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Conformational changes of in chromatin structure play a key role in the regulation of intranuclear processes and, therefore, are under advanced study. In the paper presented, the fine structure of chromatin in DNA replication sites was examined in cells fixed in situ and in cells permeabilized in low ionic strength solutions in the presence of divalent cations. The method provides the visualization of higher-level chromatin structures, globular chromomeres, and chromonema fibres. Nascent DNA was detected on the surface of ultrathin sections immunochemically using anti-BrdU antibodies. It was shown that newly replicated DNA preferentially localizes within the zones filled with globular and fibrillar elements 30 nm in diameter. DNA-completed replication became embedded in 60–100-nm-thick chromonema elements. The results are discussed in the context of the hierarchical folding of chromatin fibers.  相似文献   

We have used light microscopy and serial thin-section electron microscopy to visualize intermediates of chromosome decondensation during G1 progression in synchronized CHO cells. In early G1, tightly coiled 100-130-nm "chromonema" fibers are visualized within partially decondensed chromatin masses. Progression from early to middle G1 is accompanied by a progressive uncoiling and straightening of these chromonema fibers. Further decondensation in later G1 and early S phase results in predominantly 60-80-nm chromonema fibers that can be traced up to 2-3 microns in length as discrete fibers. Abrupt transitions in diameter from 100-130 to 60-80 nm along individual fibers are suggestive of coiling of the 60-80-nm chromonema fibers to form the thicker 100-130-nm chromonema fiber. Local unfolding of these chromonema fibers, corresponding to DNA regions tens to hundreds of kilobases in length, reveal more loosely folded and extended 30-nm chromatin fibers. Kinks and supercoils appear as prominent features at all observed levels of folding. These results are inconsistent with prevailing models of chromosome structure and, instead, suggest a folded chromonema model of chromosome structure.  相似文献   

果蝇多线染色体β异染色质区的螺旋结构(简报)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By using conventional electron microscopy, beta heterochromatin of polytene chromosome of Drosophila virilis was composed of 80-100nm chromonemas. Helical structures consisting of the 30nm chromatin fibres were identified in the chromonema. Based on these observations, the radial loop model and the multiple coiling model were discussed.  相似文献   

The mammalian genome is compacted to fit within the confines of the cell nucleus. DNA is wrapped around nucleosomes, forming the classic ‘beads‐on‐a‐string’ 10‐nm chromatin fibre. Ten‐nanometre chromatin fibres are thought to condense into 30‐nm fibres. This structural reorganization is widely assumed to correspond to transitions between active and repressed chromatin, thereby representing a chief regulatory event. Here, by combining electron spectroscopic imaging with tomography, three‐dimensional images are generated, revealing that both open and closed chromatin domains in mouse somatic cells comprise 10‐nm fibres. These findings indicate that the 30‐nm chromatin model does not reflect the true regulatory structure in vivo.  相似文献   

70年代发现核小体以来,关于染色质和染色体的超微结构研究有了很大进展,对染色质的高序结构(Higher order structure)已提  相似文献   

Using methods of in vivo observation and ultrathin sectioning, it is shown that chromosomes of metaphase PE cells, previously treated with diluted Henk's solutions (70, 30 and 15%), undergo some structural transitions resulting in the formation of micronuclei. At the early stages of hypotonic treatment chromosomes are seen considerably swollen and losing the higher levels of organization, including the chromonema and chromomeres. The chromosomal bodies are formed by DNP fibers 10-25 nm in diameter making loops radiating from the central part of the chromatids. Chromosomes are capable of recondensing from this state by consecutive reconstitution of G-bands, chromomeres and the chromonema. The subsequent secondary decondensation of chromosomes is analogous to telophase decondensation at the normal mitosis, but it results in the formation of a great number of small nuclei (micronuclei). The chromatin structure in micronuclei as well as their ability to synthesize RNA and to replicate DNA show these effects to be reversible. It has been suggested that the loop organization of DNP may be essential for sustaining the structural integrity of the mitotic chromosome.  相似文献   

