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野猪是世界上分布最广的大型哺乳动物之一,也是东北虎豹国家公园内主要的有蹄类动物,东北虎主要的猎物之一。本文采集了中国虎豹观测网络架设在东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的红外相机完整一年的拍摄数据(2015年5月至2016年4月),通过占域模型和核密度分析,获得不同季节的野猪生境利用情况和日活动节律,探究人为因素、环境因素和生物因素对野猪生境利用的影响。结果显示,野猪偏好于针叶林和针阔混交林,在靠近居民点的区域活动增加。不同物种间的相互作用对野猪的生境利用产生不同影响,受捕食者压力野猪会倾向于躲避东北虎,但东北豹对野猪占域显示为正向影响。梅花鹿和狍对野猪的影响在不同季节呈现相反,梅花鹿对野猪的占域在冬季呈负向影响,而狍对野猪的占域则在夏季呈负向影响。本研究区域内的野猪夏季有2个活动高峰,冬季有1个活动高峰,在不同季节都倾向于白天和晨昏活动,在日落前达到活动最高峰。本研究揭示东北虎豹国家公园东部区域的野猪生境利用和活动节律是受到植被生境、大型食肉动物和人类因素等多种因素相互作用,长期相适应的结果。  相似文献   

猎物匮乏是影响东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)种群恢复的关键因素之一。容纳量研究是开展东北虎猎物恢复工作的必要前提。通过Maxent模型、聚类分析和训练随机树分类等方法,结合调查数据,预测了吉林省张广才岭南部黄泥河林业局东北虎主要猎物的适宜栖息地空间分布,解译了植被类型,在此基础上基于不同植被类型动物可采食部分代谢能、不同生境等级食物可利用率、马鹿(Cervus elaphus)和狍(Capreolus capreolus)生境等级重叠情况以及动物冬季能量需求,分析了东北虎猎物的冬季营养容纳量。结果表明:黄泥河林业局狍、野猪(Sus scrofa)和马鹿的适宜栖息地分别占研究区域总面积的52.8%、40.7%和25.4%;从猎物获取能量来看,以山杨(Populus davidiana)、桦树(Betula)、核桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)为主的植被类型是马鹿、狍可获得能量较多的生境,以蒙古栎(Quercus mongolica)、核桃楸为主的植被类型是野猪可获得能量较多的生境。东北虎猎物种群的综合冬季营养容纳量为574只马鹿(0.29只/km2),7016只狍(3.54只/km2),4785只野猪(2.38只/km2)。  相似文献   

Records of official deer control operations in the Kaweka Range between 1958 and 1988 have been used to describe the pattern of official hunting, to indicate changes in hunting efficiency, and to show trends in the proportions of sika and red deer in sympatric populations. The pattern of hunting largely reflected wild animal control priorities, and to some extent the resources available. Whereas hunting effort was concentrated in Block 1 (of three) during the 1960s to protect catchment values, changes in the rationale for wild animal control and the efforts of commercial and recreational hunters in the more accessible areas led to a more even spread of the hunting effort from the early 1970s. Hunting efficiency also varied between the three h unting blocks, probably reflecting differences in the ease with which particular habitats could be hunted. A decline in hunting efficiency over the study period was interpreted as an overall decrease in the density of the deer population. The proportion of sika among the deer shot in the Kaweka Range has increased steadily from about 10-20% in the early 1960s to 70% in 1987-88. A competitive advantage over red deer because of their different digestive physiology is suggested as the main reason. The most rapid increases in the proportion of sika were associated with two Peaks in commercial venison and live-capture operations that concentrated on red deer, indicating that commercial hunting has also been a factor. It is likely that sika will continue icreasing in proportion to red deer in areas already inhabited. In addition, sika will probably continue to disperse into new areas as they competitively displace red deer.  相似文献   

