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The photovoltaic properties of bacteriorhodopsin molecules and their photochemical intermediates have been investigated in an experimental cell consisting of multilayered films of highly oriented, dry fragments of purple membrane and lipid sandwiched between two metal (Pd) electrodes. The electrical time constant of these sandwich cells containing between 5 and 30 layers is less than 10(-5) S. Bright illumination of these cells with actinic flashes of approximately 1 ms duration generates transient photovoltages. These photovoltages, which make the extracellular surface of purple membrane positive with respect to the intracellular surface, follow the time course of the flash with no detectable latency. The amplitude of the photovoltages increases linearly with light intensity and their action spectrum matches the absorption spectrum of the light-adapted state of bacteriorhodopsin, BR570. In these dry multilayer cells, the slow photointermediates of bacteriorhodopsin, M412, N520 and O640 are long lived. Illumination of the sandwich cells with long duration (200 ms) pulses of light results, therefore, in the formation of photomixtures containing all these slow photointermediates. Flash illumination of the sandwich cells immediately following the conditioning pulse produces photovoltages whose action spectra match the absorption spectra of the M412 and N520 photointermediates. The M412 photovoltages, like the BR570 photovoltages, follow the time course of the actinic flash with no detectable latency and increase in amplitude linearly with light intensity. But, unlike the BR570 photovoltage, the M412, N520 and O640 photovoltages make the extracellular surface of purple membrane negative with respect to the intracellular surface. Through the of their specific photovoltaic signals, M412 and N520 are shown to be kinetically distinct photointermediates of bacteriorhodopsin. Detection of fast photovoltages with these characteristics in the absence of any ionic solution, and in parallel with spectrophotometric changes, suggest that they arise from charge displacements in the bacteriorhodopsin molecules and their photointermediates as they undergo photochemical conversion in response to the absorption of photons.  相似文献   

Liquid membrane bilayers, generated by bacteriorhodopsin on a supporting membrane, exhibit photo osmosis. The phenomenon has been shown to be a consequence of light-induced electrical potential differences which develop across the liquid membrane bilayer due to the light-driven proton pumping action of bacteriorhodopsin. The variations of photo osmotic velocity with wavelength, intensity of light, and proton acceptor concentrations has been studied.  相似文献   

When purple-membrane fragments from Halobacterium halobium are added to one aqueous phase of a positively-charged black lipid membrane, the membrane becomes photoelectrically active. Under normal conditions the steady-state photo-current is extremely low, but increases considerably when the lipid bilayer is doped with proton-permeable gramicidin channels or with a lipophilic acid-base system. These findings indicate that the purple-membrane sheets are bound to the surface of the bilayer, forming a sandwich-like structure. The time-behaviour of the photocurrent may be interpreted on the basis of a simple equivalent circuit which contains the conductance and capacitance of the purple membrane in series with the conductance and capacitance of the lipid bilayer. From the dependence of the photocurrent on the polarization of the exciting light the average angle between the transition moment of the retinal chromophore and the plane of the bilayer was calculated to be about 28 degrees. Furthermore, it was shown that chromophore-free apomembrane binds to the lipid bilayer and that its photoelectrical activity can be restored in situ by adding all-trans-retinal to the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the velocity of rhodamine phalloidin-labelled F-actin moving in vitro on rabbit skeletal myosin has been studied. Translating actin filaments were visualized by epi-fluorescence in an inverted microscope, equipped with temperature control (+/- 0.2 K) of the stage and objective. Images were recorded in real time at magnifications of 400x or 160x by an intensified CCD camera on video tape. Motion of individual filaments was tracked by hand and velocities determined using frame times recorded simultaneously on the video tape. Velocity changed from 12 microns per second at 42 degrees C to 11 nm per second at 3 degrees C. The Arrhenius plot is non-linear, with the data following a cubic regression curve with no evident breaks or jumps. Data taken over the temperature range from single preparations followed the same curve for both heating and cooling; this indicates reversibility and absence of hysteresis. A hyperbolic model that smoothly translates with temperature between two asymptotic activation energies fits the data above 7 degrees C: these energies are 50(+/- 5) kJ per mole (Q10 = 1.9) at high temperatures and 289(+/- 29) kJ per mole (Q10 = 76.5) at low temperature with a transition temperature of 15.4(+/- 0.6) degrees C. These values are compared with other measurements made in vitro, in solution studies and on muscle fibres. An Arrhenius activation energy of 50 kJ per mole and a transition temperature of 15 degrees C are consistent with previous determinations but 289 kJ per mole is significantly greater than has been seen at low temperatures in other systems. This may indicate a different rate-limiting step in the kinetics of skeletal myosin driving actin filaments in vitro below 15 degrees C. Current determinations of the myosin "step-size" assume that the actin velocity is determined by the rate of ATP hydrolysis; the data confirm similar activation energies above 20 degrees C but they show that the temperature dependencies and activation energies are different at lower temperatures, implying uncoupling of the two processes.  相似文献   

