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We extended a mean-field model to proteins with all atomic detail. The all-atom mean-field model was used to calculate the dynamic and thermodynamic properties of a three-helix bundle fragment of Staphylococcal protein A (Protein Data Bank [PDB] ID 1BDD) and alpha-spectrin SH3 domain protein (PDB ID 1SHG). We show that a model with all-atomic detail provides a significantly more accurate prediction of flexibility of residues in proteins than does a coarse-grained residue-level model. The accuracy of flexibility prediction is further confirmed by application of the method to 18 additional proteins with the largest size of 224 residues.  相似文献   

Protein structure refinement by optimization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Martin Carlsen  Peter Røgen 《Proteins》2015,83(9):1616-1624
Knowledge‐based protein potentials are simplified potentials designed to improve the quality of protein models, which is important as more accurate models are more useful for biological and pharmaceutical studies. Consequently, knowledge‐based potentials often are designed to be efficient in ordering a given set of deformed structures denoted decoys according to how close they are to the relevant native protein structure. This, however, does not necessarily imply that energy minimization of this potential will bring the decoys closer to the native structure. In this study, we introduce an iterative strategy to improve the convergence of decoy structures. It works by adding energy optimized decoys to the pool of decoys used to construct the next and improved knowledge‐based potential. We demonstrate that this strategy results in significantly improved decoy convergence on Titan high resolution decoys and refinement targets from Critical Assessment of protein Structure Prediction competitions. Our potential is formulated in Cartesian coordinates and has a fixed backbone potential to restricts motions to be close to those of a dihedral model, a fixed hydrogen‐bonding potential and a variable coarse grained carbon alpha potential consisting of a pair potential and a novel solvent potential that are b‐spline based as we use explicit gradient and Hessian for efficient energy optimization. Proteins 2015; 83:1616–1624. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



Although experimental methods for determining protein structure are providing high resolution structures, they cannot keep the pace at which amino acid sequences are resolved on the scale of entire genomes. For a considerable fraction of proteins whose structures will not be determined experimentally, computational methods can provide valuable information. The value of structural models in biological research depends critically on their quality. Development of high-accuracy computational methods that reliably generate near-experimental quality structural models is an important, unsolved problem in the protein structure modeling.  相似文献   

For many macromolecular assemblies, both a cryo-electron microscopy map and atomic structures of its component proteins are available. Here we describe a method for fitting and refining a component structure within its map at intermediate resolution (<15 A). The atomic positions are optimized with respect to a scoring function that includes the crosscorrelation coefficient between the structure and the map as well as stereochemical and nonbonded interaction terms. A heuristic optimization that relies on a Monte Carlo search, a conjugate-gradients minimization, and simulated annealing molecular dynamics is applied to a series of subdivisions of the structure into progressively smaller rigid bodies. The method was tested on 15 proteins of known structure with 13 simulated maps and 3 experimentally determined maps. At approximately 10 A resolution, Calpha rmsd between the initial and final structures was reduced on average by approximately 53%. The method is automated and can refine both experimental and predicted atomic structures.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
J Garnier 《Biochimie》1990,72(8):513-524
Current methods developed for predicting protein structure are reviewed. The most widely used algorithms of Chou and Fasman and Garnier et al for predicting secondary structure are compared to the most recent ones including sequence similarity methods, neural network, pattern recognition or joint prediction methods. The best of these methods correctly predict 63-65% of the residues in the database with cross-validation for 3 conformations, helix, beta strand and coli with a standard deviation of 6-8% per protein. However, when a homologous protein is already in the database, the accuracy of prediction by the similarity peptide method of Levin and Garnier reaches about 90%. Some conclusions can be drawn on the mechanism of protein folding. As all the prediction methods only use the local sequence for prediction (+/- 8 residues maximum) one can infer that 65% of the conformation of a residue is dictated on average by the local sequence, the rest is brought by the folding. The best predicted proteins or peptide segments are those for which the folding has less effect on the conformation. Presently, prediction of tertiary structure is only of practical use when the structure of a homologous protein is already known. Amino acid alignment to define residues of equivalent spatial position is critical for modelling of the protein. We showed for serine proteases that secondary structure prediction can help to define a better alignment. Non-homologous segments of the polypeptide chain, such as loops, libraries of known loops and/or energy minimization with various force fields, are used without yet giving satisfactory solutions. An example of modelling by homology, aided by secondary structure prediction on 2 regulatory proteins, Fnr and FixK is presented.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The prediction of protein structure, based primarily on sequence and structure homology, has become an increasingly important activity. Homology models have become more accurate and their range of applicability has increased. Progress has come, in part, from the flood of sequence and structure information that has appeared over the past few years, and also from improvements in analysis tools. These include profile methods for sequence searches, the use of three-dimensional structure information in sequence alignment and new homology modeling tools, specifically in the prediction of loop and side-chain conformations. There have also been important advances in understanding the physical chemical basis of protein stability and the corresponding use of physical chemical potential functions to identify correctly folded from incorrectly folded protein conformations.  相似文献   

