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The effects of a monoclonal antibody directed against immune response gene products on mouse NK activity were examined. In vivo administration of an anti-I-Ak antibody to C3H/He (H-2k) mice modulated their peritoneal cell (PC) and spleen cell (SC) natural killer (NK) activity against YAC-1 lymphoma target cells in vitro. No such effect was observed when BALB/c (H-2d) mice were treated with this antibody. Administration of anti-I-Ak antibody to mice before and after infection with Toxoplasma or treatment with poly(I:C) leads to suppression of NK activity in comparison to NK activity of mice infected with Toxoplasma or injected with poly(I:C) alone. A similar treatment regimen with M5/114 antibody which reacts with I-Ab, I-Ad, I-Ed, and I-Ek molecules resulted in decreased NK activity in B10.D2 (H-2d) but not in B10.BR (H-2k) mice. Serum and cell culture supernatant interferon (IFN) concentrations were not altered as a result of anti-I-Ak treatment. Removal of adherent cells did not restore NK activity of anti-I-Ak-treated Toxoplasma-infected mice to levels obtained with mice infected with Toxoplasma. In contrast, depletion of Ly 2.1+ cells from nylon-wool nonadherent SC of mice treated with anti-I-Ak antibody, before and after infection with Toxoplasma, resulted in restoration of NK activity to the same level as that observed in Toxoptasma-infected mice.  相似文献   

A number of simple sugars have been tested and found to be effective in blocking lysis of YAC-1 tumor target cells by nonimmune murine natural killer (NK) effector cells. Using a spleen fragment culture system an assay has been developed which allows us to compare the inhibition of lysis observed in replicate culture wells prepared from cells contained in one spleen fragment (less than or equal to 1 X 10(6) cells). The inhibition pattern of any well was found to fall naturally into 1 of 25 (of the total 128 possible tested) patterns. Using this panel analysis of NK activity in individual mice of the same or different strain has been compared. Our data suggest that within any given strain the inhibition pattern of NK effector cells is quite uniform. Consistent differences are seen between strains which are interpreted in terms of a genetic control of the final expression of the NK recognition repertoire. In adult F1 hybrid individuals the pattern of recognition by NK cells is best considered a result of the codominant expression of genes contributed by each parent.  相似文献   

