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T Cavalier-Smith 《Bio Systems》1992,28(1-3):91-106; discussion 107-8
Mitochondria and chloroplasts both originated from bacterial endosymbionts. The available evidence strongly supports a single origin for mitochondria and only somewhat less strongly a single, slightly later, origin for chloroplasts. The arguments and evidence that have sometimes been presented in favor of the alternative theories of the multiple or polyphyletic origins of these two organelles are evaluated and the kinds of data that are needed to test more rigorously the monophyletic theory are discussed. Although chloroplasts probably originated only once, eukaryotic algae are polyphyletic because chloroplasts have been secondarily transferred to new lineages by the permanent incorporation of a photosynthetic eukaryotic algal cell into a phagotrophic protozoan host. How often this has happened is much less clear. It is particularly unclear whether or not the chloroplasts of typical dinoflagellates and euglenoids originated in this way from a eukaryotic symbiont: their direct divergence from the ancestral chloroplast cannot be ruled out and indeed has several arguments in its favor. The evidence for and against the view that the chloroplast of the kingdom Chromista was acquired in a single endosymbiotic event is discussed. The possibility that even the chloroplast of Chlorarachnion might have been acquired during the same symbiosis that created the cryptomonad cell, if the symbiont was a primitive alga that had chlorophyll a, b and c as well as phycobilins, is also considered. An alga with such a combination of pigments might have been ancestral to all eukaryote algae.  相似文献   

This article argues that feminist analyses of patriarchy should be expanded to address the evolutionary basis of male motivation to control female sexuality. Evidence from other primates of male sexual coercion and female resistance to it indicates that the sexual conflicts of interest that underlie patriarchy predate the emergence of the human species. Humans, however, exhibit more extensive male dominance and male control of female sexuality than is shown by most other primates. Six hypotheses are proposed to explain how, over the course of human evolution, this unusual degree of gender inequality came about. This approach emphasizes behavioral flexibility, cross-cultural variability in the degree of partriarchy, and possibilities for future change. This work was supported in part by NSF grant BNS-8857969. Barbara Smuts is a professor of psychology and anthropology at the University of Michigan. She received her B.A. in social anthropology at Harvard and her Ph.D. in bio-behavioral sciences at Stanford Medical School. She has studied the behavior of wild chimpanzees, baboons, and bottlenose dolphins and is particularly interested in evolutionary, comparative analyses of female-male relationships.  相似文献   

A central biological question is how natural organisms are so evolvable (capable of quickly adapting to new environments). A key driver of evolvability is the widespread modularity of biological networks—their organization as functional, sparsely connected subunits—but there is no consensus regarding why modularity itself evolved. Although most hypotheses assume indirect selection for evolvability, here we demonstrate that the ubiquitous, direct selection pressure to reduce the cost of connections between network nodes causes the emergence of modular networks. Computational evolution experiments with selection pressures to maximize network performance and minimize connection costs yield networks that are significantly more modular and more evolvable than control experiments that only select for performance. These results will catalyse research in numerous disciplines, such as neuroscience and genetics, and enhance our ability to harness evolution for engineering purposes.  相似文献   

The history of life is a history of evolutionary innovations, qualitatively new phenotypic traits that endow their bearers with new, often game-changing abilities. We know many individual examples of innovations and their natural history, but we know little about the fundamental principles of phenotypic variability that permit new phenotypes to arise. Most phenotypic innovations result from changes in three classes of systems: metabolic networks, regulatory circuits, and macromolecules. I here highlight two important features that these classes of systems share. The first is the ubiquity of vast genotype networks - connected sets of genotypes with the same phenotype. The second is the great phenotypic diversity of small neighborhoods around different genotypes in genotype space. I here explain that both features are essential for the phenotypic variability that can bring forth qualitatively new phenotypes. Both features emerge from a common cause, the robustness of phenotypes to perturbations, whose origins are linked to life in changing environments.  相似文献   