Is the nuclear matrix the site of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four types of experiment were carried out to test the recently proposed model of matrix-bound replication in eukaryotic cells. In experiments with pulse-labelling we found preferential association of newly replicated DNA with the matrix only when the procedure for isolation includes first high-salt treatment of isolated nuclei and then digestion with nucleases, or when prior to digestion the nuclei have been stored for a prolonged time. In both cases, however, evidence was found that this preferential association is due to a secondary, artifactual binding of the newly replicated chromatin region to the matrix elements. Pulse-chase experiments and experiments with continuous labelling were carried out to answer the question whether during replication the DNA is reeled through the replication complexes, i.e., whether newly replicated DNA is temporarily or permanently associated with the matrix. The results showed that at that time the matrix DNA does not move from its site of attachment. Since, according to the model of matrix-bound replication, the forks are assumed to be firmly anchored to high-salt resistant proteinaceous matrix structures, the chromatin fragments isolated with endonuclease not recognizing newly replicated DNA and purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation should be free of replication intermediates. The electronmicroscopic analysis of such fragments revealed the existence of intact replication micro-bubbles. Moreover, the fragments with replication configurations appeared as smooth chromatin fibres not attached to elements characteristic for the matrix. All these experiments suggest that the nuclear skeleton is not a native site of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Endo M  Sugai T 《Zoological science》2011,28(7):482-490
The macronucleus of the ciliate Tetrahymena cell contains euchromatin and numerous heterochromatins called chromatin bodies. During cell division, a chromatin aggregate larger than chromatin body appears in the macronucleus. We observed chromatin aggregates in the dividing macronucleus in a living T. thermophila cell, and found that these were globular in morphology and homogeneous in size. To observe globular chromatin clearly, optimal conditions for making it compact were studied. Addition of Mg ion, benomyl and oryzalin, microtubule inhibitors, to cell suspension was effective. Globular chromatin appeared when the micronuclear anaphase began at the cell cortex, and disappeared long after cell separation. Using living cells with a small macronucleus at early log phase, we counted the number of globular chromatin per nucleus and measured the DNA content of globular chromatin in the macronucleus which was stained with Hoechst 33342 by using ImageJ. The number of globular chromatin per nucleus was reduced by half after division, indicating the globular chromatin is a distribution unit of DNA. A globular chromatin contained similar DNA content as that of the macronuclear genome. We developed methods for inducing and isolating a cell with an extremely small macronucleus with a DNA amount of one globular chromatin. These cells grew, divided, and give clones, suggesting that the macronuclear genome is not dispersed within the macronucleus and the globular chromatin may be a macronuclear genome. We named this globular chromatin "macronuclear genome unit" (MGU).  相似文献   

Prematurely condensed chromosomes (PCC) of HeLa cells synchronized in different phases of the cell cycle were analyzed by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in the arrangement of the basic 30-nm chromatin fiber within interphase chromosomes associated with progression through the cell cycle. These studies revealed that highly condensed metaphase chromosomes and early G1-PCC consisted of tightly packed looping fibers. Early to mid G1-PCC were more extended and exhibited gyres suggestive of a despiralized chromonema. Further attenuation of PCC during progression through G1 was associated with a gradual transition from packed looping fibers to single extended longitudinal fibers. This process occurs prior to the initiation of DNA synthesis which appears to be localized within single longitudinal fibers. Following replication of a chromosome segment, extended longitudinal fibers were rapidly reorganized into packed looping fiber clusters concomitant with the formation of a multifibered chromosome axis. This results in the characteristic “pulverized” appearance of S-PCC when viewed by light microscopy. Subsequently, adjacent looping fiber domains coalesce, resulting in the uniformly packed, looping fiber arrangement observed in G2-PCC. Spiralization of the chromonema during the G2-mitotic transition results in the formation of highly compact metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

