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Clonal full-sib progeny groups of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar × brown trout Salmo trutta hybrids were produced by gynogenesis. Eggs obtained from two 3-year-old Atlantic salmon (female) × brown trout (male) F1 hybrids were activated with UV-irradiated rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss sperm. Fecundity, percentage egg activation and percentage survival to completion of yolk-sac absorption were similar for the two females, and averaged 800 eggs kg−1, 90 and 65%, respectively. Flow cytometric and protein electrophoretic analyses confirmed the progeny to be diploid hybrids. Isogenicity within progeny groups and to the maternal parent was indicated by identical DNA fingerprint patterns detected with multilocus oligonucleotide probes–GATA(5) and ACTG(n). Isogenicity was also observed in the gynogenetic progeny of a third female spawned the following year. It appeared that a large portion of the oocytes in females of this hybrid underwent a premeiotic chromosome doubling, or possibly a complete suppression of meiosis. The result was ovulation of diploid eggs, each possessing a full set of both Atlantic salmon and brown trout chromosomes identical to those in the maternal somatic cells. Lines of clonal hybrids could therefore be perpetuated by gynogenesis and would have potential both as experimental animals and in commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   

Complete sequencing of the mtDNA control region (CR) from five specimens of brown trout Salmo trutta from the Amu Darya River identified two novel haplotypes belonging to the Danubian lineage. This finding supports the long-standing hypothesis that brown trout in the Aral Sea represent a distinct genetic stock and also illustrates the benefits that complete sequencing of the CR can provide for elucidating phylogeographic relationships.  相似文献   

Russia and western Asia harbour trout populations that have been classified as distinct species and subspecies, most often on the basis of morphological and ecological variation. In order to assess their origins and to verify whether traditional taxonomy reflects their evolutionary distinctiveness, we documented their genetic relationships on the basis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) RFLP, mtDNA sequence analysis, and allozyme variation. Both mtDNA and nuclear gene variation defined two ancient phylogenetic assemblages of populations distributed among northern (Baltic, White, Barents), and southern (Black, Caspian, Aral) sea basins, between which gene flow has been possible but limited in postglacial times. These results supported the traditional taxonomic differentiation between populations of these two regions. They provided weak support for the taxonomic distinction of southern brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations based on their basin of origin. They also refuted the hypothesis that L. Sevan trout (Salmo ischchan) diverged from a primitive brown trout ancestor. Nevertheless, all trout populations from southern sea basins possessed private alleles or mtDNA genotypes and were genetically distinct Therefore, they represent unique gene pools that warrant individual recognition for conservation and management.  相似文献   

Variations in distributions and behaviours of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in allopatry (homogeneous) and in sympatry with brown trout Salmo trutta (mixed) were observed before, during and after 2 day periods of dewatering in a large glass-sided indoor stream at densities typical of Scottish upland streams. Brown trout utilized pools more than Atlantic salmon at normal flows and in both species the majority of fishes moved into pools during dewatering. There was no significant effect of brown trout, which was the more dominant species, on the overall ability of Atlantic salmon to use pool habitat as a refuge during dewatering. Within mixed and homogeneous groups, average feeding levels decreased during dewatering. The highest ranking fish, which was always a brown trout in mixed groups, predominantly monopolized the pool and other individuals in pools adopted a more cryptic, stationary behaviour. Dewatering effectively increased local population density with the result that dominance status became much more important in maintaining food intake, and polarization between the top ranking fish and others increased. During the first day of dewatering, there was extreme behavioural polarization such that the dominant fish exhibited most aggression and least feeding within the group. Among dominant fish on the second day of dewatering, aggression had largely abated and feeding had returned to pretreatment levels despite the reduced average feeding within the group. The main difference between mixed and homogeneous groups was in the behaviour of the most dominant Atlantic salmon, which was near-despotic in allopatry and subordinate to brown trout in sympatry.  相似文献   

This study focuses on genetic variation of brown trout Salmo trutta populations of the Adriatic and Danubian drainages in Switzerland. The allozyme and other protein loci data show a major replacement of native stocks from the Adriatic drainages by introduced hatchery trout of Atlantic basin origin. In most samples, diagnostic alleles for the Adriatic form of Salmo trutta f. fario and for the marbled trout Salmo trutta marmoratus are found at very low frequencies (f<0.15). Taking into account previous genetic studies on brown trout of this basin, the Danubian samples are not heavily contaminated with foreign alleles. The results are consistent with records of local stocking activities which account in part for the high introgression rates of Atlantic alleles into local populations of the Adriatic drainages. In addition, introgression is enhanced by a decrease of natural reproduction which is caused by a deterioration of trout habitats through human activities. Furthermore, a third mechanism is proposed that may contribute to the high introgression rates observed: if Atlantic trout are introduced, the reproductive barriers between the two native forms, marbled trout and Adriatic fario respectively, break down. Atlantic trout apparently hybridize with both native forms and generate gene flow between them. In some parts of Adriatic drainages in Switzerland, the patterns of introgression and hybridization are further complicated by introduction of trout from the Danubian system. Alleles of the marbled trout are also found in the samples of the Danubian drainage system. These are due to stocking activities across the watershed.  相似文献   