Durable crop protection is an essential component of current and future food security. However, the effectiveness of pesticides is threatened by the evolution of resistant pathogens, weeds and insect pests. Pesticides are mostly novel synthetic compounds, and yet target species are often able to evolve resistance soon after a new compound is introduced. Therefore, pesticide resistance provides an interesting case of rapid evolution under strong selective pressures, which can be used to address fundamental questions concerning the evolutionary origins of adaptations to novel conditions. We ask: (i) whether this adaptive potential originates mainly from de novo mutations or from standing variation; (ii) which pre‐existing traits could form the basis of resistance adaptations; and (iii) whether recurrence of resistance mechanisms among species results from interbreeding and horizontal gene transfer or from independent parallel evolution. We compare and contrast the three major pesticide groups: insecticides, herbicides and fungicides. Whilst resistance to these three agrochemical classes is to some extent united by the common evolutionary forces at play, there are also important differences. Fungicide resistance appears to evolve, in most cases, by de novo point mutations in the target‐site encoding genes; herbicide resistance often evolves through selection of polygenic metabolic resistance from standing variation; and insecticide resistance evolves through a combination of standing variation and de novo mutations in the target site or major metabolic resistance genes. This has practical implications for resistance risk assessment and management, and lessons learnt from pesticide resistance should be applied in the deployment of novel, non‐chemical pest‐control methods.  相似文献   

In the 'Origin of Species', Darwin sums up his ideas about the evolutionary process in a single diagram. Tracing the 'evolution' of this diagram reveals a host of sources that may have inspired Darwin's imagination.  相似文献   

I outline the debate in metaphysics between those who believe time is tensed and those who believe it is tenseless. I describe the terms in which this debate has been carried out, and the significance to it of ordinary tensed language and widespread common sense beliefs that time is tensed. I then outline a case for thinking that our intuitive beliefs about tense constitute an Adaptive Imaginary Representation (Wilson, in Biol Philos 5:37–62, 1990; Wilson, in Biol Philos 10:77–97, 1995). I also outline a case for thinking that our ordinary tensed beliefs and tensed language owe their tensed nature to its being adaptive to adopt a temporally self-locating perspective on reality. If these conclusions are right, then common sense intuitions and temporal language will be utterly misleading guides to the nature of temporal reality.  相似文献   

The term 'mood' in its scientific usage refers to relatively enduring affective states that arise when negative or positive experience in one context or time period alters the individual's threshold for responding to potentially negative or positive events in subsequent contexts or time periods. The capacity for mood appears to be phylogenetically widespread and the mechanisms underlying it are highly conserved in diverse animals, suggesting it has an important adaptive function. In this review, we discuss how moods can be classified across species, and what the selective advantages of the capacity for mood are. Core moods can be localised within a two-dimensional continuous space, where one axis represents sensitivity to punishment or threat, and the other, sensitivity to reward. Depressed mood and anxious mood represent two different quadrants of this space. The adaptive function of mood is to integrate information about the recent state of the environment and current physical condition of the organism to fine-tune its decisions about the allocation of behavioural effort. Many empirical observations from both humans and non-human animals are consistent with this model. We discuss the implications of this adaptive approach to mood systems for mood disorders in humans.  相似文献   

This study explores the evolutionary origins of waveform complexity in electric organ discharges (EODs) of weakly electric fish. I attempt to answer the basic question of what selective forces led to the transition from the simplest signal to the second simplest signal in the gymnotiform electric fishes. The simplest electric signal is a monophasic pulse and the second simplest is a biphasic pulse. I consider five adaptive hypotheses for the evolutionary transition from a monophasic to a biphasic EOD: (i) electrolocation, (ii) sexual selection, (iii) species isolation, (iv) territory defense, (v) crypsis from electroreceptive predators. Evaluating these hypotheses with data drawn largely from the literature, I find best support for predation. Predation is typically viewed as a restraining force on evolution of communication signals, but among the electric fishes, predation appears to have served as a creative catalyst. In suppressing spectral energy in the sensitivity range of predators (a spectral simplification), the EOD waveforms have become more complex in their time domain structure. Complexity in the time domain is readily discernable by the high frequency electroreceptor systems of gymnotiform and mormyrid electric fish. The addition of phases to the EOD can cloak the EOD from predators, but also provides a substrate for subsequent modification by sexual selection. But, while juveniles and females remain protected from predators, breeding males modify their EODs in ways that enhance their conspicuousness to predators.  相似文献   

