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We have developed a quantitative model for the creation of cytoplasmic Ca2+ gradients near the inner surface of the plasma membrane (PM). In particular we simulated the refilling of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via PM–SR junctions during asynchronous [Ca2+]i oscillations in smooth muscle cells of the rabbit inferior vena cava. We have combined confocal microscopy data on the [Ca2+]i oscillations, force transduction data from cell contraction studies and electron microscopic images to build a basis for computational simulations that model the transport of calcium ions from Na+/Ca2+ exchangers (NCX) on the PM to sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) pumps on the SR as a three-dimensional random walk through the PM–SR junctional cytoplasmic spaces. Electron microscopic ultrastructural images of the smooth muscle cells were elaborated with software algorithms to produce a very clear and dimensionally accurate picture of the PM–SR junctions. From this study, we conclude that it is plausible and possible for enough Ca2+ to pass through the PM–SR junctions to replete the SR during the regenerative Ca2+ release, which underlies agonist induced asynchronous Ca2+ oscillations in vascular smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Action potential repolarization in the mammalian heart is governed by interactions of a number of time- and voltage-dependent channel-mediated currents, as well as contributions from the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger and the Na+/K+ pump. Recent work has shown that one of the K+ currents (HERG) which contributes to repolarization in mammalian ventricle is a locus at which a number of point mutations can have significant functional consequences. In addition, the remarkable sensitivity of this K+ channel isoform to inhibition by a variety of pharmacological agents and clinical drugs has resulted in HERG being a major focus for Safety Pharmacology requirements. For these reasons we and others have attempted to define the functional role for HERG-mediated K+ currents in repolarization of the action potential in the human ventricle. Here, we describe and evaluate changes in the formulations for two K+ currents, IK1 and HERG (or IK,r), within the framework of ten Tusscher model of the human ventricular action potential. In this computational study, new mathematical formulations for the two nonlinear K+ conductances, IK1 and HERG, have been developed based upon experimental data obtained from electrophysiological studies of excised human ventricular tissue and/or myocytes. The resulting mathematical model provides much improved simulations of the relative sizes and time courses of the K+ currents which modulate repolarization. Our new formulation represents an important first step in defining the mechanism(s) of repolarization of the membrane action potential in the human ventricle. Our overall goal is to understand the genesis of the T-wave of the human electrocardiogram.  相似文献   

The coancestry coefficient, also known as the population structure parameter, is of great interest in population genetics. It can be thought of as the intraclass correlation of pairs of alleles within populations and it can serve as a measure of genetic distance between populations. For a general class of evolutionary models it determines the distribution of allele frequencies among populations. Under more restrictive models it can be regarded as the probability of identity by descent of any pair of alleles at a locus within a random mating population. In this paper we review estimation procedures that use the method of moments or are maximum likelihood under the assumption of normally distributed allele frequencies. We then consider the problem of testing hypotheses about this parameter. In addition to parametric and non-parametric bootstrap tests we present an asymptotically-distributed chi-square test. This test reduces to the contingency-table test for equal sample sizes across populations. Our new test appears to be more powerful than previous tests, especially for loci with multiple alleles. We apply our methods to HapMap SNP data to confirm that the coancestry coefficient for humans is strictly positive.  相似文献   

Koenigs–Knorr-type glycosidations of peracylated 2Z-benzoyloxyimino-glycopyranosyl bromides invariably proceed with retention of the Z-geometry. Accordingly, the many β-d-hexosidulose oximes in literature which were prepared in this way and for which the oxime geometry has not been addressed explicitly, are the Z-oximes throughout. By contrast, oximation of β-d-hexopyranosid-2-uloses leads to mixtures of E and Z oximes readily separable and structurally verifiable by 1H and 13C NMR. Configurational assignments rested on comparative evaluation of NMR data of E and Z isomers, and, most notably on an X-ray structural analysis of the pivaloylated isopropyl 2E-benzoyloxyimino-2-deoxy-β-d-arabino-hexopyranoside revealing the unusual 1S51,4B conformation for the pyranoid ring.  相似文献   

