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Mishra S  Caflisch A 《Biochemistry》2011,50(43):9328-9339
The aspartic protease β-secretase (BACE) catalyzes the hydrolysis of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) which leads to amyloid-β aggregation and, ultimately, the perilous Alzheimer's disease. The conformational dynamics and free energy surfaces of BACE at three steps of the catalytic cycle are studied here by explicit solvent molecular dynamics simulations (multiple runs for a total of 2.2 μs). The overall plasticity of BACE is essentially identical for the three states of the substrate: the octapeptide reactant, gem-diol intermediate, and cleavage products. In contrast, the network of hydrogen bonds in the active site is more stable in the complex of BACE with the gem-diol intermediate than the other two states of the substrate. The spontaneous release of the C-terminal (P1'-P4') fragment of the product follows a single-exponential time dependence with a time constant of 50 ns and does not require the opening of the flap. The fast dissociation of the C-terminal fragment is consistent with the transmembrane location and orientation of APP and its further processing by γ-secretase. On the other hand, the N-terminal (P4-P1) fragment of the product does not exit the BACE active site within the simulation time scale of 80 ns. A unified network analysis of the complexes of BACE with the three states of the substrate provides an estimation of the activation free energy associated with the structural rearrangements that involve only noncovalent interactions. The estimated rearrangement barriers are not negligible (up to 3 kcal/mol) but are significantly smaller than the barrier of the peptide bond hydrolysis reaction.  相似文献   

On the basis of spectroscopic and crystallographic data for dopamine beta-monooxygenase and peptidylglycine alpha-hydroxylating monooxygenase (PHM), a variety of ligand sets have been used to model the oxygen-binding Cu site in these enzymes. Calculations which employed a combination of density functional and multireference second-order perturbation theory methods provided insights into the optimal ligand set for supporting eta (1) superoxo coordination as seen in a crystal structure of a precatalytic Cu/O(2) complex for PHM (Prigge et al. in Science 304:864-867, 2004). Anionic ligand sets stabilized eta (2) dioxygen coordination and were found to lead to more peroxo-like Cu-O(2) complexes with relatively exergonic binding free energies, suggesting that these adducts may be unreactive towards substrates. Neutral ligand sets (including a set of two imidazoles and a thioether), on the other hand, energetically favored eta (1) dioxygen coordination and exhibited limited dioxygen reduction. Binding free energies for the 1:1 adducts with Cu supported by the neutral ligand sets were also higher than with their anionic counterparts. Deviations between the geometry and energetics of the most analogous models and the PHM crystal structures suggest that the protein environment influences the coordination geometry at the Cu(B) site and increases the lability of water bound to the preoxygenated reduced form. Another implication is that a neutral ligand set will be critical in biomimetic models in order to stabilize eta (1) dioxygen coordination.  相似文献   

In living systems, tungsten is exclusively found in microbial enzymes coordinated by the pyranopterin cofactor, with additional metal coordination provided by oxygen and/or sulfur, and/or selenium atoms in diverse arrangements. Prominent examples are formate dehydrogenase, formylmethanofuran dehydrogenase, and aldehyde oxidoreductase all of which catalyze redox reactions. The bacterial enzyme acetylene hydratase (AH) stands out of its class as it catalyzes the conversion of acetylene to acetaldehyde, clearly a non-redox reaction and a reaction distinct from the reduction of acetylene to ethylene by nitrogenase. AH harbors two pyranopterins bound to W, and a [4Fe–4S] cluster. W is coordinated by four dithiolene sulfur atoms, one cysteine sulfur, and one oxygen ligand. AH activity requires a strong reductant suggesting W(IV) as the active oxidation state. Two different types of reaction pathways have been proposed. The 1.26 Å structure reveals a water molecule coordinated to W which could gain a partially positive net charge by the adjacent protonated Asp-13, enabling a direct attack of C2H2. To access the W–Asp site, a substrate channel was evolved distant from where it is found in other members of the DMSOR family. Computational studies of this second shell mechanism led to unrealistically high energy barriers, and alternative pathways were proposed where C2H2 binds directly to W. The architecture of the catalytic cavity, the specificity for C2H2 and the results from site-directed mutagenesis do not support this first shell mechanism. More investigations including structural information on the binding of C2H2 are needed to present a conclusive answer.  相似文献   