We have developed an all-atom free-energy force field (PFF01) for protein tertiary structure prediction. PFF01 is based on physical interactions and was parameterized using experimental structures of a family of proteins believed to span a wide variety of possible folds. It contains empirical, although sequence-independent terms for hydrogen bonding. Its solvent-accessible surface area solvent model was first fit to transfer energies of small peptides. The parameters of the solvent model were then further optimized to stabilize the native structure of a single protein, the autonomously folding villin headpiece, against competing low-energy decoys. Here we validate the force field for five nonhomologous helical proteins with 20-60 amino acids. For each protein, decoys with 2-3 A backbone root mean-square deviation and correct experimental Cbeta-Cbeta distance constraints emerge as those with the lowest energy.  相似文献   

Arriving at the native conformation of a polypeptide chain characterized by minimum most free energy is a problem of long standing interest in protein structure prediction endeavors. Owing to the computational requirements in developing free energy estimates, scoring functions--energy based or statistical--have received considerable renewed attention in recent years for distinguishing native structures of proteins from non-native like structures. Several cleverly designed decoy sets, CASP (Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction) structures and homology based internet accessible three dimensional model builders are now available for validating the scoring functions. We describe here an all-atom energy based empirical scoring function and examine its performance on a wide series of publicly available decoys. Barring two protein sequences where native structure is ranked second and seventh, native is identified as the lowest energy structure in 67 protein sequences from among 61,659 decoys belonging to 12 different decoy sets. We further illustrate a potential application of the scoring function in bracketing native-like structures of two small mixed alpha/beta globular proteins starting from sequence and secondary structural information. The scoring function has been web enabled at www.scfbio-iitd.res.in/utility/proteomics/energy.jsp.  相似文献   

Central issues concerning protein structure prediction have been highlighted by the recently published summary of the fourth community-wide protein structure prediction experiment (CASP4). Although sequence/structure alignment remains the bottleneck in comparative modeling, there has been substantial progress in fully automated remote homolog detection and in de novo structure prediction. Significant further progress will probably require improvements in high-resolution modeling.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction in genomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the number of completely sequenced genomes rapidly increases, including now the complete Human Genome sequence, the post-genomic problems of genome-scale protein structure determination and the issue of gene function identification become ever more pressing. In fact, these problems can be seen as interrelated in that experimentally determining or predicting or the structure of proteins encoded by genes of interest is one possible means to glean subtle hints as to the functions of these genes. The applicability of this approach to gene characterisation is reviewed, along with a brief survey of the reliability of large-scale protein structure prediction methods and the prospects for the development of new prediction methods.  相似文献   

Hunter CG  Subramaniam S 《Proteins》2003,50(4):572-579
A basis set of protein canonical fragments, or centroids, represents the range of local structure found in globular proteins. We develop a methodology to predict centroids from the amino acid sequence. The predictor gives the probability of each centroid in the basis set, at each loci along the backbone. The predictor selects the best-fit centroid at about 40% of the loci. The predicted probabilities are accurate and can be used to judge the confidence of each centroid prediction. For example, when filtering out centroids with <0.50 probability, the predictor is 65% accurate, although such high-probability centroids occur at only 28% of the loci. Centroids with high probability can be interpreted as segments that are highly influenced by the amino acid sequence, whereas centroids with low probability can be interpreted as segments that are more likely influenced by tertiary contacts. Low-resolution, starting point structures, can be generated by fitting the predicted centroids together.  相似文献   