Horn C  Steinem C 《Biophysical journal》2005,89(2):1046-1054
Purple membranes were adsorbed on freestanding lipid bilayers, termed nano-black lipid membranes (nano-BLMs), suspending the pores of porous alumina substrates with average pore diameters of 280 nm. Nano-BLMs were obtained by first coating the upper surface of the highly ordered porous alumina substrates with a thin gold layer followed by chemisorption of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphothioethanol and subsequent addition of a droplet of 1,2-diphytanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and octadecylamine dissolved in n-decane onto the hydrophobic submonolayer. By means of impedance spectroscopy, the quality of the nano-BLMs was verified. The electrical parameters confirm the formation of single lipid bilayers with high membrane resistances covering the porous matrix. Adsorption of purple membranes on the nano-BLMs was followed by recording the photocurrents generated by bacteriorhodopsin upon continuous light illumination. The membrane system exhibits a very high long-term stability with the advantage that not only transient but also stationary currents are recordable. By adding the proton ionophore carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone the conductivity of the nano-BLMs increases, resulting in a higher stationary current, which proves that proton conductance occurs across the nano-BLMs.  相似文献   

The photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) was studied in the 0.3 microsecond to 10 s time interval after excitation, using a wide range of actinic light intensities (10 ns half-duration, 0.06-60 mJ/cm2), at neutral and alkaline pH values. The relative weights of the rapidly and the slowly decaying components of the M intermediate (Mf and M(s), respectively) and the yield of the third millisecond component, N(R,P), are the function of the exciting light intensity (density), while their lifetimes are not. The relative weight of M(s) is found to be a linear function of the portion of the BR molecules undergoing the photocycle. This suggests the existence of a cooperative interaction of the BR molecules arranged in the crystalline purple membrane sheets. Another source of M(s) is also found, which results a nonvanishing relative weight of M(s) even at very weak actinic light density values. The explanation for this may be a branching, or the heterogeneity of BR itself or with its environment. It is shown that the relative weights of the rising and decaying components of the M form(s) do not correlate directly with each other.  相似文献   

The thermal denaturation of bacteriorhodopsin in the purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and temperature-dependent spectroscopy in the pH range from 5 to 11. Monitoring of protein fluorescence and absorbance in the near-UV and visible regions indicates that changes primarily occur in tertiary structure with denaturation. Far-UV circular dichroism shows only small changes in the secondary structure, unlike most globular water-soluble proteins of comparable molecular weight. The DSC transition can best be described as a two-state denaturation of the trimer. Thermodynamic analysis of the calorimetric transition reveals some similarity between the unfolding of bacteriorhodopsin and water-soluble proteins. Specifically, a pH dependence of the midpoint temperature of denaturation is seen as well as a temperature-dependent enthalpy of denaturation. Proteolysis experiments on denatured purple membrane suggest that bacteriorhodopsin may be partially extruded from the membrane as it denatures. Exposure of buried hydrophobic residues to the aqueous environment upon denaturation is consistent with the observed temperature-dependent enthalpy.  相似文献   

The pressure dependence of the photocycle kinetics of bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium salinarium was investigated at pressures up to 4 kbar at 25 degrees C and 40 degrees C. The kinetics can be adequately modeled by nine apparent rate constants, which are assigned to irreversible transitions of a single relaxation chain of nine kinetically distinguishable states P(1) to P(9). All states except P(1) and P(9) consist of two or more spectral components. The kinetic states P(2) to P(6) comprise only the two fast equilibrating spectral states L and M. From the pressure dependence, the volume differences DeltaV(o)(LM) between these two spectral states could be determined that range from DeltaV(o)(LM) = -11.4 +/- 0.7 ml/mol (P(2)) to DeltaV(o)(LM) = 14.6 +/- 2.8 mL/mol (P(6)). A model is developed that explains the dependence of DeltaV(o)(LM) on the kinetic state by the electrostriction effect of charges, which are formed and neutralized during the L/M transition.  相似文献   

