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Many different microarray experiments are publicly available today. It is natural to ask whether different experiments for the same phenotypic conditions can be combined using meta-analysis, in order to increase the overall sample size. However, some genes are not measured in all experiments, hence they cannot be included or their statistical significance cannot be appropriately estimated in traditional meta-analysis. Nonetheless, these genes, which we refer to as incomplete genes, may also be informative and useful.  相似文献   

Gerodontology 2010; doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2009.00357.x
Subjective values of different age groups in Japan regarding treatment for missing molars Objective: To determine how patients and dentists in Japan value the outcomes of different treatment options for missing molars. Materials and methods: Elderly removable‐denture wearers and dentate persons (senior group), preclinical dental students (young group), and prosthodontists were presented with five possible treatment options for missing lower bilateral first and second molars. The participants indicated on a visual analogue scale how they would value the treatment (utility value: UV), if they had received each of the treatments. Two‐way repeated measures anova was used for statistical analyses. Results: The UV for the shortened dental arch (SDA) without replacement was the lowest in every group. The young group rated the value of cantilever fixed partial dentures (FPD) and implants significantly higher than removable partial dentures (RPD), while the senior group rated the value of FPD and RPD significantly higher than implants. Those having experience with removable dentures were likely to place a higher value on the acrylic RPD. The prosthodontists rated the value of implants significantly higher than any other options. Conclusions: The participants in every group placed the lowest value on the outcome from the SDA in Japan. The denture wearers preferred the RPD, while prosthodontists preferred implants.  相似文献   

Methods to control false-positive rates require that P values of genes that are not differentially expressed follow a uniform distribution. Commonly used microarray statistics can generate P values that do not meet this assumption. We show that poorly characterized variance, imperfect normalization, and cross-hybridization are among the many causes of this non-uniform distribution. We demonstrate a simple technique that produces P values that are close to uniform for nondifferentially expressed genes in control datasets.  相似文献   

Self-organizing maps (SOM) constitute an alternative to classical clustering methods because of its linear run times and superior performance to deal with noisy data. Nevertheless, the clustering obtained with SOM is dependent on the relative sizes of the clusters. Here, we show how the combination of SOM with hierarchical clustering methods constitutes an excellent tool for exploratory analysis of massive data like DNA microarray expression patterns.  相似文献   



In genomics, hierarchical clustering (HC) is a popular method for grouping similar samples based on a distance measure. HC algorithms do not actually create clusters, but compute a hierarchical representation of the data set. Usually, a fixed height on the HC tree is used, and each contiguous branch of samples below that height is considered a separate cluster. Due to the fixed-height cutting, those clusters may not unravel significant functional coherence hidden deeper in the tree. Besides that, most existing approaches do not make use of available clinical information to guide cluster extraction from the HC. Thus, the identified subgroups may be difficult to interpret in relation to that information.


We develop a novel framework for decomposing the HC tree into clusters by semi-supervised piecewise snipping. The framework, called guided piecewise snipping, utilizes both molecular data and clinical information to decompose the HC tree into clusters. It cuts the given HC tree at variable heights to find a partition (a set of non-overlapping clusters) which does not only represent a structure deemed to underlie the data from which HC tree is derived, but is also maximally consistent with the supplied clinical data. Moreover, the approach does not require the user to specify the number of clusters prior to the analysis. Extensive results on simulated and multiple medical data sets show that our approach consistently produces more meaningful clusters than the standard fixed-height cut and/or non-guided approaches.


