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Ronette L. Kolotkin Ross D. Crosby Karl D. Kosloski G. Rhys Williams 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2001,9(2):102-111
Objective: Obesity researchers have a growing interest in measuring the impact of weight and weight reduction on quality of life. The Impact of Weight on Quality of Life questionnaire (IWQOL) was the first self‐report instrument specifically developed to assess the effect of obesity on quality of life. Although the IWQOL has demonstrated excellent psychometric properties, its length (74 items) makes it somewhat cumbersome as an outcome measure in clinical research. This report describes the development of a 31‐item version of the IWQOL (IWQOL‐Lite). Research Methods and Procedures: IWQOLs from 996 obese patients and controls were used to develop the IWQOL‐Lite. Psychometric properties of the IWQOL‐Lite were examined in a separate cross‐validation sample of 991 patients and controls. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis provided strong support for the adequacy of the scale structure. The five identified scales of the IWQOL‐Lite (Physical Function, Self‐Esteem, Sexual Life, Public Distress, and Work) and the total IWQOL‐Lite score demonstrated excellent psychometric properties. The reliability of the IWQOL‐Lite scales ranged from 0.90 to 0.94 and was 0.96 for the total score. Correlations between the IWQOL‐Lite and collateral measures supported the construct validity of the IWQOL‐Lite. Changes in IWQOL‐Lite scales over time correlated significantly with changes in weight, supporting its sensitivity to change. Significant differences in IWQOL‐Lite scale and total scores were found among groups differing in body mass index, supporting the utility of the IWQOL‐Lite across the body mass index spectrum. Discussion: The IWQOL‐Lite appears to be a psychometrically sound and clinically sensitive brief measure of quality of life in obese persons. 相似文献
Martina de Zwaan M.D. James E. Mitchell L. Michael Howell Nancy Monson Lorraine Swan-Kremeier James L. Roerig Ronette L. Kolotkin Ross D. Crosby 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2002,10(11):1143-1151
Objective: To compare health-related quality of life (HRQOL) measures in obese presurgery patients with and without binge-eating disorder (BED) and to investigate the relationship between a generic [short form-36 (SF-36)] and a disease-specific HRQOL measure [Impact of Weight on Quality of Life Questionnaire (IWQOL)] and measures of eating-related and general psychopathology. Research Methods and Procedures: One hundred ten patients ages 19 to 62 years with a mean body mass index of 48.4 ± 8.3 kg/m2 who were evaluated for gastric bypass surgery were asked to fill out questionnaires assessing eating-related and general psychopathology (depression, self-esteem), as well as the two HRQOL questionnaires. BED was assessed by self-report. Results: Nineteen (17.3%) patients met criteria for BED. Significant differences between patients with and without BED were found for four of the eight subscales of the SF-36—with effect sizes ranging from 0.44 to 0.75—and for the total score and three of the five subscales of the IWQOL-Lite—with effect sizes from 0.57 to 0.74. The mental composite score of the SF-36 as well as the IWQOL total score correlated significantly with the measures of psychopathology. Discussion: This is the first study comparing the results of HRQOL measures in morbidly obese presurgery patients with and without BED. The results indicate that BED has a profound negative impact on HRQOL that exceeds the influence of obesity. Both HRQOL measures were able to reliably discriminate between patients with and without BED. Depression and self-esteem influenced HRQOL in a similar way as binge eating. 相似文献
Ronette L. Kolotkin Ross D. Crosby G. Rhys Williams Guilford G. Hartley Susan Nicol 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2001,9(9):564-571
