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Freshly cut discs from growing potato tubers were incubated for 3 h with 10 mM orotate or 10 mM uridine. Control discs incubated without precursors showed a 30–40% decrease of uridine nucleotides, but not of adenine nucleotides. Orotate- and uridine-feeding led to a 1.5- to 2-fold increase in the levels of uridine nucleotides compared with control discs, and a 15–30% increase compared with the original values in intact tubers, but did not alter the levels of adenine nucleotides. Between 70–80% of the uridine nucleotides were present as UDPglucose, 15–25% as UTP, and 2–3% as UDP. The increase of uridine nucleotides involved a similar relative increase of UDPglucose, UTP and UDP. It was accompanied by a slight stimulation of the rate of [14C]sucrose uptake, a 2-fold stimulation of the rate at which the [14C]sucrose was subsequently metabolised, a small increase in the levels of hexose phosphates, glycerate-3-phospate and ADPglucose, and a 30% shift in the allocation of the metabolised label in favour of starch synthesis, resulting in a 2.4-fold stimulation of the rate of starch synthesis. Orotate led to a similar increase of uridine nucleotide levels in the presence of [14C]glucose, but did not significantly alter the rate of glucose uptake and metabolism to starch, nor did it increase the rate of sucrose resynthesis. The levels of uridine nucleotides were high in tubers on 6 to 10-week-old potato plants, and declined in tubers on 12 to 15-week-old plants. Comparison with the effect of the uridine nucleotide level in discs shows that the high levels of uridine nucleotides in tubers on young plants will play an important role in determining the rate at which sucrose can be converted to starch, and that the level of uridine nucleotides is probably co-limiting for sucrose-starch conversions in tubers on older plants. Received: 25 September 1998 / Accepted: 29 December 1998  相似文献   

Loef I  Stitt M  Geigenberger P 《Planta》2001,212(5-6):782-791
To investigate the importance of the overall size of the total adenine nucleotide pool for the regulation of primary metabolism in growing potato tubers, freshly cut discs were provided with zero or 2 mM adenine in the presence of 1 or 100 mM [U-14C]glucose or 100 mM [U-14C]sucrose in the presence and absence of 20 mM orthophosphate (Pi). Adenine led to a 150–250% increase of the total adenine nucleotide pool, which included an increase of ADP, a larger increase of ATP and an increase of the ATP:ADP ratio. There was a 50–100% increase of ADP-glucose (ADPGlc), and starch synthesis was stimulated. Respiratory oxygen uptake was stimulated, and the levels of glycerate-3-phosphate, phosphoenolpyruvate and α-ketoglutarate decreased. The response to adenine was not modified by Pi. It is proposed that increased ATP stimulates ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase, leading to a higher rate of starch synthesis. The impact on starch synthesis is constrained, however, because increased ADP can lead to a stimulation of respiration and decline of glycerate-3-phosphate, which will inhibit ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase. The quantitative impact depends on the conditions. In the presence of 1 mM glucose, the levels of phosphorylated intermediates and the rate of starch synthesis were low. Adenine led to a relatively large stimulation of respiration, but only a small stimulation of starch synthesis. In the presence of 100 mM glucose, discs contained high levels of phosphorylated intermediates, low ATP:ADP ratios (<3) and low rates of starch synthesis (<20% of the metabolised glucose). Adenine led to marked increase of ATP and 2- to 4-fold stimulation of starch synthesis. Discs incubated with 100 mM sucrose already had high ATP:ADP ratios (>8) and high rates of starch synthesis (>50% of the metabolised sucrose). Adenine led to a further increase, but the stimulation was less marked than in high glucose. These results have implications for the function of nucleotide cofactors in segregating sucrose mobilisation and respiration, and the need for energy conservation during sugar-starch conversions. Received: 9 February 2000 / Accepted: 9 June 2000  相似文献   

