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The American Peptide Symposium has been a forum for new research in peptide science for almost thirty years. For young scientists it has provided an opportunity to present their experimental results and to learn more about ongoing research in this rapidly changing field.The 15th American Peptide Symposium, held in Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A. in June, 1997, highlighted the research of young scientists in two ways. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows competed in the Young Investigators Poster Competition for awards for the most outstanding posters. The Young Investigators Mini-Symposium on the first day of the meeting provided an opportunity for selected young scientists to give oral presentations on their research.This special issue of Letters in Peptide Science highlights some of the results presented by young scientists as part of these two forums. The papers included exemplify the diversity of research in peptide science, from synthetic methodology to peptide structure to novel peptide design and biological activity. The outstanding quality of the research performed by these young scientists shows our field will be in good hands for the years to come.  相似文献   

The Young section of the International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (= Young ISHAM), was established for connecting young scientists and representing their needs within the society. Discussing practical issues and providing support helps especially PhD student dealing with ups and downs in science. We are developing resources related to scientific publishing and reviewing, publishing ethics, funding and grant application skills, career building, and presentation techniques. Young ISHAM will help younger scientists in all aspects of their scientific career, to ensure that a new generation of medical mycologists is prepared to engage with the challenges within our field.  相似文献   

There is tremendous disparity in scientific productivity among nations, particularly in Latin America. At first sight, this could be linked to the relative economic health of the different countries of the region, but even large and relatively rich Latin American countries do not produce a good level of science. Although Latin America has increased the number of its scientists and research institutions in recent years, the gap between developed countries and Latin American countries is startling. The prime importance of science and technology to the development of a nation remains unacknowledged. The major factors contributing to low scientific productivity are the limited access to grant opportunities, inadequate budgets, substandard levels of laboratory infrastructure and equipment, the high cost and limited supply of reagents, and inadequate salaries and personal insecurity of scientists. The political and economic instability in several Latin America countries results in a lack of long-term goals that are essential to the development of science. In Latin America, science is not an engine of the economy. Most equipment and supplies are imported, and national industries are not given the incentives to produce these goods at home. It is a pity that Latin American society has become accustomed to expect new science and technological developments to come from developed countries rather than from their own scientists. In this article, we present a critical view of the Latin American investigator’s daily life, particularly in the area of biomedicine. Too many bright young minds continue to leave Latin America for developed countries, where they are very successful. However, we still have many enthusiastic young graduates who want to make a career in science and contribute to society. Governments need to improve the status of science for the sake of these young graduates who represent the intellectual and economic future of their countries.  相似文献   

In September 2013, graduate students from the Yale Immunobiology Department hosted the second Yale Immunobiology Student Symposium. It was an eclectic and thought-provoking event that encouraged scientists to think outside the box both in their research and in their endeavors outside of the laboratory. The speakers ranged from a government representative to a New York Times science journalist and included four research scientists at the cutting-edge in their field. Speakers discussed their current research, from the role of our gut microbiota in causing colorectal cancers to the biochemical modifications in histone tails that give rise to our unique human biology. The overarching message was to let scientists, especially those of the younger generation, know how to approach, think, and talk about science.  相似文献   

Human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and HTLV-2 were among the first human retroviruses discovered in the early 1980's. The International Retrovirology Association is an organized effort that fostered the efforts of scientists and clinicians to form interdisciplinary groups to study this group of retroviruses and their related diseases. The Association promotes excellent science, patient education, and fosters the training of young scientists to promote "bench-to-bedside" research. The International Conference on Human Retrovirology: HTLV and Related Viruses sponsored by the Association supports clinicians and researchers in the exchange of research findings and stimulation of new research directions. This years conference will be held from June 22 to 25, in Montego Bay, Jamaica http://www.htlvconference.org.jm/. Since its inception in 1988, these conferences have provided a highly interactive forum for the global community of HTLV scientists. This is of particular importance as HTLV research enters its third decade and a new generation of scientists takes over this important work. Many of the scientists attending the meeting will be from developing countries where HTLV is endemic, consistent with the history of international collaborations that have characterized HTLV research. The International Conference on Human Retrovirology provides a unique opportunity for researchers of all disciplines interested in HTLV infections to meet their peers and to address the questions facing clinicians and scientists who study retroviruses, like HTLV.  相似文献   

