosphate concentrations. Attempts to fit the experimental observations with simulations from existing models failed. The mechanism then proposed is based on a facilitated diffusion of glucose superimposed by an inhibition of glucose-6-phosphate. The use of the so-called in vivo approach suggested in this article appears to be proper, because the investigations can be performed at defined physiological states of the microbial cultures. Furthermore, the experimental observations are not being corrupted by the preparation of the samples for the transport studies as it happens during radioactive measurements. (c) 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Although chromosome condensation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been widely studied, visualization of this process in vivo has not been achieved. Using Lac operator sequences integrated at two loci on the right arm of chromosome IV and a Lac repressor-GFP fusion protein, we were able to visualize linear condensation of this chromosome arm during G2/M phase. As previously determined in fixed cells, condensation in yeast required the condensin complex. Not seen after fixation of cells, we found that topoisomerase II is required for linear condensation. Further analysis of perturbed mitoses unexpectedly revealed that condensation is a transient state that occurs before anaphase in budding yeast. Blocking anaphase progression by activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint caused a loss of condensation that was dependent on Mad2, followed by a delayed loss of cohesion between sister chromatids. Release of cells from spindle checkpoint arrest resulted in recondensation before anaphase onset. The loss of condensation in preanaphase-arrested cells was abrogated by overproduction of the aurora B kinase, Ipl1, whereas in ipl1-321 mutant cells condensation was prematurely lost in anaphase/telophase. In vivo analysis of chromosome condensation has therefore revealed unsuspected relationships between higher order chromatin structure and cell cycle control.  相似文献   

HO nuclease introduces a specific double-strand break in the mating-type locus (MAT) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, initiating mating-type interconversion. To define the sequence recognized by HO nuclease, random mutations were produced in a 30-base-pair region homologous to either MAT alpha or MATa by a chemical synthesis procedure. The mutant sites were introduced into S. cerevisiae on a shuttle vector and tested for the ability to stimulate recombination in an assay that mimics mating-type interconversion. The results suggest that a core of 8 noncontiguous bases near the Y-Z junction of MAT is essential for HO nuclease to bind and cleave its recognition site. Other contacts must be required because substrates that contain several mutations outside an intact core reduce or eliminate cleavage in vivo. The results show that HO site recognition is a complex phenomenon, similar to promoter-polymerase interactions.  相似文献   

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