Burakov VV  Chentsov IuS 《Tsitologiia》2002,44(10):988-995
This paper deals with the ultrastructure and behavior of interphase chromatin and metaphase chromosomes of L-197 culture cells under experimental conditions, which help to reveal the chromonemal level of chromosomal structure after the treatment of living cells with 0.1% Triton X-100 and 3 mM CaCl2. In these conditions, the chromonemata can be seen as dense chromatin fibers with thickness about 100 nm. Such chromosomes, whose chromonemal substructure after the treatment with hypotonic solution (10 mM Tris-HCl), look like loose chromosomal bodies composed of elementary 30 nm DNP fibrils. On the other hand, if chromosomes, in which chromonemal levels were revealed by 3 mM CaCl2, were treated with etidium bromide and then illuminated by light with length wave about 460 nm, no chromosomal decondensation in hypotonic conditions is observed. Chromonemata in chromosomes stabilized by light retain their density and dimensions. It is very important that chromonemata in stabilizated chromatin of metaphase chromosome keep specific connections between themselves and also general trend in their composition inside the chromosome. Thus, we have found conditions for observation of chromonemal elements in metaphase chromosome, providing the possibility for future three-dimensional investigation of chromonema packing in mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

The location of the globular domain of histone H5 relative to the axis of the 30 nm chromatin fiber was investigated by following the accessibility of this region of the molecule in chicken erythrocyte chromatin to specific antibodies as a function of chromatin structure. Antibodies to the globular domain of H5 as well as their Fab fragments were found to react with chromatin at ionic strengths ranging from 1-80 mM NaCl, the reaction gradually decreasing upon increase of salt concentration. If, however, Fab fragments were conjugated to ferritin, no reaction of the complex with chromatin was observed at salt concentrations higher than 20 mM. The accessibility of the globular part of H5 in unfolded chromatin to the Fab-ferritin complex was also demonstrated with trypsin-digested chromatin. The experiments were carried out by both solid-phase immunoassay and inhibition experiments. The data obtained are consistent with a structure in which the globular domain of H5 is internally located in the 30 nm chromatin fiber.  相似文献   

Nascent DNA (newly replicated DNA) was visualized in situ with regard to the position of the previously replicated DNA and to chromatin structure. Localization of nascent DNA at the replication sites can be achieved through pulse labeling of cells with labeled DNA precursors during very short periods of time. We were able to label V79 Chinese Hamster cells for as shortly as 2 min with BrdU; Br-DNA, detected by immunoelectron microscopy, occurs at the periphery of dense chromatin, at individual dispersed chromatin fibers, and within dispersed chromatin areas. In these regions DNA polymerase alpha was also visualized. After a 5-min BrdU pulse, condensed chromatin also became labeled. When the pulse was followed by a chase, a larger number of gold particles occurred on condensed chromatin. Double-labeling experiments, consisting in first incubating cells with IdU for 20 min, chased for 10 min and then labeled for 5 min with CldU, reveal CldU-labeled nascent DNA on the periphery of condensed chromatin, while previously replicated IdU-labeled DNA has been internalized into condensed chromatin. Altogether, these results show that the sites of DNA replication correspond essentially to perichromatin regions and that the newly replicated DNA moves rapidly from replication sites toward the interior of condensed chromatin areas.  相似文献   

A study of ultrathin sections of normal Chinese hamster cells and cells treated with decreasing concentrations of bivalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) in situ revealed several discrete levels of compaction of DNA-nucleoprotein (DNP) fibrils in mitotic chromosomes and the chromatin of interphase nuclei. At concentrations ranging from 3 mM CaCl2 and 1 mM MgCl2 to ten times less, the chromosomes are found to contain fibrous elements (chromonemata) about 100 nm in diameter. As Ca2+ concentration is gradually decreased to 0.2–0.1 mM, the chromosomes decondense into a number of discrete chromatin structures, the chromomeres. As decondensation proceeds, these chromomeres acquire a rosettelike structure with DNP fibrils radiating from an electron-dense core. Upon complete decondensation of chromosomes, individual chromomeres persist only in the centromeric regions. The following levels of DNP compaction in mitotic chromosomes are suggested: a 10-nm nucleosomal fibril, a 25-nm nucleomeric fibril, and the chromonema, a fibrous structure, about 100 nm in diameter, composed of chromomeres. Interphase nuclei also contain structures which are morphologically similar to the chromomeres of mitotic chromosomes.  相似文献   