M?ssbauer and EPR studies of a highly active hydroxylase component of methane monooxygenase isolated from Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b are reported. The M?ssbauer spectra of the oxidized (as isolated) hydroxylase show iron in a diamagnetic cluster containing an even number of Fe3+ sites. The parameters are consistent with an antiferromagnetically coupled binuclear cluster similar to those of hemerythrin and purple acid phosphatases. Upon partial reduction of the hydroxylase, an S = 1/2 EPR spectrum with g values at 1.94, 1.86, and 1.75 (gav = 1.85) is observed. Such spectra are characteristic of oxo-bridged iron dimers in the mixed valent Fe(II).Fe(III) state. Further reduction leads to the appearance of a novel EPR resonance at g = 15. Comparison with an inorganic model compound for mu-oxo-bridged binuclear iron suggests that the g = 15 signal is characteristic of the doubly reduced state of the cluster in the protein. In this state, the M?ssbauer spectra exhibit two quadrupole doublets typical of high spin Fe2+, consistent with the Fe(II).Fe(II) form of the cluster. The spectral features of the iron center of the hydroxylase in three oxidation states are all similar to those reported for mu-oxo (or mu-hydroxo)-bridged binuclear iron clusters. Since no known monooxygenase contains such a cluster, a new oxygenase mechanism is suggested. Three different preparative methods yielded hydroxylases spanning a 9-fold range in specific activity, yet the same cluster concentration and spectral characteristics were observed. Thus, other parameters than those measured here have a major influence on the activity.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the reduction by aniline and a series of substituted anilines of a peroxidatically active intermediate, formed by oxidation of deuteroferriheme with hydrogen peroxide, have been studied by stopped-flow spectrophotometry. The reaction with aniline was first order with respect to [intermediate] and showed first-order saturation kinetics with respect to [aniline]. The second-order rate constant was 2.0 ± 0.2 × 105 M?1 sec?1 at 25°C (independent of pH in the range 6.60–9.68) compared with the value of 2.4 × 105 M?1 sec?1 for the reaction of aniline with horseradish peroxidase Compound I. The effect of aniline substituents upon reactivity towards the heme intermediate closely paralled those reported for reaction with the enzymic intermediate. Anilines bearing electron-donating substituents reacted more rapidly and those bearing electron-withdrawing substituents more slowly than the unsubstituted amine. The rate constants for the heme intermediate reactions (kdfh)found to be related to those for the enzymic reactions (khrp) by the equation:log kDFH= 0.65log kHRP+ 1.96 with a correlation coefficient of 0. 98.  相似文献   

β-lactams inhibit peptidoglycan polymerization by acting as suicide substrates of essential d,d-transpeptidases. Bypass of these enzymes by unrelated l,d-transpeptidases results in β-lactam resistance, although carbapenems remain unexpectedly active. To gain insight into carbapenem specificity of l,d-transpeptidases (Ldts), we solved the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) structures of apo and imipenem-acylated Bacillus subtilis Ldt and show that the cysteine nucleophile is present as a neutral imidazole-sulfhydryl pair in the substrate-free enzyme. NMR relaxation dispersion does not reveal any preexisting conformational exchange in the apoenzyme, and change in flexibility is not observed upon noncovalent binding of β-lactams (K(D) > 37.5 mM). In contrast, covalent modification of active cysteine by both carbapenems and 2-nitro-5-thiobenzoate induces backbone flexibility that does not result from disruption of the imidazole-sulfhydryl proton interaction or steric hindrance. The chemical step of the reaction determines enzyme specificity since no differences in drug affinity were observed.  相似文献   