We used neutron scattering and specific hydrogen-deuterium labeling to investigate the thermal dynamics of isotope-labeled amino acids and retinal, predominantly in the active core and extracellular moiety of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) in the purple membrane and the dynamical response to hydration. Measurements on two neutron spectrometers allowed two populations of motions to be characterized. The lower amplitude motions were found to be the same for both the labeled amino acids and retinal of BR and the global membrane. The larger amplitude dynamics of the labeled part, however, were found to be more resilient than the average membrane, suggesting their functional importance. The response to hydration was characterized, showing that the labeled part of BR is not shielded from hydration effects. The results suggest that the inhibition of high-amplitude motions by lowering hydration may play a key role in the slowing down of the photocycle and the proton pumping activity of BR.  相似文献   

Measuring the light-density (fluence) dependence of proton release from flash excited bacteriorhodopsin with two independent methods we found that the lifetime of proton release increases and the proton pumping activity, defined as a number of protons per number of photocycle, decreases with increasing fluence. An interpretation of these results, based on bending of purple membrane and electrical interaction among the proton release groups of bacteriorhodopsin trimer, is presented.  相似文献   

The light-induced electrical current generated by black lipid membranes containing bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium has been measured directly. It is shown that a measurement of membrane potential can also be used to obtain the proton pump current developed during illumination. Evidence is presented that the charge movement across the membrane is associated with the release of protons in the photoreaction cycle of bacteriorhodopsin. The time variation of the pump current when the light is turned on suggests the rapid depopulation of some initially occupied state.  相似文献   

Dermal collagens have several fluorescent moieties in the UV and visible spectral regions that may serve as molecular probes of collagen. We studied the temperature-dependence of a commercial calf skin collagen and acid-extracted Skh-1 hairless mouse collagen at temperatures from 9 degrees C to 60 degrees C for excitation/emission wavelengths 270/305 nm (tyrosine), 270/360 nm (excimer-like aggregated species), 325/400 nm (dityrosine) and 370/450 nm (glycation adduct). L-tyrosine (1 x 10(-5) M in 0.5 M HOAc) acted as a "reference compound" devoid of any collagen structural effects. In general, the fluorescence efficiency of these fluorophores decreases with increasing temperature. Assuming that rate constant for fluorescence deactivation has the form k(d)(T) = k(d) degrees exp (-DeltaE/RT), an Arrhenius plot of log[(1/Phi) - 1] vs. 1/T affords a straight line whose (negative) slope is proportional to the activation energy, DeltaE, of the radiationless process(es) that compete with fluorescence. Because it is difficult to accurately measure Phi(f) for collagen-bound fluorophores, we derived an approximate formula for an activation parameter, DeltaE*, evaluated from an Arrhenius-like plot of log 1/I(N)vs. 1/T, (1/I(N)vs. is the reciprocal normalized fluorescence intensity). Tyrosine in dilute solution affords a linear Arrhenius plot in both of the above cases. Using the known value of Phi(f) = 0.21 for free tyrosine at room temperature, we determined that DeltaE* is accurate to approximately 25% in the present instance. Collagen curves are non-linear, but they are quasi-linear below approximately 20 degrees C, where the helical form predominates. Values of DeltaE* determined from the data at T < 20 degrees C ranged from 6.2-8.4 kJ mol(-1) (1.5-2.0 kcal mol(-1)) for mouse collagen and 10.3-11.4 kJ mol(-1) (2.5-2.7 kcal mol(-1)) for calf skin collagen, consistent with collisional deactivation of the fluorescent state via thermally enhanced molecular vibrations and rotations. Above 20 degrees C, log 1/I(N)vs. 1/T plots from Skh-1 hairless mouse collagen are concave-downward, suggesting that fluorescence deactivation from the denatured coil has a significant temperature-independent component. For calf skin collagen, these plots are concave-upward, suggesting an increase in activation energy above Tm. These results suggest that collagen backbone and supramolecular structure can influence the temperature dependence of the bound fluorophores, indicating the future possibility of using activation data as a probe of supramolecular structure and conformation.  相似文献   

