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We studied the effect of edema on the regional distribution of pulmonary blood flow in 12 anesthetized dogs. Two were controls, six had low-pressure pulmonary edema, and four had high-pressure pulmonary edema. All were ventilated with 100% O2. The physiological shunt fraction (Qs/QT), as an indicator of the degree of venous admixture, was determined by measuring the arterial and venous blood gases and the hemoglobin at different times during the experiment. Cardiac output (QT) was modestly increased by opening the femoral arteriovenous shunts. The initial regional blood flow (Qi) and final regional blood flow (Qf) were marked before and after the shunts were opened, using two differently labeled macroaggregates. The dogs were then killed, and the lungs were removed and sampled completely so that Qi and Qf and the amount of regional extravascular lung water (Wdl) in each regional sample could be measured (sample size: wet wt = 5.9 +/- 2.9 g, n = 833; Wdl ranged from 5.15 +/- 1.18 to 14.42 +/- 2.34 g). The data show that QS/QT increased as QT increased in the three conditions studied. However, there was no correlation between Wdl and Qi, Qf, or the relative change in regional blood flow. The data also show that gravity affects regional blood flow more than it affects regional edema. We conclude that the increased Qs/QT seen with increased pulmonary blood flow cannot be explained by a preferential increase of blood flow to the more edematous regions.  相似文献   

We examined whether wedging a catheter (0.5 cm OD) into a subsegmental airway in dog (n = 6) or pig lungs (n = 5) and increasing pressure in the distal lung segment affected pulmonary blood flow. Dogs and pigs were anesthetized and studied in the prone position. Pulmonary blood flow was measured by injecting radiolabeled microspheres (15 microns diam) into the right atrium when airway pressure (Pao) was 0 cmH2O and pressure in the segment distal to the wedged catheter (Ps) was 0, 5, or 15 cmH2O and when Pao = Ps = 15 cmH2O. The lungs were excised, air-dried, and sectioned. Blood flow per gram dry weight normalized to cardiac output to the right or left lung, as appropriate, was calculated for the test segment, a control segment in the opposite lung corresponding anatomically to the test segment, the remainder of the lung containing the test segment (test lung), and the remainder of the lung containing the control segment (control lung). The presence of the catheter reduced blood flow in the test segment compared with that in the control segment and in the test lung. Blood flow was not affected by increasing pressure in the test segment. We conclude that, in studies designed to measure collateral ventilation in dog lungs, the presence of the wedged catheter is likely to have a greater effect on blood flow than the increase in pressure associated with measuring collateral airway resistance.  相似文献   

We have measured regional pulmonary blood flow (PBF) in normal dogs with positron emission tomography (PET) and 15O-labeled water (H2(15)O). The method is nondestructive, quantitative, and repeatable. To measure PBF, PET is used to measure both the initial and equilibrium distribution of lung activity after H2(15)O infusion. The data are then interpreted with a one-compartment mathematical model. Measurements of PBF in dogs with H2(15)O (PBF-water) were compared with PBF measured with 68Ga microspheres (PBF-MS), and a close correlation was observed: PBF-water = 0.82 PBF-MS + 25.4 (R = 0.97, n = 52). In another set of animals an important assumption of the method, namely that the tracer is fully extracted during a single pass through the lung, was demonstrated using a single-probe residue-detection technique. Computer simulations were performed to illustrate the sensitivity of the method to errors in the measured variables of tracer activity or tissue-blood partition coefficient. Results showed only small error magnification for the range of values observed in these studies.  相似文献   