Streptokinase-streptodornase (SK-SD), a product of Group A and Group C β-hemolytic streptococci, activates natural killer (NK) cells in vitro. This effect appears to occur without the induction of interferon. It is not present in every individual but is reproducible. There appears to be no correlation between NK activation and assays for cellular immunity such as in vivo delayed skin reactions and/or in vitro cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Mice that received a sublethal, intraperitoneal dose of viable Listeria monocytogenes, virulent strain 10403, exhibited a systemic increase in natural killer (NK) activity. The kinetics of the response differed with respect to the various effector cell populations analyzed. Resident peritoneal cells and peripheral blood leukocytes demonstrated high NK activity on Days 3, 7, and 10. Peak spleen and bone marrow NK activity was observed on Day 3, returning to normal levels by Day 7. In contrast, peritoneal exudate cells, elicited with proteose peptone, expressed enhanced NK activity for 60 days following infection with viable Listeria. Augmented NK activity was detected with all cell types as early as 12 hr after infection. The intraperitoneal injection of nonviable antigenic preparations derived from L. monocytogenes, strain 10403, resulted in the enhancement of peritoneal and splenic NK activity. In contrast, mice that received an intraperitoneal injection of avirulent Listeria, strain 19113, failed to express enhanced levels of NK activity. The genetic trait of anti-listerial resistance which is associated with non-H-2 linked genes was of no importance with respect to enhanced NK activity. Listeria-resistant C57BL/6J and Listeria-susceptible DBA/2J mice both produced systemic augmentation of NK activity following infection. NK activity was not abrogated by macrophage depletion or by treatment with anti-Thy 1.2 serum plus complement. These results confirm the potent immunostimulatory capacity of virulent Listeria for NK activity and provide further insight into the kinetics of this response in various lymphoid compartments. The protracted augmentation of NK activity of elicited peritoneal exudate cells as compared to nonelicited peritoneal cells in Listeria-primed mice suggests that the influx of inflammatory cells may provide NK-enriched and/or accessory populations for immunopotentiation of NK activity in inflammatory sites.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that there is an abnormality in the thymus of dystrophic mice with respect to age-dependent thymus weight changes and altered morphology (T. DeKretser and B. Livett, Nature (London), 263, 682, 1976). Recently, others have shown that natural killer (NK) cells can lyse cells of a large, immature, rapidly dividing cell subpopulation within the thymus of normal young (3 weeks of age) mice (M. Hansson, K. Karre, R. Kiessling, J. Roder, B. Anderson, and P. Hayry, J. Immunol., 123, 765, 1979). The NK susceptibility of dystrophic mouse thymocytes as targets was therefore studied. Spleen cells from normal (+/+) and dystrophic (dy2Jdy2J) male C57BL/6J mice 8–10 weeks old were passed over nylon wool and the nonadherent cells were incubated with 51Cr-labeled YAC-1 lymphoma target cells or thymocytes in a 51Cr-release assay. Spleen cells from dystrophic mice killed twofold more YAC-1 target cells than did spleen cells from normal mice. Thymocytes from 3- to 4-week-old dystrophic mice were three to four times more susceptible to NK lysis by dystrophic mouse spleen cells as compared with normal mouse spleen cells. Spleen cells from dystrophic mice had the same NK activity against dystrophic and normal mouse thymocytes as targets. Normal mouse spleen cells killed three- to fourfold more dystrophic mouse thymocytes than that of normal mouse thymocytes as targets. Target cellbinding studies revealed that conjugate-forming cells from nylon nonadherent dystrophic mouse spleen cells were found to be two- to fourfold greater than for normal mouse spleen cells using YAC-1 tumor cells as targets. The number of lymphocytes bound per YAC-1 target cell ranged from 2 to 5 for dystrophic mouse spleen cells as compared with 1 to 2 for the normal control group. Using both normal and dystrophic mouse thymocytes as targets, the conjugate-forming cells from dystrophic mouse spleen cells were also found to be twofold greater than in the normal control group. Cold target inhibition studies revealed that the natural killing of dystrophic mouse thymocytes was due to a YAC-1-reactive NK cell. Effector cell depletion studies using monoclonal anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement treatment and plastic petri dish adherence also revealed that the natural killing of dystrophic mouse thymocytes was not due to either T lymphocytes or macrophages. Taken together, these results show an increase in NK-sensitive thymocyte targets in dystrophic mice, in combination with an increase in splenic NK activity.  相似文献   

A simple and sensitive fluorometric method is described for the determination of butaperazine in plasma and red blood cells. This method is specific for butaperazine and reproducible over a wide range of drug levels in the blood. The sensitivity of the method is 8 ng/ml of blood, but could be increased for determining much lower levels.  相似文献   

A photoaffinity probe for the vitamin D-dependent chick intestinal calcium binding protein (CaBP) has been prepared by conjugation of methyl-4-azidobenzoimidate (MABI) to lactoperoxidase-125I-iodinated CaBP to yield 125I-CaBP-MABI: [3 moles MABI per mole CaBP]. After incubation invitro of 125I-CaBP-MABI (28,000 daltons) in model systems with bovine intestinal alkaline phosphatase (AP) (67,000 daltons), a UV light-dependent crosslinking occurred to yield a conjugate with a molecular weight of 95,000 (by SDS-gel electrophoresis); no crosslinking occurred with E.coli alkaline phosphatase. The formation of the 125I-CaBP-MABI-AP was found to occur only in the presence of calcium.  相似文献   

