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Mesostoma sp., isolated from different lakes in Brazil, was taken to the laboratory and fed Moina sp. The vertical position of satiated and non-satiated individuals was monitored in 25 cm high columns exposed to natural sunlight. Phototactic responses were studied under standardised experimental conditions.Satiated individuals resided nearer to the bottom than non-satiated Mesostoma. Non-satiated individuals showed an irregular vertical distribution due to swimming behaviour, whereas satiated animals remained stationary.  相似文献   

In poecilogony, different types of larvae are produced within the same species. Previous studies have suggested maternal control of the production of larval types; however, it is not clear which factors or mechanisms generate contrasting developmental patterns among siblings. The spionid polychaete Boccardia proboscidea produces within the same capsule adelphophagic larvae that eat nurse eggs and siblings and complete all or most of their development inside the capsule (Type A larvae), and larvae with little growth until they hatch as planktotrophic larvae (Type B larvae). In this study, we manipulated capsule content to explore the factors determining larval type in B. proboscidea and the role of extra‐embryonic maternal nutrition and sib–sib interaction in the developmental fate of offspring. When early larval stages were grown individually in vitro, with nurse eggs as the only food source, some of them remained small, while others continue developing into larger pre‐competent larvae by feeding on nurse eggs. This suggests that larval types in B. proboscidea are determined very early in development and are not solely the product of sib–sib interaction inside the capsule. However, our data also suggest that hatching size variability within larval types of a clutch depends on nurse egg availability. Type B larvae grew normally to metamorphosis when phytoplankton was available, but suffered high rates of cannibalism by Type A larvae. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that individual larval fates are determined very early in development and that once their fate is determined, hatching size and intracapsular survival are affected by maternal food provisioning and sibling interaction.  相似文献   

The accumulated data indicate that mesostomid flatworms are efficient predators of mosquito larvae. This paper presents the 1st published records for 3Mesostoma Ehrenberg, including 2 predators of mosquitoes.Mesostoma californicum Hyman,Mesostoma vernale Hyman, andMesostoma sp. cf.lingua Abildgaard were discovered in a temporary pool in Massachusetts.M. californicum andM. sp. cf.lingua were found to be efficient predators on mosquitoe larvae.
Résumé Les observations accumulées indiquent que les larves des Plathelminthes mesostomides sont des prédateurs efficaces des larves de moustiques. Cette note présente les premières mentions de 3Mesostoma Ehrenberg incluant 2 prédateurs de moustiques.Mesostoma californicum Hyman,Mesostoma vernale Hyman, etMesostoma sp. cf.lingua Abildgaard furent découverts dans une mare temporaire du Massachusetts.M. californicum etM. sp. cf.lingua ont été reconnus comme des prédateurs efficaces des larves de moustiques.

To examine how dormancy contributes to the establishment and persistence of Bythotrephes longimanus, we investigated resting egg production and hatching in relation to the demography of the planktonic stage and environmental conditions in Island Lake Reservoir (USA). During a 3-year study, the largest contribution to the egg bank occurred in autumn and most eggs hatched in spring, but we also detected some resting egg production and hatching in summer. The difference between summer and late autumn densities of eggs in sediments averaged 47% (range 0–98%) for 18 sites throughout the reservoir, which was similar to experimental estimates of in situ hatching fraction of 67% for eggs in the spring and summer following their production. Based on emergence traps, neonates hatch in the field during May and June. We estimated mortality rates of 64% for resting eggs and embryos, and 59% for newly emerged neonates. Although hatching fraction saturated at the same level, eggs incubated offshore hatched later than those nearshore where water temperature was warmer and light was detectable at the sediment surface. Low dissolved oxygen concentration did not significantly reduce hatching fraction but resulted in some eggs that initiated development but failed to hatch. Collectively, our results demonstrate substantial annual turnover in the resting egg bank of B. longimanus and high mortality of resting eggs during recruitment from the egg to the first molt of the planktonic stage. These patterns suggest that propagule pressure in the form of resting eggs requires large numbers for establishment, and that considerable post-establishment resting egg production is necessary for inter-annual persistence.  相似文献   