Addition of KCN to Helix pomatia β-hemocyanin fully saturated with either O2 or CO results in a decrease of the spectroscopic properties of the protein (absorbance at 340 nm and luminescence at 550 nm) due to the displacement of the gaseous ligands (O2 or CO) from the active site. The anionic form of cyanide (CN?) is supposed to bind to the active site; its intrinsic affinity for the protein, as calculated from independent O2 and CO displacement experiments, is between 2 and 6 × 106M?1. The replacement of O2 or CO shows some differences which may be correlated with the different modes of binding at the active site. Thus, while displacement of oxygen by cyanide is hyperbolic, addition of cyanide to carbonylated hemocyanin shows a lag phase. This finding suggests the formation of a mixed liganded complex at the active site. The simultaneous presence of CO and CN? at the active site of hemocyanin is also supported by the experiment in which addition of small amounts of KCN to hemocyanin partially saturated with O2 and CO gives rise to an increase of emission intensity and a concomitant decrease of the O2 absorption band. The mixed-liganded species displays luminescence properties similar to those of CO-saturated hemocyanin, and the formation of the complex is reversible on dialysis or oxygenation.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(7):623-627
Mass-labelling experiments with selectively deuterated palmitic acids demonstrate that Δ-11 desaturation of this acid is part of the biosynthetic pathway of the female sex pheromone blend of Spodoptera littoralis. The desaturation step is efficiently inhibited by 12,13-methylenehexadec-12-enoic acid, a cyclopropene fatty acid, which is thus able to interfere with the sex pheromone production.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to critically evaluate the significance of parasite-altered host behaviour in the Toxocara mouse model particularly in the light of the Manipulation Hypothesis. Murine behaviours were examined in both outbred and inbred strains of mice infected with different doses of Toxocara canis ova. Behaviours investigated included activity, exploration, response to novelty, anxiety, learning, memory and social behaviour. Subsequent modifications to the behaviour of infected mice were investigated with respect to dose administered and larval accumulation in the brain. There was substantial variation in the number of larvae recovered from brains of individual mice, which received similar doses of Toxocara ova. Furthermore, the numbers of larvae recovered at different doses differed significantly between an outbred and inbred strain of mouse. Alterations in infected host behaviour occurred and were related to the number of larvae recovered from the brain. For social behaviour in outbred mice, a high infection in the brain reduced levels of aggressive behaviour and increased levels of flight and defensive behaviours. In contrast, outbred mice with a low infection in the brain displayed a greater level of risk behaviour in respect of predator odour and the light/dark box compared to control or high infection mice. Post-infection, outbred mice were more immobile whereas inbred mice showed reduced immobility and increased digging and climbing. Impaired learning ability was observed in outbred mice with moderate and high levels of infection in the brain compared to control and low infection mice. Toxocara infection has an impact upon a diverse range of murine behaviours with little evidence for a specific and hence an adaptive alteration. Many of the effects on murine host behaviour by Toxocara are likely to be pathological side effects of infection rather than as a consequence of adaptive host-manipulation. Observed changes in murine behaviour may be relevant to human toxocariasis.  相似文献   

Kovács K  Kuzmann E  Tatár E  Vértes A  Fodor F 《Planta》2009,229(2):271-278
Distinct chemical species of iron were investigated by Mössbauer spectroscopy during iron uptake into cucumber roots grown in unbuffered nutrient solution with or without 57Fe-citrate. Mössbauer spectra of iron deficient roots supplied with 10–500 μM 57Fe-citrate for 30–180 min and 24 h and iron-sufficient ones, were recorded. The roots were analysed for Fe concentration and Fe reductase activity. The Mössbauer parameters in the case of iron-sufficient roots revealed high-spin iron(III) components suggesting the presence of FeIII-carboxylate complexes, hydrous ferric oxides and sulfate–hydroxide containing species. No FeII was detected in these roots. However, iron-deficient roots supplied with 0.5 mM 57FeIII-citrate for 30 min contained significant amount of FeII in a hexaaqua complex form. This is a direct evidence for the Strategy I iron uptake mechanism. Correlation was found between the decrease in Fe reductase activity and the ratio of FeII–FeIII components as the time of iron supply was increased. The data may refer to a higher iron reduction rate as compared to its uptake/reoxidation in the cytoplasm in accordance with the increased reduction rate in iron deficient Strategy I plants.  相似文献   

Room temperature neutron diffraction data of the fully perdeuterated Toho-1 R274N/R276N double mutant β-lactamase in the apo form were used to visualize deuterium atoms within the active site of the enzyme. This perdeuterated neutron structure of the Toho-1 R274N/R276N reveals the clearest picture yet of the ground-state active site protonation states and the complete hydrogen-bonding network in a β-lactamase enzyme. The ground-state active site protonation states detailed in this neutron diffraction study are consistent with previous high-resolution X-ray studies that support the role of Glu166 as the general base during the acylation reaction in the class A β-lactamase reaction pathway.  相似文献   

