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We have previously shown that pancreatic sensory neurons in rats with chronic pancreatitis (CP) display increased excitability associated with a decrease in transient inactivating potassium currents (I(A)), thus accounting in part for the hyperalgesia associated with this condition. Because of its well known role in somatic hyperalgesia, we hypothesized a role for the nerve growth factor (NGF) in driving these changes. CP was induced by intraductal injection of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) in rats. After 3 wk, anti-NGF antibody or control serum was injected intra-peritoneally daily for 1 wk. This protocol was repeated in another set of experiments in control rats (receiving intraductal PBS instead of TNBS). Pancreatic nociceptors labeled with the dye Dil were identified, and patch-clamp recordings were made from acutely dissociated DRG neurons. Sensory neurons from anti-NGF-treated rats displayed a lower resting membrane potential, increased rheobase, decreased burst discharges in response to stimulatory current, and decreased input resistance compared with those treated with control serum. Under voltage-clamp condition, neuronal I(A) density was increased in anti-NGF-treated rats compared with rats treated with control serum. However, anti-NGF treatment had no effect on electrophysiological parameters in neurons from control rats. The expression of Kv-associated channel or ancillary genes Kv1.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and DPP6, DPP10, and KCHIPs 1-4 in pancreas-specific nociceptors was examined by laser-capture microdissection and real-time PCR quantification of mRNA levels. No significant differences were seen among those. These findings emphasize a key role for NGF in maintaining neuronal excitability in CP specifically via downregulation of I(A) by as yet unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   

M Sheng  M L Tsaur  Y N Jan  L Y Jan 《Neuron》1992,9(2):271-284
In the mammalian nervous system, K+ channels regulate diverse aspects of neuronal function and are encoded by a large set of K+ channel genes. The roles of different K+ channel proteins could be dictated by their localization to specific subcellular domains. We report that two K+ channel polypeptides, Kv1.4 and Kv4.2, which form transient (A-type) K+ channels when expressed in Xenopus oocytes, are segregated in rat central neurons. Kv1.4 protein is targeted to axons and possibly terminals, while Kv4.2 is concentrated in dendrites and somata. This differential distribution implies distinct roles for these channel proteins in vivo. Their localizations suggest that Kv1.4 and Kv4.2 may regulate synaptic transmission via presynaptic, or postsynaptic mechanisms, respectively.  相似文献   

Kim J  Jung SC  Clemens AM  Petralia RS  Hoffman DA 《Neuron》2007,54(6):933-947
Voltage-gated A-type K+ channel Kv4.2 subunits are highly expressed in the dendrites of hippocampal CA1 neurons. However, little is known about the subcellular distribution and trafficking of Kv4.2-containing channels. Here we provide evidence for activity-dependent trafficking of Kv4.2 in hippocampal spines and dendrites. Live imaging and electrophysiological recordings showed that Kv4.2 internalization is induced rapidly upon glutamate receptor stimulation. Kv4.2 internalization was clathrin mediated and required NMDA receptor activation and Ca2+ influx. In dissociated hippocampal neurons, mEPSC amplitude depended on functional Kv4.2 expression level and was enhanced by stimuli that induced Kv4.2 internalization. Long-term potentiation (LTP) induced by brief glycine application resulted in synaptic insertion of GluR1-containing AMPA receptors along with Kv4.2 internalization. We also found evidence of Kv4.2 internalization upon synaptically evoked LTP in CA1 neurons of hippocampal slice cultures. These results present an additional mechanism for synaptic integration and plasticity through the activity-dependent regulation of Kv4.2 channel surface expression.  相似文献   

The response of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons to metabolic inhibition is known to involve calcium-activated K+ channels; in most neuronal types ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP) also contribute, but this is not yet established in the DRG. We have investigated the presence of a KATP current using whole-cell recordings from rat DRG neurons, classifying the neurons functionally by their "current signature" (Petruska et al, J Neurophysiol 84: 2365–2379, 2000). We clearly identified a KATP current in only 1 out of 62 neurons, probably a nociceptor. The current was activated by cyanide (2 mM NaCN) and was sensitive to 100 μM tolbutamide; the relation between reversal potential and external K+ concentration indicated it was a K+ current. In a further two neurons, cyanide activated a K+ current that was only partially blocked by tolbutamide, which may also be an atypical KATP current. We conclude that KATP channels are expressed in normal DRG, but in very few neurons and only in nociceptors.  相似文献   