The objectives of the study were to determine the phylogeographic structure of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Morocco, elucidate their colonization patterns in North-West Africa and identify the mtDNA lineages involved in this process. We also aimed to resolve whether certain brown trout entities are also genetically distinct. Sixty-two brown trout from eleven locations across the Mediterranean and the Atlantic drainages in Morocco were surveyed using sequence analysis of the mtDNA control region and nuclear gene LDH, and by genotyping twelve microsatellite loci. Our study confirms that in Morocco both the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins are populated by Atlantic mtDNA lineage brown trout only, demonstrating that the Atlantic lineage (especially its southern clade) invaded initially not only the western part of the Mediterranean basin in Morocco but also expanded deep into the central area. Atlantic haplotypes identified here sort into three distinct groups suggesting Morocco was colonized in at least three successive waves (1.2, 0.4 and 0.2-0.1 MY ago). This notion becomes more pronounced with the finding of a distinct haplotype in the Dades river system, whose origin appears to coalesce with the nascent stage of the basal mtDNA evolutionary lineages of brown trout. According to our results, Salmo akairos, Salmo pellegrini and "green trout" from Lake Isli do not exhibited any character states that distinctively separate them from the other brown trout populations studied. Therefore, their status as distinct species was not confirmed.  相似文献   

The movement and mortality of stocked brown trout Salmo trutta were investigated using radio telemetry. Four brown trout left the study area whereas the remaining fish were stationary. After 5 weeks, 13 out of 50 tagged brown trout were still alive in the stream. Surviving fish had a significantly lower mean movement per day than fish, which later either died or disappeared. This difference in behaviour was most pronounced 2 to 8 days after release. Predation by the otter Lutra lutra was probably the main cause of the observed mortality.  相似文献   

Carbon stable-isotope analysis showed that individual brown trout Salmo trutta in Loch Lomond adopted strategies intermediate to that of freshwater residency or anadromy, suggesting either repeated movement between freshwater and marine environments, or estuarine residency. Carbon stable-isotope (δ13C) values from Loch Lomond brown trout muscle tissue ranged from those indicative of assimilation of purely freshwater-derived carbon to those reflecting significant utilization of marine-derived carbon. A single isotope, two-source mixing model indicated that, on average, marine C made a 33% contribution to the muscle tissue C of Loch Lomond brown trout. Nitrogen stable isotope, δ15N, but not δ13C was correlated with fork length suggesting that larger fish were feeding at a higher trophic level but that marine feeding was not indicated by larger body size. These results are discussed with reference to migration patterns in other species.  相似文献   

rDNA RFLPs as genetic markers for resource management in brown trout   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interesting population-specific rDNA markers were detected for microgeographical analysis of brown trout Salmo trutta as well as for monitoring stocking practices.  相似文献   

Four amphipod species fed to brown trout Salmo trutta persisted in an easily identifiable form in trout stomachs for similar lengths of time. The data also allowed estimation of the maximum length of time ingested amphipods could persist in an identifiable form in brown trout stomachs at different temperatures. The data are thus useful in assessment of fish feeding patterns on amphipod assemblages in the laboratory and field.  相似文献   

Partial migration in a landlocked brown trout population   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Population densities of landlocked lake‐migratory brown trout Salmo trutta were estimated in two distinct lotic sections, separated by a lentic segment, in the Greåna River, Sweden, and individual growth and habitat use were monitored for 835 tagged brown trout from September 1998 to June 2000. Residency dominated in the upstream section where density of 0+ and 1+ year brown trout was low and growth rate high. In contrast, >90% of the brown trout that migrated to the lake originated from the downstream section, where density was high and growth rate low. For ≥2+ year individuals, growth rate was similar between the two stream sections, but densities were higher in the upstream than in the downstream section. Lake‐migrants had higher growth rates than non‐migrants (residents) during the autumn of both years. From September to May, migrants increased their body mass by >35%, whereas non‐migrants increased by <5%. Approximately 70% of the brown trout moved <10 m and <2% moved between the two stream sections, indicating that the lentic habitat might function as a barrier for juveniles. Differences in migratory behaviour, density and growth between the upstream and the downstream section might indicate that environmental factors influence the decision to migrate. It cannot be excluded, however, that the observed differences are genetically programmed, selected by migration costs that favour migratory behaviour downstream and residency upstream.  相似文献   

Swimming speed and average electromyogram (EMG) pulse intervals were highly correlated in individual lake trout Salvelinus namaycush ( r 2=0·52–0·89) and brown trout Salmo trutta ( r 2=0·45–0·96). High correlations were found also for pooled data in both lake trout ( r 2=0·90) and brown trout of the Emå stock ( r 2=0·96) and Lærdal stock ( r 2=0·96). The linear relationship between swimming speed and average EMG pulse intervals differed significantly among lake trout and the brown trout stocks. This successful calibration of EMGs to swimming speed opens the possibility of recording swimming speed of free swimming lake trout and brown trout in situ . EMGs can also be calibrated to oxygen consumption to record energy expenditure.  相似文献   