Objective: This is a report of health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) changes in obese patients completing at least 1 year of outpatient treatment in a weight reduction program combining phentermine‐fenfluramine and dietary counseling. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants were 141 women (87.6%) and 20 men (12.4%) who had an average body mass index at intake of 41.1 kg/m2 (SD = 7.0, range = 29.5 to 67.0 kg/m2) and an average age of 44.9 years (SD = 9.3, range = 23 to 65 years). HRQOL was assessed at intake and at 1‐year follow‐up using the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life (IWQOL)‐Lite questionnaire. The relationship between HRQOL changes and weight loss was examined using Pearson correlations. Clinically meaningful change in HRQOL was defined as a 1.96 SEM reduction in IWQOL‐Lite total score. Results: On average, participants lost 20.2 kg or 17.6% of their weight over the 1‐year period. Of the participants, 15.5% lost <10% of their weight, 24.2% lost 10% to 14.9%, 23.6% lost 15% to 19.9%, and 36.6% lost 20% or more. All five IWQOL‐Lite scales and total score showed statistically significant improvement over the 1‐year period. Changes in IWQOL‐Lite scores from intake to 1 year showed statistically significant correlations with percentage of weight loss for all subscales and total score. Subscale correlations with weight loss ranged from 0.166 (Public Distress) to 0.396 (Physical Function) and was 0.370 for the total score. Forty‐four percent of participants losing <10% met the criterion of clinically meaningful change, compared with 51.3% losing 10% to 14.9%, 55.3% losing 15% to 19.95%, and 76.3% losing >20%. For total score and for three of the five IWQOL‐Lite scales (Physical Function, Self‐Esteem, and Sexual Life), the relationship between weight loss and clinically meaningful change was linear and was significant at p < 0.05. Physical Function and Self‐Esteem were most strongly affected by weight loss. Discussion: HRQOL changes, as measured by an obesity‐specific instrument (IWQOL‐Lite), are strongly related to weight reduction. 相似文献
Kolotkin RL Zeller M Modi AC Samsa GP Quinlan NP Yanovski JA Bell SK Maahs DM de Serna DG Roehrig HR 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2006,14(3):448-457
Objective : The development of a new weight‐related measure to assess quality of life in adolescents [Impact of Weight on Quality of Life (IWQOL)‐Kids] is described. Research Methods and Procedures : Using a literature search, clinical experience, and consultation with pediatric clinicians, 73 items were developed, pilot tested, and administered to 642 participants, 11 to 19 years old, recruited from weight loss programs/studies and community samples (mean z‐BMI, 1.5; range, ?1.2 to 3.4; mean age, 14.0; 60% female; 56% white). Participants completed the 73 items and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory and were weighed and measured. Results : Four factors (27 items) were identified (physical comfort, body esteem, social life, and family relations), accounting for 71% of the variance. The IWQOL‐Kids demonstrated excellent psychometric properties. Internal consistency coefficients ranged from 0.88 to 0.95 for scales and equaled 0.96 for total score. Convergent validity was demonstrated with strong correlations between IWQOL‐Kids total score and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (r = 0.76, p < 0.0001). Significant differences were found across BMI groups and between clinical and community samples, supporting the sensitivity of this measure. Participants in a weight loss camp demonstrated improved IWQOL‐Kids scores, suggesting responsiveness of the IWQOL‐Kids to weight loss/social support intervention. Discussion : The present study provides preliminary evidence regarding the psychometric properties of the IWQOL‐Kids, a weight‐related quality of life measure for adolescents. Given the rise of obesity in youth, the development of a reliable and valid weight‐related measure of quality of life is timely. 相似文献
Maureen P. Dymek Ph.D. Daniel Le Grange Kim Neven John Alverdy 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2002,10(11):1135-1142
Objective: Numerous reports document significant weight loss after gastric bypass; however, there is little objective data on postsurgical changes in health-related quality of life (HRQL). Research Methods and Procedures: This study examined HRQL in four groups of patients: presurgery (T1), several weeks postsurgery (T2), 6 months postsurgery (T3), and 1 year postsurgery (T4). Subjects were given three HRQL measures: the short form 36 (SF-36), the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life-Lite Questionnaire (IWQOL-Lite), and the Bariatric Analysis and Reporting Outcome System (BAROS). Subjects also completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE). Results: There were no significant differences among the groups on demographics or presurgical body mass index. Results showed significant differences between T1 and T2 on several SF-36 and IWQOL-Lite subscales, as well as the RSE and BDI. Significant differences were found on all measures between T2 and T3. Significant differences were found on all subscales of the IWQOL-Lite, but no subscales of the SF-36, the RSE, or the BDI between T3 and T4. Discussion: This study is the first to objectively document these differences in several objective measures of HRQL, depression, and self-esteem after gastric bypass in a large sample. It is notable that many differences are apparent within several weeks after surgery. Furthermore, results indicate that the IWQOL-Lite may be more sensitive than the SF-36 to the changes of quality of life that gastric bypass patients report. 相似文献