The third Young Microbiologists Symposium took place on the vibrant campus of the University of Dundee, Scotland, from the 2nd to 3rd of June 2014. The symposium attracted over 150 microbiologists from 17 different countries. The significant characteristic of this meeting was that it was specifically aimed at providing a forum for junior scientists to present their work. The meeting was supported by the Society for General Microbiology and the American Society for Microbiology, with further sponsorship from the European Molecular Biology Organization, the Federation of European Microbiological Societies, and The Royal Society of Edinburgh. In this report, we highlight some themes that emerged from the many exciting talks and poster presentations given by the young and talented microbiologists in the area of microbial gene expression, regulation, biogenesis, pathogenicity, and host interaction.  相似文献   

Look who's talking too: graduates developing skills through communication   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Greater opportunities for young scientists to present their doctoral research to large general audiences will encourage development of transferable skills and involvement in the scientific community. We look at ways students communicate their research and explore the benefits of student-led meetings. The organization of the first Sanger-Cambridge Ph.D. Symposium provides an example of how students can act to establish forums for their work and we call on other young scientists to do the same.  相似文献   

祁栋灵  陶忠良  孙瑞  谢贵水  吴志祥 《生态学报》2016,36(10):3123-3125
为探讨生态学最新前沿和进展,加强青年生态学科技工作者之间的交流与合作。 2015年11月28-30日在海南大学举行了以“加强合作研究,服务地方发展”为主题的2015年海南省生态学会青年科技工作者学术研讨会,有22位生态学领域的科技工作者做了大会报告,内容涵盖了森林生态系统固碳功能、热带云雾林群落生态学、动物寄生行为生态、道路生态、热带植物的分布与进化、生物多样性、生态恢复、环境生态承载力、生态友好行社区建设模式、生态系统生理学、海洋生态风险评估等。  相似文献   

Despite national guidelines to reform K-12 science education, our students are not learning science any better. Conducted under the auspices of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, a symposium examined several programs where professional scientists interact with classroom teachers to improve science education. Symposium participants described their projects and discussed the factors that contribute or detract from each project's success. The events of this symposium are critically analyzed. Four themes emerged as issues that affect the successful implementation and continuation of science education reform projects: scientific literacy as a primary goal, personal characteristics and commitment of project partners, curricular change built on social and developmental goals, and the incentive/reward structures in universities and school systems. This review of the emergent themes places the opinions of the symposium participants into the larger context of a growing science education research literature to inform others about synergy between professional scientists and classroom teachers. Our aim is to help others learn about the characteristics of effective partnerships to improve science education.  相似文献   

The long-awaited European Research Council (ERC), which receives money from the research budget of the European Union and will finance fundamental science for Europe's scientists, has finally been established. With a focus on excellence, calls for both young and experienced scientists and an average budget of \[euro]1 billion per year, the ERC will have the opportunity to give basic research in Europe a significant boost.  相似文献   

As we strive to lift up a diversity of voices in science, it is important for ecologists, evolutionary scientists, and educators to foster inclusive environments in their research and teaching. Academics in science often lack exposure to research on best practices in diversity, equity, and inclusion and may not know where to start to make scientific environments more welcoming and inclusive. We propose that by approaching research and teaching with empathy, flexibility, and a growth mind‐set, scientists can be more supportive and inclusive of their colleagues and students. This paper provides guidance, explores strategies, and directs scientists to resources to better cultivate an inclusive environment in three common settings: the classroom, the research laboratory, and the field. As ecologists and evolutionary scientists, we have an opportunity to adapt our teaching and research practices in order to foster an inclusive educational ecosystem for students and colleagues alike.  相似文献   

The purpose of this workshop was to bring together scientists from the EU and US to discuss our current understanding of how protein machines assemble and sort through genomic DNA to identify specific damaged sites which are repaired through the two critical repair pathways: nucleotide excision repair or interstrand crosslink repair. Several of the enzymes perform dual functions in both pathways, thus combining these two topics in one meeting provided tremendous synergy and was a unique feature of this workshop. Many endogenous agents, environmental toxicants and chemotherapeutic agents cause a spectrum of DNA lesions that are repaired through these two mechanisms. The importance of the repair pathways acting on these forms of DNA damage is underscored by the fact that their loss or dysregulation is associated with a variety of devastating heritable human conditions including cancer, neurodegeneration, premature aging and severe developmental abnormalities. The workshop covered research conducted on molecules to mankind, and included discussions of disease syndromes associated with poor repair of these forms of damage. The meeting also provided an unparalleled opportunity to interact with scientists from the EU, US, and throughout the world, who are driving the field.  相似文献   

At the 5th Annual meeting of the International Cytokine and Interferon Society held in Kanazawa, Japan from Oct. 29–Nov. 2 2017, new research was presented in the broad field of cytokine and interferon research. The meeting provided an outstanding platform for investigators in basic science and clinical research to communicate, share and discuss their recent findings in this fast moving area of research.  相似文献   