Saprolegniales are ubiquitous in natural water supplies of fish hatcheries, and often cause serious disease problems. Sodium chloride, formalin and iodine, administered twice a day as a flush at different concentrations, were tested on infected eggs of common carp, Cyprinus carpio, to evaluate their antifungal activity and effect on hatching rates. Sodium chloride at 35 000 mg L?1 and formalin at 400 mg L?1 were found to be most effective in controlling Saprolegnia sp., with 85.4 and 91.8% hatching rates, respectively. Iodine increased the hatching rate by 27% at 200 mg L?1 (P < 0.05). There were infections on eggs exposed to all levels of iodine, but not on eggs treated with sodium chloride and formalin. Sodium chloride and formalin were more effective than iodine in controlling Saprolegnia. Sodium chloride is a safe, efficacious and economical treatment of Saprolegniosis and is therefore recommended for treating common carp eggs.  相似文献   

Turtle eggs, 24 h old, were infected with Arizona hinshawii and treated 48 h later with gentamicin sulfate (Garasol; Shering Corp., Allantown, N.J.) by pressure differential egg dip treatment to ascertain the concentration of this reagent required to eradicate this pathogen from eggs. Infected eggs treated with 1,000 or 1,500 micrograms of gentamicin per ml of dip solution eliminated detectable A. hinshawii from eggs as determined by testing shells and embryo-yolk homogenates of 12-day-old eggs and the gastrointestinal tracts, kidneys, livers and gall bladders, and yolks of 50-day-old embryos. Treated eggs produced hatchlings which did not excrete detectable A. hinshawii at 72 h or 30 days after hatching, nor was this organism recovered from the visceral organs of these hatchlings when necropsied 30 days after hatching. Bacteriological assays on infected nontreated eggs showed that greater than 70% of the eggs harbored A. hinshawii, and eggs in this group produced hatchlings which actively excreted and harbored A. hinshawii. Eggs not infected or treated also produced turtles which excreted and systemically carried A. hinshawii and Salmonella spp. though not at the same level as did the turtles produced from infected, nontreated eggs.  相似文献   

This study examines the importance of avian incubation costs as determinants of clutch-size variation by performing clutch-size and brood-size manipulations in the same population of Collared Flycatchers Ficedula albicollis during the same breeding season. In 2 5 cases when three or more clutches of the same size were completed on the same day, we moved two eggs on the day after the last egg had been laid from one randomly selected clutch (C) to another (C) and moved two other eggs from this to a third clutch (C+). In 20 other cases of simultaneously completed clutches of the same size, we moved two randomly selected young from one brood to a second and from that moved two other young to a third (B, B and B+groups). Most females were weighed the day after completion of the clutch and 1–4 days before hatching of the young, and some of them also 10–14 days after hatching of the young. We measured the daily energy expenditure of females incubating manipulated clutches of 4, 6 and 8 eggs by means of the doubly-labelled water (D218O) technique and also recorded their nest attendance. Hatching success of fertilized eggs was reduced in the enlarged clutches compared with control and reduced clutches. Females expired on average 3142.6 ml CO2 and expended 78.6 kJ per day while incubating, which corresponds to a metabolic intensity of 3.3 times BMR. Daily energy expenditure increased with clutch-size due to higher costs while incubating, and not because of changed activity patterns. There were no significant differences in length of incubation, female mass or mass changes between phases for the C, C and C+groups. In both the C and B groups, enlarged broods produced significantly more fledged young than control broods, and those significantly more than reduced broods. Fledgling tarsus-length and mass did not differ significantly between treatments in either the C or B groups. There was no significant difference in breeding success between clutch and brood manipulations. In this season, incubation costs did not entail significant fitness losses, expressed either as fledgling production or female condition. Also, control females could have raised more young to fledging age than they did with no apparent costs.  相似文献   