The application of all-atom force fields (and explicit or implicit solvent models) to protein homology-modeling tasks such as side-chain and loop prediction remains challenging both because of the expense of the individual energy calculations and because of the difficulty of sampling the rugged all-atom energy surface. Here we address this challenge for the problem of loop prediction through the development of numerous new algorithms, with an emphasis on multiscale and hierarchical techniques. As a first step in evaluating the performance of our loop prediction algorithm, we have applied it to the problem of reconstructing loops in native structures; we also explicitly include crystal packing to provide a fair comparison with crystal structures. In brief, large numbers of loops are generated by using a dihedral angle-based buildup procedure followed by iterative cycles of clustering, side-chain optimization, and complete energy minimization of selected loop structures. We evaluate this method by using the largest test set yet used for validation of a loop prediction method, with a total of 833 loops ranging from 4 to 12 residues in length. Average/median backbone root-mean-square deviations (RMSDs) to the native structures (superimposing the body of the protein, not the loop itself) are 0.42/0.24 A for 5 residue loops, 1.00/0.44 A for 8 residue loops, and 2.47/1.83 A for 11 residue loops. Median RMSDs are substantially lower than the averages because of a small number of outliers; the causes of these failures are examined in some detail, and many can be attributed to errors in assignment of protonation states of titratable residues, omission of ligands from the simulation, and, in a few cases, probable errors in the experimentally determined structures. When these obvious problems in the data sets are filtered out, average RMSDs to the native structures improve to 0.43 A for 5 residue loops, 0.84 A for 8 residue loops, and 1.63 A for 11 residue loops. In the vast majority of cases, the method locates energy minima that are lower than or equal to that of the minimized native loop, thus indicating that sampling rarely limits prediction accuracy. The overall results are, to our knowledge, the best reported to date, and we attribute this success to the combination of an accurate all-atom energy function, efficient methods for loop buildup and side-chain optimization, and, especially for the longer loops, the hierarchical refinement protocol.  相似文献   

蛋白质二级结构预测是蛋白质结构研究的一个重要环节,大量的新预测方法被提出的同时,也不断有新的蛋白质二级结构预测服务器出现。试验选取7种目前常用的蛋白质二级结构预测服务器:PSRSM、SPOT-1D、MUFOLD、Spider3、RaptorX,Psipred和Jpred4,对它们进行了使用方法的介绍和预测效果的评估。随机选取了PDB在2018年8月至11月份发布的180条蛋白质作为测试集,评估角度为:Q3、Sov、边界识别率、内部识别率、转角C识别率,折叠E识别率和螺旋H识别率七种角度。上述服务器180条测试数据的Q3结果分别为:89.96%、88.18%、86.74%、85.77%、83.61%,79.72%和78.29%。结果表明PSRSM的预测结果最好。180条测试集中,以同源性30%,40%,70%分类的实验结果中,PSRSM的Q3结果分别为:89.49%、90.53%、89.87%,均优于其他服务器。实验结果表明,蛋白质二级结构预测可从结合多种深度学习方法以及使用大数据训练模型方向做进一步的研究。  相似文献   

Large-scale initiatives for obtaining spatial protein structures by experimental or computational means have accentuated the need for the critical assessment of protein structure determination and prediction methods. These include blind test projects such as the critical assessment of protein structure prediction (CASP) and the critical assessment of protein structure determination by nuclear magnetic resonance (CASD-NMR). An important aim is to establish structure validation criteria that can reliably assess the accuracy of a new protein structure. Various quality measures derived from the coordinates have been proposed. A universal structural quality assessment method should combine multiple individual scores in a meaningful way, which is challenging because of their different measurement units. Here, we present a method based on a generalized linear model (GLM) that combines diverse protein structure quality scores into a single quantity with intuitive meaning, namely the predicted coordinate root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) value between the present structure and the (unavailable) "true" structure (GLM-RMSD). For two sets of structural models from the CASD-NMR and CASP projects, this GLM-RMSD value was compared with the actual accuracy given by the RMSD value to the corresponding, experimentally determined reference structure from the Protein Data Bank (PDB). The correlation coefficients between actual (model vs. reference from PDB) and predicted (model vs. "true") heavy-atom RMSDs were 0.69 and 0.76, for the two datasets from CASD-NMR and CASP, respectively, which is considerably higher than those for the individual scores (-0.24 to 0.68). The GLM-RMSD can thus predict the accuracy of protein structures more reliably than individual coordinate-based quality scores.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction: inroads to biology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Petrey D  Honig B 《Molecular cell》2005,20(6):811-819

Wood MJ  Hirst JD 《Proteins》2005,59(3):476-481
We present DESTRUCT, a new method of protein secondary structure prediction, which achieves a three-state accuracy (Q3) of 79.4% in a cross-validated trial on a nonredundant set of 513 proteins. An iterative set of cascade-correlation neural networks is used to predict both secondary structure and psi dihedral angles, with predicted values enhancing the subsequent iteration. Predictive accuracies of 80.7% and 81.7% are achieved on the CASP4 and CASP5 targets, respectively. Our approach is significantly more accurate than other contemporary methods, due to feedback and a novel combination of structural representations.  相似文献   

吴琳琳  徐硕 《生物信息学》2010,8(3):187-190
蛋白质结构预测是现代计算生物领域最重要的问题之一,而蛋白质二级结构预测是蛋白质高级结构预测的基础。目前蛋白质二级结构的预测方法较多,其中SVM方法取得了较高的预测精度。重在阐述使用SVM用于蛋白质二级结构预测的步骤,以及与其他方法进行比较时应该注意的事项,为下一步的研究提供参考及启发。  相似文献   

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