Two classes of cyclic nucleotide-independent protein kinase from the conditioned media of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells were detected. The first one was specific for histone, and was not retained by the remazol blue-agarose column. The second one was specific for casein and phosvitin, and was retained by the remazol blue-agarose column. Histone kinase activity was elevated in Con A-conditioned media. These peripheral blood mononuclear cells were subsequently fractionated into adherent and nonadherent cell populations. It was clear that histone kinase was secreted by adherent cells while casein and phosvitin kinases were secreted by nonadherent cells.  相似文献   

The specific activity of the enzyme choline acetyl transferase (CAT) in chick neuroretinas was investigated during in ovo development and in monolayer cultures. The enzyme activity was barely detectable on the 6th day of incubation but increased markedly between the 7th and 11th days. The activity increased sharply between the 15th and 17th days and then slowly until hatching. When cell suspensions from 6- to 7-day neuroretinas were cultured as monolayers, CAT specific activity increased rapidly. After 4–5 days in culture, the activity of the enzyme was identical to that found in the neuroretina on the 11th day of incubation. Cells from 9-day neuroretinas also differentiate in monolayer cultures, but with a more irregular pattern. These data show that cholinergic neurons from chick embryo neuroretina differentiate in monolayer cultures without a lag and at the same rate as in vivo.  相似文献   

When trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS), the reactive form of trinitrophenyl (TNP) hapten, is injected into a mouse, a brief intrinsic B-cell tolerance to TNP has been shown to result. Yet antigen-binding cells (ABC) with receptors for TNP persist in the TNBS-treated animal.After treatment with Pronase under conditions preserving cell recovery and viability, 80–90% of TNP-ABC failed to bind antigen. After 2 hr in vitro, Pronase-treated 4-day immune TNP-ABC displayed significant recovery of antigen binding, whereas nonimmune TNP-ABC performed the same feat by 18 hr. However, TNP-ABC tested 2 to 11 days after TNBS failed to replace digested receptors by 18 hr in vitro. Thirty days after TNBS, they had recovered this ability. This defective receptor replacement by TNP-ABC was not reversed by colchicine, and was not shared by the sheep-erythrocyte ABC of the same animals, which replaced receptors normally. When challenged with antigen (TNP-sheep erythrocytes) simultaneously with TNBS, recovery by 2 hr was evident on Day 11. When challenged with antigen 4 days after TNBS, receptor regeneration had returned to normal by the next day, and partial recovery of the anti-TNP plaque-forming cell response was evident 4 days later.Thus, the inability to replace receptors and immune unresponsiveness coincides in time, so that a causal relationship between these two defects may be hypothesized. This result contrasts with the membrane locking defect, previously described in the TNP-ABC of TNBS-treated animals, which far outlasted the unresponsive state.  相似文献   

Some cellular requirements have been examined for the stimulation of lymphocyte production in mouse bone marrow by injected sheep red blood cells (SRBC). The increased genesis of marrow lymphocytes after a single dose of SRBC assayed radioautographically after [3H]thymidine labeling was unimpaired in the marrow of mice treated with anti-IgM antibodies from birth to eliminate B lymphocytes, and in congenitally athymic mice lacking T lymphocytes. However, pretreatment of mice with silica to depress macrophage function completely abolished the SRBC effect both on the total lymphocyte production and on the number of B and null small lymphocytes in the marrow. Comparative studies were performed on the thymus and spleen. The results demonstrate that the stimulation of marrow lymphocyte production by SRBC is mediated by a silica-sensitive mechanism, does not require B or T lymphocytes, and is independent of the humoral immune response. Thus, extrinsic agents may amplify the production of primary B cells and other lymphocytes in the bone marrow by an antigen-nonspecific mechanism, putatively mediated by macrophages.  相似文献   