Overexpression of inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) from Escherichia coli in the cytosol of plants (ppa1 plants) leads to a decrease of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi; U. Sonnewald, 1992, Plant J 2: 571–581). The consequences for sucrose-starch interconversions have now been studied in growing potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desirée) tubers. Sucrose is degraded via sucrose synthase and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase in growing tubers, and it was expected that the low PPi in the ppa1 transformants would restrict the mobilisation of sucrose and conversion to starch. Over-expression of PPase resulted in an accumulation of sucrose and UDP-glucose, and decreased concentrations of hexose phosphates and glycerate-3-phosphate in growing ppa1 tubers. Unexpectedly, the rate of degradation of [14C] sucrose was increased by up to 30%, the rate of starch synthesis was increased, and the starch content was increased by 20–30% in ppa1 tubers compared to wild-type tubers. Reasons for this unexpectedly efficient conversion of sucrose to starch in the ppa1 tubers were investigated. (i) The transformed tubers contained increased activities of several enzymes required for sucrose-starch interconversions including two- to threefold more sucrose synthase and 60% more ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase. They also contained 30–100% increased activities of several glycolytic enzymes and amylase, increased protein, and unaltered or slightly decreased starch phosphorylase, acid invertase and mannosidase. (ii) The transformants contained higher pools of uridine nucleotides. As a result, although the UDP-glucose pool is increased two- to threefold, this does not lead to a decrease of UTP or UDP. (iii) The transformants contained twofold larger pools of ATP and ADP, and ADP-glucose was increased by up to threefold. In stored ppa1 tubers, there were no changes in the activities of glycolytic enzymes, and nucleotides did not increase. It is concluded that in growing tubers PPi has a wider significance than just being an energy donor for specific reactions in the cytosol. Increased rates of PPi hydrolysis also affect general aspects of cell activity including the levels of nucleotides and protein. Possible ways in which PPi hydrolysis could affect these processes are discussed. Received: 9 July 1997 / Accepted: 3 November 1997  相似文献   

Plants possess two alternative biochemical pathways for sucrose (Suc) degradation. One involves hydrolysis by invertase followed by phosphorylation via hexokinase and fructokinase, and the other route-which is unique to plants-involves a UDP-dependent cleavage of Suc that is catalyzed by Suc synthase (SuSy). In the present work, we tested directly whether a bypass of the endogenous SuSy route by ectopic overexpression of invertase or Suc phosphorylase affects internal oxygen levels in growing tubers and whether this is responsible for their decreased starch content. (a) Oxygen tensions were lower within transgenic tubers than in wild-type tubers. Oxygen tensions decreased within the first 10 mm of tuber tissue, and this gradient was steeper in transgenic tubers. (b) Invertase-overexpressing tubers had higher activities of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, and alcohol dehydrogenase, and (c) higher levels of lactate. (d) Expression of a low-oxygen-sensitive Adh1-beta-glucuronidase reporter gene construct was more strongly induced in the invertase-overexpressing background compared with wild-type background. (e) Intact transgenic tubers had lower ATP to ADP ratios than the wild type. ATP to ADP ratio was restored to wild type, when discs of transgenic tubers were incubated at 21% (v/v) oxygen. (f) Starch decreased from the periphery to the center of the tuber. This decrease was much steeper in the transgenic lines, leading to lower starch content especially near the center of the tuber. (g) Metabolic fluxes (based on redistribution of (14)C-glucose) and ATP to ADP ratios were analyzed in more detail, comparing discs incubated at various external oxygen tensions (0%, 1%, 4%, 8%, 12%, and 21% [v/v]) with intact tubers. Discs of Suc phosphorylase-expressing lines had similar ATP to ADP ratios and made starch as fast as wild type in high oxygen but had lower ATP to ADP ratios and lower rates of starch synthesis than wild type at low-oxygen tensions typical to those found inside an intact tuber. (h) In discs of wild-type tubers, subambient oxygen concentrations led to a selective increase in the mRNA levels of specific SuSy genes, whereas the mRNA levels of genes encoding vacuolar and apoplastic invertases decreased. (i) These results imply that repression of invertase and mobilization of Suc via the energetically less costly route provided by SuSy is important in growing tubers because it conserves oxygen and allows higher internal oxygen tensions to be maintained than would otherwise be possible.  相似文献   