It has been shown that oxidative damage contributes to the wide range of toxic effects of the mycotoxin ochratoxin A (OTA). Therefore, we examined the effects of alpha-tocopherol (alpha-TOC) and different polyphenols--catechin (CAT), daidzein (DAI), epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), genistein (GEN), and quercetin (QUE)--on OTA-induced cytotoxicity in HepG2 liver cells. Incubation of HepG2 cells with increasing concentrations of OTA resulted in a dose- and time-dependent cytotoxicity as measured by the neutral red assay. Half lethal concentrations (LC50) of OTA were 35 and 10 microM after 48 and 72 h incubation, respectively. Incubation of HepG2 cells with alpha-TOC as well as with different polyphenols (exhibiting different antioxidant potency as determined by the FRAP, TEAC and DPPH assays) did not counteract OTA-induced cytotoxicity. These findings indicate that OTA may exert its toxic effects by affecting other hepatic mechanisms than those directly modulated by alpha-TOC and polyphenols.  相似文献   

A multilevel approach to cancer growth modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cancer growth models may be divided into macroscopic models, which describe the tumor as a single entity, and microscopic ones, which consider the tumor as a complex system whose behavior emerges from the local dynamics of its basic components, the neoplastic cells. Mesoscopic models (e.g. as based on the Local Interaction Simulation Approach [Delsanto, P.P., Mignogna, R., Scalerandi, M., Schechter, R., 1998. In: Delsanto, P.P. Saenz, A.W. (Eds.), New Perspectives on Problems in Classical and Quantum Physics, vol. 2. Gordon & Breach, New Delhi, p. 5174]), which explicitly consider the behavior of cell clusters and their interactions, may be used instead of the microscopic ones, in order to study the properties of cancer biology that strongly depend on the interactions of small groups of cells at intermediate spatial and temporal scales. All these approaches have been developed independently, which limits their usefulness, since they all include relevant features and information that should be cross-correlated for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms involved. In this contribution we consider multicellular tumor spheroids as biological reference systems and propose an intermediate model to bridge the gap between a macroscopic formulation of tumor growth and a mesoscopic one. Thus we are able to establish, as an important result of our formalism, a direct correspondence between parameters characterizing processes occurring at different scales. In particular, we analyze their dependence on an important limiting factor to tumor growth, i.e. the extra-cellular matrix pressure. Since the macro and meso-models stem from totally different roots (energy conservation and clinical observations vs. cell groups dynamics), their consistency may be used to validate both approaches. It may also be interesting to note that the proposed formalism fits well into a recently proposed conjecture of growth laws universality.  相似文献   