The voltage dependence of light-induced proton pumping was studied with bacteriorhodopsin (bR) from Halobacterium salinarum, expressed in the plasma membrane of oocytes from Xenopus laevis in the range -160 mV to +60 mV at different light intensities. Depending on the applied field, the quenching effect by blue light, which bypasses the normal photo and transport cycle, is drastically increased at inhibiting (negative) potentials, and is diminished at pump current increasing (positive) potentials. At any potential, two processes with different time constants for the M --> bR decay of approximately 5 ms (tau1) and approximately 20 ms (tau2) are obtained. At pump-inhibiting potentials, a third, long-lasting process with tau3 approximately 300 ms at neutral pH is observed. The fast processes (tau1, tau2) can be assigned to the decay of M2 in the normal pump cycle, i.e., to the reprotonation of the Schiff base via the cytoplasmic side, whereas tau3 is due to the decay of M1 without net pumping, i.e., the reprotonation of the Schiff base via the extracellular side. The results are supported by determination of photocurrents induced by bR on planar lipid films. The pH dependence of the slow decay of M1 is fully in agreement with the interpretation that the reprotonation of the Schiff base occurs from the extracellular side. The results give strong evidence that an externally applied electrical field changes the ratio of the M1 and the M2 intermediate. As a consequence, the transport cycle branches into a nontransporting cycle at negative potentials. This interpretation explains the current-voltage behavior of bR on a new basis, but agrees with the isomerisation, switch, transfer model for vectorial transport.  相似文献   

Z Dancsházy  Z Tokaji  A Dér 《FEBS letters》1999,450(1-2):154-157
A new two step photobleaching process is observed under continuous illumination of bacteriorhodopsin. This photobleaching is considerable even at physiological temperatures and becomes large at 50-60 degrees C. The photobleaching also increases with increasing pH from 7 to 10. We suggest that the bleaching at its final stage could be due to the dissociation of the retinal and a local thermal denaturation-like process. These facts may question the generally held belief that BR is a stable protein in vivo for a long period of time. Our results may have relevance also to practical applications of bacteriorhodopsin where the stability of bacteriorhodopsin is a key issue. In certain instances, the use of bacteriorhodopsin may require cooled conditions. Here, we defined the conditions under which bacteriorhodopsin is stable. The permanent photobleaching offers a new way of picture imaging and information input for bacteriorhodopsin-based optical devices.  相似文献   

Events in proton pumping by bacteriorhodopsin.   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The short-circuit photoresponse of a bacteriorhodopsin-based photoactive membrane is studied. The membrane is formed by first coating a Teflon membrane with lipid and then fusing bacteriorhodopsin vesicles to it. An incandescent light source was used to obtain the rise time of the photocurrent in response to a step-function illumination. A fast response, less than 1 ms, characterizes the initial rise and decay of the photocurrent. The trailing edge of the rise and trailing edge of the decay each exhibit different time constants both greater than 1 ms. These slower components show a sensitivity to membrane charging, the presence of diethylether in the bathing solution, and the presence of a charged cation complex in the lipid region. The photoresponse is not analyzed by means of the usual equivalent electrical circuit, but rather in terms of image charges in the conducting electrolyte bathing the membrane. Further experiments using a pulsed laser (pulse width less than 1 microseconds) resolve at least three time constants in the photoresponse: 0.057 ms, 1.06 ms, and 13 ms. Three distinct charge displacements (4.4, 7.5, and 33.1 A) are derived from the data, each corresponding to one of the above time constants.  相似文献   

Stable membrane proteins and lipids are convenient to study biomembranes. Two stable proton translocating proteins were purified and reconstituted into vesicles capable of proton translocation. One was a thermostable ATPase (TF0-F1) of thermophilic bacterium PS3 and the other was rhodopsin of Halobacterium halobium. TF0-F1 was composed of a proton pump moiety (TF1) and a proton channel moiety (TF0). TF1 was the first membrane ATPase which was crystallized and reconstituted from its five polypeptides. Like TF0 and TF1, the rhodopsin in purple membrane was highly stable against dissociating agents, acids and alkali. Phospholipids of these biomembranes were also stable and contained no unsaturated fatty acyl groups. The molecular species of the phospholipids of PS3 were determined by mass chromatography. Measurements were made of the difference in electrochemical potential of protons (deltamicronH+) across the membrane of the reconstituted vesicles. The deltamicronH+ attained was 312 mV in TF0-F1 vesciles and was 230 mV in the rhodopsin vesicles. To conclude that electron transport components are not necessary for ATP synthesis in energy yielding biomembranes, two experiments were performed: The ATP synthesis was observed i) on acid-base treatment of TF0-F1 vesicles, and ii) on illumination of the rhodopsin-TF0-F1 vesicles.  相似文献   

