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Our study was undertaken to ascertain whether the change of the water status and the activation of superoxide dismutase and their isoenzymes in Argan tree can support edaphic drought tolerance and its recovery under rehydration. An experiment was conducted on four contrasting ecotypes of Argania spinosa plants: two contrasting coastal ecotypes (Admine (Adm) and Rabia (Rab)) and two contrasting inland ecotypes (Aoulouz (Alz) and Lakhssas (Lks)). Drought stress significantly decreased the leaf water potential and stomatal conductance in the four contrasted ecotypes. In terms of biochemical responses, significant accumulation of carbonyl groups, hydrogen peroxide and superoxide radical has been recorded in the leaves of stressed plants reflecting oxidative stress. In parallel, the activities of total superoxide dismutase (SOD) and their isoenzymes Cu/Zn-SOD, Cu/Zn-SOD and Fe-SOD were also found to have increased to scavenging ROS and protecting the cell against induced oxidative stress. The recovery kinetics of A. spinosa, as a response to rehydration, were significant and rapid. According to the traits having the most discriminating power, both inland ecotypes (Lks and Alz) showed a better upregulation of its protective mechanisms compared to coastal ecotypes (Rab and Adm). All these adaptive traits make the inland ecotypes as an elite resource of drought tolerance and might become the new focus of domestication research of argan tree in arid and semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Five new oleanane saponins named arganine A, B, D, E and F and two known saponins: arganine C and mi-saponin A were isolated from the kernel of Argania spinosa. The structures of these saponins were elucidated by using 1H NMR, 1H-1H COSY NMR, 13C NMR, FAB mass spectrometry and chemical evidence.  相似文献   

Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels is a tree that plays a crucial role in the rural and urban economy of Morocco. Not only is the tree used in traditional medicine but its fruits contain almonds used to prepare an edible oil, its leaves are utilized to feed cattle, and its wood is used as fuel. In addition the tree is particularly well-adapted to arid lands and could hence be used to limit the desert progression that is threatening subtropical African countries. Consequently a program aimed at a better understanding of all the aspects and uses of the argan tree is currently being carried out in Morocco. This review summarizes the results gathered so far on the phytochemical and pharmacological activity of A. spinosa. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The sterol fraction of Argan seed oil (Argania spinosa) contains two main compounds, 5α-stigmast-7-en-3β-ol (schottenol) and 5α-stigmast-7,22(E)-dien-3β-ol (spinasterol).  相似文献   

Hemicellulose-type polysaccharides were isolated from the pericarp of seeds of Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels fruit by sequential alkaline extractions and fractionated by precipitation. Water soluble and water insoluble fractions were obtained, purified and characterized by sugar analysis and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The water soluble fractions were assumed to be (4-O-methyl-D-glucurono)-D-xylans, with 4-O-methyl-D-glucopyranosyluronic acid groups linked to C-2 of a (1-->4)-beta-D-xylan. The 1H NMR spectrum showed that the water soluble xylans have, on average, one non-reducing terminal residue of 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronic acid for every seven xylose units. The water insoluble fractions consisted of a neutral xylan with linear (1-->4)-beta-D-xylopyranosyl units.  相似文献   

