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DNA methylation of an imprinted control region (ICR) directs the allele-specific and reciprocal expression of the mouse H19 and the insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) genes, mediated by controlling enhancer access. The ICR shows enhancer blocking activity through CTCF binding to an unmethylated sequence. The unmethylated state of the maternal ICR is maintained throughout development after establishment in the germ line; however, little is known of the molecular mechanisms that regulate DNA methylation. Hence, in this study we show that a dyad Oct-binding sequence (DOS) in the ICR mediates the demethylation of low-density methylation but not hypermethylation and is required to maintain the unmethylated state against the tendency for de novo methylation within the ICR in the embryonic carcinoma cell line P19. Furthermore, we also reveal that the unmethylated state of at least one CTCF-binding site within the ICR is under the control of DOS. Our results suggest that the ICR, as a CTCF-dependent insulator, requires DOS as well as CTCF-binding sites and that DOS maintains the maternal specific unmethylated state of the ICR at postimplantation stages.  相似文献   

Atlantic spiny lobsters support major fisheries in northeastern Brazilian waters and in the Caribbean Sea. To avoid reduction in diversity and elimination of distinct stocks, understanding their population dynamics, including structuring of populations and genetic diversity, is critical. We here explore the potential of using the hypervariable domain in the control region of the mitochondrial DNA as a genetic marker to characterize population subdivision in spiny lobsters, using Panulirus argus as the species model. The primers designed on the neighboring conserved genes have amplified the entire control region (approx. 780 bases) of P. argus and other closely related species. Average nucleotide and haplotype diversity within P. argus were found to be high, and population structuring was hypothesized. The data suggest a division of P. argus into genetically different phylogeographic groups. The hypervariable domain seems to be useful for determining genetic differentiation of geographically distinct stocks of P. argus and other Atlantic spiny lobsters.  相似文献   

In order to properly manage and conserve exploited shark species, detailed analyses of their population structure is needed. Global populations of Galeorhinus galeus are in decline due to the exploitation of the fishery over the past 80 years. Currently, the genetic structure of eastern Pacific populations of G. galeus is not known and recent observations in the northeastern Pacific suggest an increase in numbers. To evaluate gene flow among populations of G. galeus , 116 samples were collected and analysed from six geographically dispersed locations: Australia, North America, South Africa, South America (Argentina and Peru), and the UK. Analysis of 968 to 1006 bp of the 1068-bp mitochondrial control region revealed 38 unique haplotypes that were largely restricted to their collecting locality. Significant genetic structure was detected among populations (ΦST = 0.84; P  < 0.000001) and migration estimates were low ( Nm  = 0.05–0.97). Due to an apparent lack of migration, populations of G. galeus appear to be isolated from each other with little to no gene flow occurring among them. As a consequence of this isolation, increasing numbers of G. galeus in the northeastern Pacific can be best explained by local recruitment and not by input from geographically distant populations.  相似文献   

The applicability of mitochondrial nad6 sequences to studies of DNA and population variability in Lepidoptera was tested in four species of economically important moths and one of wild butterflies. The genetic information so obtained was compared to that of cox1 sequences for two species of Lepidoptera. nad6 primers appropriately amplified all the tested DNA targets, the generated data proving to be as informative and suitable in recovering population structures as that of cox1. The proposal is that, to obtain more robust results, this mitochondrial region can be complementarily used with other molecular sequences in studies of low level phylogeny and population genetics in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences were analysed to resolve the phylogeography and population genetic structure of Atlantic and Mediterranean populations of green turtles ( Chelonia mydas ). Analysis of sequence variation over 487 base pairs of the control (D-loop) region identified 18 haplotypes among 147 individuals from nine nesting populations. Pairwise comparisons of haplotype frequencies distinguished most nesting colonies, indicating significant genetic differentiation among rookeries and a strong propensity for natal homing behaviour by nesting females. Comparison of control region sequence data to earlier restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) data for the same individuals demonstrates approximately a sixfold higher substitution rate in the 5' end of the control region. The sequence data provide higher resolution both in terms of the number of mtDNA genotype variants and the phylogeographic relationships detected within the Atlantic region, and reveal a gene genealogy that distinguishes two groups of haplotypes corresponding to (i) the western Caribbean and Mediterranean, and (ii) eastern Caribbean, South Atlantic and West Africa. The data suggest that phylogeographic patterns in the Atlantic Ocean may be interpreted in terms of female nest site fidelity and episodic dispersal events. The distribution of mtDNA haplotypes within the region is thus explained by the geological and climatic alternations (glacial and interglacial) over the last million years.  相似文献   