The guided piecewise snipping approach features several novelties and advantages over existing approaches. The proposed algorithm is generic, and can be combined with other algorithms that operate on detected clusters. This approach represents an advancement in several regards: (1) a piecewise tree snipping framework that efficiently extracts clusters by snipping the HC tree possibly at variable heights while preserving the HC tree structure; (2) a flexible implementation allowing a variety of data types for both building and snipping the HC tree, including patient follow-up data like survival as auxiliary information.The data sets and R code are provided as supplementary files. The proposed method is available from Bioconductor as the R-package HCsnip.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12859-014-0448-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Classification of gene microarrays by penalized logistic regression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Classification of patient samples is an important aspect of cancer diagnosis and treatment. The support vector machine (SVM) has been successfully applied to microarray cancer diagnosis problems. However, one weakness of the SVM is that given a tumor sample, it only predicts a cancer class label but does not provide any estimate of the underlying probability. We propose penalized logistic regression (PLR) as an alternative to the SVM for the microarray cancer diagnosis problem. We show that when using the same set of genes, PLR and the SVM perform similarly in cancer classification, but PLR has the advantage of additionally providing an estimate of the underlying probability. Often a primary goal in microarray cancer diagnosis is to identify the genes responsible for the classification, rather than class prediction. We consider two gene selection methods in this paper, univariate ranking (UR) and recursive feature elimination (RFE). Empirical results indicate that PLR combined with RFE tends to select fewer genes than other methods and also performs well in both cross-validation and test samples. A fast algorithm for solving PLR is also described.  相似文献   

In a typical gene expression profiling experiment with multiple conditions, a common reference sample is used for co-hybridization with the samples to yield expression ratios. Differential expression for any other sample pair can then be calculated by assembling the ratios from their hybridizations with the reference. In this study we test the validity of this approach. Differential expression of a sample pair (i, j) was obtained in two ways: directly, by hybridizations of sample i versus j, and indirectly, by multiplying the expression ratios for hybridizations of sample i versus pool and pool versus sample j. We performed gene expression profiling using amphibian embryos (Xenopus laevis). Every sample combination of four different stages and a pool was profiled. Direct and indirect values were compared and used as the quality criterion for the data. Based on this criterion, 82% of all ratios were found to be sufficiently accurate. To increase the reliability of the signals, several widely used filtering techniques were tested. Filtering by differences of repeated hybridizations was found to be the optimal filter. Finally, we compared microarray-based gene expression profiles with the corresponding expression patterns obtained by whole-mount in situ hybridizations, resulting in a 90% correspondence.  相似文献   

Viscosity, optical activity, and differential scanning calorimetry data clearly point out that partial and/or total removal of charged substituent groups, i.e. succinate and pyruvyl residues, from succinoglycan lead to water soluble derivatives exhibiting a higher stability order → disorder conformational changes with respect to the native polysaccharide. The new succinoglycan derivatives also exhibit very little, if any, hysteresis upon ‘renaturation’ (cooling) as opposed to the case of the parent polymer. The absence of ionized groups is thus beneficial, thermodynamically and kinetically, to the attainment in dilute aqueous solution of an ordered conformation by the uncharged succinoglycan backbone, as allowed by the regular enchainment of its constituent sugar residues.  相似文献   

Using the method of generalized threshold models, the problem is formulated and solved to evaluate the parametric stability of the model of a gene subnetwork controlling the early ontogenesis of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Computer experiments have been performed to test the parametric stability of the model. Quantitative evaluations have been obtained for parametric stability of the Drosophila gene subnetwork in nuclei along the embryo's anterior-posterior axis. The results of computer experiments have been compared with the previous research data on "sensitivity" of functioning regimes to random changes of the parameters in the models of prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems, namely the system controlling the lambda-phage development and the subsystem controlling the flower morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana. The obtained results confirm high parametric stability of gene networks that control the development of organisms.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Determining orthology relations among genes across multiple genomes is an important problem in the post-genomic era. Identifying orthologous genes can not only help predict functional annotations for newly sequenced or poorly characterized genomes, but can also help predict new protein-protein interactions. Unfortunately, determining orthology relation through computational methods is not straightforward due to the presence of paralogs. Traditional approaches have relied on pairwise sequence comparisons to construct graphs, which were then partitioned into putative clusters of orthologous groups. These methods do not attempt to preserve the non-transitivity and hierarchic nature of the orthology relation. RESULTS: We propose a new method, COCO-CL, for hierarchical clustering of homology relations and identification of orthologous groups of genes. Unlike previous approaches, which are based on pairwise sequence comparisons, our method explores the correlation of evolutionary histories of individual genes in a more global context. COCO-CL can be used as a semi-independent method to delineate the orthology/paralogy relation for a refined set of homologous proteins obtained using a less-conservative clustering approach, or as a refiner that removes putative out-paralogs from clusters computed using a more inclusive approach. We analyze our clustering results manually, with support from literature and functional annotations. Since our orthology determination procedure does not employ a species tree to infer duplication events, it can be used in situations when the species tree is unknown or uncertain. CONTACT: jothi@mail.nih.gov, przytyck@mail.nih.gov SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary materials are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

