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Injections of large amounts (around 20 μg) of ecdysterone and of Cecropia C17-juvenile hormone or its bio-analogue 6,7-epoxygeranyl 3,4-methylendioxyphenyl ether into a pupa of Tenebrio molitor may inhibit the apolysis and cuticle secretion. Some of the treated insects secrete a new cuticle only locally, others do not even undergo apolysis although they survive until the controls ecdyse as adults. The development of internal organs is also hindered. These results are tentatively explained in terms of a mutually antagonistic action of the two hormones on nucleic acid synthesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of testosterone treatment on the pattern of prostate cell proliferation and differentiation and their correlation with the expression of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta). Prostate gland development was compared in intact immature dogs with one-month testosterone-treated immature dogs. Testosterone treatment resulted in a tenfold increase in prostate gland weight compared to untreated dogs, with a typical organization of the gland into a structure similar to that observed in mature dogs. The narrow acini which contain flat basal cells in immature glands were transformed into tubuloacinar structures containing columnar secretory cells and basal cells. The stromal compartments showed an increase in the muscular component as evidenced by the high reactivity to alpha-actin with no remarkable changes in the vimentin expression. In addition, testosterone treatment induced a significant reduction in the proliferation capacity of stromal cells but with no noticeable changes in the proliferation pattern of epithelial cells. These changes in the prostate are associated with a twofold decrease in TGF-beta mRNA expression as assessed by Real-Time PCR. However, the immunolocalization of TGF-beta was shifted slightly from the epithelial cells in untreated animals to the stromal cells of treated animals. Based on these results it appears that testosterone acts to coordinate prostatic cell proliferation and differentiation and direct their organization into a structure resembling that of the mature gland. The testosterone regulation of the prostate gland appears to involve the regulation of TGF-beta gene expression.  相似文献   

The regulation of rat luteinizing hormone (rLH) bioactivity was studied in an in vitro system using isolated pituitaries from male rats. Stored and released rLH was evaluated in terms of mass (I-LH), bioactivity (B-LH), mobility in nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis, and mannose and sulfate incorporation either in the presence or absence of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). GnRH increased the biological potency of stored and released rLH. The pituitary content revealed seven I-LH species (pH 7.2, 7.8, 8.5, 9.0, 9.1, 9.3, and 9.7) and five B-LH species (pH 8.5, 9.0, 9.2, 9.4, and 9.7). The major I-LH and B-LH peaks were at pH 9.0 and 9.2, respectively. I-LH peaks at pH 7.2 and 7.8 are devoid of bioactivity; at these pH values, free rLH subunits are detectable. GnRH increases the amount of both I-LH and B-LH material secreted into the medium, and the major component migrates at pH 8.5 and is probably the alpha beta dimer. [3H]Mannose and [35S]sulfate can be incorporated into stored and released rLH (pH 7.2, 7.8, 9.0, 9.1, and 9.3 and 7.2, 7.8, 8.5, and 9.0, respectively). GnRH decreases [2-3H]mannose incorporation into secreted rLH. [35S]Sulfate was incorporated into I-LH released spontaneously into the medium; the form at pH 7.2 has no biological activity and is probably the free alpha subunit. GnRH decreases the [35S]sulfate-labeled rLH content of the pituitary concomitantly with a 500% increase in [35S]sulfate-labeled released rLH, suggesting that, soon after [35S]sulfate is incorporated, sulfated rLH is released. Sulfatase action on released rLH reveals that sulfation may be related to release of rLH but that sulfate residues are not involved in the expression of rLH bioactivity. In conclusion, GnRH stimulates carbohydrate incorporation and processing of the oligosaccharide residues giving the highest biological potent rLH molecule and also increases sulfation; this step is closely related to the step limiting the appearance of LH in the medium in the absence of GnRH.  相似文献   