Summary Wolf-ungulate interactions were studied in the pristine deciduous and mixed forests of the Bialowiea National Park in 1985–1989. The study period included two severe and two mild winters. The community of ungulates inhabiting Bialowiea National Park consisted of red deer Cervus elaphus, 55% of all ungulates; wild boar Sus scrofa, 42%; and roe deer Capreolus capreolus, moose Alces alces, and European bison Bison bonasus, about 1% each. The average size of red deer groups increased from 2.7 (SD 2.35) in spring and summer to 6.9 (SD 6.84) in autumn and winter. In winter the group size of red deer was positively correlated with the depth of snow cover and negatively correlated with the mean daily temperature. Average group size of wild boar did not change significantly between seasons; it was 6.8 (SD 5.16) in spring and summer and 5.7 (SD 4.67) in autumn and winter. Analysis of 144 wolf scats showed that wolves preyed selectively on red deer. In October–April, Cervidae (mostly red deer) constituted 91% of biomass consumed by wolves, while wild boar made up only 8%. In May–September deer formed 77% of prey biomass, and the share of wild boar increased to 22%. In all seasons of the year wolves selected juveniles from deer and boar populations: 61% of red deer and 94% of wild boar of determined age recovered from wolves' scats were young <1 year old. Analysis of 117 carcasses of ungulates found in Bialowiea National Park showed that predation was the predominant mortality factor for red deer (40 killed, 10 dead from causes other than predation) and roe deer (4 killed, none dead). Wild boar suffered most from severe winter conditions (8 killed, 56 dead). The percentage of ungulates that had died from undernutrition and starvation in the total mortality was proportional to the severity of winter.  相似文献   

Studies on predation by the wolf (Canis lupus) have often reported contradictory results about the role of prey density and vulnerability on wolf prey use. We investigated dietary response and prey selection by wolves in a high-density and multi-species ungulate community, analysing scats collected over a period of 11 years in the Casentinesi Forests, Italy. The second most abundant species, wild boar (Sus scrofa), was found to be the main wolf prey, and we did not observe any dietary response of wolves to variations in the density of either primary or secondary prey species. Selection patterns were uniform throughout the study period. Wolves strongly selected for wild boar piglets, while roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns and adults, red deer (Cervus elaphus) adults and fallow deer (Dama dama) adults were avoided. Wolf preference for wild boar was inversely density dependent. Within each species, juveniles were preferred to adults. Medium-sized, young individuals of both wild boar and roe deer were optimal prey, although with different selection patterns related to the different anti-predator strategies adopted by each prey species. The results of this study suggest that in productive ecosystems with high density and high renewal rates of prey, selection patterns by wolves are determined by prey vulnerability, which is connected to prey age and body size. The different patterns of wild boar versus cervids use by wolf across Europe seems to be related to their relative abundances, while the strong selection of wild boar in Italian Apennines with respect to the more frequent avoidance in central-eastern Europe is better explained by higher piglet productivity and smaller body size of adults boar in Mediterranean temperate forests.  相似文献   

Due to the fact that the feeding habits of large carnivores are the main contentious point when they start resettling regions they were absent from for several decades, the diet composition of the wolves in Germany was analysed from the beginning of this process. Wolves in Germany primarily feed on wild ungulates, which make up more than 96% of their diet. The dominating prey species is the roe deer (55.3%), followed by red deer (20.8%) and wild boar (17.7%). The second important food category are the leporids (2.9% of Biomass), whereas livestock makes up only 0.6% of all biomass consumed. Wolves clearly prefer hunting on juvenile to adult red deer; roe deer are not selected after their age. We found seasonal differences in the diet composition with a higher amount of wild boar in spring and winter, when a high amount of juveniles and weakened animals, respectively, are available. In the first years of the study the percentage of red deer was much higher, and the percentage of roe deer therefore was lower than the following years. The amount of wild boar in the wolf diet fluctuated most in the first three years. Diet composition remained constant during the last five years. Wolves needed less than two generations for adapting to the new conditions in the cultivated landscape of eastern Germany.  相似文献   