Turtle eggs, 24 h old, were infected with Arizona hinshawii and treated 48 h later with gentamicin sulfate (Garasol; Shering Corp., Allantown, N.J.) by pressure differential egg dip treatment to ascertain the concentration of this reagent required to eradicate this pathogen from eggs. Infected eggs treated with 1,000 or 1,500 micrograms of gentamicin per ml of dip solution eliminated detectable A. hinshawii from eggs as determined by testing shells and embryo-yolk homogenates of 12-day-old eggs and the gastrointestinal tracts, kidneys, livers and gall bladders, and yolks of 50-day-old embryos. Treated eggs produced hatchlings which did not excrete detectable A. hinshawii at 72 h or 30 days after hatching, nor was this organism recovered from the visceral organs of these hatchlings when necropsied 30 days after hatching. Bacteriological assays on infected nontreated eggs showed that greater than 70% of the eggs harbored A. hinshawii, and eggs in this group produced hatchlings which actively excreted and harbored A. hinshawii. Eggs not infected or treated also produced turtles which excreted and systemically carried A. hinshawii and Salmonella spp. though not at the same level as did the turtles produced from infected, nontreated eggs.  相似文献   

Abstract: Egg parasitoids (Hym., Chalcidoidea) and egg parasitism were studied in 132 egg batches of the pine processionary moth collected from stands of Pinus nigra Arnold and P. brutia Ten. in SW Turkey, at four places in heights of 800–1010 m a.s.l. in October 1998, beyond the caterpillars’ hatch. The egg batches deposited on P. nigra were high‐significantly smaller than those found on P. brutia. In this mountainous regions, Baryscapus servadeii (Dom.) and Ooencyrtus pityocampae (Mercet) were the most abundant egg parasitoids of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Den. & Schiff.). Considering the different sampling places, Trichogramma sp. was found maximally in 3.1% of the parasitized eggs. Additionally, the hyper‐parasitoid Baryscapusransversalis Graham (mean infestation 1.8%) and Pediobius bruchicida (Rond.) (0.1%), both occurring in both sexes, and Anastatus bifasciatus (Fonsc.) (0.1%), only females, were established. The primary parasitoid O. pityocampae dominantly parasitized the eggs placed near the top of the batches, and B. servadeii was found mainly in eggs near the base. The rate of parasitism of the egg batches was very variable. The impact of egg parasitoids and predators varied from 24 to 35.9% depending on the sampling place. The hatching rate of the caterpillars was reduced to 50.7–65.6%. Under laboratory conditions, the emergence dynamics of the parasitoids showed a peak of B. tranversalis in December of the year, in which the host eggs were laid. Baryscapus servadeii emerged mainly in March–May of the following year, when the second part of O. pityocampae appeared. A large part of both parasitoids emerged before sampling of the batches. In O. pityocampae 1.65% and in B. servadeii 2.23% males developed under laboratory conditions. A rate of 15.7% of O. pityocampae and 7.9% of B. servadeii died in the eggs. The polyembryonic Trichogramma sp. (see also Tsankov et al., 1996a ) attacked 1.8% of the eggs. Up to 20 (mean 12) dead pupae were found in one egg. Minor parts of eggs were undeveloped (2.9%) and 0.6% totally empty.  相似文献   