Scott G. Engel Ross D. Crosby Ronette L. Kolotkin Guilford G. Hartley G. Rhys Williams Stephen A. Wonderlich James E. Mitchell 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2003,11(10):1207-1213
Objective: To compare the impact of weight regain and weight loss on health‐related quality of life. Research Methods and Procedures: Subjects were 122 (106 women, 16 men) overweight and obese participants in a weight reduction program (phentermine‐fenfluramine and dietary counseling) who had initially lost at least 5% of their total body weight and then regained at least 5% of their weight during the follow‐up period. Follow‐up periods ranged from 10 to 41 months (mean, 28 months). Participants completed the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life‐Lite, an obesity‐specific health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) measure, at 3‐month intervals. Results: Mean BMI at baseline was 40.9 ± 6.6 kg/m2 (range, 29.2 to 63.7 kg/m2). Average weight loss from entry was 18.8 ± 6.7% (range, 6.0% to 43.7%), and average regain was 10.1 ±4.4% of baseline weight (range, 5.0% to 30.6%). The effects of weight regain on HRQOL mirrored the effects of weight loss—rates of HRQOL change were similar in magnitude but different in direction for comparable weight loss and regain. Those with more severe initial impairments in HRQOL experienced greater improvements in HRQOL during weight loss as well as greater deterioration during weight regain than those with less severe impairments. Discussion: Weight loss and regain produced mirror image changes in HRQOL. The initial severity of HRQOL impairment had a greater impact on the magnitude of HRQOL change than the direction of weight change. Findings underscore the importance of maintaining weight loss for the purposes of retaining obesity‐specific HRQOL benefits. 相似文献
Ronette L. Kolotkin Ross D. Crosby G. Rhys Williams 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2002,10(8):748-756
Objective: To compare the health‐related quality of life (HRQOL) of overweight/obese individuals from different subgroups that vary in treatment‐seeking status and treatment intensity. Research Methods and Procedures: Participants were from five distinct groups, representing a continuum of treatment intensity: overweight/obese community volunteers who were not enrolled in weight‐loss treatment, clinical trial participants, outpatient weight‐loss program/studies participants, participants in a day treatment program for obesity, and gastric bypass patients. The sample was large (n = 3353), geographically diverse (subjects were from 13 different states in the U.S.), and demographically diverse (age range, 18 to 90 years; at least 14% African Americans; 32.6% men). An obesity‐specific instrument, the Impact of Weight on Quality of Life‐Lite questionnaire, was used to assess health‐related quality of life (HRQOL). Results: Results indicated that obesity‐specific HRQOL was significantly more impaired in the treatment‐seeking groups than in the nontreatment‐seeking group across comparable gender and body mass index (BMI) categories. Within the treatment groups, HRQOL varied by treatment intensity. Gastric bypass patients had the most impairment, followed by day treatment patients, followed by participants in outpatient weight‐loss programs/studies, followed by participants in clinical trials. Obesity‐specific HRQOL was more impaired for those with higher BMIs, whites, and women in certain treatment groups. Discussion: There are differences in HRQOL across subgroups of overweight/obese individuals that vary by treatment‐seeking status, treatment modality, gender, race, and BMI. 相似文献
Song AY Rubin JP Thomas V Dudas JR Marra KG Fernstrom MH 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2006,14(9):1626-1636