The static fluid mosaic model of biological membranes has been progressively complemented by a dynamic membrane model that includes phospholipid reordering in domains that are proposed to extend from nanometers to microns. Kinetic models for lipolytic enzymes have only been developed for homogeneous lipid phases. In this work, we develop a generalization of the well-known surface dilution kinetic theory to cases where, in a same lipid phase, both domain and nondomain phases coexist. Our model also allows understanding the changes in enzymatic activity due to a decrease of free substrate concentration when domains are induced by peptides. This lipid reordering and domain dynamics can affect the activity of lipolytic enzymes, and can provide a simple explanation for how basic peptides, with a strong direct interaction with acidic phospholipids (such as beta-amyloid peptide), may cause a complex modulation of the activities of many important enzymes in lipid signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The two osteoclastogenesis pathways, receptor activator nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB ligand (RANKL)-mediated and fusion regulatory protein-1 (FRP-1)-mediated osteoclastogenesis, have recently been reported. There were significant differences in differentiation and activation mechanisms between the two pathways. When monocytes were cultured with FRP-1 without adding M-CSF, essential for the RANKL system, TRAP-positive polykaryocyte formation occurred. FRP-1-mediated osteoclasts formed larger pits on mineralized calcium phosphate plates than RANKL+M-CSF-mediated osteoclasts did. Lacunae on dentin surfaces induced by FRP-1-mediated osteoclasts were inclined to be single and isolated. However, osteoclasts induced by RANKL+M-CSF made many connected pits on dentin surfaces as if they crawled on there. Interestingly, FRP-1 osteoclastogenesis was enhanced by M-CSF/IL-1alpha, while chemotactic behavior to the dentin slices was not effected. There were differences in pH and concentration of HCO3- at culture endpoint and in adherent feature to dentin surfaces. Our findings indicate there are two types of osteoclasts with distinct properties.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are looking for mathematical modeling of mouse embryonic melanoblast proliferation dynamics, taking into account, the expression level of β‐catenin. This protein plays an important role into the whole signal pathway process. Different assumptions on some unobservable features lead to different candidate models. From real data measured, from biological experiments and from a priori biological knowledge, it was able to validate or invalidate some of the candidate models. Data assimilation and parameter identification allowed us to derive a mathematical model that is in very good agreement with biological data. As a result, the produced model can give tracks for biologists into their biological investigations and experimental evidence. Another interest is the use of this model for robust hidden parameter identification like double times or number of founder melanoblasts.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the G protein signaling pathway in RAW 264.7 macrophages downstream of P2Y6 receptors activated by the ubiquitous signaling nucleotide uridine 5’-diphosphate is developed. The model, which is based on time-course measurements of inositol trisphosphate, cytosolic calcium, and diacylglycerol, focuses particularly on differential dynamics of multiple chemical species of diacylglycerol. When using the canonical pathway representation, the model predicted that key interactions were missing from the current network structure. Indeed, the model suggested that accurate depiction of experimental observations required an additional branch to the signaling pathway. An intracellular pool of diacylglycerol is immediately phosphorylated upon stimulation of an extracellular receptor for uridine 5’-diphosphate and subsequently used to aid replenishment of phosphatidylinositol. As a result of sensitivity analysis of the model parameters, key predictions can be made regarding which of these parameters are the most sensitive to perturbations and are therefore most responsible for output uncertainty.  相似文献   

One goal of this paper is to give an algorithm for computing a threshold condition for epidemiological systems arising from compartmental deterministic modeling. We calculate a threshold condition T(0) of the parameters of the system such that if T(0)<1 the disease-free equilibrium (DFE) is locally asymptotically stable (LAS), and if T(0)>1, the DFE is unstable. The second objective, by adding some reasonable assumptions, is to give, depending on the model, necessary and sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability (GAS) of the DFE. In many cases, we can prove that a necessary and sufficient condition for the global asymptotic stability of the DFE is R(0)< or =1, where R(0) is the basic reproduction number [O. Diekmann, J.A. Heesterbeek, Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation, Wiley, New York, 2000]. To illustrate our results, we apply our techniques to examples taken from the literature. In these examples we improve the results already obtained for the GAS of the DFE. We show that our algorithm is relevant for high dimensional epidemiological models.  相似文献   

We recently described a triple resonance experiment, HN(C)N, for sequential correlation of H(N) and 15N atoms in (15N, 13C) labeled proteins [J. Biomol. NMR. 20 (2001) 135]. Here, we describe an approach based on this experiment for estimation of one bond N-C(alpha) J-couplings in medium size labeled proteins, which seem to show good correlations with psi torsion angles along the protein backbone. The approach uses the ratio of the intensities of the sequential and diagonal peaks in the F(2)-F(3) planes of the HN(C)N spectrum. The reliability of the approach has been demonstrated using a short peptide wherein the coupling constants have been measured by the present method and also independently from peak splittings in HSQC spectra. The two results agree within 10%. The applicability of the procedure to proteins has been demonstrated using doubly labeled FK506 binding protein (FKBP, molecular mass approximately 12 kDa). Coupling constant estimates have been obtained for 62 out of 100 non-proline residues and they show a correlation with psi torsion angles, as has been reported before. This semi-quantitative application of HN(C)N extends the significance of the experiment especially, in the context of structural genomics, since the single experiment, not only provides a great enhancement in the speed of resonance assignment, but also provides quantitative structural information.  相似文献   

The concept of an (M,R) system with organizational invariance allows one to understand how a system may be able to maintain itself indefinitely if it is coupled to an external source of energy and materials. However, although this constitutes an important step towards understanding the difference between a living and a non-living system, it is not clear that an (M,R) system with organizational invariance is sufficient to define a living system. To take a further step towards defining what it means to be alive it is necessary to add to a simple (M,R) system some property that represents its identity, and which can be maintained and modified in subsequent generations.  相似文献   