Systematically mapped samples cut from lungs previously labeled with intravascular and aerosol microspheres can be used to create high-resolution maps of regional perfusion and regional ventilation. With multiple radioactive or fluorescent microsphere labels available, this methodology can compare regional flow responses to different interventions without partial volume effects or registration errors that complicate interpretation of in vivo imaging measurements. Microsphere blood flow maps examined at different levels of spatial resolution have revealed that regional flow heterogeneity increases progressively down to an acinar level of scale. This pattern of scale-dependent heterogeneity is characteristic of a fractal distribution network, and it suggests that the anatomic configuration of the pulmonary vascular tree is the primary determinant of high-resolution regional flow heterogeneity. At approximately 2-cm(3) resolution, the large-scale gravitational gradients of blood flow per unit weight of alveolar tissue account for <5% of the overall flow heterogeneity. Furthermore, regional blood flow per gram of alveolar tissue remains relatively constant with different body positions, gravitational stresses, and exercise. Regional alveolar ventilation is accurately represented by the deposition of inhaled 1.0-microm fluorescent microsphere aerosols, at least down to the approximately 2-cm(3) level of scale. Analysis of these ventilation maps has revealed the same scale-dependent property of regional alveolar ventilation heterogeneity, with a strong correlation between ventilation and blood flow maintained at all levels of scale. The ventilation-perfusion (VA/Q) distributions obtained from microsphere flow maps of normal animals agree with simultaneously acquired multiple inert-gas elimination technique VA/Q distributions, but they underestimate gas-exchange impairment in diffuse lung injury.  相似文献   

To assess the hypothesis that microvascular nitric oxide (NO) is critical to maintain blood flow and solute exchange, we quantified NO production in the hamster cheek pouch in vivo, correlating it with vascular dynamics. Hamsters (100-120 g) were anesthetized and prepared for measurement of microvessel diameters by intravital microscopy, of plasma flow by isotopic sodium clearance, and of NO production by chemiluminescence. Analysis of endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) location by immunocytochemistry and subcellular fractionation revealed that eNOS was present in arterioles and venules and was 67 +/- 7% membrane bound. Basal NO release was 60.1 +/- 5.1 pM/min (n = 35), and plasma flow was 2.95 +/- 0.27 microl/min (n = 29). Local NO synthase inhibition with 30 microM N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine reduced NO production to 8.6 +/- 2.6 pmol/min (-83 +/- 5%, n = 9) and plasma flow to 1.95 +/- 0.15 microl/min (-28 +/- 12%, n = 17) within 30-45 min, in parallel with constriction of arterioles (9-14%) and venules (19-25%). The effects of N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (10-30 microM) were proportional to basal microvascular conductance (r = 0.7, P < 0.05) and fully prevented by 1 mM L-arginine. We conclude that in this tissue, NO production contributes to 35-50% of resting microvascular conductance and plasma-tissue exchange.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of regional pulmonary blood flow (PBF) on lung water measurements made with a blood-borne label (15O-water) and positron emission tomography (PET) in five dogs. The total lung water (TLW) content of a lung region obtained at equilibrium after intravenous injection of 15O-water (TLW-water) was compared with calculations made from lung density measurements (TLW-density) also obtained with PET. These latter measurements are proportional to the tissue attenuation of radioactivity originating from an external source encircling the animal and are independent of PBF. Comparisons were made before and 60 min after oleic acid-induced injury confined to the left caudal lobe (LCL). PBF fell 61% in regions from the dorsal half of the LCL after lung injury and was unchanged on the right side. Both before and after injury, TLW-density was 10-15% higher than TLW-water. This systematic difference is probably due to overestimates of TLW-density resulting from partial volume and scattered radiation effects. When TLW-water and TLW-density were compared in 151 3-ml regions from both normal and injured lung, the disparity between the two methods of calculating TLW increased in regions with a PBF less than 0.5 ml.min-1.ml lung-1 (less than 20% of base line). However, this represented only 22% of the injured regions analyzed. Thus lung water measurements made with PET and 15O-water are accurate until regional PBF is severely reduced. With PET, such areas can be eliminated from analysis or regions can be made sufficiently large so the overall effect on the TLW measurement is minimized.  相似文献   