Huo L  Fielding AJ  Chen Y  Li T  Iwaki H  Hosler JP  Chen L  Hasegawa Y  Que L  Liu A 《Biochemistry》2012,51(29):5811-5821
The previously reported crystal structures of α-amino-β-carboxymuconate-ε-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD) show a five-coordinate Zn(II)(His)(3)(Asp)(OH(2)) active site. The water ligand is H-bonded to a conserved His228 residue adjacent to the metal center in ACMSD from Pseudomonas fluorescens (PfACMSD). Site-directed mutagenesis of His228 to tyrosine and glycine in this study results in a complete or significant loss of activity. Metal analysis shows that H228Y and H228G contain iron rather than zinc, indicating that this residue plays a role in the metal selectivity of the protein. As-isolated H228Y displays a blue color, which is not seen in wild-type ACMSD. Quinone staining and resonance Raman analyses indicate that the blue color originates from Fe(III)-tyrosinate ligand-to-metal charge transfer. Co(II)-substituted H228Y ACMSD is brown in color and exhibits an electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum showing a high-spin Co(II) center with a well-resolved (59)Co (I = 7/2) eight-line hyperfine splitting pattern. The X-ray crystal structures of as-isolated Fe-H228Y (2.8 ?) and Co-substituted (2.4 ?) and Zn-substituted H228Y (2.0 ? resolution) support the spectroscopic assignment of metal ligation of the Tyr228 residue. The crystal structure of Zn-H228G (2.6 ?) was also determined. These four structures show that the water ligand present in WT Zn-ACMSD is either missing (Fe-H228Y, Co-H228Y, and Zn-H228G) or disrupted (Zn-H228Y) in response to the His228 mutation. Together, these results highlight the importance of His228 for PfACMSD's metal specificity as well as maintaining a water molecule as a ligand of the metal center. His228 is thus proposed to play a role in activating the metal-bound water ligand for subsequent nucleophilic attack on the substrate.  相似文献   

Telomeres are repeated sequences at chromosome ends that are incompletely replicated during mitosis. Telomere shortening caused by proliferation or oxidative damage culminates in replicative arrest and senescence, which may impair regeneration during chronic liver injury. Whereas the effects of experimental liver injury on telomeres have received little attention, prior studies suggest that telomerase, the enzyme complex that catalyzes the addition of telomeric repeats, is protective in some rodent liver injury models. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the effects of iron overload on telomere length and telomerase activity in rat liver. Mean telomere lengths were similar in iron-loaded and control livers. However, telomerase activity was increased 3-fold by iron loading, with no change in levels of TERT mRNA or protein. Because thiol redox state has been shown to modulate telomerase activity in vitro, hepatic thiols were assessed. Significant increases in GSH (1.5-fold), cysteine (15-fold), and glutamate cysteine ligase activity (1.5-fold) were observed in iron-loaded livers, whereas telomerase activity was inhibited by treatment with N-ethylmaleimide. This is the first demonstration of increased telomerase activity associated with thiol alterations in vivo. Enhanced telomerase activity may be an important factor contributing to the resistance of rodent liver to iron-induced damage.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which MAP kinases recognize and phosphorylate substrates are not completely understood. Efforts to understand the mechanisms have been compromised by the lack of MAPK-substrate structures. While MAPK-substrate docking is well established as a viable mechanism for bringing MAPKs and substrates into close proximity the molecular details of how such docking promotes phosphorylation is an unresolved issue. In the present study computer modeling approaches, with restraints derived from experimentally known interactions, were used to predict how the N-terminus of Ets-1 associates with ERK2. Interestingly, the N-terminus does not contain a consensus-docking site ((R/K)2-3-X2-6A-X-ΦB, where Φ is aliphatic hydrophobic) for ERK2. The modeling predicts that the N-terminus of Ets-1 makes important contributions to the stabilization of the complex, but remains largely disordered. The computer-generated model was used to guide mutagenesis experiments, which support the notion that Leu-11 and possibly Ile-13 and Ile-14 of Ets-1 1-138 (Ets) make contributions through binding to the hydrophobic groove of the ERK2 D-recruiting site (DRS). Based on the modeling, a consensus-docking site was introduced through the introduction of an arginine at residue 7, to give the consensus 7RK-X2A-X-ΦB 13. This results in a 2-fold increase in k cat/K m for the phosphorylation of Ets by ERK2. Similarly, the substitution of the N-terminus for two different consensus docking sites derived from Elk-1 and MKK1 also improves k cat/K m by two-fold compared to Ets. Disruption of the N-terminal docking through deletion of residues 1-23 of Ets results in a 14-fold decrease in k cat/K m, with little apparent change in k cat. A peptide that binds to the DRS of ERK2 affects K m, but not k cat. Our kinetic analysis suggests that the unstructured N-terminus provides 10-fold uniform stabilization of the ground state ERK2•Ets•MgATP complex and intermediates of the enzymatic reaction.  相似文献   