Antonelli  F.  Grifoni  D.  Sabatini  F.  Zipoli  G. 《Plant Ecology》1997,128(1-2):127-136
During the last few decades many experiments have been performed to evaluate the responses of plants to enhanced solar UV-B radiation (280–320 nm) that may occur because of stratospheric ozone depletion; most of them were performed in controlled environment conditions where plants were exposed to low photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) levels and high UV-B irradiance. Since environmental radiative regimes can play a role in the response of plants to UV-B enhancement, it appears doubtful whether it is valid to extrapolate the results from these experiments to plants grown in natural conditions. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects on physiology and morphology of a bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivar Nano Bobis, exposed to supplemental UV radiation in the open-air. UV-B radiation was supplied by fluorescent lamps to simulate a 20% stratospheric ozone reduction. Three groups of plants were grown: control (no supplemental UV), UV-A treatment (supplementation in the UV-A band) and UV-B treatment (supplemental UV-B and UV-A radiation). Each group was replicated three times. After 33 days of treatment plants grown under UV-B treatment had lower biomass, leaf area and reduced leaf elongation compared to UV-A treatment. No significant differences were detected in photosynthetic parameters, photosynthetic pigments and UV-B absorbing compounds among the three groups of plants. However, plants exposed to UV-A treatment showed a sort of 'stimulation' of their growth when compared to the control. The results of this experiment showed that plants may be sensitive to UV-A radiation, thus it is difficult to evaluate the specific effects of UV-B (280–320 nm) radiation from fluorescent lamps and it is important to choose the appropriate control. Environmental conditions strongly affect plant response to UV radiation so further field studies are necessary to assess the interaction between UV-B exposure and meteorological variability.  相似文献   

Eastern Mediterranean gulfs, adjacent to small semi-arid watersheds are particularly susceptible to climate changes. In this study, an analysis was performed for air temperature and rainfall during 1955–2010 over a coastal ecosystem in NE Aegean, and potential effects of recent changes on the physical setting and ecological status of the marine system were studied. A trend toward drier conditions was revealed, and in order to assess possible effects on the surrounding basin, a watershed model was applied. In addition, the hydrology and ecology of the marine ecosystem were studied using a water budget model along with available field data. Based on local climatological data, dryness may lead to a decrease of one to two orders of magnitude in the amount of runoff during a dry annual cycle, resulting to a fivefold increase in the residence time of the marine system. High residence time associated with terrestrial nutrient inputs and strong stratification result to phytoplankton blooms during winter, including harmful algal blooms. Integrated approaches, modeling both the hydrology and ecology of watersheds and adjacent water bodies, are essential toward forecasting, understanding and management of potential alterations in functioning of coastal ecosystems due to recent climate changes.  相似文献   

Hemicellulose polymers were isolated from Argania spinosa leaf cell walls by sequential extractions with alkali. The structure of the two main polymers, xylan and xyloglucan, was investigated by enzyme degradation with specific endoglycosidases followed by analysis of the resulting fragments by high performance anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC) and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The results show that A. spinosa xylan is composed of a beta-(1-->4)-linked-D-xylopyranose backbone substituted with 4-O-methyl-D-glucuronic acid residues. Xyloglucan oligosaccharide subunits were generated by treatment with an endo-(1-->4)-beta-D-glucanase of the xyloglucan-rich hemicellulosic fractions. MALDI-TOF mass spectra and HPAE-PAD chromatography of the pool of endoglucanase-generated xyloglucan oligomers indicated that A. spinosa cell wall contains a XXXG-type xyloglucan. In addition to XXXG, XXFG, XLXG/XXLG, XLFG fragments previously characterised in various plants, a second group of XXXG-type fragments was detected. The primary structure of the major subunit was determined by a combination of sugar analysis, methylation analysis, post-source decay (PSD) fragment analysis of MALDI-TOF MS and 1H NMR spectroscopy. This fragment, termed XUFG, contains a novel beta-D-Xylp-(1-->2)-alpha-D-Xylp side chain linked to C-6 of the second glucose unit from the nonreducing end of the cellotetraose sequence.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand and characterize the physiological and biochemical tolerance mechanisms of Argania spinosa under drought stress for selection tolerant ecotypes. Significant differences were observed among ecotypes in indices of leaf water status studied: stomatal conductance (gs), predawn leaf water potential (Ψpd) and leaf relative water content. There was a significant decrease in these physiological traits with increasing degree of drought stress in all ecotypes. Drought stress significantly increased endogenous H2O2 and lipid peroxidation. Moderate and severe drought stress increased significantly the catalase, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, polyphenoloxidase and lipoxygenase activities, depending on time. Their constitutive activities were higher in inland ecotypes than in coastal ecotypes. According to canonical discriminant analysis, the inland ecotypes were essentially distinguished from the coastal ecotypes by the following physiological and biochemical traits: Ψpd, gs, polyphenol oxidase, superoxide dismutase and malonyldialdehyde. Inland ecotypes seem to be more tolerant to drought stress than coastal ecotypes.  相似文献   