Hominin evolution took a remarkable pathway, as the foraging strategy extended to large mammalian prey already hunted by a guild of specialist carnivores. How was this possible for a moderately sized ape lacking the formidable anatomical adaptations of these competing 'professional hunters'? The long-standing answer that this was achieved through the elaboration of a new 'cognitive niche' reliant on intelligence and technology is compelling, yet insufficient. Here we present evidence from a diversity of sources supporting the hypothesis that a fuller answer lies in the evolution of a new socio-cognitive niche, the principal components of which include forms of cooperation, egalitarianism, mindreading (also known as 'theory of mind'), language and cultural transmission, that go far beyond the most comparable phenomena in other primates. This cognitive and behavioural complex allows a human hunter-gatherer band to function as a unique and highly competitive predatory organism. Each of these core components of the socio-cognitive niche is distinctive to humans, but primate research has increasingly identified related capacities that permit inferences about significant ancestral cognitive foundations to the five pillars of the human social cognitive niche listed earlier. The principal focus of the present study was to review and integrate this range of recent comparative discoveries.  相似文献   

Despite their importance as evolutionary and ecological model systems, the phylogenetic relationships among gasterosteiforms remain poorly understood, complicating efforts to understand the evolutionary origins of the exceptional morphological and behavioural diversity of this group. The present review summarizes current knowledge on the origin and evolution of syngnathids, a gasterosteiform family with a highly developed form of male parental care, combining inferences based on morphological and molecular data with paleontological evidence documenting the evolutionary history of the group. Molecular methods have provided new tools for the study of syngnathid relationships and have played an important role in recent conservation efforts. Despite recent insights into syngnathid evolution, however, a survey of the literature reveals a strong taxonomic bias towards studies on the species-rich genera Hippocampus and Syngnathus, with a lack of data for many morphologically unique members of the family. The study of the evolutionary pressures responsible for generating the high diversity of syngnathids would benefit from a wider perspective, providing a comparative framework in which to investigate the evolution of the genetic, morphological and behavioural traits of the group as a whole.  相似文献   

In the last few years, an understanding has emerged of the developmental mechanism for the consistent internal left-right structure, termed situs, that characterises vertebrate anatomy. This involves largely vertebrate-conserved (i.e. 'phylotypic') gene expression cascades that encode 'leftness' and 'rightness' in appropriate tissues either side of the embryo's midline soon after gastrulation. Recent evidence indicates that the initial, directional symmetry breaking that initiates these cascades utilises mechanisms that are conserved or at least closely related in different vertebrate types. I describe a scenario whereby the capacity for directional modification of an otherwise bilateral body plan can be viewed as an adaptive innovation rather closely connected with vertebrate origins, enabling optimal 'design' for very active lifestyles. But an alternative scenario, while retaining the view that situs and indeed other vertebrate functional lateralisations are deeply adaptive, proposes that they originated in the co-optation of left-right developmental information inherited from a very early stage in metazoan diversification. It is proposed that a remote chordate ancestor lost its original or 'ur-bilaterian' symmetry to pass through an altogether non-symmetrical stage, and that the vertebrate dorsoventral midline plane is not descended from that original one. I review the considerable evidence in favour of this scenario, and discuss its wider implications for directional asymmetries across the Metazoa.  相似文献   



Floristic and faunal diversity fall within species assemblages that can be grouped into distinct biomes or ecoregions. Understanding the origins of such biogeographic assemblages helps illuminate the processes shaping present‐day diversity patterns and identifies regions with unique or distinct histories. While the fossil record is often sparse, dated phylogenies can provide a window into the evolutionary past of these regions. Here, we present a novel phylogenetic approach to investigate the evolutionary origins of present‐day biogeographic assemblages and highlight their conservation value.


Southern Africa.


We evaluate the evolutionary turnover separating species clusters in space at different time slices to determine the phylogenetic depth at which the signal for their present‐day structure emerges. We suggest present‐day assemblages with distinct evolutionary histories might represent important units for conservation. We apply our method to the vegetation of southern Africa using a dated phylogeny of the woody flora of the region and explore how the evolutionary history of vegetation types compares to common conservation currencies, including species richness, endemism and threat.


We show the differentiation of most present‐day vegetation types can be traced back to evolutionary splits in the Miocene. The woody flora of the Fynbos is the most evolutionarily distinct, and thus has deeper evolutionary roots, whereas the Savanna and Miombo Woodland show close phylogenetic affinities and likely represent a more recent separation. However, evolutionarily distinct phyloregions do not necessarily capture the most unique phylogenetic diversity, nor are they the most species‐rich or threatened.