Objective: Because post‐bariatric surgery patients undergo massive weight loss, the resulting skin excess can lead to both functional problems and profound dissatisfaction with appearance. Correcting skin excess could improve all these corollaries, including body image. Presently, few data are available documenting body image and weight‐related quality of life in this population. Research Methods and Procedures: Eighteen patients who underwent both bariatric surgery and body contouring completed our study. Both established surveys and new surveys designed specifically for the study were used to assess body perception and ideals, quality of life, and mood. Patients were surveyed at the following time‐points: pre‐body contouring (after massive weight loss) and both 3 and 6 month post‐body contouring. Statistical testing was performed using Student's t test and ANOVA. Results: The mean age of the patients was 46 ± 10 years (standard deviation). Quality of life improved after obesity surgery and was significantly enhanced after body contouring. Three months after body contouring, subjects ascribed thinner silhouettes to both current appearance and ideal body image. Body image also improved with body contouring surgery. Mood remained stable over 6 months. Discussion: Body contouring after surgical weight loss improved both quality‐of‐life measurements and body image. Initial body dissatisfaction did not correlate with mood. Body contouring improved body image but produced dissatisfaction with other parts of the body, suggesting that as patients become closer to their ideal, these ideals may shift. We further developed several new assessment methods that may prove useful in understanding these post‐surgical weight loss patients. 相似文献
Nicholas A. Tritos Edward Mun Anne Bertkau Rebecca Grayson Eleftheria Maratos‐Flier Allison Goldfine 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2003,11(8):919-924
Objective: We sought to elucidate further the mechanisms leading to weight loss after gastric bypass (GBP) surgery in morbidly obese individuals. Ghrelin is a gastroenteric appetite‐stimulating peptide hormone, fasting levels of which decrease with increasing adiposity and increase with diet‐induced weight loss. In addition, ghrelin levels rapidly decline postprandially. Research Methods and Procedures: We measured serum ghrelin responses to a 75‐g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in 6 subjects who had undergone GBP surgery 1.5 ± 0.7 years before testing and compared these responses with 6 obese subjects about to undergo GBP surgery, 6 obese nonsurgical subjects (matched for BMI to the post‐GBP surgical group), and 5 lean subjects. Results: Despite weight loss induced by the GBP surgery, fasting serum ghrelin levels were significantly lower in the post‐GBP surgery group than in the lean subject (by 57%) or pre‐GBP surgery (by 45%) group. Serum ghrelin levels during the OGTT were significantly lower in postoperative than in lean, obese pre‐GBP surgical, or obese nonsurgical subjects. The magnitude of the decline in serum ghrelin levels between 0 and 120 minutes post‐OGTT was significantly smaller in postoperative (by 62%), obese pre‐GBP surgical (by 80%), or obese nonsurgical (by 69%) subjects in comparison with lean subjects. Discussion: Serum ghrelin levels in response to OGTT are lower in subjects post‐GBP surgery than in either lean or obese subjects. Tonically low serum ghrelin levels may be involved in the mechanisms inducing sustained weight loss after GBP surgery. 相似文献
《Endocrinología y nutrición》2014,61(1):18-26
ObjectivesFew studies are available on quality of life and treatment satisfaction of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Both of them were the primary objectives of the PANORAMA (NCT00916513) study. Metabolic control, treatment patterns, and management by healthcare professionals were also evaluated.Material and methodsThis multicenter, cross-sectional, observational study randomly recruited>40 year-old patients with T2DM from Spanish healthcare centers. HbA1c was measured using the same technique in all patients, who also completed quality of life (EQ-5D and ADDQoL) and treatment satisfaction (DTSQ) questionnaires and the Hypoglycemia Fear Survey (HFS-II).ResultsFifty-four investigators recruited 751 patients, 60.3% of whom had HbA1c levels <7%. Approximately 25% of patients on monotherapy had HbA1c values ≥ 7%, Patients with longer disease duration and more complex treatments, especially with insulin, showed the poorer control. Despite good overall treatment satisfaction (mean 29.3±6.1, 0 to 36-point scale), patients with a poorer metabolic control, previous hypoglycemia episodes, and more complex therapies had a worse QoL and a greater fear of suffering hypoglycemia.ConclusionsDespite advances in metabolic control, there are still areas to improve. Early addition of safe drugs to monotherapy would help achieve control objectives without increasing the risk of hypoglycemia, and delaying the start of insulin therapy. This would also improve QoL and treatment satisfaction. 相似文献