Water stress stimulates sucrose synthesis and inhibits starch synthesis in wild-type tubers. Antisense and co-suppression potato transformants with decreased expression of sucrose–phosphate synthase (SPS) have been used to analyse the importance of SPS for the regulation of this water-stress induced change in partitioning. (i) In the absence of water stress, a 70–80% decrease in SPS activity led to a 30–50% inhibition of sucrose synthesis and a slight (10–20%) increase of starch synthesis in tuber discs in short-term labelling experiments with low concentrations of labelled glucose. Similar changes were seen in short-term labelling experiments with intact tubers attached to well-watered plants. Provided plants were grown with ample light and water, transformant tubers had a slightly lower water and sucrose content and a similar or even marginally higher starch content than wild-type tubers. (ii) When wild-type tuber slices were incubated with labelled glucose in the presence of mannitol to generate a moderate water deficit (between –0.12 and –0.72 MPa), there was a marked stimulation of sucrose synthesis and inhibition of starch synthesis. A similar stimulation was seen in labelling experiments with wild-type tubers that were attached to water-stressed wild-type plants. These changes were almost completely suppressed in transformants with a 70–80% reduction of SPS activity. (iii) Decreased irrigation led to an increase in the fraction of the dry-matter allocated to tubers in wild-type plants. This shift in allocation was prevented in transformants with reduced expression of SPS. (iv) The results show that operation of SPS and the sucrose cycle in growing potato tubers may lead to a marginal decrease in starch accumulation in non-stressed plants. However, SPS becomes a crucial factor in water-stressed plants because it is required for adaptive changes in tuber metabolism and whole plant allocation.  相似文献   

The original aim of this work was to increase starch accumulation in potato tubers by enhancing their capacity to metabolise sucrose. We previously reported that specific expression of a yeast invertase in the cytosol of tubers led to a 95% reduction in sucrose content, but that this was accompanied by a larger accumulation of glucose and a reduction in starch. In the present paper we introduced a bacterial glucokinase from Zymomonas mobilis into an invertase-expressing transgenic line, with the intention of bringing the glucose into metabolism. Transgenic lines were obtained with up to threefold more glucokinase activity than in the parent invertase line and which did not accumulate glucose. Unexpectedly, there was a further dramatic reduction in starch content, down to 35% of wild-type levels. Biochemical analysis of growing tuber tissue revealed large increases in the metabolic intermediates of glycolysis, organic acids and amino acids, two- to threefold increases in the maximum catalytic activities of key enzymes in the respiratory pathways, and three- to fivefold increases in carbon dioxide production. These changes occur in the lines expressing invertase, and are accentuated following introduction of the second transgene, glucokinase. We conclude that the expression of invertase in potato tubers leads to an increased flux through the glycolytic pathway at the expense of starch synthesis and that heterologous overexpression of glucokinase enhances this change in partitioning.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of water stress on carbon metabolism in growing potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.), freshly cut and washed discs were incubated in a range of mannitol concentrations corresponding to external water potential between 0 and −1.2 MPa. (i) Incorporation of [14C]glucose into starch was inhibited in water-stressed discs, and labeling of sucrose was increased. High glucose overrode the changes at low water stress (up to −0.5 MPa) but not at high water stress. (ii) Although [14C]sucrose uptake increased in water-stressed discs, less of the absorbed [14C]sucrose was metabolised. (iii) Analysis of the sucrose content of the discs confirmed that increasing water deficit leads to a switch, from net sucrose degradation to net sucrose synthesis. (iv) In parallel incubations containing identical concentrations of sugars but differing in which sugar was labeled, degradation of [14C]sucrose and labeling of sucrose from [14C]glucose and fructose was found at each mannitol concentration. This shows that there is a cycle of sucrose degradation and resynthesis in these tuber discs. Increasing the extent of water stress changed the relation between sucrose breakdown and sucrose synthesis, in favour of synthesis. (v) Analysis of metabolites showed a biphasic response to increasing water deficit. Moderate water stress (0–200 mM mannitol) led to a decrease of the phosphorylated intermediates, especially 3-phosphoglycerate (3PGA). The decrease of metabolites at moderate water stress was not seen when high concentrations of glucose were supplied to the discs. More extreme water stress (300–500 mM mannitol) was accompanied by an accumulation of metabolites at low and high glucose. (vi) Moderate water stress led to an activation of sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) in discs, and in intact tubers. The stimulation involved a change in the kinetic properties of SPS, and was blocked␣by protein phosphatase inhibitors. (vii) The amount of ADP-glucose (ADPGlc) decreased when discs were incubated on 100 or 200 mM mannitol. There was a strong correlation between the in vivo levels of ADPGlc and 3PGA when discs were subjected to moderate water stress, and when the sugar supply was varied. (viii) The level of ADPGlc increased and starch synthesis was further inhibited when discs were incubated in 300–500 mM mannitol. (ix) It is proposed that moderate water stress leads to an activation of SPS and stimulates sucrose synthesis. The resulting decline of 3PGA leads to a partial inhibition of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and starch synthesis. More-extreme water stress leads to a further alteration of partitioning, because it inhibits the activities of one or more of the enzymes involved in the terminal reactions of starch synthesis. Received: 26 August 1996 / Accepted: 5 November 1996  相似文献   