Low hatching success may limit progress towards reaching productivity goals for Atlantic Coast piping plover (Charadrius melodus) recovery, despite management strategies to protect eggs from predators and decrease human disturbance of birds on nests. We measured piping plover hatching success on Eastern Long Island beaches and identified the major causes of egg failure to better understand why eggs that were otherwise intact (not depredated or destroyed by tidal flooding) failed to hatch. We documented egg and nest fates, dissected contents of unhatched eggs to determine viability, and recorded human and predator activity near a subset of plover nests on Suffolk County Parks properties. The low hatching success we recorded (0.60) in 2006 and 2007 would require higher chick survival rates than are typically observed for piping plovers to meet recovery targets for productivity. Few eggs showed signs of poor viability and overall egg hatchability was comparable to other ground nesting birds. Most egg failure was due to either depredation at unexclosed nests or nest abandonment by adults. The best predictor of nest abandonment was the maximum number of red fox tracks (Vulpes vulpes) counted on nearby transects (β = −1.16, 95% CI: −2.0 to −0.3) and we found evidence that plovers abandoned eggs in response to predation risk (e.g., a fox circling a nest exclosure). Adults from abandoned nests may have deserted eggs or been depredated. In either case, intact and viable eggs were abandoned. Nest abandonment was not related to human activity near nests, which were buffered from human disturbance by symbolic string fencing. Our results suggest that depredation and nest abandonment (e.g., desertion or death of adults) due to predator disturbance, not human disturbance or poor egg viability, contributed to the low hatching success we recorded. Active predator removal in addition to modification of predator exclosure use and design may be necessary to prevent direct (egg depredation) and indirect (nest abandonment) negative effects of predators on hatching success. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Predation on and by pelagic Turbellaria in some lakes in Brazil   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Planktonic Turbellaria are of common occurrence in both natural and man-made lakes in Brazil. Experiments were performed in 1987 and 1989 to determine which zooplankton species are consumed by predatory Mesostoma sp. from three natural lakes in the Rio Doce Valley. Experiments were also performed in 1989 with a yet unidentified flatworm from Barra Bonita reservoir. Both predators consumed Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia at a high rate: 4 individuals per day in the case of Mesostoma sp., a large species and 1.5 ind day–1 in the case of the smaller species from Barra Bonita reservoir. Consumption of copepod nauplii, copepodids and adults was much lower, and Ostracoda were not consumed at all. Experiments on food selectivity showed a clear preference by the flatworms for cladocerans.In the lakes studied, flatworms are heavily preyed upon by larvae of Chaoborus and by Mesocyclops species.Turbellaria densities in the natural lakes were around 300 individuals per cubic meter, whereas in Barra Bonita reservoir, 1000 individuals per cubic meter was a mean value in a fifteen days study.Federal University of São Carlos - Laboratory of LimnologyUniversity of São Paulo - Canter of Water Resource and Applied EcologyPost-graduate student - University of São Paulo  相似文献   

Mesostoma species and other typhloplanid flatworms are predators found in a wide variety of habitats. Laboratory observations of some Mesostoma spp found in shallow aquatic habitats (referred to as littoral species) have revealed a wide variety of prey killing mechanisms: 1) mucus trapping, 2) sit-and-wait predation, 3) releasing a toxin into the water, and 4) active searching. We review the existing literature on these mechanisms. We also describe for the first time the predatory behavior of a pelagic Mesostoma sp. found in Brazilian lakes.The existing literature is also reviewed to assess the potential impact of Mesostoma species and related genera on the aquatic invertebrate community. Mesostoma has a high potential for population increase and has been found in high densities in some shallow aquatic habitats. Single prey experiments show that a number of Mesostoma species feed heavily on mosquito larvae, some chironomid larvae and some daphnids but considerably less on most copepods and ostracods. Prey preference experiments reflect the same trends. Hence, these predation studies suggest that the flatworms, at high densities, should reduce populations of certain prey speces and, consequently, alter community structure. Field studies support this prediction. Mesostoma species, at high densities, appear to be important predators of mosquito larvae in shallow aquatic habitats even under conditions where high densities of planktivorous fishes had little impact. They also appear to alter zooplankton community structure. However, much of the field evidence is correlational and not experimental. No studies have assessed the impact of pelagic typhloplanids on zooplankton community structure.It is concluded that many more manipulative field experiments are needed to assess the impact of typhloplanids on aquatic invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