Evolutionary responses are required for tree populations to be able to track climate change. Results of 250 years of common garden experiments show that most forest trees have evolved local adaptation, as evidenced by the adaptive differentiation of populations in quantitative traits, reflecting environmental conditions of population origins. On the basis of the patterns of quantitative variation for 19 adaptation‐related traits studied in 59 tree species (mostly temperate and boreal species from the Northern hemisphere), we found that genetic differentiation between populations and clinal variation along environmental gradients were very common (respectively, 90% and 78% of cases). Thus, responding to climate change will likely require that the quantitative traits of populations again match their environments. We examine what kind of information is needed for evaluating the potential to respond, and what information is already available. We review the genetic models related to selection responses, and what is known currently about the genetic basis of the traits. We address special problems to be found at the range margins, and highlight the need for more modeling to understand specific issues at southern and northern margins. We need new common garden experiments for less known species. For extensively studied species, new experiments are needed outside the current ranges. Improving genomic information will allow better prediction of responses. Competitive and other interactions within species and interactions between species deserve more consideration. Despite the long generation times, the strong background in quantitative genetics and growing genomic resources make forest trees useful species for climate change research. The greatest adaptive response is expected when populations are large, have high genetic variability, selection is strong, and there is ecological opportunity for establishment of better adapted genotypes.  相似文献   

Global climate change is expected to result in more frequent and intense droughts in the Mediterranean region. To understand forest response to severe drought, we used a mobile rainfall shelter to examine the impact of spring and autumn rainfall exclusion on stomatal (SL) and non‐stomatal (NSL) limitations of photosynthesis in a Quercus ilex ecosystem. Spring rainfall exclusion, carried out during increasing atmospheric demand and leaf development, had a larger impact on photosynthesis than autumn exclusion, conducted at a time of mature foliage and decreasing vapour pressure deficit. The relative importance of NSL increased with drought intensity. SL and NSL were equal once total limitation (TL) reached 60%, but NSL greatly exceeded SL during severe drought, with 76% NSL partitioned equally between mesophyll conductance (MCL) and biochemical (BL) limitations when TL reached 100%. Rainfall exclusion altered the relationship between leaf water potential and photosynthesis. In response to severe mid‐summer drought stress, An and Vcmax were 75% and 72% lower in the spring exclusion plot than in the control plot at the same pre‐dawn leaf water potential. Our results revealed changes in the relationship between photosynthetic parameters and water stress that are not currently included in drought parameterizations for modelling applications.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity at nine isozyme loci was surveyed in an endangered tree species, the argan tree, endemic to south-western Morocco. The species is highly diverse (3.6 alleles/locus) with populations strongly differentiated from each other (F ST=0.25). This example is used to illustrate a method for standardizing measures of allelic richness in samples of unequal sample sizes, which was developed for the estimation of the number of species and relies on the technique of rarefaction. In addition, it is shown that the measure of subdivision, ST, obtained when allelic richness is used in place ofh (Nei's index of diversity), is much larger than the F ST [e.g. ST(40)=0.52, where (40) indicates the specified sample used to estimate the allelic richness]. This suggests that rare alleles (which strongly influence measures of allelic richness) have a more scattered distribution than more frequent ones, a result which raises special conservation issues for the argan tree.  相似文献   

In an attempt to compare the physiological responses of subtropical natives to heat with those of temperate natives, seasonal variations in physiological responses to heat were observed in young male residents of Okinawa who were born and raised in Okinawa, subtropical zone (group O) and young male residents of Okinawa who were born and raised on the Japan mainland, temperate zone, but moved to Okinawa in less than two years (group M). In both seasons, group O showed less sweat loss, lower Na concentration in sweat, lower rise in rectal temperature and less increase in heart rate during heat exposure than group M. In both groups, greater sweat loss, lower Na concentration in sweat and lower rise in rectal temperature in summer than in winter were observed. Seasonal differences in Na concentration in sweat, rise in rectal temperature and increase in heart rate for group O were smaller than those for group M. It was assumed the efficiency of sweat for cooling the body for group O was better than that for group M, and heat tolerance for group O was superior to that for group M.  相似文献   