The synthesis of two components of the basal lamina, laminin and type IV collagen, and their extracellular deposition on the surface of myotubes was studied in cultures of embryonic mouse and quail skeletal muscle cells and in the rat myoblast cell line L6. Production of type IV collagen and laminin by myoblasts and muscle fibroblasts was demonstrated by incorporation of radioactive amino acids into proteins and by immunoprecipitation with specific antibodies and electrophoretic analysis of labeled proteins. Immunofluorescence staining experiments revealed strong intracellular reactions with antibodies to laminin and type IV collagen in mononucleated myogenic and fibrogenic cells. Cells of fibroblast-like morphology showed a more intense staining than bipolar, spindle-shaped cells which perhaps represented postmitotic myoblasts. Myotubes did not show detectable intracellular staining. The formation of a basal lamina on myotubes was indicated by the deposition of laminin and type IV collagen on the surface of myotubes as viewed by immunofluorescence examination of unfixed cells. Staining for extracellular laminin was stronger in mass cultures than in myogenic clones, suggesting that secretion and deposition of components of the basal lamina on the myotube surface are complex processes which may involve cooperation between myogenic and fibrogenic cells.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTLp) from B10.D2, B10.BR, and (B10.D2 × B10.BR)F1 mice of different ages have been activated by irradiated “wild-type” H2Kb antigens (from B10.A(3R) mice) under limiting dilution conditions such that cytotoxic cells in responder wells represent the progeny of a single CTLp. After expansion in the presence of IL2 and irradiated C57B1/6Kha spleen cells the contents of each well were divided into equal aliquots and tested for lysis with a panel of selected H2Kb mutant targets. As has been observed for the murine B-cell repertoire, there seems to be substantially more homogeneity in the neonatal allo-T-cell repertoire than in the adult mouse. Furthermore, while the adult F1 repertoire is markedly distinct from that expressed by either parental T-lymphocyte pool, the neonatal repertoire apparently reflects a relatively accurate composite of each parental population, codominantly expressed. These data, combined with studies of adult bone marrow radiation chimeras, suggest that during development of the adult T-lymphocyte repertoire from the initially expressed restricted (germ-line?) recognition specificities, somatic diversification driven by environmental (MHC?) antigenic determinants occurs. In addition to this ontogenetic development, during senescence another “regulation” of the repertoire becomes apparent, and once more the heterogeneity of recognition specificities is diminished. Nevertheless, the homogeneity seen in aged mice does not represent a simple return to the expression of the limited number of allo-specificities encoded in the neonatal repertoire.  相似文献   

This study was designed to further understand the nature of the interaction between natural killer (NK) cells and their susceptible targets. To do this, a panel of sugars and two lectins was tested for the ability to inhibit the lysis of NK-sensitive targets by cloned and uncloned lines of human NK cells. Six of these sugars (beta-gentiobiose, sucrose, alpha-lactose, beta-lactose, N-acetylglucosamine, and N-acetylgalactosamine) and one lectin, wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), proved to be potent inhibitors of the lytic activity of NK cells as well as of cytotoxic T lymphocytes activated in mixed lymphocyte cultures. Both beta-gentiobiose and WGA were shown to inhibit lysis at the level of the killer cell. Finally, the inhibitory effect of WGA could be reversed by addition of its sugar ligand, N-acetylglucosamine, which is itself an inhibitor of lytic function. From these findings it is concluded that these inhibitors probably do not act at the recognition stage of lysis since all of the NK and CTL lines tested, regardless of specificity, were inhibited by the same panel of sugars and lectins. Instead, it appears more likely that these inhibitors block some postrecognition stage of the lytic mechanism. The common inhibition profile by these sugars on NK and CTL activity further suggests that these two cell types may share, at least partially, a common lytic mechanism.  相似文献   