Chromatin structure is believed to exert a strong effect on replication origin function. We have studied the replication of the chicken beta-globin locus, whose chromatin structure has been extensively characterized. This locus is delimited by hypersensitive sites (HSs) that mark the position of insulator elements. A stretch of condensed chromatin and another HS separate the beta-globin domain from an adjacent folate receptor (FR) gene. We demonstrate here that in erythroid cells that express the FR but not the globin genes, replication initiates at four sites within the beta-globin domain, one at the 5' HS4 insulator and the other three near the rho- and beta(A)-globin genes. Three origins consist of G+C-rich sequences enriched in CpG dinucleotides. The fourth origin is A+T rich. Together with previous work, these data reveal that the insulator origin has unmethylated CpGs, hyperacetylated histones H3 and H4, and lysine 4-methylated histone H3. In contrast, opposite modifications are observed at the other G+C-rich origins. We also show that the whole region, including the stretch of condensed chromatin, replicates early in S phase in these cells. Therefore, different early-firing origins within the same locus may have opposite patterns of epigenetic modifications. The role of insulator elements in DNA replication is discussed.  相似文献   

Nascent DNA (newly replicated DNA) was visualized in situ with regard to the position of the previously replicated DNA and to chromatin structure. Localization of nascent DNA at the replication sites can be achieved through pulse labeling of cells with labeled DNA precursors during very short periods of time. We were able to label V79 Chinese Hamster cells for as shortly as 2 min with BrdU; Br-DNA, detected by immunoelectron microscopy, occurs at the periphery of dense chromatin, at individual dispersed chromatin fibers, and within dispersed chromatin areas. In these regions DNA polymerase α was also visualized. After a 5-min BrdU pulse, condensed chromatin also became labeled. When the pulse was followed by a chase, a larger number of gold particles occurred on condensed chromatin. Double-labeling experiments, consisting in first incubating cells with IdU for 20 min, chased for 10 min and then labeled for 5 min with CldU, reveal CldU-labeled nascent DNA on the periphery of condensed chromatin, while previously replicated IdU-labeled DNA has been internalized into condensed chromatin. Altogether, these results show that the sites of DNA replication correspond essentially to perichromatin regions and that the newly replicated DNA moves rapidly from replication sites toward the interior of condensed chromatin areas.  相似文献   

J A Subirana 《FEBS letters》1992,302(2):105-107
The tendency of DNA to form fibers upon condensation with counterions is reviewed. It is shown that chromatin fibers may acquire a relatively constant diameter of about 30 nm simply as an optimal size achieved upon neutralization of DNA, without requiring a repetitive internal structure. Thus the size of chromatin fibers would not be determined by any specific spatial interaction between DNA and histones. The driving force for the formation of fibers in chromatin would be similar to that found in proteins when they acquire a compact globular shape.  相似文献   

In embryonic cell-line derivative KCo of Drosophila melanogaster, the nucleolus, like most nucleoli, contains a small proportion of ribosomal DNA (1-2% of the total nucleolar DNA). The ribosomal DNA is virtually the only active gene set in the nucleolus and is found among long stretches of inactive supercoiled heterochromatic segments. We have demonstrated by use of a Feulgen-like ammine-osmium staining procedure that, depending on the state of growth, more or less fibres of decondensed DNA emanating from the intra-nucleolar chromatin (which is in continuity with the nucleolus-associated chromatin) ramify and unravel within the central nucleolar core to be transcribed. The nucleolus expands or contracts with the variation of activity and could belong to a supramolecular matricial structure such as is shown after extraction of the nuclei. After a long period of exposure to high doses of actinomycin D, the central nucleolar core became an homogeneous fibrous structure that could be interpreted as an aggregate of protein skeletal elements. The mechanism of repression and derepression of the nucleolar chromatin could thus be explained by a mechanism involving in part a sub-nucleolar structure. We propose a schematic organization of the nucleolar chromatin in KCo cells of Drosophila and discuss it in relation with other nucleolar organizations.  相似文献   

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