胆固醇普遍存在于细胞膜中,其含量在细胞增殖、生长及各种疾病条件下会发生改变,这暗示胆固醇对细胞功能的调节起着重要的作用。运用全细胞膜片钳技术研究了胆固醇含量变化对海马神经细胞电压依赖钾电流的影响。实验观察到神经细胞经胆固醇去除剂β-甲基环化糊精(MβCD)处理后,胆固醇含量的减少促进了延迟整流钾电流IK的增加,且延缓了瞬间失活钾电流IA的失活。更进一步,延迟整流钾电流IK和瞬间失活钾电流IA分别经TEA和4-AP阻断后,MβCD对两种电流成分的影响显著降低。这一结果进一步表明胆固醇去除剂对电压依赖钾电流的上调是通过作用于IK和IA电流而共同实现的。基于电压依赖钾通道在神经细胞功能中的重要作用,实验结果暗示神经细胞胆固醇含量变化可对神经细胞的兴奋性起调节作用。  相似文献   

Sun W  Maffie JK  Lin L  Petralia RS  Rudy B  Hoffman DA 《Neuron》2011,71(6):1102-1115
Subthreshold-activating A-type K(+) currents are essential for the proper functioning of the brain, where they act to delay excitation and regulate firing frequency. In CA1 hippocampal pyramidal neuron dendrites, the density of A-type K(+) current increases with distance from the soma, playing an important role in synaptic integration and plasticity. The mechanism underlying this gradient has, however, remained elusive. Here, dendritic recordings from mice lacking the Kv4 transmembrane auxiliary subunit DPP6 revealed that this protein is critical for generating the A-current gradient. Loss of DPP6 led to a decrease in A-type current, specifically in distal dendrites. Decreased current density was accompanied by a depolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of channel activation. Together these changes resulted in hyperexcitable dendrites with enhanced dendritic AP back-propagation, calcium electrogenesis, and induction of synaptic long-term potentiation. Despite enhanced dendritic excitability, firing behavior evoked by somatic current injection was mainly unaffected in DPP6-KO recordings, indicating compartmentalized regulation of neuronal excitability.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) is a primary event in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the mechanisms by which Abeta mediates neurotoxicity and initiates the degenerative processes of AD are still not clear. Recent evidence shows that voltage-gated K+ channels may be involved in Abeta-induced neurodegenerative processes. In particular, a transient A-type K+ current, with a linear increase in its density with distance from soma to distal dendrites in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, has been shown to contribute to dendritic membrane excitability. Here, I report that Abeta (1-42) inhibits the dendritic A-type K+ current in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, and this inhibition causes increases in back-propagating dendritic action potential amplitude and associated Ca2+ influx. These results suggest that the persistent inhibition of the A-type K+ current resulting from deposition of Abeta in dendritic arborization will induce a sustained increase in dendritic Ca2+ influx and lead to loss of Ca2+ homeostasis. This may be a component of the events that cause synaptic failure and initiate neuronal degenerative processes in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Deposition of beta-amyloid peptide (A beta) in senile plaques is a hallmark of Alzheimer disease neuropathology. Chronic exposure of neuronal cultures to synthetic A beta is directly toxic, or enhances neuronal susceptibility to excitotoxins. Exposure to A beta may cause a loss of cellular calcium homeostasis, but the mechanism by which this occurs is uncertain. In this work, the acute response of rat hippocampal neurons to applications of synthetic A beta was measured using whole-cell voltage-clamp techniques. Pulse application of A beta caused a reversible voltage-dependent decrease in membrane conductance. A beta selectively blocked the voltage-gated fast-inactivating K+ current, with an estimated KI < 10 microM. A beta also blocked the delayed rectifying current, but only at the highest concentration tested. The response was independent of aggregation state or peptide length. The dynamic response of the fast-inactivating current to a voltage jump was consistent with a model whereby A beta binds reversibly to closed channels and prevents their opening. Blockage of fast-inactivating K+ channels by A beta could lead to prolonged cell depolarization, thereby increasing Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