Pharmacologic chaperoning is a therapeutic strategy being developed to improve the cellular folding and trafficking defects associated with Gaucher disease, a lysosomal storage disorder caused by point mutations in the gene encoding acid-β-glucosidase (GCase). In this approach, small molecules bind to and stabilize mutant folded or nearly folded GCase in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), increasing the concentration of folded, functional GCase trafficked to the lysosome where the mutant enzyme can hydrolyze the accumulated substrate. To date, the pharmacologic chaperone (PC) candidates that have been investigated largely have been active site-directed inhibitors of GCase, usually containing five- or six-membered rings, such as modified azasugars. Here we show that a seven-membered, nitrogen-containing heterocycle (3,4,5,6-tetrahydroxyazepane) scaffold is also promising for generating PCs for GCase. Crystal structures reveal that the core azepane stabilizes GCase in a variation of its proposed active conformation, whereas binding of an analogue with an N-linked hydroxyethyl tail stabilizes GCase in a conformation in which the active site is covered, also utilizing a loop conformation not seen previously. Although both compounds preferentially stabilize GCase to thermal denaturation at pH 7.4, reflective of the pH in the ER, only the core azepane, which is a mid-micromolar competitive inhibitor, elicits a modest increase in enzyme activity for the neuronopathic G202R and the non-neuronopathic N370S mutant GCase in an intact cell assay. Our results emphasize the importance of the conformational variability of the GCase active site in the design of competitive inhibitors as PCs for Gaucher disease.  相似文献   

The technique of hydrogen-deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) has been applied to a mesophilic (E. coli) dihydrofolate reductase under conditions that allow direct comparison to a thermophilic (B. stearothermophilus) ortholog, Ec-DHFR and Bs-DHFR, respectively. The analysis of hydrogen-deuterium exchange patterns within proteolytically derived peptides allows spatial resolution, while requiring a series of controls to compare orthologous proteins with only ca. 40% sequence identity. These controls include the determination of primary structure effects on intrinsic rate constants for HDX as well as the use of existing 3-dimensional structures to evaluate the distance of each backbone amide hydrogen to the protein surface. Only a single peptide from the Ec-DHFR is found to be substantially more flexible than the Bs-DHFR at 25 °C in a region located within the protein interior at the intersection of the cofactor and substrate-binding sites. The surrounding regions of the enzyme are either unchanged or more flexible in the thermophilic DHFR from B. stearothermophilus. The region with increased flexibility in Ec-DHFR corresponds to one of two regions previously proposed to control the enthalpic barrier for hydride transfer in Bs-DHFR [Oyeyemi et al. (2010) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 10074].  相似文献   

Goldstein R  Cheng J  Stec B  Roberts MF 《Biochemistry》2012,51(12):2579-2587
Staphylococcus aureus secretes a phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) as a virulence factor that is unusual in exhibiting higher activity at acidic pH values than other enzymes in this class. We have determined the crystal structure of this enzyme at pH 4.6 and pH 7.5. Under slightly basic conditions, the S. aureus PI-PLC structure closely follows the conformation of other bacterial PI-PLCs. However, when crystallized under acidic conditions, a large section of mobile loop at the αβ-barrel rim in the vicinity of the active site shows ~10 ? shift. This loop displacement at acidic pH is the result of a titratable intramolecular π-cation interaction between His258 and Phe249. This was verified by a structure of the mutant protein H258Y crystallized at pH 4.6, which does not exhibit the large loop shift. The intramolecular π-cation interaction for S. aureus PI-PLC provides an explanation for the activity of the enzyme at acid pH and also suggests how phosphatidylcholine, as a competitor for Phe249, may kinetically activate this enzyme.  相似文献   

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