Hemicastration of Holstein bulls at 3 months of age resulted in increased (P<0.005) testicular weitht and testis sperm cell content at 330 days after treatment, but did not alter sperm cell concentration in the remaining hypertrophied testis. Radioimmuroassay of blood hormones at 1, 6, 12, and 24 weeks after treatment revealed that unilateral castration did not alter (P>0.1) basal levels or GnRH response profiles of either LH or testosterone compared to intact bulls. Hemicastration caused FSH to be elevated (P<0.01) compared to intact bulls at all sampling periods in both unstimulated and GnRH stimulated bulls. Prolactin varied with season and was greater (P<0.001) in hemicastrated bulls than in intact bulls at 1 and 6 weeks after treatment. Results indicate that unilateral castration at 3 months of age caused testicular hypertrophy of both steroidogenic and gametogenic function and this phenomena may be triggered by increased FSH or prolactin secretion, or both. Further, results indicate different testicular regulation mechanisms exist for pituitary LH and FSH release in bulls.  相似文献   

Serum and temporal gland secretions (TGS) were obtained from mature wild African (Loxodonta africana) and captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus). Samples were obtained from five cows and eight bulls culled for management purposes in Kruger National Park, South Africa, and from four females and two males residing at the Washington Park Zoo, Portland, Oregon. Our purpose was to describe the levels of the androgens, testosterone (T), and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and to correlate these observations with sex, species and behavioral status. Male-female differences in serum T were pronounced in the Asian species, whereas male and female concentrations overlapped in the African elephant serum. Serum T concentrations in African females were greater than in Asian females. Serum DHT reflected T levels, except that the striking elevation of testosterone in Asian bulls during musth was not paralleled by equal increases in DHT levels. A species difference observed among males was higher serum T levels in nonmusth Asian bulls (1.84-5.35 ng/ml) compared to the levels in African bulls (0.38-0.68 ng/ml), except for one dominant African bull (6.64 ng/ml). This single African value was still considerably lower than the serum T values of the Asian males during musth. These musth values were the highest serum androgen concentrations: T was between 19 and 40 ng/ml (average 26.10 ng/ml). The TSG values of T and DHT were much higher than serum levels except in the Asian female. T/DHT ratios in TGS were more similar than in serum. One dominant African bull had a T TGS value of 78 ng/ml, which was much higher than the rest of the African males or females, but considerably lower than as Asian bull in musth (547 ng/ml). It seems apparent that a change in androgen status as reflected in serum and TGS levels of T and DHT precedes or is concomitant with overt alteration in behavior in the Asian male. The temporal gland appears to actively concentrate androgens in both African males and females, but in the Asian male the gland secretes only during musth when the greatest concentration of both T and DHT were observed. The apparent difference in the degree of temporal gland secretory activity between the two species suggests a more specific communicative function within the Asian male.  相似文献   

The metabolism of testosterone in the uropygial gland of the quail principally results in the production of 17 alpha, 5 beta derivatives. Moreover, an unusually small amount of testosterone is converted to 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone. These results question the role played by intracellular 5 alpha-reduction in the response of the gland to testosterone stimulation.  相似文献   