Main conclusions

Our approach complements analyses of the fossil record and serves as a link to the history of diversification, migration and extinction of lineages within biogeographic assemblages that is separate from patterns of species richness and endemism. Our analysis reveals how phyloregions capture conservation value not represented by traditional biodiversity metrics.

Recent developments in evolutionary biology have led to a call for an extension of standard evolutionary theory, with its emphasis on processes such as selection and drift, into a much larger theoretical framework that includes processes such as niche construction, developmental plasticity, inclusive inheritance, and developmental bias. Skeptics argue that these processes are already subsumed within the standard theory and thus an extension is not required. Here, we outline what this evolutionary “rethink” might mean for the study of human origins. Specifically, can paleoanthropologists benefit from an extended theoretical toolkit? The papers in this special issue suggest it can be useful but may not be necessary, depending on the kinds of questions that are being asked.  相似文献   

Feral populations of domesticated crops can establish through two nonmutually exclusive pathways: hybridization with native relatives and recruitment of and recombination between known cultivars. The extent and relative importance of these pathways is not known, especially for woody fruit crops. Here, we examined the evolutionary origins of feral populations of Malus domestica (domestic apple) in southern Canada using a population genetic analysis. We characterized genotypes of 578 putative feral apple trees and evaluated them in relation to genotypes of 156 commercial cultivars, 28 non‐native, ornamental crabapples and 47 native Malus coronaria trees using 14 microsatellite markers. No feral trees were genetic admixtures between domestic and native Malus; however, a minority of trees were admixed with introduced ornamental Malus. Feral trees and commercial cultivars both occurred in two major genetic groups and seven subgroups distributed throughout all commercial growing regions. A total of 42 cultivars, both heritage and currently grown, occurred in probable parental pairs for feral trees, with nine heritage varieties accounting for 72% of parental assignments. We conclude that feral apples in southern Canada are not products of hybridization with native M. coronaria but we cannot exclude ornamental apple species as contributing to the naturalization process. Nonhybrid feral domestic apples have multiple origins, with a prominent signature of early heritage cultivars. These lineages have spread and coexist throughout Ontario, rather than being derived strictly from local sources.  相似文献   

The Strongylida are thought to have arisen from free-living rhabditoid nematodes, but the relationships between the major groupings within the Strongylida, the Strongylina, the Metastrongylina, Trichostrongylina and the Ancylostomatina are far from clear in spite of the abundance of morphological data now available for analysis. Evolutionary mechanisms including co-evolution, host switching, host dispersal, use of intermediate hosts, various sites of localisation within the definitive host and modifications of life-cycle strategies appear to have been utilised in the expansion of the Strongylida, with different mechanisms predominating in different families or superfamilies. Co-evolution appears to have been a major mode of evolution in the Strongylina, in contrast to the Trichostrongylina, which have used host dispersal and host-switching to great advantage. The phylogeny of the Ancylostomatina shows little association with host evolution, but does match the feeding preferences of the hosts. The Metastrongylina have utilised intermediate hosts and life cycle modifications including a shift to extra-intestinal sites as major means of diversification, in contrast to the other sub-orders. The review, while indicating much progress in our understanding of the phylogeny of the Strongylida, also reveals that enormous gaps still exist, and emphasises the tentative nature of many of the phylogenetic hypotheses tendered to date.  相似文献   

The Radiata and the evolutionary origins of the bilaterian body plan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The apparent conservation of cellular and molecular developmental mechanisms observed in a handful of bilaterian metazoans has spawned a "race" to reconstruct the bilaterian ancestor. Knowledge of this ancestor would permit us to reconstruct the evolutionary changes that have occurred along specific bilaterian lineages. However, comparisons among extant bilaterians provide an unnecessarily limited view of the ancestral bilaterian. Since the original bilaterians are believed by many to be derived from a radially symmetrical ancestor, additional evidence might be obtained by examining present-day radially symmetrical animals. We briefly review pertinent features of the body plans of the extant radial eumetazoan phyla, the Cnidaria, and Ctenophora, in the context of revealing potential evolutionary links to the bilaterians.  相似文献   

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