江西桃红岭国家级自然保护区梅花鹿生境适宜性评价   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
华南梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)被IUCN列入濒危物种,也是我国国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物。目前种群仅分布于江西、浙江、安徽等狭窄的区域内,形成多个孤立种群,生境破碎和丧失被认为是限制梅花鹿种群增长的主要原因。于2011年3月至2013年3月采用样线法和样方法对桃红岭国家级自然保护区梅花鹿栖息地进行了野外调查,利用空间模拟方法,结合地理信息系统(GIS)技术的空间分析功能,以植被类型、坡度、坡向、海拔和人类干扰活动作为评价因子进行了生境适宜性评价。结果表明,桃红岭地区以森林为主,各类林地面积约9 488.15 hm~2,占75.90%,植被类型分为落叶阔叶林、针叶林、常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林、竹林、灌丛、草丛和芭茅丛,面积分别为1664.57、1638.63、3438.21、1247.15、87.85、1143.88、60.92 hm~2和206.94 hm~2。在不考虑人类活动影响时,梅花鹿的适宜生境和次适宜生境面积分别是2233.99 hm~2和2980.24 hm~2,分别占保护区总面积的18.61%和24.83%;而考虑人类活动影响时,梅花鹿的适宜生境和次适宜生境面积分别是1224.04 hm~2和2164.70 hm~2,分别占保护区总面积的10.20%和18.04%。由于梅花鹿的生境受到居民点、主要道路、农田耕作、森林采伐等人类活动的强烈影响,导致大量适宜和次适宜生境丧失、隔离,景观破碎度指数由0.4345增加到0.5898。以潜在可利用生境面积计算,保护区梅花鹿环境容纳量为(568±160)只,而以实际可利用生境面积计算,则只能容纳(368±105)只。适宜生境的丧失和破碎可能是限制桃红岭梅花鹿国家级自然保护区梅花鹿种群恢复的重要因素,在此基础上,通过实际调查提出了管理措施。  相似文献   

黑龙江省完达山东部林区东北虎猎物生物量   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究一个地区猎物种群生物量能否满足捕食动物种群数量的需求,这对于了解濒危大型食肉动物是否受到来自于食物缺乏的威胁和制定相应的保护措施极其重要。为了掌握黑龙江省完达山东部林区东北虎食物需求与猎物生物量之间的关系,于2008年冬季至2009早春积雪覆盖期采用随机布设样线,通过收集有蹄类动物在雪地上留下的足迹等活动的方法,在东方红林业局和迎春林业局管辖境内3 692.06 km2的区域布设大样方48个,并在大样方里共布设样线240条开展有蹄类动物种群数量调查,确定东北虎猎物生物量。调查结果表明:研究地区野猪(成体502 606只,亚成体209 210只)、马鹿(成体331 357只,亚成体67 72只)和狍子(成体810 815只,亚成体202 203只)的生物量分别为74 767.50 87 825.00 kg、79 744.50 85 984.50 kg 和 31 337.00 31 525.50 kg,3种有蹄类动物生物量共计1 85 849.00 205 335.00 kg。研究地区猎物总生物量为209 619.89 231 598.24 kg。如果按8%的生物提供给东北虎,3种主要猎物生物量可满足5.22 6.92只东北虎个体的食物需求,研究地区猎物总生物量则可满足5.89 7.81只东北虎个体的食物需求。此外,对足迹遇见率与抽样强度、抽样强度与足迹遇见率的均值标准误差之间关系的分析表明,在完达山东部林区布设120条样线(抽样距离600 km)、150条样线(抽样距离750 km)和115条样线(抽样距离675 km)能满足野猪、马鹿、狍子种群数量调查准确性的最低需求。  相似文献   

Since the mid‐19th century, multiple introductions of Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon nippon) and North American wapiti (C. canadensis) have taken place in the British Isles. While wapiti have generally been unsuccessful, sika have been very successful, especially in Scotland where they now overlap at least 40% of the range of native red deer (C. elaphus). Hybridization between these two species and red deer has been demonstrated in captivity and in the wild. Using a panel of 22 microsatellite loci that are highly diagnostic between red deer and sika, and moderately diagnostic between red deer and wapiti, we investigated the extent of introgression between these species in 2,943 deer sampled from around Scotland and from the English Lake District using the Bayesian clustering software STRUCTURE. We also used a diagnostic mitochondrial marker for red deer and sika. Our survey extends previous studies indicating little introgression of wapiti nuclear alleles into red deer, in particular in Northern Scotland, Kintyre, and the Lake District. We found a new area of extensive sika introgression in South Kintyre. In the North Highlands, we show for the first time geographically scattered evidence of past hybridization followed by extensive backcrossing, including one red‐like individual with sika introgression, two sika‐like individuals with red deer introgression, and six individuals that were apparently pure sika at the nuclear markers assessed but which carried red deer mitochondria. However, there has not been a collapse of assortative mating in this region. Similarly, in the English Lake District red deer, we found only traces of past sika introgression. No sika alleles were detected in the Central Highlands or the Hebridean red deer refugia. We make suggestions for management to prevent further spread of sika alleles into red deer and vice versa.  相似文献   