Redox modulation of fast inactivation has been described in certain cloned A-type voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels in expressing systems, but the effects remain to be demonstrated in native neurons. In this study, we examined the effects of cysteine-specific redox agents on the A-type K+ currents in acutely dissociated small diameter dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons from rats. The fast inactivation of most A-type currents was markedly removed or slowed by the oxidizing agents 2,2′-dithio-bis(5-nitropyridine) (DTBNP) and chloramine-T. Dithiothreitol, a reducing agent for the disulfide bond, restored the inactivation. These results demonstrated that native A-type K+ channels, probably Kv1.4, could switch the roles between inactivating and non-inactivating K+ channels via redox regulation in pain-sensing DRG neurons. The A-type channels may play a role in adjusting pain sensitivity in response to peripheral redox conditions.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) on the channels responsible for transient rapidly inactivating potassium A-type current (I A ) in the somatic membrane of cultured rat hippocampal neurons. External application of 4-AP in different concentrations (from 100 μM to 5mM) was made to the locus of the neuron under study using a fast local superfusion technique. TheI A blockade was dose-dependent and voltage-independent. Interaction of the blocker with theI A -conducting channels at a test potential of +40 mV could be approximated by Hill isotherm with the cooperativity coefficient of 2 and EC50 equal to 2.1 mM. The action of 4-AP accelerated temporal inactivation ofI A . The intensity ofI A blockade became higher as the frequency of test membrane potential shifts increased.  相似文献   

Chen X  Chi S  Liu M  Yang W  Wei T  Qi Z  Yang F 《Journal of lipid research》2005,46(12):2580-2585
Gangliosides are endogenous membrane components enriched in neuronal cells. They have been shown to play regulatory roles in many cellular processes. Here, we show for the first time that ganglioside GD1b plays an antiapoptotic role in cultured hippocampal neurons. GD1b inhibited the voltage-dependent outward delayed rectifier current (I(K)) but not the transient outward A-type current in a dose-dependent manner, with an IC50 value of 15.2 microM. This effect appears to be somehow specific, because GD1b, but not GM1, GM2, GM3, GD1a, GD3, or GT1b, was effective in inhibiting I(K). Intracellular application of staurosporine (STS; 0.1 microM) resulted in rapid activation of I(K), which was partially reversed upon addition of the K+ channel blocker tetraethylammonium (TEA; 5 mM) and GD1b (10 microM). Furthermore, GD1b (10 microM) attenuated STS-induced neuronal apoptosis by nearly the same amount as 5 mM TEA. In addition, GD1b suppressed the apoptosis-associated caspase 3 activation that was activated by STS. Collectively, these findings suggest that GD1b plays an antiapoptotic role in cultured hippocampal neurons through its inhibitory effect on the I(K) and caspase activity.  相似文献   

Accumulation of amyloid (Abeta) peptides has been suggested to be the primary event in Alzheimer's disease. In neurons, K+ channels regulate a number of processes, including setting the resting potential, keeping action potentials short, timing interspike intervals, synaptic plasticity, and cell death. In particular, A-type K+ channels have been implicated in the onset of LTP in mammalian neurons, which is thought to underlie learning and memory. A number of studies have shown that Abeta peptides alter the properties of K+ currents in mammalian neurons. We set out to determine the effects of Abeta peptides on the neuronal A-type K+ channels of Drosophila. Treatment of cells for 18 h with 1 microM Abeta1-42 altered the kinetics of the A-type K+ current, shifting steady-state inactivation to more depolarized potentials and increasing the rate of recovery from inactivation. It also caused a decrease in neuronal viability. Thus it seems that alteration in the properties of the A-type K+ current is a prelude to the amyloid-induced death of neurons. This alteration in the properties of the A-type K+ current may provide a basis for the early memory impairment that was observed prior to neurodegeneration in a recent study of a transgenic Drosophila melanogaster line over-expressing the human Abeta1-42 peptide.  相似文献   

Meng ZQ  Bai W 《生理学报》2003,55(4):401-404
采用全细胞膜片钳技术,研究了三氯化铝(AlCl3)对急性分离的大鼠海马CA1区神经元钾通道的影响。结果表明,AlCl3对钾电流有明显的抑制作用,具有一定的浓度依赖性,1000μmol/AlCl3可改变IA和IX激活曲线和失活曲线的Vb和k值,使钾电流激活曲线右移,使失活曲线左移。这些结果表明AlCl3对大鼠海马CA1区神经元K^ 通道有抑制作用,它可能是铝引起中枢神经系统损伤的机制之一。  相似文献   

