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The recB and recD subunits of the recBCD enzyme (exonuclease V) from Escherichia coli were covalently photolabeled with the ATP photoaffinity analogue [alpha-32P]8-azido-ATP. The labeling was specific for ATP binding sites by the following criteria. Saturation occurs at high 8-azido-ATP concentrations with dissociation constants of 30 and 120 microM for the recD and recB subunits, respectively; ATP strongly inhibits the photolabeling; 8-azido-ATP is hydrolyzed by the recBCD enzyme and supports its double-stranded DNA exonuclease activity; and the label is largely confined to two peptides obtained by tryptic digestion of the photolabeled holoenzyme; one is derived from the recB subunit and the other from the recD subunit.  相似文献   

We have covalently modified the recA protein from Escherichia coli with the photoaffinity ATP analog 8-azido-[alpha-32P]ATP (N3-ATP). Covalent attachment of N3-ATP to recA protein is dependent on native protein conformation and is shown to be specific for the site of ATP hydrolysis by the following criteria. (i) Binding of the probe to recA protein is inhibited by ATP and competitive inhibitors of its ATP hydrolytic activity, e.g. adenosine 5'-O-(thiotriphosphate), ADP, and UTP, but not by adenosine; (ii) N3-ATP is efficiently hydrolyzed by recA protein in the presence of single-stranded DNA; (iii) labeling of recA protein occurs at a single site as judged by two-dimensional thin-layer peptide mapping and high-performance liquid chromatography peptide separation. We have purified and identified a tryptic fragment, spanning amino acid residues 257-280, which contains the primary site of attachment of N3-ATP. This peptide is likely to be contained within the ATP hydrolytic site of recA protein.  相似文献   

Wettich A  Biebricher CK 《Biochemistry》2001,40(11):3308-3315
An RNA that replicates with core RNA polymerase from E. coli and the substrates ATP, CTP, ITP, and UTP, was selected from a random poly(A,U,I,C) library and named EcorpI. Another replicating RNA, EcorpG, was obtained by template-free incubation of holo RNA polymerase and the substrates ATP, CTP, GTP, and UTP. Both RNA species showed typical autocatalytic RNA amplification profiles with replication rates in the range of other RNA replicons. The replication products were heterogeneous in length; the different lengths appeared to be different replication intermediates. Both RNA were single-stranded with much internal base-pairing but low melting points. Their sequences were composed by permutations of certain sequence motives in both polarities separated by short oligo(A) and oligo(U) clusters. There was evidence for 3'-terminal elongation on an intramolecular template. No double-stranded RNA was found, even though base-pairing is certainly the underlying basis of the replication process. The reaction was highly sensitive: a few RNA strands were sufficient to trigger an amplification avalanche.  相似文献   

H Aiba  J S Krakow 《Biochemistry》1980,19(9):1857-1861
Photoaffinity labeling of the cAMP receptor protein (CRP) of Escherichia coli with 8-azidoadenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (8-N3cAMP) has been demonstrated. 8-N3cAMP is able to support the binding of (3H)d(I-C)n by CRP, indicating that it is a functional cAMP analogue. Following irradiation at 254 nm, (32P)-8-N3cAMP is photocross-linked to CRP. Photolabeling of CRP by (32P)-8-N3cAMP is inhibited by cAMP but not by 5'AMP. The data indicate that (32P)-8-N3cAMP is covalently incorporated following binding at the cAMP binding site of CRP. The (32P)-8-N3cAMP-CRP digested with chymotrypsin was analyzed by NaDodSO4-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Of the incorporated label, one-third remains associated with the amino-proximal alpha core region of CRP [Eilen, E., Pampeno, C., & Krakow, J.S. (1978) Biochemistry 17, 2469] which contains the cAMP binding domain; the remaining two-thirds of the label associated with the beta region are digested. Limited proteolysis of the (32P)-8-N3cAMP-CRP by chymotrypsin in the presence of NaDodSO4 shows the radioactivity to be distributed between the molecular weight 9500 (amino-proximal) and 13,000 (carboxyl-proximal) fragments produced. These results suggest that a part of the carboxyl-proximal region is folded over and close enough to the cAMP binding site to be cross-linked by the photoactivated (32P)-8-N3cAMP bound at the cAMP binding site.  相似文献   

Pyran copolymer, a potent inhibitor of DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from Escherichia coli, prevented polyribonucleotide synthesis by blocking both the initiation and elongation steps. The inhibition was noncompetitive with respect to template and nucleotide triphosphate substrates. Template binding and the stability of the nascent RNA chain were not affected by the inhibitor.  相似文献   

