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Spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 (SCA2) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by the expansion of a CAG repeat encoding a polyglutamine tract in ataxin-2, the SCA2 gene product. The normal cellular function of ataxin-2 and the mechanism by which polyglutamine expansion of ataxin-2 causes neurodegeneration remain unknown. In this study we have used genetic and molecular approaches to investigate the function of a Drosophila homolog of the SCA2 gene (Datx2). Like human ataxin-2, Datx2 is found throughout development in a variety of tissue types and localizes to the cytoplasm. Mutations that reduce Datx2 activity or transgenic overexpression of Datx2 result in female sterility, aberrant sensory bristle morphology, loss or degeneration of tissues, and lethality. These phenotypes appear to result from actin filament formation defects occurring downstream of actin synthesis. Further studies demonstrate that Datx2 does not assemble with actin filaments, suggesting that the role of Datx2 in actin filament formation is indirect. These results indicate that Datx2 is a dosage-sensitive regulator of actin filament formation. Given that loss of cytoskeleton-dependent dendritic structure defines an early event in SCA2 pathogenesis, our findings suggest the possibility that dysregulation of actin cytoskeletal structure resulting from altered ataxin-2 activity is responsible for neurodegeneration in SCA2.  相似文献   

Evans CJ  Merriam JR  Aguilera RJ 《Gene》2002,295(1):61-70
Mammalian DNase II enzymes and the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog NUC-1 have recently been shown to be critically important during engulfment-mediated clearance of DNA. In this report, we describe the cloning and characterization of the gene encoding Drosophila DNase II. Database queries using the C. elegans NUC-1 protein sequence identified a highly homologous open reading frame in Drosophila (CG7780) that could encode a similar enzyme. Analysis of crude protein extracts revealed that wild-type Drosophila contain a potent acid endonuclease activity with cleavage preferences similar to DNase II/NUC1, while the same activity was markedly reduced in an acid DNase hypomorphic mutant line. Furthermore, the pattern of cleavage products generated from an end-labeled substrate by hypomorphic-line extracts was significantly altered in comparison to the pattern generated by wild-type extracts. Sequence analysis of CG7780 DNA and mRNA revealed that the hypomorphic line contains a missense mutation within the coding region of this gene. Additionally, Northern analysis demonstrated that CG7780 expression is normal in the mutant line, which in combination with the lowered/altered enzymatic activity and sequencing data suggested a defect in the CG7780 protein. To conclusively determine if CG7780 encoded the Drosophila equivalent of DNase II/NUC-1, transgenic lines expressing wild-type CG7780 in the mutant background were generated and subsequently shown to complement the mutant phenotype. Our results, therefore, provide compelling evidence that the predicted gene CG7780 encodes Drosophila DNase II (dDNase II), an enzyme related in sequence and activity to mammalian DNase II. Interestingly, overexpression of CG7780 both ubiquitously and in specific tissues failed to elicit any discernable phenotype.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster white gene is a member of the ABC transporter superfamily of ATPase transmembrane proteins and is involved in the cellular uptake of guanine and tryptophan. We have cloned and sequenced human and mouse homologs of white which share 55–58% amino acid similarity with the Drosophila protein. Northern analysis reveals that the mammalian homolog is highly expressed in several tissues, including brain, spleen, lung and placenta. We have localized the gene to human chromosome 21q22.3 by means of fluorescence in situ hybridization and linkage analysis using a (CA)n polymorphism. The human homolog maps to the interval between D21S212 and D21S171, a region which includes loci for bipolar affective disorder and a recessive form of deafness. Since tryptophan is a precursor for the neurotransmitter serotonin and neurotoxic metabolites of the kynurenine pathway, we propose that the human homolog of white is a suitable candidate gene for these neurological disorders in humans.  相似文献   

Lissencephaly is a severe congenital brain malformation resulting from incomplete neuronal migration. One causal gene, LIS1, is homologous to nudF, a gene required for nuclear migration in A. nidulans. We have characterized the Drosophila homolog of LIS1 (Lis1) and show that Lis1 is essential for fly development. Analysis of ovarian Lis1 mutant clones demonstrates that Lis1 is required in the germline for synchronized germline cell division, fusome integrity and oocyte differentiation. Abnormal packaging of the cysts was observed in Lis1 mutant clones. Our results indicate that LIS1 is important for cell division and differentiation and the function of the membrane cytoskeleton. They support the notion that LIS1 functions with the dynein complex to regulate nuclear migration or cell migration.  相似文献   

