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Lipoproteins of Haemophilus influenzae type b.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
Haemophilus influenzae type b Minn A produced 12 lipoproteins with apparent molecular weights of between 14,000 and 67,000. The lipoproteins were identified by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography of delipidated extracts of cells grown in [3H]palmitate. When the delipidated cell extracts were subjected to acid methanolysis, tritium was quantitatively recovered as palmitate and methyl palmitate, indicating that the [3H]palmitate had not been degraded and reincorporated into nonlipid material during cell growth. One of the lipoproteins comigrated with outer membrane protein (OMP) P6. OMP P6 was purified from [3H]palmitate-labeled cells. The purified protein preparation contained both amide- and ester-linked fatty acids. We conclude that (i) H. influenzae type b produces several lipoproteins, and (ii) one of these lipoproteins is OMP P6, a protein under consideration as a vaccine component.  相似文献   

Oxygen free radicals present a serious potential threat to microbial survival, through their ability to inflict Indiscriminate damage on proteins and DNA. Superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, among other oxygen-metabolizing enzymes, is essential to prevent these toxic molecules from accumulating in the bacterial cytosol during aerobic metabolism. The gene sodA, encoding manganese-containing SOD ([Mn]-SOD), has been cloned from a virulent strain of Haemophilus influenzae type b using degenerate oligonucleotides encoding regions of the gene conserved across different bacterial species. The gene product has been identified as [Mn]-SOD by its similarity at key amino acid residues to known examples of the enzyme, by expression of enzymatically active protein from cloned DNA expressed in Escherichia coli, and by demonstration that an in-frame deletion in the gene abolishes this activity. In contrast to the situation in E. coli, this [Mn]-SOD is the only active SOD detected in H. influenzae. In further contrast to E. coli, [Mn]-SOD gene expression in H. influenzae has been found to be only partially repressed under anaerobic conditions. When expressed in E. coli the gene is regulated by Fur and Fnr, and the promoter region, identified experimentally, has been found to contain nucleotide sequence motifs similar to the Fur- and Fnr-binding sequences of E. coli, suggesting the involvement of analogues of these aerobiosis- responsive activators in H. influenzae gene expression.  相似文献   

Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide-protein conjugate has been prepared. The polysaccharide was coupled to the serotype II protein of group B meningococcus through the spacer 6-aminocaproic acid using cyanogen bromide and water soluble carbodiimide. The conjugate can be shown to be reproducible and is stable and highly immunogenic in mice and African green monkeys. Clinical evaluation of this conjugate in children 3 months to 4 years of age showed that it elicited an antibody titer to the polysaccharide moiety greater than 1000 ng/ml in children 8 months of age or older.  相似文献   

The molecular nature of two beta-lactamase-specifying plasmids isolated from two separate ampicillin-resistant Haemophilus influenzae type b strains was examined. A 30 X 10(6)-dalton (30-Mdal) plasmid (RSF007) had a copy number of approximately 3 per chromosomal equivalent and a mole fraction guanine plus cytosine content of 0.39. By heteroduplex analysis the 30-Mdal plasmid was found to contain the entire ampicillin translocation DNA segment (TnA) found on R factors of enteric origin. A 3.0-Mdal plasmid (RSF0885) was found as a multicopy pool of approximately 28 copies per chromosomal equivalent, had a mole fraction guanine plus cytosine content of 0.40, and contained only about one-third of the transposable TnA sequence. RSF007 and RSF0885 appeared to be unrelated plasmids in that they share base sequence homology only within the confines of the TnA segment. The 3.0-Mdal Haemophilus plasmid was used to transform E. coli to ampicillin resistance but was found to be unstable in this host in the absence of antibiotic. The possibility that R-plasmids arose in Haemophilus by the translocation of TnA from a donor R-factor onto an indigenous H. influenzae plasmid is discussed.  相似文献   