The short-term changes in metabolism that occurred after adding glucose or sucrose to freshly cut discs from growing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers were investigated. (i) When glucose was supplied, there was a marked increase in glycolytic metabolites, and respiration was stimulated. When sucrose was supplied, amounts of glycolytic metabolites including hexose phosphates and 3-phosphoglycerate (3PGA) were similar to or lower than in control discs incubated without sugars, and respiration did not rise initially above that in control discs. This different response to sucrose and glucose was found across the concentration range 5–200 mM. A larger proportion of the metabolised 14C was converted to starch when [14C] sucrose was supplied than when [14C] glucose was supplied. The different effect on metabolite levels, respiration and starch synthesis was largest after 20–30 min, and decreased in longer incubations. (ii) When 5 or 25 mM sucrose was added in the presence of [14C] glucose, it led to a decrease in hexose phosphates and 3PGA, and a small increase in the rate of starch synthesis compared to discs incubated with glucose in the absence of sucrose. These differences were seen in a 30-min pulse and a 2-h pulse. Whereas ADP-glucose levels after adding sucrose resembled those in control discs, glucose led to a decrease in ADP-glucose. This decrease did not occur when 5 or 25 mM sucrose was added with the glucose. (iii) To check the relevance of these experiments for intact tubers, water or 100 mM mannitol, sucrose or glucose were supplied through the stolon to intact tubers for 24 h. A 0.2 mM solution of [14C] glucose was then introduced into the tubers, and its metabolism investigated during the next 30 min. Labelling of starch was increased after preincubation with sucrose, and significantly inhibited after preincubation with glucose. (iv) It is concluded that glucose and sucrose have different effects on tuber metabolism. Whereas glucose leads to a preferential stimulation of respiration, sucrose preferentially stimulates starch synthesis via a novel mechanism that allows stimulation of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase even though the levels of hexose phosphates and the allosteric activator 3PGA decrease. Received: 9 October 1997 / Accepted: 3 February 1998  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between tuber weight and enzymatic activities involved in tuber starch synthesis. As tuber weight increased, the activities of sucrose synthetase, UDPG pyrophosphorylase, and granular starch synthetase escalated, whereas the activities of soluble starch synthetase and ADPG pyrophosphorylase stayed constant and that of phosphorylase declined. This suggests that when samples are taken to determine specific enzymatic activities, the sampling procedure should ensure that results do not vary because of differences in the tuber weight or size distribution.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to identify which aspects of photosynthetic metabolism respond most sensitively to leaf water deficit. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaf discs were floated on sorbitol concentrations of increasing molarity and changes of the protoplast volume were estimated using [14C]sorbitol and 3H2O penetration. Detached leaves were also wilted until 10% of their fresh weight was lost. Photosynthesis was studied at very high external CO2 concentrations, to eliminate the effect of closing stomata. There was no large inhibition of CO2 fixation after wilting leaves, or until the external water deficit was greater than-1.2 MPa. However, partitioning changed markedly at these moderate water deficits: more sucrose and less starch was made. When an inhibition of CO2-saturated photosynthesis did appear at a water deficit of-2.0 MPa and above, measurements of chlorophyll-fluorescence quenching and metabolite levels showed the thylakoid reactions were not especially susceptible to short-term water stress. The inhibition was accompanied by a small increase of the triose phosphate: ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate ratio, showing regeneration of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate was affected. However, there was also a general increase of the estimated concentrations of most metabolites, indicating that there is no specific site for the inhibition of photosynthesis. Increasing water deficit led to a large increase of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate. This is explained in terms of a simultaneous increase of fructose-6-phosphate and inorganic phosphate as the cell shrinks. The high fructose-2,6-bisphosphate led to the accumulation of triose phosphates, and the potential significance of this for protection against photoinhibition is discussed. There was an increase in the extractable activity of sucrose-phosphate synthase. This was only detected when the enzyme was assayed in conditions which distinguish between different kinetic forms which have previously been identified in spinach leaves. It is proposed that activation of sucrose-phosphate synthase is one of the first sites at which spinach leaves respond to a rising water deficit. This could be of importance for osmoregulation.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - Fru1,6bisP fructose-1,6-bisphosphate - Fru2,6bisP fructose-2,6-bisphosphate - Fru6P fructose-6-phosphate - Glc6P glucose-6-phosphate - PGA glycerate-3-phosphate - Pi inorgamic phosphate - Ru1,5bisP ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate - SPS sucrose-phosphate synthase - triose-P sum of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dehydroxyacetone phosphate - UDPGlc uridine diphosphoglucose  相似文献   

