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大肠杆菌EP8—10转化苯丙酮酸生成L—苯丙氨酸的研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
E. coli EP8-10 was selected from the soil. It was able to produce the transaminase with high activity when it was cultivated on the medium containing peptone and beef extract. Optimum conditions of enzyme reaction was: phenylpyruvic acid's concentration of 0.3-0.5 mol/L, L-Asptaric acid used as amino donor, pH 8.5 37 degrees C. When phenylpyruvic acid was 0.3 mol/L, 48 g/L L-phenylalanine was produced after 6 h with 97% conversion rate.  相似文献   

分类号Q517文献标识码B文章编号00016209(1999)03027274L苯丙氨酸(LPhe)是一种重要的氨基酸,用于氨基酸输液和二肽甜味剂的生产。近十年来有关LPhe生产的研究非常活跃,其中之一是利用转氨酶由苯丙酮酸(PPA)生产…  相似文献   

从土壤中分离到一株产碱菌119,能将苯丙酮酸一步转化成L-苯丙氨酸。酶反应的最适pH为8.5,该酶在pH8-9之间稳定,最适反应温度为37-45℃,金属离子Fe^2+,Mn^2n等对酶有不同程度的抑制作用。该菌株培养在由葡萄糖,蛋白胨、牛肉膏等组成的培养基中,可获得最高转化率。L-天冬氨酸为酶反应的最佳氨基供体。当苯丙酮酸浓度为0.2mol/L时,细胞在37℃下反应16小时,可产L-苯丙氨酸30.  相似文献   

利用固定化酵母细胞转化反式肉桂酸生产L—苯丙氨酸   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了深红酵母(Rhodotorularubra)的培养基成分,培养固定化及转化条件,实验表明最佳基成分(%)葡萄糖0.5,胰蛋白胨0.5,酵母膏0.5,磷酸二氢钾0.05,L-Phe0.05,pH7.0,30℃20L发酵罐中培养15~17h,最佳固定化条件为:用2.5%卡拉胶包埋18%的湿菌体,最佳转化条件为:1.0%反式肉桂酸,4mol/L铵离子,pH0.5,30℃,用卡拉胶固定化深红酵母(R  相似文献   

酵母细胞生物转化反式—肉桂酸生产L—苯丙氨酸的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
据文献调查,搜集了国内可能相关的30株酵母,进行生物转化反式-肉桂酸(t-Ca) 生产L-苯丙氨酸 (L-Phe) 的微生物筛选研究,并对部分菌株生物转化能力,即苯丙氨酸解氨酶 (PAL,EC _(4、3、1、5) 活性水平进行了初步评估。筛选结果是:22株酵母具有转化 t-Ca 生成 L-Phe 的能力,转化率在2—67%范围。选出7株酵母研究在液体培养条件下细胞生长和PAL活性的时间过程关系,PAL 活性范围在 2.3—14.4x10~(-s)u/m g细胞干重。深红酵母 (Rhodotorularubra) AS2.166作为生物转化制备实经菌株,在静止细胞和固定化细胞批式反应条件下,结果获得L-Phe分离产率分别为42.0%,28.7%。  相似文献   

E·ColiA·S1.588生产L-天门冬酰胺酶发酵工艺的研究陈丽媛,金守满,刘薇,陆春左,元福实(辽宁省微生物研究所,朝阳122000)L一天门冬酰胺酶(EC3.5.1.1)即L一天门冬酰胺酰胺基水解酶,专一催化L一天门冬酰胺水解形成L一天门冬氨酸...  相似文献   

以赖氨酸产生菌A111(HS^-,AEC^r)为出发株,经化学诱变剂MNNG(N-’-硝基-N-亚硝基胍)及单氟醋酸处理获得单氟生突变株F79,摇瓶发酵产L-赖氨酸盐酸盐7.0%-7.5%,对糖转化率38%-40%,分别比A111株提高红25%及20%。  相似文献   

本研究用正常和5-FU处理的小鼠骨髓细胞,作血浆凝块培养,对一种称作HPP-mCFU-MK的HPP-CFC亚型细胞集落进行体外追踪。发现HPP-mCFU-MK不但能形成符合HPP-CFC标准的巨大集落,而且能产生大量的巨核细胞。该巨大集落的生长,依赖添加再生障碍性贫血猪血清(AAS)或合用三种以上的基因重组造血生长因子而增强,在体外不被TGF-β1和PF4抑制。原代培养12天所得到的HPP-mCF  相似文献   

软X射线显微术是研究含水甚至活性生物样品的有力工具。相对于光学显微镜 ,它具有更高的成象分辨率 ;相对于电子显微镜 ,它的样品制备简单—无须对样品进行脱水、染色和超薄切片等。报道的是利用合肥同步辐射X射线源和接触显微成象技术 ,对自然状态下含水的完整XL1 blueMRF′细菌细胞进行显微成象研究。从获得的显微图象中可以看出一些新的现象。含有DNA、蛋白质的拟核以及中体对波长 2 .4nmX射线具有较弱的吸收能力 ;不少细菌细胞的两端对 2 .4nm波长的X射线的吸收也具有很大的差异。这些有趣现象产生的根本原因和生物学意义有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Using a set of kinetic equations, which take account of the effect of both intra-and extracellular phosphate concentrations, the batch culture production of L-phenylalanine by a hyperproducing mutant of E. coli has been described. Good agreement has been found between the predicted results and experimental data for cell growth, glucose uptake, phosphate uptake and L-phenylalanine production for initial glucose concentrations of 16 and 26 g. L-1. The kinetic model is applicable to conditions for which no substrate inhibition or product inhibition are likely to occur.  相似文献   