In whole cell patch clamp recordings on enzymatically dissociated adrenal zona fasciculata (AZF) cells, a rapidly inactivating A-type K+ current was observed in each of more than 150 cells. Activation of IA was steeply voltage dependent and could be described by a Boltzmann function raised to an integer power of 4, with a midpoint of -28.3 mV. Using the "limiting logarithmic potential sensitivity," the single channel gating charge was estimated to be 7.2 e. Voltage-dependent inactivation could also be described by a Boltzmann function with a midpoint of -58.7 mV and a slope factor of 5.92 mV. Gating kinetics of IA included both voltage-dependent and -independent transitions in pathways between closed, open, and inactivated states. IA activated with voltage-dependent sigmoidal kinetics that could be fit with an n4h formalism. The activation time constant, tau a, reached a voltage- independent minimum at potentials positive to 0 mV. IA currents inactivated with two time constants that were voltage independent at potentials ranging from -30 to +45 mV. At +20 mV, tau i(fast) and tau i(slow) were 13.16 +/- 0.64 and 62.26 +/- 5.35 ms (n = 34), respectively. In some cells, IA inactivation kinetics slowed dramatically after many minutes of whole cell recording. Once activated by depolarization, IA channels returned to the closed state along pathways with two voltage-dependent time constants which were 0.208 s, tau rec-f and 10.02 s, tau rec-s at -80 mV. Approximately 90% of IA current recovered with slow kinetics at potentials between -60 and -100 mV. IA was blocked by 4-aminopyridine (IC50 = 629 microM) through a mechanism that was strongly promoted by channel activation. Divalent and trivalent cations including Ni2+ and La3+ also blocked IA with IC50's of 467 and 26.4 microM, respectively. With respect to biophysical properties and pharmacology, IA in AZF cells resembles to some extent transient K+ currents in neurons and muscle, where they function to regulate action potential frequency and duration. The function of this prominent current in steroid hormone secretion by endocrine cells that may not generate action potentials is not yet clear.  相似文献   

The transient potassium current, IK(t), of enzymatically dissociated rat olfactory receptor neurons was studied using patch-clamp techniques. Upon depolarization from negative holding potentials, IK(t) activated rapidly and then inactivated with a time course described by the sum of two exponential components with time constants of 22.4 and 143 ms. Single-channel analysis revealed a further small component with a time constant of several seconds. Steady-state inactivation was complete at -20 mV and completely removed at -80 mV (midpoint -45 mV). Activation was significant at -40 mV and appeared to reach a maximum conductance at +40 mV (midpoint -13 mV). Deactivation was described by the sum of two voltage-dependent exponential components. Recovery from inactivation was extraordinarily slow (50 s at -100 mV) and the underlying processes appeared complex. IK(t) was reduced by 4-aminopyridine and tetraethylammonium applied externally. Increasing the external K+ concentration ([K+]o) from 5 to 25 mM partially removed IK(t) inactivation, usually without affecting activation kinetics. The elevated [K+]o also hyperpolarized the steady-state inactivation curve by 9 mV and significantly depolarized the voltage dependence of activation. Single transient K+ channels, with conductances of 17 and 26 pS, were observed in excised patches and often appeared to be localized into large clusters. These channels were similar to IK(t) in their kinetic, pharmacological, and voltage-dependent properties and their inactivation was also subject to modulation by [K+]o. The properties of IK(t) imply a role in action potential repolarization and suggest it may also be important in modulating spike parameters during neuronal burst firing. A simple method is also presented to correct for errors in the measurement of whole-cell resistance (Ro) that can result when patch-clamping very small cells. The analysis revealed a mean corrected Ro of 26 G omega for these cells.  相似文献   