Plant water potential (ψ), its components, and gas exchange data of two Mediterranean co-occurring woody species (Quercus ilex L. and Phillyrea latifolia L.) were measured in response to seasonal changes in water availability over two consecutive years. The relative contribution of physiological and morphological adjustments to drought resistance was assessed through Principal Component Analyses. There were large adjustments in stomatal conductance (∼36 % of accounted variance). Net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency were closely tuned to water availability and accounted for ∼17 % of variance. The slope of the water potential vs. relative water content (dψ/dRWC0) below zero pressure potential increased as a result of seasonal and ontogenic increases in apoplastic water fraction and accounted for ∼20 % variance. This tolerance mechanism was accompanied by an increased range of positive pressure potential, suggesting a functional role of sclerophylly in these Mediterranean evergreens. Similarly, changes in the slope of dψ/dRWC in the range of positive pressure potential (∼13 % of accounted variance) were associated to variations in cell wall elasticity and resulted in lower RWC at zero pressure potential. When considering the species studied separately, the results indicated the primary role of stomatal regulation in the drought resistance of Qilex, while increased apoplastic water fraction had a major contribution in the drought resistance of P. latifolia. This research was supported by Spanish CICYT grants CLI99-0479 and REN-2002-00633. L.S. acknowledges the financial support from Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia (“Ramon y Cajal” program, Spain). An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The Mediterranean basin is characterised by increasingly dry summers and the study of the adaptive traits developed by plants living in this stressful environment is of great interest, also in relation to climate projections for this area.Cistus monspeliensis, Myrtus communis and Phillyrea angustifolia are three co-occurring shrubs typical of the Mediterranean maquis. Their functional and physiological parameters were studied in spring, summer and autumn in order to highlight adjustments of these traits and to test eventual different adaptive strategies.Soil and leaf chemical characteristics were determined in the different seasons. Leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf dry matter content, succulence index, pigment contents hydric status and main markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant response were detected.The stressful summer season induced disturbance in hydric balance, decrease in succulence index and chlorophyll content and high contents of hydrogen peroxide. Thanks to higher enzymatic activities and total glutathione content, in the two evergreen species M. communis and P. angustifolia oxidative damage remained at levels equal to or lower than the other seasons. Only in the semideciduous C. monspeliensis both functional and biochemical traits showed a higher stress condition in summer. The higher stability of functional traits in the two evergreen species may be explained by the sclerophyllous nature of their leaves. Four environmental variables – Tmax, Tmin, soil conductivity and organic matter – mostly influenced NMDS segregation of these species.  相似文献   

Isolated cell walls of Argania spinosa fruit pulp were fractionated into their polysaccharide constituents and the resulting fractions were analysed for monosaccharide composition and chemical structure. The data reveal the presence of homogalacturonan, rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) and rhamnogalacturonan-II (RG-II) in the pectic fraction. RG-I is abundant and contains high amounts of Ara and Gal, indicative of an important branching in this polysaccharide. RG-II is less abundant than RG-I and exists as a dimer. Structural characterisation of xyloglucan using enzymatic hydrolysis, gas chromatography, MALDI-TOF-MS and methylation analysis shows that XXGG, XXXG, XXLG and XLLG are the major subunit oligosaccharides in the ratio of 0.6:1:1.2:1.6. This finding demonstrates that the major neutral hemicellulosic polysaccharide is a galacto-xyloglucan. In addition, Argania fruit xyloglucan has no XUFG, a novel xyloglucan motif recently discovered in Argania leaf cell walls. Finally, the isolation and analysis of arabinogalactan-proteins showed that Argania fruit pulp is rich in these proteoglycans.  相似文献   

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