固定化酵母细胞工业性生产糖蜜酒精的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用一种耐腐蚀的蓬松型化纤质新型载体,结合低浓度海藻酸钙凝胶的包埋作用,进行酵母活细胞的联合固定化。建立起6.5m~3×4规模的发酵系统,载体的投入量为8%(V/V),并使之均匀地相对固定于发酵罐内。流加单浓度稀糖蜜,在工业生产环境下连续运作生产酒精,其中,发酵产酒99天,正常条件下的发酵周期为12h,单位发酵体积的乙醇生产能力平均为6.21g/L·h。成熟醪液乙醇含量平均为9.44%(V/V),转化率为93.7%。  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the effect of different carbohydrate-based finishing diets on fermentation characteristics and the shedding of Escherichia coli and enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) virulence genes in cattle faeces. METHODS AND RESULTS: The size of faecal E. coli populations and fermentation characteristics were ascertained in three experiments where cattle were maintained on a range of finishing diets including high grain, roughage, and roughage + molasses (50%) diets. Increased E. coli numbers, decreased pH and enhanced butyrate and lactate fermentation pathways were associated with grain diets, whereas roughage and roughage + molasses diets resulted in decreased concentrations of ehxA, eaeA and stx(1) genes, this trend remaining at lairage. In one experiment, faecal E. coli numbers were significantly lower in animals fed roughage and roughage + molasses, than animals fed grain (4.5, 5.2 and 6.3 mean log10 g(-1) digesta respectively). In a second experiment, faecal E. coli numbers were 2 log lower in the roughage and roughage + molasses diets compared with grain-fed animals prior to lairage (5.6, 5.5 and 7.9 mean log10 g(-1) digesta respectively) this difference increasing to 2.5 log at lairage. CONCLUSIONS: The type of dietary carbohydrate has a significant effect on E. coli numbers and concentration of EHEC virulence genes in faeces of cattle. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The study provides a better understanding of the impact finishing diet and commercial lairage management practices may have on the shedding of E. coli and EHEC virulence factors, thus reducing the risk of carcass contamination by EHEC.  相似文献   

肝素是一种被广泛临床应用的抗凝血药物多糖。Heparosan是某些细菌荚膜中的GAG成分,其二糖骨架结构与脊椎动物中的肝素类似,可以作为肝素和硫酸乙酰肝素的生物合成前体。本文综述了肝素及肝素前体heparosan的功能与应用,heparosan在大肠杆菌K5中合成转运相关酶的研究,以及发酵法生产heparosan的研究进展,并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

高压力诱变的耐压大肠杆菌   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

研究了精氨酸缓冲液在不同浓度、pH值及提取时间下的周质蛋白提取率,并以溶菌酶法、渗透压休克法作为对比。结果表明浓度0.4 mol/L,pH值8.0,提取时间为45 min时,周质目的蛋白达到0.89 mg/g湿菌,相比其他方法,周质蛋白提取率分别提高93%、187%。实验得到一种高效、方便的大肠杆菌周质蛋白提取工艺,为周质表达的重组蛋白大规模生产奠定了基础。  相似文献   

整合子与多重耐药大肠埃希菌相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨整合子在多重耐药大肠埃希菌耐药性中的作用。方法对临床分离的93株多重耐药大肠埃希菌的I、Ⅱ型整合酶基因进行检测,并分析药敏结果。结果多重耐药临床分离株中Ⅰ型整合子阳性率为60.2%。所检出整合子共有3种长度即1000、1600和2000 bp;主要携带aadA和dfrA类基因盒;未检出Ⅱ型整合子。结论整合子形成是细菌产生多重耐药的重要原因。  相似文献   

To analyze whether Escherichia coli strains that cause urinary tract infections (UPEC) share virulence characteristics with the diarrheagenic E. coli (DEC) pathotypes and to recognize their genetic diversity, 225 UPEC strains were examined for the presence of various properties of DEC and UPEC (type of interaction with HeLa cells, serogroups and presence of 30 virulence genes). No correlation between adherence patterns and serogroups was observed. Forty-five serogroups were found, but 64% of the strains belonged to one of the 12 serogroups (O1, O2, O4, O6, O7, O14, O15, O18, O21, O25, O75, and O175) and carried UPEC virulence genes (pap, hly, aer, sfa, cnf). The DEC genes found were: aap, aatA, aggC, agg3C, aggR, astA, eae, ehly, iha, irp2, lpfA(O113), pet, pic, pilS, and shf. Sixteen strains presented aggregative adherence and/or the aatA sequence, which are characteristics of enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), one of the DEC pathotypes. In summary, certain UPEC strains may carry DEC virulence properties, mostly associated to the EAEC pathotype. This finding raises the possibility that at least some faecal EAEC strains might represent potential uropathogens. Alternatively, certain UPEC strains may have acquired EAEC properties, becoming a potential cause of diarrhoea.  相似文献   

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