Protein phosphorylation and hormone action   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Many key regulatory proteins exist in cells as either a phosphorylated or a dephosphorylated form, their steady-state levels of phosphorylation reflecting the relative activities of the protein kinases and protein phosphatases that catalyse the interconversion process. Phosphorylation of seryl or threonyl (and occasionally tyrosyl) residues triggers small conformational changes in these proteins that alter their biological properties. Hormones and other extracellular signals transmit information to the interior of the cell by activating transmembrane signalling systems that control the production of a relatively small number of chemical mediators, termed 'second messengers'. These substances regulate the activities of protein kinases and phosphatases, and so alter the phosphorylation states of many intracellular proteins, accounting for the diversity of action of hormones. In this lecture I review recent work which demonstrates that a wide variety of cellular processes are controlled by relatively few protein kinases and protein phosphatases with pleiotropic actions. These enzymes provide the basis of an interlocking network that allows extracellular signals to coordinate biochemical functions.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown in our laboratory that the hypocalcemic substances purified from the thymus have a potent lymphocyte-increasing action in mice. Then, lymphocyte-increasing activity was examined with bovine parotid gland extracts, which showed a hypocalcemic activity as potent as that of the thymus extracts. The lymphocyte-increasing activity was assayed in the littermates of neonatal mice of Swiss-Webster strain; the materials used for this experiment were purified preparations and several fractions obtained from the parotid gland extracts in the course of purification. It was found that the potency of lymphocyte-increasing activity rose approximately in parallel with the rise in hypocalcemic activity with progress in purification. The final product, which was purified from the gland by isoelectric precipitation at pH 5.4, fractional precipitation with ammonium sulfate, chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, gel filtration on Sepharose 6B and preparative disc electrophoresis, gave a single band in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Its intravenous injection in rabbits, in a dose of 10 mug/kg, produced a significant lowering in serum calcium (percent decrease 10.24 +/- 1.06%) compared with control animals given an injection of physiological saline. Intraperitoneal injection of this purified product, in a dose of 0.5 mug/mouse, in the littermates of neonatal mice, also produced a significant increase (ratio of lymphocytes to polymorphs 2.47 +/- 0.07) in lymphocytes compared with control animals injected with physiological saline (L/P ratio 1.57 +/- 0.05). These facts suggest that this purified protein fraction inherently contains both activities, but the possibility cannot be ruled out of slight contamination by a substance having a high activity. On the other hand, a fraction having no activity for lowering serum calcium but which had activity for increasing the lymphocytes was obtained. This is the first paper to report the presence of lymphocyte-increasing substances in the bovine parotid gland and the purification of one of the substances from the gland.  相似文献   

P H Chow 《Acta anatomica》1988,133(4):269-273
A study of the internal surfaces of the seminal vesicle, coagulating gland, ampullary gland and ventral prostate of the golden hamster was carried out by scanning electron microscopy. The internal surface of each of these glands was found to display characteristic features in topography and in arrangements of the microvilli. The features are useful in the identification of these glandular tissues in situ.  相似文献   

Summary Using the techniques of intraspecific in vitro activation of prothoracic glands and ring glands by serial dilutions of prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) extracts from pupalManduca sexta (Lepidoptera) and larvalSarcophaga bullata (Diptera), a dose-response of activation was observed for both species. In both species maximum activation was at 0.5 brain equivalents while the number of brain equivalents necessary for half maximal stimulation (ED50) was 0.20 forManduca and 0.15 forSarcophaga. When prothoracic glands or ring glands were challenged with interspecific PTTH extracts from a stage different from that of the gland donor, no dose-response of gland activation was observed. However, whenM. sexta larval prothoracic glands were challenged byS. bullata larval PTTH extract, activation was observed. The dose-response profile fell midway between the dose-response curves obtained for the intraspecific assays. Thus, PTTH extract from one insect has the ability to activate the prothoracic glands of an insect representing another order.  相似文献   

Okuno A  Hasegawa Y  Ohira T  Nagasawa H 《Peptides》2001,22(2):175-181
Androgenic gland hormone (AGH) is known to be responsible for sex differentiation in crustaceans. The amino acid sequence of AGH-active fraction purified from androgenic glands of the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare was determined by immunoprecipitation employing three types of antibodies raised against differing parts of the amino acid sequence deduced from the putative AGH cDNA sequence. As all antibodies adsorbed AGH activity, it was confirmed that the sequence examined was that of AGH. The affinity of AGH to certain lectins indicated that AGH possesses a carbohydrate moiety, which is in agreement with the observation that AGH possesses an N-glycosylation consensus sequence.  相似文献   

Temporal changes of testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels were measured by RIA in epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle and preputial gland of adult male mice after a single injection of hCG. The response of circulating T to hCG stimulation was rapid and persisted over a period of 48 h. The temporal changes of androgen content of target organs paralleled the modifications of circulating T. In all organs the high androgen levels attained at 1 or 4 h plateaued until 24 h, decreased thereafter and returned to basal values at 72 h. The concentration of T by sex accessory organs was more accelerated by hCG injection than its conversion into DHT.  相似文献   

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