At the end of the nineteenth century, the wolf Canis lupus was extinct in Hungary and in recent decades has returned to the northern highland area of the country. The diet of wolves living in groups in Aggteleki National Park was investigated using scat analysis (n = 81 scats) and prey remains (n = 31 carcasses). Throughout the year wolves (average, minimum two wolves per year) consumed mostly wild-living ungulates (mean percent of biomass consumed, B% 97.2%; relative frequency of occurrence, %O 74.0%). The wild boar Sus scrofa was the most common prey item found in wolf scat (%B 35.6%) and is also the most commonly occurring ungulate in the study areas. The second most commonly occurring prey item in wolf scat was red deer Cervus elaphus (B% 32.8%). Conversely, prey remain analyses revealed wild boar as the second most commonly utilised prey species (%O 16.1%) after red deer (%O 67.7%). The roe deer Capreolus capreolus that occurs at lower population densities was the third most commonly utilised prey species. The importance of low population density mouflon Ovis aries, livestock and other food types was low. The results are similar to those found in the northern part of the Carpathian Mountains.  相似文献   

The ingestion of undercooked meat from wild animals can be a source of Toxoplasma gondii infection in humans and other animals. In this study, we determined the seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in 175 wild boars (Sus scrofa leucomystax) and 107 wild sika deer (Cervus nippon) hunted in 2004–2007 in Gunma Prefecture, Japan, by using a commercial latex agglutination test (LAT). Antibodies (LAT, 1:64 or higher) to T. gondii were found in 6.3% of wild boars and 1.9% of sika deer. This is the first record of T. gondii infection in wild deer in Japan, and deer and wild boar meat should be cooked well before human consumption.  相似文献   

Theoretical and empirical research suggests that carnivore distributions are largely determined by prey availability. Availability depends not only on prey density but also on prey accessibility which is affected, in part, by the configuration of landscape attributes that make prey vulnerable to predation. Exactly how spatial variation in these processes shape patterns of carnivore habitat use at the home range scale remains poorly understood. We examined the influence of prey density (negative binomial resource selection function) and vulnerability (kill site resource selection function), mapped separately for each of three species of primary prey, on habitat use patterns within the home range for Amur tigers Panthera tigris altaica in Far East Russia over 20 winters. We developed spatially‐explicit mixed linear regression models to assess these patterns and found that models with parameters for specific primary prey were more robust than models with composite parameters for all primary prey species. This emphasizes the importance of evaluating predation dynamics at a species‐specific level. We also found that Amur tigers used habitat within the home range where red deer Cervus elaphus and wild boar Sus scrofa were dense. These two species were clearly preferred by tigers accounting for 72% (201 of the 278) of the tiger kills detected. The effect of red deer density however, was modulated by the vulnerability of red deer in the landscape. Amur tigers tended to establish their home ranges on habitat where red deer were most vulnerable to predation, but would use habitat where red deer were dense in the peripheral regions of their home ranges. This suggests that tigers may utilize two separate strategies for acquiring prey. As the configuration of resource patches within the home range influences carnivore survival and reproduction, our analysis has implications for tiger conservation that extend beyond our improved understanding of tiger‐prey ecology.  相似文献   