Adherence ofHaemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) to human oropharyngeal cells is mediated by pili which are proteinaceous filaments that extend outward from the bacterial cell surface. Pili from Hib strain Eagan were purified, and the primary structure of the major subunit, pilin, was determined. Sequencing of overlapping peptides showed the mature protein to be comprised of 196 amino acids and to have an Mr of 21,152. The amino terminal sequence was found to be homologous with the sequence previously reported for Hib strain M43 and also to have significant homology to pilins of other gram-negative pathogenic bacteria. Furthermore, Hib pilin had two cysteinyl residues in the amino terminal portion of the protein which were separated by 40 residues (positions 21 and 61); a motif found in other bacterial pilins. The data show that Hib pilin has structural features common to other bacterial pilins.  相似文献   

Although more than 98% of natural isolates of Haemophilus influenzae type b carry a duplication of 17 kilobases (kb) of DNA at the chromosomal capsulation locus, only one copy is required for capsulation. In one laboratory-derived and two clinical type b strains, the capsulation locus had a single copy of this 17-kb segment, together with 1.3 kb of DNA identified as lying between the repeats of the duplicated locus. This 1.3 kb appears to be crucial for capsule production, since strains lacking it, although retaining a 17-kb segment, were capsule deficient. On comparing capsule polysaccharide production by these three type b strains with that by a prototypic type b strain with a duplicated locus, a gene dosage effect was demonstrated, with a halving of detectable polysaccharide in the single-copy strains. Despite this reduction in polysaccharide, these strains retained virulence potential as evidenced by bacteremia and meningitis in infant rats. As well as subserving augmented capsule polysaccharide production, a duplicated configuration of the type b cap locus endows strains with genetic instability not found in capsulate single-copy variants. We speculate that a survival advantage might be conferred on strains carrying a duplication at this locus as a result of gene dosage, the genetic instability of the locus, or both.  相似文献   

Human serum bactericidal activity against Haemophilus influenzae type b   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We examined bactericidal and opsonizing activity of pooled adult 'immune' serum against Haemophilus influenzae type b with and without the addition of phagocytes. Four type b strains from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and three such strains from the nasopharynx (NP) of healthy children were examined. Duplicate reaction mixtures contained organisms in exponential (E) or stationary phase (S) of growth, serum, a complement source (human agammaglobulinaemic serum), and culture medium (bactericidal assay); separate assays contained the above components and polymorphonuclear leucocytes (opsonization system). A decrease in bacterial density of greater than or equal to 1 log10 unit was considered significant. All four S-CSF strains, three of four E-CSF strains and one of three S-NP strains were sensitive to the bactericidal activity of pooled serum. The other E-CSF strain, two S-NP strains and all three E-NP strains were resistant to the bactericidal activity of pooled serum. Two of three E-NP strains were opsonized by pooled serum; the other strains resistant to the bactericidal activity of pooled serum were also resistant to opsonization. Bactericidal and opsonizing activity of serum from an immunized adult was greater than or equal to that of pooled serum against each strain. Assuming normal adults are immune to invasive H. influenzae type b infection, an experimental test reflecting this immunity is the bactericidal activity against CSF isolates tested in stationary phase. We conclude that protection against invasive disease due to H. influenzae type b appears more complex than the presence of bactericidal and opsonizing activity in serum.  相似文献   

We previously reported the analysis of recombinant plasmids from Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) that lead to modifications of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (Y. Abu Kwaik, R. E. McLaughlin, M. A. Apicella, and S. M. Spinola, Mol. Microbiol. 5:2475-2480, 1991). The modified LPS species are recognized by monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) 6E4 and 3F11. MAb 6E4 binds to a stable 2-keto-3-deoxyoctulosonic acid epitope, while MAb 3F11 binds to a Gal beta 1-4GlcNac epitope that phase varies in Hib at a frequency of 2 to 5%. The internal EcoRI fragment containing most of the DNA required for LPS modification in E. coli was used as the target for transposon mutagenesis. Plasmids containing minitransposon m-Tn3(Cm) randomly inserted into the target fragment were transformed into the isogenic Hib strain, and transposon integration into the Hib chromosome was verified by colony hybridization. The lipooligosaccharides of 36 transformants were phenotypically and antigenically characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and reactivity with a variety of MAbs that recognize both stable and phase-varying lipooligosaccharide epitopes. The majority of the mutants had altered reactivity with MAb 6E4. With one exception, these mutants retained the ability to express phase-varying epitopes. Analysis of the transformants suggested that the 6E4 epitope was contained on an oligosaccharide chain separate from that of phase-varying epitopes and appeared to be assembled in at least three separate steps.  相似文献   