To change the hexose-to-sucrose ratio within phloem cells, yeast-derived cytosolic invertase was expressed in transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum cv. Desirée) plants under control of the rolC promoter. Vascular tissue specific expression of the transgene was verified by histochemical detection of invertase activity in tuber cross-sections. Vegetative growth and tuber yield of transgenic plants was unaltered as compared to wild-type plants. However, the sprout growth of stored tubers was much delayed, indicating impaired phloem-transport of sucrose towards the developing bud. Biochemical analysis of growing tubers revealed that, in contrast to sucrose levels, which rapidly declined in growing invertase-expressing tubers, hexose and starch levels remained unchanged as compared to wild-type controls. During storage, sucrose and starch content declined in wild-type tubers, whereas glucose and fructose levels remained unchanged. A similar response was found in transgenic tubers with the exception that starch degradation was accelerated and fructose levels increased slightly. Furthermore, changes in carbohydrate metabolism were accompanied by an elevated level of phosphorylated intermediates, and a stimulated rate of respiration. Considering that sucrose breakdown was restricted to phloem cells it is concluded that, in response to phloem-associated sucrose depletion or hexose elevation, starch degradation and respiration is triggered in parenchyma cells. To study further whether elevated hexose and/or hexose-phosphates or decreased sucrose levels are responsible for the metabolic changes observed, sucrose content was decreased by tuber-specific expression of a bacterial sucrose isomerase. Sucrose isomerase catalyses the reversible conversion of sucrose into palatinose, which is not further metabolizable by plant cells. Tubers harvested from these plants were found to accumulate high levels of palatinose at the expense of sucrose. In addition, starch content decreased slightly, while hexose levels remained unaltered, compared with the wild-type controls. Similar to low sucrose-containing invertase tubers, respiration and starch breakdown were found to be accelerated during storage in palatinose-accumulating potato tubers. In contrast to invertase transgenics, however, no accumulation of phosphorylated intermediates was observed. Therefore, it is concluded that sucrose depletion rather than increased hexose metabolism triggers reserve mobilization and respiration in stored potato tubers.  相似文献   