In the Czech Republic, sera from 720 wild ruminants were examined for antibodies to Neospora caninum by screening competitive-inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and confirmed by indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT); the same sera were also examined for antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii by IFAT. Neospora caninum antibodies were found in 14% (11 positive/79 tested) roe deer (Capreolus capreolus), 14% (2/14) sika deer (Cervus nippon), 6% (24/ 377) red deer (Cervus elaphus), 1% (2/143) fallow deer (Dama dama), 3% (3/105) mouflon (Ovis musimon), and none of 2 reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Toxoplasma gondii antibodies were found in 50% (7/14) sika deer, 45% (169/377) red deer, 24% (19/79) roe deer, 17% (24/143) fallow deer, 9% (9/105) mouflon, and 1 of 2 reindeer. In 42 samples of wild ruminants that tested positive for N. caninum antibodies, 28 (67% of the positive N. caninum samples) reacted solely to N. caninum. This is the first evidence of N. caninum infection in mouflon, the first N. caninum seroprevalence study in farmed red deer, and the first survey of N. caninum in wild ruminants from the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Bovine tuberculosis (bTB), widely considered a disease of livestock, can also affect large game species despite their poorly understood role in the epidemiology of the endemic state of the disease. The Idanha-a-Nova County, situated in the eastern region of central Portugal, is one of the most important regions for large game hunting activity. In order to investigate the role of large game and the presence of bTB in Idanha-a-Nova, 132 wild boar (Sus scrofa) and 339 red deer (Cervus elaphus) were inspected for bTB-compatible lesions (bTBCL) during the 2008–2009 hunting season. Tissue samples with bTBCL were collected and processed for bacteriological confirmation and spoligotyping of Mycobacterium bovis isolates. In wild boar, bTB lesions were single, mostly calcified (21/29, 72.4%) and situated in the mandibular lymph nodes. Lesions were more severe and largely non-calcified (36/40, 90%) in red deer. Wild boar presented a consistently higher bTB infection rate than the red deer; however, the difference was only significant in the southern B area. This area was significantly affected by bTB for both animal species (up to 72.7% in wild boar and 34.8% in red deer) and requires the urgent implementation of intervention measures to contain the disease. Wild boar may assume an important role in the emergence of new disease foci in distant areas that infected red deer cannot reach. Spoligotyping of M. bovis isolates grouped the strains into three clusters, revealing patterns common to wild boar, red deer, and also to local cattle, indicating possible transmission among different animal species.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic comparison of red deer and wapiti using mitochondrial DNA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A phylogeny was constructed for red deer/wapiti (Cervus elaphus) subspecies using sequence data from the control region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). The tree was rooted using Cervus nippon (sika deer), Cervus albirostris (Thorold's white-lipped deer), and several Odocoileinae species. A division between the mtDNA haplotypes of red deer (European) and wapiti (Asian/North American) corresponds to subspecies found on opposite sides of the Himalayan Mountains and Gobi, which suggests wapiti should be reconsidered for the status of C. canadensis. Using parsimony and distance analysis, red deer and wapiti are derived from a single recent common ancestor, which is consistent with current taxonomy that recognizes the subspecies of Cervus elaphus as monophyletic group. However, maximum-likelihood analysis using weighted transitional substitutions caused red deer to form a sister group to sika deer (Cervus nippon) and wapiti. A phenetic comparison revealed wapiti also share more nucleotide similarities with sika deer, although approximately 5% sequence divergence separates wapiti, sika, and red deer. Phylogenetic evidence from the cytochrome b sequences corroborated observations from the control region. Observations from this study suggest that the species status of wapiti should be reinstated.  相似文献   

张常智  张明海 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6481-6487
猎物种群丰度是限制虎分布和数量的关键因子,因此猎物种群密度监测和估算是虎保护的重要内容之一。应用采用大样方法,地理信息系统技术和多元统计分析,研究了黑龙江东完达山东部地区东北虎猎物种群(马鹿、狍子和野猪)现状及动态变化趋势。结果表明:研究地区马鹿的种群平均密度为(0.2010±0.0270)只/km2、狍子的平均种群密度为(0.4980±0.0436)只/km2、野猪的平均种群密度为(0.3423±0.0275)只/km2。单因素方差分析表明,在相同生境下,3种有蹄类密度在在阔叶混交林中和杂木林中差异极为显著;不同的生境,3种猎物的猎物的密度也存在着显著差异。相关分析表明马鹿密度和野猪密度程正相关,而马鹿密度和狍子密度、狍子密度和野猪密度则不相关。 同1989年该地区东北虎猎物种群相比:1989-2002年的13 a时间内马鹿的年平均递减率为13.48%、狍子的年平均递减率为12.69%、野猪的年平均递减率为1.89%。  相似文献   

珲春国家级自然保护区是东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)、东北豹(Panthera pardus orientalis)等濒危物种在中国的核心分布区。为了探究该区域野生动物的多度水平和空间分布, 了解人类干扰情况, 我们运用相对多度指数(relative abundance index, RAI)分析了2013年4-6月设置于此的83个红外相机位点的监测数据。红外相机的总捕获天数6,060 d, 共捕获10科18种野生哺乳动物, 其中鼬科4种, 猫科动物3种, 犬科、鹿科和松鼠科各2种, 猪科、熊科、麝科、猬科和兔科各1种。研究期间共拍摄到东北虎11只个体, 东北豹13只个体。从相对多度指数来看, 东北虎的相对多度(0.84)远高于东北豹(0.48), 它们的有蹄类猎物中梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)的相对多度最高(2.18), 其次为狍(Capreolus pygargus)(1.53)和野猪(Sus scrofa)(0.92)。人类活动和放牧的相对多度水平(分别为40.64和2.76)显著高于野生动物。在空间分布上, 东北虎和梅花鹿主要在保护区的核心区分布, 且与保护区社区共管区的多度水平差异显著, 而东北豹在不同功能区之间的分布差异不显著, 狍在保护区北部的多度水平较高, 但各功能区之间差异不显著, 野猪在社区共管区的多度水平显著高于核心区。可见, 核心区频繁的人类活动和放牧活动对野生动物的保护产生了影响, 未来应加强关于人类干扰对虎、豹种群及其有蹄类猎物的影响评估。  相似文献   