Methadone block of K+ current in squid giant fiber lobe neurons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Voltage-dependent ionic currents were recorded from squid giant fiber lobe neurons using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. When applied to the bathing solution, methadone was found to block IK, I Na and I Ca. Both I Na and I Ca were reduced without apparent change in kinetics and exhibited IC(50)'s of 50-100 and 250-500 mu M, respectively, at +10 mV. In contrast, IK was reduced in a time-dependent manner that is well fit by a simple model of open channel block (K(D)= 32+/- or 2 mu M, +60 mV, 10 degrees Celsius). The mechanism of I(K) block was examined in detail and involves a direct action of methadone, a tertiary amine, on K channels rather than an opioid receptor-mediated pathway. The kinetics of I(K) block resemble those reported for internally applied long chain quaternary ammonium (QA) compounds; and recovery from I(K) block is QA-like in its slow time course and strong dependence on holding potential. A quaternary derivative of methadone (N-methyl- methadone) only reproduced the effects of methadone on I(K) when included in the pipette solution; this compound was without effect when applied externally. I(K) block thus appears to involve diffusion of methadone into the cytoplasm and occlusion of the open K channel at the internal QA blocking site by the protonated form of the drug. This proposed mode of action is supported by the pH and voltage dependence of block as well as by the observation that high external K+ speeds the rate of drug dissociation. In addition, the effect of methadone on I(K) evoked during prolonged (300 ms) depolarizations suggests that methadone block may interfere with endogenous K+ channel inactivation. The effects of temperature, methadone stereoisomers, and the methadone- like drugs propoxyphene and nor-propoxyphene on IK block were examined. Methadone was also found to block I(K) in GH3 cells and in chick myoblasts.  相似文献   

K Baker  L Salkoff 《Neuron》1990,4(1):129-140
A transient K+ current coded by the Shaker gene was identified in muscle and expressed in Xenopus oocytes by injecting cRNA transcribed from a cloned cDNA. The Shaker current has not previously been identified in neurons. Mutational analysis now reveals that in neurons, Shaker is required for expression of a very rapidly inactivating K+ current with a depolarized steady-state inactivation curve. Together, these properties distinguish the Shaker-coded current from similar fast transient K+ currents coded by other genes. The Sh5 mutation further enhanced the depolarization of the Shaker current steady-state inactivation curve. Deletion of the Shaker gene completely removes the transient K+ current from a small percentage of neurons (15%) in a mixed population, and removes a portion of the whole-cell current in about 35% of neurons. The remaining 50% of neurons were apparently unaffected by deletion of the Shaker gene. The unique combination of rapid inactivation and depolarized steady-state inactivation of the Shaker current may reflect a unique functional role for this current in the nervous system such as the rapid repolarization of action potentials.  相似文献   

Patch-clamp techniques were used to investigate slowly activating, Ca(2+)-insensitive K+ channels of isolated rat olfactory receptor neurons. These channels had a unitary conductance of 135 pS and were only found in a small proportion (less than 5%) of membrane patches. Upon depolarization to voltages more positive than -50 mV, the channels activated gradually over a period of at least 10 s. When hyperpolarized to negative voltages, channel activity deactivated in a slow but voltage-dependent manner. These channels may underlie a slowly activating K+ current that is observed in approximately 30% of whole-cell recordings. Similar single channels have been reported in smooth muscle cells, but this is the first demonstration of these channels in any type of neuron. The channels may contribute to the spike frequency adaptation and post-stimulus hyperpolarization that are observed during the excitatory response to odorants. They may also contribute to cell repolarization following large odorant-stimulated receptor currents.  相似文献   

T Kawai  J Oka  M Watanabe 《Life sciences》1985,36(24):2339-2346
Effects of hexamethonium (C6) on the excitability of sympathetic ganglion cells were examined by means of intracellular recording. When DC currents were injected, high concentrations of C6 significantly augmented the repetitive firing of the cells without any change in threshold voltage for initiation of the spike. The Ca2+-sensitive component of the after-hyperpolarization following a spike was reduced by C6 in a dose-dependent fashion (0.3 to 10 mM). C6 slightly affected parameters for the spike but neither the resting membrane potential nor the input membrane resistance. The amplitude of the Ca2+ spike (in the presence of 1 microM tetrodotoxin and 10 mM tetraethylammonium) was not affected even by 30 mM C6. Bee venom (0.3 micrograms/ml) which contains apamin showed similar effects. These results suggest that C6 blocks the Ca2+-activated K+ channels, resulting in an increase in excitability of the cells.  相似文献   

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