Measurement of regional organ blood flow by means of fluorescent microspheres (FM) is an accepted method. However, determination of regional portal blood flow (RPBF) cannot be performed by microspheres owing to the entrapment of the spheres in the upstream capillary bed of the splanchnic organs. We hypothesized that an adequate experimental setting would enable us to measure RPBF by means of FM and to analyze its distribution within the pig liver. A mixing chamber for the injection of FM was developed, and its capability to distribute FM homogeneously in the blood was evaluated in vitro. The chamber was implanted into the portal vein of six anesthetized pigs (23.5 +/- 2.9 kg body wt). Three consecutive, simultaneous injections of FM of two different colors into the chamber were performed. Reference portal blood samples were collected by means of a Harvard pump. At the end of the experiment, the liver was explanted and fixed in formalin before dissection. FM were isolated from the tissue samples by an automated process, and fluorescence intensity was determined. Comparison of 5,458 single RPBF values, determined by simultaneously injected FM, revealed good agreement (bias 2.5%, precision 12.7%) and high correlation (r = 0.97, r2 = 0,95, slope = 1.04, intercept = 0.05). Median RPBF was 1.07 +/- 0.78 ml x min(-1) x g(-1). Allocation of the blood flow values to the anatomic regions of the liver revealed a significantly higher RPBF (P = 0.01) in the liver tissue located close to the diaphragm compared with the rest of the organ and a significantly lower RPBF (P = 0.01) in the left liver lobe compared with the median and right lobes. The results show that the model presented makes it possible to measure RPBF by means of FM reliably and that RPBF is distributed heterogeneously in the porcine liver.  相似文献   

Original studies leading to the gravitationalmodel of pulmonary blood flow and contemporary studies showinggravity-independent perfusion differ in the recent use of laboratoryanimals instead of humans. We explored the distribution ofpulmonary blood flow in baboons because their anatomy, serialdistribution of vascular resistances, and hemodynamic responses tohypoxia are similar to those of humans. Four baboons wereanesthetized with ketamine, intubated, and mechanically ventilated.Different colors of fluorescent microspheres were given intravenouslywhile the animals were in the supine, prone, upright (repeated), andhead-down (repeated) postures. The animals were killed, and their lungswere excised, dried, and diced into~2-cm3 pieces with the spatialcoordinates recorded for each piece. Regional blood flow was determinedfor each posture from the fluorescent signals of each piece. Perfusionheterogeneity was greatest in the upright posture and least when prone.Using multiple-stepwise regression, we estimate that 7, 5, and 25% ofperfusion heterogeneity is due to gravity in the supine, prone, andupright postures, respectively. Although important, gravity is not thepredominant determinant of pulmonary perfusion heterogeneity in uprightprimates. Because of anatomic similarities, the same may be true for humans.  相似文献   

Serial measurements of regional cerebral blood flow by the 133Xe inhalation method were performed in a pilot study in 6 patients undergoing stereotactic psychosurgical procedures (anterior capsulotomy, cingulotomy, frontobasal tractotomy). Average hemispheric flow did not change significantly from pre- to post-operative, but changes were seen in the patterns of regional flow distribution. The most striking finding was frontal flow reduction following capsulotomy. In view of the coupling of blood flow and function in the brain, the results indicate that this method offers a new way for exploring the effects of functional neurosurgery on brain activity.  相似文献   

The application of the epicutaneous antigen oxazolone results in persistent induration and erythema; however, the relative changes in lymph and blood flow in the inflammatory skin are largely unknown. To define the contribution of lymph and blood flow to the clinical appearance of cutaneous inflammation, we studied the sheep ear after the application of oxazolone. As a model for the study of these changes, the sheep ear had several experimental advantages: 1) a simplified superficial vascular network, 2) defined lymphatic drainage, and 3) an avascular and alymphatic cartilaginous barrier. Lymph flow was continuously monitored by cannulation of the prescapular efferent lymph duct. Blood flow, as reflected by cutaneous erythema, was noninvasively measured by use of a visible-spectrum spectrophotometer. The application of the epicutaneous oxazolone resulted in increased ear thickness for >7 days. The lymph flow from the oxazolone-stimulated ear peaked between 24 and 48 h after oxazolone stimulation. Spectrophotometric evaluation indicated that the cutaneous erythema peaked 72-96 h after application of oxazolone. Corrosion casting and scanning electron microscopy of the microcirculation at 96 h after antigen stimulation demonstrated significant dilatation of the superficial vascular network. These results suggest a biphasic response to oxazolone stimulation: 1) an early increase in vascular permeability associated with increased lymph flow and 2) a subsequent increase in relative blood flow associated with a dilated inflammatory microcirculation.  相似文献   