An evolutionary game of individuals cooperating to obtain a collective benefit is here modelled as an n-player Prisoner's Dilemma game. With reference to biological situations, such as group foraging, we introduce a threshold condition in the number of cooperators required to obtain the collective benefit. In the simplest version, a three-player game, complex behaviour appears as the replicator dynamics exhibits a catastrophic event separating a parameter region allowing for coexistence of cooperators and defectors and a region of pure defection. Cooperation emerges through an ESS bifurcation, and cooperators only thrive beyond a critical point in cost-benefit space. Moreover, a repelling fixed point of the dynamics acts as a barrier to the introduction of cooperation in defecting populations. The results illustrate the qualitative difference between two-player games and multiple player games and thus the limitations to the generality of conclusions from two-player games. We present a procedure to find the evolutionarily stable strategies in any n-player game with cost and benefit depending on the number of cooperators. This was previously done by Motro [1991. Co-operation and defection: playing the field and the ESS. J. Theor. Biol. 151, 145-154] in the special cases of convex and concave benefit functions and constant cost.  相似文献   

Koenigs-Knorr-type glycosidations of peracylated 2Z-benzoyloxyimino-glycopyranosyl bromides invariably proceed with retention of the Z-geometry. Accordingly, the many β-d-hexosidulose oximes in literature which were prepared in this way and for which the oxime geometry has not been addressed explicitly, are the Z-oximes throughout. By contrast, oximation of β-d-hexopyranosid-2-uloses leads to mixtures of E and Z oximes readily separable and structurally verifiable by 1H and 13C NMR. Configurational assignments rested on comparative evaluation of NMR data of E and Z isomers, and, most notably on an X-ray structural analysis of the pivaloylated isopropyl 2E-benzoyloxyimino-2-deoxy-β-d-arabino-hexopyranoside revealing the unusual 1S5?1,4B conformation for the pyranoid ring.  相似文献   

β1,4-Galactosyltransferase 7 (β4GalT7) is a key enzyme initiating glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis. Based on in vitro and ex vivo kinetics studies and structure-based modelling, we molecularly characterized β4GalT7 mutants linked to the progeroid form of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a severe connective tissue disorder. Our results revealed that loss of activity upon L206P substitution due to altered protein folding is the primary cause for the GAG synthesis defect in patients carrying the compound A186D and L206P mutations. We showed that R270C substitution strongly reduced β4GalT7 affinity towards xyloside acceptor, thus affecting GAG chains formation. This study establishes the molecular basis for β4GalT7 defects associated with altered GAG synthesis in EDS.  相似文献   

Compared with algal and cyanobacterial cytochrome c(6), cytochrome c(6A) from higher plants contains an additional loop of 12 amino acid residues. We have determined the first crystal structure of cytochrome c(6A) from Arabidopsis thaliana at 1.5 Angstrom resolution in order to help elucidate its function. The overall structure of cytochrome c(6A) follows the topology of class I c-type cytochromes in which the heme prosthetic group covalently binds to Cys16 and Cys19, and the iron has octahedral coordination with His20 and Met60 as the axial ligands. Two cysteine residues (Cys67 and Cys73) within the characteristic 12 amino acids loop form a disulfide bond, contributing to the structural stability of cytochrome c(6A). Our model provides a chemical basis for the known low redox potential of cytochrome c(6A) which makes it an unsuitable electron carrier between cytochrome b(6)f and PSI.  相似文献   

新一轮医院评审提出了管理模式从粗放的行政化管理转向精细的信息化管理的指导原则,同时引入了自我评价理念和评建并举制度。围绕原卫生部《三级综合医院评审标准》,结合日常质量管理工作,利用信息化、网络化技术,建立了基于多层B/S架构的评审管理信息系统,并遵循PDCA质量改进模式,按照计划组织、执行落实、检查复核与评价改进的工作流程开展信息化评审与质量自评。评审管理信息系统的应用,帮助医院建立起了一整套规范化的自评流程,提升了医院的自评能力,推动了院内质量监测和改进机制的建立,完善了医院的质量管理体系。  相似文献   

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