M Peifer  E Wieschaus 《Cell》1990,63(6):1167-1176
The Drosophila segment polarity gene armadillo is required for pattern formation within embryonic segments and imaginal discs. We have found that armadillo is highly conserved during evolution; it is 63% identical to human plakoglobin, a protein found in adhesive junctions joining epithelial and other cells. We have examined arm protein localization in a number of larval tissues and found that arm protein accumulation within cells shares many features with the accumulation of plakoglobin. We have compared the phenotype and molecular lesions responsible for the different arm mutations. Surprisingly, severely truncated proteins retain some function; the degree of function is strictly correlated with the length of the truncated protein, suggesting that the internally repetitive arm protein is modular in function. We present a possible model for the cellular role of arm.  相似文献   

Mesilaty-Gross S  Reich A  Motro B  Wides R 《Gene》1999,231(1-2):173-186
Drosophila STAM is a homolog of mammalian STAM genes, which encode Jak associated signal-transducing adapter molecules. A 20-kilobase stretch of genomic DNA at 32B on chromosome arm 2L, which contains Drosophila STAM, has been sequenced. By comparison to cDNAs isolated and characterized, this region contains four tightly clustered genes: ial, mitochondrial porin, and the two newly discovered genes, STAM and DNZ1. Like its mouse and human homologs, STAM bears SH3 and ITAM domains. DNZ1 is a founding member of a sub-family of proteins bearing a DHHC/NEW1 zinc finger domain. Although these four genes are contained in a defined Deficiency overlap interval, no available P-element mutations in the region disrupt any of the genes, and no other discrete mutations in the genes have been identified. Among the four genes, ial and STAM share a common 5' control region, suggesting coordinate expression. Developmental Northern data and embryonic and ovariole expression data show that STAM and ial expression are correlated. The other two genes in the cluster appear to be expressed at constitutive levels throughout development.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced a homolog (ht-en) to the Drosophila engrailed (en) gene from the glossiphoniid leech, Helobdella triserialis. Amino acid comparisons of the ht-en homeodomain and C-terminal residues with the corresponding residues encoded by en-class genes of other species reveal 75-79% sequence identity. In addition, the ht-en sequence appears to have a serine-rich region 16 residues C-terminal from the homeodomain, which by analogy to Drosophila may be a target site for phosphorylation. The leech gene encodes some amino acid substitutions for residues that are highly conserved in other species. These are found within the second and third of the three putative helices of the homeodomain, and in both of the intervening turn regions.  相似文献   

Respiratory chain dysfunction has been identified in several neurodegenerative disorders. In Friedreich's ataxia (FA) and Huntington's disease (HD), where the respective mutations are in nuclear genes encoding non-respiratory chain mitochondrial proteins, the defects in oxidative phosphorylation are clearly secondary. In Parkinson's disease (PD) the situation is less clear, with some evidence for a primary role of mitochondrial DNA in at least a proportion of patients. The pattern of the respiratory chain defect may provide some clue to its cause; in PD there appears to be a selective complex I deficiency; in HD and FA the deficiencies are most severe in complex II/III with a less severe defect in complex IV. Aconitase activity in HD and FA is severely decreased in brain and muscle, respectively, but appears to be normal in PD brain. Free radical generation is thought to be of importance in both HD and FA, via excitotoxicity in HD and abnormal iron handling in FA. The oxidative damage observed in PD may be secondary to the mitochondrial defect. Whatever the cause(s) and sequence of events, respiratory chain deficiencies appear to play an important role in the pathogenesis of neurodegeneration. The mitochondrial abnormalities induced may converge on the function of the mitochondrion in apoptosis. This mode of cell death is thought to play an important role in neurodegenerative diseases and it is tempting to speculate that the observed mitochondrial defects in PD, HD and FA result directly in apoptotic cell death, or in the lowering of a cell's threshold to undergo apoptosis. Clarifying the role of mitochondria in pathogenesis may provide opportunities for the development of treatments designed to reverse or prevent neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lesions in the gene for frataxin, a nuclear-encoded mitochondrial protein, cause the recessively inherited condition Friedreich's ataxia. It is thought that the condition arises from disregulation of mitochondrial iron homeostasis, with concomitant oxidative damage leading to neuronal death. Very little is, as yet, known about the biochemical function of frataxin. RESULTS: Here, we show that the mature form of recombinant frataxin behaves in solution as a monodisperse species that is composed of a 15-residue-long unstructured N terminus and an evolutionarily conserved C-terminal region that is able to fold independently. The structure of the C-terminal domain consists of a stable seven-stranded antiparallel beta sheet packing against a pair of parallel helices. The structure is compact with neither grooves nor cavities, features that are typical of iron-binding modules. Exposed evolutionarily conserved residues cover a broad area and all cluster on the beta-sheet face of the structure, suggesting that this is a functionally important surface. The effect of two clinically occurring mutations on the fold was checked experimentally. When the mature protein was titrated with iron, no tendency to iron-binding or to aggregation was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of the frataxin structure provides important guidelines as to the nature of the frataxin binding partner. The absence of all the features expected for an iron-binding activity, the large conserved area on its surface and lack of evidence for iron-binding activity strongly support an indirect involvement of frataxin in iron metabolism. The effects of point mutations associated with Friedreich's ataxia can be rationalised by knowledge of the structure and suggest possible models for the occurrence of the disease in compound heterozygous patients.  相似文献   