To localize a central nervous feed-forward mechanism involved in cardiovascular regulation during exercise, brain activation patterns were measured in eight subjects by employing positron emission tomography and oxygen-15-labeled water. Scans were performed at rest and during rhythmic handgrip before and after axillary blockade with bupivacaine. After the blockade, handgrip strength was reduced to 25% (range 0-50%) of control values, whereas handgrip-induced heart rate and blood pressure increases were unaffected (13 +/- 3 beats/min and 12 +/- 5 mmHg, respectively; means +/- SE). Before regional anesthesia, handgrip caused increased activation in the contralateral sensory motor area, the supplementary motor area, and the ipsilateral cerebellum. We found no evidence for changes in the activation pattern due to an interaction between handgrip and regional anesthesia. This was true for both the blocked and unblocked arm. It remains unclear whether the activated areas are responsible for the increase in cardiovascular variables, but neural feedback from the contracting muscles was not necessary for the activation in the mentioned areas during rhythmic handgrip.  相似文献   

To study the influence of blood flow on postpneumonectomy lung growth, we banded the left caudal lobe pulmonary artery of eight ferrets in such a way that blood flow to the caudal lobe did not increase when the right lung was excised 1 wk later. The fraction of the cardiac output received by the right lung before pneumonectomy was therefore directed entirely to the left cranial lobe. Three weeks after pneumonectomy the weight, volume, and protein and DNA contents of the two lobes of the left lung were measured and compared with those of five unoperated animals and eight animals after right pneumonectomy alone. Although its perfusion did not increase after pneumonectomy, the left caudal lobe of banded animals participated in compensatory growth, increasing in weight and protein and DNA contents. Although the cranial lobe of banded animals received 25% more of the cardiac output than the same lobe in pneumonectomized animals, cranial lobe volume and protein and DNA contents in the two groups were similar. Caudal lobes were smaller in banded than in simple pneumonectomized animals and tended to contain less protein, whereas the cranial lobes tended to be heavier. We conclude that increased pulmonary perfusion is not necessary for compensatory lung growth in adult ferrets, but it may modify this response.  相似文献   

The parameter Amax/Km (product of reactant enzyme mass in perfused microvessels and the constant kcat/Km), calculated from in vivo assays of pulmonary endothelial ectoenzymes (e.g., angiotensin-converting enzyme, ACE), can provide estimates of the perfused pulmonary microvascular surface area (PMSA) in the absence of enzyme dysfunction. We examined the relationship between PMSA and pulmonary blood flow (Qb) in anesthetized rabbits placed on total heart bypass, using [3H]benzoyl-Phe-Ala-Pro (BPAP) as the ACE substrate. When Qb was increased from 250 to 1,100 ml/min, at zone 3 conditions, pulmonary arterial pressure increased, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) decreased, and Amax/Km increased linearly, reflecting increasing PMSA. When only the left lung was perfused, increasing Qb from 250 to 636 +/- 17 ml/min (the last value representing fully recruited and/or distended vascular bed), PVR decreased, while Amax/Km increased. When Qb was further increased to 791 +/- 44 ml/min, both PVR and Amax/Km remained unchanged, confirming the lack of additional changes in PMSA. We conclude that Amax/Km provides a sensitive indication of PMSA, because it 1) increases with increasing Qb and decreasing PVR, 2) reaches a maximum at Qb values that correspond to the minimal values in PVR, and 3) like PVR, did not change with further increases in Qb. Compared with predicted changes in PMSA produced by either microvascular recruitment alone or distension alone, our data indicate that recruitment is a larger contributor to the observed increase in PMSA.  相似文献   

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