Morphological studies on the effect of low pH on egg shells (chorion) of rainbow trout, Oncorhynrhus mykiss Walbaum (formerly Salmo gairdneri ), and brown trout, Salmo trutta f. fario L., showed that the plugs of the outer layer of the chorion, which block the channels of the underlying layer, developed distinctive vacuolization at low pH exposure. This may lead to loss of chorional semi-permeability. Chorions were incompletely degraded at low pH inducing hatching problems. Partially hatched alevins showed only a small local zone of dissolution of the chorion around the head of the embryo preventing the larvae from being freed.  相似文献   

Complete sequencing of the mitochondrial control region was undertaken among brown trout Salmo trutta from North Atlantic areas where previous studies, based on smaller mtDNA fragments, failed to detect any phylogeographic signal. Comparison of sequences suggests that brown trout in the Iberian Peninsula and Scandinavia belong to largely divergent evolutionary units.  相似文献   

Is selection for territorial aggression in brown trout density‐dependent?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparison between a high-density (migratory) and a low-density (stream-resident) population of brown trout Salmo trutta , from the same stream, showed there was no support for the view that aggression was density-dependent.  相似文献   

Female‐specific markers of reproductive activity [plasma 17β‐oestradiol (E2), vitellogenin (VTG) and alkali‐labile phosphoprotein phosphorous (ALP)] were measured over 12 months in a captive population of brown trout Salmo trutta . During the early months of the reproductive season (February to May) and using the concentration of plasma E2 or plasma ALP as a marker for females the proportion of fish in which sex was misidentified was high (15–50%). The misidentification rate was considerably lower (1–8%) using plasma VTG. Preliminary evaluation of a commercial immunochromatographic VTG test system as a screen for the presence or absence of VTG in plasma from brown trout provided results that were consistent with those obtained from direct measurement of plasma VTG levels by enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). These preliminary conclusions were verified by sampling upstream‐migrating anadromous brown trout, sea trout, and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar trapped over a 6 month period. Plasma E2 levels did not satisfactorily discriminate between male and female sea trout and Atlantic salmon. Plasma VTG levels in both species, however, were bimodally distributed and it was assumed that this divergence corresponded to male (plasma VTG levels <10 μg ml−1) and female (plasma VTG levels >800 μg ml−1) fishes. Plasma ALP provided a more accurate indication of sex in the wild Atlantic salmon and sea trout than was suggested by the pilot study on captive brown trout. The commercial immunochromatographic VTG test system provided results that were wholly consistent with the data obtained from the trapped fishes by direct measurement of plasma VTG.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in five meristic and 21 morphometric characters was examined in the brown trout, Salmo trutta L., from seven distinct streams and rivers from N and NW Greece. Variation within each sample, estimated as the multivariate generalization of the coefficient of variation, did not vary substantially among the populations. The phenetic relationships of these populations were examined using the stepwise discriminant analysis. The taxonomic implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar ( n  = 25) and wild anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta ( n  = 15) smolts were tagged with coded acoustic transmitters and released at the mouth of the River Eira on the west coast of Norway. Data logging receivers recorded the fish during their outward migration at 9, 32, 48 and 77 km from the release site. Seventeen Atlantic salmon (68%) and eight sea trout (53%) were recorded after release. Mean migratory speeds between different receiver sites ranged from 0·49 to 1·82 body lengths (total length) per second (bl s−1) for Atlantic salmon and 0·11–2·60 bl s−1 for sea trout. Atlantic salmon were recorded 9, 48 and 77 km from the river mouth on average 28, 65 and 83 h after release, respectively. Sea trout were recorded 9 km from the release site 438 h after release. Only four (23%) sea trout were detected in the outer part of the fjord system, while the rest of the fish seemed to stay in the inner fjord system. The Atlantic salmon stayed for a longer time in the inner part than in the outer parts of the fjord system, but distinct from sea trout, migrated through the whole fjord system into the ocean.  相似文献   

Genetic changes in the population structure of brown trout Salmo trutta in the eastern Pyrenees were monitored during the 1990s. Stocking with cultivated exogenous fish has resulted in introgressed populations where those with higher introgression coefficients also have the highest values of heterozygosity. Nevertheless, this increase of local diversity reflects a decrease of genetic differentiation between populations and loss of native alleles. These changes obscure native gene pools and modify evolutionary distinctions among native brown trout populations.  相似文献   

Juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta from natural populations reacted to the presence of piscivorous brown trout by increasing the use of refuges. In contrast, second‐generation hatchery fish and the offspring of wild fish raised under hatchery conditions were insensitive to predation risk. The diel pattern of activity also differed between wild and hatchery brown trout. Second‐generation hatchery fish were predominantly active during daytime regardless of risk levels. Wild fish, however, showed a shift towards nocturnal activity in the presence of predators. These findings emphasize the potential role of domestication in weakening behavioural defences. They support the idea that the behavioural divergence between wild and domesticated individuals can arise from a process of direct or indirect selection on reduced responsiveness to predation risk, or as a lack of previous experience with predators.  相似文献   

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