Production of interferon (IFN) by Listeria monocytogenes (LM) in nonimmunized mouse spleen cell cultures was studied. IFN-gamma defined by virtue of its acid stability and antigenicity was produced in spleen cell cultures obtained from ddY mice, C57BL/6 mice, and BALB/c mice in response to heat-killed (HK) LM within 24 hr. On the other hand, production of IFN-alpha/beta was demonstrated in spleen cell cultures obtained from one of four nude mice (BALB/c, nu/nu). Therefore, it is important to know the reason why the spleen cells of mice other than nude mice did produce only IFN-gamma, but did not produce IFN-alpha/beta in response to HK-LM. Spleen cells obtained from ddY mice were fractionated, and the cellular source for IFN production of either IFN-alpha/beta or IFN-gamma induced by HK-LM was investigated. IFN-gamma was produced only by a mixture of T lymphocytes (nylon wool-nonadherent, Thy-1-positive cells) and macrophages by HK-LM. Neither T lymphocytes nor macrophages alone produced IFN by HK-LM. Macrophage-depleted spleen cells produced neither IFN-gamma nor IFN-alpha/beta, but these cells acquired the ability to produce IFN-alpha/beta, not IFN-gamma, only when they had been treated with IFN-alpha/beta. A possible mechanism of both IFN-gamma and IFN-alpha/beta induction by Listeria in mouse spleen cell cultures is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicated that the serum thymic factor (FTS) could modulate in vivo the level of splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity in mice. The present report shows that such an effect is also observed after a short term in vitro incubation of the effector cells with FTS. The regulatory effects of FTS result in an increase or a decrease of the splenic NK cell cytotoxicity depending upon the age and the mouse strain. Furthermore, FTS is able to enhance the NK cell activity of thymus and bone marrow cells which are known to be weakly reactive in NK cytotoxicity. Depletion experiments demonstrated that the FTS-induced increase of NK cell activity was not mediated by Thy 1+ cells nor macrophages, thus suggesting a direct action of FTS on the effector cells. Comparative studies using other thymic hormones revealed similar patterns of reactivity. These results favor the hypothesis of a close relationship between the thymus and NK cells.  相似文献   

Adrenal medullary cells were cultured in a serum-free medium from fetal, neonatal (calves), and adult bovine animals. Neurite outgrowth in response to nerve growth factor (NGF) was observed in cells obtained from fetuses up to a gestational age of 3 months but not in cultures from older animals. The tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) specific activity was found to depend on the cell density and corresponded, at a density of 2 × 105 cells/cm2, to the specific activity found in vivo. The TH specific activity increased about sevenfold from fetuses to adult animals. Administration of NGF in vitro caused an increase of the TH specific activity in fetal cells by up to 140% and in calf cells typically by 70–100%. Cultures from adult animals showed no significant TH increase in response to NGF. Scatchard analysis and kinetic studies of the NGF binding at 0°C to intact adrenal medullary cells cultured from calves or from adult bovine animals revealed the presence of only one class of receptors, having a dissociation constant (KD) of 1 × 10 9, M. There are 16,000 binding sites per cell. The affinity of the reeptors in vivo (determined in crude membrane preparations) did not alter during development, whereas the receptor density decreased with increasing fetal age, but was the same for calves and adults. Whereas the loss of NGF-mediated fiber outgrowth during development might be related to the reduction of receptor density, the disappearance of the NGF-mediated TH induction does not correlate with changes in the binding characteristics of NGF to the adrenal chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

The biological activity of 1α-hydroxyvitamin D2 has been determined in vitamin D-deficient rats. In the calcification of the rachitic epiphyseal plate, 1α-hydroxyvitamin D2 is more active than 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, while it is equally active in stimulating intestinal calcium absorption. On the other hand, it is much less active (one-third to one-fifth) than 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the mobilization of calcium from bone. In both the intestinal and bone responses, 1α-hydroxyvitamin D2 (312 pmol) is active in nephrectomized rats while 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is not.  相似文献   

Human chorionic gonadotrophin preparations (hCG), when injected ip daily for 4 days, suppress the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response of mice to sheep red blood cells. Preparations of crude hCG, purified hCG subunits, and hCG that was formed by recombining the purified subunits showed immunosuppressive activity in accord with their gonadotrophic activity. The immunosuppressive effects in male and female mice were comparable. However, removal of the gonads completely abrogated the immunosuppressive activity of hCG in both males and females, suggesting that the effect of hCG is mediated by a factor released from the gonads. We conclude that the hCG molecule itself exhibits immunosuppressive activity in vivo in both male and female mice and that the gonads are required for the expression of this activity.  相似文献   

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