Site-specific mutagenesis has identified amino acids involved in bR proton transport. Biophysical studies of the mutants have elucidated the roles of two membrane-embedded residues: Asp-85 serves as the acceptor for the proton from the isomerized retinylidene Schiff base, and Asp-96 participates in reprotonation of this group. The functions of Arg-82, Leu-93, Asp-212, Tyr-185, and other residues that affect bR properties when substituted are not as well understood. Structural characterization of the mutant proteins will clarify the effects of substitutions at these positions. Current efforts in the field remain directed at understanding how retinal isomerization is coupled to proton transport. In particular, there has been more emphasis on determining the structures of bR and its photointermediates. Since well-ordered crystals of bR have not been obtained, continued electron diffraction studies of purple membrane offer the best opportunity for structure refinement. Other informative techniques include solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance of isotopically labeled bR (56) and electron paramagnetic resonance of bR tagged with nitroxide spin labels (2, 3, 13, 15). Site-directed mutagenesis will be essential in these studies to introduce specific sites for derivatization with structural probes and to slow the decay of intermediates. Thus, combining molecular biology and biophysics will continue to provide solutions to fundamental problems in bR.  相似文献   

Ming M  Lu M  Balashov SP  Ebrey TG  Li Q  Ding J 《Biophysical journal》2006,90(9):3322-3332
The pH-dependence of photocycle of archaerhodopsin 4 (AR4) was examined, and the underlying proton pumping mechanism investigated. AR4 is a retinal-containing membrane protein isolated from a strain of halobacteria from a Tibetan salt lake. It acts as a light-driven proton pump like bacteriorhodopsin (BR). However, AR4 exhibits an "abnormal" feature--the time sequence of proton release and uptake is reversed at neutral pH. We show here that the temporal sequence of AR4 reversed to "normal"--proton release preceding proton uptake--when the pH is increased above 8.6. We estimated the pK(a) of the proton release complex (PRC) in the M-intermediate to be approximately 8.4, much higher than 5.7 of wide-type BR. The pH-dependence of the rate constant of M-formation shows that the pK(a) of PRC in the initial state of AR4 is approximately 10.4, whereas it is 9.7 in BR. Thus in AR4, the chromophore photoisomerization and subsequent proton transport from the Schiff base to Asp-85 is coupled to a decrease in the pK(a) of PRC from 10.4 to 8.4, which is 2 pK units less than in BR (4 units). This weakened coupling accounts for the lack of early proton release at neutral pH and the reversed time sequence of proton release and uptake in AR4. Nevertheless the PRC in AR4 effectively facilitates deprotonation of primary proton acceptor and recovery of initial state at neutral pH. We found also that all pK(a)s of the key amino acid residues in AR4 were elevated compared to those of BR.  相似文献   

The structural stability of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) solubilized by octyl-beta-glucoside was studied by measuring the denaturation kinetics under visible light irradiation and in the dark. The denaturation of bR solubilized by 50 mM octyl-beta-glucoside was very slow at room temperature when it was left in the dark. However, its spontaneous denaturation was accelerated when the solubilized bR was irradiated by visible light. The denaturation kinetics under visible light irradiation and in the dark could be well described by a single decay constant. The activation energy for the denaturation of bR was estimated from the temperature dependence of decay time constants. The activation energy under visible light irradiation was 12.5 kcal/mol, which was much smaller than the corresponding value in the dark, 26.2 kcal/mol. These results strongly suggest that some of the photointermediate states are less stable than the ground state of bR. The critical temperature and the activation energy for denaturation of bR in the solubilized state were much lower than those in the 2D crystalline state. Comparing the denaturation behavior in the 2D crystalline state and that in the octyl-beta-glucoside-solubilized state, our findings suggest that protein-protein interaction contributes to the stability of this protein.  相似文献   

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