The specificity by which Haemophilus species acquired iron from transferrin (TF) was investigated. In a plate bioassay H. influenzae used iron bound to human, bovine and rabbit TFs but not mouse, rat, dog, horse, guinea-pig, pig or ovo- TFs or human and bovine lactoferrins. In contrast, H. pleuropneumoniae used iron only from pig TF whilst H. parainfluenzae was unable to utilize iron bound to any of the human or animal TFs tested. The inhibition of growth imposed on H. influenzae type b strain Eagan by the addition of the synthetic iron chelator EDDA to the culture medium was reversed by 30% iron-saturated human TF added directly to the medium but not when the TF was contained inside a dialysis bag. Dot-blotting of whole cells revealed that human TF bound to the surface of bacteria cultured in iron-restricted but not in iron-plentiful media. Incubation of whole bacterial cells in the presence of the proteolytic enzyme trypsin also abolished TF-binding activity, suggesting that the TF receptor was a protein. In competition dot blotting experiments, human and bovine but not rabbit, dog, mouse or guinea-pig TFs blocked the binding of a horseradish peroxidase--human TF conjugate. SDS-PAGE and Western blotting of outer membranes revealed the presence of a TF-binding protein of approximately 72 kDa. These results suggest that the acquisition of TF-bound iron by H. influenzae type b probably involves a direct interaction with an outer-membrane protein which shows some TF-species specificity.  相似文献   

Contour-clamped homogeneous electric field pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was used in combination with Southern hybridization to construct a genomic restriction map for the pathogen Haemophilus influenzae serotype b, strain Eagan. Sites for four restriction endonucleases, EagI, NaeI, RsrII and SmaI, were located on the 2100 kbp circular chromosome. Twelve potential virulence loci have been placed on the map together with certain loci essential for growth of the bacteria (e.g. ribosomal RNA operons). PFGE also provided a valuable tool for characterizing ten capsulated, type b isolates (other than Eagan) known to be genetically heterogeneous and two laboratory-derived variants (transformants) derived through complex recombinational events involving random uptake of high-molecular-mass donor genomic DNA.  相似文献   