8-Azidoadenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (8-N3-cAMP) containing 32P has been used as a photoaffinity label specific for the adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) binding site(s) present in a partially purified preparation of soluble protein kinase from bovine brain. 8-N3-cAMP and cAMP were found to compete for the same binding site(s) in this preparation, as determined by a standard filter assay. When this protein preparation was equilibrated with [32P]-8-N3-cAMP, and then irradiated at 253.7 nm, the incorporation of radioactivity was predominantly into a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 49,000, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. This labeled protein comigrated in the gel with the only protein which is endogenously phosphorylated by [gamma-32P]ATP, a protein which has been shown to be the regulatory subunit of the protein kinase (H. Maeno, P. L. Reyes, T. Ueda, S. A. Rudolph, and P. Greengard (1974), Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 164, 551). The incorporation of [32P]-8-N3-cAMP into this protein was half-maximal at a concentration of 7 x 10(-8) M. In accordance with a proposed mechanism involving the formation of a highly reactive nitrene intermediate upon irradiation of the azide, the incorporation of radioactivity into protein was maximal within 10 min of irradiation, and was almost eliminated by preirradiation of the photolabile ligand. Moreover, this incorporation was virtually abolished by a 50-fold excess of cAMP, but not by AMP, ADP, ATP, or adenosine. We suggest that 8-N3-cAMP may prove to be a useful molecular probe of the cAMP-binding site in receptor proteins and report its use in conjunction with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a highly sensitive and selective radiochemical marker for cAMP-binding proteins.  相似文献   

2-Azidoadenosine was synthesized from 2-chloroadenosine by sequential reaction with hydrazine and nitrous acid and then bisphosphorylated with pyrophosphoryl chloride to form 2-azidoadenosine 3',5'-bisphosphate. The bisphosphate was labeled in the 5'-position using the exchange reaction catalyzed by T4 polynucleotide kinase in the presence of [gamma-32P]ATP. Polynucleotide kinase from a T4 mutant which lacks 3'-phosphatase activity (ATP:5'-dephosphopolynucleotide 5'-phosphotransferase, EC was required to facilitate this reaction. 2-Azidoadenosine 3',5'-[5'-32P]bisphosphate can serve as an efficient donor in the T4 RNA ligase reaction and can replace the 3'-terminal adenosine of yeast tRNAPhe with little effect on the amino acid acceptor activity of the tRNA. In addition, we show that the modified tRNAPhe derivative can be photochemically cross-linked to the Escherichia coli ribosome.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent RNA polymerase from Escherichia coli was purified further by elution through heparin-Sepharose CL-6B column after the enzyme was obtained, partially purified, using Burgess and Jendrisak's method [(1975)Biochemistry 14, 4634] The total yield of the pure protein was 10 mg from 50 g of E.coli cells. The method was found to be very reproducible and convenient. The enzyme preparation had 60% active molecules and the elongation rate of RNA synthesis by this enzyme was measured to be 11 bases/s over delta D111 T7 DNA.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent RNA polymerases from nuclei of T8 Guerin tumor were studied. Two enzymes were purified several hundred times by the use of ammonium sulfate precipitation, DEAE-cellulose and phosphocellulose chromatography. One of them belongs to A(I) RNA polymerases and the second to B(II) as was established from their metal and ionic strength requirements. activity in the presence of native and denatured DNA and the resistance to a-amanitin inhibition. The quantity of class A enzyme was increased compared to B, a fact observed with most neoplastic tissues so far studied. This increase of the polymerase responsible for ribosomal RNA synthesis could probably be related to malignant transformation in animals.  相似文献   

The photoaffinity label 8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate (N3-ATP) was used to covalently modify the recA protein from Escherichia coli within its ATP-binding site. We have previously demonstrated that N3-ATP modification of recA protein is specific for the ATP-binding site and have isolated a unique tryptic peptide (T31), spanning residues 257-280, that contains the exclusive site of attachment of this ATP analog (Knight, K. L., and McEntee, K. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 867-872). We performed a secondary proteolytic digestion of the [alpha-32P]N3-ATP-labeled T31 peptide using Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and purified the resulting peptide fragments by high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). Based on a comparison of the amino acid compositions of all purified fragments and sequence analysis of one labeled fragment we determined that Tyr-264 is the exclusive site of N3-ATP attachment in recA protein. Photoaffinity labeling of recA protein was also performed in the presence of single-stranded DNA. Following trypsin treatment and separation of peptides by HPLC we showed that tryptic peptide T31 contained the exclusive site of N3-ATP attachment. A secondary proteolytic digestion was performed on both [alpha-32P]N3ATP-modified T31 and unmodified T31 using alpha-chymotrypsin. Comparison of the HPLC profiles and amino acid compositions of the resulting fragments was consistent with Tyr-264 as the exclusive site of N3-ATP attachment to recA protein.  相似文献   

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