What is more inspiring than a discussion with the leading scientists in your field? As a student or a young researcher, you have likely been influenced by mentors guiding you in your career and leading you to your current position. Any discussion with or advice from an expert is certainly very helpful for young people. But how often do we have the opportunity to meet experts? Do we make the most out of these situations? Meetings organized for young scientists are a great opportunity not only for the attendees: they are an opportunity for experts to meet bright students and learn from them in return. In this article, we introduce several successful events organized by Regional Student Groups all around the world, bridging the gap between experts and young scientists. We highlight how rewarding it is for all participants: young researchers, experts, and organizers. We then discuss the various benefits and emphasize the importance of organizing and attending such meetings. As a young researcher, seeking mentorship and additional skills training is a crucial step in career development. Keep in mind that one day, you may be an inspiring mentor, too.  相似文献   

I trace how the American Society for Cell Biology became a strong political advocate for the scientific community. I celebrate how good leadership and an effective staff enabled its energetic volunteer organization to have an impact, but I also ask how the effort can be made more successful.Many scientists take for granted that their scientific societies advocate for the well being of their individual members and the health of science. However, advocacy is a relatively recent development that emerged over the past two decades. Advocacy is essential in a democracy because science competes for taxpayer dollars with every other activity supported by the federal government. Advocacy is also important to ensure that lawmakers adopt sensible policies. I review how the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and its allies learned how to fulfill this obligation, and I ask the reader to join the effort. The objective of these advocacy efforts is to influence political decisions through education and information, but the efforts by scientific societies are completely nonpartisan. Support from both political parties is essential to meet our goals.During the 1970s and 1980s biomedical scientists discussed federal funding and public policies that affected our science. Each year the public policy staff of the Federation of Societies of Experimental Biology (FASEB) helped member societies reach a consensus recommendation on the level of federal funding for the biosciences. However, we tended to talk to ourselves because we lacked effective ways to communicate with politicians or the outside world. For the most part we relegated the responsibility for advocacy to medical school deans and presidents of research universities. Their professional associations—the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the Association of American Universities (AAU)—generally did a reasonable job of representing the interests of the scientists who worked at their schools.  相似文献   

RNA research is alive and well. The joyride for those studying the biochemistry and molecular biology of RNA continues, although perhaps not at the thrill-a-month pace of recent years. The Keystone Symposium provided an opportunity to gain deeper insight into RNA-based biological phenomena by attempting to place current research in an evolutionary context. In this sense the meeting was an unqualified success. The meeting participants, having been warmed by the New Mexico sun and the chile-laden cuisine, now return to their laboratories determined to pursue not only the details of RNA biochemistry and molecular biology, but also the evolutionary implications of their work.  相似文献   

This paper presents the main subjects discussed in the round-table: "Educational Base for Biomedical Research", during the International Symposium on Biomedical Research in the 21st century; two main aspects will be focused: (1) the importance of popularizing science in order to stimulate comprehension of the scientific process and progress, their critical thinking, citizenship and social commitment, mainly in the biomedical area, considering the new advances of knowledge and the resulting technology; (2) the importance to stimulate genuine scientific vocation among young people, by giving them opportunity to early experience scientific environment, through the hands of well prepared master in a humanistic atmosphere.  相似文献   

Calls for accountability and ‘impactful’ research are fundamentally reshaping the academy, giving rise to a large, critical scholarship on neoliberal regimes of accountability and their pernicious effects. But these calls also animate other institutional forms and practices that have received less critical attention. These include new forms of science that promise accountability through interdisciplinarity, collaborating with stakeholders, and addressing real‐world problems. This article considers one example of such accountable science: human dimensions of climate change field research. This research endeavour has produced surprising results, including the uncritical adoption of controversial Euro‐American ideas about traditional Others. In exploring how this has come about, the article considers how theoretical and disciplinary diversity are managed within this arena, and the organizing logics that enable climate sciences and scientists to work together. We ultimately argue that accountable science – like other neoliberal modes of accountability – can produce outcomes for which no one can be held to account.  相似文献   

The French Ion Channel society has existed since 1989 and its main goal is to annually organize a scientific meeting. This meeting, which gathers young and senior French scientists, provides a great opportunity for the exchange and interaction among the ion channel research community. Additionally, for many years, the French ion channel meeting has attracted a significant number of scientists from different European countries, elevating the discussion of new insights and advances, as well as aiding in the establishment of collaborations. In this report, we summarize the five symposia selected for their novelty and importance in human channelopathies, neuroplasticity, ion channel regulations, intracellular ion channels and plant physiology.  相似文献   

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