The Friedreich's ataxia locus has been previously assigned to chromosome 9q 13-21.1 by the demonstration of tight linkage to two anonymous DNA markers. MCT112 (Z greater than 80, theta = 0) and DR47 (Z greater than 50, theta = 0). The absence of recombination between these three loci has prevented the resolution of gene/probe order in this region, impeding strategies for gene isolation. We report physical mapping over a 4-Mb genomic interval, linking the markers MCT112 and DR47 on a common 460-kb NotI fragment and identifying 11 CpG islands in the 1.7-Mb interval most likely to contain the Friedreich's ataxia locus. Four of these islands were detected only by analysis of three YAC clones spanning a 700-kb interval including the MCT112/DR47 cluster. Without clear evidence of the precise location of the disease locus from recombination events, each of these regions must be considered as specifying a potential "candidate" sequence for the mutated gene.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that iron-mediated oxidative stress might underlie the development of neurodegeneration in Friedreich's ataxia (FRDA), an autosomal recessive ataxia caused by decreased expression of frataxin, a protein implicated in iron metabolism. In this study, we demonstrate that, in fibroblasts of patients with FRDA, the cellular redox equilibrium is shifted toward more protein-bound glutathione. Furthermore, we found that actin is glutathionylated, probably as a result of the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, generated by iron overload in the disease. Indeed, high-pressure liquid chromatography analysis of control fibroblasts in vivo treated with FeSO4 showed a significant increase in the protein-bound/free GSH ratio, and Western blot analysis indicated a relevant rise in glutathionylation. Actin glutathionylation contributes to impaired microfilament organization in FRDA fibroblasts. Rhodamine phalloidin staining revealed a disarray of actin filaments and a reduced signal of F-actin fluorescence. The same hematoxylin/eosin-stained cells showed abnormalities in size and shape. When we treated FRDA fibroblasts with reduced glutathione, we obtained a complete rescue of cytoskeletal abnormalities and cell viability. Thus, we conclude that oxidative stress may induce actin glutathionylation and impairment of cytoskeletal functions in FRDA fibroblasts.  相似文献   

High-frequency P element loss in Drosophila is homolog dependent   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
P transposable elements in Drosophila melanogaster can undergo precise loss at a rate exceeding 13% per generation. The process is similar to gene conversion in its requirement for a homolog that is wild type at the insertion site and in its reduced frequency when pairing between the homologs is inhibited. However, it differs from classical gene conversion by its high frequency, its requirement for P transposase, its unidirectionality, and its occurrence in somatic and premeiotic cells. Our results suggest a model of P element transposition in which jumps occur by a "cut-and-paste" mechanism but are followed by double-strand gap repair to restore the P element at the donor site. The results also suggest a technique for site-directed mutagenesis in Drosophila.  相似文献   

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