In previous studies, it has been demonstrated that outer membrane protein P2 from Haemophilus influenzae type b has porin activity and that antibody directed against P2 is protective in an infant rat bacteraemic model. Outer membrane protein subtyping has been employed to subclassify type b Haemophilus isolates. Strain MinnA has the outer membrane protein subtype 1H and is representative of the dominant clonal group of disease-producing isolates in the United States. In the present study, the P2 gene from strain MinnA was employed to probe EcoRI- and Pvull-digested chromosomal DNA from 24 Haemophilus influenzae type b isolates representative of the common outer membrane protein subtype groups observed throughout the world. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms were identified for the members of the outer membrane protein subtype 3L group, but not for the other subtypes examined. The P2 gene from each of four prototype isolates was then cloned, sequenced and compared to the previously reported sequence of the strain MinnA gene. The P2 gene from each of two isolates with the outer membrane protein subtype 3L was identical to the MinnA P2 sequence. The P2 gene from a subtype 2L isolate differed by a single nucleotide and the gene from a subtype 6U isolate differed by 13 nucleotides. Thus, the P2 protein is highly conserved among type b isolates.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the epidemiology of invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b, the clones responsible, and the antibiotic resistance of the isolates. DESIGN--Prospective population based analysis of clinical and epidemiological data collected for Gwynedd during 1980-90 and in the whole of Wales during 1988-90. SETTING--19 hospitals in Wales; all medical microbiology laboratories in Wales participated. PATIENTS--82 patients with confirmed invasive infections caused by H influenzae type b in Gwynedd during 1980-90 and 207 in Wales during 1988-90. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Clinical and epidemiological measures; analysis of the clonal types of the isolates based on the electrophoretic mobilities of 17 metabolic enzymes; and antibiotic resistance. RESULTS--The annual incidence of H influenzae type b infections in Gwynedd was 3.2 cases/100,000 and in Wales was 2.5 cases/100,000. Most cases occurred in children aged under 5 years, the highest annual incidence being in those aged under 1 (84.6/100,000 and 56.9/100,000 in Wales). The cumulative risk of acquiring H influenzae type b disease by the fifth birthday was one in 456 in Gwynedd and one in 578 in Wales. Fifteen per cent of cases in Gwynedd and 7% of those in Wales occurred in adults. Predominant clinical conditions were meningitis in children and pneumonia in adults. In Gwynedd 2/70 (3%) children and 5/12 (42%) adults died. Long term neurological sequelae occurred in 8% (4/48) of children who survived haemophilus meningitis. Children presenting with infection were usually the youngest members of their family. No secondary household cases were identified. 100 of 128 (78%) strains were of a single clone, electrophoretic type 12.5, and 4/207 (1.9%) isolates from Wales were resistant to both ampicillin and chloramphenicol. CONCLUSIONS--The annual rate of infection in children aged under 5 in four Welsh counties was 12-44% higher than that previously published for the United Kingdom. The study emphasises the potential value of a vaccine effective in early infancy and provides baseline data to assess its efficacy after its introduction. Alternatives to ampicillin and chloramphenicol should be used as first line, empirical treatment for severe infections that might be caused by H influenzae type b in Wales.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria are specifically adapted to bind to their customary host. Disease is then caused by subsequent colonization and/or invasion of the local environmental niche. Initial binding of Haemophilus influenzae type b to the human nasopharynx is facilitated by Hib pili, filaments expressed on the bacterial surface. With three-dimensional reconstruction of electron micrograph images, we show that Hib pili comprise a helix 70 A in diameter with threefold symmetry. The Hib pilus filament has 3.0 subunits per turn, with each set of three subunits translated 26.9 A along and rotated 53 degrees about the helical axis. Amino acid sequence analysis of pilins from Hib pili and from P-pili expressed on uropathogenic Escherichia coli were used to predict the physical location of the highly variable and immunogenic region of the HifA pilin in the Hib pilus structure. Structural differences between Hib pili and P-pili suggest a difference in the strategies by which bacteria remain bound to their host cells: P-pili were shown to be capable of unwinding to five times their original length (E. Bullitt and L. Makowski, Nature 373:164-167, 1995), while damage to Hib pili occurs by slight shearing of subunits with respect to those further along the helical axis. This capacity to resist unwinding may be important for continued adherence of H. influenzae type b to the nasopharynx, where the three-stranded Hib pilus filaments provide a robust tether to withstand coughs and sneezes.  相似文献   

Haemophilus influenzae type b strains isolated from children with meningitis, septicaemia and pharyngitis were studied for their ability to undergo genetic transformation by two chromosomal markers, streptomycin resistance and nalidixic acid resistance. Fifty-eight percent of the strains were non-transformable while the remaining 42% showed considerable strain variation with regard to their transformation frequencies, which ranged from 8 x 10(-4) to 1 x 10(-6). The effect of type b capsule on competence development and transformation activity was studied by comparing encapsulated strains with their non-encapsulated variants. Type b capsule did not inhibit either competence development or transforming efficiency. The lack of transformability in the majority of strains was not due to the presence of a capsule.  相似文献   

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