Sika Cervus nippon are native to Japan and East Asia but are now naturalized in many parks of the world, including Britain. In contrast to the substantial body of research on the extent of hybridization between sika and red deer Cervus elaphus in Scottish populations, there has been little genetic analysis of the English populations of sika. Sika in England still have a patchy and discontinuous distribution; populations are thus still genetically isolated and may be expected to show higher variability in genetic type. The current paper uses DNA-based techniques to explore the genetic composition of sika in the New Forest (Hampshire) and that of sika from the largest population in England, in the Purbeck region (Dorset). The study aims were to determine whether New Forest sika show signs of recent interbreeding with New Forest red deer populations, whether New Forest sika are genetically distinct from Purbeck sika, and whether New Forest and Purbeck sika show evidence of past hybridization or whether they are pure (non-hybrid) strains. Microsatellite analysis was used to compare the genetic profiles of individual deer. Results showed that sika and red deer in the New Forest were genetically distinct, indicating that there is no large-scale in situ hybridization occurring between these feral populations. In terms of overall genetic composition, there was no significant difference between the sika in the New Forest and Purbeck. However, a more detailed analysis found that New Forest sika showed a lower level of introgression with red deer compared with the Purbeck sika. We conclude that, overall, the New Forest sika deer do appear to be more genetically pure bred than the Purbeck sika.  相似文献   

Use of cattle-grazed and ungrazed woodland pastures by red deerCervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758 and wild boarSus scrofa Linnaeus, 1758 was investigated monthly by measuring dung-deposition rates. CattleBos taurus grazed pastures year-round, with peak intensities during the growing season (May–September). Red deer and wild boar grazed pastures primarily during autumn and winter (October–April) when cattle occupancy was at a minimum. The lower occupancy of cattle in pastures from November to April was interpreted as the result of competition with red deer. Mean sward height in this period fell below 6.5 cm. In autumn and winter a negative relationship was found for red deer and wild boar occupancy with sward height, which indicated that red deer and wild boar preferred swards previously grazed by cattle. At the start of the growing season, when cattle occupancy in the pastures increased, red deer switched their habitat preference and almost totally disappeared from pastures to use alternative feeding grounds. Interpretation of the results lead to the conclusion that facilitative and competitive interactions occurred between sympatric cattle and red deer in woodland pastures, and to some extent also between cattle and wild boar.  相似文献   

This study analyses the natal dispersal of red deer and wild boar in order to compare their dispersal capabilities in southern Belgium and to evaluate the relevance of management unit areas (MUA) designed for their monitoring. Dispersal was studied thanks to a mark-recovery method based on 111 red deer fawns and 1,613 piglets. The recovery rate of ear-tagged animals was 68 and 40 %, respectively. In both species, sub-adult males moved on longer distances ( $ \mathop{x}\limits^{-} $ red deer?=?4.82+/?4.17 km and $ \mathop{x}\limits^{-} $ wild boar?=?4.90+/?5.65 km) than females and juveniles $ \mathop{x}\limits^{-} $ (red deer?=?1.84+/?1.46 km and $ \mathop{x}\limits^{-} $ wild boar?=?2.49+/?3.74 km). Taking into account the age and sex categories, we found no difference between species in dispersal mean distance. But we observed higher maximal dispersal distances in wild boar compared to red deer. The natal home range mean sizes were 5.29 km2 (+/?4.87) for red deer and 6.23 km2 (+/?4.60) for wild boar. Red deer and wild boar showed similar dispersal rates according to age and sex category: 53 and 42 % in sub-adult males and 14 and 16 % in females and juveniles. Our results confirmed the higher proportion of philopatry in females and juveniles of both species compared to sub-adult males more likely to disperse. Wild boar of any sex or age seemed to be less sensitive than red deer to infrastructure (road, rail, river) network on which the management unit area limits are currently based.  相似文献   

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