The ribosomal ITS region as a marker to detect hybridization in pines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of 26 trees of three Salix taxa: Salix alba L. (White Willow), S. fragilis L. (Crack Willow) and their hybrid S. x rubens Schrank, across an example of their habitat range in south-west Germany, supported the distribution previously determined using morphological characterization. UPGMA and principal coordinates analysis of the AFLP data revealed three distinct clusters corresponding to the three taxa. In addition, AFLP analysis on individuals which were difficult to identify morphologically revealed that they were either the hybrid S. x rubens or S. fragilis. Four specimens of S. fragilis were indistinguishable with three primer combinations suggesting they are members of one clone.  相似文献   

Elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) is a highly conserved ubiquitous protein involved in translation that has been suggested to have desirable properties for phylogenetic inference. To examine the utility of EF-1 alpha as a phylogenetic marker for eukaryotes, we studied three properties of EF-1 alpha trees: congruency with other phyogenetic markers, the impact of species sampling, and the degree of substitutional saturation occurring between taxa. Our analyses indicate that the EF-1 alpha tree is congruent with some other molecular phylogenies in identifying both the deepest branches and some recent relationships in the eukaryotic line of descent. However, the topology of the intermediate portion of the EF-1 alpha tree, occupied by most of the protist lineages, differs for different phylogenetic methods, and bootstrap values for branches are low. Most problematic in this region is the failure of all phylogenetic methods to resolve the monophyly of two higher-order protistan taxa, the Ciliophora and the Alveolata. JACKMONO analyses indicated that the impact of species sampling on bootstrap support for most internal nodes of the eukaryotic EF-1 alpha tree is extreme. Furthermore, a comparison of observed versus inferred numbers of substitutions indicates that multiple overlapping substitutions have occurred, especially on the branch separating the Eukaryota from the Archaebacteria, suggesting that the rooting of the eukaryotic tree on the diplomonad lineage should be treated with caution. Overall, these results suggest that the phylogenies obtained from EF-1 alpha are congruent with other molecular phylogenies in recovering the monophyly of groups such as the Metazoa, Fungi, Magnoliophyta, and Euglenozoa. However, the interrelationships between these and other protist lineages are not well resolved. This lack of resolution may result from the combined effects of poor taxonomic sampling, relatively few informative positions, large numbers of overlapping substitutions that obscure phylogenetic signal, and lineage-specific rate increases in the EF-1 alpha data set. It is also consistent with the nearly simultaneous diversification of major eukaryotic lineages implied by the "big-bang" hypothesis of eukaryote evolution.  相似文献   

Hemolysin as a marker for Serratia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
All Serratia marcescens strains (total of 33) of different sources were hemolytic including clinical strains previously classified as being nonhemolytic. DNA fragments of the two hemolysin genes hybridized with the chromosomal DNA of S. marcescens, S. liquefaciens, S. kiliensis, S. grimesii, S. proteamaculans, S. plymutica, S. rubridaea which were also hemolytic. The restriction pattern of the hemolysin locus differed in each strain. S. ficaria and S. marinorubra expressed a different hemolysin which was much smaller than the S. marcescens hemolysin since it diffused through dialysis membranes. The DNA of the latter strains did not hybridize with the S. marcescens hemolysin DNA probes. Some S. marcescens strains, S. kiliensis and S. liquefaciens also expressed in addition the small hemolysin. No hybridization was found with DNA of Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Citrobacter freundii, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella arerogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Shigella dysenteriae, Yersinia enterocolitica, Yersinia pseudotuberculosus, Listeria sp., Aeromonas sp., Legionella sp. and a Meningococcus sp., indicating that the hemolysin DNA probes are specific for Serratia, or that the hemolysin genes occur rarely in genera other than Serratia.  相似文献   

Animal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is playing an increasingly important role as a genetic marker in population and evolutionary biology. The popularity of this molecule derives, in part, from the relative ease with which clearly homologous sequences can be isolated and compared. Simple sequence organization, maternal inheritance and absence of recombination make mtDNA an ideal marker for tracing maternal genealogies. Rapid rate of sequence divergence (at least in vertebrates) allows discrimination of recently diverged lineages. Studies of mtDNAs from a diversity of animal groups have revealed significant variation among taxa in mtDNA sequence dynamics, gene order and genome size. They have also provided important insights into population structure, geographic variation, zoogeography and phylogeny.  相似文献   