John Kelly Michael Tarnoff Scott Shikora Bruce Thayer Daniel B. Jones R. Amour Forse Matthew M. Hutter Robert Fanelli David Lautz Frederick Buckley Imtiaz Munshi Nicolas Coe 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2005,13(2):227-233
Objective: To establish evidence‐based guidelines for best practices for surgical care in weight loss surgery (WLS). Research Methods and Procedures: We carried out a systematic search of English‐language literature on WLS in MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library. Key words were used to narrow the field for a selective review of abstracts. Data extraction was performed, and evidence categories were assigned according to a grading system based on established evidence‐based models. Results: We assessed types of WLS, recommended guidelines for appropriateness, developed strategies for medical error reduction, established criteria for credentialing of systems and practitioners, and specified research needed for the future. Discussion: Surgeon training, credentialing, and type of surgery performed were identified as key factors in patient safety. Other important issues in the delivery of best practice care included appropriate patient selection; use of a multidisciplinary treatment team; facility staffing, equipment, and administrative support; and early recognition and proper management of complications. 相似文献
Background: In the past, type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) was regarded as a progressive, incurable disease for which palliative therapy could not, over the long term, prevent the associated amputations, blindness, renal failure, and early mortality. This is no longer true. Full and durable remission of type 2 DM, with major decreases in morbidity and mortality, is now achieved regularly with several types of surgery that reduce contact between food and the foregut.Objectives: The aims of this article are to review the impact of bariatric surgery on obesity, remission of DM, and obesity-related morbidity and mortality, and the possible mechanisms for this advance.Methods: This article is based on our 2 meta-analyses of the literature published through April 30, 2006, as well as the most significant reports in the bariatric surgical literature that have been published in English since April 30, 2006. The studies included in our second meta-analysis provided the details of the methodology for the present literature review, including the levels of evidence.Results: Results of our 2 meta-analyses were published previously. Briefly, the analyses revealed that the clinical and laboratory manifestations of type 2 DM resolved or improved in most of the patients who underwent bariatric surgery; the responses were greatest in the patients who lost the most excess body weight; and the improvements were maintained for ≥2 years. The studies reported that intestinal operations such as gastric bypass reduced contact between food and the foregut, produced full and durable remission of DM, reduced mortality, and reversed other comorbidities associated with severe obesity (eg, asthma, gastroesophageal reflux, hypertension, stress incontinence). Insulin levels decreased markedly after surgery, as did glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) and fasting blood glucose levels. Although these effects were initially attributed to weight loss, the rapid reversal of DM within a matter of days after surgery suggest that bariatric surgery changes the signaling mechanism of the gut with pancreatic islet cells, muscles, fat, the liver, and other organs.Conclusions: Bariatric surgery has opened new vistas, producing durable full remission of type 2 DM—a breakthrough previously considered impossible—with normalization of A1C levels over time and discontinuation of all antidiabetes medication for many patients. These advances create new opportunities for exploring the mechanisms of type 2 DM and its control through pharmaceutical approaches. DM is no longer an irreversible, incurable, or hopeless disease. 相似文献