The influence of different concentrations (10, 30, 50, 100, 150, 300) of the maximum permissible concentrations of fluoride and sulfide pollutants (Na2SO4, NaF and Na2SO3 + NaF) on highly buffered soils of larch forest of Pogorelskii pine wood in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe was studied. As a result of the influence of treatment with high concentrations of fluoride and sulfide compounds, the intensity of respiration of microorganisms and values of the microbe metabolic coefficient increased, and the biomass of microorganisms and enzymatic activity decreased compared to the control by 1.3–2.7 times. By the end of vegetation, the ecophysiological condition of microbiocenoses of the studied experimental plots had stabilized.  相似文献   

We have used potentiometric titrations to measure the pK values of the ionizable groups of proteins in alanine pentapeptides with appropriately blocked termini. These pentapeptides provide an improved model for the pK values of the ionizable groups in proteins. Our pK values determined in 0.1 M KCl at 25 degrees C are: 3.67+/-0.03 (alpha-carboxyl), 3.67+/-0.04 (Asp), 4.25+/-0.05 (Glu), 6.54+/-0.04 (His), 8.00+/-0.03 (alpha-amino), 8.55+/-0.03 (Cys), 9.84+/-0.11 (Tyr), and 10.40+/-0.08 (Lys). The pK values of some groups differ from the Nozaki and Tanford (N & T) pK values often used in the literature: Asp (3.67 this work vs. 4.0 N & T); His (6.54 this work vs. 6.3 N & T); alpha-amino (8.00 this work vs. 7.5 N & T); Cys (8.55 this work vs. 9.5 N & T); and Tyr (9.84 this work vs. 9.6 N & T). Our pK values will be useful to those who study pK perturbations in folded and unfolded proteins, and to those who use theory to gain a better understanding of the factors that determine the pK values of the ionizable groups of proteins.  相似文献   



Phyletic patterns denote the presence and absence of orthologous genes in completely sequenced genomes and are used to infer functional links between genes, on the assumption that genes involved in the same pathway or functional system are co-inherited by the same set of genomes. However, this basic premise has not been quantitatively tested, and the limits of applicability of the phyletic-pattern method remain unknown.


We characterized a hierarchy of 3,688 phyletic patterns encompassing more than 5,000 known protein-coding genes from 66 complete microbial genomes, using different distances, clustering algorithms, and measures of cluster quality. The most sensitive set of parameters recovered 223 clusters, each consisting of genes that belong to the same metabolic pathway or functional system. Fifty-six clusters included unexpected genes with plausible functional links to the rest of the cluster. Only a small percentage of known pathways and multiprotein complexes are co-inherited as one cluster; most are split into many clusters, indicating that gene loss and displacement has occurred in the evolution of most pathways.


Phyletic patterns of functionally linked genes are perturbed by differential gains, losses and displacements of orthologous genes in different species, reflecting the high plasticity of microbial genomes. Groups of genes that are co-inherited can, however, be recovered by hierarchical clustering, and may represent elementary functional modules of cellular metabolism. The phyletic patterns approach alone can confidently predict the functional linkages for about 24% of the entire data set.  相似文献   



In microarray experiments the numbers of replicates are often limited due to factors such as cost, availability of sample or poor hybridization. There are currently few choices for the analysis of a pair of microarrays where N = 1 in each condition. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness of a new algorithm called PINC (PINC is Not Cyber-T) that can analyze Affymetrix microarray experiments.  相似文献   



The antibody microarray technique is a newly emerging proteomics tool for differential protein expression analyses that uses fluorescent dyes Cy 3 and Cy 5. Environmental factors, such as light exposure, can affect the signal intensity of fluorescent dyes on microarray slides thus, it is logical to scan microarray slides immediately after the final wash and drying processes. However, no research data are available concerning time-dependent changes of fluorescent signals on antibody microarray slides to this date. In the present study, microarray slides were preserved at -20°C after regular microarray experiments and were rescanned at day 10, 20 and 30 to evaluate change in signal intensity.  相似文献   

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