Amy B. Plowman 《Zoo biology》2008,27(3):226-233
Zoo research presents many statistical challenges, mostly arising from the need to work with small sample sizes. Efforts to overcome these often lead to the misuse of statistics including pseudoreplication, inappropriate pooling, assumption violation or excessive Type II errors because of using tests with low power to avoid assumption violation. To tackle these issues and make some general statistical recommendations for zoo researchers, the Research Group of the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) conducted a workshop. Participants included zoo‐based researchers, university academics with zoo interests and three statistical experts. The result was a BIAZA publication Zoo Research Guidelines: Statistics for Typical Zoo Datasets (Plowman [ 2006 ] Zoo research guidelines: statistics for zoo datasets. London: BIAZA), which provides advice for zoo researchers on study design and analysis to ensure appropriate and rigorous use of statistics. The main recommendations are: (1) that many typical zoo investigations should be conducted as single case/small N randomized designs, analyzed with randomization tests, (2) that when comparing complete time budgets across conditions in behavioral studies, G tests and their derivatives are the most appropriate statistical tests and (3) that in studies involving multiple dependent and independent variables there are usually no satisfactory alternatives to traditional parametric tests and, despite some assumption violations, it is better to use these tests with careful interpretation, than to lose information through not testing at all. The BIAZA guidelines were recommended by American Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) researchers at the AZA Annual Conference in Tampa, FL, September 2006, and are free to download from www.biaza.org.uk . Zoo Biol 27:226–233, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprints of four rose species, Rosa centifolia, R. Gruss-an-Teplitz, R. bourboniana, and R. damascena, were developed using RAPD-PCR. We identified a unique polymorphic band in R. centifolia. This 762-bp fragment was produced by the random primer GLI-2. The fragment was eluted and directly cloned in a TA cloning vector, pTZ57R/T. Digestion of the plasmid with EcoRI confirmed the cloning of GLI-2(762) in pTZ57R/T. A second enzyme, PstI, used in combination with EcoRI, gave complete digestion of the plasmid, and the 762-bp fragment was confirmed on the gel. Subsequently, the polymorphic amplicon was sequenced with an AB1 373 DNA sequencer system using the PRISM(TM) Ready Reaction DyeDeoxy(TM) Terminator Cycle Sequencing kit. After sequencing, specific primers (23 bp long) were designed based on the sequence of the flanking regions of the original RAPD fragment. These primers will effectively allow fingerprinting for the identification of R. centifolia species. In essence, we developed an SCAR marker to authenticate the identity of R. centifolia species and to distinguish it from its substitutes. Such techniques are required not only to complement conventional parameters in creating the passport data of commercial and medicinal products of rose, but also for routine quality control in commercial and government rosaries and rose nurseries.  相似文献   

Insertions and deletions (indels) result in sequences of various lengths when homologous gene regions are compared among individuals or species. Although indels are typically phylogenetically informative, occurrence and incorporation of these characters as gaps in intraspecific population genetic data sets are rarely discussed. Moreover, the impact of gaps on estimates of fixation indices, such as F(ST), has not been reviewed. Here, I summarize the occurrence and population genetic signal of indels among 60 published studies that involved alignments of multiple sequences from the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of vertebrate taxa. Among 30 studies observing indels, an average of 12% of both variable and parsimony-informative sites were composed of these sites. There was no consistent trend between levels of population differentiation and the number of gap characters in a data block. Across all studies, the average influence on estimates of PhiST was small, explaining only an additional 1.8% of among population variance (range 0.0-8.0%). Studies most likely to observe an increase in PhiST with the inclusion of gap characters were those with < 20 variable sites, but a near equal number of studies with few variable sites did not show an increase. In contrast to studies at interspecific levels, the influence of indels for intraspecific population genetic analyses of control region DNA appears small, dependent upon total number of variable sites in the data block, and related to species-specific characteristics and the spatial distribution of mtDNA lineages that contain indels.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the glnA control region of Escherichia coli   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The RNA polymerase binding sites present along a DNA segment encompassing the glnA, glnL, and glnG genes have been identified in a hybrid plasmid carrying this chromosomal region of Escherichia coli. The DNA sequence was determined of an 817 base pair segment that contains the region coding for the first 42 amino acids of the NH2-terminal and of the glnA structural gene, as well as its regulatory region. Analysis of this nucleotide sequence revealed three probable RNA polymerase recognition sites, imperfect palindromes, inverted repeats, and direct repeated sequences.  相似文献   

During inflammation an influx of neutrophils and release of mediators from mast cells (such as histamine) take place. The stimulated neutrophils can produce reactive oxygen species (ROS). One of these ROS is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical (OH(.)). It would be interesting to be able to quantify the extent of ROS formation. We investigated if histamine which is present at the inflammation site can serve as an endogenous marker for the formation of OH(.). We found that histamine after incubation with OH(.) gave two distinct products in our HPLC system. One of the products gave the same characteristics as the synthesized 2-imidazolone derivative of histamine. This suggests that this derivative will be formed when histamine is incubated with OH(.).  相似文献   

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