Bulent Yalcin Hakan Akbulut Abdullah Buyukcelik Orhan Sencan Ahmet Demirkazik Handan Onur Filiz Cay Senler Dilek Dincol Fikri Icli 《Biological Rhythm Research》2004,35(4):259-268
This study was designed to assess the tolerability of chronomodulated infusion chemotherapy, individualized by the rhythm of peripheral blood cells. Twenty patients with metastatic gastric cancer were randomized to chronotherapy or day-time arms of 5-fluorouracil (FU) (600 mg/m2, 8 h inf.d1-5) and folinic acid (FA) (20 mg/m2, iv, d1-5) in the first cycle and crossed-over to the other arm in the following cycles. Ten of 18 evaluable patients were assigned to chronotherapy arm and eight to day-time in the first cycle. Although there was no significant difference between two arms on enrollment, chronotherapy arm yielded an improvement of 45% of QLQ-C30 scores (p = 0.021) and the day-time arm had 11% improvement (p = 0.575). After the crossing-over, chronotherapy arm, again, had a significant improvement in QLQ-C30 scores, compared to the day-time arm (14% vs. -18%, p = 0.001, respectively). Mucositis/diarrhea was significantly higher in the day-time arm compared to chronotherapy arm (p = 0.015). In conclusion, chronomodulated infusion of 5-FU might improve the quality of life. 相似文献
Caroline M. Apovian Christina Baker David S. Ludwig Alison G. Hoppin George Hsu Carine Lenders Janey S.A. Pratt R. Armour Forse Adrienne O'Brien Michael Tarnoff 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2005,13(2):274-282
Objective: To establish evidence‐based guidelines for best practices in pediatric/adolescent weight loss surgery (WLS). Research Methods and Procedures: We carried out a systematic search of English‐language literature in MEDLINE on WLS performed on children and adolescents. Key words were used to narrow the field for a selective review of abstracts. Data were extracted, and evidence categories were assigned according to a grading system based on established evidence‐based models. Eight pertinent case series, published between 1980 and 2004, were identified and reviewed. These data were supplemented with expert opinions and literature on WLS in adults. Results: Recommendations focused on patient safety, reduction of medical errors, systems improvements, credentialing, and future research. We developed evidence‐based criteria for eligibility, assessment, treatment, and follow‐up; recommended surgical procedures based on the best available evidence; and established minimum guideline requirements for data collection. Discussion: Lack of adequate data and gaps in knowledge were cited as important reasons for caution. Physiological status, comprehensive screening of patients and their families, and required education and counseling were identified as key factors in assessing eligibility for surgery. Data collection and peer review were also identified as important issues in the delivery of best practice care. 相似文献
目的:探讨单向纳入式人工胃底活瓣用于食管-胃胸内吻合抗返流患者的临床效果。方法:选择2017年3月-2018年3月入院治疗的食管中下段癌根治术患者70例,所有患者均在腹腔镜下完成全胸腹腔镜下食管-胃胸内吻合手术,术后采用胃肠吻合器完成食管胃右胸内吻合完成消化道重建。根据抗返流方法分为对照组(n=35例)和观察组(n=35例)。对照组术后包埋吻合口,观察组术后采用单向纳入式人工胃底活瓣,两组治疗完毕后对患者效果进行评估。记录并比较两组治疗后痊愈、全身衰竭死亡、吻合口瘘、返酸及吐苦水返流症状、烧心感的发生率;采用WHOQol-BREF生活量表对两组治疗前、治疗后生活质量进行比较。结果:观察组治疗后痊愈率显著高于对照组(71.43%vs. 42.86%,P0.05),全身衰竭死亡、吻合口瘘、返酸及吐苦水返流症状、烧心感发生率均明显低于对照组(P0.05)。两组治疗后生理健康、心理状态、社会关系、周围环境及独立能力评分均显著高于治疗前(P0.05),且观察组治疗后生理健康、心理状态、社会关系、周围环境及独立能力评分均高于对照组(P0.05)。结论:单向纳入式人工胃底活瓣用于食管中下段癌根治术患者能降低返流症状的发生率,能提高患者生活质量。 相似文献
Lee M. Kaplan John A. Fallon Edward C. Mun Alan M. Harvey William V. Kastrinakis Elvira Q. Johnson Robert S. Nierman Christopher R. Keroack 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2005,13(2):290-300
Objective: To review the use and usefulness of billing codes for services related to weight loss surgery (WLS) and to examine third party reimbursement policies for these services. Research Methods and Procedures: The Task Group carried out a systematic search of MEDLINE, the Internet, and the trade press for publications on WLS, coding, reimbursement, and coding and reimbursement policy. Twenty‐eight articles were each reviewed and graded using a system based on established evidence‐based models. The Massachusetts Dietetics Association provided reimbursement data for nutrition services. Three suppliers of laparoscopic WLS equipment provided summaries of coding and reimbursement information. WLS program directors were surveyed for information on use of procedure codes related to WLS. Results: Recommendations focused on correcting or improving on the current lack of congruity among coding practices, reimbursement policies, and accepted clinical practice; lack of