Vila, B., Galobart, À., Oms, O., Poza, B. & Bravo, A.M. 2009: Assessing the nesting strategies of Late Cretaceous titanosaurs: 3‐D clutch geometry from a new megaloolithid eggsite. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 197–208. Detailed mapping and excavation at the egg locality of Font del Bullidor (Vallcebre Syncline, NE Iberian Peninsula) document various clutches with megaloolithid (Megaloolithus siruguei) eggs and provide significant information on the mode of incubation of Late Cretaceous titanosaurs. Clutches of eggs are preserved in a greyish lagoonal mudstone deposited overlying a sinuous channel infill. Despite the lithological uniformity of the mudstone, clutch architecture can be inferred from the topographical position of the eggs within some clutches. Mapping methods underscore the importance of documenting the spatial relationship of the egg‐bearing bed and the mapping plan, as well as an accurate 3‐D coordinate acquisition. Both geometry of the clutches and taphonomic observations on particular eggs indicate that eggs were laid in a shallow pit excavated into the substrate. Most of the eggs were incubated under a cover of sediment before hatching or cracking. This corroborates previous inferences on nesting mode. □Clutch, dinosaurs, eggs, Maastrichtian, Megaloolithus siruguei, Pyrenees.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2021,24(4):1216-1220
For different research purposes, there is a need to mass rear mosquitoes, such as Aedes aegypti, under laboratory conditions. The rearing process begins with egg production followed by egg storage in a dry environment, inside containers. Stored eggs are susceptible to environmental threats when storage conditions are suboptimal. Some terrestrial insects can invade this environment and attack stored eggs. In this brief report, we assessed whether Ae. aegypti eggs exposed to Liposcelis sp. individuals had reduced hatching and immature development rates. We exposed 100 eggs in different treatment conditions (fixed in porous paper and loosed) to 30 Liposcelis sp. individuals for ten days and then we induced hatching. We observed a hatching rate of 99% reduced for those eggs adhered to porous paper and loosed eggs showed a hatching rate of 45% decreased for those eggs exposed to Liposcelis sp. The remaining larvae took longer to develop into pupae as well, showing a four-day delay on average to the final metamorphosis of the aquatic stage. These results reinforce the need to frequently monitor egg storage conditions to maintain laboratory colonies stable and free from pests that can interfere with mosquito life-history traits.  相似文献   

1. The freshwater ostracod (Ostracoda), Eucypris virens, is commonly found in European temporary pools, where its long‐term persistence completely relies on the build‐up of resting egg banks. Extreme tolerance of dormant eggs and seeds is widely assumed, but freshwater ostracod eggs are relatively poorly studied. The study of ostracod resting eggs is of particular relevance as it may yield the key to understanding the distribution of the sexes in many species capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. 2. We assessed the tolerance of dried resting eggs produced by females originating from three populations with males and three all‐female E. virens populations. Hatching time and success was compared between control eggs and eggs exposed to one of seven ecologically relevant stressors: digestive enzymes, high salinity, deep freezing, hydration, UV‐B radiation, hypoxia and insecticide treatment. 3. None of the stressors reduced significantly the viability of either sexual or asexual eggs. When compared with the reproductive mode–specific controls, exposure to UV‐B radiation had a mild impact on the survival of sexual and asexual eggs (?16.8 and ?22.4%, respectively), but this was only significant for asexual eggs. These results point to an extreme tolerance of E. virens resting eggs and have important implications for the ecology and evolution of the species. 4. The timing of hatching was not affected by the stress treatment, except for UV‐B radiation. A marginally significant delay in hatching response was observed for UV‐B‐radiated eggs when compared to the overall mean, but this treatment effect was absent when compared with the reproductive mode–specific controls. 5. The populations with males produced eggs that hatched on average earlier (?1.5 days at 17 °C) and were more successful (+26%) than asexual eggs. Due to the limited number of populations and the population‐specific origin and age of the eggs, the possibility due to the differences in age and origin of the resting eggs, or to variations in local conditions, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) from stage 27 (5.5-day-old) Korean native ogol chicken embryonic germinal ridges were cultured in vitro for 5 days. As in in vivo culture, these cultured PGCs were expected to have already passed beyond the migration stage. Approximately 200 of these PGCs were transferred into 2.5-day-old white leghorn embryonic blood stream, and then the recipient embryos were incubated until hatching. The rate of hatching was 58.8% in the manipulated eggs. Six out of 60 recipients were identified as germline chimeric chickens by their feather colour. The frequency of germline transmission of donor PGCs was 1.3–3.1% regardless of sex. The stage 27 PGCs will be very useful for collecting large numbers of PGCs, handling of exogenous DNA transfection during culture, and for the production of desired transgenic chickens.  相似文献   


Epipompilis insularis females were found to attack 2 species of hunting spider, Clubiona cambridgei and Salticus sp., and oviposit on them. All spiders were females which had oviposited and were inside their nests with their eggs. After eating the spiders, the larval parasitoids fed on the developing eggs or post-embryos, a facet of behaviour not previously reported for a pompilid wasp.  相似文献   