Abstract An experimental system has been developed for studying efflux of 14C assimilates in growing potato tubers. Small wells are cut into the phloem-rich perimedulla and filled with trap solutions of varying composition which inhibit or promote assimilate efflux. One well on each tuber acts as the treatment while a second well acts as the control. Movement of 14C into wells occurred at comparable rates to that found in intact tissue, harvested from importing tubers in the form of microcores. Sucrose was the predominant translocated sugar in the stolon and was not hydrolysed in either the wells or the microcores following unloading. Efflux into wells containing agar traps was stimulated 40-fold relative to buffer controls by the addition of 20 mol m?3 EGTA to the agar. This was interpreted as passive efflux to the apoplast due to increased membrane permeability in the pathway between the sieve elements and the collecting wells. The EGTA stimulation was reversed by addition of Ca2+. 14C efflux into buffered solutions was inhibited significantly by both DNP and PCMBS, suggesting the involvement of active and carrier-mediated transport components. However, it was not possible to determine whether these compounds acted at the site of unloading only, or on the short-distance transfer step between phloem and collecting wells. The rate of tracer efflux was not significantly different when 1 mol m?3 and 300 mol m?3 sucrose were applied to the wells, indicating insensitivity of solute movement to low apoplastic solute concentrations. However, raising the solute concentration to 800 mol m?3 caused a severe inhibition of tracer efflux. These results were duplicated with mannitol as the osmoticum. It is suggested that plasmolysis prevented further efflux by disruption of a predominantly symplastic transport pathway between the phloem and collecting wells.  相似文献   

The accumulation of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) in arachidonic acid-elicited potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber discs was studied. In accordance with our previous report of the accumulation of Adh mRNA beginning 2 hours after elicitor treatment (DP Matton, CP Constabel, N Brisson [1990] Plant Mol Biol 14: 775-783), immunoprecipitation of ADH from in vivo labeled discs indicated that ADH synthesis occurred as early as 12 hours after treatment. However, levels of ADH activity and protein, as shown by enzyme assay and immunoblot, did not rise in parallel but decreased during the first 24 hours of treatment. After 24 hours, ADH activity and protein began to increase, reaching a several-fold increase at 96 hours after elicitation. Water-treated control discs showed a similar though delayed and less pronounced pattern. These results imply a turnover of ADH following elicitor treatment of potato tuber discs. As shown by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis, the synthesis and degradation involved the same ADH isozyme.  相似文献   

Labelling experiments in which high-specific-activity [U-14C]sucrose or [U-14C]hexoses were injected into potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree) tubers showed that within 1 d of detaching growing tubers from their mother plant, there is an inhibition of starch synthesis, a stimulation of the synthesis of other major cell components, and rapid resynthesis of sucrose. This is accompanied by a general increase in phosphorylated intermediates, an increase in UDP-glucose, and a dramatic decrease of ADP-glucose. No significant decline in the extracted activity of enzymes for sucrose degradation or synthesis, or starch synthesis is seen within 1 d, nor is there a significant decrease in sucrose, amino acids, or fresh weight. Over the next 7 d, soluble carbohydrates decline. This is accompanied by a decline in sucrose-synthase activity, hexose-phosphate levels, and the synthesis of structural cell components. It is argued that a previously unknown mechanism acting at ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase allows sucrose-starch interconversions to be regulated independently of the use of sucrose for cell growth.  相似文献   

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