uniform coding and reimbursement data across institutions; inconsistent and/or inaccurate diagnostic and billing codes; inconsistent insurance reimbursement criteria; and inability to leverage reimbursement and coding data to track outcomes, identify best practices, and perform accurate risk‐benefit analyses. Discussion: Rapid changes in the prevalence of obesity, our understanding of its clinical impact, and the technologies for surgical treatment have yet to be adequately reflected in coding, coverage, and reimbursement policies. Issues identified as key to effective change include improved characterization of the risks, benefits, and costs of WLS; anticipation and monitoring of technological advances; encouragement of consistent patterns of insurance coverage; and promotion of billing codes for WLS procedures that facilitate accurate tracking of clinical use and outcomes. 相似文献
Coughlin CC Finck BN Eagon JC Halpin VJ Magkos F Mohammed BS Klein S 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2007,15(3):640-645
Claire A. Zizza Amy H. Herring June Stevens Timothy S. Carey 《Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.)》2003,11(12):1519-1525
Objective: The purpose of this research was to determine the number of bariatric procedures in obese men and women in a well‐defined population and to examine gender differences among bariatric patients. Research Methods and Procedures: Data on bariatric patients were taken from the North Carolina Hospital Discharge Database, which contains information on all nonfederal hospital discharges in North Carolina from 1990 to 2001. Using North Carolina Hospital Discharge Data, Census North Carolina resident estimates, and North Carolina obesity prevalence estimates, we constructed annual rates for bariatric procedures for the obese male and female population in North Carolina. Results: Overall, 2197 bariatric procedures were performed between 1990 and 2001. The annual rate of bariatric procedures in obese women increased rapidly, particularly between 1998 and 2001, whereas the increase for men was considerably less than that for women. Controlling for age and year of procedure, the odds ratio for obese female North Carolina residents of having a bariatric procedure was 4.96 (95% confidence interval: 4.39, 5.59) and of having a Roux‐en‐Y procedure was 5.57 (95% confidence interval: 4.67, 6.64) compared with obese male North Carolina residents. Controlling for age, comorbidity burden, payment source, and year of procedure, obese male North Carolina residents had a significantly greater (22%) amount of inpatient days than obese female North Carolina residents. Discussion: After controlling for population rates of obesity and year of procedure, women are more likely than men to undergo bariatric surgery, suggesting that gender‐related factors may influence use. More research is needed to determine the causes for this large gender disparity. 相似文献
David Berger William Widegren Göran Arnqvist Alexei A. Maklakov 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2014,68(12):3457-3469
Intralocus sexual conflict (IaSC) is pervasive because males and females experience differences in selection but share much of the same genome. Traits with integrated genetic architecture should be reservoirs of sexually antagonistic genetic variation for fitness, but explorations of multivariate IaSC are scarce. Previously, we showed that upward artificial selection on male life span decreased male fitness but increased female fitness compared with downward selection in the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. Here, we use these selection lines to investigate sex‐specific evolution of four functionally integrated traits (metabolic rate, locomotor activity, body mass, and life span) that collectively define a sexually dimorphic life‐history syndrome in many species. Male‐limited selection for short life span led to correlated evolution in females toward a more male‐like multivariate phenotype. Conversely, males selected for long life span became more female‐like, implying that IaSC results from genetic integration of this suite of traits. However, while life span, metabolism, and body mass showed correlated evolution in the sexes, activity did not evolve in males but, surprisingly, did so in females. This led to sexual monomorphism in locomotor activity in short‐life lines associated with detrimental effects in females. Our results thus support the general tenet that widespread pleiotropy generates IaSC despite sex‐specific genetic architecture. 相似文献