The helminthological study of 26 Eurasian badgers (Meles meles L.) in the Basque Country (northern Spain) revealed the presence of two trematode (Euryhelmis squamula and Brachylaima sp.), three cestode (Atriotaenia incisa, Mesocestoides sp. and Taenia sp.) and five nematode (Aonchotheca putorii, Physaloptera sp., Molineus patens, Uncinaria criniformis and Strongyloides sp.) species. All 15 individuals analysed for Trichinella sp. were negative. The coprological analysis (flotation and migration) revealed the excretion of strongylid, capillariid and trematode eggs, and Crenosoma sp. and Angiostrongylus sp. larvae. No sex- or age-related differences were found in the parasite burden or egg and larvae excretion. A. incisa and M. patens abundances were positively correlated, both species being negatively correlated with badger weight. The presence of adults of U. criniformis and strongylid eggs in faeces was not independent. Badgers excreting Angiostrongylus larvae were in poorer condition than those not excreting.  相似文献   

1. Whether the potential fecundity of herbivorous insects is realised or not may depend on female behaviour, which in turn may be influenced by host plant acceptability. Female Bupalus piniarius were observed to discriminate against needles growing out the year following defoliation (current‐year needles) of its host plant Pinus sylvestris. 2. It was hypothesised that the discriminatory behaviour was due to current‐year needles being less secure as a substrate. Field and laboratory experiments were designed to test this hypothesis and to estimate the discrepancy between potential and realised fecundity when females were offered defoliated branches. 3. In a laboratory oviposition experiment, B. piniarius females were exposed to branches bearing either current‐year needles only or both mature and current‐year needles. Daily oviposition rate, egg batch size, longevity, and mature eggs and fat retained at death were recorded for each female. In field experiments, the rate at which eggs dropped from expanding needles and the capacity of neonate larvae hatching from the dropped eggs to colonise a tree were assessed. 4. Significantly fewer eggs were laid when females were exposed to defoliated branches. 5. Twenty‐six and 16% of the eggs laid on current‐year needles dropped from the needles in 1998 and 1999 respectively, whereas no eggs dropped from mature needles in 1998 and only one egg (< 1%) dropped in 1999. 6. A very small proportion of larvae hatching on the forest floor (simulated egg drop) was able to recolonise host trees. 7. These results emphasise the importance of oviposition behaviour on realised fecundity when analysing insect population dynamics. In the case of B. piniarius, egg placement, although a minor detail during the normal course of events, became of key importance when defoliation deprived females of their preferred egg attachment site.  相似文献   

Brood reduction in birds is frequently induced by hatching asynchrony. Crested penguins (genus Eudyptes) are obligate brood reducers, but in contrast to most other birds, first‐laid eggs are considerably smaller in size than second‐laid eggs; furthermore, first‐laid eggs hatch after their siblings. The mechanisms underlying this reversal in size and hatching order remain unclear. In this study, we tested whether the second‐laid eggs of Snares Penguins Eudyptes robustus have a higher eggshell porosity allowing them to maintain a higher metabolic rate throughout incubation and to hatch before their first‐laid siblings. We investigated differences in egg size, shell thickness, pore density, pore diameter and water vapour conductance between first and second eggs within clutches and examined the influence of these shell characteristics on hatching asynchrony. First‐laid eggs of Snares Penguins were approximately 78% of the size of the larger second eggs. Second‐laid eggs had considerably thicker shells and more pores per cm2 than first eggs, whereas pore diameter did not differ between eggs. Water vapour conductance was greater in second‐ (16.8 mg/day/torr) than in first‐laid eggs (14.9 mg/day/torr). The difference in water vapour conductance between first‐ and second‐laid eggs within clutches was related to hatching patterns. In nests where second eggs hatched before first‐laid eggs, second eggs had a considerably greater water conductance than their sibling, whereas in nests where both eggs hatched on the same day, the difference in water conductance between eggs was very small, and in a few nests where small first eggs hatched before their larger sibling, they had a greater water conductance than their larger second‐laid nestmate. Surprisingly few studies have investigated differences in shell characteristics between eggs within clutches and associated effects on hatching asynchrony. This study has demonstrated that such differences exist between eggs within clutches and that they can influence hatching patterns.  相似文献   

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